&raEK33a1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALHM, ORBOOff, MONDAY, JULY M, !. 1 I TO PLACE QUARTZ MILL ON BLUE FIVER MINE A. H. Tnylor, general innnagor of tho I31uo Bird Mining Company of Dluo River, Or., ha Just arrived from Portland where ho haB been purchas ing a 30-horsepowor bollor and en gine and Bnwmlll complete for his company. Tho company now has a crew of men building road and grad- Irg out for the mill slto and build ings, and as soon as the lumber can be sawed will bogln tho Installation of n ten-stamp mlu and nil necessary buildings, sheds, etc. Thoy expect to hnvo tho plnnt In operation by the loot of October. Eugene Uogls-tcr. . o FKEBWATEH LAD BLVY WAR IS DECLARED IN VAUDEVILLE CAMP (United Press Leased Wire. Now York, July 20. Vaudovllle war, which has been raging In tho Eastern states for months, will ho carried to tho Pacific coast within tho next few weeks by William Mor- farmer noar jionlo. FARMER BEAT DRAKE; HE KILLED THE FARMER United Press leased Wire.) OUUIU UU11U, WUOUo JUIJI HO. Ui E. Drake, a youth of 18. In la Jail horo today, after voluntarily, giving hlnrolf up to tho sheriff yostorday and confessing that ho had shot and killed Alfred springer, a woii-unown rla, who will develop one of tho lnrg est "Independent vaudeville" organ! zatlons In tho world. A now company, known as "Wil liam Morris Company, Western," will b organized, and mnko Its headquor ters at tho Valencia theater In San Francisco. Walter Hoff Soely, of San Francisco, will bo vico-prealdont and Konornl manager, and J. Charles an wn ntroniiM cjritnnr.l Green will be Identified with tho GO TO KEFOIOt SCHOOL I concornf Th,9 compnny wnt ' I ... .!.. In Mint.mMMnn wtWY, 'Wllllnm work In conjunction with "Wllllnm '4iyi8'mHfitBita I X-RAYS AND SMILES I unrnost l,oii, agoa n, is Doing I .., A 1. lo.. tnwnrrt o'""Sr hold by Sheriff Taylor oA a charge JJ?"fc J! " V3n an? vnudevUlo ch"lren. innnVninn.mt rr m ,-t,.,i MorrlB' goal a chain of vauuevmo According to tho boy's story, Springer hnd negotiated for tho pur chase of Drake's shack at tho logging camp of Creech Bros., ton mllca from hero. Another man offered to buy tho shack and all tho furnlturo and Drako accepted tho latter offor. Ho says Springer appeared at tho Bhack yostordav and boat him, whoroupon tho youth drew a revolver and shot. him dead. Drako Is tho solo support of a widowed mother and two sisters, i Springer leaves a widow and nlno. WILL GIVE THE SPORTS SOME PONITERS Next Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Captnln George E, Lartlett, ex-doputy United States marshal and Bcout, from South Dakota, will glvo a aemonsirai on 0I nis Biuii as a A t dcai ot tho rollBlon ot marksman, with both rlflo and shot. I , d ; , t , Bmoothly nnd Bclou. gun. The demonstration will tako Ufl ' workng ,)00plo It.B work i, u w -uu e.u ... ..., vv--(th0 othor roUow With nu your might pled by tho brick flouring mills, Itti,.... mnrnir mii ni wnrir vmir North Salem on North Front atrcot, . faU work your mothor got tho nnd will mcludo a very Interesting bo8( of ouo anotherj work your neighbor weekdnys and work the 11r n. tUr ..M..I.,. t.(M(ln tt MrtWfflrtl.' 1UI1V UU HH VlfclhVUB tltl.UI, Ufc JVn4V and cnrtrldncs usod. Captain Bartlett is known among t of Incorrigibility. Ho will probably ft"".' ft-X th" rfoh--, nnym?tA t th mfnrm M,nni theaters encircling tho globe. bo committed to tho reform school, but ho will be glvon a hearing to morrow, at which tlmo his mother has boon cltod to appear. Tho moth or is n widow woman living about two miles from Froowater, and slnco sho has admitted that she cannot control her offspring It Is doubtful If sho appears. It scorns that this boy, with two younger brothers, aged ten and eight years, started out this week to soo tho world. Thoy had an old horso and buggy, and got as far as Dayton, whoro a stolon bicycle got them Into trouble. Thoy wore arrested and sont homo to their mohor. Thoy camo as far as tho Btato