THE DAILY CAPITAL 30XTBXAL, 8AIEM, OREGON, SATTJRDAT, ATXOXT1T i, ML WAR MAP OF EUROPE, SHOWING STRENGTH OF ARMIES 711 N TWO rwr?Kt NORTH JttffiLi mjkiirfu fin ipif!l i mmsmmmSmimmmm The fighting strength of the prluclpal European nation In time of wur touts nearly 20,00O,miii. uu one side, fitvorlnjt 8erviit. is the triple euteute, con sisting of England, Russia and Franc, and on the other aide, aupporting Austria, la the triple alliance namely, Germany, Italy and Austria itself. Reformed. Corner Capitol and Marion streets, II. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning worship in (iernian at 11 a. ni., subject, "The Destruction of Sodom." Meeting of' the HcMclberg Guild at 7 p. m., no evening service. Lutheran Church. East State and Eighteenth streets, George Koehler, pastor. Sunday school at 0:30, divine service at 10:30, Luther .League at 7 p. m., and evening service in English at eight o'clock. Woman's Health nd spirits depend upon her digestion and circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression dis-j appear after the system has been cleansed and the blood purified by BECIIALT8 PILLS Dinctim f SfUI Vila fu wilt Inry In. SU iTifrwUft. la kaiM, Mc 25c. CARROLL DECLARED GUILTY OF MURDER Jury Classes It As murder in Second Degree Tried the Third Time for the Killing of Grvala City Marshal. THE ROUND-UP Knowles was heard from again Thurs day. The loarned professor from Ber keley who is herding him says he re ports having sore feet. This is indeed startling. The jury in the Carroll case returned ! A hundred mon went out from Hood a verdict of guilty of murder in the j River Wodnesday to fight forest fire second degree at a little toef ore 6 j in Noal creek canyon that was threat- o'clock last night after deliberating emn8 ttl8 Hicks sawmill about 5 hours. BUG EXTERMINATOR DRAWS BIG CUSTOM Schappert's Dope Proves to' Hare the Drawing Powers of a Cocktail The Bugs All Get to It. Highland Friends Church. Corner of Highland and Elm streets, Josephine Hockett, pastor; residence 2235 N. Elm, phone 1455. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Evangelistic services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. Kev. L. A. Wells, evangelist at 3 p. m. Rev. Wells will speak to men only All men and boys over 15 invitod Christian En-i deavor at 6:43 p. m. These services will continue afternoon and evening la the tent till further notice. Everybody welcome; good Beats, good light, good singing. l First Christian Church. : Corner High and Center, F. T. Porter, I minister. 9:45 a. m. Bible School, Dr. II. C. Epley, director. 11 a. ni. worship j and sermon by former pastor Davis Errett. 7 p. m. C. E. 8 p. m. sermon' by pastor, subject, "Philosophy 'of j Prayer." W. L. Mellinger returned missionary from Mexico will lecture Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p. j m. on Mexico; also using stereopticon. Admission free. I Unitarian Church. I Cbirch services will be suspended during month of August, beginning' again with the first Sunday in Septein-i bor. SHIPS ORDERED TO RETURN TO PORTS I Hnrrnll woo ,..,.,., .1 i .1 O John Zollnr, city marshal of Gervais on Decembor 4 of last year. Tho verdict enmo as a surnriso to mnnv of th Now York, Aug. 1. Four North German liners which had sailed from Initod States and Canadian ports for Europo were overhauled by wiroloss to day and ordered to return to awuit in structions from the German govorn moiit, which wws expected to impress thorn for naval use. Of tho four ships, tho Willead, which satlod from Montreal, was ordered into Boston harbor; tho Friedorlsch Bor G rosso which sailed from Baltimore Wcdnosduy, back to tho sanio port; tho .Nockar, which sailed nlso on Wednes day, from Galveston into Bultinioro harbor, and tho Grosser Kurfucrost, which sailed from New l'ork Thursday, back to Now York. While their home was burning like A reward of the best