Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    cv TssBHjir'v
Courageous Utterances of Editors Who Do Not Fear the Power of State Official Com
missioner Hoff Makes Journal Object of a Circular Letter to Newspapers.
Under n vnguo and loosely worded
not of tho legislature tho stnto labor
.commissioner Is trying to mnko ovory
newspaper nnd printing offlco py
tho nnnuftl five-dollar inspection fee.
Ho hns sent out n letter In which
ho makes this statement, which Is
"The Dally Capital Journal of this
Oily In tho only institution In Sal en 1
and (ho only newspaper in Mnrion
county that failed to pay its Inspection
feer under the state factory Inspec
tion law, after repented notification,"
Wo have called Mr. Hoff 8 atten
tion to tho fact that ho has not col
lected tho Inspection fco from tho
stnto printing plant of Hon. Willis
Dunlway, who oporntcs a lnrso powor
plant with fast urwwoii and really
dangerous innchlnory nnd lias not
paid any tax when he Is n hundred
tlmcH more nlilo to pay tlmii tho
l'Ycowater Timet wort" of other
llttlo one-i"--' printing offices. Mr.
Hoff has misinterpreted tho law nnd
dio Intention of tho law which lu
Intended for factories nnd manufac
turing plants omploylng dangerous
machinery nnd largo power plants.
Cinch the Mttle Fellow.
Wo opposo this tnx because It Is
a clear attempt to cinch tho llttlo
. h'oro aro thousands of small con
cerns In tho state that opornto ma
chinery with powor that aro not fac
tories nor worKsuopH In tho sonso of
tho Inspection act. Yet they aro all
liable to he held up for thin annual
Inspection fee. It Is a fact that Labor
Commissioner Hoff did try to make
all tho grocors and butchers In tho
statu using powor coffee grinders nnd
sausage cutters pay tho Inspection
tax and foil down at It. Many re
fused to pay nnd nil nro nnxlous to
soo tho net tested out lu tho courts.
If tho net Is not tested out nil tho
candy shops and Ice croam frcjzors
nnd everything that uses an electric
motor whoro anything Is ninnufnc
tliriwt liv Intini tnr tvnlli will Iwi bwntit I
Into tho net for flvo dollars n year. I room t0 l""1"1 thorn all hut append In
No ono should blnmo Mr. Hoff forl wunpleH for what they are worth,
tho gradual extension of tho system'0 l0 not onilorBO tho severe coin
no muro deputies must constantly bo "lon,H Mr; 1-off, who Is doubtless
employed nnd the more thoy collect I trying to onforco what ho considers
tho moro thoy will want to spond "Kood law, and ftir thin no tot
and by using tho magic words "labor i ," '" i,,,pw1"IM.1 ! D"1 " ,!T
commissioner" It Is mode to appear I fo" ,s loalb o In this mnttor with
thnt It Mb In tho Interest of labor' 'J"1 loa nK Its workings and con
when It l officialism (hat In hark of omnlng tho practces growing up un
j( I der It. We print tho following letter
' . -, . ,-. , ,, from tho editor of tho Oregon City
Own Report Condemns it, ElltorrBOt n lloWBm)or ()ff00 that
Mr. uon minus mo mo snouiu uo
reduced from flvo dollars to two dot
An oxninlnntlon of tho last report
of his labor bureau shows that ho
hlmsolt has Interpreted tho law to
refer lo "mills and factories" and not .
printing offices. Nowhere doos ho
speak of Inspecting country printing
offlcoB. Ho refers to "Oregon fao-
torles on pages 5 and fl. Ho wont
to ulympln, Wash., to loam about
tho Washington ' factory Inspection
law." Ho tolls In many plncos about
tho Inspection of factorlos but no
where about the Inspection of print
lug office. In tho first qunrlor of
1008 ho made twelve trips to Port
land and ono to Dallas to "Inspect
factories." Mr. Hoff must realize
that no Jury would consider a news-,
papur pruning omce wmi one power
press, run a few hours u day or pos
sibly a few hours a week, a factory.
Ho prints In his report tho names of
about two hundred "newspapers and
publications" hut he does not call
thorn factories, and It would bo lu
Intorestlng to know how many of
theBO offlcos ho has Inspected nnd
collootod tho flvo dollar fee from,
niiw why ho does not enumerate the
job printing offlcos. Ills report does
not boar out his own contention.
