! ESfe UtfTAtt JOOTESfAI BAMM. OggWK. 8ATPRDAY, JANUARY f, 1WI. twitf igfiifitiifi'lw4lgif,''ct1ll'w lfllltwll''''M,tg""iIBBallll'alj? SOCIAL AND DRAMATIC EVENTS OF THE WEEK .........nniini.ittniiiinniimnnniw amitii8iiex rainnaaiitoff i aiiiiii'ii ! ''",lwlir,TWTr' '"" ""T" .... . . , warua iuiuko ijuuuwut tu vv-6viim JJt - jrr, Siiifcii LniiLziL P-ifi-U (jn ilICI ti' i"T5 cir Our Annual Blue Ribbon White Sale is a notable event. Prices are cut deeper than ever. "THE GREAT DIVIDE" TO BE HERE TONIGHT "Masters of Men" should provo one of tho strongest cards of the year. At last wo aro to seo "Tho Great plvld," unquestionably tho mon strikingly original dramatic succcs) an American plnywr'ght has yet achloved. This wolcomo news to nil loveiij of really good drama, for no play In tho history of tho American stago has won bo largo a measuro of intitule, ns well m financial success, as hoe thin picturesque and bcautl fiully wrltton drama of vlrllo Amen- has 1 c n hailed by mnny of the lead' ln, d amut c reviewers a3 "the long' i wn'icd 'grant American play.' ' Tlio Kanagomont of the Grand opera houtp are to be congratulated upon Moiiri.g this splendid attraction. Tun pln will be presented hero this ev ening with a suporb company, and the ri'tlro production, with tho com plete scenic equipment precisely as pit tented during tho recent phenom- enn life from tho pen of Wllllan Innl ongngomont of over 500 perform Vaughn Moody. "Tho Great Dlvld-j" Miceu In New York Oily. CHILDREN'S COATS Suitable for school wear, valuos up to $10, a grand spe cial at r.-$2.39 Reacly-to-Wear Section LADIES' COATS Full length, just the thing for these stormy days or driv ing, values to $10, your choice while thoy last.. .$3.98 Roadv-to-wear Section, LADIES' COATS I Cxcoptlonally good vaules from $5 to $6,50, each m'aiked in plain figures at regular selling price reduced now 5 HCKVH KHOM "TIIK C3!ti:T DIVI'U-V SoXSfn?ia'SEiS fo1 7o" "tir"0"n"r'; ""eV "w"'1 t T H E HOUSE Or B0NDAG Tho Elks' Show Among tho many big features In tho Elks show, "A Night in Bohe mia," to bo presented at tho opera houso January 2G nnd 27, will bo thp dancing pony ballet, comprised of 20 pretty school glrl. There will bo about 80 pcoplo in tho cast, and the show promises to bo tho musical treat of tho season. n livery Mother. Is or should bo worried when tho lit tlo'onos havo a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pnoumonln then td something more serious. Mallard's Ilorohottnd Syrup will euro tho trouble at onco and prevent nny complication. Sold by nil denlors. tliiri Oia s? MB MM) UU II3T9 AMIS WIEI .gdntnrc f W7Z$K W$B I jfi'r .v wAmv? 0S0S? ?23 S. COMMERCIAL Sf GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN P. CORDItAY, Mgr. Monday, January 1 1 John Cort presents Florence Roberts and an Imcompnrnblo company In The House of Bondage By Seymour Obermor. Prices: 91.r, $1, 75c, 50c. Sent ealo nt box offlco Monday, 9 a. m. 3 , XttJ&U&L fMlYtthXTfO AND PIMtNCE ROBERTS izsmxz&ussssmui&m CT tli, tli U' liliivu ,if Mid vrtiin tifiliiik Ium u'Kondored more iIIhcuhnIuii nnd of In the eontrnl role play, I'cll.is b, n'- KMXMM RIP VAN WINKLE TO "ll'"t of mw woek ln ,M',,Uo to WAKF HPHh THIIRnAY ,,,, ,lu,ur wvuulnif