Jf.1 5 j;,pv .AnxcArrrAU jotmNAL, balkm, oreoon, raiPAY, jWAMT. '. " THE CAPITAL JOURNAL k. IIOPKR, Kd. d Pro. Indptn-lotil Nwppr uoroted to American Principle nd Iba ProifrtM m1 IWTelopement of All Oreon. fobtlihwl Brerr Brenlm Bxwpl HnaAnj, glm, Ore. BUIIHCIHITION KATB8. (IiiTr)tlr iii Ailnw.) JMllr, bj wnler, pr jwr t.01 Her month Wo DT. bj malt, per rr- - -m '"' mon,h Weeklr, br mll. rf ter HU month. 60c gm5LABEl THE .MAN WHO STANDS BY HIS MOTHER. Tho Capital Journal wants to pause a moment In the hurly-burly of politics and pay a tribute to the man who stands by his mothor, ' There aro many fine men in this world who would make model husbands and splendid fathers who refrain from mariraeeTO MAKE A HOME FOR A DEAR MOTHER. That prlnciplo is not sufficiently honored by tho world, the making of a social sacrifice in order that one woman above all others to be honored may be respected, There aro many mothers living with their sons and sons-in-law who are married and they are honored and provid ed for, but ihore is a fine distinction IN FAVOR OF THE MAN WHO MAKES THE HOME FOR MOTHER. Many of thoso bachelors whoso affections remain undi vided with the woman who brought them into tho world live thoir livos unnoticed by the world, and porhaps their collbacy is attributed to other motives, But whatovor' tho world may say , little as it may regard thoir sacrifice IT CAN NEVER ADEQUATELY REWARD THEIR DEVOTION TO MOTHER. Altogothor wo do not honor the mothers as wo should, Thoy dosorvo adoration and distinction as the founders of tho family and tho pillars of the homo which is seldom givon thorn publicly, All honor to tho bachelor who takes care of mother, WHAT IS THE USEJN KNOCKING. Tho Portland papers that aro boosting for tho State Fair and tho Stato Capitol to go to Medford and other places aro making a mlstnko in knocking this city, Even if their statomonts about Salem hotels, Salem stioot cars, and Salem wator weio facts, which thoy are not, IT WOULD NOT BE A SUCCESSFUL WAY TO ACCOM PLISH RESULTS. Tho State is in tho midst of n tromondous ora of dovolop mont, and thero is no excuse for any city or section to knock any othor loction, Let us keop all we have anywhere in Oregon and get mote aiong affirmative and constructive lines, NOT DESTRUC TIVE. If any part of the State is better adapted for a State Cap ital that I act can be brought out without knocking this city. What man or newipapei of any intelligence will engage in knocking FORTUNATELY NOT MANY. OREGON HAS MUCH TO BE PROUD OF. Its State Fai. is a credit to any Stale. The Capital City will compaie with most capitals. AND WE ARE GOING TO HAVE MOUNTAIN WATBR. i . EQUALIZE THE JUDGES. Multnomah county does not need more judges so much a6 to get arr ordinaiy day's work out of the judges they have, Hon. Henry E. McGinn has the right of it about the humbue of four judges SITTING EN BANCO TO TRY SUITS. those judges get four thousand dollars a year each, and the circuit judges of tho lest of the state get thiee thousand, rut them all on the same p md arrange it so that thoy can be assigned TO DO AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF LABOR. ...li,cuLl,1 Jdges no lonpei travel on passes, which is a good tning, but thov deseive iiivioased pay, 01 the same pav A judge like Lawience H.f is, of Eugene, who has .Vvn A SIMPLE RULE that will mak nnyow proapwous is this) Spowl lou m you wiriv Deposit oacIi pny- dny tho dlffoionco with us, Wo do tho rast Capital National Bank J. II. AlaiKUT, I'm. K. M. UJI0I8AX, Vlw IW JO l. IIJIKUT, tWfcr, SCHOOL CHILDREN SUFFER from imperfect vision and are called dull in studios. We give careful nttontion to the rutin got children's study glasses, assuring good results in all coses. B A R R The Opticiatv SCHOOLS ARE LAX IN MORAL TRAINING I United Prwn I.eil Wire. Now York, Jan. 20. Tho need of a formalatlvo system or education for tho Irresponsible American youths itt high school and collego will bo polnl cd out today by Col. II. B. Scott, com mandant of