. jfi i x-At-tj A,x.jtv t4)U-,--r E DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAL, 8ALRM.. OREGON. TTHUB8DAY, SBFTSMBHt 10, im m ancienne atv EsirH T i u AM Grows Hair ond wo can PROVE IT! ANDERINE is to the hair what (resti shower 01 rain and sunshine ore to vegetation. It got? right to the root, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties ?nuio the hair to grow abundantly long, strong end beautiful. It at onco imparts a sparkling brilliancy and vcl vety soilness to the hair, and lew weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout nil over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, niter which two or three times n week will be sufficient to completo whatever growth you desire. HORSES AND -' mm THE FAIR A Uif Irom Si, Paul wnltt in mlitinc. follow,) "When I uoRan uiIdk Dundcrlna mr htr would not roma to mr houlilerssud now tt It stray below my lilpi." Another from Ntwitt, N. J. " I hve been uilni? Dauderlne rtRUlatlr. 1 benl tint lUrlod to uie It t had very Jlt tlo lulr.uow l hve the mot liemitltuflons and tlilclc hair aujroue would Mint to have.'1 NOW at ail druggists In three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Lottie Danderine enjoys a greater sole than ony other one preparation regardleas of kind or brand, nnd it has a much greater sale than nil of the other hair preparations in the world combined. FREE To ,ll0Vf ,,ow quickly Oindirliu " acta. ne will rmt n tntar. .m. pie free by return mall to anyone who sends this (rce coupon to the KNOWLTOH DANDERINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL, with their name and address and 10c In silver or stamps to pay postage. NEW ALL MODERN ALL COMPLETE fiwroomi, $1230. Our reason- isrla bring quick results. First i it; bit served. d Lumber Co. JhUi Fourteenth and Oak, ussiaailBiaBB it a m a a rTTITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ttrabe r Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING WJ glvo prompt attention h 11 orders, gunrnuteo our w to give satisfaction and T p to tho sanitary stand- tl J will hi: pleased to GIVK ox sc For Sale1 WEATHER REPORT General Smninni-y. , Tho week o ntho whole wnB very favorable. Tho mean tcni)crntitro vU3 Bllghtly nbovo normal, with tho seasonal characteristics of warm days and cool n'ghts. The nights wore BUfllclcntly cool to cnuso frost In tho plateau counties on a few mornings, but no damago of conso quonco resulted thorcfrom. Tho 3d nnd 4th wore tho wnrmest dnyi nt which tho maximum tompcrntur of 90 degrcs or more wore common In tho eastern counties to tho east of tho Coast rango of mountains. Tho Inst two days- of tho weok woro show ery, but tho jalnfall was light In all districts. Tho aunshlno was abund ant, nnd no damaging winds wcro re ported. Const District. Newport, Lincoln county, Jno. E. Mat thom The weather was flno an warm during tho past weok. Wllliimt'tto Valley. Portlnnd, Multnomah county, Lo cal Offlco, Weather Durenu Tho week wns gonernlly clear nnd wnrm until Snturdny, when It clouded up nnd continued cloudy nnd cool tilt tho closo of tho week. Light rain foil Sunday. null Run, Clijcknmns county, Port land Water Works The week was clonr nnd wnrm uitll Snturdny, when weather set In. No rnln foil. Salem, Marion county, M. P. Bald win The week was clear and wnrm with no rnln. Albany, Linn county, F. M. French There wns no rnln during tho week Tho tomporaturo was normal. Corvnllls, Denton county, E. P. ErwJn Tho weok was clear and pleasant, except Snturdny, which was cooler, with cloudy weather. No rain fell. Columbia Itlver Valley. Casearto Locke, Hood River county Val. W. Tomklns Tho week was warm and clenr, with light westerly winds, changing to cooler and cloudy on Sunday. Condon, Gillllam county, S. C. Dodson The first part of tho wook was cool, but It was quite warm dur ing tho latter part. Westerly winds prevailed. No rain fell , Mlkallo, Gilliam county, J. T. Chan dler Clear skies, with gradually rU lng temperature, characterized the week. Light to brisk westerly wind prevailed. No rain fell. Heppner, Morrow county, George Whltels Tho week has" been unsea sonably warm during the daytime, with cool jilghtn. No rain foil, HormlMon, Umatilla county, H. F. Johnson