-s"sy VOI. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. onJiEM, OREdON, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1000. NO.B8. "- ,j"LJtrTW ""W" 1 IBHl 'fi'jJs f l 4-jLh 'vJJrdJfJF'tf MTI l41-11" -f Ta. . Cu A . ij ' nrti I jl X TJ Ml j-i It - 1 FAIRMOUNT PARK REV. ELWORTHY MAKES THE CITY A VERY LIBERAL OFFER THAT THE CITY -COUNCIL ACCEPTS WITH : UNANIMITY Tlio preliminary steps wore taken Wednesday ovonlng to procuro for tho city a beautiful park of about .25 ncros on top of Falrmount Hill. This matter ha been agitated by tho Seventh ward improvement loa suo nnd as a result of tho activity of tho commlttoo on parks, a vory favorable offor lias been obtained from tho owner of tho proporty. Fol lowing report was read last night nnd unanimously adoptod by tho council. Tho city will sccuro an op tion until the matter can bo submit ed to a voto of tho pooplo, and In tho mean time tho proporty of Mr. Elworthy la out of tlio market. Report of the Committee on Parks. Your co m m I tto on parks would re spectfully report that thoy havo had under advisement nn offor mado "o tho city by Rov. II. D. Elworthy of Hlllyard, Washington, ownor of tho Falrmount Park property. Mr. Elworthy has owned this pro? perty for twenty years. Both ho and his wlfo wcro educated In Salem. Mr. Elworthy taught school In Mar lon nnd Polk countlos boforo enter ing tho ministry, and out of his sav- fzxmmmwiwi r D oeiuie we aiaii moving Into our new store we will offer goods at such low prices that they cannot be du plicated anywhere in this part of the country, Go to the other stores and get their prices first. Then come here and see the big saving you can, make, We are here with the goods the latest and newest in the markot, MiJI Prices om the Following; Fancy Lawns, 4c yard; Ladies' 26c Black. Hose, 10c; Children's Ho.ie. all colors. IO05 12tf'c; lBb and up India Llnona. yard. 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c and up; Ribbons, all prices, 2c, 3c, 4c, 6c. 8 1-ac'nnd 10c and' up; 6c Vol Laces now selling for 12 yards for 2Ecr Linen Laces 3c, 4c, 6c, 8 l-3c up. Conio here for Values. $3.00 Parasols selling for t nwx - CT'd. I $1.50 NOW WITHIN REACH OF THE PEOPLE lings purchaECd tho land on Falr- mount Hill, which ho platted and named nftor Falrmount Park ' In Philadelphia Ho donated a block and a fraction of another block to tho Salem Water Company. Part of ono block has bcon convortcd Into a reservoir. In tho ovent of tho city acquiring public ownership of tho wator system, this reservoir and tho laud owned by the Wntor Company will bocomo city proporty. Your committee on purks would ro'pcctfully rccommond that tho city ontor Into negotiations with Mr. Ellvorthy, with n view of acquiring this proporty for a public park. It Is tho most beautiful and sightly plcco of property that Is available for park purposes. At prcicent real estnto values, Mr. Ellworthy's proporty could bo plnc od.on tho mnrkot at from $12,000 to $15,000 and would soil very read ily. Whllo In tho city Inst week Mj Ellworthy had numerous offers from leading renl estate firms to take this land off his hands at his own prices. But ho decided to go (Continued on Page 6.) VkJ O-l A. Wool Silk and Duck Suits Wow on Sale at Bargain Prices 1909 lntcst and nowest garments now soiling nt movo-thom-out prices. All long coats nnd sheath' skirts, silk llnod, materials this season's, nowest; nil handsomely trimmed', tailored nnd finished throughout. See tho price,: 118.00 Wool Sultsnowonly. .