cigar in the shop will be given by H. C. Schappert to anyone furnishing definite informa tion that will lead to the capture or ex termination of sundry flying bugs that infest the Patorson cigar store, being tinder and the room was envolopod in h ,h h;M i.,rt t flames, Miss Lucille Donny, 20 with tram,e S,happert bas been making hor mother, dashed into the building .,;, ;.,r,,,;riu .. ,i. ,, spectators of the court room who haveana ro,sc"eu f0 lotior, j. w. uonny, ail(1 ha9 beon auvieu- to use everything Ho caHo from the first trial " " """'6. from Bordeaux mixture to TWO ARE DEAD FROM PTOMAINE POISONING Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 1. Mrs. Em ma Do Ford of San Dingo and Eugene J. Lattig of I os Angeles aro dead to day as tho result of ptomaine poisoning following a dinner at tho homo of Mrs. J. 0. Cunningham of Venice. There wore several other guests at tho din ner, but none of them was made ill. Physicians believe tho poison was com municated by Noufchtttel cheese. There is lots of false economy in this world. A woman will wnsto live dol lars worth of time saving ten cents worth of string. watched th during the April term of court. Most of thoso familiar with the case expected Carroll to be acquitted or given at most a verdict of manslaughter. Carroll kept up a bold front during the deliberations of the jury but whon tho jury came in appeared to bo de cidedly nervous. When the verdict was read ho turned pnlo and relaxed in his chair but gave no othor signs of emotion. In Jail Since December. Carroll has boon in tho county jail Binco Docembor 5 tho day after tho shooting whon ho wandered into tho police station in this city seeking medi cal aid for a bullet wound in his shoulder, ire was drossed as a hobo but nppoared to be a working man. He is 22 years of age nnd during his con finement in the county jail hns lost his coat of tun acquired in working out in the open. Ho has been reticent con cerning his family throughout the trial, other than stating that ho was born at Utwrenichurg, Missouri, where his father still lives. He has steadfastly refused to discuss the matter furthor and his attitude credence to the belief that ho comes from n good fnm- il.v and has but recently adopted the ; ways of a wanderer. Witnesses stilted that two men were i seen running from the scene, nfter the shooting, nud Carroll claims that his : companion did the shooting which re sulted in tho marshal's denth. i WHAT TO READ TO CHILDREN. Tho Hornjd avers that with Buker factorios working overtime there isn't much sign of hard times thereabout Thoro aro in Lane county more than 150 applications tot jiositions in tho schools in excess of the number of places to be filled. Greshnm Outlook: "Come sebeu, come elobon," was tho slogan last Sun day. The colored Giant pitcher wore a figuro "7" on his back; the ditto catcher wore "11." But they didn't win. I When in 8ALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem. Free r-.d Trivate B,ths. RATES 7!5c, $1.1"), $l.r0 PR DAK The only hotel in tho business dlstrut. It is in appreciation of tho problem j of the imronlx nud friends of thoso ! ! children who enjoy having stories rend j to them that this suggestive list is ; 1.. in ..I .1 t , ' mum', i iii-y iii w cmiweii i rem ine oooks nitro-glycer I ine. One man told him to get an atom Bocauso he attempted to " take" the j izer and Bpray the bugs with equal town while armed with a gallon of parts of oil of sassafras and cliloro-"mail-ordor" boozo, Jnck Mattoon, of j form. Drain, was takon to Roseburg to serve Schappert went to tho drug store and a term of 30 days in jail. Mattoon j told tho clerk what drugs ho wanted, was ovorpowcred after a struggle, but land added the remark: "I'll bet a it was necessary to send to Koseburg j cookie I won't be disturbed tonight." for handcuffs boforo he could be tn- i Tho drug clork is a family man ana kon