Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 01, 1914, Image 1

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    ( ' y.
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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
'.-T "I
PRICE TWO CENTS stand i, five cents
-5r& ' -vSRi"-"- tf" " ''""'"""""Hnt"" " ;TjfC':7" n"Tff
History's greatest war seemed all but inevitable in
Europe today.
Germany had served ultimatums on Russia and France.
The former demanded a cessation of Russia's mobiliza
tion. The latter asked France what its atitude would be if
Germany and Russia went to war.
Russia's mobilization was only hastened; Russo-Ger-man
diplomatic relations were broken, and Germany's
ambassador to Russia was reported returning home.
France answered that it "must consult its own inter
ests at this time," and then ordered its army and navy
It was expected the German ambassador in Paris would
demand his passports tonight.
England notified France that it would co-operate with
the latter.
Puris, Aug. 1. Premier Vlvianl and
the German ambassador here held two
conferences here today relative to
France's intentions in the event of wai
between Germany and Kussia.
The ambassador presented his orig
inal request for information Friday
night, saying he would call for an an
swer at noon today. He kept the ap
pointment punctually. The only reply
lie received, however, was a declaration
that "Prance must consult its own in
terests at this time."
After communicating with Berlin he
notified the premior that Germany
ould not accept this statement as final,
Ho insisted on another audience. This
was granted to him but its outcome was
not known. I
There was the most intense excite-1
meiit in. the city, and from messages i
received from other important points
throughout France, the capital's streets
were packed. The arsenals were jam
med with troops. The utmost military
activity prevailed. The army was en
thusiastically cheered.
Most of the motor buses had been
withdrawn for army use and urban
transportation was consequently much
This afternoon a military dirigible,
with a full crew, flew over Paris. Its
appearance was greeted with frenzied
The American embassy was packed
with anxious tourists.
German Shipload of Coin.
New York, Aug. 1. The North Ger
man Lloyd steamship Kronprinzessin
Cecilie is duo at Plymouth, . England,
Officials of the line here expressed
anxiety today concerning the reception
it is likely to get if, in the meantime,
war has been declared between Ger
many and England. The present crisis
did not reach its presont acute 'stage
until it was too late to recall the liner
by wireless.
The Kronprinzessin Cecilie has on
board $10,000,000 in gold and $3,300,000
in silver.
The following powers were more or
less involved or afraid they were about
to be involved in the threatened Euro
Dean conflict:
England, Germany, France, Austria
Hungary, Kussia, Italy, Spain, Portu
gal, Servia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Ru
mania, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, Hol
land, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden,
Norway and Japan.
The trouble also concerned various
colonies and dependencies throughout
the world, including Canada, South Af
rica, Australia, New Zealand, the China'
coast, India and many insular posses
sions of the various interested powers.
The Servians were retreating before
the Austrians at Semendria.
There was much friction between pa
trols on the Franeo-Gennan frontier,
the French charging the Germans with
trying to provoke a fight.
Italy seemed to remain neutral.
Germany warned all its merchant
shipping into neutral ports.
The czar received a last appeal from
the king of England to keep peace.
World financiers in London were al-
SO making a final frantic attempt to
prevent war, declaring it would be ru
inous. European food prices had soared to
a point where the people faced famine.
The United States was asKea to act
diplomatically for Germany at St. Pe-,
tersburg and Paris and lor itussia ana
France at Berlin.
Thousands of American tourists, their
letters of credit temporarily worthless,
were in a desperate plight in European
The Bank of England discount rate
rose to 10 per cent, the highest in 48
a English statesman predicted that
if war came, it would end in revolution
in every country involved, terminating
monarchism in Europe.
The world's exchanges were still bus-
Secretary of the Treasury MrAdoo
'called a bankers' conference in Wash
ington to consider steps for protecting
American financial interests if a gen
eral war broke out.
Brussels, Aug. 1. Belgians like the
people of the rest of Europe's lesser
countries, were looking forward today
with the keenest apprehension to
developments in the war situation.
