T'irr''ii'ri t iiitiinoiwi PAKMT CAPITAL JOURNAL, J3ALKM, OKfKWN. KIUDAY, JANUARY B, lm FOG MAKES TROUBLE FOR FRISCO BOATS e ONE DAY ONLY For you to be benefited by the nuary Clearance Sale Reductions Fancy Silks 27c ,ck Petticoats at half Ladies' Fancy Col lars at half ! Large Turkish Towels, only 1 8c dies' Tailored Suits Slues to $25.00, now $4.50 Petticoats Values up to $4.50, now 75c Ladies' Fleece Lined Vests 21c tese and other reductions through- it the store are for Saturday only. San Francisco. Jan 29. An un UBunlly heavy fog on tho buy this morning rendered Irnfflc extremely hazardous. At ono tlmo four boata woro In Imminent danger of crashing together off Goat Island, and only the momentary lifting of the fog pro- veuted a cntautrophe. Ono of tho quartette, the Oakland, mnklng hor i o'clock run from tho Alameda Mole, hopelessly lost her bearnlgs and floundered about like a dorollct. Fortunately oho drifted toward tho San Francisco side, but In doing so narrowly escaped crashing Into the Mission street wharf. Thon oho ap proached hor wharf brondsldo on, parted a lino attached to tho pierhead In an of fort to swing hor around, nnd drifted dnngorously closo to a pllo driver In tho south ferry slip. Bo foro another flno could bo attached to tho pferhead tho Oakland drifted out and almost rnn Into tho Dorkoloy. After much additional maneuvering tho "hoodoo' boat of tho Southorn Pacific fleet crept Into her slip, 30 minutes Into. SALARY RAISE TO BE BLOCKED BY GOVERNOR WILL1VET0 BILLS INCREASING COMSEN- tockton SATION OF OFFICIALS GoVurnor Chamberlain sprung a surprise this morning by Bonding In n message that ho would veto all bills raising salaries during terms of ofllce. That had grown to bo a groat nbuBo, and unless n clear necessity could be shown foi such nn Increase ho would stop tho practice which wua bocomlng gonornl. Campbell moved to lay on tablo and It was dono. IIM hen p. man nns u i ir u mu ihlng to do Is to hnvo It out with ill curloim how a lot of tall: tut vlco Is supposed to bo an on- igtment to virtue ie door of hopv Bwlngs both Don't Take (lie Ithk. fhen you hnvu n Dad cough or do not let It drag along until It lines chronic bronchitis, or do- ri Into nn attack of pneumonia, iK've It the attention it dosorves (grt ml of It Tako Chnmbor- r wiirii u.'ineuy ami you nro i of f mt r-llof. From n small '!' le and use of this ' -'nded to all parts . -s and to many 1 ' many remark- ' r i hs and colds havo ' ' - v id1 reputation and ld by Dr. Stone's OASTOniA. itu ?V a Kaid Vw Have Aloars Bought r& . SStJ. .a. utJT7UcJt. The world Is wldo, but there aro lots of narrow people In It. A lazy man lo on the wrong sldj of humanity's profit and loos ac count. Why U v. camel u very pugnacious animal? llecnuse ho nlwnys has his back up. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder PUls A Week's Trial For 25c K.O. DeWITT fc CO.. Chtcuo, III. BOM) HV ALT- DKALICIlfl. WIFEY STOOD IN WITH OTHER WOMAN Los Angeles, Cnl Jun. 20. After having been arrested lit the Instance of his wife, who thon compelled him to upend u night in jail and upologlxo to a woman ho had insulted, Albort C. Smith Is at liberty today, firmly convinced that the rolo of "masher" Is not profitable. Smith tipped his hat to Mrs. Jauo Illchnrds Wednesday night. She re sented his familiarity nnd, nt tho instance of Mrs. Smith, swore out a complaint against tho swain. o ADDITIONAL PERSONALS '.MIiCbM. D. Evans was a business pnehonger to Portland thh morning Mrs, 13. L.. Armstrong wont to Ho qulam this morning. Mm. A. Schnr and Miss Id't Krug returned from Ilrownnvlllo to day, whore thoy have boon visiting 'rlonds Mls Anna Yantl and Miss Mabel Williamson, toaohors of Albany, nro h the rlty today visiting