line, whoro thoy broko Into n houso and stolo somo artlclos. Th.'y wero caught by 8hoN Iff Propcck, of Walla Walla, as thoy wero making for tho mountains. East Orogonian. o PORTLAND HOGS AT HIGHEST PRICES KNOWN per 100 ino giuuu. Tiiniimir riir rtinl "T rofrnril Mils na thn most BtllDOnd- I nUUUn I I flC UlnU ous theatrical venture of modern VVAS ABOUT TO DROWN times," said Soely today. "It marks tho advent of Independent vaudovllle M'nlled Vrnt i.mI ivire.l Into the best territory of tho coun-i Seattle Wash., July 26. Lake ry. This now corporation win con- Washington, In tho vicinity of Madl trol between 20 and 3C theaters In , son Park, la being draggod today for 55SSsi5n39EBBBS!7?&2R5S fSSslHH!iiHfebiM.AM3KLrblf N&lAiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWF9wCt3 tho nrlnclnal cities of tho West, In cliudlng San Francisco, Donvor, Salt Lake, Portland, Seattle, Omaha, Los Angolos, Sacramento, Oakland, Ta cb'mn, Butto. Helena, Spokano and Vancouver, B. C. "I Bhall go West In a day or bo. My first' stop will bo Denvor. From thoro I shall go to Salt Lake City. I bellevo that my associates and mysolf have conferred a lasting benefit upon tho' people of tho West by Joining Mr. Morris In this fnr-reachUig enter prise." "Yes, It Is all very true," said tho onergotlc Wjn. Morris. "It was In January last, when Wil liam Morris, Inc., first Invaded Chi cago, tho great Westorn stronghold of tho 'vaudeville trust,' that wo ful filled our promises mndo six months before. At that tlmo I nhnouncod thnt boforo tho first of January tho William Morris, Inc., trans-continent-' tho body of Josso W. BIssott, ot Hill man City, who lost hlB llfo yostcrday whllo attempting to glvo aid to a young woman whom ho thought to be In danger. Tho drowning occurred within 30 feet of tho Bhoro, and lu sight of soveral membors ot a pie nlclng party. Soolng a young woman pushing n raft about near tho shoro ot tho lake, and, bollovlng her to bo In porll of her llfo, BIssott started to tho ros cuo In a oanoe. Boforo ho had gonb far a squall arose and his frail craft wan overturned. Unablo to swim, Blssot sank for tho last tlmo JUBt as one of tho mon from tho chore reached his sldo. SLAUGHTER DOVES ' TO FEED THE "SPORTS" EKsl Lord on Sunday. Tho Idea of tho federal govorn' tnent Bonding out a bunch of big snlarlod officials to tell shippers how to pack fruit for tho mnrkott Thon thoy solemnly toll tho nowspapors thn lmnnrtnnt thlntr Is to koon It I cool! And go on drawing salaries! I Great scottl Undo Sam's experts will next bu tolling tho old barnyard I hons how to lay their eggs at so I much a lay! ... 1 Everybody wishes tho Oregon Electric would run out to Liberty. I Those pcoplo will got n carllno somo day. I ... Ono man Is running tho town of Dexter, Iowa, puYoly as a business I proposition, Thnt Is nothing now. Salem city, Salem school district, and Marlon county havo boon rim that way for yohrs. lng for a dlrorco lnstond of alleging Mint uer. uusonna wns ompnaucniiy lazy, simply stated, with charming nalveto that ho was ''hffllcto'd With Inherent Indolence." . New England wants frco hides bo cause It manufactures loathor, and Texas wants a tariff on hides" becauso it grows them. It might bo, added that tho people who wear tho shoes made from tho lenther can stand it It both parties are disappointed. ... Alfonso of Spain realizes tho truth ot tho ndago "Uneasy lies tho head that wears a crown." And it Isn't much of n crown, cither, or for that matter, much of a head. Tho largest gray wolf, considered tho largest over scon In thnt part ot tho country, was killed last week (you hnvo another guess coming, for tats story Is not from tho Jungles) by E. A. Taylor, n farmer living near Mill City. ... Warrington Dawson, staff corre spondent ot tno United Press, Is Bend ing somo wonderfully uninteresting stuff about ii.msolf. Kornilt Roose velt 19 In General Dawson's party, and Kcrmtt's frtthor. Colonel Roosevelt, nt ono tlmo president