The threatened struggle seemed like
ly, it was agreed to be even wider in its
scope than the most pessimistic had
Looking over the general field, mili
tary men summed matters up as follows:
AuBtria, Servia and Montenegro
were already mobilized and at war.
Kussia was rapidly completing its
moDinzation, presumably lor a conflict
witn Austria.
Germany was under martial law and
wa" believed to be mobilizing though
the censorship prevented announce-
ment. of " t0 aid Austria against
. . : .
mobilization was in progress to attack
Germany, it was assumed.
The British army and navy were pre
pared to go to the assistance of France
and Russia.
Italy was massing troops on the
French frontier but, though allied with !
Germany and Austria, it was believed !
it favored neutrality if it proved po.s-1
sible to remain neutral, concerning'
which there were many doubts. -j
Spain had concontrated . its fleet to
help England, France and Russia.
Bulgaria was believed to be prepar-
ing to help Germany and Austria.
Koumania was taking preliminary
steps for a mobilization against Bui
Greece had announced its readiness
to help Servia,
Japan declared itself ready to aid
Turkey was expected to make an at
tempt to regain the territory it lost in
its war with the Balkan allies.
Belgium, Holland and Switzerland
naa moonizea to ueiena tneir neutral
ity. Denmark was expected to mobilize
for a similar purpose.
Sweden, Norway and Portugal had
taken no definite steps but at Stock
holm, Christiania and Lisbon it was
conflict would stop, so all three govern
ments were prepared to act on short
admitted none could tell where such a
(By Karl H. Von Wlegand.)
Berlin, Aug. 1. The United States
embassy was filled with American tour
ists today. Many of them were wo
men. Travel checks were being dishonored
and most of the refugees were penni
less. All who were able were advised
to go to Belgium or Holland. Several
left for one or the other of these coun
tries by automobile.
The embassy, it was stated, would
eare for those who had not the means
to leave.
The embassy staff was at the point
of prostration from exhaustion. Am
bassador Gerard's wife was assisting
in caring for her countrymen and
T .
! Je Ko8e. wh a" arr" ' A- j
me few days ago by Constable j
j Cooper and brought to this city on the :
, cWe of having embezzled 13.4i5 from j
i the local tailors' union, wns released!
! fm further liability yesterday. I
' "It wns learned through Melnturff A ;
j Melnturff, attorneys for Mr. Rose.
'that the matter was the outgrowth of
: a misunderstanding on the part of
' Bos, in the fact that he had worked
"-"etary of the local here for seven
! monius ana imu r.-ciru i, -..y u, ,
the union for his services. Technically
he was entitled to the amount, but had
no authority from the local to receive
the funds. He, however, returned the
nraount to the union and the matter wns as a "good fellow" by all his scqnain
dropped; Itanees except hiswife.
Berlin, Aug. 1. Germany de-
clared war today against Bus-
sia. Mobilization of her forces
is said to be complete. It
was reported, but not official-
ly, that the German fleet has
been ordered to attack the Bus-
sian fleet. - Declarations of
war by France and Great Brit- '
ain are expected hourly.
France is aflame with war en-
thusiasm, and the mobilization
of her armies along the German
frontier is practically complete.
German diplomats in Russia
and France will be recalled im-
mediately, it was announced.
In all diplomatic quarters it
is conceded that all hope of
averting a general European
war is past.
Fleet Ordered to Attack.
Paris, Aug. 1. That the German fleet
had been ordered to attack Russia's
figghting vessels immediately was re
ported here this afternoon. The story
was generally credited in official cir
cles. Russia It Notified.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1. Formal dec
laration of war from Germany was con
veyed to foreign ofiice by German am
bassador tonight.
In Many Cases Bates From San Fran
cisco to New York Will Be Less Than
From Chicago to That Point.
San Francisco. Aug. 1. Announce
ment of wholesale reductions in freight
rates between San Francisco and the
east, effective immediately after the
opening of the Panama canal, was made
here today by officials of Grace & Co.,
the American-Hawaiian and Lucken-
bck steamship lines. A revolution in
trade conditions between the Pacific
and Atlantic seaboards is expected to
follow the reductions. In a number of
cases the new rates will be lower than
the rates from New York to Chicago, a
distance of 900 miles.
