THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1914. t ttttttttef --TTtT4Ttr "ttttyTTt-4-TtttM THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION IL. U possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those you hear nil help. It ia a lon,, tedious .tack, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word for the first insertio. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent insertion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT AD8 work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully pa f rmed. Each day thoiio littK wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOMTRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS CET RESULTS ---rJB i ABSTRACTS ONION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts tLat Protect. Our books posted up tp dtfe each morning. Call Main 1249 nd a messenger will call for your abstract. J. 0. Siegmund, president; Max Gohlhar, secretary, 245 State street. AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER Salem's reliable seller. Farm sales solicited. Terms, I per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pjy. Henry M. Voorhies, Michigan nvenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. CHIR0PRACTI0-8PIN0L00IST DTfc 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything pod bavo sot no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 4i)fl-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Buildini. Phone Main d7. Kusidouce Main S2i..R. LAUNDRY 'jTmiES LAST LONGER With our ;1I-Iia!i l work. Established 20 years; IM Ferry street, south side, between Liberty and Ilih. Hop Lee, I! HW AND SECOND HAND GOODS i;C!OND HAND FURNITURE bought mid nnd exchanged. Highest prices Hid for second-hand goods. See us before you " sell. Wir sprtvhen Deutsch. IVetz Furniture Co., 247 North Commercial Strict. Phone 034. LODGE DIRECTOR? (Continued). MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each mouth at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary.- HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each mouth, Masonic Temple. L. S. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles, Recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDER Y, N. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In each month, at 8 o'clock p. ni., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. F. R. Davis, E. C; Frank A. Turner, Recorder. CHADWICK CflAPTEH NO. 37, 0. E. 8. Regular meeting every and third Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Ma It. Godfrey, W. M-, Ida M. Babcock, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 324(1, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Masonic Hull, coruer Court nnd Liberty streets. Elevntor service. II L. Born, V. C; l!ay A. Grant, clerk. 'I'XCGHEST price paid for second-hand ' fiirui-turo, ranges,, tents, otc. Wo carry the most complete stock .of above artiles in town nt tho lowest price. 0. L. McPeek, 271 orth Commercial st. Phone Mum 12,1.1. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS lllfl. P.. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicians and iiorve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Post graduate and npocialb.ed in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 U. 8. -National Dank building. Phone BSD. .Residence 340 North Capitol street. Phone 4(11). ItNTTKD iUTTSiVSIrnnWi.l 4,, bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at' 8 p. m. in Moose Hull. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M A; Ivan G. Martin, secre tary, Masonic' Temple. KEPT HIS WORD. San Fraiicisi'O, Oct. 10. "Give me a Irink; I'm filing to kill tnvselt'," said a well dressed mini, stepping into the Mom s tubin suloon here early to luy. The bartender nave him a drink. Homo time after duyliilit the same man s corpse wns lotiud lloo yards trom the Miloon, a pistol by its side and a bullet Iliruniili the henit. CHANGE OF POLICY. N"v York, Oct. 10. The fact that Karl II. Von Wiegiind's story to the I'nit.