""Si 1 VfcJX .CAPITAL JOUIWAJ, 8AXKM, OREGON, THUItSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1000. - ' -""' ' . u i I. i i s RAILKOAD TlnEG TABLE OTliuo Card No. 04, Southern Pacific Co., Effcdtlvo Sunday, Aug. 10, 1008. Toward Portland, Passcngci. No. 16. 5:13 a. m. Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8:40 n. m. Cottago Qrov passenger. No. 12. 2:15 p. m. Roseburg pas sengor. N0 14 9:13 p. m., Portland ox press. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p. m. Portland fasl freight. No. 22G. 10;40-11:2S a. m. way freight. Toward San Francisco, Passenger No. 11. 11:03 a. m. RoBobfurg passonger. No. 17. 'C:43 p. m. Cottage Grove passenger. No. 15 9:50 p. in. California ox pro33. No, i3--3:31 a. m. San Francis co express. Toward San Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:4i n. m. Portland fast freight. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way freight. OREGON ELKOTRIO RAILWAY Thno Card Effective Nov. IB, 100S. Fer: Loaves Portland and Intermediate, Local 0:40 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro and In- tormodlato, Local 8:55 a.m. Portland and lntormedlato, Local 11:15 a.m Portland and lntormodlato, Local 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro, Limited 3: 05. p.m. Portland-Hlllsboro and In termediate, Local 4:00 p.m. Portland and lntormodlato, Local 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, Local ' 8:40 p.m. Frem: Arrives Portland and lntormodlato, Local 8:25 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro nnd In termediate, Local ... 10:00 a.m. Portland, Hlllsboro and Tualatin, Limited ....10:50 a.m. Portland and lntormodlato, Local 1:00 p.m. Portland-Hlllsboro and In termediate, Local 400 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, Local 5:45 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, Local S:20 p.m. Portland and lntormodlato, Local 1040 p.m. MFALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals 15a Doard por week $2.75, ali fur nished rooms vory reasonable AT THE Salem Restaurant 3SD COURT STREET. Now is the Time to visit California When Bummor hai passed In theso north- orn states, tho sun Is only mild under the bright bluo skies of Southern California. This Is ono of naturo'e happy provisions eternal summer for those who cannot en dure n more sovero climate. California has beon called the "Mecca of tho winter tourist " Its hotels nnd stop ping plucos aro as varlod as thoso of all well regulated cities Visitors can always find suitable accommodation-, congenial companions and var ied, pleasing recrea tion). SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply soma vory attractlvo literature, describing in detail tho many delights of winter In California. Tho rate from Salem to Los Angelas and return Is $55. Limit six months, allowing stopovers In cither direc tion. Similar excursion rates are In effect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write agents, Salem or VM. MMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. Gold D&st Flour Maflo by THE SYDNEY TOW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Orc goa. Mndo for family use. Ask your grocer for It. limn and shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Nebraska Corn Just arrived one car of Nebraska corn t Tillson & Co. SalemcFence Works Hcadquartors for Woven Wlro Fencing, Hop Wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mal thold Roofing, P & D Ready Roofing. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN lint) Court St Phono 12 1 1'hoDb 41 Main 147 N. lllgb St. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs aDd Livery, all Wb Modern Rubber Tiro. 44-M4H4-l-rt How Journal Can Save J ; Money A Road carofully, ovory day tho I Advertising Columns in tho Capital Journal Somo day you will bo likely ; ; to llnd a bargain ndvortlsod ; that you want. A prompt ro- ; ; ply may savo you monoy. ; : Watch It Carefully t n i m i ! 1 1 1 i-i n n 1 1 1 1 1 it- TORRID ZONE FURNACE Tho abovu cut represents oi brick lined Torrid Zone Furnace Guaranteed gas, smoke and dm roof. Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER 258 STATE BTREET. Eitimatea iiirnisned on bpatlns Pm -s JL a VOo Steamers Oregona and Pomona leave for Portland Monday. Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Faro 50 cents. Loavo for Corvallls. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. THE MARKETS SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 20. Wheat No. 1 Calllornla club, por cental, $1.67 1& 1.70; California whlto milling, $1.75 1.80; north ern blucstcm, $1.75 1.80; off grades wheat, $1.50 1. GO; Rcd3, $1.02ftGl.G7K. Barley Food barley, $1.42 1:45; common to fair, $1.351.40; browing at San Francisco nominal at $1.1501.65; Chovallor, $1.501.60 according to quality. Eggs Por dozen, California fresh, including cases, extras, 42 c; firsts 42c; seconds, 4tc; thirds, 40c; pul lets, select, 40c. Butter Por pound, Callfornln fresh, extras, 30c; firsts, 33c; sec onds, 27c; storage, California extras, 31c; ladles, oxtras, 23c. Now cheese por pound, Califor nia flats, fancy, 14c; firsts, 13 o; seconds, . lie; California Young America fancy, 16c; firsts, 15 &c; Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oregon flats, fancy, 14c; do. Young Amorlcn, fancy, lCc; Call fornln storago fancy flats, 13c; Or egon flats, fancy, 14c; do Young America, 15c. Potatoes Per cental, Rivet Whites, $1.25; Lomppc BurbanUs, $1.501.G5; do. Salinas, $1.55; Or egon Burbanl8, $1.35(31.50; sweet potatoes, per crate. $1.750 2. Onions Por sack, Oregon, $2 2.25; California, $1.7.5 2. Orangos Navels, standard, $1.35 2.25; fancy, $2.25 2.75; Tanger ines half orango boxes, $1.25 2;. Mandolines, por box, $1.35 1. 00. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Track Pi-lei. Club 92c Uluostom $1.05 Turkoy Rod 05n Rod Russian 00c Valley 05c Flour. Patent $5.25 Straights $4.20 Exports $3.90 Vnlloy $5.00 Grnham, I VI snolc $4.40 Wheat, whole $4.05 Rye $5.50 Hurley. Foed $20.50 Rolled $S9.0029.50 Ilrowlng $27.50 j. v Oats. No. 1 white $33.00 Gray $32.00 Hay. Wlllamotto vnl. fancy timothy $15.00 Willamette vnl. ordinary $12.00 Mlxod $10.50 Eaatorn Orogon. fnnoy $18.00 Alfalfa $13.00ll.O0 Clover $12.00 MIINtuff. Urnn $20.50 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $31.00 Shorts, olty $30.00 Choj $22.00 Chee.sc'. F. C. Twins 15 j ICo F. C. Triplets 15ft IGc Young Amorlcn 17c Cream brlok 1820c Swiss, block 1820c Llmburgor 18&20e RresM'd Meaty. Hogs, fnnoy 7 M 8c Hogs, ordinary G 7c Hogs, largo 5c Voal, oxtra 9 1 0c Voal, ordinary , 7 0 8c Voal, heavy Cc Mutton, fancy C C 7c Cottago roll ' .'.lie Picnic 10c Ilreakfsst . , .15 2114c Hegular short oleum, smoked ... 1 3c Dtto, unsmoked 12c Char backs, unsmoki 12c Clear backs, smoked 13c Shoulders lie Poultry, Chk kens, mixed 1 1 1 1 V4 c Hens, fanoy lfic Itoostors, old 1 1 12c I! roll era and f ryars 1 G 1 7c Dressed poultry, 1 cant pound high er. Ducks , 15lGc Geese, IIvo .'.10 lie Turkeys 1 7 1 8c Drossod 20 23c Hotter. Extras 37!6fi39c Fancy 37 c Cholco 30c Store 18 20c Extras 42 46c Eastern 8fi40c Pot n tow. Buying prises, per ewt. $.2il.f0 Sweets, per owt $2.26 Frcfch I'rult.s. Oranges .'. . .S.2f $3.00 Tangerine, box $ 1.T6 Lemons fg.O0Oi.O0 Grapes, crate $007 Pears, box 7Ib$1.00 Cranberries, barrel . .$11.00 16.00 Uananas, pound 5 5 V4 Onions, per cwt $1.2(1.50 Garlic 12 15c Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, per bushel $1.05 Oats, por bushel 45c Flour, hard ' wheat $5.50 Flour, valley $4.40 Mill feed, shorts $33.50 Mill feed, bran $30.00 Hops, 190S crop 28VjC Hops, 1907 crop 2 3c Chltttm bark 3 5c Wool, coarst .....' 8c Wool, medium 16c Mohair ISc Hay, cheat $12 13 Hay, clover .$11 12 Poatoos, bushol .70 75c Apples, bushel 50c$1.25 Onions, per cwt ,$ 1.01.25 Prunes, por pound 1 Vi 4 c Butter niul Eggs, Retail. Eggs 50c Butter, creamery 50c Country butter 35c c Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists bavo ioaiuJ lu a cavo In Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, whon llfo was In constant dnngcr from wild boasts. Today tho danger, as shown by A. W. Brown of Alcxandor, Mo., Is largo ly-from deadly disease "If It had not boon for Dr. King's Now DIscovory, which cured mo, I could not havo lived," ho writes, "suffering ns I did from a sovcro lung troublo and stub born cough. To euro Soro Lungs, Colds, obstlnato Coughs, and pro vent Pneumonia, its tho best modi clno on earth. 