M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALUM, OKISGON, FRIDAY, DKCEMUKR 2, 1000. J hi HOME OF SMALL FRUITS IS HERE From One Thousand Facts of Production Compiled by Development League. ' A hnlf ncro of strawberries nottcd lis $80. A. L. Godfrey, lit. S, Snlom. H. W. Hogg, of Polk county, whoso address is Snlom, Rt. 2, brought to tho Snlom Board or Trndo rooms on Jnnunry 1, 1908, rlpo strawberries, loganberries and rod raspberries. Tho strawberries wcro as largo as English walnuts. All grow out of doors, and all hnd blooms on that date. A. P. Ho for, Secretary Board of Trade, Sa loni. Prom n plat 25xG0 foot I sold ovor $17 worth of strawberries. A. T. OroM. From one acre of strawberries I Ilov- Jos- Hall. From one and ono-fourth acres of strawberries reallrod $231. II. A. Shipley. I realized $30 from 75 vines of loganberries. A. P. Cross. From one-hnlf an ncro of Now Mammoth blackborrlcs I realized In borrlcs and plants $250 In 1907. D. Parker, Ut. 1, Snlom. I raised and sold 1000 gallons lo ganberries from threo-quartors ncro, not $250. J. S. Morris. From four nnd ono-fourth acres of loganberries I sold 217G crates of 2-1 pounds each. A. Lafollott, lit. 3, Gorvals. I picked 300 crates of Burbank's Phenomenal borrlcs per ncro from flvo and one-hair acres. Sold for $1 per crato f. o. b. Goo. Wcoks, Rt. 8, Salem. From three-quarters aero I got 100 crates or loganberries In 1907. A V. Powell, Salem, Rt. S. Over 10 tons of blnckcnn rnsnhor- rles woro dried nbout Sprlngbrook, innihlll county, In 1907, nnd sold for $450 per ton. Thero hns boon only ono season In olght years we could not dry thorn In tho sun. 1 sold 13,000 pounds of strawbor rles In 190G nnd 9000 pounds In 1907 from throo ncres. L. T. Rey nolds, Rt. 9, Snlom. recelvod $197. A. M. Grant. My loganberries netted mo $425 por ncro in 190G and nbout $270 per acre in 1907. Lost largely on 1907 crop by not being nblo to get help to hnrvest snmo. A. M. Asplnwnll, Brooks. I sold $23 worth of loganberries rom 3S plants, and had nbundnnco left for a lnrgo finally. 11. 12. Guth rie les, Rt. 8, Salem. I pnsturo from 150 to 200 hend of hogs on 25 ncres of nlfnlfa for olght to ton months. Fred Achilles, Rt 8, Snlom. My year's return from Beven cows for 1906 was a fow conts ovor $500. 5. W. Miles. Mado $52 from ono-quarter ncre Mnrshnl strawberries the 'first year and $65 tho second year." H. S. Shlploy. I sold $65 worth of strawborrles last Bummer from ono-hnlf acre. John Chrlstmnn, RoBodale, Or. Wo sold $115 worth of strawber ries off ono ncro Inst yonr. C. L. Wenvor, Llborty. Got 700 gallons strnwbrerlcs from ouo-holf ncro. II. O. McTinimonds. My strawberries in 1907, on com mon soil, without fertilizers, pro duced $260 worth of fruit to tho ncro. Walter Smlffln. In 1907 I sold $70 worth of logan berries from 1 10 plants, or one-third aero. Also $140 worth of blackber ries from five-sevenths ncre. Also I marketed .12,312 pounds of Btrawborrios, rnspborrics, loganber ries nnd blnckberrics from two and one-fourth acres In 1907. A. J. Lowls, County Fruit Inspector Clnck nmns County. Off one-hnlf ncro or young plants in 1906 I sold $1G0 worth or straw berries; off Bamo plants in 1907 I sold $190 worth. R. W. Hogg, Rt. 2, Snlom. From 1500 strnwborry hills I net ted $325 in 1907. W. H. Krnber. Sold $334 worth or Btrawborrios, i u s9mk 9 JfcBs(?!!sflBHflHDkhHfck nro dovoted entirely to tho clothing nnd shoo departments. Tho Interior fittings of tho wholo storo nro lavlBh and unsurpassed In tho onttro North west for any city tho size of Snlom. All ready tnllored stock for both la dles and gontlomon Is kept tindor glass nnd in cases that sccUro It