Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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What Ib niorc porfect thnn our per- power and glory to yon, Caopar. Tho
feet niittitnu dnye In Orogon? Thoy dream of my life has beon to own a
lrnvo lltornry qitnllly JiiBt ns somo tract of land, with forest and water,
womon have. Oh for tho Ileanro to
study them and to transcrlbo them
in all tholr beauty and to make oth
ers lovo them I
What palntor can catch tholr cvor-
that I might havo one placo where
birds, animals and fish could not bo
killed. I havo eighty ncroa In Wash
Ington county that I am told Is' well
apotcd for a bear park. 1 would Ilka
green background, with yellows and to fencothnt and mako It nn orphan-
ttfflflna rl.iHl.ntll.li . 1m ntlti..
bronze of the native oaks. How they
cling to their foliage, soma of thorn
remaining clothod with leaves until
lato spring, refusing to Biirrondor
or oven bltiBh beneath tho amorous
glances of the Indian summer Bun,
Glancing about mo from my writ
ing tnblo on tho opon lawn, I should
say ono nocd to plant moro trees and
shrubs that tako on highly-colored
folingo In nutumn. There aro tho
pear troos, tho vino maple, tho dog
wood, tho Biitnnc from tho middle
states, nnd many otherB that got gay
in tholr maturity. Pcoplo aro sup
posed to grow sobor, wear dark
clothes and look solomn In advnnclng
ycnrH. Dut nnturo Is different. She
makes hor children woar tholr
brightest nt tho last.
I started to rovlow somo bookB nnd
Jiotlco somo por'odlcnls. Hut what
writing or pictures so beautiful as all
outdoors now? Thoro Is a HOft
smoky shoon on tho hills, Thoro Is
an oxhllarntlon nnd mild Intoxica
tion In tho spicy, froBt-nlppcd air
Hint almost equals tho spiritual du
ration n man fcols wlion his first
bnby Is born or his first dnughtor Is
Tho Octobor Hohomlan Magazine
linn a twlngo of autumnal perfection.
It Is broojsy, oh, so breezy, yot rncy,
plgnnnt as to ntortcs, nnd yot cloan
to tho finish, Thoro nro snnppy spo
cIUIcb with plenty of humor nnd ex
posure of follies. I would llko to
Itnow the editor who nsRomblos It'.
JIo linn much toct nnd rnro skill1 In
totting n tempting tnblo for many
winds. ar-n7 West 3lBt St., New
Tho Outing Mngnsluo, Recreation
and tlfo llko do not nppenl to mo. " I
know thoy Interest n largo numbor,
ngo or resort for bears.
There Is a pretty sea song In tho
I Octobor Dohomlnn Magazlne:
A stiff breczo homo, and tho bow
spray flno
Coating my face with a gauzo o
Tho blnck bwoIIs writing eorpent-
And elenr In tho gloom two sweet,
sweet oyes.
Tho hnrbor lights gleam out ahoad
Dut the Boa can novor hold a dread
For .mo, denr hoart, whon humnn-
I feol on my neck a toft, whlto arm.
Tho stars go out and tho clouds drive
And blurred arc tho lights of tho
harbor town;
Dut whnt caro I for tho tompcst'rt
Whon firm to my own la laid a cheek
And now as wo glide across tho bar
I turn, and look to whoro you nro,
Cfiirled nt my sldo llko a nostlng dove,
And I know I know tho bliss of
According to n pago ndvortbemont
In the Musical Courier "tho greatest
nuiHlcnl gonhiB of tho ngo" Is Mlschn
Elmnn, n Oermnn-Dohemlnn boy In
IiIb 'teens, who plays tho hoavlcst
concerts nnd 'twenty-nlno vnrlntlons,
n moro lnd In kntckcrbockors. Tho
editor, Mnrc A. DItimerborg, calls
tho Wagner oporns as rendered nt
Munich, Oormnny, thta year dismal
howling, ot celorn. Shako, Marcus.
)39th St., nnd Fifth avenue, Now
bo open every hour of tho dny and
every' evening of tho week for lec
tures on labor nnd capital, on his
tory and literature, on science nnd
religion. It is sinful that the o grent
buildings should be used only a few
hours each week.
