l THB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, ATJOTJST 4, 1914. STRIKES HAY CAUSE ; TEACHERS NAMED GENERAL TROUBLE FOR COMING YEAR Italian Strikers May Start a Revolution In Italy Which May Spread to All tha Wailnj Cour.tvlc-. Board Also Provides Individual Lackers for Pupils In High School System BcinK Perfected. and lower i. I'...,.,., i,r i finrinns Segregating tllo Upper .nti-govcrnment uprising on tl.e Ital- classmen, doing away with the crowded Ian aido of the frontier were reported ! assembly mid planning to care lor the here to bo imminent today. known increase in students, the schoo Dcspito the government's announce-! board last night voted to expend -!' ment of its neutrality in tho Kuropean 1 on a system of individual lockers to war it disregarded the ultimutum , further plans of reorganization at the .n,viui nn r hv tn noor leaders m . k-iuvih miku r.. Seventh Grade Grace Davis. Kighth Grade J. F. Axloy. Teachers in Richmond School. Principal P. S. Garnett. First Grade Christabel Jewel t. Kecnd Grade Gladys Luthy. Thi d Grade Adonn Cochrane. Fourth and Fifth Grades Edith Brown. Sixh and Seventh Grnees Edith E. Sm-roJ Kiglith Grade rrineipnl. WILL SEND MONEY TO AID THE TRAMPS too enthusiastic: i A Tramp Is a Tourist Without Money, and This Puts the American Globe Trotters in the Tramp Class. Mother Stanislaus Tells of Recovery Washington, Aug. 4 The White ! House announced at noon that congress j would bo asked to appropriato $2,5U0,. 1 Elgin As the result of little fracas yebter-l day evening in an alley back of the1 Hubbard building, when Walter Kaiser,' eugiueer for that building, slapped Eurl' (ashman, a newsboy, who was using: abusive language, the parties concerned appeared iu the police court this morn ing at s o clock before roues judge Children Cry for Fletcher's iriT'T-' " ' - . . , .. . ' . ' J 1?:"- i nr.lnrinir n yonernl mobilization as a "precautionary" nicasuro, it was stated. Tho lalior leaders had insisted that not a single war like step bo taken. It was understood they considered the mobilization order distinctly war like and were already conferring and ex ehfin"ini? messnircs with a vi w to a Lost ycur 018 students were crowded together in tho assembly hall. Students shared their sents. Tho method was un popular. This year plans are on for thrco study rooms, ono for the fresh man and sophomoro clasyes, one for the junior and one for tho seuior class. With a teacher in each study room, bet ter discipline rim thus bo maintained declaration of a general strike. Leaders and added comfort for tho students in of the syndicalist, socialist, anarchist i studying, lieforo tho pupils shared the and repniilicnn groups wero understood desks and pilfering became common, to bo acting in concert. Under tho modern system such as is be lt was generality believol that ajjng used in high schools in tho east, general strike, at this time would mean ouch student will have his or her own a revolution. locker, padlocked, whero wraps and Radical Italians wcro saidto bo of ' 0oks can bo deposited and safeguarded the opinion tlmt revolutions in uer-1 j,y- rach student, 000 to send to Europe to roliuvo the dis tress and casii American checks. Secre- ! tary of the Treasury MeAdoo, it was Th oat Troubles, like continued , '"'"ounceii, win nppoint iiscbi agcuis nuglls mid colds, often seriously affect ' iu supervise uisiitrseineuts. the longs. If you have not found any. resident v.nsou was cxpecieu u imprnA enicnt from the treatment vou , i,,.v., i tr;.l ir,v,winfn fhn nomv m. vacancy OD i,.iriJal.n;l.n l,.i,f!t. nil in iin,nr. , loard caused by the withdrawal of oils ,-ases. complete recoveries, brought i Tho"""' U. Jones of Chicago. about, by the use of F.ckmnn's Altera tive. I This is a medicine for Throat and Lung Troubles, favorably known for more than fifteen years. Head this ,.asc: " ISnrns, Ore., Aug. 4. Walter Simpson, ' Co'li vent of St. Anne. Sanford. Flu. ! " homesteader, :ij miles south of liurns, " flentleiiien: In Februnrv, 11111, four Walter Kaiser pleaded guilty to tho charge of assault aud was fiued to by the judge. Tho fine was paid by Xllaiue Hubbard. Earl Cashnuui, the newsboy, was arraigned ou tile charge of being indecent and disorderly aud using ob- W As V. rfnM n 1 L . 1 . -ii . T. n insulting language to Walter to nominate a mau to 1.1 the h fa J. h a a tho regioua reserve bauk , . a. .i ... ...! i, itK.iruwni , and obscene language. Two other boys, GAS IN WELL CAUSES FALL AND DEATH mnnv. Kussia, Austria nnil possiuiy in Franco would bo the final upshot of tho present struggle. AMERICANS MUST WAIT. Washington, Aug. 4. Secretary of State Bryan was informed by the Gor man embassy hore today that until mobilization is completed all foreigners, including American tourists, must re main in Gormany. (. Iinirmnn .Miles said that it was a move of which ho was heartily in favor. "Anything in the lino of progress and for tho betterment of tho Salem schools I look upon as one marking educational development." Tho board commended Superintendent doctors examined my throat and pro uouiii'cd tiie necessity of an operation. Having heard at I'eekskill, N". Y., Mothorhoiiso of the Sisters of St. I'nincis, where 1 was visiting, of Eck man's Alterative, 1 determined as a Inst resort to try it. After taking four or five bottle's largo pieces of diseased tissue mine away, 1 continued the Alterative, to my grntcful and daily relief. In ten months I wns restored to perfect health. I would be gluj to I uj MM... I lt..,....il., ;.. .....II 1... ....... killing ou bis land by falling from a bucket in which ho was being hoisted when partially overcomo by gas. The well was DO feet deep and the last blast Saturday released some gas. Mmpson had inado two trips down to clear out tho debris and when San Jones, of --0 ! street, and Hubert Uailey, of lti!)5 Fourth street, wero wit nesses nud stated that tho bad language was not heard by them but that they saw blows struck. After somo severe questioning and a lecture by tho jmlgo regarding conduct on tho street, tho boy's caso was continued until Tuesday niorniii'.', when his father is to appear. "Numerous loinpluints have beeu inado concerning the conduct of the newsboys about tiio Oregon Electric de pot," declared Judge Elgiu, "and 1 am heartily tired of the oiisiness. It must stop or the whole bunch will be thrown into ist 1 1. lao cniei ot police is in- Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Uonglit, end which lias been in iw.- f.ir nvcr :i(J years, lias bor:io tho si-rmitwro ot - ana lias DCOn IIUIUO unucr jus irr- 'Sft -' soinu supervision binco ns truancy. TciZcJuA! Allow no ono to deceive you a this. All Counterfeit', Imitations and " Jnst-iis-sod " nro but Kxiiei iinents that triilo with and endaiurer tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA today down for tho third tin.o signalled to ,J . i ' . i.; ,.uia....t. i. i- . i structed to give special attention to these boys, who must stop using bad language and annoying the traveling public," I The chief of police stated that ho' his assistants to hoist him as the fumes were making his ill. j The bucket in which ho was stand-! ...n..t.A.i . .fc i on i'.... ui uuu tcai:iicu a puuib uuuiib jv i WOMAN REFUSES : OPERATION Tell How She W Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Logansport, Ind. "My baby was over a year old and I bloated till I was I a burden to myself. 