tha primary department of tho various schools Fran Kerrkoiisn, of the Flshor-TiK-nV Union, of Astoria, wont to Portland last night, a ft or nttondlng the leg'slauure Henry Prlntz wont to Portland la t night to visit friends. H C. Bldr'dge, manager of tho Capital City creamery, wont to Portland on bu8'nes yostordny. WOMAN SUFRAGE BILL PASSED Esxai 1' it P"- C , ping to Move r - .v location, 1 79 Commercial Street, about February 4, whore you will find . id finest drug stoie in Salem. We -solicit your patronage. Prescriptions 'v-at the lowest possible rate, Cross Drug Store rJr Home of Pure Drugs T for the Home Phone, (United .'rci I.eiuoJ Wlre.l Olynipla, Wash. .Jan. 20. Tho houso this morning passed tho wom an's suffrage bill by n voto of 70 to 18. This voto wiib arrived at whon It was decided that tho question should bo submitted to tho pcoplo In tho next general election. Roprcsontn tlvo Palmor of King led tho fight against' tho bill, assortlug that It Is a trivial mattor, entailing noedlcss ex penso to the state. Roprcsoutntlvo Dradborry niado u speech In which ho said tho corporations woro nfrald of tho woman's voto. Sovorn forvld "Qod bless you" siiocchcs on tho part of tho suffra gettes present woro mndo and tho bill wont through. Moth Iiouboh adjourned until Mon day. THUGS MURDER CITY MARSHAL IUnltl Vrm l.aal Vtr Stookton, Cat.. Jan. ID. George T. Morrison, olty marshal rif Oakdale lies new- death's door with four bul let wounds received onrly this muni liiK whllo attempting to arrest two thugs whom he Interrupted as they were about to bronk Into tho South ern Pnalflo dopot. As he fell the would-bo murderers escaped. A num ber of tools, Including n sledge stol- i fmiu a nearby blacksmith shop, were found nt tho dopot. Indicating that tho men lmd doslgns on The of fice safe. Our New Spring Dress Goods ARE NOW READY Anil they're nil new goods bought for this season's trade. We luivcn't a yard of last year's novelties In the house. The Novelty Dress Goods This season nppenl (o tho good insto of refined dressers. There's nothing gnudy in the line. Fancy Weaves in Solid Colors Predominate Hut wo nlso show n splendid assort ment of stylish combina tions in (ho pastel shadings which harmonize beautifully. Satin-Finished Wool Fabrics Arc extremely fimlilonnble. You'll find our display of spring dress goods In strict accord wltho stylo tendencies. There Will Be a Greater Demand This spring- for high class dress goods on account of the Senttio fair and cholco patterns will be M-nrco Inter in tho season. There Is already a shortngo in tho wholcsalo market of desirable fancies. It will bo to your Interest to buy early whllo tho assortment is complete. OUR PRICES ARE BASED ON THE SPOT CASH PLAN THAT IS WHY WE UNDERSELL REGULAR STORES KKt arsrsi&d' ioadi$jfes (e.tSZZffi&s'sted', &rvri. HOUSE OVERRIDES VETOES And Creates One Now Judee sniD. Houso, 10 a. m., Jan. 29. Houso considered governor's vetoes of 1007. S. II. No. 18, Ileach voting mn chino bill, Indefinitely postponed. S. II. No. 02, Smith, .Id district Fair. Passed over veto. Carries $1600 annually. S. 1). No. 88. Iloweriiian for 7th district agricultural soolety. Curries $8000 iinniinlly. PnBSud. 