The church must stnnd for civic,
commercial, political and personal
righteousness. Sho must lift up her
voice against evil whorover It Is
found, nnd In whntovor form It np-
Lpears. The pulpit will become ro-1
slstlo's for righteousness whon tho '
church puts on tho whole. armor of
Ood nnd does vnllont sorvlco for
mnn's good nnd God's glory. Tho
Golden Rule or the squnro deal- -is
tho golden key that must unlock
tho golden gato to tho golden futuro;
nnd the pulpit mut bo tho armel
knight standing up loyally and lov
ingly for tho absolute dominance of
tho Golden Rulo in ovory rolntion of
As the work of polishing pro
gresses to completion great Interest
attaches to tho Culllnnn dlnmond,
nlthomgh Bovcrnl months will elapse
beforo It will be completely finished
Thoro has been a great deal of sec
recy connected with tho polishing
of this stone, but I havo boon nblo to
obtain certain facts In connection
therewith which mny bo of gcnornl
Tho delicacy of the work under
taken by tho polishers In tho execu
tion of this work can not bo real
ized. It was noccBPnry In tho first
tnstnnco to elenvo the Btono In thrcn
pieces In order to remove two very
bnd flaws therein.
This clenvlng Is done by first mnk-
n diamond-cutting saw at tho point
n diamond-cutting sa .wnt tho point
whoro It Is to bo cleaved and follow
ing tho grnln (as all diamonds have
n grnln as wood has) to a depth of
one-half to throo-quarters of an Inch.
Doforo this cleaving operation wns
undertaken crystal models woro
made nnd clonved, In ordor to ascor-
"""el rti 4 4 wn i
me riiDiic oiaorsei
of Our Mining Properties
If You Have Not Read It Then Do o
by tho Snlom Doard of Trade Is printed In W daily nat
I nt the mines. Now we hnvo their endorsenuht wo are In " '
Tho roport of the committee appointed
will post you on what tho commlt'eo found
n...ri.mttfih;ifjA. I if .1' ' iiii' i.iiir iiiiii 'i' in Nil IH iiiii :.. rv iiiiuiiii I in irn ...
luuisu;""""""" " "" "- " ' " "'" -"- ..., ., lr u j
WAIT. We will try nnd call "on you, but don't wnlt; come to our oulce nnd we will put you n H poiIU
to mako some money. Dy this ttnio with all tho proofs wo havo fumUkcd no one can question our JT
being all wo hnvo claimed for them. Now, remember wo nro talking for the Gold Creek M'nlng & Mini
V llll'lll.J O jl U(f VI V I VUl OlUbn .o DVUH.Q .v .. v ,"-
mill, electric light plant, electric drill in our co.il
ii'imn . m.Miitai.lminv -t.i nntvn fl'llivna In
.... ... ..... w . .. - r, .. .. . T-,, .... ,, 0Ur pf0M
thnn all the other mines on tho crook combined. Wo have tho ore opened up to show for It There are!
great lodgd across our properties. Wo havo 1300 feet of work done showing the ore. The. inciter dm'
nsk us to supply dXK-HALF TUB OHK REQUIRKI) FOR THKIR SMISfrtilt. As much a all the ott
nio roqiilrod to furnish. Why? Decauso It was there. Our engineer told tho Btnelter people that xwi
nn ., . it... .1.... il. - f .1.1 1,n .......1.1 fnln1. tl... r..lt irtft i . ''"
JV UIIJS II (Jill 111U lllllU
and ho knew ho could
boosting Marlon coi
nemuer wo nro wuKiug lur inu uom ITcek M'nlnir & Mini.
0 cents. Wo havo 17 claims In our group. We have i
rulpment nnd wo have A MIXIXti KXG1XKEH WITH "r"
In charge.. Wo have spent $20,000 moro or. our f
tlmo tho road was comploted ho would furnish the full 100 tons per day they reaotrd
lid do it. Now don't It look as thonigh our mines were tho oneB to Invest Inweir
)unty's resources, nnd wont you to help us succeed. '
ATTIX & BOARDMAN, fiscal Agents
OTTO HANSEN, President
W. I. STALEY, Secrelary
of tho fact that the government Is
entitled to this percentago of tho
output of all diamond mines In South
Africa. It will possibly bo ready for
del Ivory within seven or oighi
month. Consular Report.
KLKCTIIICITY A SUCOKSS T,,ero v;are r0nl hefc on tho
Wo Mmll Boon bo Independent of. 8t"B0 r tho Gin,ltl "errt houBO ,a8t
nigiu in "ino ,iinn or mo Hour."