ot tho United States, also accompanies Mr. Dawson. ONE WEAK SPOT. Portland Hogs D.05 pounds. This price wns obtained In opon sosion oi ine rorwsnnn union biock wllllnm Morris. Inc.. trnns-contlnont-' rumted Press Leaswl Wlrs.l yards Saturday for 73 weighing a al circuit would bo established from Marysvlllo, Cal., July 20. Throo fraction oyer 1C4 poundB each. Tho const to coaBt, with San Francisco as thousand dovos wor mado Into stow prlco Is tho hlghost over obtained for ) tho Westorn basis." to tlcklo tho palnto of tho Wheatlaud Gun Club, which gavo Its annual ' feast last night I Tho sacrlflco of tho birds Is a year ly occasion, and takes placo when are migrating hogs In United States during a reg ular session ot tho livestock oxchnugo and shows the oxent ot tho fanilno In porkors at this tlmo. Thoso record hogs wero llko tho ones which broko tho former high mark at $ D yesterday, from tho Wil lamotto volley, A. R. Ford, of Mc Mtnnvlllo, capturing tho prize. Not only the now high record reached for good hogs today, but Blockers wont nt $7.50, a prlco never boforo heard ot or ovon dreamed ot In any market In tho Unltod States. Schwarcblld & Sulzberger, tho in dependent packers, woro tho buyers. BIG LINER BURNED; LOSS HALF MILLION Now York. July 2C. Tho Ward llnor Vlgilancla today llos at tho bot tom of tho Hudson, almost a total loss, as tho rosult ot a flro which smouldered In hor hold and ended only when sho settled on tho bottom of tho river. The vostiel was valued at $460,000 and hor cargo In said to bo worth $f0,000. A (hI IluscbuM Gam Thn most Interesting enmo the Sa loin Indepondont team has played ifoclts of tho birds was that ot yostorday against the Al-' ward to nost. uma team oi t'ortianu, resulting m the score of 2 to 1 In favor of tho ,,,,, ,, ... ",, locals. Salem's battory, Bowon and, NEW ISLAND SPROUTS Jones, worked l'ko mnchlnory during I ... oniiTu DAninn tho wholo nlno Innings, nnd tho Port-- I IM SOUIH PACIFIC land visitors hnd n difficult tlmo win- nine tholr lonely score Alblna's1 Sonttlo, July 20. A now Iflland pitcher nnd catcher, "Slats" Crosby has sprung up In tho Pacific ocoan, nnd Brock, also played oxcollont bnll, Tar to tho southwest of tho Socloty and hnd It not been for a fow orrorsi'iiul Gamblor groups, according to on tho Portland side at a critical , Captnln Quatro Vaux, ot tho Fronch point ot tho gnmc, tho contest would ahlp Thtors, which enmo from Now havo oxtondod to a lengthy affair. Casctlo. Australia yostorday. Tho Alb'nn organization lias secured ' Tho Island Is but a fow hundred somo first-class mon this ycar. Turk, foot In clrcumforonco, and appears to formorly n star playor la tho Inter-, ho of volcanic origin. Mountain League, was on tho dla-' It Is sltAinted In latl,tudo 24,25 do mond yostorday. nnd he handled him Broes south, to tho southcat of tho lf In accordance with his reputa-.Sacloty and Gamblor groups. tlon. Turk nlso t'rled out with tho o Portland Pacific Coast team. bntTHINKS HE WHIPPED luuvu m luvui mi niu luquiruiiiuiua .SPAIN RUSHES TROOPS TO FIGHTTRIBESMEN M'nltnl I'rrs ,ese,l Wlri.l Madrid, July 20. Five thousand Spanish soldlors sailed today to as sist In repulsing tho tribesmen of Morocco. It Is stated that at least 24,000 troops havo boon transported this weok to Morocco, and that a de termined effort Is bolng mado to bring tho robolllon to a close, o No llfo Is hopeless so long ns It glvos others hnpplno3s. o Truth Is always too big bounded by ono man's vision. to bo of that professional toam. Brock, Al blna's backstop, was nip and coming In the Bnmo manner he dUl, as will be romomherod by tho Salem fans, In tho Trl-Cltv Loninio. of wlilnli Rn. lorn was a member ast season . BlatV . K " -J " ."ro- L". J",B.B- "n. oxa n: Prn.1,,. !.! .l.l- i ... VL i "" w mo W1IUIJ, uucmuBO 110 -. iuiui, is uibo III UlC.WnlkOd Into tho fi Sklvon Pnnntv BIG JIM JEFFRIES (United Press leased Wire. Yrekn, Cal.. July 20. Josonh Bill- tea Is In Jail horo ponding an