8. ft. Mn. lfiG. Johnson, for 10th district fair. Gai-rloa f 1000 annual-1 It does what is Maimed for It." It II It AFTER THE BRINE "Vinol Eestorcd This Maa'g Strength "Sovoral years ago I was attacked by a r.overo case of grlppo, which left mo with a honking cough, soreness in my chest, and bronchitis. I took nearly tilery kind of rough syrup sold on tho market, bullion medlolue glvon mo by physlalnns. I received no permanent relief until my druggist asl.rd me to try Vlnol, and after tsUIng three bottles I was entirely cured. I believe Vniol to be the greater! blessing ever offered to tho publio, as Tho boot guarantee of n man's honesty Is his nood of work and your llborallty of payment, cuts, burns, brulnes and seratchos, but especially recommend ed for pIles-rDoWUt'i Carbollz Witch Hazol Salvo. Sold by uU ''rugglets. State and Commercial Streets, Farmers and Horsemen All say our harness wear the the beet, they appreciate tho fact that wo use only tho best of leather, employ the beet mechanics, and that we give them the best values for their money. Our sfock of harness and saddlery goods is complete In every detail whloh makes It an easy matter for you to select a fine harness from our up-to-date stock, which Is tho largest in the Willamette valley. If once, our cus tomer, you are always our customer E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co. DU) North Coiiuuerci! Street. 40 Years in the Harness Business. liven a musical alarm el oak U seldom aapreelated in the onrly morn. u ICvery Mother. Is or should be worried whan tho lit Me ones havo a cough or eold. It may lend to croup or plourlsy or pneumonia thou to somothlnE more serious. Dallnrd's Horohound Syrup (will euro tho trouble at once and Iprevont any complication. Sold by , all dealors. ly. Parsed. 8. H. No. IMS. Johnson, for lit Itaetoru Oregon Kalr, $2000 a year. Pawed. S. I). No. 150, Km)', U gfimlsheo onrnlugs of ofllolnls. Pnssod. Thlrtl Ilendjiig Mils. II. 1). No. 158, Jnoger, for one ad ditional Judge Multnomah county. I'U88Qd. Adjoined to 1 p. in. Fruits aro Mima tlvo things; when nation gets busy they got so ashamed j of thomsolvos. J licks, Meplesvllle, Ala. Tho reason Vlnol cures chronic oonghs, eoiils and pulmonary troubles Is lieomise it mmeius tonic iron and nil the h allng and body buUdlng qIo meats of eud liver oil but no oil, Vlnol Ie ii io linexoellnl as a strength builder for old people, delicate uhlldrou, weak nud run-down nortous, and ufUr elcJcnoba. . V. I'DTNAM CO. If a pair of andlrona cost J7.7C, what would a ton of coal come to? Ashes. 'J'lio I'urc Food l4v. Seuixitary Wilson wiys: "One of the object of tho luw Ie to Inform the consumer of the preeenea of cer tain harmful drugs In inedlolnee." The lew require that the amount of chloroform, opium, morplilue ' ad other uablt formlBg drugs ! Uted on the label of each bottu Tilt. HlMttlirafilUPMim fkf n)lMtiil,Mrl..li. u I Cough ftamedy have always claimed that their remedy did uot toiitm, an) of theee driige, and the truth r this claim Is now fully pioven, as nut mention of them Is made on tho laliol This remedy Is not only one of the safest, but one of tho best In he fo, coughs and colds. Its value has been proven beyond question during the many yoars It has boon In general uso. For salo by Dr. Htono'a dm store. JK iJJfXX aaaaaV Xi ' j Saw OASTOniA, (ft ' - . gcsa-Ls i ' i i.'Wangg jioujsren :, fiOcky Hcunt:n Toa fhiflfjois X Jmy UtiM la B..y FoeU. 1 f :M:it' IkM-41mi. tJ s..i jfiTf fVi(ia!k i V-Tffiwii ; luHb ItHUutftr , j.xiiiii Jr to !! -- m r - r . . i; - nviil'. by -:tmet3-S0 SdJtfi PEOPLE Toinoiiow night ends i':e 'Jig sale al Wenaor &, Cherrinuton's. Save $85 to $135 by buying your piano NOW. PR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug storo In Ore gon, owes no one, and no ono owes It; carries largo stock; Its shrlvos, counters and show cu'oi aro loaded with drugs, modlclnos, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for mudlolnat purpo.o. Di, Stone Is a regular graduate In tnrd Iclno, and has had many yoars of ex- porience In the practice. Consulta tions aro free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for medicine,- Dr. Stone can be tound at his drug store, Salon), Or,, from 7 In tho morning until e at night II it I ' i