DAILY. ,0APJ?A1j. JOURNAL, ULUO 'QIM&fa, TibAY, MAY 14, JW. APPRAISERS NAMED TO ESTIMATE COST OF REBUILDING STATE FOUNDRY The board of prison commission ers, at Its meeting yesterday, ap pointed a board of appraisers to ap praise tho cost of rebuilding tbo chops and roplacing part of tho plant rcconfly burned at tho stato prison. This appointment Is mado under tho laws of 1803, whfch provides for Just such a contingency. Tho statot of course, owned tho buildings, but, under its contract with Eowonborg & Co,, It also f urnlshod tho power for POLICE DEPARTMENT ROUNDS UP TOUGHS "Housewlvcs: noro Is tho doctor for your sick kitchen outfit. I patch nnd mend kitchen articles, etc, Oon't buy out of charity, but pnss out your slpk cooking tools." This Is what wns found oh a big 200-pound man who was picked up by Officers Murphy and dlbsou near tho Yow Park school yesterday after noon. A complaint caiuo into tho pollco station from resldonts residing near tho school saying thoro wero two men fighting nnd conducting thorn selves In a most doplornblo manner in that lbcallty, When tho pollco found tho two va rants thoy wero fighting ovor a quart bottlci of whis key nnd both wero so Intoxicated thoy could hardly wnlk. From tho arti cles tho pollco romovod from tho men's pockots It is ovidont thoy am pnls of tho four men who uro serving tlmo in tho city jail for attempting to swindle tho unsuspecting citizens out of tholr hard earned coin with phonoy Jewelry and putor nuggots. Tho man who had tho plea to house- TOfflOR OF FOURYEARS GROWTH Removed by Lydia E. Psnlc Iiam's Vegetable Compound South Howl. lnd. - " l.ydlii K. 1'iulc hum's VcKi'tuhl" Compound mncvi-c rwrt M II iwr 01 lif folll MMI'lNUttll Wnit'ii tunc ui t a l)i'hl I ll t If l,i, a i 0 ii.iud t tui.t. 'I i frill! tl lit I. Ill) ... Vt I II kl tl I'' II. t llOtlill.l. J 11111 MT K'.hiMiMlfiil' II lllelii'.'h II 'M''i ami toult l.jihu 1 l'l iklmu.'s W' Uu.V Coir, j1 -...'. for 11 !u.i.- 'i ir n striia a ' v el woman, nnd I ahull reroinuiouil U in long as 1 live. "Mm. Hay luv. I.iiulloy, lnd. One of tho greatest trlurrphs of SLyrtla 15. Plnkham's Vegetable ( Wt. ouiKl la tho coiujxiorlng of woman's read eiioniy tumor. Jf you 1 eve mysterious imltis.lnIlnniniatlon.u,',,nv tlou or displacement, don't wnlr fit tlmo to confirm your fears nnd c through the horroraofn lioxpltnl rwm tlon, but try Lydia E. Pinklmm's Yt initio Compound at onco. For thirty years LydlaH.rinkluuv 5 Vcgotablo Compound, mrulo from rooti ftnuhorbs.lmsbeenthoatanUanl reined) for fomnlo Ills, and such unquestion able testimony ns tho nbovo pones the raluo of this famous remedy, ni.t should rIvo conlUleuco nnd hopo to fcvory alcK woman. . . .' . If you would HkoRucoinl nilvico about your cnau wrlto conlUU'ii tlnl lottor to SIrB. lMnltlmm, tit Lynn, Miihm. Her ndvluo Id free, Hiid iiiwiivh linlitful. itmmumin(; I SUMMER SPRAY II It 1h now tlmo to spray your oarly npple for codling moth. i Our ARSENATE OF LHAD Is ; ; tno iii.ni tnui is iunuo nuu . . X gives flno results. Wo havo .both DISI'AUENH and uimiu brands ' Ono roan was In tho storo to- ; day and said that two years ; I . -. hi. .11.1 nm linn tTHI A IfPNM ! ' ' , .W .. .W MUM . . - ; ; but that last year ho tried it ' . . Two yours ago 05 por cent of ', 1 1 his nnnlos wore wormy. Inst J ! yoar 96. por cent did not havo ' a I nw,u ,. . w .. ..(..mjwu, y onco. And tnun you hsk it u nays, results toll. Try It. you i ! will uot want anytning oiso- ufter using It onco. SEED CORN Z Wa havo the best lot Of seed (torn that wo ahve over had; It will Krow and bring Vesults. 3 Our price ia tho lowest In tho n J valiey as wa havo It grown ; ? for u. I . A. Whlt & Skhis i I I ss v cowi'i st, io, Of. !! H(t- 21. - - it running tho plant, and owned tho pulleys, shafting and other machin ery and aplplances for tho transmis sion of power. Besldo this, It owned a small part oT tho raachlnory, and pnrt of tho patterns Tho board of nppralBOrs consists of Senator Frank Miller, of Albany; F. D. Southwlck nnd Ira Erb, both of Salem. Tho board will tako up tho work at Onco, and so soon as Its roport Is filed tho prison commission will decide upon what action shall bo taken. wives (11 tils pocket played the deaf and dumb net to a nicety this morn ing, but tho police linvo reason, to bbllovo his only affliction Is Just puro Inzlncss. Tho other follow