-il I'ri'ss of the buttle of Vt'irhallon passed the Hritisli elisor uml the lib erty njeon by tile slime functionary to t'oreiyii coriT'poiiui'nts filing mcssiiucs fonceruiuir. Antwerp's full were taken here today as indicating a relnxntiou in the policy of news suppression which has piovniled since the war beyan. Chronic Dyspepsia,. The following unsolicited testimoniiil should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of nil the medicine 1 have taken, Chamber lain's Tablets have douo nie moro good tlmn anything elso," snys W. G. Alut tisnrt, No. 7 Slioriiinn street, Hornells villt', N. Y. For sale by all dealers. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people SALES OF HOPS TOTAL 2500 BALES A woman's idea of a Bond figure ilciiciiils mi wlietlier it U her own or ,:i rival s. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou TiHsori, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ueglect of dumb animals should bo reported to the secretary for investigation. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Meet every Friday night ti; 8 o'clock in -McComnck block. C. O. Matlock, C. C.j C. G. McKlroy, cleric, Oil) Court street, phone U01. REAL ESTATE Stop Thoso Early Bronchial Coughs. They hang on all winter if not check ed, nnd pave the way for serious throat and limn discuses. Get a bottle of Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound, and take it freely. Stups c glis and colds, heals raw inflamed throat, loosens the phlegm nnd is mildly limitive. Chns. Miller, Ed. huinnrer, Cunnelton, Jnil., had bronchial trouble, not very hoarse, coughed constantly from a tickling throat. He used only Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound. Was entirely re lieved. Wants others to know of Foley's Honey and Tnr. SCAVENGER. HALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refine of all kinds removed on monthly contracts vt reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools clenned. Office l48 State st. Office phono Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS LKHMAN & CLOUGH C. B. Webb, A. M. ( lough, morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 443 Court streot. Main 120, Main 988. K 1 0 DON-RICH Alt DSON CO. Fu noral directors and undertakers. 2.12 North High street. Office Phone Main 18:1. Rife-don resilience Main 111. i.j , . . j WOOD AND COAL PA.LEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot or cut In stove lengths ito suit. I'bompt delivery. We handle the best coals on tlie market, Try our King eonl; it Is the best. 752 Trade street. Phone Mnln B21. Mark Slddnll, prop. FOIt SALE A small farm on mnin rond, till) per acre. Address A, F. O. care of Journal. HEAL ESTATE-Ho you want a leal baruuiii In city property Wo have it to show you. Come to us nlso for fire and automobile insurance. Sq'inro Heal Henltv Co. FOB RENT NICELY Kl'UMSIIED ROOMS lor housekeeping. "Mil North Front. Edit KENT Six-room house; nlso housekeeping rooms. 11(11 Mill, phone 017. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, also . housekeeping rooms. 8!5 N. Com , inercinl street. NEW MODE UN house to rent, near Bchool ami car line; cheap if tukeii at once, square Ilea! Realty Co. FOR BALE 4(ii) PIANO FOU SALE for HH2.1.00. also other household furniture for sale clicnp. Moving account sickness. L'l i.i Kim street. WATER COMPANY fATEiMWXTl::H COM f" ANY Olt ice earner Commercial snd Trndo streets. For water service apply nt office. Bills pnvnhln monthly In advance. LODGE DIRECTORY li. O. II. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening st 8 in the McComnck Hall, corner Court and l.lbmtv streets. A. E. Anfrniico, M. W.i S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, F, CENTRAL LODGE No. 1H, K. of P. MrCornack building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:;iO; W. 1). Giliion, C. C; .'aities W, Cox., K. of It and 9. HM.EM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. ft A. M. Rhile.l I'OmilllltltclltlnnM firs l-'rliliiv In each month at 7:30 p. ni. In the ainsomo Tempio. uaviil A, Wright, K. M.j 8. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50, A. F. ft A. M. Slated communication third Frl dny lu each month st 7:30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. J. 8, Wyant, W, M.; Ernest II, t'hoste secretary, II N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp,' No. 13IW. meets every Thurslny even lug In McCornnck building, Court And Liberty streets, ElnTSfor. Hinli I'arnienter, 781 North Front street. Oracle; Hazel Trice, Imperial Furnl tun Co., recorder. The news of rooms to rent changes constantly, so, If you don't find that which pleases you In tlic .lonruiil Want Ads to day, look fur It toiuorrow. CHICHESTER S PILLS lsJI"t A! J-M.f l'rwUf. WK A I'Mlttsi H'fl hl tf4 islilllrVV SOU If DRtliGISIS LYLRi ViHlRt FOU SALE CHEAP Terms reisonnblc smnll tract, about 2'i ncres- good house and barn; all in fruit. Square Ileal Kcnltv Co. I'o-tlnnil lias inlicu the lueruninuiy steps for n celebration of Apple Day, October 20, and it is expected to be n hummer. Telephone ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Coir.panj, 212-222 Salem Bank and T.ust Bldg 535 CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST. Dr. P. H. May, 306-307 Ilulbard Building Main 881 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Salem Electric Co., 'Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SUPPLIES.. Geo. Pettingil, 155 North Liberty stieet Main 187 FISH, CLAMS, OYSTERS, CRABS. Salem Fish & Poultry Market, 173 South Commercial street Main 2125 FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets Mala 5H3 HARDWARE AND PAINTS. Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North Commercial Muia 172 LAUNDRIES. Salem Stoam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Btreet Main 192 UNDERTAKERS. Rigdon-Kichardson Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 1S3 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Jim Willson, 141 North High street Muin 474 STORAGE, TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salem Trtick & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74 STOVES AND BEDDING. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets Main 603 WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND OILS. W. J. Porter, 455 Court streot Main 485 JOB PRINTING. lienvor Stale Printers, l'ntton Block 1H2 WOODBURN HOP SALES. MISCELLANEOUS T. M. HAMXDKLL House mover; ruining nnd repairing done. Estiiuntcs furnished. 1MUI Trade street, Snlem. IF VOU HAVE A Hl'SINESS for sale or n desirable room for rent, wri'e, giving Cull particulars, C. 30, care .1 on run I. OIIHANS CLEANED, repaired and var nished. Work guaranteed first elus. Address I'olk 's Exchange, 1014 Chcin ekela street, Salem, Or, A Marvelous Escape. 'My little boy had a marvelous es cape," writes 1 . r'. nustinus, or rrince Alhortv ''no or tiooil tlope. "it oc curred in the middle of the ni'tit. He got a very severe uttnek of croup. As luck would have it, 1 bad a largo Bot tle of Clinniberlnia's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the direc tions for na hour and twenty minutes, he was through nil danger.1' Sold by nil dealers. If to live on a farm is your ambition, why not satisfy it now at once in this month through a Journal Want Ad? Childron'Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Check Kidney Trouble st Ones. There Is such ready action In Foley Kidaev Pills, you feel their healing from the very first dose. Backache, weak, sore kidneys, I'lilnful bladder and irregolnr nction disappear with their use, O, I'nlmer, Green Hay, Wis., snys "My wife Is rapidly recovering her lien till nnd Mreni;lh, due solely to Foley Kidney Pills." And W. T. Hiitchens, Nicholson, (In., snys; "Just a few doses made me feel bettor, and now my pains and rheumatism are all gono ami sleep nil night long." Procrastination is the thief nt n good time. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If you want to contribute directly to tho occurrence of capillary bronchitis and pneumonia, use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what! is needed. That cleans out tlie culture beds or breeding places for the germs ; of pneumonia and other germ discuses. I That is why pneumonia never results j from n cold when l.linmlierlain 's tough Remedy is used. It lins a world wide reputation for its cows, lor sale by all dealers. Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy R. J. H EHSf ItltAf fl n'ackstnlthing, woodwork, automobile springs made and repaired. All work guaranteed strictly first class. 