Law Has Vicious Feature.
Why does Mr. Hoff single out this
ono nowspnpor to soml out circulars
from tho s,tato labor bureau? Ilecauso
It Is tno only nowspnpor that has re
fused to sanction his effort to wrong
fully omploy this law to collect fhe
dollar fees from ccry little printing
office una Job printing office in this
state. In addition, If ovory llttlo ma
chine that Ib run by power, no moro
powor than a ono-press printing plant
requires, there will bo five hundred
llttlo shops using power that will
havo to pay this Inspection foo In
Marlon county alone, it will bo only
another step to extend It to windmills,
water motors, cream separators and
scores of othor machljics, IIUo gaso
line wood snwB, gasoline carpet clean
crs, Irrigation pumps, etc. It la tho
wording of tho act that makes tho
law vlcous In tho hands of u labor
1 L
J, H, Albert, Pres,
E. M. Crolsan, Vico Pres,
Jos, H, Albort, Cashier
Pays Interest on Savings
conmilBslonor disposed to make use
of It, whoro It says In section 2:
"Every factory, mill or workshop
whoro innchlnory Is used and manual
labor is exercised in the way of trade
for tho purpose of gain."
Tho nbovo words In tho sanitary
section of tho law nro rolled on to
givo tho labor commissioner tho
broad drag-not sweep by which ho
could Include nlinost everything that
is dono with power of any kind to
drlvo tho smallest machine, or even
ii Jcwelcr'H watch drill. Tho law Is
vicious nnd should bo tested In tho
courts nnd knocked out nnd made to
confine- its oporntlons to mills nnd
factories with nt Ieoat ton-horsopowor
nnd employing flvo or moro persons.
No Printing Offlco AccldentM.
Mr, Hoff tells of nccldentB In mills
and factories but nowhero of nccl
dentB In printing offices. Tho Capi
tal journal believes In tho rigid en
forcement of tho factory Inspection
net where there is dangerous ma
chinery to inspect. Tho lnw is n
wlso ono If It Is confined to Its or
Iglnnl Intention nnd legitimate pur
poso but tho nowspnpors of tho stnto
In their own Interest and In tho pro
tection ofatho public gonernlly will
resist tho extension of theso inspec
tions to every llttlo powor-uslng
plant. This tav does not go into tho
public treasury. It does not bonoflt
tho taxpayer but tho bureau, which
like all other bureaus Is busy ex
tending Kb oporntlons on every con
ceivable direction, nnd tho tlmo hns
come to fight tho solf-oxtendlng grntt.
Lot a stop bo put to tho multiform
systems of collecting monoy off tho
; citizen, from the ragged hoy wander
ing ny the liny nrooklet to the pro
prietor of the biggest sawmill and
owners of herds and flocks.
Opinions of tho Press.
The Capital Journal Is In receipt of
a great many nowspnpor clippings nnd
loiters trom editors who aro opposed
to tho oxtonslon of this tax to one
press printing offices. Wo have not
uses powor proBsos, has linotypes nnd
doos binding
"Oregon City, Juno 1. Mr. B. Ho
for, ICd I tor Capltiu Journal, Salem,
Or. Donr Sir: Wo nro In receipt of
circular letter front Mr. Hoff, stnto
labor commissioner, wliloh wo nro on-
closing, nnd which you may find of
'Wo certainly think It Is stretching
u llttlo bit to Impose a oharge
against newspapers and printing of-
rices for inspection fees.
"Very truly yours,
"By Edwnrd 10. llrodle."
From I'nlou County.
Oeo. A. Hclblrd, editor of tho Un
ion Republican, mis tho following to
say on the subject:
"Tho Salem Capital Journal Is go-
lug after the stnto Inspection graft
as applied to printing offices, nnd
doals out Home facts along this line
that are refreshing nnd timely. An
Inspection law that was designed to
apply to factories nnd mills, whore
there Is an element of danger to em
ployes, appoars to have boon extended
In Its scope to Include printing olllcos
and may be further advanced to In
clude sowing innchlnos, typewriters
and fountain pens. To the nveiiige
owner of a one-horso print shop this
Inspection, so far us It nppllos to such
offices, seems useless and a public
levy upon nn Industry that does not
need Inspection. Tho Capital Journal
Is doing tho country press of the state
u favor by entering a protest nnd at
tempting to protect those who havo
been 'stung' by this sort of public
Douglas County Hpeaks. .