thoro for safe keeping. i knows tho nature of tne usual night d'ov i turber, and boing well aware that the mixture called i'ur would produce a per manent sleep for the child, sought to dilute the dose, and soaking the label from a bottle of standard soothing syrup wrapped it up and gave it to : Schappert. i The intrepid cigar clerk tried the j mixture, and though the big ones flew I away the small ones remained behind. Determined to be rid of all of them he i wns advised to try citronella, or oil of I I....... ...! nnknl with o .l-oltn. nt it-iiiuii, auu diluuui, vvifcii n uiauiu v Vermuth and dash of wintergreen. it proved to be a popular cocktail. After tho odor of the first spray floated out upon tho "dry" night air the bugs came iu herds and droves. They were . ci..: n . .1 . u :n 1.1.1 There is to bo erec ed at Wondling , , , ' fa ; on spp,, u new one-room schoolhouse, 28 by 44 I k Thoy even reused to observe fne feet, which will have a wide porch on c)osi ftnd wheu Pattergon came three sides, for the primary children. (lown'j0 opcn up thig lnorning he found 4...o wiiiiK w nam, oiiuiiuiu .R mlniu.r 0f them sleeping on tho bhow It is predicted that 50 per cent of the inhabitants of Hammond will en- ! roll on the chnrter list of the proposed j commercial club, when a big booster j meeting will bo held to start the cam- ! pnign for new industries nnd a general ! plan of town improvement. I. B. S. A. The International Bible Students at 4:35 Court street, upstairs, Sunday will hold their regular weekly study at 10 a. m. Undenominational. All Bible students welcome. No collection. First Congregational Comer of Liberty and Center, Perry Frederick Schrock, minister. Bible school at 10 a. in. Morning worship at 11 a. in., the minister will speak, sub ject of sermon, "The Mountain and God." The sermon is suggested by a visit to the Ranier National Park which Mr. Schrock made this past week. No evening service. First Presbyterian. The Rev. Henry T. Babcock, for 'eight years pastor of the church, will preach both morning and evening. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 440 Cheinoketa streot. Services Sun day at 11 a. m., subject of Bible les son, "Love." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room in church open from 2 until 5 o'clock every afternoon except Sunday and holidays. All are welcome to our s rvices. AT MIGHT When you're stretched around the campfire at the beach or in the mountains on your vacation, the greatest source of entertainment you can have is one of our - Talking Machines Do not leave town without one. They are the most popular feature of the entire vacation trip. No mat ter where you go you will enjoy it. Take along your favorite melodies and some of the newer ones, and you must not forget a supply of the latest dance measures. Victrolas, Graf onolas and Edison Disc Phonographs. Visit our exhibition parlors and we will take plea sure in demonstrating any of these machines. We have them at all prices. GEO. C. WILL Oregon's Oldest Music Dealer. 432 STATE STREET. 11 o'clock a. ni. sermon, "True Prophets of God." 7 p. m. Epworth League, topie, "A Song of Penitence and Triumph"; leader, Miss Bertha Houmard. 8 o'clock sermon by Rev. R. N. Avison, D. D. AUTO ORDINANCE CORRALS THREE MORE c. s. It. W. Hamilton, B. Morse C. C. Forman wcro r.rreefed and. !nst Central Congregational Corner of Forry and S. 19th streets. All services resumed as usual. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Evening service will be preceded by a song Bervice be ginning at 7:45. The morning sermon; 8eize will be preached by Dr. Geo. JS. Pad dac k of Portland and the evening mes sage will be given by Perry Frederick Schrock. Christian Endeavor devotional meeting at 7 p; m. Baptist Church. Pastorf H. E. Marshall preaches both evening for violation of the motor vehi cle law. Mr. Hamilton was takea np fit turning from Court street acroea the center of the street into an JiUey, Mr ;nnan for allowing his iraehine to st muling on the street without parkpg. it at an anglo of 30 degrees, while Dr. Morse was caught turning in the center of tho block. The two first named ap peared this morning at 8 o'clock before the police judge and took 24 hours in. which to plead. They will appear at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning to plead- mere are a number of puzzling ques- services; morning sermon, "The Com mg Christ"; evening subject, "Now. IRELAND'S DISPUTE DROPPED FOR A TIME Dublin, Aug. 1. Following Friday's clash at Kilnee! uetween home rule and anti-home rule volunteers, leaders of both factions were using their au thority today to keep order. They 1 Thiif fi.t nil fi. Hiri.i.111 'a n. .1 ... .... ;u 1 no iiuiiiio iinriiry niinproci to t ie1...., .i, .1..,. . liiioi'o.sis or cm m ron under Hi years. They nro either short stories or books Nearest to all Depots. Thoatres and 1 t,mt l'"nd themselves readily to inter- Capitol Buildings. A Home Away from Home. T. O. BI1UH, Prop, r.otli Phones. Free Auto Bus. THE LIFE CAREER "Schooling In ronth ihouM tnvnrlnhly bt d!rrelf(t to picpure n ierrm tn the taint wnv fir the Ivr-i nei "fl'-tM.t c;i.itlon for whltti he ii cm ili'i. '-. ictiiietitt.'. XV. Miot. true, is the theory of the Koseburg ; News, which says: "Were the News to mention the names of till those Kose- ' burg people who spent Sunday fishing i nt Kock creek nnd Money creek, the j article would be a column long. And ) were it to tell the stories that each one j hits told, a paper twice the size of the 1 V...t -a writ. 1.1 Ki .I....! A...1 tk.... n 1 Hu.gcss-Mother West Wind's Neigh- I flul,,ht thtv 8H'id th" . cnllt J, I I The Capital Journal will keep you posted of Home affairs while you are enjoying your vaca W. C. T. V. A. J. Lucas superintendent. Com mons Mission will speak at the Ramp iucmorial hall Sunday at 4:30. You are invited. Jason Lee Memorial .North Winter and Jefferson streets, J. H. Irvine, postor. 10 a. m. Sunday school, C. M. Roberts, superintendent agreed tnat civil stare snouia De us- .;,, hrnui-ht lln hv th mntnr vphipl. couraged at a time when the country t ordinance that will be threshed out in was threatened by a foreign war. j the courtg- c s Hamilton avers that The home rulers were accused of raid-Uho nffino i,n vtw. a party of orangemen in an effort to!for crossing into an alley from the- se.ze me lasers riues .uany snois , gtreet ag th juncture oi an alley ana were exchanged but nobody was hurt. jB 8trcet was ag much an int'er8ee. I tion as the juncture of two main streets. EXPLOSIONS OF SMUT !h8 pointed out that it would be tie DESTROY 28 MACHINES height of foolishness to be required to ! go to the intersection, turn, and comer back on the other side of the street in Colfax. Wash.. Autr. 1. With onlv ten per cent of the wheat crop threshed, ! T(in' to enter an alley. farmers were greatly alarmed today as the result of fires catisedby explosions of smut destroying threshing machines. Six were destroyed in Whitman county Friday, bringing the total for the sea son up to 28. It is feared that there will not be enough machines to thresh the crop. In regard to this Chief of PoliCe- Shedeck said this morning that he haor asked the opinion of the city attorney who had told him that entering an al ley by crossing the center of the street was a violation of the ordinance. Be therefore instructed his men to make arrests accordingly. : ruptett rending, j Arabian Nights. Hnrrie Peter Pun. hingess Mother West Wind's Ani mill Friends. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thi: Is llie Mission of the Porly-suih School Year Opens 1 Sf-PTEHBIiR 18th, 19:4; Write for Illustrated ioo-p;ige Book- ! let, "THE LIFE CAREKR." and for Cat.v : log containing full information. Degree Courses AGRICULTURE : Autonomy. Animal Husbandry. DairvHus- bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. 