EIGHT Third Week of Meyers Remodeling & Expansion Sale : BRITISH COLUMBIA THE WAR BEGINS ON i OFFERS REGIMENT! GREAT ANNIVERSARY TTOTF,P,I7 Our Shoe Department is i InU! I Sli located at the site formerly cupied by our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Section. 4 i anil fence its right-of-way from Ash : land south to the state line except j where there is a natural barrier. The i law now is that all railroad right-of- way shall be fenced except where there , j ( i is a natural barrier or in sections here ; i the road is given express permission to j Vancouver, B. C, Aug- 3- The of fi-' Washington, Aug. 3. Developments: i allow the right-of-way fo remain un-' cers cf the JSixth regiment, Duke, of in the Herman campaign ngninst j fenced. The e. P. asked permission to , ( onnaugbt s own regiment, propose to-: trance impress the army general stinr , leave its right-of-way open from Ash- j day to send a message to the Duke of here with the similurity of the German j land south to the state line, buk the j Conuuught, honorary head of the force, ' advance as recorded in today's dis-1 railroad commission, after an investiga-1 offering to raise 1U00 men for the serv-' patches, to the move mnd'o exactly 44 ice in case r.ugiaud becomes involved years ngo, at the beginning or tue , in war. Franco-Prussian war with the impor-; "".'he present strength of the Sixth j taut difference that then it wns the' regiment is about 500, and this offer great second arniv corps of France 00 NEVVTODAY One cent per word each inser tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. m. PHONE MAIN 8L tion, refused to grant the ilesireo, per-; missiou and an order issued Saturday requires the road to comply with the1 provisions of the law. o FOR SALE Cheap,a wagon. North Fourth street. 1707 will mean the doubling of tho person nel, 'lecruiting is now proceeding, i'he Seventy-second Highlanders check. By a singular coincidence it wns on August 2 thut the buttle of Snnrbruok- apes ill T mM., rip WW ' Our Entire Stock Overcoats and Raincoats Must Be Sold At Once We are busy with remodeling and must get them out of the way immediately. The stock includes newest and most popular models. Here -are the closing out prices: $20.00, $22.50, $23.00, $27.50 OVERCOATS, TAKE YOUR PICK OF THE STOCK NOW, ONLY $9.95 $18.00 OVERCOATS OR RAINCOATS $9.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS OR RAINCOATS $7.50 $12.00 OVERCOATS ORJIAINCOATS $6.00 See them on display in our windows. Sheriff John Grant, of Polk county, telephoned to Sheriff Ksch Saturday t j night that a horse had been stolen froin'j hnvc nlroady volunteered througu tii-ir 1 1 Falls City. An old open buggy With a ' commanding officer, Colonel K. (?. Kd- straight back sent was also taKen at wards l.eekie. the same time. The animal is described A dispatch from Ottawa today states en took place. It wns followed bv the as a roan mare with a star in her fore- that the Dominion of Canada hns for-j withdrawal of the French army under head, a black mane ami tail and oneniaiiy offered 50,000 troops to Great j Rnzuine to Motz, where it wns shut up white hind foot. It is thought that the Brituin, i for many months, only to be obliged in outfit might be bended for this city. ; Ten thousand effective soldiers could ' the end' to capitulate to the German o be sent in two weeks and the remainder i force. No court la being held in department within a month or so. Canada is filled j Difference Pointed Out. 1 of the circuit court today and tno Wnr spirit today and nil corps ' The fact that the German staff bus next cases to be beard by Judge n ti. mii;tnrv are caper for a chance : clmxen n.min tn strike i t Fit nee in Kelly will be civil suits to be decided ( to 8erve tnp nloth,.r country. the very same place where the victori- without a jury. Guy O. Smith, of the . ' ous campaign of 1S70 was initiated hns firm of Smith, McNary 4: Shields, rep- are largely used for irrigation purposes. ' tlt, expats Ul.re to the conclusion resenting Hoy Carroll, recently convict- The western rights for the manufacture tat ;r ('.rnmny 's intention to repent ed of murder in the second degree for 'of this pump are owned by the Salem ; t. os,.j v the movements which were the killing or marshal .onnr or uervais, iron works. ; ,rivm,.i wi,h ,., nu.ture of the French which took the initiative, crossing the ' WANTED Housework by experienced border to nttnek the Germans nt Snar- ; girl. 1'houe 2422 W. brucken, only to receive n stunning 1' M 4. toe OLD PAPERS foi carpets; 10 eenti per hundred. Journal office. WANTED Baby's iron bedstead.. Ad dress R. T., care Journal. SPLENDID lurnished housekeeping rooms at The Lincoln, 633 Ferry. WANTED TO HIRE Gfcod gentle ! horse and buggy. Phono 500. T r filed a motion to set aside the verdict , I ; of the jury. This motion cannot be 7 j argued until after sentence is imposed ; on August a. The motion was mauo on the grounds of insufficient evidence to convict on thut degree and that the; verdict was reached when the jurymen ' were in an impassioned frame of mind.', 0 I Members of the board of governors, of tne Salem commercial club held their! Our 702d Wednesday Surprise Sale of Fine Bleached Bath Towels, 25c Kind, 19c each No housewife should overlook this chance to get a supply of these next Wednesday. A large, white, thick Turkish Towel, size 19x38 inches, with neat border, hemmed finish. On sale Wednesday, August 5, special 19c each See window display. None sold before 8:30. No phone orders. C21 Quality TSTt .AL liCOODlCOODS Service capital eight months Inter. But the observers here are doubtful .1... nf a....U n ... ...tt...,4 regular weekly meeting today at the:.. . . ,,, . ,, . ri., ,,. . i, . i i, t .1 n It is pointed out that the trench army Marion Hotel. Husi less lor the month: . 1 ..... 4 . w . . of August was transacted i.. nddUou ls vj7 d! f'"',""r n",nT ' ' to other details. fr'"" '" H-or iz-J nnd uisu.fiu- 0 j tMitly-tpii tpl force winch went our to Windows and door of the Salem city. lU,tt'nT s !' ' f ILfn T Aula T.anrniml nrrlA U at mil WPTa WiAa A lift 11 tit IS llinritHK fttlll 11 UHIUtr UlUIlt, present in Europe, and vho expected to' bushels of fresh air were alllowed to"""'h K";a,1 suv. i said for New York or. the steamer ! circulate within the white prison walls. ! mans, mid while tho levies are perhaps .o one was confine, t thero and the not us wen sci up uuu snmri i. (. chief gave i:s hotel and its dozen be.lsj penrance as the Teutonic soldiers, it an airing. The Ostermoors that tlelwns said by a member of the p.-iierr.' prisoners do not sleep on were aired and staff who kid personally visited boti. turned over. : armies within the last year, the men 0 i under the Tri color were possessed of "I'm still Miss Lynch and glad of a certain loose-jointed retiviry thr.t it" was the statement of Miss Lourita promised to make them most fi imid- Arill AND SECOND-GROWTH FIB wood, four foot. Star Wood Co., I'hono 420. WILL EXCHANGE light wagon, Studo baker make, for two seated wagon. tHO State street. DC NG A 1.0 Vli A KG A I N ilu i 1 1 for a home, Price $1300, terms. Hcchtel & Hynon, 347 State st. EXPERIENCED auto driver and me chanic wishes position; references, t Audress A. D. iM., care Journal. l"0f RENT Large seven room house, it is sr. id, th" : modem, with furnace. Seo llecntel &. liyiiou, or owner at lOOo North Cottage. Vaterland," probably will not be able to secure passage on the big ship in order to arrive on August 12, The "Vaterland" has been held up by the German government and may be used in Germany's campaign against the op posing nations. It is unlikely that the ship will be released to accommodate Salem's popular hop man. o War news bulletins In front of the Capital Journal are drawing knots of interested readers all the time. Inter est is intense