Editorial by 11. W. Dates in the
Umpquii Vnlloy (Ilosaburg) News
"O P Hoff, state labor commis
sioner. Informs tho Nows that Tho
Dally Capital Journal of Salem Is tho
'only newspaper in Marion county
that has failed to pay Its Inspection
fees after repeated notifications.' In
nnswor we can only say, good for Tho
Journal. It Is u pity that all tho
newspapers, not only In Marlon coun
ty but throughout tho state, hnvo
not norvo equal to that of Tho Jour
nal, no law was doubt. essly cre
uted for ixilitical effect by and
through lawmakers who rarely toll
nnd never spin. It permits a graft
without compensating returns, and
while there might bo uu excuse for
the Inspection lu largo factories and
mills, t..ero Is no moro need of It In
n printing offlco than there is for
a bull In n china shop. There is no
sympathy to bo wasted on Mr. Hoff
or tho state's labor bureau, but there
Is commendation for Mr. Hofer. Tho
publisher pays his share without the
contribution asked to pay the salar
ies of tho officials of the bureau nnd
Mr. Hoff, their collector. With prop
erty taxes, occupation taxes, church
contributions, charitable donations
and a dozen other calls for money.
tho publisher Is besot on ovory hand
for monoy. Each demand In Itself
may bo smnll nnd lnBlfnlllcnnt, but
combined they form n large aggre
'gato without the nddltion of tho In
spection tax, nn uncnllcd for nnd un
necessary nnntinl occurrence. Tho
Nowb honrtlly Joins Tho Journal In
Its timely protest nnd hopes that tho
duties of tho labor bureau nnd Mr.
Hoff will be rogulnted by tho noxt
legislature bo that they will only In
cludo mills and fnctorlcs, or tho law
legalizing their orflclal creation bo
wiped, from tho statutes of tho state."
Factory Inspection.
(Editor .1. F. Gnlbralth in Qrnnts
Pass Obsorvor.)
ThO ubaervor hns soveral times
complained of tho unjust lnw that
constitutes a country printing-office
n factory, and taxes It 5 a year ror
Inspection. Of course, $5 Is not
much, but nil tno snmo, olio resents
robbery. Other pnpers of tho stnte
hnvo kept "mum," probably because
tholr poor llttlo souls nro timid nnd
thoy would rather be Imposed upon
than kick." Now Tho Snlcm Journal
takes ii)) tho rascality and designates
tho special taxing of one-press print
ing offices as u graft. Tho law was
devised by big sawmill mon for tho
bonoflt of big sawmill men, nnd ac
cording to Tho Journal Was at first
nppllcd only to concerns of that kind,
ns was tho Intention of tno legis
lature, but has gradually oxpanded
Into n bold graft by bolng stretched
to Include nil sorts of llttlo establish
ments uevor contomplntcd by tho men
who drafted tho law or tho legis
lature that passed It.
Attorney Oonernl Crawford, ac
cording to Labor Commissioner O. P.
Hoff, Interpreted the law ns applying
to any machinery not operated by
hand power. Dutchors' sausage
knives operated by olectrlcity hnvo
been rated as machinery; why, then,
should not laundry irons opernted by
electricity be also rated ns innchln
ory? Ilecauso Hoff Ib a coward, nnd;
ti nro not carry ins grnti into private ' cu is minions to tno eyes of tho
houses. Thnt's tho reason. Ho hns compositor, It gives him n temper
a wnolo band ot deputies who opcr- like a case-hardened lllo, and cnusos
ato over tno state at 4 a day and more slips from grnco thnn nnythlng
expenses. Isn't that nice for tho'nround n print shop. It rnlses n
doputlcs? And Isn't Hoff n generous,
follow with othor people's money?
Tho Inspector conies to the Observer,
nnd .other printing offices hero, onco
a your, dovotos about 20 seconds In
walking to tho rear nnd back, nnd
tho tax Is SC. Thero Is nothing to
Inspect, Tho whole thing has devel
oped Into u miserable graft, nnd tho
original lnw, drafted by mill men,
was designed for tho benefit of mill
nion without nny consideration of the
public IntoroBt.
Tho factory Inspection lnw pro
vides thnt partlos shall pay tholr
allottod shnro of grntt yearly or bo
liable to u fine of $25 to $100. Tho
Observer hns lawfully forwarded tho
"boodle, but according to The Salem
Journal most of the print shops of
tho stnto hnvo repudiated tho grnft,
fulled to pay tho tribute nnd are now
being threatened with prosecution.
