DAIL1T CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALE.il, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1000 Classified Ads .. Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent a ward (or tint Insertion. Jae-balf cent a woid (or encti laiertlon thereafter. No Rdrertlacment token -'or Ini than 20c. Cunt ilx worrit to the line FOR SALE. POIt SALE Tent ntid 1038 Union street. fruit Jars, 8-31-3t FOR SALE A large young sow, with six pigs. John Glrardln, Turnci. Oreeon 8-31-6t FOR SALE A Marsh motorcycle Call at hauler Bros.' Gun Store. S-30-3t FOR SALE Cut roios at Hamilton aroonhouso. Yew Park. Will "be thoro afternoons only. 4-28-tf FOR SALE Good IV, H. P. Stavor CMollno engine, cheap. Inquire at 178 South Llbortr St. G-22-tf. FOR SALE A flue mule. Ago 17 months. Address E. Schludlor, Polk county, route No. 2. 8-31-U fM q A TPflnn,! S.nnnrat rtnrlr. 4 .. m.kmu ww vw i.w .., m foot wntl tontfl nt C. nillmnn'fli '.-" -w - w w, , 447 Stato street 8-20-lw FOR RENT. WANTED Mammoth blackborry, Logan and Prlmuaborry trans plants Address Oregon Nursory company, Salem, Ore. S-24-lmo, FOR SALE Threshing outfit, con sists of 20-Lorsopowor doublo cy linder engine and 30-00 Reed's separator, all of tho latest mako. Thoro Is a Patron' fooder. Por foctlon volghor and Farmer's frlond blower I; Ice ronsonablo and tortus easy. Apply to J. J. Langmack Albany. Home phono 1352. 5-21-Rf OTANDAUD BRED STALLIONS for aalo, or will trado; flno 3-year-old reglstorod standard bred stallion; best of brooding by dam and slro; will bo shown by Sam Caito at Stato Fair grounds, Salem Ad dress enro Journal offlco. 8-2-lin. WANTED. WANTED A boy. or' Paper Co. Apply at Rog S-30-3t WANTED - Mnmuioth bluukborry, Logan and Prliuushorry trans plant. Address Oregon Nursory Co., Salem. Oregon 8-2 1-1 mo WANTED Fivo men with teams to haul grnv I, 4 to 14.50 por day. Flvo men. city work, $2 por day. A. C. SMITH & CO., EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 544 8TATE ST. WANTED To buy 50 to 100 acres good land, live to ten miles from Salem, partly under cultivation, with Improvements nnd wimo fruit Addree. with description and location of land, "A C. D.," euro Journal office. 8-31-lw LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLE8 Old Postomce stables, at 264 Far ry stroot, botwwon Commercial and Front. Tolophono 188. Home of tho flnoat llvorlo In tho city xm be found here, W. W. John son, tt MISCELLANEOUS. SAY - Bsforw you buy a ruugn or fur niture of any Wind, call on the Owl new nnd woud-hand store. 320 N. ' Commirutal S-13-lm PHONE- Your trdr fur woodsaw ing to Main 550. Prompt attHi Don S-Jl-lm LODGE DIRECTORY. BODKRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Orogon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meet, i-vory Thurxlay venlng at 8 o'clock lu llolman hall A. H. Banboi. V C; F A. Turuw, olork WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ov ory Friday night t 7:30 o'clock in Holman hall A- L, Harvey, O. U.: L. H. Fl0tchir. Clork 1-10-09 Ttiv Itlvor Niumtt Vonla's Home I the Willamette. Otumwu down) Courier.) Deaf Editor and Courier Juniors It has been a long time since I wrote to the Juniors, but I I've so far away and I dread to be called a tardy Junior. But I will write you about Uio rlvor nearest our home. Tho. an me of our nearest river is tho Willamette. and that Is 10 miles from us, at Salem, Or. Tho Wlllnmotte is about 125 miles long running trim tho southern part of Oregon to 10 mites northwest of Portland, where It omptlaa into tho Columbia river. Tha rlvor at Salem Is about 000 feet wide and will average SO feet deep. Tho Bteol bridge crosses the river from Salem, tho capital city, to the west shore, and is about 85 foot ubou, tho rlvor and ubout 3000 foot ions Tfau Willamette river l unvlgablo for passouger and freight steamers fmm PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Eatlmatofl mado and first class work dono. I. D. Driver, 617 North Capital street, Salem, Or. Phono 92C. 6-20-tf KENNEDY & PORTER 130 Liber ty stroot. Phono 485. Dealers in Oregon Sienna (Salem -mado) paint, wallpapor and all Intorlor furnishings. Painting, paporlng, and all manner of Intorlor work dono promptly In first class stylo at modorQto prices. 