porfornmucot, "pedal matlncca will bo given For tlio who enjoy clean, whole I torn drama, combined with the 'r MIh i:ol)i!t.s, if tlit Obermei won more cordial approval than "Tho 'cording to reliable report, all her pro Home of IliuidiiKO," In which Flor- v our nrtla-tlc efforts. When this U mil Roberta and a remarkably siip-jtutld of MIm Roberts, It Is tho nemo polling cnet will appear at the (Iriiu.l . of prnlso, for no woinaii star, either on hlKhtMt aUodaid of acting, a trfHt ' In Htur Ht lh Ornnd opwrn limiw ThurMlii)'. Jhmhut) 1 1, wnitn TIioiiibh JoffonMiu will b iwn In bin famous linporHOUHtlou o "Kip Vhn Winkle." Wflltttwlay and Suturday. Of all tho npuclaoulur pioductlonx of modern tlmtM, nouo hnu buuii opera house on Monday, January II. "The lloutw of IloiulHHe" Ih by Soy- mour Obtrmor, an ICngluihiunn, wlio, nntlvo or forolKti liFrtli. hnu tourrd 'thin country with n nior brilliant arle of nchfovemviitH recorded ti GRAND OPERA HOUSE JNO. F. CORDRAY, Manager THURSDAY, JAN. 14 THOMAS JEFFERSON In His Famous Production Of VAN WINKLE Beautiful Scenic Produc tion Excellent Supporting 1 Company Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, SOc Seat Sale at Box Office Thursday 9. a. m. S tVf,X!r!STi7an9rlrrrrrm.tl oeiHH (o have fairly won. both an a her credit. A truly great netroflH, aho dramatic lltoratcAir and oraftimnn, U over guuorouq In opportunities to uredltd with louts a mm of pro- exeuptlounl honors through this work i her supporting iHt. With fiuch piay- perlty um thin groat and popular drnmatlu npetacl "Hun llur" Is today urowued with a record of more Tho r nmiio of Jitffarwm has o!l,' Sftft" porformaucou In Ainorlwi, and SOU In London, in a little over nluo year, and has been vuuu by more tlui umiven million people. The sucoih-H of tho piny U ci edited to tliu ioIIkIouh Hitutlinoiit that provallti In the theme, making It partloulnrly nU tractive to the non-t hunt rnour, whq.1 hh a rule, avuldtt tho playhoiuu, ow' lug to rellgloiiH cruplotf. "Hen llur' has tho wudnrwoment of tho loading IIrIiU of tho ehureh of the world', and huti appeoltxl to all thiwtre-ioewi m Hi luottt powerful drmnn that hag er Ihmii rrwttwl for the utaxe. t Wallwr Imd h few pers nd ill uKror Ih the art of preatlMg ta th ' the luiagery of ortHuni Mnu la "llN llur." bit whL. pUt'f, he glvw the life, the uolur, i i tit.- hHrt fMfllug of the Unit at U'hrUt With thtfeo he prewnts n ltttrue heart tory, hemic dnun nllod wlUt the teudereet inotlun ilugwl with ihu nnniiHco of lovo nnd war. .KlttHl by the evtdeuo of I). viae miracles performed Uy the Nun nreue. Although the iwered pro. mm la not howu, It l folt, and Ihraugliout tho piny run tho strong Hiider-ourreut or religious foiling whleh dUtliigiiUlioa "Hun llur" from -m- . h naut Working out plauRlbly and with orlg- ers as Arthur Forroat, Thurlow Bor Inallty a thuino of a dnrlug nnturo, t gen, Ann Warrington nnd others, n Mr. Obormer hna boon cqunlly prnlso delightful pro-ontntlon of "Tho for III d'nlogno niul IIh conHtnic-j, Houso of Houdago" bocomos nn ab tlon. "Tho Hoiiho of llondage" sueum, solute nsstirnncf. to have a foundation of willd loglj. Sonti on inle at box oulco Mon lucidly oxpnmlcil. dny, January 11. at 0 a. in. TIioiiuim JolTormiii, at WlnkUs" 'Ulp Van t Rg94gC4--M4-aH4-i-S)-l-4f9e-KH9-H94S4-4 S FOLLOW THE CROWD AND GO TO J YE LIBERTY I THE HOUSE OF COMFORT ADULTS 10c. CHILDREN 5c. tlglf tf f llllllllglgg.,n,)n.