in the events of world wide moment when armies of millions are being hurled at each other in a struggle of race supremacy. The Jour-1 nnl bulletins are received at such a time that it is the first accurate account of the day's doing in Europe. This is T on account of the difference in time,) which permits the full day s events up Lynch in reuard to the announcement able foes. ! nt hup ntu frimrik Siatiinluv in Vonnnni'ii. ' ' In company with Lester Stiff ler and ! her sister Mrs. John Grnber, Miss Lyuch I gays they went to Portland on a week- ! end vacation trip "but that's all, and I 'don't see how it got" out because we : never told anyone," aJJcd Miss' 1 Tvneli. ' 3k 0 I HALF BILLION PEEVENTA . TIVE. The Willamette river is at the lowest , stage it has been for years and nowj stands at .8 feet below zero, or low water. During the past five days the( water has dropped a tenth of a foot : i !.l..l.-l.i A- U I - I... 1 '..loot. flllil r in PYneereil rlint. It will i rnn 3K ... the utter-noon. ! Mother tenth before the lowest stage! ti With the completion of the Oregon rV" , ,V- ",ne arB , X t Electric bridge on North Front street, 8 Bd,l'nB he rockg .nd have , be opened to the punlic, nftor being closed to trnffic for about throe years. Through the untiring efforts ot C. L. ! Parnie.itor and former Councilman A. : T. Mof f itt, the unsightly plank-dovered millrane has been replaced bv a con- ! crete undergrouiul flume, and the strcl't it i ..n...i :t nf th. 4.1 1-41.. i4 T,, ; and tho water rippled by. . Otlil oil t lil run an inl'ail tlia mtll romnnin ; property owiiorn feel highly plcatttd ' ' "J"" "" rc Iwith tho improve.1 condition of faeir l1 ' tha nycr s bank and disported Washington, Aug. 3. By a vote of 231 to six, the house to day passed the senate bill mak ing available immediately the unlimited millions of currency in the United States treasury. The senate bill was amended so as to remove the limitation of .")00,000,n00 and authorized Secretary of the Treasury Mo Ado to use more if necessary to stay a panic in America. The senate was expected to accept the bill as amemled by the house. rOE SALE B4 ncres fruit land, 6 miles from Salem. Will take $00 per acre if sold withia 30 days. W. E. Detrick, R. F. D. No. 2, Salem. "L'SPONSrn.E, permanent rentor wishes place near school. Must have modern conveniences, also barn and room for chickens. Phone 2224. A REAL SNAP 10 acres of good land, 7 acres under cultivation, 3 acres timber and pasture. Price $1100, only $200 down, balance easy terms. See Hechtel & Hynon, 347 State St. untile on norm x rout 1 tureei, . . . . one of tne finest streets in the city will lu ""vu lurBB r luur a- I From Salem to Eola the banks on both sides of the Willamette river wore! lined with bathers Sunday. Launches' pliod from the torrid,-suffocating city ., . ,T,T,, to the cool, inviting banks of tho T8UCKIA0DS OP CURRENCY "beautiful Willamette," carrying the' ARRIVE IN NEW YORK city dwellers where the breezes blow 1 A SPLENDID OFFER I will put you I in a cood position where vou can make from $30 to $10!) per week. Re quires investment of only $2u0 if taken at once. 640 State stieet. FOR SALE Two four-step cone pulleys 12-16 inch diameter; 16 feet lMi inch shafting and hangers, almost new; cheap if taken quickly. Inquire J. R. M., journal office. FOR 8ALE Good quiet work or driv ing mare, buggy and hnmess; ton inch steel plow; good cultivator; new one-horse harrow; also some bay. Will be sold cheap if tnken this week. Ad dress 2217 Fairground road, Salem, Ore. Men women 1 York' A" 3.-C.overnors of the ; GOOD MOTORCYCLES, autos, bicycles KICU, nuiliuu . .... ,..!, -L. ,i:.l 4 4. nn.l n ,.l , !..,. 4 .' Viri... 1 portion of tho city. 444 4 4 44. 