8-5-tf BAKERS. CAPITAL RAKERS Bread, cake, pics, and nil klndo of pastries, cookies, etc. Watch for our wag on. Phono 954. Radock & Smith. 11-19-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no hlghor. For Bale nt your grocer's. California Bak ory, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. DRAYMEN. R. O. CUMMINGS COMPANY All kinds oi transfer work dono. Fur nlturo and pianos boxed roady for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and offlco at 253 South Commercial street. Phono 210; rosldonco phono 023. 3XPRESS WAGON Will take orders nt nil hours. Furnltttro nnd piano moving. Phono Mnln l(T5. Fred Schlndlor, 305 Stato st, 8-12-tf BUSINESS CARDS. DUTTH & WENDEROTH Fine wlnob, liquors and cigars. Wo han dlo tho colobrated Kellogg and Cantlo whloklos. Cool and ro reshlng beer coiiRtnntly on draught South Commercial St. 9-3-lyr WBNGER & GHI3RRINOTON Pin nos and organs sold on easy torms. 1 o N, Phono stroot, 1187. 217 Commercial Salem, Or. tf SALEM WATER COMPANY Olllco, city hall. For vutor Borvlco apply nt offlco Bills pnyablo monthly In advance G, F, MASON BOX COMPANY 217 Mlllor stroot, South Salem. manufacture of nil kinds of boxes, cratou nnd frdlt dryer ac- consorlofl. Phono 308, tf OSTEOPATH. DR, B. H. WHITE, OHteopath and Nervo Spotiallst. Grad uate of tho Amorlcan School of OHtoopathy, KlrkHvllle, Mo., 1902. Post-graduate and specialized In nurvoiiH dlRouHOH nt Los Angeles College 100U. Treat h ncuto and chronic diseases. Consultntlon fruo. Offlco 17-18 Broymnn Bldg. Phiiuo 851). Residence 340 North Capitol St.; phone 100 8-30-tf DOCTORS. DR. II. 8. STONE, D. C, CHIRO PRACTOR 8plno and norvo tipoclnllst. Rooms 4, 6, 0, D'Arcy building. Phono Main 87, Salem, Oregon. 4-28-tf PLUMBERS. TIIEO. M BARR Plumbing, hot wntor nnd steam heating and tin ning, 104 Comcrclal street. Phono Main 192, 9-1-ly OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing, houttng. gas uttlng; prices reas onablo; work gunrnntoed; cstl mtn furnished. Phono 373. 100(1 Chomokcta street. 4-17-tf TONSORIAL. . O. MEYER &. CO. Tho host and largest shop In tho city. Six first clasi barbel's. Only first olass bootblack In city; porcelain baths, and t'VCTylhlng pertaining to a first class shop. Also carry a full line of clnars and tobaoco and harbors' nupplliM. 102 Commercial stroot, noxt door to SUtesman odlco. 4-0-tf Tu humor of soma folks bubbles out when they don't know It. Tha Capital News, of Ilolso, Idaho, has a picture of Walter Wellmnn. and tho c!ty editor has written under tho pic ture tho word "Explorer." tho Columbia to Salem all the yeir round and Is noted tor Its beautiful. Tho river Is filled with fish of dif ferent kludsMnlmon, bass, catfish, trout, and u good many suckoraT u is also a flno Btrenm for floating logs to sawmills and thoro nro lam brought to Salem all the year round, and then sawed Into lumber, cutting about 80.000 to 100,000 feet per day. H Is a nice stream for boating nnd pleasuro riding nnd one can alwas see a groat many small skiffs and gnsollno launchos on It. The water Is nlsu nlco for bathing. The supply of water is kept up by tno melting suow In the mountains on tho south, east and west of tho Willamette. 1 am a Dally Junior VBRDA M. BANGS. Age 9. Maclony. Oregon. . .. o QMItfreen Cry MR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A X-RAYS AND SMILES ' x s A skidding, automobile or a kick Ing mulo are harmless compared to it case of plntonlc friendship between the sexes. Did you notlco the fnct that Ding er Hormanu was given an ovation at Cooh Bay? Honey didn't get over , thnt far. i John Hnys Hammond Is to travel with Tnft, nnd will visit Oregon. Now more than ever will regret be folt. thnt Oom Paul listened to the Jingle of Hnmmand's coin nfter the Jamison raid Halley's comet Is said to bo com - Ing this way wny nftor nn nbsonco o'l 7C years. LIko Llttlo Bo-peep's sheep It brings Its tnll behind It. - a. iviMimcKy groom pniu tno preacn .