PAHroAITTAL TOTOSAL, 8AT.KM, OBKnOW, TIITOSIIAr. lKCIim!K to, 1008. mm CHRISTMAS HOJERY Our hosiery department is the most complete of any in the city. Every little detail Is looked after with the enro nnd Judgment that make, selling easy nnd brings customers back for more, ".hut like we got bofore." Fancy Hosiery Boxes, 10c each pure Silk Embroidered Hose $2 -- Pure Silk K mbroldered Hose ........ . . 7.-5 Others llt -SI. ."(), $2.00, 'jjsy'.no T " -I fancv Hose 85c pair ack embroidered nnd col- ; embroidered, In dainty es, S3c a pair. ibroidered Hose 50c lick with colored cmbroldor- ittcrns, very neat, look like alucs. Fancy Hose 25c ery color deslrablo In lace, t embroidered patterns. Stockton's Special 25c Hose Wonderful Value A hose mnde oscoplnlly for our own trade. It is Just a little bit bettor than any other 25c values sold In all f Oregon. In fnct, the same hero Is sold In other cities at 35c or 3 for $1.00. & Towels t.pvt'LS &J 2Scto$1.25 Imported damasks nnd linen huckabacks: especially for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. t x aaie or -' .a iviiiitcti y vs&&BS&Jk Brushes gS3SJ8 $1.00 flflMrtv tQ $750 Hoal Imported celluloid, eb ony, Tiger Ebony. Cocoabola, Im itation ebony nnd natural wood. The best line ever shown in Sa lom, nt less than wholesale prices Duffers, Combs, Urushes, Mir rors, Puff Roxcs, etc. An enfl less variety of novelties, cspo clnlly for Christmas gifts. cy Boxes, 10c, 15c CHRISTMAS Fancy Boxes, 10c, 15c Cloves Ivllogo to exchange If size right. Dents, Palais Roy- ainzon I $1.25 to $2.00 Suggestions rry Scarfs. IT llOHS. r. Nt. dii Tops. lets, r Combs. UlllOlltlS. pious. Wekwcnr. ittilll Blip Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases Our holiday lino Is splendid in uvory detail, genulno leathor goods at prices much loss than you oxpect. Umbrellas All new Ideas In fancy handles, Iilnln woods, etc. A rnro boIcc t(on. .75c to $12.50 Suggestions lllnukcts. Comforts. Portlcrs. Until Unlaw. .Smoking Jackets, Gordon lints. Fancy Hosiery. Fancy Kimpciidcrs. Slipper. Mocnisjns. ;tnias Boxes, containing a pair of suspenders, a pair of arm bands and ir of men's garters . . : 75c to $1.50 "The ristmas tore J. L. Stockton The White Corner Bl The I Christmas I Store I LEADING LADY TAKtjN SICK Owing to a severe cold and high fever, Miss Edna Crawford, lead lag lady of the "Lion and the Mouse" show, was confined In bar bod the lnrgor part of tho afternoon In the Hotol Willamette. Dr. Hnr r E Cla has tho patlont In charge, and he Is hopeful of Improving hor present condition ' sulllclontly to permit her pla ,ng tonight. i I -I.- MAKES REPORT ON GURRENCY (United Prt'ss Leased Wire.) Washington, Doc. 10. Tho annu al roport of Lnwrenco O. Murray, comptroller of the curro'noy, giving general Information to tho condition of tho national banks and other bauka In tho United States, was pre sented to congress today. It ataten that on September 23 thoro w ra G853 banks in tho national associa tion, having a paid-in capital of $D21,4G3,172 and circulating note outstanding amounting to $013, 720, 165. "Tho Individual deposits of tho banks on that day were, $4, 468,135, 105. Tho banks then had In their vaults In gold and silver $680,185, 555; In Icsal tender notes 188r 238,515, with aggregate resources of 9,027,2G0,484. Tho liability of stockholders In na tional banks la shown to bo 021, 403,102. Tho surplus of tho banks la shown to be 50S,50C,207. Tho undlvldod profits total 202, 009,801. Of thlrty-thrco nntlonal banks for which receivers woro appointed dur ing tho year ending Octobor 31,-nlnd hnve been restorod to solvency. Tho tecelvers liquidated tho assets of 24, the nominal valuo of whose assets was $31,115,511, and tho amount re ceived by tho rocolvors was $19,342, 010 Seven bnnks wro wrecked by cashiers, one by tho defalcation of other olllconi, three by fraudulent management, three by oxccsslvo 'loans to directors, two by th depre ciation of securltlon, one by tho