as: AUBSSBSBf WfOSSlVtSfVem wall pwiiiwwiiMMIiW"'!M"iwwM agfc-nii n-llHiOffjaMKW G DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGOX, .MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1000. tass JOHNSON WILL MEET CORBETT OR JEFFRIES I'rilted Vrmn Leased Wire. Now York, March 20. Jack John eon, tho hcavywolght nogro champion of tho world, accompanied by a whlto woman, his reputed wlfo, and Man agor ArondB, woro greeted Joyously to-day by !i,000 negro nion, women and children on their arrival at the Grand Central Station, Johnson's faco woro an oxpanelvo and appreciative grin as ho and his party took positions at tho head of a negro parade, Hlovon of tho lar 'gest automobiles In tho city wero at tho head of tho lino and following camo two hundred touring cars head ed by a band of negro musicians. Aftor his triumphal entry, Jobn non and his party wont to Wllklns' cafo, whero thoy guosts of leading nogroos at a breakfast. Johnson declared that ho would post $G,000 Immediately to bind a match with Jeffries. Ho said that tho forfott would only bo posted for a limited tlmo. If Jeffries does not covor the amount, John declared he would meet anyone who wanted to faco him In tho ring. I We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does- not give sat isfaction wo will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. kWe ask all those who are run-down, nervous, debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, honging-on coughs, bronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vinol with this understanding. Chicago, March 29. Fans here to-day nro anxiously awaiting Jeff ries' decision as to whether be will fight Johnson, following tho negro's I Htntemont yesterday that unless ho 'succeeded In making a match with ' tho big whlto retired champion ho I would tako on James J. Corbett In ' n heavywolglit "battle for tho world's bolt. A meeting botweon Corbett and Johnson was arranged Just before tho nogro Btartcd for Now York. Without hesitation Johnson said ho was nnxiouB to meet Corbett, If he could not tnnko arrangements with Jeffries. "I think tho public wants to 803 mo meet olthor you or Jeffries," ho mid, "and you "know, Corbett, that Jeffries ought to havo first call. But ho won't say yes or no. I'm gain to look him up In Now York, and if ho don't glvo mo nn answer In ton days, I'll covor your forfolt ami clinch tho match." Johnson snld ho would post a temporary forfolt of $1,000 as socm as ho reached Now York. Corbett has already posted $1,000. O. V. PUTNAM CO. Htnnlon & Hrlitillz Havo removed their barber shop from IG7 State streot (o 375 Court street, and havo opened up a first class shop with bnth rooms In the rear, nud anyone wlHhlng to put them selves undor a tonslrlnl nrtlst will do well to call on theso boys, nnd get a good clenn shuvo. o Illll AnoVrtwm Hays So, Dill Andorson snys ho tins somo buildings nnd othor property to ront In the city, and ho tolls Tho Journal reporter that thero aro times whon hn wants somo ono to hold his enno. ' Use t or not, as your doctor says You could not please us better than to ask your doctor about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. Thousands of families always keep it in the house. The approval nf their nhvsician and the experience of many years have given it -.--iT ..! !.. !.! ..rtf. mn,i:..'r. J.C.ArerCo., mem Ejreat cuniiuumi: in una hjuk" uh.umi Lowell, M. I pai unilM TDIAI lnB on street railway worn aim it I . number of Americans. IMUI OrCOIHUULHn Thc flght yesterday was between . . .. ! , ., , I two faction sot Greeics which have I United ITew Leased Wlre.l , ,,,., San Francisco, Cal March 29. been qimrc-iilng sluco the former Contrnry to tho expectation of scores fight. of porsons who crowded Carpenters'! Othor outbroaks are feared, and Hall to attend the session of the trial j the police reserves nro being held of Pntrlck Calhoun, president of the United Railroads, charged with offer ing a bribe, the proceelngs, following the startling developments In tho co called "graft cases" were of unusual Interest during tho morning hours. Patrick Calhoun did not appear ! In tho courtroom to tho disappoint- MISS FLORA WILSON IN STUNNING BALL GOWN. Mhw Wilson, daughter of the secretary of agriculture, woro one of the smnrtest gown hcph at the liuiuwirnl bnll. It Is a Paris creation of pnlo blue velvet embroidered with seed pearl and ornamented with turquoises nnd npHiiglcx of gold. MImm Wilson Is of queenly proportions nud attracted quite iih much attention at the hull hh any of thc ninny noted beauties who were there. She recitnll.v returned from Paris and has attended many receptions iiril I'lii'l'coiiM (i " ' 'niili'i'Me people In Vw York IIiIh xeiiHon. ment of those whose curiosity led thorn to the courtroom. Aslstunt District Attorney Francis J. Honey was not prosent at thu prosecution's table. Neither did A. A. Mooro, Cal houn's loading attorney, appear. The weeding out of a new vcnlro occupied a considerable portion of tho morning. Tho questioning of the tarlsmen was conducted by Judge Lawlor and with Its conclusion, At torney Stanley Moore for tho de fense,, and Assistant District Attor ney John O'Gara for the. prosecu tion, began examination of prospect ive Jurymen. GREEK MEETS GREK AND WAR FOLLOWS in rendlnes sfor instant work. United Preu Letied Wire. Ogden, Utah, March 2f. As tho result of a riot last evening among Greeks engaged on streot rnllwny work, ono man is nonr deatlt today, Bovcrnf are suffering from injuries nn da Bcoro are in Jail. The light was nn aftermath of one two weeks ago botweon Qreek trackmen work- m ifJwr H Your Examination of Our Silverware In our stock of sllverwnro you will find representative patterns of tho leading makers, rich in design, nnd gonuinely dlfferont from tho ordinary and trite. Why not when "Spring cleaning," replace those broken sets of table sil verware nnd havo your sldobonrd nnd tnblo displays of beauty and refine ment? Complete stocks and moderate prices. Barr's JEWELERS 270 North 44 Commer'l THE VOGUE" 270 North Commer'l Special Display ON Wednesday, March 31st We will have a Special Display of Eastern Pat tern and Tailored Hats You are cordially invited to attend. 270 North Commerciaf THE VOGUE 99 270 North Commercial f itiHUti I fiinMMMMMMMUMMIMMaMllrc 1 M i imp i'i -i Jii tumnn