The following figures will give an
idea of the extent of the reductions,
which apply to all commodities:
Old New
Water Water
Rates. Bates.
Canned fruits 45c 30c
Dried fruitB 50c 40o
Beans 40c 35c
Wine 50o 30c
Similar reductions, it' was announced,
will also take effect in westbound rates
between New York and this city.
King Victor Would Like to Keep Agree
ment but Fears for His Crown If He
Overrides His Subjects.
Rome. Aug. 1. Italy continued to
mass troops on the French frontier to
day. There were only the soldiers, however,
who are always kept on service on a
regular peace footing. No orders haa
been issued for mobilization of reser
vists. It was stated that the frontier move
ments was merely "precautionary."
The impression prevailed that the
German and Austrian governments were
bringing strong pressure to bear on
King Victor to join them, under the
terms of the treaty which binds them
in the "triple alliance," in the event
of a general war. -i
Popular feeling against srich a step,
however, was very intense. Even men
in hieh eovernment costs frankly ex
pressed the opinion that to I is It
wonld be risking a revolution
The Italian war fleet was 1.4
service at an hour's notice.
London, lhe French
ambasiH this afternoon
Cvfl lowing statement
iled Press:
?ry thing depends on Eng
w If she will inform Ger
many that her navy is prepared
to strike there will be no war.
Otherwise the situation is hope
less." Advices from Paris declared
the German ambassador there
wonld abandon his post tonlqht
unless the situation improved.
And many a married man is known
Armies and Navies Mobilized
and Spark Will Start
And England by Both; Ger
many Cuts Wires Across
French Border
London, Aug. 1. Intensely critical
conditions prevailed today along the
r ranco-uerinan frontier. A message
from Paris said the French believed
Germany was trying deliberately to
provoke a clash by repeated acts of
petty aggression.
A German cavalry force was reported
to have entered France and then been
quickly withdrawn. Another German
force destroyed tin railroad tracks near
Pagny-Sur-Moselle. Four French loco-
motives were seized by Germans at
Montreaux Vieuz. At Amanvillers
Germans confiscated French rolling
stock, cut the wires and forced French
railroad men to walk back across the
frontier. French automobile parties on
the German side of the frontier were
deprived of their cars and driven into
1 ranee on foot.
French and German military patrols
were within sight of one another on
either side of the frontier and relations
between them were growing momen
tarily more strained. ..
" English Fleet Mobilized. .
London, Aug. 1. The German em
bassy here today disclaimed knowledge
of a twelve hour ultimatum the kaiser
was reported to have served on Russia
and France.
The British cabinet held a two and
a half hours' session to porfect war
plans. No attempt was made to dis
guise the situation's seriousnoss.
The English war fleet was mobilized
in the North sea. A German squifdron
was off the coast of Holland. A bat
tle between them was expected as soon
as war was declared.
Relations Severed.
London, Aug. 1. It was unofficially
reported here today that diplomatic re
lations between Germany and Russia
were severed at noon.
The German ambassador at St.
Petersburg was sai l already to have
demauded his passports and started for
the frontier.
Is Pressing Italy.
London, Auk. 1. Germany was
known to be bringing strong pressure
on jiaiy tms arternoou ror a statement
of its attitude relative to the war sit
uation. It was understood the Italian
government favored neutrality.
Demands Explanation.
London, Aug. 1. That the .German
ambassador in Paris Friday night de
manded that the French foreign office
explain 1 ranee s intentions wns con
firmed-by the French embassy here to-'ity relative to the war situation,
day. I
It was added that the German said' Denmark Asks Explanation.
h. would call for his answer at noon, Copenhagen, Aug. l.-Donmark taday
The semi-official stateme.Tt was made! 'ZTl v .'T'" i"""?
that, when h . th fni" -! ?fwo I)8nlsh vessels off Langeland.
fice told him
.a tnM him Fr.nnJ :.J
own interest at this time."
ir ;..-,... ...41...
" .