tho West Point Military Academy. Scott declared that tho Amorlcan system of education wan based on the Gorman system, but that tho German universities accept ed Btudonts' whoso habits and char acter wero formed. Colonel Scott lectured last night on tho subject of tho attltudo of tho studont toward ho law, and cllzon- ship. Ho cald: "Tho systom Is bated largely on tho Gorman, without regard for the moral training of tho student. This la going too far In tho direction of lborallty. Tho Gorman student, as a rule, has naa ft military iraiumb earlier; thoro lu no such training hero Tho freedom of tho German system Js for tho man whoso habits and character already havo been formed "Tho American boy who has not had such formatlvo training should' havo tho character formed for.hlm, and not left to his Individual caprlco. Tlu nation greatly ncodo largor loav. on of military dlsclplne, such as West Point gives, to IncrcnBo tho ro- sptct for law nnd for tho duties of citizenship, nnd I bollovo collegot ought to furnish It." Ail Extra Special Offer of Smart Winter Suits and Overcoats Going On Ife Now This is a special sale of great importance to every man and young man who is not well supplied with clothes for this season's wear, We are giving you the advantaged 20 per cent reduction" MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MIC At.', STCRN 4 CO. On all our Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Shirts, This m. eludes all of our Men's, Young Men's, and Boys' Cloth. ing, This is an opportunity you snouici not fail grasp, Thuru Is no case on lucord of a cough, cold or la grlipo dovoloplug Into-pnoumonla afior Koloy's llonoy and Tsr has btmn taken, an It cures tho mot obstinate deep sonlod coughs and colds. Why tnko uny thlug uIbo? J. C. I'orry. SALEM WOOLEM MILL STORE large district , barely gets two thousand a year AFTER PAY ING HIS EXPENSES OF TRAVEL Now one judge who has a very small district is to be wised to four thousand dollars a year and tho rest, except those at Portland are to be kept ON A THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR SALARY. That is not fair, Four thousand a year would get better judges, Thoy would try cases better, There should be less appeals, MARION COUNTY SALARY BILLS. The Marion county delegation has reached an agreement to miso the salary of tho County Superintendent of Schools a small amount, That SOOms to be nil riffht. n5'?nhnnl wnrk is hainc nytnnrl- ed, and THE OFFICE HAS ACTUAL NEED OF A DEPUTY. i ne snemt s otnee will got tho same salary, and the same deputy hire, but it will be divided among three deputies, The Sheiift will get $2000 a year as now. The deputies will get $1200 for first, $950 for second, and $720 for third, The Sheriffs office will have to colleut $000,000 taxes this year, and requires plenty of comoetent help, NO Drivate business hanrilAK that amount nf mnriAv nn such small salaries and does all the other work required of inai omce. The Marion Cniintv HfllAPaiinn hfls omnA clnw ahnut nraai- ingnew offices or increasing salaries, ine uuiuy judge and Commissioners are the men WHO OUGHT TO COME IN FOR A '-ISr Nm TIME. They transact more business rr' 'occ m tin'. ?hv, nV men in the state. But they are not asking for a laise so w eu -itv is ! on easy. MEXICO TO FORM GREATMINING TRUST City of Moxlco. Jan. 29.- Plans , arc being prepared today for tho In corporation of 00 mining properties throughout Moxlco. Announcomont of tho plan was inndo by I'odro Al vurado, a niiiltl-iiilllloiiarlu mluo own or In tho district of Chihuahua. HIh mines Ho In tho districts of Chlhu-i huii, Durango, (luurroro and Conhul In. Tho company wjll bo known nu tho Alvnrndo Mining Company and will bo Incorporated undor tho Iiiwh of tho state of N'w York. Several prom Insnt American mlnliiK mon will he IntHrtNited In tho inurKur. o A .Vlaht It Id,., 'n itald. Ths worst night rldors aro ealo ml. crotnn oil or uom pills. They raid your bed to ,ob you of rest. Not ' o with Dr. King' New Ufa I'llls. They