$ O.BU J25.00 Wool Suits now only. .$13.no' 118.00 Princess Silk Stilts now only MW 17.00 Duck Suits now only,. ,9 a'.KO Dress Skirts, G8c, f 1.50,, 92.80, $3.n0 up i'rjfi i,ii ,.yj- t-rtart A YT.'T WT r I? r' r INDIANA MAN 6ETS NOTORIETY t United Press Lotted Wlre.t ColumbttB, Intl., 'May 14. Charlos Caldwell, tho attorney who recently attempted to oubJ. Secrotnry Knox from offlco, was arrested today after being pursued laBt night by a posso of 100 mon bearing a ropo and hend e'd by two bloodhounds, hold In loaBh by th ofnthcr of Doma Romy, n 1G-year-old girl whom ho Is accused of attomptlng to ontlco away from homo. Caldwell was covorod with mud when tho offlcors found him hiding in his Jaw offlco horo. Ho wob thor ougnly frlghtonod nnd begged tho of ficers to put him In jnll where ho would bo safe from tho mob. Ho was taken to jail at Ellzabothtowu and Is being kept undor heavy guard. Roiny.accuses Caldwell of writing letters to his daughter in an attempt to ontlco hor uwny from homo. It Is reported that tho lawyor hns ad mitted writing tho lotterB but this ropnr cannot bo continued. Mrs. Caldwell has fllod suit for dN vorco nnd makes sonsntlonal chnrgos ngaltiHt her huBbnnd. Cttldwoll first gain cdnotorloty whon ho wroto to Washington domnndlng Hint Phllan dor C. Knox bo ousted from offlco ns secretary of stato, charging that ho was Ineligible for tho office because ho voted for nn Increase In tho sec retary's 'solury whon ho wits In con gress, Tho papers In tho oiiHtor milt woro returned to Caldwell n fow da)s lator with tho Intormntlon that thoy woro Improperly drawn. Caldwell has boon practicing law horo nbotit n year. Ho enmo horo as a school teacher nnd oponod n law offlco after resigning his position. If MILLINERY 1'909 nowest models at bargain prices. Hundreds' of pretty stylish hats to tBoIect from. Don't bo paying, double price for your hntB. Cut prices now-- $1.50; $1.95,52.50, $3.50 and up Bed ding XtSt for all the Itoufco nt Imrgulu prices COACHMAN CHAFFEUR BLACKMAIL t United Press Leased Wlre.1 PnBadonn, Cnl., May 14. "It's blackmail. Plain, wanton blackmail, to which I will not and cannot sub mit," vohemontly declared Mrs. Draco Vollo Hnrpor today, discussing tho charges that sho, tho daughter of S. II. Voile, a Mollno, 111., manufacturer, nnd nlcco of tho late Charles Dooro, millionaire implement mnnufncttlrcr, had lured Sidney Harris, coachman nnd chauffeur, from his spouso's stdo. Mrs. Jano Hnrrls, wlfo of tho coach man, filed a suit In Lob Angeles yes terday afternoon for $150,000 dnm nges charging thnt Mrs. Harper had nltonntcd tho coachtnnn-chnutfour'.s nffoctlons. Mrs. HnrrlR declared that sho had followed Mrs. Harper, who la tho wlfo of Stuart hnrpor of Rock Inland, III., through many cities of tho ' United Stntcn nnd ovon to Eu rope nnd Jnpnn Supplementing tho chnrgo of black mail, Mth. Harper declared that tho wUi!I;W!l0r.or?2 S it"1 MniihrH. r lnrivSrnrM Hnr ? I Mrs. HnrrlB. Attorneys for Mrs. Hnr- per havo plnccd a Beat of sllenco on hor lips nnd sho will not discuss tlio enso In dotnll. Hor nttornoy declared that tho suit will bo fought to tho bitterest end nnd If It Is posslblo to prove blackmail, prosecutions will follow. Lob Angeles, u.ay 14. DaVld Gold borg. of Qoldborg & Molly, nttornoys for Mrs. Hnrrls. said this aftorneon: "Wo rnvo ovldonco In black nnd whlto to provo tho complaint of Mrs. tinrris against, mrs, nnrpor. vu hhyu lottors wrltton by Mrs. Hnrnor tolling, of her attachment for Harris. 