w t ? (She flail fawmal i VOL.XEC SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 11)00. NO. 25. vcw PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT BERKELEY Says "the Business of Running Governments Is Easy to Any One Who Is not Doing It. THE WAY TO OFFICE IN HIS CASK LAVS ACROSS THE PACIFIC WAS CALLED FROM THK PHILIPPINES FILIPINO HAND PLAVS "YANKEE BOO I)LB" AT THK RECEPTION. united rnnss lhasdd wmc.1 Borkoloy, Cal Oct. G. In his speech boforo 7000 porsons gathered to hear him In tho Greek theater on tho university grounds today, Presi dent Taft dwelt particularly upon the relations of tho United States and tho Philippines, and expressed tho opinion that popular government la tho host form of government possl bio, for tho reason that tho wholo pcoplo know bettor what la best for tholr Interests than tho comblnod tow. "Tho modern trond of everything is toward specialization. Tho fiusl nose of running a government is easy to ono who Is not doing it. Thero nro difficulties and frictions that aro not Been by tho general public. These obstacles, difficulties and frictions aro not appreciated by the critics. Tho criticism directed at government officials, howevor, do much to lift tho government and the peoplo to n hlghor nnd moro enlightened plnno." In referring to his government of tho Philippines tho President Raid:: "Ono thing which is an outgrowth of tho policies is tho Justice which wo have nt last granted tho Philip pines, by giving them free trade with America." In concluding Taft said: "When r left tho Golden Gate for my post In tho Islands I llttlo know that I was on my way to tho presi dency of this country. A person would never ballove that the road to tho presidential chair stretched out 10,000 mil o to tho tropics, but that Is whore it landed me. Tho "residential party arrived at the Southern Pacific station at Rerko ley promptly nt S a'clock. As Tnt left his private car ho was greeted by tho rheors of 20,000 citizens wait ing there to gt a first view of him. "With his hat in his hand, the chief oxocut'vo walkod to his automobllo ylth Mayor Rovefly Hodghend, of Berkeley. Immediately the long lino of machine got und'r way lor n spin through tho northeastern part of tho collego town to tho'Greok thea ter. There Professor Bernard Moses, a member of tho first Philippine com mission, lauded the President, and spoke highly of Taft's work whllo In the islands. Professor Moses was followed by Mayor Beverly Hodg hend, who welcomed the chief execu tive to Berkeley, and introduced him I With the famouB Taft smllo light ing his face, tho President rose. Sim ultaneously every person In tho audi ence Jurajed to their feet and shout ed -ntlniBlastlcally, whllo the Fili pino constabulary band played "Van kee Doodle." The President spoke for nearly a quarter of an hour. His speech was full of pralre for California, which he t'eolared to be one of tho "garden Fpo'B. of th,e world," and many times ho "as compelled to pause while the peoilo manifested their appreciation of his remarks. At the conclusion of his address Taft was hurried to his machino and the party whirled away to the athlete Is field on tho university grounds, where several thousand school chil dren gave the governmental head of the nation an Avatlon. as bis auto mobile sped rapidly around the tinder path When he first appeared at the en- trnnco of tho flold, tho children sang "America," waving meanwhile small American flags. At California flold, tho column proceeded through tho southeastern section of tho city to tho Intersection iof Alcntrnz nnd Collego nvonues, whoro tho President was met by tho Oakland committee, and transported to Oakland In a prlvato olcctrlc car over tho Key Roiuto tracks. c OXK FAKE PREACHER ONE FAKE REFORMER I UNITED rilDSS IXA8CD WME. Now York, Oct G. Formor Polite Commissioner Thcodoro A. Blnghnm and the Row Charles II. Parkhurst today are announced supporters of Otto T. Bnnnard, tho Republican can didate for mayor iof Now York. Blnghnm declared that ho would tako tho stump for Bannard, while Dr. Parkhurst announced thnt he would speak In favor of Bannard from his pulpit. Bingham last night appeared bc foro a largo audlonco at tho Calvary Methodist church. Ills subject was "Pollco Systom In a Great City." In tho courso iof his r cmnrkB he lurged his hearers to voto or Ban nard, and then announced his Inten tion ot taking tho rostrum for the Republican nominee. PRESIDENT MET BILL GRIMES Tho Hon. Bill Grimes, of Coos Bay, got tho most cyclonic greeting of any ot tho callers. When he was