fall- tiro of large dobtors and one by tho stringency of the money market. ALDERMAN ST0LZ ADVOCATES GOOD WOODEN BRIDGE -o PICKING FIGHT WITH AUSTRIA r nta i.n untlanicd from pago 1.) Hi In tho anti-English move nt I re British population is vlll brenk Into opon rebel- and every dopartlng ship lourinil with u'nmnn nnd f bound for the nafoty of tho untry. fngcr the dolay In proclaim- jtlal law, tno florcest, It Is fere assorted, will bo tho leestnbllsh Anglo-Saxon Ion Plenty of consorva- ns say If things go too ( luntry's nscondnnoy oan f tt, bo restorod that It err34r to abandon the col- ge'hrr lc has been tho oonsorshlp of the past few months' of eliltlc outragos that oven f J mber Is unknown, out- til I II'i( IiiIh TIia innst Illl- faf's thnt havo loakod out M Gossnln, native Inform- Inatcd by anarchist prlson- MU-ur Jail. - ttempt to assassinate governor of Uongnl Sir ' Mzcr N'atlvo detective lnipec- Po l.all Dannorjeo of Ren- Blnaed Queen Victoria's stat ispr mutilated. 10 District Pnllor, Kimntv Clough of I.ahoro nssasln- 5 Attfitllnt in Irlll mitillo Hume with bomb In rail- t Agarpara. Attempt to blow up of Europeans at Darraok- 10 Mr R Vanniiilv anA Ikllled by Muzzaf- Thlrty generals arrested for conspiracy to mur- illah nfflclala. Jnnludlni; Viceroy Lord MInto nud military commnuder, Geueral lonl Kltchen or. May 1C. Attempt to blow up Calcutta street curload of English. May 30. Two natives arrestod at Calcutta for bomb plot. Juno 23. Two Englishmen sorl ously injured by bomb thrown Into railway conch near Calcutta. Aug. 13. Attompt to blow up a trulnlond of Europeans noar Calcut ta. Tho foundation of Lord Morloy's plan Is tho opening of an Increased nunibor of high administrative gov ernment posts to uatlvos and u slight Increase, though not to the extent of a iNHjolty, on tho Indlitn coun cil, u body with haudquartWH In Cal cutta, vutd Willi practically no real power but charged with the duty of advUing tbu suorutttry of state for .IndlH on mutters ooueern Ing the colony. He also proinlaow some form of home rule m the country progrowi ee. The imtiveK deniHiid lininodlately home rule under jiractleully tho Mine condition as the present ones in Canada. WILL IGNORE (Continued from pago 1.) the Wet-tern fruit men and Insists that Wiley shall, keep out of tho coj troversy. On the other hand, If the President dot not lay the order of silence on Wiley, the fruit men wi'l orltlols Roosevelt for not according1 them hte famous "bquare doal." It was learned today that the de mand made upon President HomovpU by the fruit men followed the passim of rule against Call'ornla sulphureJ fruits by several Btern states. auJ a, dlplotnatlb cflntrrsy XifCibn .th's cquntJyTand Fr&HC wW regard j that, In vlow of Dr. Wiley's state ments, California sulphiirod fruits would hnve to bo barred from Franco Congressman James C. Need ham, of tho sixth district of California, loarned of -this correspondence, and called tho house committee on for eign relations to tho situation. A reply waa sent to tho French gov ornment that French wines contal'i slphur, nnd that United Stati would have to rotnllato, by barrlni: thfeeo wlnos from this country. A letter camo hastily from France npollglxlng for tho first communica tion, and explaining thnt tho Frenrh government that Bulphur-purod wine wrb not Injurious. Tho letter state! that no nctlon would bo taken agaluM California sulphured firjlts. Congrwman Noedham has a eojv of this rorroepondeacp In his poeee slou, and will use It In hht flM agalnet Dr. Wlloy before the President. "All we wnnt la a square deal.' declared Neodhatn today. "The r. f eree board, appointed by tho Presi dent to work out the suUtfitir prob lem, Is composed of eminent scleu tlsU and supersedes Dr. Wiley's de cision. The fruit men nro willing to abide by this deoiilon, but Dr. Wiley, a mere undorlln of the President, declare In advance that he will not We demand that this man kop qult and not prejudice peoplo against our fruits." CHICAGO TO GET NEXT APPLE SHOW Spokano. Dec. 10. The next national apple show, Inagiirated horo. will bw he!