claims ho Is a very lato arrival from Cripplo Creek and that his knowlodgo of gold mining was extensive. Thoro Is 0 good deal of indication from tho stock of jewelry ho possessed that his voca tion Is directed principally to tho pur chasing of cheap brass and glims. Out of tho six taken In, not one failed to display n pair of bogrlmod hands for tho inspection of Judge Moorcs In or dor that 110 (ttio Judge) would appro clnto what hard work would do. Jtidgo Moorcs, howovor, attributed tho hnrdonod pnws to squeezing tho brnKO rods too hard and the owner's timidity when ho Is In tho vicinity of somo fresh wator nnd soap SALEM CHIEF AFTER MOTOR CYCLE THIEF Chief of Pollco dlbsou received n circular UiIb morning from tft,o chief of pollco of Portland, on which wns printed thu photograph of Frank B.. Davis and a "disappeared" notice. Dnvls loft his homo In Portland Inst Saturday night, and his relatives supposed ho was going on 11 short nailing trip up tho Willamette n far as Oregon City, but so fur no word lias been rccolvcd of his where abiMitn. Ills brother lias offorod a reward of f 100 for Information load ing to his prcsont location, Chief Qlbson received another communication from tho chief of po lice or Sacramento, in which It U stated a Mnrsh-Motts motorcyclo has boon tnkon from a man by tho nnmo of John Sullivan, who wns attempt ing to coll tho machine, and tho Sac- rumonto officers bollovo If bus boon. stolon. Aftor being arrested, Sulli van Is said to bo playing tho crazy net, nnd In his monndorlhg speech poko of nnlem, Oregon, onco or twice. Tho mnchlno Is described ns being numbered 3052, red frame and bolt driven, o- ItOOHKVKIr'8 MOVKMBNTfl IX)U NI5XT FKW DAYS I'nllrit Press I.ciut.l Wlrcl Nairobi, Africa, May 14. Tho par ty arrived at Oeorge McMillan's Julu ration into this ovonliig, two days ahead of time. Colonel Hoosovolt's pronont plans nro to spend two days with McMillan nnd ScIoum, hunting buffalo, wnrt hogs and water buck, after which ho will come hero for n few daya. Ills party will go direct from tho ranch south, where the quest for olophnnts will boglu. Colonol Iloosovolt and Kormtt will rejoin tho party nftor thu southorn camp Is pltchod. Tho return here Is to nllow tho colonel to nttoud to his correspond unco, and write sevornl articles for tho publications with whtoh bo Is con nectcd. Belous will accompany tho colonol on the olqphnnt hunt. o ' Now York stock weaker todny. markot wns o- Nottco of Intontlon to Improve n Portion of Winter Street. Notlco la heuby glvou that tho Common Council of tho City of Sai lorn. OroKon. dooms It cznodiont to improve, nnd propoaos to Itnprovo, at tho exponso of abutting and adjacent property, Winter street, In tho City of 8aIom, Orogon, from tho south lino of Stnto stroot to a point within 1 1, foot of tho north rail of tho rail road track ot the Southern Pacific Co., whoro It crosses said Winter street at thu Intorsootion of Winter and Trade streets, Tho roadway of fald portion of raid street shall be Improved tho full width from curb to curb by gradlnc tho same and plac lug thereon a crushed rock Improve ment the full width from curb to curb, Including tho full Intersection of Ferry stroot whore It Intersects Winter etroet or. tho west side of uut Wlntor street. The Intersection of Winter nnd Trade streets from the north lino of Trado street to point ltt' feet Of tho north rail ot tno rail-, read' track ot tho Southern PaclAe Co., shall be Improved for a width of -9H fwet on both sides of the center l'rio of said Winter street oxcoptlBg herefrom however a strip 7 feet In Width cxl ending- full width of the pro posed Improvement to be occupied by the street railway track ot the Portland RaltvJay, Light A Power Co., and -Improved by said company. Curb Unfa frail bo established and, said streot shall be Improved In et tory respect In accordance with ta plans and specifications adopted! therefor b; tho common council amt on tile In tke -oHco of lb city ri jorder. RemonatraacM may ,bp. Sit against ald lipproveniont, In the mai( nr and within the time proyU4 Is) tho charter of t aid city. Mato fct tho flrtt nubllcut'PA of .this, notlco May 11. 