1 suffered from fe male trouble to I could not stand on my feet and I felt like millions of needles were prick ing mo all over. At last my doctor told me that all that would savo me was n n operation, but 1 this I refused. I I kins, told my husband to get mo a bottle of I Language Latin, Elva Smith I.vilin lei VlnMinm'a Vem.tnlil Coin- ! mnii, Elizabeth Itoseho. pound and I would try it before I would submit to any operation. He did so and 1 improved rip;lit nlonpr. 1 am now doing all my work and folding tine. "I hope other sulTerinjr women will try your Compound. I will rn'ontmonil it to all I know." Mrs. Danikl I). 1!. I)AVis,110 Franklin St.,Logiinsport,Iiiil. Since wo guuriinteo that nil testimo nials which wo publish nro genuine, i:i it not fair to Buppose that if l.ydin E. rinklinm's Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help those women it will help any other woman who in autrerin;' in a like manner? If you are ill lo not drag; along until nn operation is necessary, but at onco take Lyiliu E. I'inkhum'a Vegetable Compound. AViito to Lydlit V.. riiiMuim Modi('lnoCo.,(eont1ilciU ial) I.j nn, JVIasx. Your letter wll lie open. 1, rend mid nnswered by a vvoimm luid held In Mtiiet eonlldeiicu. i'n" II , : . , . , . in-nct;i. neniui. i yyuiuu ud kiuU m , . .. . . .... , , me chief or police stated mat no Elliott on hi. resenrcl, work in seeking -wriu or talk to any person who may Jrm.t 19 "rfacfl 1,wl',on ''e. fal"ted anJi would keep special watch over the boys! the best plan of putting the high school hava a doubt al)0ut it x W01lW like fell into he well, breaking his neck!and j have mMemeJTS on a strong basis, and unanimously vot-1 tMP11 t0 gee np(1 hpar f rom mv 0WI1 n,,, ; and both legs. r tcd t0 him Bt onco'; lt is said the e,l on adopting the locker plan which ; i( they ,0 (18ire all l woulll snv ot it, j Simpson had been chauffeur for W. h , actic8 of in , the superintendent suggested. ; (HiRl) . "" - of Portland, for three , hJ fV d t,, over garbage! ItwasalHovotedtopurcliasoaiiKdi-' MOT1IEU M. STANISLAUS. . ?". an h past year aad served ca s eatU ig watermelons nd throwi ngi son roiary inuiieinjiupu iui mo '"8" lApove aoDreviaieu; more on re- w -v school office: the monthlv nnvroll otj,.M I Ho was married in Portland in 1911, IO.r!.S2 wns met, and tho Voget prop- j M fickmaa's Alterative has been prov-1 to a Miss Calver, who survives him. grty, which the school board had in;en ny many years' ttst to be most ef- tmnil for a school site in tfontn saiem, fieucioug for severe Throat and Lung which formerly was held at $7000, has j Affections, Bronchitis, Bronchial Astj been offered, at, .f.lOOO, and is now un- j ,a stubborn Colds and in upbuilding ler consideration. Annoum ing tho complete voster of Deafness Cannot Be Cured i the rinds about, and scuffling and ! ! throwing talcum powder and orange I ' peels about, much to the inconvenience ' I of the traveling public. ! ; tho systom. Contains no narcotics, poisons or habit-forming drugs. recoveries, by local application!, ai they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the eiir. There li only one way to cure deafness, and that ! by constitutional remedies. Ueafneaa la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la innamea you nave a rumonns Ask the citv teachers, tho superintendent for booklet, tidllmr of recoveries, and said tho following list was definite. The ! write to Kekman Laboratory, Philadel-I sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is grade school teaching corps for the year . philli Va.t tor evidence. Accept no sub- j't?lS&XS!2g' Zj'&HSXZ ...t follows: stitute. Small size if 1.00; regular size; and thta tub? mfofed to Its normal eondi- High School Tsachers. j Si00. 