IIAir,Y OAVlTAh JOVHNAh, HALKM, OKKUO.V, IlKSJUY, AfOl'ST .11, 10. t i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 1!, IIOPKr, Kdltar and Proprietor uirniUi)l Nswippr Deioteil In mtrirtn I'rlnrlplcu and ih CnwroH wl DereU)pni6iii of All Oregon. IiiWIrb. Hwr Brwjlnir ttafrt Bni'tr, fluin, om WJIBOIIMTION JJATEH, iur4i)lr la Aclrmod.) Dili, br Mrnw, n 7 M.IW )"r inoiilh .. Oalfr, If mH, par rr. .() r innulh Mo VwifJ, Ur (nU, i ! ar - .. ' it) till hmhIIii fifta i HAWLEY FOR THE LOCKS AND CANAL. iw i pi mm At tlio Coos Bny Dovalopmont Congrats llnwloy cnmo out strong for tlio wot const hnrbors rind tho froo looks nnd oontil nt Oregon City, Ha dnolnrod Hint congress would rocognlzo projocts where tho stnto of Orotinn hnil shown n disposition to help Itself. Tho pooplo of Orogon Imvo through two legislatures do ctored Hint tlioy nio willing to pny hnlf tho oxponso of mnk Ing tho looks nnd cnnnl nt Orogon City forovor froo, Congrossmnn llnwloy nnd tho wholo Orogon dologntlojmro strongly committed to mnko this project the first object of their sollcltudo. Tho noxl sosslon of oonirau will nnas n Imjw rivors nnd unrbois bill nnd tho locks nnd cnnnl nt Orogon City will bo IflKun up nnd onrod for, It Is understood thai tho nrosont ownors of tho proporty, n Inxxo corpomtion In PhllndQlphin, whllo not fighting tho prop OSlunni are not really favorable to government ownership. THE BATTLE FOR MOUNTAIN WATER. productive wealth but shy on population over a million, and what has brought this about? Fighting overy man of prominence has been its record, Just such tactics of destroying the standing of every prom Inont nublfc man in the whole history of the state is its record. One now dead did escape, but he happened to be hired by the same corporations as the Orccjonian. ilonco ho enjoyed Immunity, but the present senators who nro not cronlures paid by the Standard Oil crowd are to be roducod to cyphers in tho estimation of the public, Tho tlmo has come for the people to fight the octopus mothods of destroying every man who will not kneel at the shrine of the plutocracy. When Taft comos to Orogon it makes little difference who hlros a room for him or hands him out or into a carriage, But let the nnnnln nf flrnnnn show him that thev are back of tho mon thoy novo nominated and elected to the highest offices in tho gift of tho people of this state, COAL WILL LAST FOR CENTURIES It Is Estimated That There Is Enough Known to Bo in Existence to Last 9000 Years. IhiH v ai wtrriR afeoat th aal MIU ty will av ta pay In th mhmIk tatr aaoaWl raaft iklr' X-RAYS AND SMILES (( Wht'ii n corporation will not even tie honwt with Its emirs of hired rtrlke-lirenkori, It Is time to fire Its ntnrcri Into tlio pen for life. Ornmtiy Mcllnrj? Is In tho lime light, lint I- rnplilly petting Into tho pnctimhrn Ho Is the gentleman who canio out to Oregon nnd showed tho UepHtillrans down In l'ortlnnd how t- elect