present ed at tho Portland hotel, by Dr. Rich ardson, who married an Oklahoma girl, tho President's fnco lighted up with ono of his thousand-cnndle power smiles, and ho grasped Grimes' hand, anil said: "Hello, Grimes' Hero's tho man who carried the first district convention in the United States tliat Instructed tor me. Tho fourth district of Oklahoma." After qulto a talk Grimes mentioned that ho had a frlond in Oklahoma that nooded a llttlo looking after. Said Taft: "Call my attention to him when I got back, and I will try to do any th'ng that you wnnt done for him." Aftor Grimes loft tho group, tho President turnod to them and said: "Thoro's tho kind of man I like. He comes out and says he's for you, and delivers tho goods." A Portland paper has the follow ing about tho receptien: Among those who called on Pres ident Taft yesterday, and who found a roody recognition from tho Presi dent, was Colonol William Grimes, of Coos Bay, the man, who, as chair man ot tho Republican central com mittee of Oklahoma, carried that state for Taft at tho last presidential election. Colonel Grimes arrived on he Alliance yesterday mvrnlng from Coos Bay, and, though delayed thr'-c days by a mishap to tho steamer, ar rived in time to meet tho Presldont. At tho Oklahoma convention Colo nel Grimes d literally turne the tide started by tho Roosevelt cow loy delegation for Roosevelt and saved tho day for Taft. Ho could have had tho governorship or prac tically any other offlco in tho state, but declined them all and returned to Oregon. Colonel Grlmos had been secretary f state for Oklahoma for two terms, and was prominent In Southwestern politics. Dr. Richardson, Taft's personal physician, who traveled with him, married a daughter of Congressman Dennis Flynn, of Oklahoma. Colonel Grimes managed Flynn's campaigns for several years. He and Colonel Grimes aro close friends. F. G. Fritz, Onconta, X. Y., writes: "My little girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foley's Orlno Laxative and I think it Is the best remedy for con stipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orlno Laxative is mild, pleasant and effectlvo and cures habitual constipa tion. J, C Perry BOURNE IS " THERE FOR OOR BILL Says Roosevelt's Principal Job When He Comes Home Be to Boost for Taft. WILL HIT THE STUMP Ti:i)I)V WILL TAKE THK STUMP TO UOOSTTAFT, SAYS IIOL'UXE; AND, IF NECESSARY, HE WILL BECOME SENATOR FRO.M XEW YORK TO All) WILLIAM. UNITED l'KDSS UUSED WIllC. San Frnnclsco. Oct. 5. When tho time comos for the selection of tho next president of tho United States, Senator Boumo will bo found -Just as strenuously demanding Taft's ro electlon as ho did thnt ot President Roosevelt last year. "I nm for him now, nnd next lino," oxolalmed Bourne. "I think ho will mnke ono of tho grcntcst presidents In our history." "Whnt do you think Colonol Roosevelt will do ' when ho comes back?" tho Oregon senntor was askod. "I think ho will mnke It his busi ness to support Mr. Taft and aid him in enrrying out tho itoosovelt poli cies," said Bourne. "Ho will takq tho stump, If necessary, nnd if ho thinks that coiTgresa Is likely to defeat tlioso policies, ho will go to tho sennto from vw York state." By thlB time next year very few peoplo will caro to take tho tlmo to look nt the airship that Is going by. CHAIRMAN STOLZ SAYS MORE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FRED BERGER OF STEINER & BERG.ER IS ELECTED ALDERMAN FROM THE. FIRST ' WARD - THE CHARTER TO BE AMENDED Aldermon Elliott, Hofor, Low, Mot fltt, Moore, Sauter, Stolr were pres ent and following city efficials: Mayor Rodgws, City Attorney Koyes, City Englnoer Porrotf, Stroet Commissioner Pooler, City Recorder Mooree. Mr. EUott, from commltteo on Mwers reported that flCO had been collected from property owners on Thirteenth street. A communication was read from the mayor favoring smoko protectors! for firemen. Street Commissioner Pooler re ported expenditures for labor and expense for streets during Septem ber as f 13C9.GG. City poundmaster reperted: Num- ber dpgs in pound, 5; number dogs killed, 5; number dogs redeemed, 5. City Attorney Keyes submitted an opinion holding that tho word 'offi cers" included aldermen. Mr. Moffltt, as alderman from the first ward, reported in favor of F. IT. Berger, to fill vacancy caused by rev Ignatlon of Fred Waters. Mr. A. X. Mooros nominated L. II. McMahan as a suitable man in his opinion. On first ballot there was h tie. McMahoa 4, Berger 4. On second ballot tho voto stood Berger 6, MdMahan 4. Ho was de clared duly elected