1S09. My order f the Conmoa Ceutl, W. A. MOOHJB, G-U-llt City lVrordlr. EU6ENE HOLDUP ARTISTS , Eugene, Or., May 14. Momen tarily expecting to take tholr quarry dead or alive, members of a po3so aro today forming a great circlo in tho Dorrls flats on the Willamtto river, a mllo from Springfield, nnd gradually and cautiously closing In on tho desperado who yesterday af ternoon, In an attempt to hold up Mrs. William Henshaw, fired two bullets, ono of which passed through her hair and grazed her scalp, and tho other Injuring her horse. On her drlvo to town to tako her husband to the golf links, Mrs. Ren shaw was passing ovor a bridge ono mllo from Hugono, when a strango man leaped Into tho road In front of the horse, and commanded her to stop. As she whipped her horse in to n stiff run, tho highwayman fired. Tho bravo woman felt tho first lead ball tear through her hair, but continued to lash tho horse. She did not know tho animal had been wounded until a passing'. teamster called Mrs. IletiBhaw's attention to tho blood streaming down his breast. A fow minutes Inter MrV Henshaw reached tho noarest telophono nnd notified Doputy Sheriff Hammond. Forty mon wore Boon pursuing the thug. A telephone mossngo received hero Into Inst night from a man who lives on what Is known as the Dorrls farm, notified the authorities that a man whoso description annwors that of tho fiugltlvo had applied at his homo for dinner. lie is the man -who s surrounded in the flats. INDIAN HUNT AND LlTTLH fllltL IJLIND United l'rss I.rnird Wlrc.J San Frnnclco, Mny 14,-r-Elg.ht-year-old Annlo, nrown todny lies In a luppltul suffering from Injuries that mny result In the' loss of hor sight, ns n nresult of nn "lnd In hunt" near her homo early todny. Annie wns tho Indian, and was sight, iih n result of 1111 "Indian pursued by Johnulo Metcnlf, nlno yenrs of ago, who carried an alrgun. Tho hunter, fli his enthusiasm, care lessly fired tho gun, tho leaden pol lot striking tho girl between the oycH. At tho hospital It wns stated that tho optic norvo was Injured sovorely. Tho sight of both oyvs Is gone, nnd It is foarcd that tho blindness will bo permanent Biggest Values Hitch your dollars to a bigger load than they have ever drawn before. Get more for your money. Wear '(MJ Msiei te i' ' jCtickaeU'Stem & C liliut U. Salem LEBANON PEOPLE HOLD Tbo people of Lebanon 'will hold a strawberry fair Juno 4 and 5, and thnt bright Httlo city at tho forks of tho Santlnm will tako tho first steps to becomo thocentor of a growing In dustry. Lebanon strawberries aro already shipped in consldorablo quan tities, and tho flno soils and Splendid mountain air of tho foothills produces a berry that cannot be equalled In any part of tho valley. Tho boneflt of such a fair Is well understood by this city, where otrawborry falrB boosted that Industry until Salem la shipping carloads of tho delicious fruit and supplying a largo cannery. Tho can nery will follow at Lebanon as soon ns thoro Is a sufficient acreage, and tho way to get the acreage Is to Bhow COMMISSIONER IS IN NEW OFFICES Sam Kocsor, tho lnsuranco com missioner, Is now Installed In his now ofllco on tho lower floor of the capl tol, and Sam has shown tho greatest respect and patriotism to tho green Bhorcs of old Ireland by decorating tho floors of his now ofllco with tho propor shndo, aniT visitors aro warned not to tread too heavily or look down with n frown on their faces whon thoy ontor his now business home, for, besides tho dignity of tho stnto requiring iho most profound consid eration, no has an assistant In his department who mny accidentally bo a lato arrival from tho land of Ilrisbmon, Sam will be pleased, now that ho Is fully prepared to bo at homo, to alt visitors, to turn his ele gant rooms ovor to any young, man and woman who havo tho propor ar ticles of matrimony with n bill of salo from County Clerk Allen, nnd qnlct wedding ceremonies will bo per fectly pcrmlssablo, providing Sam can "congrnfulnte" tho bride. Of courso, tliCHO nffalra will havo to bo conducted outside of business hours nnd under tho suporvlsjon of olthor Janitor Hlckwoll or Pat McArlhur, tho knowing secretary of tho govern or. Tho Dubuquo Flro . Insurance Co. has filed their articles of admission to transact a 11 ro and marlno Insur nnco business In this stato with tho liiMirnnco commissioner. Fees wero pnld amounting to $110. Aftor Mny 23 tho mutual flro ln suranco companies which aro organ ized outsldo of tho stnt.0 of Oregon will bo pormlttcd to transact busi ness in tho dtnto on tho consideration