n Domoerntle U. S. sen ator. The drew lilt both Kosobiirp nnd MwUwd. ami. from tho newspaper oMMMMits HlRRllae struck them amwattly. Mountain water can only ba sacuiad for the stata instltu- tlnns and tho Capital City by public ownership through tha env ot saiaro, Whita th state institutions naad such a water suppb' rooia than tha city do tho ottv atone has the. pottoo nnd bonding power to handle tho pralwu The final report of the committee to the city council vN be imfc as soon as Govewo Benson returns and the capital water commission is caDod together. AH the woifc of the cib council cwnmttla has hetn cart fuKy dona and the entiie commissi of ortims Is caw posed ot man 4 tto M&tosl eMraotar. Hut khi thfttt Mntaamftn al Mtafo that tan kit a hi un- tfertetkw aktwi i iKmi U-rtl mrMtt mOmm ite tk out it s f mvkertaMrtt that Urt as a wortunwm! w fow4 m tw vm owvMe0 imi t $ ej nrw?. itc a o?. ? j eratlws, - let than wtor tMt 4 4 ta the wcs ei their hett busmefts ma tvMvJ aNNh to Mm this ihoait. It w! m he lw atoiit netheut a sttwHli th the the p&&tk 9nt the ngtitittisftrcs o n ms trim a Salun as rV mm Catai C-n Oieipw a set mortar ahM xm Nc oe o thiis ftat rtity. e reat sler prae w mtm taoifees on the aait el tea fcesi cer mi k wM mi te h k av m tha Mlaf ha a slat far aft ft ty. nr nranekir' mill In I.o Alice- WHltttR aM) tr tartr jmti j RM, K,,wt, B:ul tncn trt salary Tho doctor enn traly Ik "How happy could I be ! fi eJfeaad; t n this pao?i er ceewiK &vs ear is fisHT. hM -vm w Wt Hunt xj tm MTV ! a Mt hwft.tr mm a4 aKKtans v caAot caf o at ate ser " ' t w hwsmxmm. OMMtaft SfikMMft m tktr ta -t - fVinit ii i i t ", l I? vl and atfajanca h -v itixi oefwwmit Th hoa atT . v .o uoltiieal repeat to eteaT taaaniai aa4 eniaiaf i at Saaaaws Baajnar, aaa CfcMaair- Bea 'nw aw iai aanajniajajenBas As the OaoftA ;.o it a t mfcae arc -ktte-1 . S. $kn4tc N'-x a wcr d Ha aas ateceni sc t $ ctoie$ twia tn evi . .w senais. WUt the M9aa u -g "." :njt an saa (Vami oaaeti, k tee ttto el Nb' eaaaaJatj ta mHh a Mr$a3adRat .-' w . Ml (MM M UI k That MMM ta mm ! from waw. Th aro t fot ht will Ww t lthr. wr tother doar charm 1W rl trMa tr. a(4ti: tat way " tfc niotamr .Ty, Uh fl myply j W 1W roMrr UI W Mlty Mar Accerdl: to tho dlapatchea yes-' (m )mm aWnn tai ttow. rhm triai. Harrlwas had two lojnt of' J pr4 hni) W Mwr- hU tfce nxNovvd. This will t Ue MMattaMk. tMl vfll. la- mlt hlM aa tartar pry to Hill Awivx tt tHW f a- ! ' a4 all tSw afwwt )t A aaaa la ikx-toa has born cunsl ' Nwtlate Um rnii itS m ( lrarjr hy Wo Mine. If that ta, a mJ fll nwo tno. -Wlat toarfc q H aorre conter. , IV W mi. Kry ikuaM. .VtW h hotwf M TW liawr ot mt folks bubblv? art wm tWy ot kaow it The OaaMaJ N-t. et w. loaho ha a tartar f WaJtmr WhMia. aad the t'Xf Mr l-rlttM r tho pk tw th went "XxJrc" MarrtBMa hak prow rartsoBO. Yiarur tW dtaaira Mated ho taaptrav rapally a wj a, toiat to ak at aaA a o 4naht4 ' htar H wan aates to V oa w4 9 a aa4 rwv Miloa of a' aacfcfceav takaa aat. xa4 h wat t rtakaay arvasd ta a aaaait satDlac . a aaalMt of ip. aait rtpowxtr wvr 9rmtn4. 