Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1909, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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E. UOFsr, Kdltor and Proprietor
Independent Nowpor horoUxl to American Principle Mid
ttio Proxruu and OsTclopomont of All Oregon.
rui)Uliel Bvcrr Kvonlnij Rzcpt SuncUr, lcra, Oro.
(lnvftrlalilr In AclTanco.)
bll7, br cTior, per yer fl.OO l'cr month
UillT.ibr mull, nor yr .... 4.00 1'er month
weekly. Uj mall, per vim.... 1,00 Six month!
wo i wEXS
850 V CtfA
Mo V
Here Is Something for You to
Think About and Furnish
an Explanation, If
You Can.
Those Corpuscles
In your blood, rod nnd whlto,
koop you woll If thoy aro hoalthy,
causo you slcknoss If dlsonood.
' To mako and keep them abundant
and healthy, is to bavo puro blood, free
dom from diseaso and vigorous health.
Tho chief purposo of Hood's Sarsa
parllla is to do this, ,and ita success is
ottended by thousands of wonderful
cures. "Cures of all blood diseases,
scrofula, eczema, rhoumatlsm, catarrh.
Oct It today In tho naual liquid form or In
chocolated tablet form called Sari&Ubi.
Stockholm, Oct. I. As mon as his
physician will permit. General HJoer
lln, who l critically In tho wont of
Sweden, will ho Hhown a photograph
of the anarchist who assassinated hi
friend, Genoral Heckinnu. on the
night of .In no 16.
AJ. the very lrmr when the crime
wan committed, hut many utiles from
tho sosna of It, General IIJosyIIii. rv.
ing In delirium, mw In a fever-In-spired
vision hie old friend shot
down I nthe streets of Stockholm
Suddenly he eheilied: "Drop that,
you seoiindrel."
ThM, "I leer, the snots are explod
ing" When the nurse sought lo quiet
him ho became angry, anil tried to
spring out of bed.
"Cmt't yu hear?" he cried.
"Can't you see the tmoke? They
have murdered General lleckinnti.
Doh'I yon see the blood on the
He raved all wliht long, but at
daybreak grew ralinr, and slept nn
hour. Wljan he awoke lie wild:
"You will find that General Iteok
iiihii has been murdered. I a miiire
of It."
He described the crime In detail.
At fl o'clock the'paiiem arrived,
teUla of the aeeaaeluatltiii of Gen
oral Ileekman. TW nurae aaye tho
published verelou of the mime and
the aluk wan's erslou tally lu all
oeeentlal polnu It la winded to aee
la General HJoerlln will recognise the
man arreeted as a snpeot.
Cannon Gets Sore Over Mild
Accusation that His Elec
tion Was Due to
a Trade.
Washington, Oct. 1. Congressman
llurhort I'linsons of Now York, chair
man of tho New York county commit
tuo, probably will bo called bufore
a eongrogutloiial Investigating com
mittee to aubHtantlnte the chnrgue
madu by him that Now York demo
crats, who aided Cannon to (In font the
amended rulvM at tho hint session of
the house, did ao because tho New
York republicans promised tlum to
kill the election registration legle
Intlon then pending at Albany and
oppoaud by Tammany.
fUMiTBD rssss i.isiri wim 1
New York. Oct. 1- Hev. Charles
V. Aked, paetor of the Fifth Avenue
ltapllst church, of whluh John I),
ltptikofellur la a member, ha taken
oxeeptlon to the reiuarka of Uev. I).
Ilarrktk of lwruoe, Kan., who le
algued the pastorate of the Chilstlnn
oh ui oh In that town to Immune a
atriMK'Oar conductor, after declaring
that It wu Impossible for a minister
of the gospel lo be holiest.
Ih speaking of the statement, Dr.
Abed aeld:
"Am hor-eet ntau will be honest
anywhere, and a minister of the goa
Ph hue tewer temiUaUoa thau auy
oUwr matt."