1r m1, hy all leading dru?- j lc'?.nc,.hout,",off '.!, 4'' 'b7 caU": Trincipal J, C. Nelson, 'gists. i which Is nothing but n Inllamed condition Home Kconomics Department Bertha Edwards. 1 YIELD 18 TO 20 BUSHELS. Boniostie Art Marie Hofer. i Manual Arts Department G. R. Bon- Tho first threshing of the season in !, Baker county began this morning when Assistant in High School Edwin MARK VAN TASSEL : DROWNS AT CHEMAWAl Cnstorln I a hnrinless snbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pnrc rori", lro4 jind Soothiii,' Sjthjs. lt i idonsunt. 16 eont iins neither Opinm, 3Iorpliino nor other .Nareotio fiul)st:iiie. Its oro i' U gunrantcc. It destroys AVorms nnd jsliav i reverish.iess. i'or more than thirty years it Jn.s lrc? i ' constant nso for tho relief of Constipation, riatt;t- . v. AVlnd Colio, all Teething Troubles nnd liarrliea". It iTRiilates the Stomach and Uowels, nssiniiliites tho Food, Klvinsr healthy and natural sleep. Tho Culdcu's ranacea Tho Mother's I'rieud. GENUIKIS CASTORsA ALWAYS St Bears the Signature cf Tlie Kind Ycu Have Always Eoaght Use For Over 30 Years In ! ecMTAun eoH. nw vowk city. Platts. 11. 8. Art and Physical Culture r.thel Merrium. Mathematics Emily 0. rainier. First Assistant Mathematics and Ath letics 11. O. Clancy. Second Assistant Matiicniatics Kvclyn ,)ones. English Ida B. Davis, Mrs. Wm. Fleming, M. Hegina Long, Ethel liig- don, Margaret A. tlraham, K. Alae Hop- Oer R. T. Hturgill started work on tho 40- aere wheat field of J. 8. Myers near the reservoir. The crow of 21) men got an early start on the work and iimile lit th. mimnlli aiirfaeea. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caae of Deafneaa (cauaed by caturrhl that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 8end for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Drugglata. 76c. 'Jake Hall's Family Pllli for constipation .. . ..... . ohich dpmand has been met bv the ap-, formerly chemist Mark Van Tassel, aged 17 son i or intment of a new in8tructor in this Chemical Arinur u. van iassc, c...i gllbioct at tfle Oregon Agricultural col of tho Tint in trnimnff Hchool at Chemft-: """J"11"' r 6 ? . wa, was for the Thomson Co., of Baltimore. He has onducted extensive experiments n , .an training scnooi k i.nna-i Th pointce Eaiph McBurney, nitrification and r.mmonifieation ox drowned last night about half b v ' of practical ex-1 soils, and has done considerable patho- ln ekJ laJhe mnm:wltolrttogr&'torir,,genl work in the analysis of body past seven near Government slough, nZiprra-rles Baise who'-l has taught these subjects for sev f.! . t ami vaara in (hiinlH nnd COlIflffeS. lit riEST OF CEOP GOOD. Jessie U. Cox, -Annabcllo itiipert, ,lnmes Training Olive Metcalf CATARRH of till' BLADDER lolu'vul 111 24 HOURS Ka.-h Cap-B.ll,.l.fill-slll.'(i.',IUY; liumc l. ' ' lrmrri uh"-lcil Corns (io Sure Pop, If You Use "fiets-lt" Simple as A B 0. It's the Now Way of Curing Corns and Callouses, if yon have corns now, the chances are you have never used "OKTS IT," tho biggest seller among com cures ever known. It is the new way, does away with trouble, rain ami fussing in treat- SM it.. Coma Off Yf f " i WrlaklM Off YoM Fae. Nothing Caa , ( D, , Uk "GETS4T.