1 All A J T i Ail Aiuunu luwn AMUSEMENTS. BLIGH State, botwoon Liberty and High) Motion pictures of "The t rice of Sacrilege," in three parts, a drama of intense realism and the over intoresting "Our Mutual Girl" in "Convalescent." GLOI1E (State, betwoon Lib erty and High) Motion pic tures of "The Silent Wit ness, featuring J. Warren Kerringiin, mid a popular Kdi son comedy film. Tiny Sny der in songs you will like. 1 era! Craw ford. S. S. Duncan, county j solium superuuemieni or 1 u.iii.i.. con..-; Q CoYlstaBi8) county ftuit inspector, ;ty. made the inquiry. An election n who rrt,m,e,l from a trip through Mar which the notices culling it refer to a 1 io1 t.olmtVi Saturday, said thero was a section of the laws is not valid if the ;Kreator a.mxe 0f corn this venr than other provisions of the law have boon , ever t,tfori,. V'e find acre after aero complied with, according to the attor- of (ark preen corn WlU,re heretofore ; ney generul, but there is no need to mls ,een a poor quality of hay and refer to the law. 'wheat," declared the inspector. ""For 0 ; a number of years it was thought that George O. Will filed a suit against rorn t.ml, not ))0 Kr0wn in the Willam- Dr Mendelsohn snerialist In flttlnir S Zl 1,lirtly 811,1 vi,la L- B"rtll,.v.. hlsotto valley because of cool, damp wea J "l"- To v.,: fSS! wife, and the Oregon Electric railway i ther. but seed which suits the climate in tho circuit court today. This is an im9 p,,,, f0,i nnd each year finds the themselves in the water or lazily basked 1 111 the shade. Many Inquiries concerning cheap lauds aro being received by the promo tion department of the Snlem commer cial club. This morning answers to these inquiries were sent out. These answers contain information concerning the city ami a list of real estate dealors that are members of the commercial club. It is believed that thero will be New York stock exchange did not at tempt today to set a date for the re-' opening of the exchange, but named a; committee to decide and fix upon market quotations. Between $40,000,000 and $..0,000,000 emergency currency arrived from Wash ington and was hauled by the truck lood to the sub-treasury. Financiers also called attention to the fact that the limit on the issuance of emergency currency was removed by an amendment to the banking act which the senate and house banking committee agreed on today, and the ex- and a wood saw cheap; terms. What nave yon to trade. Don't pay the long profit (bonus) for a "new" machine. Huy a "second" here and keep the bonus yourself. Reeves' Garage, Capital at L'nion. Phone 971. A REAL' SNAP 81 acre f aim, well improved, in the. heart of Howell Prairie, 70 acres under cultivation. Price -$140 per acre, part cash, bal ance to suit. This is the best buy in the valley. See Hechtel & Byuon, 347 State st. glasses correctly. Uv S. bank building o- A license marriage inner an,, mrs. aura rm, a.so ,,, bBrBajne,i 0r piano and then this citv. Eimene N. Snoucer. a me- , :i r...... chanio and NeVa Ingram also of Salem,: u- were the other couple to secure the ,.r 1 Giant feed suae was issued Saturday for the B, t,on "T mon1oy lor ! "UP maturing and hardening to better S ToP Thr Tan YeiiL-er a sX.I inversion of porsonal property. It Is ailvantaRi'- te of Christian Vmgcr, a MUom j , u complahlt that the (1e-! " I I reti and Mrs. Laura Fox, also of j f1fB11,. ,,,;,,,, , ,,; B,i then . . I Fri. 1 101 amene vauty uus ran. the aI11011mit 0f such issues to the secre- pf tillable land with or without build- inrv oi ine rreusurv Secretary Moores, of the promotion artment of the commercial club, has turned from Portland, where he went ; The Salem Iron works this morning I Kri'l8.v on 8 ""siness trip for the do-; a carload of four Young ' r '". a largo nuin- HERE WORKINO FOR THE CE:;3US DEPARTMENT matrimonial possport. 