nover distress or Inconvenience bnt always clennse the system, cur- Hy'Uai HGHh Never Falls to Restart Gray Hair to ItsNattrd Color and Beatify. no matter now lonp it nu mm ro or faded. Promotes a luxurlutrrert of healthy hair. Stop Iti filllucc and positively removes m dralf. Keeps hair soft and glouj.b iuse an auosututei. zm timet aits In $1.00 aa 50c. slie. IsNtaBjt 91aadSOc. bottles, at drswW Stnd Jo for Irto book " lb Cirt tl it iti.' 4 rblloUay8pec.Ca.,Mwuk,t.. Hay's Karllna SoapcvraraM red, rouuh and chappd hindt, ltd til iii& xf. nrep mm nno ana tai. ix, nn 8eod2c (or free book "TlxCire dlUUi' Maid's Koim Pjimi Tho United Stno produrei son papor tlinti KnRland Ge-nuf, Franco, Auotrla nnd Hnty tocVwl nnd lian tho lar; ' forest chtnpest inntorlal lo make it t Id, Colds. Headache. Ooiutlpatlon. , nMll yot tho tlWh, p,k8pro' Xalarla. 25c at j. 0 I'erry's. nKanst ,u ttle , h0,t Thn, Most people dignify their pieju I dlco by callng them principles. ductlon of thle country att K wna 9 7!10 nnn Imip nr ilo WI i pound i for onch pcrwn LUCKY MR. WARNER; POOR LITTLE FIDDLER t I'MllMl Hr iMHll WIN ) Hhoenl,. Ar'a.. Jan I Whll. , , her w&v to her nance. Joseph U Wa tter. a wealthy Colorado mining man Mls Haraona Rollins. 4auhter f i veil known artist, left the train Uinaman, utar here, and beawe tho fe of Ralph Wylle. violinist, an to.v Warner I mourn'ng the nklc Of WOMIRIt. Mias RpIIIm. whose father a Wbrate4 italater of Indian lit., an t Qraad Canyon laadxape,. bade hu daughter goodbye, believing that slu would b wedaed to Warner today He waa saoeketl to hear of her ud 4e HMrrti to Wylle whom she met three weeks ago It l reported thst he Mttawnted sak'de after melvliiR the news. WILL TURN RACING OVER TO MEXICO Uftit Iim Um4 Wlr , teeraweMUt. Owl . Jan -When the UtgUlatHre'g vote nan -, sends "the koIur , Uy()Bd ,no ikhiw i uaurarnta. It tu drT, !t to the CIU or Mexleo. wher Tom Williams, president of it- rviu. i.. Jxkey oluh. has negotiated wih lrMldent Dlax for tan ..- lesea to ho4d horse raees and earn on the book HMktas: ...I i,,- futures, without whleh sav W- """" uo Kme rannt th, t Hou't forga hi - , i xrr Is worse than a pound of ifc B fiHaHu yGg&siteSiMTgl Mi isr n iir -z u ' or- w i nH Janv VB I am H I I 9nmvkw L 1 H H " jj Tomorrow night ends l'; 1 1 the oi sale at Wenger d I1;! U Cherrington's. Save S85 I 1 to SI 35 lv buyii y0lj I a piano NOW, I !! Have not coughed once all day? t ct you may co jf.i tomorrow I Better be prepared for it vhen comes, Ask your doctor about keeping Aycr's Cherry Pectoralo I...- ..uMv, i iil-ii until mo uuru cuiu or coun nrii uppij" ; have a doctor & medidnc at hand. Your doctor's approval of ilsjg will certainly set .VI dmihr rt rest. Do as he savs. W. MOwocccfotocoea Greatest Combination Offer NINE NEWSPAPERS A ,rsl FOR FORTY CENTS A jlWltf Tin- Dally Ciiiilul Jouinal and tl:o TIiHim-h-W'tU Nw Wiui, i ,tia ,i v. - .. .. .. ,m news as It is. promptly and fully, ntad In ovory Kiv Ilrh IP01' Ing country. has Invariably bean tho great ofOrl of the ThrlceM orld edition of tho Nov Yorft WoitU to publ'fh he nc paittally in order that It may bo an accurate rcjni'cr if Trsat tJ happened It tells tho truth. Irrosnee'tva of Diu: d '-r ' reason U has aohlovod a position .I'.h the p'.Hc -nl. " l i'.,pfrs of Its class. If ou want tho news as It roally Is, subscribe to the I" Week edition of the Now York World, which comes to you Tj" othr day oxcopt Sunday, and Is thus practically a dally l tt vikv oi a weekly. THE TimiCE-A-WEEK wnm.n's inir subscrlpilo9 P Is only ? 00 per year, and this pays for 160 papers. We this unequalled nowspaper and Daily Capital Journal three months - $1-20: Daily Capital "Journal six months - - $2.35; fho above offer Is only good for Strictly Cash In Advance. , check draft or postal noto or pay at offlco of Capital Journal. -ovm.o luuirajssion allowed on theso terms. Sena reu- t HOPEU. publisher Dally Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. mnmizs HBiiyiargiiMiMtllssal,lia,iav.)