- ing corns. Thousands who have put tered with old corns for years, have gotten rid of them right off, witb a few drops of "OKTH IT," applied as quick ; as you can spell your name. Corns just love to lie cut, pickeil, filed, gouged and pulled, (jlnit it. You've tried cotton rings that cninm shooting corn pnins. greasy snlves that spread over the toe an.l nske it raw ami tape thet xt'fkt to the stocking now try ' (i KTS-IT. '' It lias none of the drawbacks of the old style corn euros, eases psin sml never fails on anv corn or callous. "GETS-IT is so'd by all druggists, 2."m! a bottle, or sent direct, by K, Law renre k Co., Chicago. History Department , r.thel M. Jones. I Science Chenlistry, A. L. Schmalle: j I'hysies, I!. Tj. Davidson; I'hysicnl Cur j tore, 'I'heodosia lieunet. Coininerciiil Department Merritt Da ! Assistants Norton. I Nor null lllnnd. i l.ibrnriiin I'lorn M. Case. Grade Supervisors and Special Teachers. Music Cora Small. Manual Training tl. 1!. Bunnell, ill i rector; I). K. Atcheson. 1 Sewing Frances Aitken. j Ait Virginia Mann. I.ibrarinn Flora M. Case, i School Physician Dr. J. N. Smith. ! Teachers in EaRt School. Principal U. S. Dotson. i I'irst (inide I'Mitii Fugnte. j Second Grade Ada (1. Dayton. Third Grade Jessie Cromwell. Fourth tirade Bessie R. Shinn. .Fifth Grade Cora Miller. ' Sixth Grade Klsin White. Seventh Grade Mabel P. Robertson. Kighth Grade Gladys Riches. Teachers iu Englewood School. Piincipiil Marie Khmer. i First Grade Adella ( hapler. ', Second Grade Louise linys. Third Grade Carrie Martin. Fourth Grade l.nlu 1!. Walton. Filth and Sixth Grades Mae B. ; Lynch. Seventh Grade D. K. Luthy " Kighth Grade Principitl. ' Teachors in Garfield School. Principal Margaret Cosper. Siroiid tirade Bei thn C. Bvrd. Third Grade Anna Fischer. Fourth Grade K.'.ith Campbell. Fifth Grade Greta Phillipps. Sixth Grade Faith Kennedy. Seventh Grade Mnllio Campbell. Kighth Grade Huby Kennedy. Teachors in Grant School. Principal K. A. Miller. First Grade Carrie II. Chapel. Second Grade Alpiin Donaea. Third Grade Fdith West. Fourth Grade Bertha Duncan. Fifth and Sixth Grndes Blanche Powell. Seventh Grnde K. B, Fletcher. Kighth Grade Principal. Teachers in Highland School. Principal Mrs. I. a Moine R. Clark. First Grade- Mrs. F. R. Brewer. Second Grade Kllen Curren. Third Grade Daisy Carter. Fourth Grade Kva Fischer. Fifth and Sixth Grades Louise E. Wenieer. Seventh Grade Ruby B. llazlett. Kighth G rade Princi pal. Teachers In Lincoln School. Principal Km ma Kramer. First Grade Delta Dillard. Second Grade Julia Iverson. Third Grade Mabel Temple. Fourth tirade Mary Mender. Fifth Grade Tne rearn. Sixth Grade Sadie Skattahoe. Seventh Grade K.rmine Bnshnell. , Kighth Grade Flora Shaw, Teschers In Park School. Pricii'al II. F. Durham. "'irst Grade Abide S. Davis, Second Grade Ruth Pupate. Tiiird tirade Mary Childers. , Fourth Grade Minnie Ii. Cornelius. Fifth Grade Amy K. Martin. Sixth Grades Sihvl Harrington. tlil,,u I.mim f. .1 flnneii ill chnroel Jiaker, lire., AUg. i of n... i of the season was sold The estimate of Mr. Sturgill was that J. Myers, when ho hrougnt in juu 'the yield would run between 18 and bushels of the Turkey red variety from 1 !.'() hushels an acre. Mr. Sturgill alrendv the muchine and disposed of it to a seed has arranged to thresh grain ou (!00 company for 70 cents a bushel. The acres, nil early spring grain. The vield wheat was of the finest quality and 1 all over the' country, he said today, brought the top prlco of tho market. 