Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rr.t six.
Shortly aftor convening yesterday
aftornoon the senate resolved liself
Into a committee of the whole for tho
confederation ot Senator Joseph's bill
providing for the employment of con
vict labor under the direction of the
state highway commission. In the con
struction of the state's highways, and
after sitting for four solid hours
long enough to wear a hole in the
seat of every senatorial pair of
trousers present it finally agreed
end rosolved Itself back again and
passed the measure.
Contrary to previous occasions
when a meastiro of any consequence
was up for consideration that is in
Joe eyes of the senators, and for illus
tration the resolution declaring Ore
gon's government the lest in the
world there was no oratory exuded.
Just talks; but there were plenty of
them the very atmosphere alive with
them. There was no particular de
mand for them, but there was a flood
of amendments, and nearly every sen
ator had to have hla say upon them;
had to have his little say no matter
whether there was any division of
opinion or not; and no matter if a
dozon who had spoken before him had
expressed his views. Senator Bar
rett, at Umatilla, was among the
first one to come to the bat and after '
three strikes had been counted on
him, sat down; not to remain there,
of course, but Just to wait his turn
and he arose again and again to speak
on some amendment and finally when
an agreement was reached and it
looked as though the bill had been
flnlshedlie again gained tho floor and
asked to have added to it a new sec
tion. That demanded more talks and
it began to appear that like Tenny
son's brook they would go on for
ever; and maybe they would have,
had not Senator Carson taken the
TV 1 1KT VVeak nerves mean nervous-
VyCGn lyCrVCS ness' nervous headaches, de-
bilitv- They call fcr good
food, fresh air, and a nerve tonic. Let your doctor select the
medicine. Aver's Sarsanarilla, free from alcohol, f Z m'"00"
I floor to talk on the measure for the
first tiniH. Senator Carson gave it as
! his opinion that the section was use
! less and that the senate was only
i killing time In dlscimlng it. That i
fetled it with the senators the fact
that it waa useless arid they were
killing time and they got down to
buhlness and as might lie expected In
corporated the sprtion Into the bill.
J'nnl-li.iiM of Hill.
The bill In substance provides that
all convicts, save those serving life
pentences, and those necessary to do
the work ut the state prison, and
those itndi'r contract ty a stove man
ufacturing concern of Portland to
manufacture stoves for It may be
used in the construction of roailn In
the state. The counties must make
application for them and the work is
to be done under the direction of the
state hlhgway commission. The bill
carries an appropriation of $30,0u0 for
the purchase of road machinery.
Trouble Over Contract.
Trouble was experienced at the out
start ov-r a contract existing between
the state and the stove manufactur
ing concern at Portland. This con
tract was entered Into under Govor
nor Chamberlain's administration and
extends over a period of 10 years.
Senator Albeo did not desire to abro
gate the contract and wanted the bill
amended bo as to except It from the
operation of the act. Senators Sln
nott and Norton opposed It on the
ground that it might give validity to
the contract or enlarge Its terms. A
committee of lawyers was named to
framo the amendment and after Its
submission, it was lost. At the tall
end of the proceedings Senators Jo
seph and Abraham declared they
would oppose the measure unless
such an amendment was Incorporated
and the senate backed up and put It
in the bill.
Joseph and Dlmlck ('lush.
After this first section had been
agreed upon one minor amendment
after the other 'was Incorporated with
a little Bide talk on each until the
section providing for the appropria
tion was reached and then Senator's
Joseph and Dlmlck clashed. Senator
Dlmlck offered an amendment to re-"
duce tho $!50,000 appropriation to $20,
000. Judge Lionel Webster, who Is
the champion of the good rond move
ment, then came in for a speech on
tho Bide and upon bis conclusion Sen
ator Joseph gained tho floor. "I could
not expect you," he began In addrewj
Ing Senntor Dlmlck, "to be In favor
of an appropriation, as you have been
against every one so far coming up
The Daily Capital J
And have a daily paper giving you reliable infornation
proceedings ot the present State Legislature
ThePrice is Only
for consideration. I want to give this
commission enough money so that It
can go ahead and do business without
bclng handicapped and let us not be j
spectacular and try to appear conser-
vative; let us get down to business.
That brought Dimick to his feet with
the iliarg- that Senator Joseph had
fa wired every appropriation, which he
admitted, and aftT the exchange of a
few sharp retorts both took their
seats and the senate went sedately on
with It business by providing for an
appropriation of $:'.u,0W for the pur
haso of road machinery.
Miller Wakes Them I p.