258 Clicmekctn street. They Muke You Feel Qood. The ploasmit purgntive effect pro duced by Chamberliila 's Tablet nnd the healthy condition nf body and mind which they create make one feel joy ful. Fur sale bv all dealers. WANTED. WANTED Ranch of au.v kind wnnted on shares: large faniiiv. 5.17 North Fir. Positively Masters Croup. Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound cuts the thick clinking mucus nnd clenrs nwny the phlegm. Opens up tho nir passages nud stops the honrso rough. I lie gasping, strangling rignt ror in cam gives way to quiet-breathing nml peace fill slceii, Harold Hern, Mass, Mich. writes; "We give Foley's Honey and Tar to our children for croup nml it nl wnvs nets quickly." No wnnfrcr s man In Texns walked 15 miles to the store to get n buttle of Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound. Every user la a friend. WANTED TO II KNT Furnished house, biingnlow preferred, must l) niodere or modern furnished rooms with board fur four, .1. C, l.egifett, Mar ion hotel. I WANT TO RENT a smnll raneii, 10 nr 13 seres; would prefer one with running water, Also have good sprlnit wagon to trade for tiding pony, T A. Sproul. Itt. H, Hk. 2, Hiilom. WANTED TO SELt.-Or trade for farm property, a good general mer chniullse stock, business twelve hun dred per month. .Inquire V. !., care of Journal. The mnchliilst Is one nf the most faithful users the Wsnt Ads hire and that Is because he Is a trained thinker and ' he knows the value of the Want Columns, MONEY TO LOAIS On OooA Ral BflUU cority, TH03 K.FORD Salem Fence Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. American Fence Id all heights snd frsdes. For stock, hogs and poultry. Tann gates, wood snd Iron. Plain snd bsrb wire. Hop hooks sod cedar posts. Paints, oils snd varnish. Eubber roofing tod cement B50 COURT ST. PltONB 124 Back of Chlcajo Btors. A liistiiiKiiisheil example of race sui ide is reported from a southcu city, where Mr. Stork In a mood of i'espoinl- ncv ended his life with n revolver. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TO R I A Foley's Cathartic Tablets. Yon will like their positlvo nctiou. They hnvo a tonic effect on the bowels, nnd give a wholesome, thorough eienns- nig to the entire bowel tract. Htir tlie liver to healthy activity and keep the stomach sweet. Constipation, hendnclm. loll, tired feclini? never nftlict those who use Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only 25c. Hueoinllv cninfortinil to stour per sons who enjoy tho light and free feel ing they give. GOLD DUST FLOUR Mads by the SYDNEY POWEE COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Msds for Fsmlly is. r Ask your grocer for 11 snd iborts always on Brau hand P. B. WALLACE, Aleut '."JWk." A suow white medicine, soft and, soothing to the skin, applied every hour at once relieves and toon cures POISON OAK. Price Slue snd BOc For sale by all druggists and -t DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash orug i'.ore In Oregon and show cases are loaded with drugs Mn.ltninna Atlnn. nrtinlil wlnill and iiquora of all kludi for medicinal purposes. Dr. Htone it a regular gradu ate in medicine and has hnd many years of experience la the practice Consultations are froe. Prescription! are free and only regular price fui mediclno. Dr. tjtone can be found st his drug store, Hnlem, Oregon, frort 0:40 In the morning until 8 at night. Free dcliwry to all parts of the olt) snd within s radius of 100 miles, (Portland Telegram.) Heavy purchases of hops were made in this state aguin yesterday, the total running to over 2od0 bains. Purchases ol as many more bales are being given publicity, but they are all old, having been made from two to five days ago and previously reported, but not i specific, lots. Tho prices puid yester day ranged from 10 to 11 cents, and at least one of the lots taken at the latter figure was strictly choice, said to rank second to the best in Tho Dalles section. Orders are not coining in now ns free lv as was the case a while back, with tlie result that two or three of the dealers have vcitlidrewn almost entirely from the market. Both of them stntiul that they niiylit take a sum. I lot today, but aside from this were out of it until they received orders. Hops nre still be injr offered to Eastern brewers as low as 12" mid 1111-., cents, delivered. A