from bolng hnndlcd nnd becoming shop worn, or bolng exposed to light nnd atmospheric effectB. Tho old firm of Joseph Moyoru & Sons hns been changed during tho past year to tho two brothers, Henry W. and Milton Ij. Moyors, well known young men who hnvo grown up In tho trndo nnd who nro Identified with mnny other Interests In tho community. Tholr storo on tho comer of Court and Llborty streets occupies nearly n quarter of a block and Is ono of tho places of Interest to vIbU whon pooplo come to Salem from miles around. The Meyers Brothers' storo is n Just source of prido to tho Capital City. Norris Safe and I4 aixtii and Ankeny ft PACIFIC mm .,.,.- "wirsFoij The Hull's Safe safes oko. v. MASON. President and Manager of the Geo. F. Mason Ito Company, Salem, Oregon. Ono of tho most enterprising firms in this city Is the Geo. F. Mason Box Company. This compnny caters es pecially to the fruit growers of tho Btnto. It mnnufactures any and all or tho essential accessories for han dling tho various fruits and vege tables raised. Quantities of standnrd stzo berry crates and hallccks, cherry boxes, pench and plum crates, apple raspberries and Mammoth blackbor- hnd onr boxes, tomato, cnbbngo, rles ofr less thnn nn ncro in 1907. colory nnd cnuliriower crates nnd or STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE MINDED AND FOR EPILEPTICS R. W. Hogg, Rt. 2, Snlom. Blnckcap raspberries when ovnp ornted netted us nbout Sprlngbrook rrom $100 to $150 por acre. Rov. Jos. Hall. In 1907 I hnd two nnd n hnlf rows or red raspberries, 500 reet total leilgth, that had boon out 13 years, rrom which I sold 104 crntes at $1.20 to $1.50 per crnto. Poroy Hlbbnrd. I elenred $750 In 1907 rrom five and one-half ncres fruit, berries, otc. Peter Kurro. From an aero of strawberries I sold $220.10 worth, besides mnny gallons wo used. T. J. Gnrdnor, Rt. Piitnm I had ono acre of strawberries which sold ror $2G2 In 1907. Potor Kurro. Our Cuthbert raspberries contin ued to bear sufficient ror tnblo uso chard boxes nro always carried In stock. Tho company Is at all times pre pared to turn out speclnt or odd sizes ror particular purposes nnd nil tho various parts or fruit dryers, es pecially built fruit trays. NumoroiiB sldo lines aro also man ufactured, such as bont nnd ennoo frames, shcntlng nnd ribs, wagon beds, stop ladders, hop scoops nnd baskets, spccinl tables, book cases nnd cabinets as well as anything In this lino that a customer may wish. Tho factory Is located at 247 Miller street, South Salem, Ore. Telephone Mnln 308. $23 worth of Roynl Ann chorrlos un to Christmas last year. T. J. rrom ono tree. Nonh Welch, Snlom, ; Gardner (Poll, cousty), Rt. 1, Snlom. Kt. 6. wj From one-hnlf aero of lognnborrlos I got 1S6 crates of rod raspberries ' I sold 150 crates at $1.50 por crnto from ono ncro, and recolvod $143 In 1907. I. M. Garrison, gross for same. Prank Hrubetz, Rt. ' Sold $1000 worth of strnwborrlos 3, Snlom. from three ncros In 1907. In 1906 I picked 14,000 pounds of Orogon $400 worth from one ncro. A. M. Champion goosoborrlos from ono nnd Grubbs. three-eighths ncros. Sold for $2 por IMPROVEMENTS IN SALEM'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE About $115,000 was oxponded hero tho pnst year ror land and four now butdlngB, nnd tho Institution thrown open to tho defective classes ror which It Is Intended, on Novcmbor 30. Its capacity Is about 125 nt present, nnd it will bo full by tho tlmo tho legislature convenes. Supt II. E. Dickers nnd wife, who nro in cunrgo, woro rive years In chnrgo or tho Orogon reform school work. Thoy nro making tho Institution vory com fortable and homelike nnd nro tho right kind of