10 aaraach wlthta 1H yar4a aa4 tai a loot at Ua. ' Is vhafv ta auttr vtta M roan Of wawiK thjar mt a "' -H4- wmii a ta M k wmiil tta tac m ity.t,Mia taa . waI MM ta t!ta paaiia taMto as viMh a attiaaihti Sartas taa awa mtafji aafy ttav a4al4 f aaw mm Waa aWMa a tT ti.aa. aa c taaa la aajr iwi aaat ! -- 1 hMH Oa aaa ilt IWar'leitlWaj, t tft U ac a Mt awrfI buta- t aaar aaa aaJ t ta iaiyi bav- U ta actftMato tt taaa aafltfaaaaf - -aw JaHaaVVVaa7 aa a faatar ta oaiiaia arfkt iaaaoaatec a avaaR bin aa afl WM DfTiMfQa,? WW saaJI hoai Tm $ t at Pttlaaa Saaah weafaa is cftavean ai tha SiafMiw lufaa has w taaiWi ay taa aaalstra ta in rriQOf was, toaii ew bat&e sijait be fcacreti tt Orusort Tea recast teauv iwn o$ Oemea k-mr wi ce? aat mm Wsainch)f to oat Cfcawtaftairt, ' &o$ that PreWiiat Taft is with tw apft, and fecninst tfe? interests. Waat aa idio&c peftwm?t it wa t ski far a waiie l&Sfid biaa-ow f on cf th Oiwuyte to- balk fte vill ot $ peopiu of 0rt?gQft? But the 5re9Qnian; dfd it VW Octmafl siamajtKS atroyi feW saumikK ai iaiuij or wf i iMhw $taa stmtiH ok a tmM whan tfe wst m caHw !oiia sinjws 0rtjerr ermifiii wtn So2Ur Balks IV th PloC It s4aaM W J. A. Stone, a ctrtl war Tvwraa. Kvmp. Tc that a aax xtot! bw4a a deaprata fcias teal aa4 th ttt to causa his iaU- t taatncttnl a atubora (alL" a wrttw. -that tfTeloBa a watja taut jS t &i ra spKe ot ail KatHltM tar yin. Mr wvtgat roa 4awa a 1)4 yaail9. T&b I hra Whi Dr Kiss's Nsw DfacOT-jry. wlllab irnrmfi it na,v Ndiilth inwnaIdttf)T I aaw wajlt 17S potaJo." Tor - im caute. aanttmat eaas air- raaijf, attnsa xad ta- prtiTnt 9u J ataa.'H nr aarnswi jiw saa i TttuI hactht trti. Gwaraats! iy C Pirty. T"aEC.S- ifi jgaajr7Cayy HSajfaW pura- mv -& -"w S5??S HJff&dE iBli - -m'm OISTORIA For Infurtc and Ohildrgn. Mjurvl.ini ANcgCLUcI'itparaiioiifcrls slmilaito!incFiiK!iiiiiIRe!iila i.ng Ijic S loimxis cnriDovTlscf Promotes Ili5csl(onfeiful ncss and I!esl.Conlalns ncilfcr Oninnt.Morphlnc norLfacral. Xot Narcotic. ( it jrjrcfOJDrSMUnTW3l M- UfrSJl- AatS.i lu-tjeroijhim n.rtetUrmcAv fnrCdnsllna tton.SourStomacIt.Dlarrhoci Vorir.s,Con"ulMons.rcvcn5lt iVusaamlLGSSOrSLEEP. raeSMf Signature of KEW YORK. J The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , Signature of V feRa BHntccd under ihcW jjJhpaaJBjhaJajhaalalPeB Exact Copy of Wrapper. lit Use For Over Thirty Yeara CASTORIA Harvesters' and Hoppickers' Supplies Dost Calico, yard 3c Cotton Blankets, pair. .43c up Hoys' Khaki Suits 73c Cotton Towels, each....Sc up Children's llompors 25 Turkish Towels, each. . .10c up Children's Khaki Rompers 30c S-ouuco Duck, yard ....J2c Garden Hats 23c Cotton Dntts, roll Be Table Oilcloth, yard 17c Tablecloth, yard 23c CANVAS GLOYES, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, COMFORTS, SHEETING, MUSLIN Children's Coat Sweaters.. 