The Htlatater declared that for
overy U iHtreotw that wore drheu
frm the olimeh beoau of offtwlt
tratk Uwt a thoueaud othora vore
Ur. Aked admitted, hoover, that
iHlulawra Here underpaid aud d--obtred
that the eatariea of every one
Hf tkem abould be doubled, lie aald
"I do uol believe th.u tho New
York mlaUtera are atrald u deuuum'
the iHkMwnduot o ft hot r eougn'U"
(laifeB. l'eraoimlly 1 beiUne that thoio
1im beeii euougb deuunt'luilou from
the pulpit. The preachlua or a hell
centered rellikm U a ihlna of tlu
IMtat." Hf M-4 e aoooe-HH-CH-e
loo Denies It.
Danville. Ilia.. Out. I. "I do not
know what the imlttloal conllng-ency
whb that enforced Cotmreeainan I'ar
aoiia to make (hn statement, but If
he la looking for a acrap he will have
plenty of rhancea to get one."
Thla wna the atatoment tnaile to
day by 8eaker Joaeph Cannon lu
illK'uaelug- Coimri'smiiiiu I'onreon'a
declaration that r-elaxtlou of Can
non aa aenker of the houee (if repre
aenlatlvea waa due to treaaon on the
tatrt of Now York republican In trad
Inn their votoN to ilejnooiiita for tho
defeat of the New York election law
lu the elate loglelatuiH. IMreonH aaya
that thla aaveil the apeaer'a Job.
"The luenlt waa not u any dnu
xr," aalil Cannon. "The danger wna
In the rule that mlnht be paaeed
aud whether the I -a Kollelte follow
era. Champ Clark and the llryau deni-oerat-uopullMt,
ahould make the rulee.
"I do uol know anything- alwut af
falia I n.NVw York, mil If there wna
any such deal. I never knew of It. I
have troubles of my own right ht'ie
I do not believe that I ever heard
of thla legislation about signature
reglatratiou until now."
Cannon sat dtbat bo could not re
member tho namea or over half the
members of eougreee, but aald that
be remembered l'armtim, ami added
that be would continue to remember
As thoro Is often some ono in your
family who suffers nn attack of indi
gestion or Eomo form of stomach
tnoublc why don't you keep Dlapop
aln In tho hoiiso bandy?
This harmclcss blessing will digest
anything you can cat without the
slightest discomfort, and ovorcomo
tho sour, giiBsy Btomach flvo minutes
Toll your pharmacist to let you
road tho formula plainly printed on
those GO cent cases of Pnpe'H Dlapop
win, then you will rondlly Been why
It makes indigestion, sour stomnch,
heartburn nnd other distress go In
five minutes nnd rol'ovos at onco
Bitch lnisorlos us belching nf ga,
eructations of sour undigested food,
nausea, headaches, dlzzlneeH, consti
pation and other etomach disorder.
Some folks have tried o long to
find rollcf from indigestion nnd dys
pepsia or an out-of-order stomach
with the common, overy-day euros ud
vertlsed that they have nbout nindo
up tholr minds that they have nimo
thing else wrong, or bellove theirs
la a eaae of nervousness, gastritis, ca
tarrh or the stomach or cancer.
ThM, no doubt, Is a serious mis
take. Yosir real trouble I. what you
eat does not digest; Instead, It fee
meuta and sours, turns to acid, gas
and stomach poison, whltch putrefy
In tho digestive tract nnd Intestines,
and, besides poison the breath with
nauseous lodore.
A hearty appetite with thorough
digestion, and without the slightest
discomfort or misery of the stomach,
is watting for you as fiuin as you de
eld. to try l'ape's I)laperlu.
Items of Interest About the
High School Literary, Ath
letic, Social and Oth
er Things.
It Is hotter to mako a few
takes thau to do nothing at ,1
Slight ly Odder Wltli Snow
YVhenyousee that kind of wwitlur
forecast you know that rheumatism
weather Is at hand. Get ready for
It now by getting n bottlo of Dnllard's
Snow Liniment. Finest thing made
for rheumatism . chilblains fr"t
bite. aoii and etlff Joints and
muscles, all aches and pnlns. 25i.
r.Oe and $1 00. Sold by nil dealer
Tho solnor clnss has perfected the
following orznnlzatien: President,
Lola Cook; vice-president, Vergln
Wcchtor; secrotary, Waldo Mills;
treasurer, Woo Sun; class editor, Mar
gory Bollinger; sergeant- tit arms,
Mablo Smith; member executive com
mittee, Wnllaco Benson.