Tho University of Oregon lie J
enrollment of more thin sot
against less than 400 last yeirttt:
snmo time.
sunshine to produce the wheat for
our broad If tho experiments which
havo been rccontly carried out by
Messrs. Newman nnd Romford, un
der tho direction of Sir Oliver Lodgo,
nro a success.
Tho method Is to stretch over the
flold a number of wlreB on polos,
something llko low (olograph wlro-j,
tain as fnr as could bo known Just, but high enough for londed wngons
'PIia fprmt itnunc nf Mil.. njilM....
iwiuw uiuy iiiituoni n ihtro miuuier, .,.. ... n..r, uuhui
boys nnd older boys In whom tho Uocrentlon Is In full colors nnd
spirit of tho cluiso Is not oxtlnct. n,ono ,a worth tho prlco of ndmls
Doyond cntchlng n fow fifth to ont, I bIo- ti, hunting Bonson, wMilch Is
hnvo graiUinted out of Iho nlmrod now on "Pouplos moCo notlco In this
Btago. nut that doos not provont my wnhor thnn Rome of tho othor
fKiylng thai CnBper Whltnoy hns dono "Porls, nnd tho Illustrations nro par
a noblo work In olovwtlng tho spirit tloulnrly sntUfylng as all of thorn
of our sportsmen from tho bnrbarlun , roprosont notunl sconos. Sportamdn
rtollght of merely killing llilngs Into .Konornlly will npproolato tho tnblo
what would happon whon snmo pro
C08B was applied to tho real Btono.
After tho Incision was mndo tho
clonver Inserted Into silt n specially
constructed knlfo blado mndo of tho
flnost scol, nnd thon, with n thick
steel rod, Btruck It a hard blow and
cut tho Btono In twain oxnetly nt tho
point whoro It wns proposed It should
bo cut. It was nn exceedingly woll
oxecuted pleco of work.
It must not bo overlooked that tho,
cloavlng of a diamond Is not nlwnyo
and nil tho usiinl farming operations
to go on undornenth tho wires with
out lot or hindrance.
Characters with wlMch every person,
who knows anything ubf.it tho poli
tics or a grent city, Is familiar. Thoy
woro not tho ovorplnycd, unreal
characters of the molodramn; nor
tho exceptional ones of tho problem
plnys, nnd tho almost Imnglnnry hu
mans of tho pnsslon productions.
There was tho "big bo3s," Horii
gnn, who would ' hnvo looked per
fectly natural In the renr rooms of
saloons holding conferences with Bub-
You tnko Kodol just for i lis
wiuiu wnon you nave l!gM iu
of Indigestion, nnd you take It Ja
llttlo longer In order to get '
iruin severe nuacKs or indliteitlM
Nervous Dyspepsia. Trr KoJm
uny. hoiu uy an drugging.
Lane county Is to hare Wo ft'
this fnll ono nt Springfield lie h
tor part of tho month, and the ott
I.. IX. ...l.l.ll . . .. . .
in iiiu uiiuuiu ui iNOTcmrer u it
togo Grove.
Tho wires. nv sir nnvnr T.n.ioo ,,() 80s aml nXif lo'lors In dubious
In tho Tlhics, nro qMlto thin, nnd nro wh,8Pr8i "" was Jimmy Pholnn,
supported by a fow posts In long ",81lb,b03B or ",n,n "wnrd-heolor."
parallel soans, about 30 feet apart. ,who wouI'1 hrivo bo0'1 ,n p,nco ,onn"
Thoy aro supported on tho posts bv " """"'1 ,u "", "' muooii, in
olaborato high tonBlon Inmilnton. I ,IIB 8tor,es' w,th n r,ch Ir,sh br0RU0
nnd are extended ovor all tho aero- n,,ul '" n tono t,mt wou,d BUBRCSt
ago under oxporlmont, n control plot l . . . """ .. ,mvu "" onumy ,n U1
dono nlong tho lino It is intunded, any wires.
of slmllnr land under nlmllnr condi
tions bolng, of courso, left wlthou
friends nnd prosorvers of gnmo.