1 Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, Logging Hngini -i king, home Eco- I NOAUCS: DnmtkSiieiKf, Domestic Art. j ENGINhU'iN'i: H-ctr-fi'. Irrigation, Highway, .'dthai-i.;il, Chcmvji. Yiining. j Ceramics. Com ni h'GE. Pharmacy, i INDIISVKI l iV.'IS I (Wt;'ii;Mfor.'ic';-Agrlculttire, Dairy- ' Ins, Home M-iUers' Course, Industrial Arts, Forestry. Business Short Course ."'( h(Ki! of Music Piano, String. r.t. J. I Voice Ciillure. j Tumett Binincti C-iric ly Mt.l Fre. .istj. I ..; Ki-.i.I.-:'k.,, ! ft'T-IAIot-"l C.irvnl:i. rri bors. C aik Little Lame Trinee. Ciuik So-fat and Mew-mew. !:irton Wonderland of Bensts. ninmmond Monkey thnt Would Xot Ciil. K i ng Jacks napes. Field l.ullttliy; Songs of Childhood. Goldsmith Goody Two-shoes. Hunt 1 -Tilde Iiemtis. Hodg, itWhen the King Came; Sto ries from th New Testament. Hopkins The Sandman. Jmlil Wigwam Stories. Kipling-.lust-so Stories. i l.ngerltif-Wonderful Adventures of ' Nils. I.eamy Golden Spenrs. I Mo Marry -Songs of the Tree-top nnd ! Meadow. Mnete iinek Children's Pduebird. Pea iv Snow Hithv. Perki" Irish Twins. Pyle -Counterpane Fairy. See ' ior Children 's Rook. S 't ;n l.obo, Kng nnd Vixen. ,'vcnson Child ' Garden of Verses. Thorne Thomson Fust o' the Sun id West o' the Moon. Warranty Deeds. U M Fnrgo et nl to T I) Wallace et tix, Ii half of lot 17 Capitol Home add S50. i A C I.eisv et ux to II K Pemborton, 1 PiUn A in Presley 1) L C T 7 S R 3 W. $10.00. ' ! I. C Ring et ux to G C Swnbb, lots' 1.1 and U B 10 Amended Brooklin .!,;.;.- 1 Thousands are spending fortunes in . I I. Cnrtiss et ux to J 11 Young, i frantic efforts to remove the signs of 4tixl00 feet on 2th St. 10. j II loung lO X Jrin-J ri ua, i lots 10. 11, 12, 13 Runnyside Fruit! SIMPLE HOME REMEDY FOR WRINirjOUJ FACES premature age from their faces. Such women willingly pay almost any nmuunt of money for worthless wrinkle removers, of which there are ninny. If they only knew it, the most ef fective remedy imaginable is a simple, harmless face wash which can be made up nt home in less than a minute. Farms No. 14. 2200. V L Hammond et al to R E Klein sorgo, lot (J North Silverton. 500. j J W Irvine et ux to Wadhnms & Co, j block 1 Mehnma. 1446. J B Hammond by guardian to R K j Thev have onlv to get an ounce of i Memsorge, 1-3 interest in lot 6 North I 'powdered scxolite and half n pint of j Silverton. 230. j witch luuol nt the drug store and mix, Henry Seehngel et nl by referee to the two. Apply this daily its a refresh- E J Alexander, lots 5 and 0 B 2 Win- j ing lotion. The effect is almost magi-, ters add to Jefferson. 100. " i ciil. Kven after the first treatment nj Ed Hartley et al to T W Thinner j marked improvement is noticed and the Pt x lnt ,;! Hollywood. 10. i face hits a smug, firm feeling that is, lf fi,lith to W II Ferris, lot 1 & most pleasing. - Parvin Acre Tracts. $4,000. PRESIDENT WILSON TO If you are looking for paying1 MEET WESTERN TRAINMEN patrons of the better kind, or Washington. Aug. l.-President Wib'or hou where your room, son was scheduled to meet with reprt-; nieo and treatment wtll give sentatives of western railroads and ! you comfort, no matter which, trainmen here at S o'clock this after-'..'J . t iL. .ondon, July 31. Suffragette head- noon in an effort to avert the threaten-! ,,,,j -fc,;- ,.,: L- quarters issued nn order today for a ed strike of enginemen and firemen. He) n Wiaest cnoiceuiu oe suspension of militsncv while Enclnnd : was exoected to uroa both sides to make found in the Journal Want Aa , SUFFRAGETTES QUIT. I pi jKi I f.. ! A COOL KITCHEN is coming to be a NECESSITY instead of a luxury. Ask to see our Electric Ranges that economize your time and money "If It's Electric Come to Us" Salem Electric Co. MASONIC TEMPLE PHONE 1200 , is threatened by a foreign war. I- 11. & 1 V M i concessions. ' Column$.