For the next few minutes the sen
ate went Into a Rip Van Winkle sleep
and when Senator Selling, who had
surrendered the chair to Senator Mil
ler, moved to strike out section 11, It
was carried by a solitary vote. Sen
ator Harrett, of Umatilla, as usual,
was on his feet with an amendment
but Senator Miller who had hurriedly
put the motion advised him that It
had carried. This section repealed
all laws In conflict with the bill and
It was desired to Incorporate a saving
clause In favor of the stove manufac
turers at Portland who entered Into
tbeir contract for the convict labor
by virtue of a law and It was moved
to reconsider. It carried and the
clatiHe was incorporated and an ad
ditional section annexed providing
that hereafter the state should not
enter Into contracts to sell the labor
of its convicts.
Killing Time Says Carson.
The bill now looked complete to all
the senators but Senator Barrett, of
Umatilla, who moved to have annexed
an additional section providing that
the responsibility of the superintend
ent of the state prison should cease
as to convicts upon turning them over
to the guards of the state highway
commission. Some one also suggested
that a penalty should be provided for
allowing the criminal to escape and
both thoughts were new and started a
buzz of talk. Becoming finally dis
gusted Senator Carson arose to re
mark that no one could bo held re
sponsible In a financial way for the
escape of a criminal and that the dis
cussion of the section was but killing
time and the section Itself useless.
It then went to a vote and was In
corporated after which It was passed
by the senate.
Other Hills Passed.
Senator Dlmlck's bill provided that
the polls shall be kept open on pri
mary day (luring the same hours as
provided for general election day was
A bill providing for the creation of
a parole board was read the first
time and bo was a bill providing for
the insertion of time tables in the
newspapers by all railroad companies.
Highway Hill Tnssed.
The senate finally passed the High
way bill practically as It came from
35 Cents a
the committee of the whole, which
acted on It early in the week. It
provides for a board of three commis-
sloners and a road commissioner.
Notice to Construct Sidewalk.
To J. W. Cotner: In the name of
the City of SaJem, in Marlon county,
Oregon, you are hereby notified that
the common council of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon,""deen:s It expedient that
a new plank sidewalk, 5 feet in width,
be constructed along the west side of
N'orth Fourth street, In the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, and abutting upon and
adjacent to the following deeribed
real property,to-wlt:
Lot 4, In block 11, In Riverside ad
dition to the city of Salem, Oregon,
and that such sidewalk be constructed
at the expense of the adjacent and
abutting property; and that unless
you construct and complete said side
walk within 2ti days from the date of
the last publication of this
notice, the council receive bids
providing for the construction
of such side walk and will
cause a contract to be 'entered Into for
the construction thereof, as provided
by the charter and ordinances of said
city, and will, by ordinance, assess
upon each lot liable therefor its pro
portionate share of the cost thereof,
and will order and direct such assess
ment to be entered on record and
made a lien upon each lot liable for
such assessment.
The date of the last publication of
this notice will be February 7, 1911.
1-2 6-1 It City Recorder.
Deafness. Cannot Be Cared,
by local applications, as the cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is inflamed you have a
rumbling Bound or imperfect hearing,
and when it Is entirely closed, deaf
ness is the result, and unless the in
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out ot 10 are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. r- O 1
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made Is Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tableiu.
They do the work whenever you re
quire their aid. These tablets change
weakness Into strength, llstlessness
Into energy, gloominess into Joyous
ness. Their action is so gentle one
don't realize they have taken a pur
gative. Sold by all dealers.
Month. Three Month
. Interesting Reading for
Tubercular Invalids
The nnakfra rf Echman's Alterative
the medir-ine that in curing tuberculosis
ov. r the cmintry will send direct, a
r:, mi !i u t and other literature. t;iat every
I n um.me should nad. It tells in
t:i-ir on a n taint; e the story of thoe
v.h'-:n rk man's Alterative has cured.
Sj- h .traiphI-frorn-the-h;.rt evidence
as this ioo!'.et holds is convincing.
NV matw-r If you have unfortunately
p :it time and money experimenting
with nearly every "cure" under the firma
ment Investigate Eckman's Alterative.
If shown the heart-touchinj? affidavit of
a fat her whore only son was curd of
tuberculosis by Kckn.an's Alterative
nfler all hope had been abandoned, would
It rot carry some weight with you? A
specimen: 718 Cherry St, Phila., Pa.
Gentlemen. "In July, 1905, I lirt
not i red the conditions that showed I
had Consumption. I lost weight rapidly;
had a hollow cough, hemorrhages arid
very severe nliiht sweats. My brother
recommended Kckman's Alterative. In
the Fall of 1905 I began to take it. At
this time I am perfectly well and ro
bust. My appetite Is good and mv weight
lias Increased from 110 to 140 pounds.