statement which has caused much merriment Hinnnjr the hop dealers and growers has been made, to the effect, that, it is impossible to import. German hops, for the reason that, n blockade exists at Wutl ei'ilnni. Nothing is further from the truth. Uottoiilnm Is u neutral port nnd cuiiuot bo blockaded. Vessels entering that port lire held up and! tncir cargo inspected tor the purpose of ascertaining if any of the cargo is fur a belligerent, A vessel leaving with cargo for a neutral port has complete freedom and is not held up or refused passage to sea, as iutimatiMl, (tcrnuin Imps have already arrived in this country, niii more will follow. . A. j. liny & Hon weYo Hie heaviest, buyers in the hop market yesterday, purchasing 77"i bales lit 10 cents. Their big purchase was of the 700-bnlo lot. of the Cnrslens and Hunks Hop Company at Hunks ami the Hii Imlo Hrcnlano lot lot at Ht. Paul. Klnber. Wolf & Xetter bought tho iN lniln Hughes crop at. Dallas at 1 1 cents and the ElO lmlo lot of Hinrlnir Him, at 10 eontt. Oilier sales reported Include the pur chase by the Heavev Hop Company of the I In mitt lot of in bales at Ku'gens at. 11 cents, the purchase of 100(1 hales by Hurry I,, licit at 10 to II cents, in cluding tho IHI-biilc John Eilmunston lot at Eugene; the Williams I'lunimer lot of 270 bales at Dallas and tho Knsicli lot of 711 bales at lluttevlllo, McNeff Bros, bought, the Frluk lot of .11 bales at Dallas. The (long crop of 215 bales of Hnlem was purchased by II. I). Hhiicklng at II cents, while T. A. Mvoslcy & Co. Is understood to have bought the Kutch lot of 17f bales at, Jefferson at 11 cents. It Is .reported, but not. verified, that William Hrown & Co. bought the Gregg lot at llallstoa and one nr two other small ones, and Kisliop & Keyt took over Hie Halls and Newblll crops at lhillston nt 10 cents, (Independent.) Both holders nnd hovers of hops are in a quandary. Tlie holders don't know whether it's policy to hold on and the hnycirt don't know wl.ether it is policy to buy. The market is rather debat able. Prices mav go up and they may go down. No one seems to know for a certainty. P. A. I.ivenley reports the following sale made by him during the past woelt in this section. Funk Ortwertli, 7 bales, 8c; II, U Shinier, II bales, Xc; Elias Kilen, IM bales, l(lc; M. Slimier, 02 bales, 1 0c; John liaauige, 51 bales, 10c; M. Mertz, 15 biles, I0e; Swetuiev Bros., 74 bales, 10c; John McCnrmick, -17 bales, 10c; .1. N. Stanton, 2tt bales, 10c; Levi Yo iler. '.- bales, 10c. Tom Miortell lias made the following buys nt !l and 10 ceuU: W. W. Hughes, :I2 bales; N. Scries, Hit; Jos. Nibler, 20; Ceo. Hallweber, liH; Weiuacht & Owr. !I2; Sam Norton, 21; A. C, Nel son, II; .Icroiuc .Inckson, 55. In'tructions cnnie tu Woiulburn deal ers yesterday to buy no more hops until further orders. RUSSIANS DON'T WANT IT. Berlin, via Sayville, Oct. 12. "In the face of heavy destruction, the Hussions have abandoned tho nttempt to take rr.eiuvsl," the war office herfl announced today. THIS "VICTIM" IS AXIVE. Gardiner, (Ire., Oct, 12. It was learned today Hint Douis Head, iden tified as n victim of tho Francis Hog gett wreck and buried bore, is nlivo and well in Seattle. THE BURGOMASTER ACTS. The Hague, Oct. 12. At, I ho German's request the regular Ihdgian administra tion headed by Burgomiist.r De Vos, had agreed to continue tho civil govern ment of Antwerp, it was announced hero tudny. , $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this rarer will be pleased to learn that them la at least ona drcuded disease that science bus been able to core In all Its hIiikcs, and that Is Cnlnrrh, Hall's C'atnrrb Cure Is the only pnilllvfi euro new known to the medical fraternity, t.'atsrrb being; a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional trast ment. Hall's catarrh turn Is taltmi In ternally, acllna directly upon the hlnod and mucous surfaces of the iiyslem. there hy destniylns; (ho foundation of the dis ease, and slvlns the, patient streiiKth hf bullrttn: no (be constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors AUTOS HURT FOURTEEN, I,os Angeles, Oct, 12, Eon rl ecu per sons lire suffering today from Injuries received ill automobile accidents In or near I.os Angeles yesterday, Jesus Ochna, 11, was probably fatally hurt near Pomona. Sis others were seriously Injured. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CLIP THIS COUPON I Capital Journal J Phone Main 81 and place your Want Ad where it will do the mo$t good. have io much fnltb In Its ourailvn pow ers that they offer Ons Hundred Dollara fur any case that It falls to cure. Hand for list nf tesllmonlnls. , ASilreu: F J. rllKNKT CO., Toltdo, O. 'Hunt hy oil linmslili. T(o. Tsks lull's t'smiiy rills for oonttlpallo. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children, Tlie Kind You Hve Always Bought Boars the Signature of L&afJ TRAVELERS' GUIDE -- t --) RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACiriO COMPANY. SALEM CIEER LINE. 73 A r, Hulcin 11:1.1 a.m. "il l,v. Hnlem HliUK a.m. ""i Ar, HhIi-hi (mixed) liilU p.m. 71 l.v. Hnlem 4i2."i p.m. (No connection south of (leer.) TuTudlcats you are S rcgumr reader yen Hunt prsssut Hor Coupons like this ons. Thsj National Embroidery Outfit is guaranteed to be the grcatcHt collection and biggeBt barraln in patterns ever offered. The 200 patterns have a recall value of 10 cents each. Bring FOUH Coupons and 08 cents to this office and you will be presented with One Complete Outfit Including Book of Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and 10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents is to cover duty, express, handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting the package from the factory to you. JV, 0. Out ol town reader add t cent for pottage and expeme of mailing. SALEM, FALLS CITY k WESTERN. IUU- I.V. Hnlem (motor) II: in a.m. HI1- l.v, Hnlem (motor) 7:00 a.m. 10.1- I, v. Hnlem (motor) U:l.i B in I do l,v. Hnlem (motor) Itli l.v, Hnlem (motor) 1:2. i p.m. 2.III Way Freight, Iv. Hnleui ll:uu a.m. HIS! Ar. Hiilem (motor) H.IU a.m. Iill Ar, Hnlem (miitor) 11:2.1 a. in. iltt Ar. Hnlem ( tor) II: 1.1 p.m. HIS Ar, Hnlem (inutoi) , dillO p.m. I'll Ar. Hnlem (motor) 7:11 p.m. 210 Way Freight, nr. Hnlem p.m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. I Northbound, ! Ill Oregon F.xpress iVim) s.uij 2t--'lllniuctt'i Limited .... 11:22 Ml. I2-Hluistn Limited (noon) Is- Portland Posscuaer .... 20 I 'ii r t In n .I I'ssscnifcr .... Southbound. !Lt. Portlsnd I (1:10 a.m... 1 ..... ; 7:110 e.m S i 8:20 a.ra B Limited 10:40 a.m 2:10 p.m.... 3:11 p. in 4:1.1 p.m 0:00 p.m II: IS p.m Ar. Meat . fl:M S-a, t:7 saa, 10.10 .sa, I 11:11 P.SS, M, 11 tVO p.m. IS Limited 8:U 17 Local 1:11 lit 11 :H 11:4.1 p,u HI Owl 1:01 .sa, Northbound l,y. f'orvsllls 1:40 m 1 i.j. . u. S 80 4:411 p.m , l.v. r.ugone IM s.m 10 Ltd. 11:10 s.m 14 ... 1:10 p.m It Ltd 15:01) p.m.., 12:05 s.m I.y. Halem 4: IIS p.m.., ... i'i .... 1 Owl Southbound. Ar. bless - 8:8, I ll, Ar. Reloa . V-.4I tvsa, 1:10, . 4:00 p. as. ... 7:0 ,. I:lt twsa, 1 1 Portland Kstiress .. 22U---Local Wsy Freight 22J -Portland Fast l-'r.'ltflit I0:SH s.m Southbound. 1.1 -t'nllfortiln Kspiess ., 17 Koseburg I'sssenger IP I 'nttsg.. llrove Pass. 1 1 Hlinntu Limited 27 Wllliiinetle l.iniiled III Han Francisco F.spress lOillt p.m 221- Hnn Frnnclsco Fost Frt, l'J:lll s.iii, 22.1-Local Way Freight 10:M a.m. I2:;id p.m 11:011 p. Ill, 11:110 p.m. Lv. Hnlem S!:O0 pin.1 11:1,1 s.m. io::iii u.oi.' s : an s.m. 10:111 s.m. Lv. Hslein ,VI2 s.m, liOO p.m. 11:10 s.m. I 4:.'I0 p.m. At l.'l p.m. IiT. Salem 11:10 p.m. i 0:40 p.m. Lt. Salem 9:20 p. in 17 , 81 Owl ,. 1 . . I Ltd Ar. Albeay : p. Ar, Kugras T:0l p.av Ar. Albany :U Stops S AlUny Ar, Kiigsne T:N, .11:0I s.a. ...l:ill p.ia, Ar. Albas 1:01 psa, Stops S OnaJlis 1:80 Ar. Kugsae I.U p.m, j COBVALLIS COlWEOTlOHm. i Nortlibound. OREOOM BLE0TRI0 RAIL WAT 00. ; lJ' rHU AI'm wortwiottiid. i I'll ;:0 Lsaves Salem Arrlvss Portlsnd i m' -..--" Trals Ne. 1 10:13 pn ....-.. 1:M, 4:M am 1 Owl 1... o8 s.m.i P m :M p. ::i( s.m 8:411 .m. Pm- - J'" 8:00 mi 8, Local U:M m. I :UiJ Mfc 9:4.1 s.m..... 10 Limited 1 1 iflB s.m. Southbound. 1:80 p !.......- 14 ........ 4:10 p.m,!L. Raises Ar. OorrllU UtSO S.m. ....... 19 -Mil u.ra. 8:118 S.m. - 10:0 - SiSO B in. 10:1.1 S.m. ,m ...11:14 aviat. 4:40 p. a.; 4: SI p.m. : p.f. 8:11 p.ra.1 1:00 p.m. I M p. 4:00 p.m.. 18 Limited 4: in. p.m. .... IS :0 p.m D 7:60 p.m. ... U 10:00 p-s. Ii40 p.M.