0 To the Journal subscribers Fleas see that the carrier boy gives you a sought mills LeRoy Thomas, special agent of the feed mills to Spokane. There are 71 0 I more feed mills to be shipped on the About 5 o'clock this morning the or.i, T,e fe)i m9 were manufac-! and 25 Oregon Giant il)er of 1 ort'and tennis players have , bureau on the census department of lags, close in. Would accent small tracts, but prefer all in one body. Phone 1437 or call Plnckney Bros.' dairy, west end steel bridge. TO LOOK AFTER ALL. promised to come to this city for the j commerce, was at the court house today tennis tournament which is being plan-! checking over the records of the county ucd tor this month. The big tonrna- iPlc for tatitic ror hia hmran.! Washington, Aug. 3. Secretary of Stnte Bryan issued this afternoon th rumbling of thunder gave promise of a ,llr0( nt the Salem plant and the rest j lllellt W1" I'fobably be held on theVil- Taxes, assessed valuation, indebtedness, j 'ojlowing statement: Kroner receipt when vou rnv him monov. rnl11' 1,111 11 PHei aiarm. inerei of t,e order will be shipped to rortlaml ! "" , - value ot piiDlie Duiuungs, an.l other sta- " agreeu 10 tana over " nm u uu 1 nj iiiu.twj . ..: i,i n,.i ... .1. 14 ... . . i . ..4-: u . . .. .. mi.. 1 .29 nicusive. IMans and rirennrntiona 4:...:..- xi. e... Gorman pnilinuoioo in 4 ha ,..: r- ailtl opOKIllie lor Ulsiriuunoil. ll.uiurai, umub .c tuiici ir.. iur 1-.L1C3, tuuiiiira . ... ... namu 4uru- iron works is preparing to take up the ' 8re now under way for a preliminary t ami 8tates and when the reports are in I'B countries, with the understanding nianiifactiire of the Shaud centrifugal 'o"i8",'it to tieterminc who of the Sa-1 the total wealth of tho nation will be ,"at ' w' "ot prevent similar service m. 1 letll TinmilA Will Vm.l-Aui.n4 41.A Conilnl tn flltia. nn,in..n . . .1 pump 011 a large scale, .ino pumps i --i- .vr.o . uase.i upon inese reports. u,,Ui,s wuerever asseu. 1 r I numn. v: Ita tn Tnia nirv tn, v nuin . huh ml roll .nil tvhotio. wns lots of noise, but that was all. It :o,i Spokane : - . ... , .u.. 1 was verv union line 1110 v.regon 00111. 111. . , 7 . 8U"" ,:u " campaign with the prohibition question I a I; 8.1 Vhenowh and w, 0, also of ' ' ise . , lakland, (ah; K. J. Mills, of Rowe.is- d , f B ( On I' getie dodging of anv ap- penranoe of anything "wot." 0. F. Cnrleton, assistant state super-1 intondei.t of public instruction, loft i this morning for Newport with his fam ily for a 'two weeks' vacation. Super intendent Churchill returned Saturday from Eugene, whore ho has been deliv ering n series of lectures bot'ore tho diversity of Oregon summer school session. An application for a grade crossing the tracks of the Southern rn Railwav company nt Knst Mil- wnukie wns received by the railroad commission todnv from the Portland Thoroughbred groceries the kind 'd Oregon City Railway company, worth all you pay for them and a little The application is backed by a petition more is the kind vou get from L. M. from the Milwaukie Commercial club. Hoggs & Co. ' The Portland and Oregon City Knilway o , company 's road is n proposed road from Fire Saturday afternoon for a time 'Portland up the CWeknmns river. Kn r..li.vi.,l Iw weariiiu threatened the big steel oruige over tne o- . ' . - " nt:ii a ..:........ 1...44 l.n.l borough, Ore., and Mrs. 11. O. Hansen, ot Jiowl.org, were nt the Salem llote' over Sunday. Moo.o, Attention! Tuesday evening, August I, there will bo a big iuitiution mid banquet. All members and visiting brothers are cordially requested to be present. Sam Hurshey, an old soldier, who was found by Officer Woolory Saturday night near tho gas plant, was given lodging at the city .iil. Ho said he Hut. oM'itnx your eves and a weakness was u years oni. wns an luninie 01 tuo - -11 ....i. ... 1. 1 .. 1. 