Thorn Is n nobility In tho thought !
of proRorvIng tho foresU, nnd the j of thorn heavy flnos.
wild nnlmnl. bird and flHh Ufo. Moro 'company, Now York.
giving tho full Reason for gamo both
In Iho iTniiod Slntos nnd Cauda, nnd
a full sfnidy of this may navo somo
Outdoor Nows
The Square Deal in Religion
By KODEItr STUART ll3cAKTIIUR, Pastor of Calvary
Hapllst Cliurcli, New York
nnd It not infrequently hnppons that
In cleaving n stono It files Into n
great niimbor of pieces.
Tho Btono having boon successful
ly split, tho noxt nnd flnnl operation
Is tho polishing thereof, nnd thlh
process Is now bolng carried on.
To glvo nn Idon of tho hardnoss of
dlnmonds It mny bo Interesting to
Rtnto that tho dbk on which this
diamond l bolng pnllshod, which Is
mndo of enst Iron nnd stool, rovolvos
nt a rato of 2t00 revolutions a min
ute. Tho dlnmond Is prowod down
on this disk, whtah Is llbornlly sup
pllod with n mixture of diamond
dust nnd oil, by wolghts of 15 to 25
poundi, and tho dlik will constantly
turn from 7 n. in. to a p. in., Includ
ing Sundnys. for 1 0 to 11 months bo-
Tho nyslom of conduolors Is thon
connected nt ono post with n genera
tor supplying postlvo electricity of
somothlng llko 100,000 volts, nn.l
with Bufllclont powor to maintain n
constant muinly of olectrlclty. Lenk
ngo Immediately houlns, nnd thn
ohnrBo flzzos ont from tho wire with
n Bound wh'ch Is Romotlmos nudlblo.
and with n glow which Is vlslblo In
tho dark. Any one walking about
worm, uui "jibi Kind o' dropping n
hint to tho b'yB of tho right wny to
vote." Whllo those two nro not
schoduled In tho program as tho top
most charnctors, they seemed to have
won tho hearts of tho audlonco for
good acting. Horrlgnn Is big, rmigh,
brutnl, domlnoorlng nnd cold-bloodod
Pholnn is a Hinnll, fat, lively, Jolly
klnd-hoartod Irishman, always with
rich humor In tho right placo.
Alwyn Dennett, "Tho Man of the
Hour," Is Introduced to us ns Just
frosh from collogo, with plenty of
bolow the wires can sometimes feol-J?"!' 11,i'c aml JUU8C,' but wlth vory
iiuiu oi uio sorioiiBiicBS oi ino in his
Xever Worrr
nbout n cough there's no terf
worry If you will treat It at It' fir
appearance with Unllard's HoreloH
Syrup. It will atoo (he conxh
onco nnd put your lungs and thrci
bnck Into perfectly healthy condit!:!
Sold by nil dcnlors.
Oregon Agricultural College k;1
omorcs hnvo Issued an edict (orV
ding first yenr men from wearlttii
form of stiff hat.
A Hcnllbv rmnllr.
"Our wholo family hat eajojt
Reed health slnco we began nt.
Dr. King's Now Llfo rills, three r
ngo," snyB L. A. Dartlet, of Rr
Route 1. Guilford. Mulne It
cloanso nnd tono tho system lair
tin wnv tlint does vou Reed,
J. C. Perry's drug store
About one-fourth ol the xoiil
populntlon of Washington 'l
S90, hnvo tnkon oufhuntIngllj
tho effect on tho hair of tho bond as
of a cobweb on tho faco. Thoy aro
thon fooling tho stimulating notion
of tho oloctrlclflcatlon.