- who mnrrieu mm to ins ueat gin 30 cents, and the preacher handed tho monoy over to tho brldo, probably realizing It was the last time sho would over see so large a sum. A Portland woman claims to have been tho wife of Orvlllo Wright. Now wo can understand why ho flow. 1 l p Europe wants to know what Undo Sam would do If England nnd Ger ninny wont to wnr. Undo Sam would probably attend to his own business, which In that care would bo selling cither of them commissary supplies, If they tin it the price. Undo Joe Cannon Is said to be a coiiHtnnt reader of tho Bible, bnit bis language at tlmos Indicates that he i also In his II fo drove initios, or tried to herd hogs Into n pon. Mrs. John Vnnce Cheney, wife o." the poot, li Buffering a severe nttnoi of nervous prostration, because an other John Vnnce Cheney Is engaged In making hair oil, nn 1 dares to nd vertlno It with the sacred name of John Vnnc. Cheney blown In tho hot-tl- Still Mure- seems to bo n sort REAL Here's Your Chance It Is seldom that such an opportunity Is offered to got such cholco building lots on such easy torms as that now bolng offored lu the Mlllor block on South Commercial .street. A number of prospective builders have already Invested nnd you nro advised to look this matter up at onco If you wish to roservo ono for yoursolf. Prices range from $450 to $050, on easy payments. Phone us and wo will cnll with conveyance nnd show you tho pioporty. Smith - Gillingham Company Room 5, McCornnck Bld(,'. Phone 90. l'r "bably It Is cnllod vacation be-' i'ati- the brain about that season va rnti's Its premises o , Many peiple delude thomsolvos by saying "It will wear away," when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. This Is a mistake Take Foley's Kidney Romody, and fctop the drain on the vitality. It imivmh liuoUnntitt rliOMimitt Ism 1tiltim' and bladder trouble, and makes ev ery trace of pain, weakness and ur inary trouble disappear. J. C. Per ry. o . ,. If you are gentle whe epeak'ng with your enemies It hurts the more when you yet into action. - o A Uwr. popular Candy Cold Cuvo m - f i ti-iau iii-iii J Tablet railed l'i event lc Is being dispensed by druggist everywhere. In a few hours. Prevention are sn'd to break uay cold completely. And Preveut'cc. being so safe and tooth ome. are very tine for children. No qutnlu-. no laxative, nothing harsh nor slckonlng. Box of 4S 2Bc. Sold by Capital Drug Store, o If we could revise our troubles out of existence we would all be for re vision Dr. Abernethy, tho groat English physician, said: "Watch your kid neys. When thoy are affected, life la In danger." Foley's Kldnoy Rem-! otly mako healthy klducys, cor-1 rects urinary irregularities, nnd tones up the whole system. J. C. Perry o Rot It U llttlo satisfaction tp know that you could have done bett ter. o Pink Pain Tablets Dr Snoop's top headache, womanly pains, any Valns, any lain anywhoro. lu 20 minutes suro. Formula on tho 35c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about tbU formula It's fine. Capi tal Drug Stores aw 'vKsMIbW r lfaBBT y Ibb 1 All Patent Me Hclnes or medicines nd verilsed In this pnpor nro for Bale nt DR. STONE'S Drug Store ThQ oll,y cnBi, ,inte 8loro in oretron: owos no one, and no one owes It; carries largo stock; its shelves, counters nnd show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is n rcgulnr grndunto in modi clno nnd has had ninny yenrs of ex porletico In the prnctlce. Cousultn tloiiH nro free. Prescriptions nro free, mid only rogulur prices for mod Iclne. Dr. Stono can b found nt his drug store, Salem, Or., from 7 In tho morning until 9 nt night. 