Prepare to Meet Russia.
Vienna, Aug. 1. Austria today was
rushing a complete mobilization of both
its land and sea forces.
The last man available for military
or naval duty had been ordered to the
Cnlflrfl. RvAPPAII. bimmiil ttint (Ln
move was directed at Russia. To deal
with Servia it was considered so large
an army would nave beeu wholly un
necessary. Railroad service was entirely sus
pended except for military purposes.
Servian Forces Betreat.
"h, Servia, Aug. 1. Hervia's forces
etreatine todav from the south-
jflnk of the River Save before the
,-itrian a.' inee. , the czar, arrangements were made at
This muc' was admittel at the -Berlin and St. Petersburg to transfor
Jervian war jffice. ' 'diplomatic business to the represents-
I It was 'listed, however, that the1 iv of some neutral power.
Atr.t"!-...n were intentionally being it was believed the United States
The Weather
a i r tonight
S n n d a y
Washington, Aug. 1. The
interstate commerce commis
sioner today granted a partial
rate increase to the eastern
railroads which had asued per
mission to make a tive per cent
advance on their freight
The commission refused a
horizontal five per cent in
crease but did grant an increase
on many articles.
No showing had been made,
said the commission, warranting
a general increase in trunk line
rates, "rail and lake" rates or
rates on traffic between differ
ent rate territories and official
Assembles Strong Fleet at Sa:bo
Will Develop on Her and United
State to Protect Foreigners.
Nikko, Japan, Aug. 1. Minister of
Marine Yashiro came to Nikko today
to confer with the emperor concerning
me European war situation.
A strong fleet had been assembled at
Sasebo to lend aid to Japan 's ally, Eng
land, if necessary. No proclamation of
neutrality had been issued.
It was understood the emperor was
also considering steps for the protection
of foreigners in China, a duty which
will develop upon Japan and the United
States if the troops of other powers
are withdrawn for service in their var
ious home countries.
The American steamship Hauamet,
which left Germany's Chinese port of
Tsing Tciiau Friday with a cargo of
provisions for Vladivostok, was recalled
to Tsing Tchau, Germany having for
bidden shipment of food stuffs from its
Civil war veterans, and especially
members of Sedgwick Post and the
members of the W. R. C. are requested
i.to attend the funeral of Comrade J. H.
Wilson from his late residence in West
Salem, at 2 o'clock p. m., Sunday, Aug
ust 2, 1914. Interment In O. A. B.
circle, C'ityvicw cemetery. R. C. Hallcy,
comamnder, D. Webster, adjutant.
drawn into the interior for strategic
r on sous.
The Sorvinn retreat folllowed tlireo
days fighting at Somcndria, where the
Austrian forces sought to enter the
Morava river valloy. Following it, if
not ciiooKcu, tney would reacto Wish.
Ihe losses thus far, it was stated,
nave ueen very ncavy on ootn sides.
Seized the Telephones.
Paris, Aug. 1. The government to
day seized the telephones, including
the submarine line connecting France
and England. The censorship was com
Ambassador Leaves.
Aug. 1. The German ambas-
"ador at St. Petersbufg was semi-offi
ciaiiy reported nere today to have re-
ceived his passports and to be on his
way to Berlin,
Socialists Are Busy.
Rome, Aug. 1. Socialist headquar
ters announced today that a general
strike had been definitely decided on
Unless Italv maintained nt.ricf noiiti-nl.
t,ot" ve8scl9 wei-e searched. .
1 Dl- '
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1. The czar re-
i ceived a telegram from the king of
England today, which was believed to
be a final plea for peace.
Army and Navy Mobilise.
Paris, Aug. 1. An order for a gen
eral mobilization of both the French
army and navy for Sunday was issued
heI?. todar:
The mobilisation order was issued by
the foreign office.
Paris, Aug. 1. Wplomattt, relations
between Germany and KuBsia were sev
ered today.
An official news agency dispatch re
ceived from Berlin bv way of London
said that with the expiration at noon of
1 an ultimatum the kaiser bad served on
-would he asked to act in both cases.