(aj l-S-lf f ! lglgtgl-HMg-frga4M BUNGALOW! THEATRE I'hoiU'. -Main 1 1 7, A Vl'l I, Uiuplii' Thwilcr Co. ( Inc.) Loso (i'KO. 1. HAKKIt, (it'iicrtil Maimgor. Portland's Fashionable Popular Prlo Playhouse. Horn of the K Incompnrablo Dakor Stock company. SCKNK 1'ltOM "TIIK IIOl'SK OK IJOXIAK The gaino of polltlos opens llila uk sUrtlng Sunday matlneo. January 11, 1909. Plrat producUon here of Avery Hopwood'a powerful polltloul piny MASTKUS OF MHX. loag bxn caunecttd with Irrlng'n l CloN of tl CNlVHU. tkt tadenta of the !i.i hi w.uM ninu4t reHt then eimuin,., o iv H history h ovor jriHi m -uig vVih Winkle." Doer n Ui ' Who due Hot kHOW tkU iitit- e Hut. HhtSl w hnw fertau 'unity Mj( Ihjo. llur ui HjUJii ajV,, n,0 mc-uttuul,U v.y -Hfsmt. inwR UK taole In tfc Ui t. x ii ibe worid. "Hen llur" win k hw houont nt tho Hem ih"ir- liil. Oraon A WH down't roallie how on Monday even 'tig ti'ero 'I wl'l 'imii other plays of this school that have I been shown In Milwaukee slnco tluv M other drunmtl offorlnge Used on linker Sunk Liiimny to tlvM'iit ',., .ntn mn ,.,.. a.,. i UlUllwil (HMtoe and war. are shownZ; Powerful Xw Polltloul Play, I T tho Coming WHk. abiorblngly told, replete with real jdramaUo clash of chaructors, as well ."... . .. .... . .! turruuiullttg the great myttery of the reeue of Chrlat. Kao) 'eotno u- "Md a iMrfect olcturo. the whole fi.r mnnv im nt n.iiiiin.. i., ;ua, leRltlmato theatrical devlae. and' bleadltig h a living pageant. tho hanulttsa realms of sooloty .oome- doallug with so popular and timely a' lu ortWr to take oaro. bt tyjt-of- dy, olmruoUr aometly and mol j-v tjomq, tho play should certainly. town patron for "lien llur." 'Man- drawn, the American nlaywrlKht I uoeania a ureat nonular success. Thai ge.rCfl.vln lUlllnof the )UUlgh tM rlnaUy turning lAs hand o the. dra iuoimIo aqt Is teaw. aud dj-aniaUc Master: ill four acts 9 m "Ti W U" ww" " liPaeoort- Wfty0 conmeraUun oMwodorij wi- Thajiudj! ncoat he SUubert was vo H wihtUlr date of reeolut. when rl, teonoMte aMd" poilUclfb pro" clferous in Tt 'deinouitratlo." rnilttwiifO! .The lenta. wMth,iirsk'tcnKhrhilrWSnPniwu1Tr(,, " A tule of politics in a large Middle Western olty. On the or- der of The Man of the Hour." "The Undertow." and other famous S succeeds Ptu of intense scenes and gimattons. Stuge uader d'rectton oMjQHuld Uowjs, . it !3?3BUUtafiS'Ut - ?s s Hu. ,ad pm,. g. well JBT teig will BSnpMoa WtoMXWih Ky tiSESwSSt !iKrt feuUv com. apon the eug" Jl L Reg " MeiinM Saturda) Next wek. "A Royal Pm ly." H ui.era In letter telegraph or long d'stance revive i.romi.t and car. ful attention 2 . A iu-H oiteu wAiiiu a.-s joi m- rsuk of tne al the Unngalow Suuday mattueo.! dramatist, and It may be ald at jttmiar 11. 1909. for tho week The: onco that thU product of lila peu U Uauer Stock Comiiy will bo tho m. January 18. H. .orM U ,, he trie, to d, d lto Mpiflor. lloth lu twhnl aml h-.nd Z a.n r.r an wgo-.t f edfore. ,ho fldollty of its rnatr al to tho lltjol0i mlnil, ar0 uow turnetl u i tgfrgtg(g)glga)mtlmtBf4444ij Ih- t r i aanm eivwefcrn