oxam- It left to a popular voto wbother tho rain did nioro good than harm, it would bo doctded In favor of tho rntn by n big majority. ... Jos. Jones, who wns for many years a sergeant on tho stnto house forco at Salem, hns retained his placo on tho pollco forco nt Portland undor Mayor Simon, Joseph kept In undor Hie stormy Lnno adminis tration and has tho kindly nlort quali ties of a typical loador among met ropolitan poaco olflcors. ... I.io citizens ot Grove Hollow nro to form an Improvomont club. Thnt neglected pnrt of Ronton county will now como to tho front. As usual, tho gandors will probably do nil tho talking. ... Ono ot tho best local pnpors wo got Is tho Ontario Optimist. It Is full of those Interesting llttlo Items that constttuto tho local history ot tho growth of n community, nnd far moro Importance attaches to tho slzo of u big hen's egg than Interna tional affairs. . Talk about HvIiik machines, tho tolopnono, or tho man who Invented sloop, tho waturmolon Is by fur tho noblest product of clvlllzntlon. Thoro nro no microbes In It. You can't mnko whlskoy out of It. Thoro Is Most Salem Pcoplo Havo Weak Part and Too Often It's the DacIc. tho Sioux Indians ot tho Dakota an "Wounded Knoo," ho bolng namod that owing to tho slight limp ho has as tho result of a wound Infllctod in tho leg during a scrimmage with horso thlovca in 1883 In Dakota. Af terward ho conductod a trading atoro near Pine Rldgo agoncy. Personally Captain Bartlett Is a most Intorostlng porsonago, and ho is blessed with a rich fund ot historical lcnowlodgo of much vnliio to both old and young sportsmen. At present ho Is ongagod by tho Potors Cartridge Company as n domonstrator. nnd tils pormnnont location Is In California. POKED LITTLE NOSE INTO REAL TROUBLE (United Press I,sed Wlre.1 San Franclcco, July 20. Timidly knocking nt tho door ot tho Harbor Emorgency Hospital, two llttlo girls nppealcd to tho matron for aid, Ono of tho youngsters was holding a blood soaked liaudkorchlof to hor noso. "A crnb did it nasty thing," sob bed tho small sufToror. "I'm not going fishing any moro." Her small companion then ex plained that thoy had been flohlng,' no artificial substltuto for It. It needs nnd caught two small crabs, which tnoy placed in a box. "Mllllcont always was curious,' no protective tail ft and requires no cultivated tasto to enjoy It. It Is ns great a, feast to tho barefoot boy sho said, "nnd sho Just InalBted on ns to tho grontest mllilonnlro, and ho uioKiiig at (nose craos. uno ot 'om got nind 'mi pinched her noso." Mll llcont, who said hor nnmo was Lonry and that nho lived nt 111 Montcalm stroot, was not badly hurt, and, aftor having hor Injury nttended to. wont homo. Willlo. son of Lewis Shnfor. Lornno. died July 21st. aged 20. of high rlnsn. nnd ho mado tho Salem ?"j5?"rfB.0.1. ,n ami '?ok. 80n, I0' imy him $"2850. Ho claimed ho hud .-., lu ,,, ,,, iramiuny was mo inkOil Jim JnfTr na n fnw rinva nt first game of the thrpo serlnli rlieii ulod with the disbanded Trl-Clty or ganlznt'on. Next Sunday tho St. Johns team will bo horo, and then comos tho roaring Vancouver slug gors. if Salem plays ball In tho next two games with tho representatives of tho Trl-Clty'Loaguo as sho played yostorday, tho throe games will prob ably bo credited to tho local team. o- When a man Is waiting on tho Lord ho In most llkoly to be working for somo of hla children. bnnk, nnd domunded that tho cashier Chlco, nnd ns a result tho money was duo him. Baltes doclared that Joff rlos was too big to knock out, but thnt ho throw up tho sponge, nnd tho oourts had awarded Baltos tho sum demanded of tho bank. Making old men out of boys often meaiiB mnklug bad mon out of thorn. Tho most comforting truths wo know havo become ours when seen through toam. BETTER HEALTH Im your almost for tho nsklng, but you can only bring about audi a change by tho use of the Hitter. It him Btood tho test for n ywirx and will not fall In your case. Sickly folkN, got u bottlo