DAM CAPITAL ... OREGON, THCRSDAT, JANTABT , ltlt TWO. i ! r. f j ! I ; i ; i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER. Editor and Proprietor. H. M. HOFER, Manager tb Pivtm " t0"""1 " - Buato. Sl. Or. iCaimON BATES: Uanrlablr la hinnc) I!.u.il 1 & moot-- - 60c .36c . 60c yULL LBASKD WDZK TELEGRAPH KiiPOM - MORE RAILROADS AND BRIDGES. - The Capital City, as the heart of the Willamette valley, is on the map for more railroads and bridges. . Electrifying the West Side lines of the Southern Pacific means their entrance intojhe Capital City. That will force extensions to Silverton and Stayton, which are already surveyed and right of way secured. It is reported that the S. P. has bought ground at the foot of State street for a terminal on thi3 side. The Salem, Falls City & Western ha3 a franchise for a bridge across the Willamette at the foot of Union street. The plan is to make that a double-deck bridge for the use of the city and county jointly with Polk county. The Portland, Eugene & Eastern is acquiring terminal grounds on both sides of the river. There will be from one to three bridges built across the Wil lamette river at Salem. The way to build up a home industry is to use the product of that industry. Salem housewives should be reminded by the hus bands who pay the bills that it is their patriotic duty to use a product made in Oregon wherever possible. We have in mind the Eppley Baking Powder, made in this city. So far as the dull intellect of a mere man can judge of such matters, that baking po'vder is every bit a3 good as powders put up in New York or San Francisco. General use of it is increasing, but universal use would mean a large factory at Salem, employing hundreds of men, women, boys and girls. Would that not be worth while? Can we build up the city in any more natural and effective man ner? o THE SALEM SEWER INEQUITY. That last word should be spelled in the second syllable with a letter "i." But let the matter be considered from the standpoint of want of equity. The main sewers through the old part of the city were built by issuing sewer bonds. Those sewers through the old rich part of the city are a lien on the whole city. When it came to building sewer3 for the suburbs or poorer parts of the city the district plan was adopted. That results in the newer and poorer parts of the city pay ing for the old sewers in part, nnd their own in full; This was pointed out at the time by The Capital Journal, but those in power had the call and had their own way. The matter Is now up to the courts and the courts should take notice of the inequality of the whole thing. The courts will probably decide that inequity should be spelled with an "i" in the middle. Mayor Lachmund will have no heartier supporter than The Capital Journal in any practical steps that he may take to secure a supply of pure mountain water for this city and the state in stitutions. It must never be forgotten that he sanitary welfare of Salem and of the state are identical. The water supply must be identical for both, and it must finally be a gravity system to meet the growth and necessities of the state and the Capital City. These things are possible. The mayor's idea of securing a power plant is just as good, and should be done. It, cnuld have been done some years ago, but for the unjust attacks made by kickers and persons who always smell a selfish interest in whatever is attempted. LET THE COURTS TAKE A SHARE Under the parole law the matter of releasing prisoners is not all up to the governor. The courts and district attorneys have a great deal to say about paroling prisoners. In all cases where an appeal has been taken there should bo no interference until decided. Where eases are carried to the supreme court they should await the decision of that court. There Is too much confusion growing out of paroles pending action by the courts. The courts should take their full share of responsibility in this matter. CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT Mark cross between number and name of candidate. 1. ( ) William Howard Taft, Republican. 2. ( ) Theodore Roosevelt, Republican. 3. ( ) Robert M. LaFo Uette, Insurgent. 1. 2. s3. 4. (.. (., (.. (.. FOR THE DEMOCRATS Woodrow Wilson. Judson Harmon. Champ Clark. ...) ...) ...) Vti 7.