'if sympathy between hair oil and rhyme only the former Is probably the smoother. o Tickling or dry coughs quickly loosen when using Dr. Snoop's l Cough Remedy. And It Is so thor I oughly harmless, that Dr. Snoop tolls i mothers to nivc nothing else, oven for very young bablos. Tho wholosoma green lonvos nnd tondor Btoms of n lung honllng mountnlnous shrub glvo the curatlvo properties to Dr. Snoop's Cough Romedy. It calms tho cough,! and bonis tho sensitive bronchial1 uumbinnes. Ni opium, no chloro - form, nothing harsh to Injuro or sup- press. Demand Dr Snoop's, Accopt no othir. Sold by Capital Drug Store ESTATE NEWS BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. 200 acres, 170 acros lu cultivation, balanco timber, good now 7-room house, two barns, lots of fruit, all lino land. 3tt mllos from railroad town, on good road, Is a good home; a snap, 165 per acre; easy terms. 60 acros, extra fine laud, all In cul tivated, uaw 6-rootn house, lar&o barn, fruit, etc.. on road one-hal' mile from station oti new ra'l road; this place mu-t be seen to be appreciated; only $5,500. 9 ncro8, fine new house, barn, etc , wo'.l fenced, loss than one mtlo from Salem. bulldlngb all new, cost over $25, all goes for $3,000. Houses lu all parts of Salem from $000 to $6,000. Lots In all parts , of Salem, It you are looking for a home or tor Investment, be suro and see A. O. SMITH . CO., Real Estato and Employment Office ,.644 Stato St. Phone 1507... TIRE TAPE For Hop Pickers at WATT SHIPP'S 3 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.- TIME TABLE. Sunday, utily 1 112:01 A. M. EftVctive 1000, nt Northbound. No. HI Oregon Express , .n : 15' n.m. No. 13 Cottage urove rass. ,.8:lCp.m. Nn. 20 ItnseMurir 1'nsscncer :t :15 n.ni No. 14 rortiniiu tsxprces ..8:aen. n. N'n. 1" Shn.ta Limited ., MJp.m. boutiiuounu. No. 13 Sun I'rancleco Express. . ...1 :31 n.m. No. 11 Slianta Limited 7:43 p.m. No. lt Aslilaml l'nsnenccr 10 :.'ii! n.tu. No, 17 i ottnst' Orovc l'ass. ...U :45 p.m. No. 15 lalKorntn Kxnresi O:G0p.m. Northbound. So. JJ't Way Freight ....11:43a.m. No. -J.' runinnii rust lTeicnt . . .u :ou p.m. No. 1J3 Wiiv Trclglit lli4Gn.ni. No. L'Jl 1'oitloml Inst l'relglit ...2:43n.m OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Leaves for I'ortlnnd ntiri Intermediate points. 7 :00 a.m. rortlatid-Illlldtoro Intermediate. . .0 :on a.m. I'ortlanit nnd Itttermedlntc points, 10 too n.m l'ortlnml mid Intermediate 11:15 n.m. l'ortlnml nnd intermcdlnte 1:03 p.m. Limited. Portland. Tualatin nnd Ulllboro.3:33 p.m. Local. PortlnniUIIIlBtioro Intermediate. .4 MR p.m. I'ortlnnd nnd Intcrmedlnta points. (1 :20 p.m. I'ortlnnd and Intermcdlnte point. 8 :40 p.m. Local Arrives From I'ortlnnd nnd Intermediate points. 8:30 n.m. rortlnnri-IItlliiuorn Intermediate. ..0 : 10 a.m. Limited. I'ortlnnd Illllsboro and Tualatin. 10 :20 a.m. Local, l'ortlnml nnd Intermediate points. 11 :firn.m. rorunnii nnn inienucuinto points, i :uo p.m. I'ortlnnri-ltlllsuoro Intermediate. ..4 :() p.m. I'ortlnnd mid IntermiMllntc 5: IS p.m. I'ortlnnd nnd Intermediate 8:20 p.m. Portland tlienter train l'J :53n.m. O. T. C. Co. The company's steamers Oregonn nnd Pomona leave for Portland dally except Sunday, nt O n. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. According to tho dispatches yos tordny, Harrlmnu had two lojnts of his backbone removed. This will make him an oaslor proy to Hill. o Why? From a small beginning tho sale and use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has extended to nil parts of the fulled Sratos and to ninny foreign rnitrles. Why? Because It has l"ov.d espeelnliy vnlunble for coughs f"1 colds. For sale by till good drug- K8t FOR RENT. Modern S-room houso; barn; close in For Sale. 400 ncres $20 por aero 360 acres $30 por aero 32S acres $30 per acre 259 acres, rich river bottom, $70 por aero ' 160 acres $60 por aero S2 acres $160 por aero! 40 acres $100 per aero 20 acres $100 por acre 10 acres, well Improved, $200 per aero. GVJ acres, Improved $1000 Honsefl. Home in all parts of the city, $600 and up Vacant lots, $75 nnd up. To exchango your property see BECIITEL MINTON, 341 Stato St. Rooms 7 and 8 FOR SALE. 5-r3om house, 2 lots, good place, for $1200. 