'This thing hns boon going on for BQVOiitl yearB and wan public scandal In Chlcaco nnd Rock Island. Mrs. Hnrrls had alllos in Chlcngo working nn tlm rnim nml wn hnvo corrnanand- QIICO irom inoni WHICH RlVCS OVIUOIICO 'a i . ii a. .. J - .. . - 1 t of tho truth of tho charges, Wo will havo witnesses brought from tho enst who will testify in bohalf of Mrs. Harris. "Mrs. Harper In a woman about 40 years old Hnrrls is about 28. It Is simply n enso o. Infatuation on tho pnrt of Mrs. Harper." In regard to Mra. Harper's state- inont tnat sho hns boon shadowed. Mr. Qoldborg said: "Mrs. Harris Is a poor woman nnd hns novor had enough monoy to have any ono shadowed. That la all imag ination on tlm part of Mrs. Harper." Mrs Harris haH bcon In I.os An- golos n wook, nccordlng to tho stato mont of Attornoy Qoldborg, nnd will remain horo until tho trial takes place. O THP PflTflFFIPF AT inc ruoiurnuc hi BREMERTON ROBBED fUnlt.,1 Prru I.d W(r.I Sonttlo. WitBh., Jfuy 14. Ono of tho most dastard!, crimes committed In this section for many years oc currod onrly this morning whon bun- dits landed at Dromorton In n launch, forced their way into tho postofflco nt that nlaco. blow onon tho sufo ami stole thousandfl of dollara worth of stamps and sovornl hundred dollars In monoy nnd (hen mado tholr es capo. The robbory was not discovered un til this morning whon clorks In tho postofflco wont to work. The Inter ior of tho room whoro tho safe wan locntod was wrecked. The safo door was blown half way ncross the room. """ "" inf iitui iiugo b mco Papers In tho safo woro scattered nnturnlly hnru, being of the cloan obout and thu doors of tho prlvato cut; Ctt",co B?rt- ,v?d ,n u fJw apartments were broken and tlio con-Of hurd ork ,""iea Uo.,"k,n.'?k tents stolen I drawn. In addition to this Kolly, Itis estlmutod tbnt between 000 1 w"o, Bubstantlally built, la not pos and' JC000 in stamps woro taken and' fc"aod of ,u 'ju'ky !K.,,y, thS. ".oah between 260 and 300 In monoy 1'0,"8 ?von dltrlbutod ovor his five socured feot nlno Incnoa. Although no has THoro Is not a clue. It Is tho gen- been M " I"- Kt),,y ,s Bt oral bellof ttiut tie robbora landorf!. 7""R """ "'n X. zo " horo In a launch between 3 and 4 o'clock tills morning-. Tltuy tlion en tered tho pbatofflcb by a rear door, forcing tho lock, blew opoh ttio Kuril a Bonly expttrU at tile buBlbesa can, 1 CHhrllb Rellly und Jim Foley, light andthon dentarted-. No one near thb I GB 'ts", starts at 1:30 nnd Kelly and scone heard the explosion. Mall Back's woro strewn about the room, show-! Ing thai theso were nllod against tllb'. safe to doadon tho sound. FERRIS HARTMAN WAS HRE WITH T0YMAKER Ferris Hartman. the leading man llumo Company, which rocontly sold In "It Happened In Nordlapd," whlchl for $2,000,000 Kb vast holdings In Is on at tho Oraud tonight, was for! Oregon and Washington, Intended to many years the star at tho Tlvoll, In" invest hoavlly In Son Francisco real San Francisco. Theatre goers will estato. Tho company Is handling the remember him as having been here ' eaiato of tho lata It D. Hume, the. with tho '"loymaker" Boveral yearB 'Ran Francisco millionaire who made ago. He is at the head of his pro-, his fortune in tho cannery business fossloh on tho coast and la backed by, on tho BOtun coast of Oregon, a splendid company The strength of I The initial investment of the com tho comnany Is shown by the fact