$ Remedies are Needed Wr J1601' "Wch not, medicinea would not olten he needed. But since our yitemi have be come wrukcncd, impaired end broken down throuih indiscretions which hve done on Irora the early . through oountleH Jenerotiom, rcmedie. art needed to aid Nature in correction our inherited and otherwise acquired we.knci.ei. To rrch the ,eat ul .tom.ch hli i,m."r)U.!"1 dicl"iv trouble., there it nothinl .o fcwd a. Dr. I'.erce'. Ciolden Medical Diseoy. ry. a ilvcena nnn...,l ... ..I i 7. in;i ,.....r i ... "" "v? n",vo mei" Wm1 s :m 7 .,. w' ""r year, with treat aati.hct on to all utiere. For Hbut Bad BteeLTitt2' a!' Pinnin ,h: S,om"h """ . smuicui Tcnicuy. V""i-o "an on its vuislde wrapper the ho?ic0,UmedBici iNoT WOr' n0,,n"n " ' Uh'"i'1 ' thi. no-.L ' Ur.bymnT:r.ri;(l.Ter ;M,T,0N' ,he Ureot -T , THE ROUND-UP , Get out of the rut. State taxes 1912, $3,500,000. Scrape off the rest of the moss. nig new skating rink for Eugene. Railroads are treating Oregon pret ty well. Eandon by the sea plans for a fine park. Salem Grange will discuss the single tax. Medford rejoices over half an Inch of rain. Lebanon has a dose of forged checks. Carnegie may plant a library at Ore gon City. The Weston ladles' band is giving concerts. Beavers are to be restored to Crater Lake park. Number of store robberies at Springfield. The unemployed are a serious prob lem at Eugene. Haker City getting good police flneB falling off. Willamette valley towns are gen erally prosperous. Farmers' short course at Corvallis as popular as ever. The county road from Mauleton to Eugene is Impassible. Two Sclo road districts voted spe cial taxes for good roads. There is a general protest at high express rates In Oregon. Two thousand Mongolian pheasants to be hatched at state farm. St. Francis cathedral, Baker City, has installed a new pipe organ. The case against Harvey, near Ore gon City, has not been dropped. No holdups or fires at Newport, but lots of chicken and wood stealing. Oregon Power Co. employes, at Oregon City, are organizing to study. . James Greenhaugh, retired Linn county farmer, d'ed at Halsey, aged 72. Appealing the referendum cases will delay building at Eugene for Bome time. Oregon will swap Chinese pheas ants for Bob White quail from Okla homa. Jacob Hammersley, a pioneer of New Pine creek, Lake county, died aged 75. . The State Board of Health con demns the copperas method of purify ing water. To sign' petitions for U. S. senators and presidents you must register at the court house. More arrests for blind pigging at Al bany. That ought to stop now that New Years Is over. FLANNEL GOWNS Made of good material, low neck or with collar 95c Kimonas Flannel, full length ....$1.50 Flannel, short length, at 75c Flannel Petticoats 22c .i u n-nn1e aDDreciate the store of bar- ine Biore uioi - i- ' - t - gains-the place to save money on your purchases-the store that strives to please each and every customer. Right Goods and Right Prices at the Right Store. Dont missit-THE CHICAGO muku Thic ic thp weather for them. We have them you want them, especially at the price 1 we can quote you, Come see them, and then you will buy, Fors CORSETS The Celebrated NEMO at 69c Ladies' Hosiery 40c Pure thread silk, 4-ply heel 4-ply toe, garter top ... Fast black, a few left Silk lisle, in tan and black. Buster Brown children's hosiery, today at . 9c 22c 21c Apron Ginghams ..-.5c Outing Flannel, yard 3c Percales, yard ..10c Dress Ginghams, yard 9c Woolen Challies, yard 49c Muslins, soft finish, yard.. 7c 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, yd 24c 45-inch Pillow Tubing, yd 18c Madras Waisting, yard .20c Tapestry, special, yard ..39c Dotted Swiss, yard :9c 58-inch Table Linen, whit eand red, yard ...25c Colored drapery, yard 1 Oc Calicoes, light and drak, yd 5c EL REAL Tailor-' Finished Ladies Under wear, Silk and Wool, $1.49 the Garment while they last Belfast Linen Fringe i Table Covers 99c Only a few. Get them quick Suits WHILE THEY LAST $3.90 Our store opens at 9 a. m. instead of 8 a. m. We must have the extra hour to put our stock in shape, we have not the time otherwise. The crowds keep us too busy during the day to keep it in shape. Remember our free gift to the people. line (Loicago tore Wm. Gitldings, of Albany, got an early start Tuesday and married Miss Nellie Blower at 5 a. m. First service in the Catholic church at Lakevlew on last Sunday In De cember. Rev. Schmidt officiated. A flshway Is demanded by the state fish warden in the Ament dam across the Rogue river above Grants Pass. Sam Worrell will open a new gro cery store in Albany. He has clerked (or 25 years, and will call it the San itary Grocery. Roseburg's six-foot marshal pre vented bloodshed between S. P. strik ers and strike-breakers at Roseburg Monday night. Kris Kail, king of the Greeks at Medford, who skipped out with about $800 of the boys' money, has been lo cated at Redding, Cal. The majority of those who make money speculating make it by wisely deciding to refrain from speculation 3" OREGON SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Southern Pacific Co. t. Riillroml Com mission, Marlon County. Decided, Dec. 26, 1911. Southern Pacific Company, a cor poration, appellant, v. Railroad Com mission or Oregon, respondent Ap peal from the circuit court for Mar Ion county. The Hon. Wm. Galloway, judge. Argued and submitted Dec. 12, 1911. Wm. D. Fenton, (Geo. G. Bingham, Ben C. Dey, Dexter Rice, and Jas E. Fenton, on brief) for, ap pellant. A. M. Crawford (and C. U McNary and Roy F. Shields, on brisf, for respondent. McBride, J. Af firmed. This Is a . suit to enjoin defendant from putting into effect Its order, re quiring plaintiff to construct and maintain a spur on its main line at the town of Edenbower, in Douglas county. In December, 1909, certain citizens of Edenbower filed a complaint with the railroad commission, setting forth that a flag station for local passenger trains, and a siding for freight anil express trains were nec essary, and asking that the defen dant be required to Install them. Af ter hearing the testimny of the com plainants and the defendant, the rail road commission denied the praver nf An Innovation in Oil Heaters The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, with iti drums enameled in turquoise, is an ornament to any room, whether in the country or city home. No home is quite complete without a Perfection 03 ulerarlCr; 1 ? A neCTt7L,n When arm to start the regular heating apparatus, and too cool to be wtthout heat In the midst e winter it is often convenient a, an auxiliary heater, as there jo always some cold cornen in a house. The enameled heater Jwayi presents v .ce appearance, as tK enamel ,fl nol rah or bum off. It i. not an darnel S"Dutk the enamdol your cooking ntensik. The Perfection is the most reliable and convenient oortab! l,n- u ECTltflM "4 7M iK.PnfM.oo H.! .rW ; or wnt, k acwWj tircuUr to in, j Standard OU Company (Continued on page 3.) o . Division Joins Hebels. IDNITID PBES8 LttASEU WIRI. Pekin, Janu 3. Almost simultane ously with the action of the T.anir Chow imperial troops, who mutinied yesterday, a division of 4000 Manchu soldiers, at the treaty port of Chin Wang Tao, on the Gulf of Lio Tang, have deserted the emperor's arms and declared in favor of the proclaimed republic. They will join the army marching on Pekin. The foreign lega tions here have been formlaly notified of the action. To Cnre a Told In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sim. ture Is on each box. 25 cents Mi A Grows hair and we can prove it Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Beautiful Immediately After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff A little Danderine now will immediately double the beauty of your hair No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. The effect is immediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy and have an appearance of abun dance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxu riance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Try as you will after an application o Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or a loose or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be aftera few week's use when you will actually see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. 1 1 goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its life producing properties cause the hair to grow abun dantly long, strong and beautiful. ' Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'j Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and prove to yourself tonight-now that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it, if you will just try a little Danderine. Real surprise awaits you. r ' i fill ( i 11 ew Incorporations. The follovtine nrtlelpo t ation were filed with the secretary of Pacific States Rubber Companv, Portland; capital stock, $10,000. J. H. Haner PnniMnv t-i m-. capital stock, $."),000. Portland Ixid der of Moose, Portland; charitable. Admiralty Trading Company, Port land; capital stock, $100,000 oar securities Company, Port land; capital stock, $70,000. Troy Launrtrv nnhina. n -iii.i, r in hi i - mm mi oiwk, l.Znu.UUU, capital Burfitt Vlumhtno. n j, lutlon. 6 alsso- o . Frivolity fill rl opntinrnv iln t Full Four Per Cent Interest TJJiDER OrjK NEW KEGULATIOSS, EFFECTITE DOLLIR op iAS DEP0SITS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE, WITHOUT PENALTIES FfiR WITHDRAWALS OR DEDUCTIONS OF ANT KIND OFDEiPS,WE 1,11,11X0 TIIE FIBST DATS Till SS1 BKAff OTEREST FOR THE Capital National Bank !i SAV 1NGS DEPARTMENT J. H. Albert, Pres. E.M. Croisan, Vice Pres. Jos. H. Albert. Cashier :: i :: ? w "vvuwut; UU UUl together. if ... f .