33c Men's Slippers 30c Ladtos' Coat Sweaters.. .$2.00 Ladles' Slippers 45c Saioa Petticoats 30c $3.00 Drees Skirts $2.00 Skirt waists 30c $3 75 Dress Skirts $2.30 CklMrea's Leather Gloras 18c $1 00 Wrappers 8c Chers forts. Shots. Hats. Dusters. Suspenders. Outing flannel Towlta yard 3c Handkerchiefs, each ....2ac !5 Towolia 11bb yd.. .10c Pearl Buttons, dozen. 2,4c Boys- Wats 23c Wash Rags 2Hc ROSTEIN & GREENBADM 240-246 Commercial Street MIHaHIHtlltlHltllHf UHUllIIHf ? I ! frH FiEWStT Yqw Savings Wlilte- I Tacy vfcild zoai tiecest J &nd ae iivailuWe v. bea wooceo. a "W'bul: at aiaJtntfd. to t HUti vail ' tut arnir in wwakftitr awm, m mmik tmtnH K faJMMMa tww. m Chw. mner- I CASTORIA : : Jot Inikata aail Sllililwa. r$t&6k tt -vmttm. Thai a aaaat om mm. aiaacad. W inaalaaiwat ot wnte l faaaa ca of eft aval s- It ta aai taut M.QQ.00'1 -i4r aw gttfcii! a wow tn MatAiaM atday. anwt af wfttah aa w4 t v atttta. asplaatai wut tt 4A th hWHit "wafcur Bowjr W lh wiunyj W4M haatMiut witAJft tflM mat M iwrs Mr Uanaiicc aaN tmfofaM tic it vmita arabahl; ro- M ywaa .vd 't aaunamtoi n min tMK aad haadMatr anal a ba tecrti dtMMd. s aa kt si air wnaim wiUiirt t)tt nHt 3fl jmww. thu at suppls W4MM 1SMC W JMMS teBB BUfc. U ftw IRMitat taaw tutu aunftiilfi aantaaa, aanl aaditr tftn mmt tawih aMw aauitilanim. la -mm an w, mat tkM nltlMl MJlM.tiBto. k. b.x b. Maa taaa liri. IkBBteajAa jbf- ttAaa t umd. UM at aatti aV haa Iumb uJiiMiuau.li " "wm- aM " T w .. - .. . a. aw at) Htaanm ta what ai iaaat aa. II ta aant ta nmI whaOmr ak mur mmm r am hut if ntrm 'a huwt a ar 't our aur- uhtMtrm'. . POOR OLD CERES WEEDS CLOTHES AND MEDICINE Tfe taa K Cew' auc at ah iokv hir swwd nidK tUUag; Th Marat wtafetr harn knwa dra on thu M srt and uuwd. hr hands ( wj obii. aiau hur taa Shd fciala, aa taiMitffe s2ii n?dd a toacso rf bfdmfcuBrt and. tjtaijt. and t he ao-, pHuadiw 9t samtt sUa. totioa. Jr sanit i faaur or twaMtiltas avr Hr Hid m ai NHttja aa a. Ho. Shu baa x kind at wuv teolt. tau. and hr s(3oas. muacuHtiti fciim has a sort at "ri-gtve-anaahtaslaribew-&uihiiiiaa sort laC liwtc Bit4dtts bur siakJn Is hraiii and hitr ? art nt at sqMa. amt Iwk R htar Bha har aawut scrtaff atHtaw. tiMa mi m tail, aap- SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Potat on the Pacific Coast : : : : j Brewing Plant and Offices j Mlrm, Qngoit 6a TraJe SU ta Moteofe DbtiKI - kf kka JMtt 194, fiMltgi at Im aaw oatHiw. m orate ra. it bmm aa aawiatndi Mia taaala wlil aa iaaian 'Hhhh aaai um Ta mm kuiv tuiau; cl c Qiw c jaa4aaa aatit tM or tkc Liiawm amata. Oalll!rao Cry W FLETCHER' OA3XOR r A g'T'H kk akraala hfUHahltis. . tka. aarf! Iub trauhla vHt flad ra nC sat asnsftrrx ta F4a' Konu '(Wd Tan aad nan amit auffortnir Up HaraiwatBs to taka: :t at ansa, Fir ala or 7 C Barry. JU INSURANCE GASOLINE STOVES .:$ a si2es. P aU & Lambert Varnish Sua sh ne Sta& airt Varni$hw. Salem Hardware Co, 4