Tho enrollment In tho high school,
to date, Is as follews: Soniors, GO;
Juniors, 72; sophmores, 100; fresh
man, 1G2. Total enrollment, 393.
Football is nn absorbing high
school topic. Mnnager Walter Kirk
Is expecting to present n strong schc
dulo which will Includo games with
Albany, Eugene, Hill Military acad
emy, Portland academy, East Port
land high nnd tho Jefferson high of
Portlnnd. Tho Into opening of school
has hindered tho development of the
schedule, but present indications
point to hIx good gnmei for the sea
son. Tho playing squad Is out daily
aud numhors two elevens. The fol
lowing old players are lu the har
ness: Captain Eyre. H. Savage, I
Krehs, Uariick and rarmer. Smith.
Hofer, McMillan, A. Savage, 'Kaiser '
nnd Slater are promising candidates. I
Through the courtesy of the Willniu-1
elte management all the local games I
on the schedule will he played on '
the University field. The game with I
Eugene high will be played in Eugene I
on Thanksgiving Day.
Aside from English, the !'t
and history seem to be the popular
subjects of the present course. There i
are 220 pupils enrolled In the vari
ous classes lu science while 220 are
taking work In history. The classes
In theso branches are all over-crowd-,
ed and laboratory room la at a pre-'
mltiui. Further provision must be I
made for work lu chemistry or the I
classes will he seriously handlcappd
lu their opening weeks.
All the high school activities are lu
a healthy condition and Salem will '
be well represented in every line of
elgltlmate high school Interest during i
the coming winter. Advance sub
scriptions to the Clarion Indicate a
pisioious year for that perlodKa!
and other departments seem equally '
)i)(i'ilur '
Mhwm WW ' $
Ml? ' -irM $w
Tin By v Jyii
v mm w l
VrSTURo mst; ijfcrt
d jtiHi )Mi i9jHR
Where You Belong in Your Proper Position
Clothes help a man today as never before. If your Clothes are
cheap. our reputation suffers Just that much. This no man can ar
ford. Many brands of cheap Clothes are on the market and offered
to unwary buyers. Yon will learn, nnd we tell you plainly, that
cheap Clothes are too cheap for you to buy at any price.
Our.Clothes, ScMons nroH., made, are not cheap, yet they nro the
best buy" In the world today.
, Tiny fit, they are stylish, aud they are honestly and carefully
made, out of high grade materbtls.
They have that nlr that puts you where yotj belong, in your prop
er position. Their value Is dollar for dollar.
Suits and Overcoats $10 to $30
G. W. JOHNSON & CO., VA N. Commercial I
Cold YvVnther Advice
Keep ntir word nr.d your word i
will keep you
i iiue nun 91 uu. noiu oy nu uoaier
To all is to beware of oughs and
colds on the'chest; as neglected the"
readily lend to pneumonia, consump
tion or other pulmonary troubles.
Jtt'-t as coon, ns the cough nppears
I treat It with Ballard's Ilorebcniud
Syrup the standard cure of Ameri
ca. I'se as directed perfectly harm
less. A euro nnd preventltlve for
all diseases of tho lungs.
Price 25c, 50c and ?1.00 per bot
tl. Sold by all dealers.
The farmer who sets a good,
straight fence alwi sets n good example.
Ifum f
.& .,t ..,. k V 7
I mure In our Satugs Depart-
ment and bo subject to with-
drawal when wanted.
A good place for trust funds
and money awaiting Invest-
:: Capital National Dank
! s4f'
All Patent Mc licluca or medicines nil-
n'umi'u in hub i.'i'-. aru iur o.uu lit i
Drug Store
The onl) cash drug store In Oregon;
owes no one, aud no oue owes
It; carries large stock; its shelves,
ountoia aud show casos are loaded
with drugs, uiedloluea, notions, toilet
articles, wines nud llauors of all
Muds for medicinal purposes, br.
btouo Is a regular graduate lu medi
cine and has had many years of ux
porlonce In tho practice. Cousultu
tlous aro free. Presorlptiot)s nre
free, aud only regular prleos for mod
Iclue. Ur Stone can b found at his
drug store. Salem. Or , from 7 lu tho
morning until 9 at night.
Acorn Stoves and Ranges
They afford Housekeepers every advantage known to Modern Stove Making.
wtrusUtie KL&-