make-up. Ho soon changes, howovor,
whon his Rwoothenrt, DnllaB Wnln
wrlght, protogo nnd nloco of Chnrlos
Wnlnwrlght, briber nnd bond of tho
The phruia "n SMisinre tUal" Ik a Tu ohuoli, on the cUhar hnnd,
ej noiiyiii (j i the Goldou Hulu. in ouaht to ronoh ml widely toward till
this (K)iineotUiH It hiu u double Ik- the lutarueUi of the Iiuiiihii rao. Sho
n'llcnnuo ns it ooncerna, on the ought to help In nil great moveinnt
ono hand, tho relation of ohuroh for the good of man and the glory
mombera to their church, and, on of Gwl. Whun tho church rofuso
Thn olnotrlflpntlnn la mnlntnlnn.l
for somo hairs each day. but It Is n,,ro,"Bh Traction Company, says he
shut off at night. It Is probably only t,U hnv, ,h,or ",y h n,ftk,nB 80,n
i.nAinrv ...n..tv if .i...in. i.- tu,n ot hmolf, nnd always doing
fore tho polleh'nig onurutlon will bo.oarlv mornlnc lionr In .,,mmnr .im hI rtutJ'- "8 h suggostod by Horrl-
coinplotod. Ba , iprInB me or In cold, cloudv fn tt l, ono who whl do tho r,Rnt
It lm not yet beeu poeltlvoly d'wonthor for tho whole day. or dur-' , to ru" for n,nyor- Ho ,s olocU
'Ideil In vlmt ahnpe the uue will be log tho tlmo of the plant's groatoet ' runa nmuck of tho blR b088'
ilulehed. hut the general lmurealun 'aetlvlty .who tr,oa to bullyrag nnd bribe him
la that It will be pear-etrnped. It wit! The powr ronnlrcd to generator ' , 8rnU,,B lll traotlon company a
tho othur, tho relation ot the ohuroh
to tho world.
Church member owe Importnut
obllgntlouH to tho churohen to whluh
thoy belong. Tho ohuroh U tho ng
grogivtlon ot Its mombora, and IU
to head the tn-ocaeslon whiuo aim l
tho beuodlotlon of humanity hIiqMIb
huuora horeelf aud her Lord.
Mon y, "Pnatnra should proaoh
tho Guspel." What Is tho Gespel:
Does not tho Gospel mnko for thf
powor will bo grout or smull, nocord-bft Intoriwts of tho human rnco and
lug to tholr Intelllgonco. enthualnam' tho highest glory of God? Tho Gos
and consecration. Tho members are pel mint, then, concern Itself with
under obligation to nttond tho serv-' linpura politics, dishonest oommer
lce of tholr church This obligation J clnllani and Improper murltal reln-
Js not felt so much today na It wns
oven few decades ngo. Uocently
tho writer wont Into n Now York
church to attend n second service and
ho found moro persons otUolutlug In
the ehnneel thnn were prtMent In the
jiowh. Church membort, by tholr
neglect In this roapuot, nro doing
moro to 'aecuiar i the Amerloau
ftinday that are thn foreigner who
mo chnrgeil with
continental Sunday.
tloiis. It Is n dwurfted, unmanly, un.
ohlsllnn Gospel whloh refuses to put
on Ui armor and fight for truth nnd
Thoro Is no Interest of tho Iwinmu
rnoe about which the "putyilt can bo
silent. The ohuroh must Intorost hor
solf In nil sociological nffnlrs. It
the subjects bo not dtsoussod In a
rellglout atmosphere U will bo ills
iatroduulug tho ; oiis"(Kl In an Irreligious ntmosphore.
The ehiirch ought also to concern
There hi also too often n Inok of 'h-If wfh nil which rolatei to re-
ju v-
ctpr, -If In ohiiroli work Men do
jiot put bra lu and heart into the
LoH's work a thoy do into their
own If some churchmen put na lit
ll brj'" newer Into their own bus -p
s a tby do Into tho bus noss of
tho ch-irett, tVv would be bankrupt
In six moutha. RirtuiiAoly, hOwev-
rvtbrrf are won who give goners
llgtoe tl'ewutlc8; with mnUil sel
t. aew thought, faith healing aud
ChrWHan Sclonco. No churchman
uuh to be obliged to go outside of
his church for Intellectual ailment
"Unicoi hes'iug or p'ritital insplra
The whole conceptlen of tharch
life jmd worjc need great enlarpe.
itik ttllttt. UlllAll .l.aM.l .I.UAn lBMAr '
i i. ii.ii i.w.1 mvmi Minn; iiHim mri
than the Sxcelslor, which wae, up to
the riiacovay of the Culllnan, tho
largeet dlamoHd in the world.
, Tho Culllnan welgd lu It rough
atate 3027 carat. The part of the
Btnn which le on the mill will pos
sibly be given IS facets. H-hleh Is tho
number given to all othor diamonds
of whatove- aire au-i u will weigh,
whon Mulched, botween 500 nnd GOO
The actual couimerc'nl value of the
comploted atono will bo about 2,
rJOO.OOO, but Its unique oharactor
will possibly mnke It prlcoles.