by the mayor. Mayor Rodgers announced tho sad and untimely death of Tom Eckbart, policeman, who was shot down while ,r the performance of his duty Mr, Lew a'ked that Chief Gibson THE WHOLE ! WORLD MAY GO TO WAR Mahommedan Priests in Mo rocco Declare Holy War and Thousands Join Tribesmen. ENGLAND BUTTS IN AND MAY CO TO ASSISTANCE OF SPAIN FRANCE WILL STAND WITH HER, WHILE (JEIOLVNY WILL MACK Vl MOROCCO ENOLISH-GERMAN MAY CLASH. UNITED I'llERH IXA8ED WMn.1 Gibraltar, Oct. G. A holy war of extermination was declared by tho Mohammedan priests iof Morocco, to gether with tho Riff tribesmen, to day, and thousands of fanatics from tho interior aro pouring into tho na tlvo camps. Tho Spanish troops nt Mclllla Aro being hedged in, accord ing to dispatches received today. England Butts In. London, Oct. G. International dif ficulties aro likely to bo precipitated by tho announcement that England proposos to tako n hand in quelling tho rebolllon ot tho Rift trlbosmen In Morocco. , It was learned that yesterday cab inet meeting was called for tho pur poso iof considering tho situation. Tim British nation Is alarmed by tho alleged discovery that Spain wan forced Into tho Rift war by. Franco, for tho protection ot French intoroals Convfncod that Spain 1b defeated, be asked to submit the narao ot n successor In Mr. Eckbart, Petition of Thos Cornelius for con crete alloy crossing, ho willing to build If city would furnish material. Mr. Elliott called attontton ot stroet department to dangerous con dition of sldewnlk at cemetery. Mr. Low called attention to neod of c catch basin nt Ferry and Win ter streots, Mr. Stolz explained that thero was not much noed ot it. Resolution adopted that license foes now toverduo bo collected by tho city nttornoy. Petition for vacation of alley in block 71 by C. B. MoorW, Joseph Graham and othors. Mr. Hofor offered a resolution that all delinquent assessments for Btreet Improvements be published wlthont exponso to tho city. Mr. Stolz stated that next year there would be moro street Improve ments than this year. Under the present system tho contractor was fr-red W go to the banks and borrow money to do street work with. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Greenbaum reported a matter of carrying tho delinquent bonded dlt of tho city by J. H. Albert. Ordlnanco to vacate alley In blncft 71 passed. Initiative ordinance to creato fund to support military band. Read twlee and roforrcd to committee on crdlnances. Ordinances to amend financial sec tions of charter were read, Ad Jwnd to Wednesday night at 7 30 FINCH CASE DECIDED The Nupronio court tliW morn ing denied the petition of .Tames Finch fop a rc-licnrlng. This tucnim that tiniest Finch can get his cice heard lit the United States court, ho liuivt suffer the penalty of death. Skty Men Killed. ' Nanalmo, B. C, Oct. G. A terrific explosion occurred nt tho Extension mines of tho Wol- " llngton Colllordy Company to- day, and CO men tiro entombed, nnd It Is tenVod lmvo porlBhcd. It is now bcliovcd thnt Franco will tnko nip tho fight. It is generally bo llovcd horo that Germany la attempt ing to oxtend its domain Into Afri ca, by assisting Mulai Ilnlld, who Is reported to bo assisting tho trlbosmon in tholr fight ngalnst Spain, It now seems very probablo that Englnnd will go to tho nsslstanco of Spain in suppressing tho robolllon. o , Being a driver in an automobllo toco may bo a trifle losj exciting than going over Niagara In n ban-el, but It Is n lot duittor. BIRD DOGS WILL HAVE THEIR DAY Beginning tomorrow, tho full blooded bird doe, will perform bo foro Judge on a Walter's prairie, northeast of this cltV for places In tho second nnnual flold try-out ot tho Oregon Flold Trial club nnd dog train ers and ow'nors throughout tho state will bo In attoudanco. E. S. Mungor tho woll known trainer, is hero with a fow dogs to enter tho contest. Among Mr. Mumj er's collection Is "Rex." Rex is tho proporty ot Homer Smith, a Saloni man, and Is a beautiful spcclmont ot tho bird dog family. Tho present moot will bo tho first over held In this city. Tomorrow morning tho dogs will be Btnrtcd op poslto tho fair grounds and will work off toward tho northeast, and sper: Is anticipated by tho Satom Bporttirnf-n. Dog owners from Wash ington, Orognn and California will bo horo t wltnoss tho field trial meet. A flold trial Is a raco fcotwoon bird dags, so called, and the dog thnt wins must have brains, as woll hcols. He miust. display his knowledge, ot how to hunt, must show tho Judgoe that ho knows where to look tor 'jlrds, and