$ at? Ghloago' In 19Q9. Prominent growers who havo boen In consultation all day have decided upon this etep. Don't He lfop',I,". about j'oursolf when you'ro cr'nplel whj-heymatlsm pr tlff. Joints o' course, you've tred lots of tblngB and they failed Try Ballard's Snow LInlmont It will drive away all (Unltod Prosn Lonsod Wlro.) Vionr'i, via Frontier, Dec. 10. Documentary evidence that Survla and .Montenegro nro secretly 'tilled against Austria and n general out line of their wur plans are In tho hands of tho government hero to day. Ho far iih can bo learned, the foreign olllcu Is still uncertain Turkey also Is Included In the al llanuo. Jusk how tho plans fell Into the Austrlan'a hands In not known out side olllulul clrckti. It Is believed hero that Austria gavo notice that it would consider such an allluiico equivalent to n declaration of hos tilities, at n time when It. definitely knew the arm already had been closed. Tho plan, In omhu Hervla and Mon tuegro obtain no oompuuHMtiou for Austria's anmuMtlou of UohiiIh and HentoHovliiH, Is for an early Mtart on OHinpHlgnliiK ' that thu allien may It Hwiiirod of a maximum of winter fighting for whleh they are better prepared then their foe. The alllMt propose to oouduot. their warfare In thu mountains. Their plan Ih to fore Austria to In vade their territory nnd then by ex pert mountain lighting wear out and doetioy thu oinpuror's forueo. If they win Servlu Is to receive two thirds and Montenegro one-third of the annexed provinces. Austria, In case of Hostilities will endeavor to provont a union of tho Servian and Montenogran armlww so that they may be douljh with separately. o Ueforo tho Doard of Trade last night Aldormnn Stolz defondod tho courso of tho city council In turning down- a coneroto brldgo across S. Commorclnl street, nnd ndvooated construotlon of "n good woodon brldgo." for that main thoroughfare. Ho said tho council had envoi! tho city much tuonoy by turning down mat Job. A. W. Prescott, tho Oro- gonlnn reporter, nlso mnde n speech in which ho said tho wlsea$- thing tho city council ovor did wiu turn ing down that conareto brldgo on rf. Commercial street. Mr. Stolz showed thnt tho city had 7G00 foot of brldgos to enro for nnd tho Initial movos woro being mnde to construct n good wooden bridge across thnt stroam. BIG TIME PLANNED ' FOR INITIATION OF ":' MANY FORESTERS Saturday, Docombor 12th Fores ters of America lodgo No. 19 of this city, will put 75 membors through a courso of Initiation. Thin In creased membership Is a splendid "gnlnr-being tho biggest growth tho local lodgo has ovor realized during 11b organization. This upcclnl Initiating night will bo properly conducted according to custom of organizations being no succesfiil In building up tho order. A brass baud has boon ongngod to furnish music for monstor pnrndo. Tho ontlro order will be roprosenton making tho starting point nt tholr headquarters, tho Holman hall, nud parading ovor tho paved district with al Itho iiccompanlomontB of red flro and sovural pounds of uolso thrown In. After tho lino of march Iiiih been complotcd, tho body will assemble nt tho hall, where an elo gnn bnnquot will nwalt thorn. Forostor orders from sovorul out sldo towns nro nlso scheduled for thlB night Woodburn, florvalB, Sll verton, Stayton and Mills City will bo represented nnd will take part In tho "putting through" of tho 7S will Introduco n special program In now recruits. Tho Oorvala lodge will Introduco a spoclal program In dogreo work, which la vory Inter" OBttng. Tho Oorvnls order, notwith standing that tt aggregates only 40, Is noted for botng ono of tho host or ganized orders In tho stnto. Tho olllclnl staff of tho Forester lodgo horo Is composed of Oco. N. Patterson, chief rnngor, Honry Du mas, sub-chief ranger; Geo. O. Savage, lecturer; Ira, Jorgonnon, trenmiror; J. C. Perry. flnnnclol socrotary; Waldo "Mlllor, "recording socrotaryj C. E. ltnmp, senior wood ward, F. It. Dickson, Junior wood ward; L. M. Mlllor, Bonlor boadlo; S. H. Drownell, Junior bottle; truntueH: Coo. O. Savage. Oeo. N. Patterson nnd Leo E. Abboc. Tho Fo renters of America nro now roprcmontod local ly by 125 members. D J. Fitzger ald, state organizer, of Portland, has been In the city for tho pnst two weeks. CONGRESS INSULTED BY PLAIN TALK ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE (Unltod PrcHB Lonicd Wlro.) Washington, Doc. 10 After sov orul oonferenco.1 tho Republican loaders of tho houso ngioed this af ternoon on a Hue or nctlon In doal lug with President llposovolt for his alleged Insult to congrnsu In hla an mini mossnge. A resolution will bo presented re citing tho facts Involved In tho con trorersy nud callfng for tho npotnt. merit of n soleot committee to Inves tigate nnd report to tho house suoh nrtfon as will comport with thu dig nity and honor of tho house. The Demnorntn In the house helped thu fight along by vnylng thoy woulu dlsousM tho affair publicly iinless tho Republicans noted. Tho alloged Inmilt Ik In tho Presl dent's suggestion that If tho houm objects to enlarging (ho scopo ot the nocrot service, "it special excep tion could bo made In tho law pn hlbltlng tho use of tho secret service force In Investigating mombors o( congreiw." Ho added: "It would hd far better to do this than to do what actually was do no, and strive to pmvont or at least to hamper offuc--Ivo action ngninst criminals by tbof oxccutlvo branch of tho govern-riont." WEALTHY RANCHER IN FRENZY SHOOTS HIS. BEST FRIEND . l. ...InhnnJ mil nut fit on Two weeki ago th & govern- Ms WlM anjf stlffnMji and leave ment, through the emha4y. njfQ, la e4J0 .awooaJ iioqM joao suwuodl formed the t'niiea aaie-. bu.cutoh au aeaiers. TmiifHirt Iteiiiiiln Tho body of Samuel Moyor, who died horo Monday night, was taken on tho 2:46 train yuitrday to Port land, and from there on to his forroor homo In Youngstovn, O.. where fu neral services will be conducted. Mr. Moyer's son, George 8. Moyer and his little win accompanied th ri malm . Fflr Ikvenw, IVtler ond Halt Itlicmn. Tho Intenso Itching characteristic of these ailments Is almost Instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salvu. Many severo cases havo been cured by It For sale by Dr, Stone's Drug I store. Ontario, Qui,, Doc. 10. J. E. Whitehead, n wealthy rnnoher of Chliio, Is a fugitive from Justice to day after shooting and probably fatally wounding his neighbor and Into yoserday afternoon. Fuhro U at thu Pomona hospital In a pro- oarlous condition. Whitehead, his 10-year-old son, and Fuhro woro returning from a two-days' hunting trip In the hills south of Chlno. when thoy woro Joined by a painter named lingers who resides In Pomona and tho four stopped at the winery near Chlno. Whitehead, not being usud to the liquor, drank quite a quantity and when tho party arrived at his home he was mad with drink. Securing a gun he announced his Intention of killing tho entire party. Rogers attempted io take weapon Whitehead's wjfe, who wan standing in the doorway ()f )H,r homo soronmed when rho saw Fuh ro shut. Her Infuriated husband than turned the gnn on liar and threatened to end her life. Tho woman nut nrnm!ng Into tho Iio'uho and Whitehead escaped. Tho authorities were liumedlutuly notified and a posse set out In pur suit. After learning today that White head spent tho night at the oubln of a blnuksmlth named King, who lives In an Isolated simt near hero, tho officers today aro In hot pursuit of the fugitive and predlot his enpturi within a short time- - After oludlng the posce last night Whitehead mudo Iih, w to Kliig's cabin. CoverJug uio blacksmith from tho runoher and In thu sculllo with his gun. thu fugltlvo demtiuded that ensued a shot was flrod from shelter for tho night A 3 o'clock Whitehead's gun. thu bullet strlnk this morning he depurtcd and King Ing Fuhro notified the uflUeis m m jV' J ": 1 w