of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today and start on tho road to hotter health. It Is for I-'lutuluncy, Hcurt burn, Vomiting, ImllgcMion, I y. pap ula, CoMIvciu'mn, Crumps, I)nrrlix'ii mid .Miliaria, fcVvrr mid Ague. Tho goutiino oh our Private Htiinip ovor tho neck of tho bottlo. can got nwny with a grent doul moro oi it. , . Tip Humphrey, of tho Jefferson Ro vlow, Is u boostor for tho homo band. Ho say for an occasional donation thoy would glvo Sunday concerts In tho grove. Thoro lire somo icon too tight to glvo a ponny to mipport a band, but Tip Is not ono of that kind. Boinu ovon expect to hoar henvouly iuiibIc through nil otornlty and novor .1-op a com In tho contribution box. Miss Edna Denn Proctor, an ul logod pootcss from Boating, vlBtted Tnooniii Saturday with tho National editorial Association nnd dollghted Tncomiiua by Bottling tho controversy ovor Mount Rulnlor. Miss Edna Donn Proctor Biiys It should bo called "Tncoma," nnd ns u reason, wiys "Wo owo It as a monument to tho In dians." Now Edna can go back to Boating and toll Back Bay denizens to chnngo tho nnmo of Bunker hill to "Breed's" hill. "Wo owo It na a moiuimont to tho Amorlcnn patriots." ... Tho dictionary Is Inviilunblo In tnlt Ing tho sting out of harsh langungo. A woman, a perfect lady too, in bu- E. E. GlHInm, proprietor of livery and teed stablo 332 Wator street, Salem, Oro says: "Yearn of almost constant driving and a fall I bad sev eral years ago affoctod my kidneys, and I suffered from backacho and laraonesg so badly at times that I could scarcoly straighten. Sharp pains caught mo whon I aroso from sitting, and no no ot tho romodlea I triod did mo any good. A short tlmo ago I was lndiucod to got Doan's Kid ney Pills at Dr. Stono's drug otoro, nnd I soon obtained great relief. I know of neighbors who havo takon Doan's Kidnoy Pills, and they all speak ot them no tho boat kidney medlclno thoy havo ovor used." For snlo by all dealers. Prlco 5tf cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho Unltod Statos. Rcmombor tho name Doan's and tako no othor. PROPOSALS INVITErT Proposals for Cent nil Agricultural Building mill Green Hoiih. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outsldo of tho envelope, "Pro posals for tho Agricultural building and also for tho Orcon Houses, for tho Orogon Agricultural College, Cor vullls, Or.." nnd addressed to tho secretary of tho nonrd of Regents, E. E. Wilson, nt tho college office, until 2 o'clock p. in. or August 14, 1909, for tho construction of n four story agricultural building, and for the construction ot groon housos, nt Corvalils, Or., In strict accordance with tho plana, specifications and In structions to blddora which may bo oxnmluod at tho ofllco of tho secre tary, at tho college, nnd at tho offlco of tho architects, Bonnes. Hendricks a. Thompson, 07 Lnbbo Rldg.. Port land. Or. 7-2 0-8-1 4 -ood o Kvploslon on Rattli'slilp, (United Press Leased wire. Tokyo. July 20. Five persons wero klllod and four wounded Sun day nftornoon by a powder explosion aboard tho battleship AbIiiiI. Beyond tho fact that tho explosion occurred during target practice no details ot tho accident hnvo been received. An Investigation litis been ordered. A mooting to promote Irrigation In tho Wlllnmetto vulloy will bu held nt Eugene July 31st Wallace Kramer, of Portland Is In vestigating the need of u flouring mill ut Lebanon. Tho Opp placer, mine, In Jackson county, near Jacksonville, la soon to bo oporntod again. Dress Headquarters For Salenm Women FRAKES HENDERSON front Laced Corset? IT PROMOTES BEAUTY AND PRESERVES HEALTH Dress Headquarters For Salem Women SALEM'S NEW STORE Millinery - Hair Goods - Tailor Suits Linen and Duck Suits at one-half price-all colors. Iuck and Linen Skirts, in all colors, one-half price. Silk one-piece Dresses one-half price all this week. "If It Comes From Frakes, It's Correct" 333 North Commercial Street MISS M. Di EVANS, Manager form c""Herciii1 sireet tj