I nanv horo was to ourchase nronorlv that U pin v a three-weokB' ongaga- ment In Portland and a like time in t Seattle, Playing' a return engagement) ih ruriiiiuu. WASHINGTON FACES DEFICIENCIES IN ALL STATEDEPARTMENTS GOVERNOR HAY MAY CALL SPECIAL SES SION OF THE LEGISLATURE TO OVER HAUL THE SEETHING MASS OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION (United Press Leased Wire. Olymptn, Wash., May 14. Among Btnto Iioubo officials and legis lators who nro In tho capital', It Is tho general bellof today that Qovornor Hay will call a special sosslon of tho loglslaturo to Inqulro into tho gener al Bltuntlon with regard to tho af fairs of stato ofllcos. Tho first gun for a apodal sosslon will bo flrod when tho special logls latlvo Investigation commlttoo flloa Its roport with tho govornor upon his return to Olympla tomorrow. Tho uwt ot Stato Insuranco Comrals "lonor J. II. Schlvoly to resign, and ,,, ,,....,i .inn.,inntinn .,. ,inf and his announced dotormlnatlon to doty tho legislative commlttoo and tho govornor will, It 1b claimed, bo ono of tho prlnelpnL reasons urged In fn vor of tho call I tig of nn extraordinary Honalon. Upon tho hocla of tho disclosures brought to light by tho Investiga tion commlttoo, Roprosontatlvo W. M. Doach, of Mnson county, Is today , MIDDLEWEIGHTS DUE Tn nn Dlr qatti C I U UU blu DAI I Lfc (I)y Willie Jacobs.) Salt Francisco, May 14. Drying out Is tho order of tho day at tho to on Il'lKO camps of Ittigo Kolly nnd Hilly Pnpko and by lilKlltfllll. UIlleBB tho tlllforo- MAJtM limiimiiH ln 1A IrttilillAtifillnlita "" nuiiuuov iuu t"u iumuiunihnia .Ill 1m .Inmit in llin tlmtlrttml Mtnlnlll will bo down to tho stipulated wolght, 168 pounds, for their IS-rtiund battle tomorrow. Tho fact that Kolly has boon moro than a favorite In New York, Pnpko In I.os Angolps, nnd that tho hotting here Is nt evens, makes tho contest, from tho standpoint of wagorlng, ' ono of tho oddest In tho History of tho ring. Now York unquestionably has Installed favorlto on his allowing ngnlnst Joe TliomaH, whom ho per mitted to stick flvo rounds, whon ho could havo put him out In tho flrst round of their mill, In Now York. Kelly made a great hit with tho Now Yorkers, so great, In fact, that until Kotohol gavo Jttck O'Hrlon his, thoy conceded Kolly moro than nn ovon j chanco ngalnut tho Michigan boy. Ioh Augotes is mnKing nipKU lavoruo moro as a mattor of KQntlmont. Tho 'ox-thundorbolt spent sovoral nioiuna V10 01lth ""M18 h? Is mloxcood' Ingly pleasant follow ho mado mnny .frlonda who nro willing to risk their monoy on him nt any odds. AbUIo from, tUo "ontlmontnl part of It, tho jouthprnors know that Pupko lived the slmplo llfo whllo in tho south, thnt he took a goou vncutlon, broath- "K tho pure mountain air. c Imblng "."""".. "D' " Is "right." Ho will hnvo to be If ho hopes to win from Kolly tomorrow aftornoon. Kolly, nlthough n trlflo pulo and pcakod, Is In good shape Somo of tho fans who havo watched him go through his paces think ho looks a bit too "Kreyhoundy." but Tralnor "cuonnia moroiy magna ut litis. 110 old. a stnue too early In llfo to loso vitality ds' the reault of many train ing rfpells. The lO-zpunu preliminary botweon "P"? , wll bo Bont away on their cheduled 46-round Journey at 2:30. ..'... "? R.