Tho Journal advises that tho country
publishers nny tholr arrears Into a
fund to tost the law In the courts. '
Tho Observer awo no arrears, but
Is willing to add to such a fund
It Is luconcotvablo that the courts
would uphold so unjust nn Interpre-'
tatlon of the Intention of the law ns
Is applied to It In practice b the
lllustroiiB State Lulnr Commissioner
O. P. Hoff.
Predictions of earthquakes for
tho middle wost periodically nlade
somo with embolliihmont of dire
disasters that forget to turn up,
gained tome standing In conto
.queneo of the tremor j which rattled
Chicago 8 dishes and now somo ot
the prognostlcators point with prtdo
to tholr guesses. Somo brand now
pred'ctlons also havo been inspired.
S. C. Drngnnts Do La Coralla writ
ing from Port Hyron, Ills., said of
the earthquake: "I had predicted
Its occurenco for tomorrow, but It
anticipated Its dato by one day I
hnvo predicted another earthquake
of moro Intonso force for Juno 7
next." nut tho solsinlc medal was
won by one A. T. Koopman who pre
dieted on Juno G, 1907 that an earth
quake would visit Chicago In 1009.
Ho may havo recovered from bll
lousneis bu his prognostication wore
weeds and Its gloom reminded one
ot tho dirges played on memorial
days. Dut as predicting! remains an
Inoxact eclouco ono can listen with
m " - --
Family Liquor Store
144- Commercial St. Free Delivery
Phone 103
. -rr-y ir---fr-KHTgTJg3L'
thnt from now mntll 19010 and 1010
wo shall have almost n continuous!!
nlmln rt An fli nmilna nm! frnn fnll-l
tires, which will devastate not only
n groat tart of thin country biut of
our globe. AIbo one-half of Chicago
lying south of Mcdlson street, all of
New York City, nil of Washington
D. C. Tho Panama canal will bo
rondered useless not by nny actual
quake but by tho Bhlftlng of tho
earth's crubt, which will not shako
down buildings, but will destroy tho
cnnnl excavations. Crop failures will
depend on Canada for sustenance
Somo of the cities in the Unltod
States that will be free from any
disturbances are Boston, Milwau
kee, Minneapolis and Seattle." Quoth
the raven, "Nevermore."
Looking One's Best.
Itft8 a woman's delight to look
her best but pimples, skin oruptlons,
sores nnd bolls rob life of Joy. Lis
ten! Bucklon's Arnica Salvo cures
them; makes tho skin soft and vol
vety. It glorifies the fnco. Cures
Pimples, Soro Eyes, Cold Sores,
Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try
It. Infallible for Plies. 2Cc at J. fj
Several applications havo come to
the Pnrk Commission tho past week
to cut down trees In tho streets of
Salem. Tho trees In tho streets nro
absolutely under tho control of tho
park authorities. Looking down any
street In this city, nt the end of the
street nro beautiful firs, oaks and
other nntlvo trees. In somo cases old
er residents hnvo out down trees that
nre now In the street, sovernl bolng
beautiful Sequoias, or California
redwoods. Last week n magnificent
oak tree that stood In tho mlddlo of
n suburban street was hewn down.
The Pnrk Commission has decided to
prosecute the first case of trco-cutt-
Ing on the streets. If a street Is to
bo permanently Improved there
would be some excuse, but not other
wise. Property owners havo no right
to give anyone license to cut trees
standing In tho street in front of
tholr property. Tho city must fight
to save Its beautiful trees, and tho
Park Commission proposos to uso all
its legal power to save beautiful
Whon you, nnd thnt menns overy-
ono who reads this, write anything
for publication, there nro three
things you should do before touching
poncll to pnpor. The first is throw
nwny your Indelible pencil. Tho sec
ond Is burn your Indellblo poncll nnd
tho third Is bury tho ashes of tho
blamed thing, nnd bury them deep.
Copy written with nn Indellblo non-
lionrso nuurmuni of profnnlty from
tho tlmo the city editor gets his oyo
on it, until tho devil, with ghoulish
glee, JnniB It out of the wnsto bnB-
koi into me stove, ah you nro n
Christian, touch not, hnndlo not tho
unclean thing. Givo It to some pros
pector or hunter thnt Is going fnr
into tho mountains, whero ho can
commune with nature, nnd damn tho
foul thing to n finish.