Not a trace of my old trouble remains.
I will gladly express the merits of this
medicine to anyone."
(Signed) M. L. GERTIARDT
Eckraan's Alterative cures Bronchitis.
Asthma, Hay Kever; Throat and Lung
Affections. Ask for booklet of cured cases
and write to the Eckmaji Laboratory,
Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence.
For Sale by all leading druggists and
Salem, Oregon
t M m
ars it is surprising how man ol
fashioned remedies are being used, which
goes to show that it is hard to improve
some of our grandmothers' old, time-tried
remedies. For instance, for keeping the
hair dark, so't and glossy, nothing equal
ing our grandmothers' "sage tea" has ever
been discovered. Although, by the addi
tion of sulphur and other ingredients, this
old-fashioned brew has been made more
effective as a scalp tonic and color re
storer. Nowadays when our hair comes
out or gets faded or gray, instead of go
ing to the garden or garret for herbs and
making the "tea" ourselves, we simply
go to the nearest drug store and ask for
a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur.
This preparation is sold by all leading
druggists for 50 cents and $1 a bottle, or
is sent direct hy the Wyeth Chemical
Company, 74 Cortlandt St., New York
City, upoo receipt of nrice.
Notice for Bids.
Notice Is hereby given that; the
undersigned will receive bids up to
5 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, Jan
uary 28, 1911, for the construction
of a wood frame hotel at Mehama
Oregon, including plastering.
Plans and specifications can be
seen at J. F. Mlllencop's residence
495 North Twenty-first street, Salem,
and also at D. E. Swank's residence
Aumsvllle. A bond In the sum of
$500 will be required of tho ones
who get the contract, guaranteeing
the faithful performance of the con
tract D. E. Swank reserves the right tc
reject any and all bids.
All bids must be sent to Aumsville
Oregon, and will be opened on Mon
day, January 30, 1911.
t Salem Fence Works
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb
Wire. Poultry Netting, Shin
gles, Malthoid Roofing, P. ft.
B. au4 IlwJy Hoofing. All at'
the lowt prices.
250 Court street. Phono 114
I Fair Ground Feed
and Grocery
All nice fresh, new Goods.
Xo old Goods to work off.
Nice Sugar Cured Picnic Hams,
lb. 15o
Bacon, nice 20c
17 lbs. Cane Sugar U-00
3Vi lbs extra choice Dried
Peaches 25c
Imperial Best hard wheat
flour, sack M
Best Valley Flour $1.25
8 lbs Japan Rice 25c
Phone 1497.
Salem Cement Sewer Pipe 1
Glazed Inside by friction; made
with Salem labor, by Salem
men, with Salem money. Pat
ronize home industry. Deliv
ered In all parts of the city. A
House connections a specialty, f
Cement sewer pipe does not
have to be burned, so does not
warp as salt-glazed pipe does.
Cement pipe has greater com-
pressive tensile and bursting
We exercise the greatest care
in the manufacture of this pipe,
using a mixture of one part ce
ment to two parts coarse, clean
sand. .
Salem Sewer Pipe Co.
205 South Liberty, Salem, Ore.
as to the
for $1.00 by
- 3f"ii j , j
?.. .'I'll! i
T iitfH"i Ir-
Celebrated Lear Furnro
The Best Heater
It will save you m-Mey every day yov
own It. I ell ai d nstaJ' the beat.
Let me give you figures.
See Me
About an individual lighting plant
for your home. The best thing in
the market for uooklng and lighting.
A. L Frasier
Phone 135. 2 5S State Street
A Sapi, CnrtiN Rsuiv hr SurnussMi VimrstAnuit.
HtVtH KHOWII TO Fill. Sabl rM B,ei, I S.ilv
iicoun uuftrftiiieeq or jiune.T Krruuupa. Bent prrit
for 11.00 tier box. Will tend them on Irial.l.t no ..! r.
vben rollercd. Haniplfs i'tet. Ifyuur dtunut dov out j
Oftvo wool Hun jour orocn w mm
UNITEO MCDICAl CO.,0)O ror, LAnoarrn. Pit.
Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C.-Sfone
Salem's most poular res
We cater to the public who
demand a good meal for a
small pricf;,
Wm. McGilchrist & Sons.
!S Gold Dust Flour
Made by tho SYDJfEF POWER
COMPANY, Sydney, Oregoa.
Made fcr Family Cue.
ask your grocer for it. Braa
and abort alwayt o haad.