-D. HUME ESTATE INVESTS $26,000 lltnlttJ I'reu UutA Wire.) San Francisco, May 14 -Announcement was made today that the R. D. t Fifth antl Hrrrlson streotH,, where 4 flats will bo erected ut a cost of i f 20,000 A number of similar deals' ure peuuiIIB I preparing wrltton charges, whlck be says ho will mall to this committee, ngalnBt all officers and departments Incurring a doflcloncy during the 1r b'onnlal period. Ho Btatcs tbat be will make tho chargo on tho general ground that Iho creation of tho do flcloncy is, undor tho law, a orlmlnal offense Attornoy-Qonornl Doll declares that tho stabuto makes tho creating of a doflcloncy n'mlBdomoanor, una that tho action of tho loglslaturo ia making tho appropriation tor tmch doflcloncy docs not nffect tho applica tion of tho law or coudono tho of fouso It haa boon clalmod that 32 offi cers of tho stato nmy bo hold liable to civil nnd crlmlnnl action, it tho attorney-general enforcos tho statute ngnlnat thorn, noflc'ouclos nggrogat ing upwards of 1D0.000, it Is main tained, nro apparent, and upon which prosecutions might bo Intrtl-tutd. SOLDIERS ENGAGE IN FATAL SH0QTING H'nlted I'rtM l.mpd Wlr. San Frnnclaco, MUX 14. -Henry Solno, n private In tho Sixtieth coast artlllory, m'iib sho't nnd possibly fa tally Injured c.trly today by Horbort Qardon, u meosmato, wio is now a fugitive, Solno Is in n procnrloitH conuitlon at tho Presidio gonoral hos pital. Tho Boldlora ongngod in n trivial dispute while walking nlong Joffor son Btroot shortly nftor midnight. Tnoy finally enmo to bbwa nnd 8or gonnt A. L. Jenkins, n mombor of tholr company, who was pavulng, at tomptod to soparato thorn. Suddenly Qnrdon drow a rovolvor and flhot Solno, then holding Jenkins nt bay with tho gun. barbed nwny for a short tllstanco nnd stnrtod on n run townrd the Prosldlo. Jenkins summoned an nmbulanco and had tho wgundod man romovod to tho hospital, n tnndo n report to his captain. Soarch of Oardon'R (luartorH failed to reveal him and u squad has boon sunt out to sourch tho city. Oardon Is 22 years old and hasj boon In tho army but n fow wooka. FOREST BURNERS ARE ARRESTED (Unltfd l'rras UtttA Witt.) Portland. Muy 14. Tho Rov. W. t j'ustor, pnator of tho Sunnysldo church of Portland and formerly of tho Mothodlst church nt Pondlotan, was notified today that Sheriff Mitr tin of Wallowa county is on route to Portland to take hi in into custody on nn Indictment voted agulnot him yes torday in Pendleton. Tho charge against tho preacher and Jack Houston, proprietor of the Pendleton Prlntcry. Indicted Jointly with him, Is ropurtod to be thnt of aottlng flro to a forest, or permitting tho fires to burn through careless ness. Tho Rev. Kustor said today that whoovor brought the charges mtist bo mistaken in his mon. Ho says he and Houston wore put hunting in the Wallowa mountains last Bummer but they woro not careless with ther camp fires. r 0 HACK WAR POHHIIILK Iff HUNNV TKXAH lUBttta I'reM l,u4 Wlr.) Tyler, Toxaa, May 14. A race war appears imminent today following a clash last night botweon Texas rang ers; and a mob of white men who attompted to remove from Jail nlno mon arrested on charges of partici pating in tho lynching of Jim Hodgo, a nofcro. When the mob surrounded tho Jail and attompte'd io batter down the doors n troop of rangers was callod, The mob refused to oboy an ordor to dlsperso 'and ' the rangers wore cotnpolled to fire a volley over tholr heads boforo they could disperse tho apgry cltUons. Feeling Is very bltUr today and threats uro being made agalnrt th" ulack population. Troops uro stand ing guard and ovory precaution is be ing taken against tho organization of another raid.