Orders Ships to Cover,
Berlin, Aug. 1. The government to
dav ordered all German shiiipine to
seek the nearest neutral port.
It was semiofficially admitted that
tiie kaiser hud interrogated France con
cerning its intention in the event of a
war between (leriniinv and KiisHin.
1 The adiinpsion wns made that the
; i French reply wns niiHatiBfaetory but
1 the contents of the comniHiiii-ation were
- not made public.
F ranee Oscar, one of the kaiser s
son?, was married at Bellevue castle
Friday niuht to Countess Ina Von Bas
tewitz. The kaiser was present. The
marriage was set for September, but
was hastened by the threat of war.
London, Aug. 1. An eud of mon
archist in Europe, if a conflict be
tween the great powers should go the
limit, was predicted here today by one
of the most prominent of England's
statesmen, who could not, for obvious
reasons, permit the use of his name.
"This war, like most wars," he said,
"is not a war of peoples but of gov
ernments and reigning houses. The so
cialists are right in saying that the
masses have no retson for fighting one
another, that they have nothing to
gain and everything to lose; that they
are fighting in furtherance of the per
sonal ambition of the Hapsburgs, the
Hohenzollerns, the Bomaaoffs, a little
group of financiers and another little
group of purveyors of military sup
plies. "Diplomats tell us that this issue is
between the Teuton and the Slav. But
why should the Teuton and the Slav
fightt What has the Russian peasant
against the German workingmant No
thing at all. The fight is not between
the Teuton and the Slav but between
the rulers of the Teutons and the Slavs.
Sets Back the World.
"The rank and file think they want
war today. That is, they think so in
Germany and Russia and Austria and
France. We don't want it in England,
nor does Italy want it. But the Teu
ton and the Slav and the Frenchman
think today that they want to fight.
"They will not think this for long.
The world is too enlightened for it in
this age. When they see the ruin this
war will bring, if it la such a war as
it promises to be, they will realize that
their rulers led them Into it for their
rulers' own interests and against those
of the common people.
War Prices of Food W1U Prevail Here
on Account of Foreign Demand Al
ready Commences.
Washington, Aug. 1. That congress
will remain in session indefinitely in
the event of a general European con
flict was predicted on all sides here trj
day. Leaders advised President Wilsoa ,
that congroBS was ready to remain in
session as long as necessary.
The house considered the iu00,000,000 !
emergency currency bill passed by the
sonata yesterday. !
The department of agriculture pre-;
dieted today that war prices for t'oodj
will prevail in the United States in the
event of a general clash. An embargo:
on the exportation of foodstuffs was;
suggested as possible, but it was said class fresh fruits to be placed on ex
such action would be taken only as a Mbit and thereafter distributed at the
last resort. The foreign demand al
ready is causing food prices to soar.
Europe Faces Famine.
London. Aue. 1. All Euroue faced a
famine todav. The urices of foodstuffs
were Boaring. The supply in England,'
it was said, would hardly last a month,1
and prices trebled. Holland, Sweden
and Norway, unaffected by the war,
also faced food famines,
Calls Bankers Together.
Washington, Aug. 1. Secretary of
tin. 'T.naaii.ff lnAd.tA 4hia afracnnnti
called a conference of bankors of the
New York, Chicago and St. Louis clear
ing house associations here Monday to
discuss ways of protecting financial in
terests in the event of a general Eu
ropean war. Bankers in other reserve
cities will be invited later to attend a
second conference.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. L. Pet.
Portland 00 SO
Venice 6S 55
j ?" M
j srr.menlo .ZZZZ:::: 57 62
! San Francisco 65 57
Oakland 45 73 .3SI
Yesterday's Results. I first hand the condition of the crops.'
At Oakland Portland 14, Oakland 7. .Mr. White is especially interested in
At Los Angeles San Francisco H,the clover seed yield, as he has given
mx Angeles 0. much attention to that lino of funning
At Sacramento Venice 5-9, Sacra-; and is considered an authority on that
mento 4-8. j subject. Ho said this morning that of-
Northwestern League Standings. tor looking over the prospects for the
v. ij. lit.,
Vancouver tW
Seattle (!