When tho Culllnan was found
nbout throo years ago It was n prob
lem of the Premier company as to
what disposition could be mndo of
It. Its more sla valghiig. as It
did, romethlng ovor ono and a half
pound made uam-Vtnbl and
unsalable, and to out U up into small
ileeos would destroy, to a largo ex
tent, not only Us intrinsic but its
tentimontal value.
Hence th dinmentl remained in
'he vaults of the Premier company
for nearly throo years, when it wa
decided lo' the Transvaal govern
ment to present it to the king nf
RnglanJ on the anniversary of his
66th blthdav
In tho rough the atone wr valued
t about 11.000,000 and about thU
rlco wio,4 nctuully pa'd theretT.
tha alnnirlnlii. I. O...oll .i .. VMnni iraiiuilibu. UUI mill 10 1118
energy la aeeordlauiy trivial. It Is ,w9ttUe- ,,10r rothor and uncle
known tlmt oven when aatural at- eXp06 ,f b,s ,aeod, ,f"ther'8 crooko
mosuhor.o eleotrlelty has neoum.("Twr n m "IV! hla'
latod Intonaely and has become a f hoftrtaU n,lko fal1 ,0 nmko h,m
thunder-storm; tho quantity oven b.0C?T, n B,nftor' nml' wUb the n,d
then I quite small r l ho,an- whoso "mtvcs do not
. ngroe with His Honor's, but whose
Tho football Is loose In the land: 0ml8 o aamQ," defeats the pa-
bu U has wings compared with the'6 ,f th b,U vor h,s head' .
nutQUiob'lo I dvor Idea Is worked out In the
' .' , I Dtey la the part -f William Thom.on,
In union there Is strength. The l"vat Wnlnwrlght
Pnolllo statoa have united and will N!no yoarB before n nn,lt,olan b' the
faoo congress together. nrao of. Garrlso ! Md himself
... j because of speculation, which ho was
Tjinin Tlnrlr.
This nllmont la IHIlflllV flDl '
olinnnintlum nf tllfl tlVIsHft f' ,:
Bmnll of th hark nnd Is oM
cured by npnlvlng Chimi"'M
Iment two or three t'mes i '
maBsaglng the parts at earn IT
tlon. For snle- nt Dr Stone i
w.t- . nnvfirtlM' (
mho repun ui
nort at Astoria hows that w
bo realized' from marketing itM
would not pay th cost oi ?" -
land nlone.
For ChapiHtl Sk,B
1) M"1
Chapped skin
hauri 8 or far' i
The avtirngo Inorease of $200 n
month in the roceplts at the post
olllee Is n good sign for Albany. Tho
indications that the total for this
year will reach $1-1,000.
ontlced into by Wnlnwrlght, who
knew it to bo a "wild-cat." Garrison
left a daughter, who became the pro
togo of the mayor's mother, and h
boy, who disappeared. During the
time the right wns going on In the
DeWltfs Little Hry Risers the T, vwr ino irao"on um- l neian
fiuau little liver piufe. Sold by mV d!80OV'8 Thomson Is the mlslug son
druggists , It is when the mayor confronts Wain
1- " -" .wright and Horrlgan with young Gar-
George Fred Williams, the Demo- Hsom to prove that they have suffl
cratlc orator from MassaoJmsetU. ad- neat evidence for Indictments, that
a-esed the ilenta at McMlgnvlii the Utters acting U stroug With
night by a-'i'iyin P1. , fi
Salvo. It is ai- .n.-oo4' "J
ninnies, burns t'd I
at Dr. Stoned drug - '
oUeso yestecday.
Pad brestu has probably broke
off more matches than bad tempc
and that's a good many The he.
cure for bad breath l the tonlc-at
attve.Iaxne's Foml'y Medicine
ail the Yetioru pent up within him. as
the result ' of being servile for the .
purpose of retiging his father's
dath. he trjvokhs Waiuwrlght to bis
ace and tells him how he has kopt
ro le cf o'i papers connected with
crkel dals.
Of course, the deserving hero gets
One Is to let some iliefrtoI"
fakir who pedd'e, hronk '
utrr com- p'.. v" V9i.
.. n -un tte
sen you a pu...
of ruining your eyes TW.
how to nt glas ea that nu i
coe splendidlj today tut It
unnatural ga. ' Yc3 fisJ
not stand up undr It '
tht ow 'oul;aB" 1
to wtar them a ,
turn to yoor peddler
the girl, who wa3 the cause of tbe