can handle them nf v Pndlng them? An I ho mutt, 't pos sible, lid moro bt'tU than his rival, Speed and stamina aro necessary, but a brain and a good noso are equally Important. A dog that Is simply a fast, wide ranger, with plen ty of clash and, but of llttlo "bird senro," has llttlo chanco of winning, popular opinion to tho oontrnry not withstanding. And hero Is whoro tho tost of the dog ownora thomselvos comes In. Tho puppy may soem to huvo hunted admirably at home, and ho may havo handled tho first trial In winning form, but when tho keen eyed Judgos, who nro tlmo-experl-onccd bird hunters, and know bird dogs thoroughly, tako In tho pros pective hunting qualities of tho pup, thero may bo "nothing doing," and tho many months ot trnlnlng must bo repeated again, with still moro pa tience. Flold trials nro generally followed on horseback- Tho dogs to start In the raco tomorrow will bo picked this ovenlng, when tho entry list Is closed and tomorrow they will bo run In heats. Two dogs will bo set off and let run until tholr hunt is flulshod. and. then they will be brought bnck and two more started. Salem Is tho last placo on tho Oregon Flold Trial Club's circuit for this summer. The prizes to be awardod will be on dis play in tho Hauser Bros.' show win dow this evening, and a nice coller tlcn of cups has been provided GRAFTERS FOLLOW THE PRESIDENT Pick Pockets While the Crowd Cheers, But It Is Nothing to Those Who Pick Nation's Pocket. ALLARTFUL DODGERS WISE (Jl'Y WHO IS GETTING PAID" FOR DOING NOTHING TELIA WHAT HE SEES WHILE LOOK ING DOWN OVER THE CROWDS FROM PRESIDENT'S PLATFORM. (united niess LEASED WIM.) Snu Francisco, Oct. G. A guns of pickpockets Is following tho presiden tial train. Tho members It tho ganc starts to work In tho crowds sur rounding Mr. Tnft Just us soon as ho appears, and, in tho excitement that always nttonds his arrival on the grand stand, or. in his automobile, the llght-flugorcd gcntlomen reap their harvest of "leathers." Last night at Sacramento tho Jlck ot picking went merrily on and It 1 snfo to say that n good deal at moacy changed hands In this unlawful man ior. "I could' toll by tho way that km was acting that thero was a gnat at work," said ono of tho presidents socrot sorvlco guards. "From where I stood on the grasC stand I could see several ot them, trot as tho pollco were powerless to handle tho crowd, much less tako part ! a. pickpocket chaso, I could no nothlac "Whonovor you see strugg'Ini; anal hoaving going on In a big crowd yow may bo pretty sure tho guns or pick pockets nro nt work. Thoy won; In couples or trios. Ono of thorn wilt start nn nrgtimcnt with some man la tho crowd or begin pushing III ) nay through at arnto that brings remon strances from thoso around him. "Tho Intended victim, some man with u good looking watch cluln dangling from his vest or a hnndmuoa diamond in his front, I selected ouB during tho oxcltemont his hat Is Jam med down over nls eyes. IuyuImo tarlly ho put both hands to readjust tho lid and at tho eamo tlmo ho loscc his valuables. "Ho mny oven bo quick onough t soo tho man who robs him, nnd may s euro his nrrest, but boforo tho pick pocket Is caught he Is pretty certain to pass tho watch, diamond or other booty to ono of his pals. Then, whe ho Is arrosted, ho Is a very indignant citizen and nlno tlmos out of ton ca capou conviction for lack ot proof Profosatonal pickpockets follow the president over tho country Just ma thoy do a circus or tho country fairs. If I had not beon busy watching oat for tho president tit Snaramonto last night I'll hot I could have Jumped Into that crowd In front If thn oapltol and brought In four or fivo 'guna whoso faces aro In the roguos' galler ies of halt the big cities of the country." BURIED BUT STILL THOUGHT TO BE ALIVE UNITED I'BE8 IX4SED WIRE. Central Isllp, L. I., Oct. C. Des plto tho fact that ho has been es tombed In an 80-foot woll since last Saturday night, resouors this after noon bollovo Jlhn Coffen to bo alive. Workmen In tlio vicinity nro posi tive that thoy heard cries this morn ing and aro sure that It was Coffen calling for help. An efflrt is being mndo this alter noon to drive a food ptpo through tho dobrls and food will be sunt to tho Imprisoned man liy this means. Coffen was digging tho woll 'una got. SO feet liolow the surfueo when Its sides suddonly caved In, burying him under tons of earth. It was bollovod that tho young maa had been Instantly killed, but the cries hourd this morning have chang ed tho belief nf many and rescuers ure working heroically to reach him.