Spokane 83
Tacoma 47
Victoria 44
rii-li.- .1 -Id
i Koine, Aug. 1. It was somi-officiallv
announced tonight that Italy looks on , ui-mKv, mmr mc- ., on uccount
it compact with Germany and Austria of heavy yield in some sections, will be
as calling for its assistance only ln; I'Me larger than usual," sail '-.
case either or both should be attacked, White. "The hay crop has luvi
and as it considers they are the ag-1 ceptioimlly good and is much in ei
gressors in the case, iutends to remain 1 cess of the production for a number of
neutral. years post."
"Such a war will mean the destruo-"
tlon of wealth it has taken a dozen
generations to accumulate. It will mean
an indebtedness it will take a dozen
more generations to pay. It will set
Europe the world back two or three
centuries. It will cost two or three
millions of lives. It will weaken the
human race.
Kills the Argument
"We have been assured again and
again that enormous armaments and
gigantic armies make for peace, not
for war. We have been told that they
were insurance, that a nation with the .
most tremendous military establishment
was exactly the nation which was least
likely to have occasion to nse It.
"How will a war like this make such
arguments sound f Will the people they
have fooled continue to be deceived by
"I think not.
"And my prediction is that they will
also make short work of the system
which has made such a condition as the
present one possible.
"I am sure they will overthrow the
governments which have led them on
to such a catastrophe If It comes as
soon as they realize what a frightful
catastrophe it is.
"I am not sure that what threatens
to begin as the greatest International
war in history will end as an interna
tional war. I think if may be trans
formed into a series of revolutions in
stead. "It will be a frightful war while it
lasts, but perhaps the sacrifice will be
worth while In the end, tor it terrors
will be such that I am confident it will
be the last of wars, at any rate for cen
turies to come."
With C. II. Stewart, president of the
Willamette Valley exposition associa
tion, in the chuir and George M. Hy
land, director of exploitation for Ore
gon on the floor, the members of the
association convened this morning at
11 o'clock in the auditorium of the
promotion department of the Salem
commercial club,
If. OharleB Dunsn
club. Those present were
H. Charles Dunsmore, of Independence;
H. G. Campboll, of Dallas; (
A. Mur-
! phy, of Corvallis; Chris Myhre, of June-
tion City; E. C. Roberts, Lebanon; L.
8. Pettyjohn, of St. Paul; Fred 8.
Bynon, of Salom; and O. E. Freytag of
Oregon City,
Hy land's business at this meeting
was to find out just what the members
of the association are going to do it
the way of getting quantities of first
Panama-Pacific exposition at San Fran
cisco in 1915. He is getting an esti
mate of the amounts of cherries, ber
ries, apples, and peaches that the vari
ous growers of the valley are oble and
willing to furnish
Mr- Hyland said that he is making
"irangements ior tne construction or
booths so that each section of the state
will have a place ready. The commis
sion of which Mr. Hyland is the ex
ploiter will divide the cost with the
producer of providing these fresh
It is the plan to have Oregon compete
I , ,., wo,rl(, ani 10 "fder to do this
it will require immense amounts of
fruits. It is expected that as many as
3000 bushels of apples will be used in
this way during tho fair. These fruits
are not to be rare specimens but the
best of the average products.
The members of the association as
sured Mr. Hyland that they would
quickly determine what they would be
able to do. The meeting ran over into
the afternoon, adjourned for lunch, and
then reconvened for further business
this afternoon.
H. O. White, member of the firm of
D. A. White ft Sons, has iust return-
,521 j ed from an automobile trip through Mu
.470 rion. Polk. Yumhill. Linn and I.Ann
counties, for the Dur nose of lenrninir at
clover seed cron in tho enmities men-
' tionud, lie thought the yield would be
about one-third less than the average.
Owing to the large acreage now de
voted to it and the good prices which
the fanners have been getting, the
shortage will mean a loss of ninny
thousands of dollurs to the central
Willamette valley.
"T'"1 at crop is about equal to tne