Reswedy for
C Tamps, Dyscn
tcry, Diarrhea, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum
and Colic, should be always
kept handy, for when such a
medicine is needed, it is
needed in a hurry.
has been successfully employed
for seventy-eight years It reliev
ing and curing all complaints of
this nature. Stops pain imme
diately. It is a household neces
sity in homes where there are
children. Your druggist will
supply you. Per bottle, 25c.
Br. . Jayn-'s Talc Varmlhiss
la a rtllablo bulldine-up tonic for both
adults and children. Splendid to tako
aftt r a weak-nine attack of dysentery,
AUq a sat wonn medicine.
sssssk 'sHBTV
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ILskH f itssK. m
vHjilBiHKiW ry'd sssha
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iLLLLy $sssLE
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H tiLssLV'
k jffkkBFr
W ' , QlSKjk '?
Uelow nro published tho advertisements of tho leading bus
housoB, hotels, camp grounds, etc..
them will bo a great help to ono
.1. T. POHTr.lt
The Palace Market and Grocery
Porter's Block
Anything You Need to Eat at I.;;
Home Baking Z
i Rooming House j
Ono and one-half blocks south
1 1
of boat landing on Main sired A
! ! Royal Restaurant in connection
! MRS. O.E. CARTER, Prop. J
When In Newport, Oregon
go to tho HOTKI. URADSHAW for
furnished rooms, with or without
housekeeping privileges. Largo kitch
en for use ot guests.
Located on tho main sldowalk halt
way between Newport and Nye Reach,
look for the name HOTKL RRAD
SIIAW on top of houso. Finest view
of tho ocean of nny house in town.
Call and look at rooms Defore secur
ing elsewhere. Quests cheorfully
waited on by Mrs. Hradshaw, Prop.
I Buxton's Grocery
All lines the best
Goods. Next door
to Post Office
Newport - Oregon
Grows Hair
and tve con
Tho Great DANDERINE Never
Fails to Produce the
Desired Results.
IT enliven! and Invigor-tti the linlr
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Increasing growth of tho linlr.
Letter! of pnlio ro coatlntullr
coining In trom nearly all parta ot
tho councry elating that Danderine
haa renewed tho growth or hair In
caaca that wero considered abio
latel'bopeleia, A laJr trom Ilrookl-n wrltei'
"After a ihort trial m- hair atopped
falling, and I not- havo a lovely head
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DandcrlUO stimulate tho scnlp,
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Il Is tho greatest scalp (nvigorilor
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It shows results from the
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Now on sale at every drug and
toilet store In the land I 3 sizes
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Craa To ,,,nw I'0" quickly
IBB Dnnilorlnascta.we
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aends thle free coupon to tbe
i Kaaaltsn Dandirlni Co. CIiIciii,
Kltuthelrnamo and sddreii
and 10o la allrsr or atatnpi
to pay pottage.
at Nownort. A nlanco thro
In plnnnlng their sunimor vnent
i 1
r sm
i P i
I "Takitezy" f
i 'i no most beautiful placo nt
! J Nye Iloach, Newport, Orogon. J J
1 1 .
. . Prlvitto r6oms nnd bonrd.
ii Mrs. W. M. Berry
The Grand II
One block north from boat landlns
Z Large kitchen In connection for the
use of the guests
J Mrs. A. D. Shollenburg
Newport, Oregon
! ijjiittntai
iiif iiiiiiiiii
Wo manufacture and carry
a completo lino of soda water J '.
fountain syrups and other si ..
phon liquids Havo tbe best
ana latest improved machinery j
and our goods are known and . .
used for their purity, which
makes them a nrlmn favorite. ! I
J Wo are in a position to supply
X theso goods In any quantities f
to tho trade and guarantee sat i
HARDING & CRAMER, Props. ! !
-!! I l4ita
; ; Rader Camp Ground
J With foundation and without,
. . also furnished tents, good
j j water and septic tankis. Rates
Jj furnished on application.
ii Nye Creek, Newport, Ore?
A. T, RADER, Prourietor,
s-ffsV U sTsTsl
iiMfimfiimi 4
. 4mrwmm
HHUf fiai.
-. - .v.. .
T' "'' "'"-' J" 'iw-.i--iw---tJ'tli