4-room houso and 2 lots; cheap for $750 Small hotiio nnd 4 lots, $600. Good house and 1 lot In Yew Park, $1400. Good hsuse. with ' windmill and 2 lots In Yew Park. $3000. S-room house, lot 75x1,30, large barn. fruit trees, city and well water, $2000. Also 12 acres, mostly In prunes, over 100 bushels of ponchos, nil kind of berr'es. 3-room house, 1 cow, chickens, buggy, plow nnd other things, flno place, $2800. 10 acr s, nil in cultivation, house, barn, good well, family orchard, $2000. 40 acres, mostly all In cultivation. 4 acres In potatoes an! corn, $5000. 16 acres, fair house, applo orchard, some pasture and timber, $4000. And all kinds of city and country property cheap. Come and see us before you buy elsewhere. j. t snuLZ & co., 490 State St. Salem. Or. 0 People who find It hard to restrain I themselves should consult a pollce ' man. 0 A Narrow Escape. Edgar N. BaylUs, a merchant of Roblnsonvllle. Del., wrete: "About 1 two years ago I was thin and sick, , nnd coughed all tho time, and It I did not have consumption it was near to t I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and It stopped my cough, and I am nour entirely well, and have gained about 28 pounds, all due to the good results from tak- 'ng Foley's Honey and Tar. J. C. Perry. Salem Fence Works Hendqunrtors for Wovon Wlro Fencing, Hop wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing, T. & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and ad Justlblo Window Screens. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 1WO Court St. Phone 121 -I - "'Mir taJX I Phone the Butcher-Quickl What Butcher? E. C. Cross & Son. of course; we always get the best meat there. It Isn't necessary to cjo down to the market these warm days. Just call Main 29 1 and tell them to send you a nice steak, roast, boll or anything you want in the meat line and it will reach you on time and In first class condition. When It comes to getting himself ndvertt.ed a mail 1b not to th'nk time the end Justifies tho menus. Health and Remit y Aid. Cosniotlcs nnd lotions will not clear your comploxlon of pimples and blotchos llko Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo, for Indigestion, stomach nnd liver troublo nnd habitual constipation. Cleanses the systom nnd Is Pleasant to take. J. C. Perry. imm'm wmmm i T Farms All sizes and prices. Call for largo printed list. City property of all descriptions. Sco us bofore buying for bargains. OLMSTED LAND CO. :V.l State Street. FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY My list may contain oxactly what you want. T. C. JORY, 205 Com'l St., Salem, Or. Union Land Co. Newport, Oregon. Population and property value treb ling every year. The noxt 3 years U the time ronsonnbly-prtced lots can be purchased. LOTS A.'l BLOCKS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITV. If requited, buildings erected on tny property sold, solicited. Correspondence J. A. 0LSS0N, Mfjr. Newport, Oiegou. CHICHESTER S PILLS yVtPS '"'I AiJ.Tor 'Uf.l.tOr d'i.1-. !.. ...a. nu. IT..:'! I'lll. lu IU4 U.1 t.u.J koii "r-r- finntnna J.aKV II. lu IU4 0.1 t.u.J MillitW io m a ; I , ot Mir aYiomi itrM rKM' !!!!!"!- ' Mww'rcnt "aiiiiii 11 1- m i'"ii,ti,: ?ni 0 stv Miir.i IST"; ri rrvA-fi tie)f ian)iiuie)ienf !! SEE !! II SAVAGE SBORTii ! ; For farms and city J ; i i property ; I !! 135 S. Commercial St. !! f lliiie)tej uu f mi When a girl doesn't know what to do she eats pickle. Warning. Da not be persuaded into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma and lung trouble, as It stops tho cough and heals the lungs, j c Perry