50c and $1.00. Ouar nntood by J. C. Perry. Trial bottlo froo. A man's llfo Is to be mouRiirod as to Its duration, not by years, but by character. As tho Arabs woll cny: "A wise man's tiny Is worth a fool's llfo." Length of days la not vouch safed to ovory ono, out tho ability to llvo woll Is. o Konnotly'a Lnxntlvo Cough Syrup tastos noarly as good as maplo sugar. It euros tho cold by gently moving tho bowels, and at tho samo tlmo It Is soothing for throat Irritation, theroby stopping tho cough. Sold by all druggists. No mattor how lowly tho cullln.T, so long its It 8 houorablo, ho glorl lion labor secures solf-reepoot nnd that of otbero when ho rorks olll olfhtly. A ' Every Mother, la or should bo worrlod when tho lit tle ones havo a cough or cold. It may load to oroup or pleurisy or pneumonia thou to somothlng more BorloiiB. Ilnllnrd's Horohound Syrup will euro tho troublo at onco and provout any complication. Sold by all donlors. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ttis Kind You Have Always Bought dtfjfs&fit Doars tho Qlgnaturo of CHICHESTER S PILLS h w Tn iiNf sqp DlAiJONO IIICAM IMI.I.fJ i? tti,kB0inil!it,Stl4t.AItr,lttlliLla SOLD BV DRUGGISTS rVERWHERE Scld in Sulem bv Dr. S. C. SI: IC. TTIK HKST ItOST TIIK 1'WMII.V KVKIt HAD Can bo obtained from our prlruf tonder and juicy beef, mutton o pork. All our moats are sslectac from the cholcwt, asd prpared fo tbo table to suit the dsmaada of tb, fastldloui. Our prices are lower fo quality than you can flsd at on place In Salem. E. O. CItOSH, Phone SOI. 870 Rlatc Bt -TB ..W f .!!... ..I.u I. . .. r . WSI l'U la Itrd ir. UaM mnmufSJ ttv wr L?f' '' '" "' itiuo.V I Akd . K.l Tal. ka ..t... 1 f i 1. 1 " ja A r5 lpffiiBS?S! M . . . ..,.1 ft; . , .. ii nr jj4jUiijMt at . IUNITtOMt0ICI.CO.,0lT4.U0TI. fA. J Z yms&fn r c -" i ' v tit ?. Jt3..Bfl1MlltmMlll1llfM.t ,-ariBpW r " B Mcnn.v " ii 1tittrTSmT ii ( '" "' i iinrifMf i iiT liiiaiflBo' suMSBttSkBKlMMBLLHsLLLLLLSBIBSBBSSBBaBSSBlSaSJlMCSSaSSKi r READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. jQ ., rwjw l J ls fJ; W" c THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlam Mining company, nra ."uii Bposl Hn fcn vestors. A limited amount of Btock Is now for salo, at tho LOW PRICE of 5c per shnro. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. 125 S. COMMERCIAL ST. uwwMtortW999M9mm I Wire Fencing Paint and Oil ?TETor SALEM HARDWARE CO. 1 20 Commercial St. Phone 1 72 WP4-rfrMH4-f fH - I a A bottor thine Nwn to cry over opllt mlllc Is Co tfo't busy and pall nnothor cow. o - Caught lu (he Ilnln, thon a cold and a cough lot It run on got pnoumonla or consumption that's all, No mattor how you not your cough don't nogloct it tako Dalard'e Horohound Syrup nnd you'll bo over It In no tlmo. Tho suro euro for coukIis, colds, bronchitis nnd nil pulmonary dlsonBos In youni; and old. Sold by nil doalers. n n - NO NEED OF WET FEET ','m " "''li nwniiPiii'iiiiifi !!' ""-II wmi I " m '. iij Why dont you purchase a pair of Rubber Shoes or Boots or a pair of my High-top Leather Shoes? See my line for the best in quality and price. One trial will prove it JACOB VOGT, ThaSnoe i' ! t4fills)tltHNH01ililf1s1 A BARGAIN FOR SALE-Modern im proved home. New houses building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment. Address, Capi tal Journal. tmetf KH1034-gKr3frK4 ff W-8Hrfy jf t " "$ r&W' I DICE! PANGP TO $40 A Meeting .a At which your ono doolro la to nppoar at your best comothlng pos Itlv'oly Imposslbto whon your llnon la poorly laundered. Your collar, uhlrt or cuff or tho shirt waist, nockploco, etc., Is Just as lmportnnt in your nppoarnnco as tho clothes thomsolvos. If you bring thorn horo thoy will bo porfectly laundorod nnd roturnod In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Toll-phono SO. lno-lfld S. Llbcrtty St Builders' Hardware i eyHM - fr4 i Ol I 1 TIIK 8WKHTKST MUHIO nottuds ntlll sweotor whon played on our hlKh-clasa musical InatrumantH. Our mandolins havo tho warmth of sunny Spain; our banjos nil tho"' mirth nnd iaughtor of tho uunnyp South. Como nnd try tho lnstru niont you lovo host. It Is horo all rltut. Wo havo ovory kind knowu. L. 1 SAVAOK, 247 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. HUIE WING SANG CO. Now All floods Sale At Cost Price Wo mako tip nil kinds at imJor wonr, Wrnppors, Klmonns and Waists. Silks, Drcsa Ooods, Ladloa nnd aonts' Furnishing floods, Shoos, Dlnnkots, Mnttlug, Mile Handkor cblofH, otc. 320 N, Commorclnl St., Salem, Oro. ta jfilj Ha ? 1 i 1 I i.i - ! r i