they have cash nsicts of $10,000 or "Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes" They're . you ever ed clothes. Suits graded in prices f rpm $1 0.OOi V,M 1 X.S Whiten Mill 1 A If A STRAWBERRY FAIR tho world what you havo In that line, and show It with as much pub licity as possible. Roscburg follows Salem In holding a strawberry fair, and Lebanon will como next. Juno 4-5 should becomo strawberry days In tho history of Lebanon when tho city will bo decorated, when thoro will be muslo nnd speeches for this best of Industries, and there Ib no reason why a flower show of tho earlier klndB should not bo held In connection with It. The people of Lebanon never un dertake anything but thoy mnko a success of It, and all Western Oregon will bo Interested In tho success of this enterprise. Llko tho big red applo that reaches perfection, tho strawberry of tho foothills will alao mako tho Lebanon district famous. ovor. This wns an act passed by tho recent legislature. TOOK PICTURE BEFORE TEARING IT DOWN Tho parties having tho contract ror erecting tho big five-story steel framo building for Jack Rogers bo gnn nctlvo work this morning. A gang st mon wero, put nt work tear ing off tho roof of tho old Red Cross Phnrmacy building, nnd nnother put ting up n shed In frpnt of tho build ing. Ooforo tho work of removing tho old landmark began Mr. Rogers had Its plcturo taken. Ho said ho wanted It to show, llko so pinny of tho old drug ads had tho appoaranco before and after taking,' for ho will also have tho now building sit for Its pictures, nnd will put them sldo by sldo In tho bank's privato ofllco, tho pjneo where tho directors meet and earn their wages. o KIDNAPING 1UK TO FAMILY TltOUmE fUnltod Press Leased Wlre.l Dayton, 0 May 14. Tho supposed kidnaping of Scth, tho. 4-yoar-dld son of Mrs. Wnltcr Hardesty, Is be lieved tp bo the result of family troubles. According to tho roport current hero todny, Mrs. Hardesty loft her husband n week ngo, tnklng tholr smnll son with hor. Hardesty Is snld to have threatened to got tho boy, nnd It Is thought that ho has succeeded. Mrs. Hardosty has boon visiting frlonds hero for sovornl days. Tho boy was taken awny in an luitomobllo yesterday by an unknown mnn, now bollovod to havo been nn ngont of irnrdo3ty. the biggest values ; . ' saw in ready tailor - Nervous And thoee afflicted with' heart weakncM may now have no teat 'of the dentaj chair. HEAD WHAT MU& UANLBY BAYS! I had 10 teeth extracted nt tho Harvard Dentists' without the least pain, nnd highly . recommend them. .,.., MK8. UANLEY, Freemont Station. Whalebone Plate $10 A Orro Dttcocctv, the Ncio VAite&ontf Plate, which is -u lightest and strongest set known i Does not cover the roof of the mouth; bite corn off tne ceb: guaranteed lOO(21wB CHALLENGE THE WORLD. We will forfeit $1000 to any charitable Institution for the dentist who can make a plnte for $10 ns good as wc make for $10. lO Year Guarantee Oold Crown, "trnhenvy. ........... fg.00. Kull Betrecth (whalebone 8. ,8. W.) . . 8.00 llrldge Work, per tooth, best gold....: 5.00 White Crowns ; :.0- Teeth He-enameled . ".' Uo.U Killings ;;.00- And not exceeding -2x' Heat Silver Killings 0.60 Platinum Killings l.OO Teeth Cleaned $0-60 TEETU BXTIU02ED WITHOUT PAIN Frte When Other Work 1 Ordered Ur our new system of painless dentistry, used by us nlonc. Our success Is duo to the-Ulgh-grnde work done by our expert gentle mnnly operators. Harvard Painless Dentists Cornor Park and Wnshlngton Sta., Over Roynl Dakory, Portland, 0,r. Largest nnd best equipped Dental citab- llshment In the world; SO offices In Unite fltatcs. Open Sunday, 0 to 1. Dally until 0. Hoys AVII1 Ho Hoys and' nro always gottlng scratches,, cuts, sprains, brulBcs, bumps, burns' or scalds. Oon't noglect such things- thoy may result serious if you do. Apply Ballard's 8now Liniment ac cording, to directions right away and: It will rellovo tho pain nnd heal tho trouble. Prlco SGc, COc and $1.00. Sold -. all Dcalors. GRAND OPERA HOUSE J.NO. P. OOUDItAY, Mjrr. Fill DAY, SIAY 11 Ferris Hartmarc And his suporb compnny In Low Field's greatest success "IT HAPPENED IN NORDLAND My uarry M. Siiiun and Victor Horbcrt. COMPANY OI 10 PKOPLK The best Hinging and dancing cliorurr ever organized. THU OIIHATKST fllltb SHOW Prices Jl'.GO, $1.00, 7Cc nnd COc. Uotf'Officn'Open Friday 9 a. m. to $35. - .t Store