people to hnvo chnrgo of such unfortunates. Thcso patients woro formerly kept nt tho Btnto In sane asylum, and from there trans ferred horo for hotter care nnd treat ment. Following woro tho persons on tho Inst payroll ns empleyes: L. S. Browning, bookkeeper; Geo. Shnw, commissary; Mrs. Shaw, assistant matron; Chns. A. Murphy, onglnoor nnd electrician; Wilton L. Slmoral, farmer; Harry Symes, cook; It. L. Clarke and John D. Hnrdwick, guards of convicts; V. Domngnlln, carpenter. Harry Ashford, baker; Mary Lardon, nurso; A. J. Bickers, watcumnn; a una is. urownmg, seam stross; -AND. The Ely-NorrisBf Safe The Strongest in the World SIXTH AND ANKENY STREETS, PORTLAND,! SUCCESSFUL FIRM OF WESTERN OREGON ARCHITECTS Hughes & DntMn Mr. Pngh b a mWA has a record nf ..tlT?' thlsparUcolarUntfcu! turer and lti.....r," ' Pernooa hulnr i, L,h Tho city of Salem takes prldo in I f" ?990.9' V,LelJlii iiiivuiK in iu uiiuBi u very successful , ... - vriecjn firm of architects composed of W'nl-.,.,11 set atItfctorr tcii tor D. Ptigh and Fred A. Logg. They have been associated togeth er for four years, and at prosent oc cupy a handsome Btilto or offices la tho Murphy block. Thoy have a fine record for planning nnd constructing lnrgo public buildings, having done most of that kind or work ror the this firm at wr; ttumk Btnto of Orogon for n number of W. J. Ofrutt. Elennor Mc-' 'rs. 100 to ennnory Snlom. During the pnst year several changes have been made In Salem's largost department storo. An exten sive Improvement wns mado by build ing nn annex. Two largo stores that Ripe strawberries or average size doubled tho rioor spneo hnvo been A Vorcler, Rt. 2. were nicked In my garden January ! added, at cost ror flttlncs nnd recon 14, 190S Rev. Paul Dntln, Brooks, structlon of nbout $15,000. These i Coy Mlllnn, Agnes C. McElroy. attend- owing tho past your they have ants; Myrtle C. Taylor, dairymaid; "mil I" "n specifications for Hurl K. Tnylor, Peter Johnson, Ross n"t twonty-flvo of the beat rI- T. Irwin, teamsters. I doncos In the Capital City. Alw for flvo brick blocks, busldeg finishing U I !i now wine for tlin nlMtrt In mm nn nm. The Leonard! Oijp of tbe bes' rcfc In 100G I got 240 bushels or clover, Him nnd erecting Hvo buildings for the cltr, for orv vmat seou rrom 12 1-2 cont i 40 acres and sold for tho state Institution for the fwble- of , , " , , M its per pound, netting $45 minted. tJylTJ 7 ? In 1907 I got flvo bushols They hno nt presont under con- .a,,T ,oca,w - Ln im nnrn per acre, nottlng $12 por ncro. Grnz- structlon, with nil the details work- No meali !5 Frc: tes Ing pigs and Bhoop more than pnld ou oui in ineir oinces, new urtcK ror a. a .Manning, j & "K lMr" ' oiijv iiiwij viiit ii v- w.. ror making crop. C. L. Hnwloy, Mc-1 buildings Coy. ' Brownsteln Son and Me-ors a. r. ami tinM mii in iiiii ii 1 1 1 iii inin-iii nil i in ii ii in iiiiiMi iniiii mm ii ii i ni 1 1 mi ii i mi mi in iiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 inn ii him 1 1 in un i m i n i h 1 1 iiniiiniiiiniir PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT POWER CI Willamette Valley Division We Want Your Power Business These Are the Mot LEr l3L1IBk -dfesLLLw LsLLLiLHiLiiLLLLLLHtaiHBiHiff . ffV. I They will do your work quscklycheaplyincrease your outpl give you more roomwill work in any place or position ai Salem Woodfeurn Silverton Mt ml f u I M I I tt fr I 1 1 1 I i M 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I I i 1 M I I 1 1 I M I I M M M I I I M II 1 I M M II 11 1 I i 1 H I 1 M 1 M II I I i 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 I M M 1 1 II II I I I II 1 1 I M M I I 1 M I M I H-H-H-H-H V i