1 promises to bo largo." Harvest is now on in full blast in Within a week it is believed thresh- Baker county nnd about 50,000 bush- inu crews will bo nt work in all parts of els of early wheat will bo on tho mar tin, coiintv. linker Herald. ket in a few weeks. is about 18, he went swimming, and as he was lust learning to swim he appar- i ently got alarmed when getting beyond his depth. At any rate Baise heard I him call for help, and being a fine fri. t- . i .,i swimmer, at once went to his assistance, lae urst wneat , v rri i,., a , in-,,,, tnr yesterday by . . , . b, t han(1e him. He was compelled in order to save himself to abandon him, and he sank almost immediately. eral years in schools and colleges. He is at present a member of the Oklaho ma experiment station staff and was liquids wita Tefereace to tuberculosis. His service will be of great benefit to the people ot Oregon aa well as to stu dents of the college. NEW BACTERIOLOGIST. The close relation between bacteria and soil fertility has created an in-, creasing demand for instruction and for extension work in bacteriology, House of Half a Million Bargains We carry the largest stock of Sacks and Fruit Jars. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 8tate Street. Salem, Oregon. 'hone Mam ii naanannaansanaaanzaonnaanHnnnn El tn El M n n Ei S! U tl M tl El tl tl ts n n M S3 a u n n n a a El n ti li tl u it u ti ti H n tl a ti ti ti ta ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti n A T remendoo ot M s success IS THE VEDICT OF THE PUBLIC ON THE WONDERFUL nro idery Pl1 1 PFH Now Being Offered to Readers of the CAPITAL JOURNAL LOO On the porches of every Sa lem home and you will see lady or child sitting there embroidering some article to make more beautiful the person or the home. LOOK Under the shade cf the trees, in the swings, on the rustic benches, at home,, in the parks, even in the street cars, and you see women and girls delighted in the use of the embroidery out fits offered by The Capital Journal. LOOK In at the main office of The Capital Journal and see the numbers of pleased child ren and smiling ladies car rying away these embroi dery pattern outfits. $20.00 WORTH FOR...GSc That's the reason. Each Package Contains 200 Hot Iron Transfer Pattern Designs Complete Pamphlet of Instructions, illustrating all the different stitches The Cupid All-Wood Beaded Hoop Five Skeins Richardson's Suk nve tiKeins American ueauiy riois 1 Hand Bag 1 Hib 1 Sailor Set I Huhy Bootee 1 Set Vleur ile Lis 1 Candle Shade I Rose Waist 1 Set Numerals 1 Collar 1 Tumbler Poily 1 IMlow Ose ' 1 Set Henllof.s 1 Butterfly 1 Set Odd Designs 1 Towel Knd 1 Scarf I Dorset OnVfe 1 Baby Shoe 1 Set Sprays 1 Glove Case 1 Shirt Waist 1 Babv Ruth Towel 1 Set ' Dutch Ch. 1 Tie Fnd 1 li.hni.'t 1 Baby Cap Designs snd Borders for Dresses Odd Spray 1 Script Alphabet 1 Bulgarian Scarf 14 Bulgarian Designs for Collars, Waists, Under wear, etc. 2 Bulgarian Waists 1 Block Alphabet 3 Wreaths S Fancy Bowknots 1 Floral Basket Spravs and Figures Child 's Dress 1 Set Sweet Teas 1 Set Carnations 1 Corset Cover 1 Bunch Violets 1 Old F.ng. Alphabet 1 Hand Bag Bulgarian Design 1 Pin Cushion 2 Tnn-el Borders 2 Waist Fronts I Doily. for 1 N'ight Gown 1 Flower Basket Butterfly, Bowknots Conventions! Flowers 1 Apron (Koman Cut Work) 1 Apron (French Knots) 1 Fin Cushion 2 Towel Borders 1 Chemise 3 Corners for Senrfs l.nneh or Table Cloths 1 Fillow Case End Wreaths and Sprays , i.i 2 Designs for Waists 1 Odd Butterfly 1 I'arasol Design 1 Scarf 1 Pillow. , . 1 Set Medallions 1 Set Pussy Cats ani Mice 1 Pine Pillow 1 Boy Scout 1 Sot Sprays Rose Sofa Cushion 1 Set Birds 1 Set Toppies 1 Set Water Lilies 1 Daisy Design tl El ti li H n El a n ti u a a n n ti El u a a M H a a ii a 3 P tl tl B U E3 tl a D tl a El a n ti a ti p tl El II tl El El El tl tl tl a n El tl II tl El " All Yours for Four Coupons and 68 Cents. Out-of-Town Readers Add 5 cents for Postage R I .-II 1" ;