1... ...... ....1.. anl.liet-u' limiin nt l?nu,hni-ir nn,l vn re- inn- will ll'UH tnu.r.1 run m' i i-uii-i. it-i uiui - -----r, - - bv "lasses properly fitted. During turning from a visit to Portland. more than 31 years 1 have specialized In fitting glasses correctly. Weak eyes, poor sight, painful or inflamed eyes, cloudiness of vision, croc eyes, floating spots, feeling like sun, I in the eyes, burning, smarting or Itchiiiu eves, nud manv other eve troubles can Care of Your Eyes No part of the entire human nnnto my is more deli.ute or easily disord ered than the eves. Vou may burden your muscular structure, an I it will respond with nil increased growth TODAY "THE PRICE OF SACRILEGE" A drama of intense realism in three reels. "OUR MUTUAL GIRL" hvin Cobb, the distinguished humorist meets her. "A fatalTLTrtation" Kevstone Comedy. "Germany about two .lavs longer and then will go ,n,s would be satisfactory." belongings to Linn county. He has been in tne TO AID GLOBE TROTTERS. glasses correctly fitted. Let met give vou the value of my 31 years' eorience in fitting glasses for oU'sti:iin in all its forms. Vou are invited to come where ab solute accuracy in correcting eye de-fe-ts is placed above every other con sidcrniiou. No extra charges for ex amination. My prices aro lower than elsewhere for the n'-rviee and material you cot of me. nud I can refer vou to over 0000 prominent citiens of Marion an I Polk counties that have fitted since com ing; here. The entire problem lies In words BlffhUy rtttod by the Right Man. All broken lenses replacod while you wait. Office hours, 8:30 a. 111. to 12 m 1 to .1 p. Ill Willamette river. A cigarette butt had been carelessly thrown on the plunking and started a bla.e. The department responded to a call and extinguished the blare with a chemical douche. 0 i Stop the war I Do not allow your horses and cows to suffer tho attacks of bloodthirsty flies. I'se Shafer's fly kuocker and bring nbout universal peace. The harness and saddle sfore, is South Commercial. W. P. Jenk of the Gile company of this city, and wife, are reported by Sa lem friends to be traveling in Kurope these aud are among the Kuroponu tourists Lenses, Fitted now wnr bound iu Germany. While adjusting the timing device on a big car Saturday, Geo. M. Reeves was injured nt the garage on Capital aud 1'iiion streets by a "back kick" of tho powerful engine, and will be laid up nt home for several days under the doctor's care. o COMING j Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Second Episode of The Million Dollar Mystery With all their earthly done up in a bundle six Austrians left west for about tour months on this as Salem Saturdioy for Portland, whore siirnment. He savs that the books of they expect to train for the Atlantic County Clerk Gehlhnr are in good shape Washington, Aug, 3. Tn a special const iu order to get back to fight for and that the records are easily accessi- message to congress today President their home country. They were silent ble. From tho records he says that it Wilson asked for $2"0,000 to aid Amcr- visnged fellows who felt the call of the appears that the country is in a pros- iians stranded in Kurope on account of parent country and the cnll to the colors perotis condition regardless of hard luck the war situation, that their government has made. There stories and war talk. are hundreds of Austrians in the vicin- ity of Mt. Angel but few of them will s'o buck to engage- in the great war of the world nations in their contest for I race supremacy. Practically all of them : have taken out naturalization papers I or have made, their first declaration of citizenship. HER HOUSE BURNED. The house occupied by Mrs. J. X. Jones ami Forest West and wife near Sanderson bridge was totally destroyed by fire early last Monday morning, to gether with most of the contents. There 0 1 was a small amount of insurance on the. Captain Lorenzen, of tne Salvation building. Mr. West built a fire in the Army received a telegram last night ; cookstove before going to the barn and from Lieutenant Colonel T. W. Scott, of the building was soon discoveied to be: Seattle, cancelling the farewell orders in flumes, and the women, who had not under which he has been held during arisen, escaped from the house in their the past month and extending his stay , night clothes. The loss falls very here for another year. Tile captain ' heavy on both families. Santiam Xews. will ,ioin his wife tomorrow at Long Beach, at the Salvation Army camp afternoon. They got as far as Eola, mooting being held there, for a shon ; where thev vacation. He also says that the large: flag of the army corps which was miss- Clifford Headrick, 6f the rrocery clerk force, has returned from his three weeks vacation period. He spent to weeks in the Alsea ntoun tains nnd one week here in the city. He ays that while in toe Alsea country he had a tirst class time. I nunc iiir niw'rii iu resi. 1 ney rete.l until late ami then were sud denly startled -y an animal crashing through the brush near them. They took to the road and found out. Inter Mcir rwo r,,'ls of th w011'1'9 Kr,,tost m- yesterday that someone had stuck it in, that the animal that had sent fno.n tion picture series. Solve the mystery ins lawn, whereupon it was promptlr cnasing was only a calf. Thev ret i'ne.1 ami win liinoi i turned over to the Salvation Army poo- , to the department about mi luiuht, but ing Friday has been found. R. J. Hen dricks telephoned in to local quarters 'THE ANGEL OF THE GULCH" I A one reel westerner. his lawn, whereupon it was promptlr turned over to the Salvation Army poo-, pie. The captain thiuks that the "theft" was the game of a jokesmith. -o- Mrs. Catherine Mueller of this city left Saturday for Germany. She wns o i scheduled to sail across the Atlantic The best of flour, the best of bakeries ' on thn George Washington but as that managed by the best of bakers make hiu is held un in New Vnr along with Kvenings by appointment, i ip-iop ureau tne Dest tnai you can other passenger steamers plying be- tween the rimed States an.l huropean: ports it is probcble that she will not; ail on August 7 as she first planned, o "THE ALARM" Two part Keystone Comedy boy. A loaf will prove it. Sperling, the grocer, 311 North Commercial. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN, It U not necessarV to refer to sec ! tion of the school law in calling a DOCTOR Or OPTICS, 'school election, according to an opinion Boom 210-211, U. 8. Natl Bk. BUlgJ given out Saturday by Attorney Gen- GLIGH THEA T Th Southern pacific railroad will bo obliged to comply with the law passed I by the last sessioa of th legislature j S Cents Quality Quantity. 10 Cents dertook to walk to Pallas Saturday party returned in the afternoon. RE not from Hallas. One hundred and twenty-eieht Salem people with delegates for surrounding EYESTRAIN it is expected mat wnen council con-' towns went to Miverton yesterday to vones this evening a communication ' attend the dedication of the Silverton from the citizens regan..ng the police! Catholic church. They left iu a special 'situation will be read. It is reported ' ooach early in the morning. At 10:3Q ; that the business men who have prop-' a- m- 'he dedication was solemnized bv ; erty at stake are determined to have 1 Reverend Father Cronin. assisted bv i better police protection. With tnel f ather William Kane of St. Anthonv's: , 'vehicle ordinance and the police ques-' chape-l car. The Loesch mass was' ! tion coming up at the session tonight j nng in "F'' and Archbishop Christie m B m it is expected that an interesting and: preaene.l the sermon. Later the la lies' WfCC Jl fvlf! Illlnnh of tne Silverton parish assisted by the; " "hhvwi a( tsaiem court, laughters of Isabella.! Fishing may give you rest but no amount ot recreation will cure nervous disorders that can be traced to EYESTRAIN. Correctly fitted glasses will PERMANENTLY RELIEVE if pronerlv mounted. Shur-On mountings insure optical efficiency. Investigate. lively meeting will be held. Optometrist. Max Churchill and Frank Fribbert. served lunch to about 300 members of 1 both of the Salem fire department, na- the party in the Woodman hall. The! 231 N. Com'l St . Ground Floor Hours 9 to 5. Phono 925