Tho winds were maluly from tho north The day tempera tures woro warm, reaching 95 on tvo days. No rain fell, and there was but littlo cloudiness. Plateau District. Prlncville, Crook cqunly, C. I. Wennek The weather was dry, with cool nights and warm days. Cliff, Lake county, John C. Green The foro part of the week was cool tho last four da3 bavo been warmer. No rain fell. Vale, Malheur county, H. P..Os born The week was characterized by hot days aad cool ajght. Frost' occurred Tuoday sight, There was bo praclpltailoH. ESTIMATES CONTRACTS Cu t our shon on Lilian X l, back of Darr's Jewolry J i"i. mono 550. -I I I I 1 I I I I Q. V Ulenf . " i" KWerSL, South Salem, manu- ? Nads of boxes, crates -" u'jer accessories. Phono tf Sang Co. at&t BD .it VIn .. , ftzzsz 4 lldlea' fi.vi J !"k of silk, and dres, ' HctanLr r.t 0W"8' ttiuw .Jv r "'"B cnina . Mbrolderr and Uci. Mm,,,,,,, " o, i Tv;o ejspresu cars cgntalnlng soma of tho faslegt horseo ever entered n: the local1 faco course nt the fair Yotm.lv oTlved Tuesday afternoon, and were placed In the now bnrnj Just built this season for tho pur dlctod ovorflow of racers to enter the coming, week, end tho bortrd's fore sight proved most valuable, owing to tho Unci entries will probably bo turnol away before Mondny for want of moro spneo. The nhlpmonlB arriving Tuosi'ny rrom tho difforent courses in Califor nia contains stock which will be ento-oi both iho lpvge nnd smplt itnko pffuhnj. For the 2:14 trotting there will bo Beithrt Mac, wlthn rco ord of 2:08r?jchlo;inareland with u 2:0-1 fc markm'lle W., mnrk 2:10 Vallo Girl, inai: 2:l0tt; Delia" Darrl by, mark 2:17; Nogla, 2:09 H mark; Enater Bello, vIth a mark of 2:11. Thoso from tho south to. enter In the 2:08 paca stako are: Delilah. mark 2:07. nn exceptllonnliy faBl; little apjmnl which Traced tho oouth crn sjrsuit In flno style. Chnrloy D, mark 2:06tt; Sallna Boy, without mark; John R. Conway, 2:07 rcc prd nnd MI33 Idoho with r. mark of 2:09 flat. In tho 2:20 pace there flll enter Thomas Murphy, a horBO with n flno reputation, and Josephine, mark 2:20. In tho 2:12 troot three of tho Cnl Idornlanfi will try for tho wire, thov being: R. Ambuch,. mark 2:09; At hershnm, 2:10tt mark; Bertha Mac Will be a doubtful starter. In tho 2:20 trot, Monocrat, Elsan drc, mn-k 2:12 U. Tho-e ropro'.cntlng tho south In tho Irrgcot ovont of tho week, tho 2:05 paco will be: Mona Wilkes, mark 2:03; Lolan Onward, mark 2:04 and Zoloe, a horao well known to tho Qnlom fans with a mark of 2:0G4. Thin taco lino prospects of beating some of tho provloiiB records made on tho Pacific coast, nB all tho horses obovo montioncd nnd othors, which will bo In tho try-out, nro In tho bCiit of condition. Among tho well known trainers and r.innr.gors horetoforo having rndng rtecl: under supcrvlsloln hero are: Dan Donnhuo, ' John Young, Mitchell Thorr.ro, "Spook" Robinson vlto Orovo tho promlnont horse "Jny II. ICny" throughout tho East, Buck Pnlnior, PaUoy Dnvoy, Eddy Grancy, Jnmos TIernoy, Henry Delnnoy, and Homer Rutherford nnd F. H. Burk. pomroRs MISTAKES kf Mkl often to b burled six feot tiadw (round. But many times women call on their family physlcilins, RulTerlng, as they Imagine, one tromdyspopsla, another frotti heart disease, another from llvor or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain hero and thrrv, and In this wny they present alike tr themselves ana their easy-going or over busy doctor, separate disease, for which he, ofsumlni? them to bo such, prescrlbta Tils pills nnd notions. In reality, tley nto all en: iiimintims caused by somo ulcrlna disease. Thtj'olHlclan,sKnornnt of tha diwir of sufferliiir.RHpps up iHtrcatmcnt unti! larte bills arc nlsde. .TiSuiTcrlnii patient peis no bettcrVlNJWaJtsuHktbo Wm't K5 wrong treatment, but protiably worSTC ' VfUi.iipi 'sine ttiic xir.. tirrc ,t r. nvnti 3 .. - jlrfl-CT'l't''!'- -Jircctril in the ennte won J , VnHHHsWnHMHPJIfWMHI Hj.1. '-' ' i iv n-iiuiyi-ti ttin ril-enFP. thi-, - ( l' 'i .IcflllllC All thoSH IllHLTl'NMIiir RVt.lt. ' A , tomr. nnd U.stttutlnR comfort Instead 1 1 pro.otiped mucrj'. It has been well saU. 1 tint "a dieaa known Is haircurcd." 1 Dr. Pierce- Favorite Prescription le a tcioutlfle mcllclne, carefully devised by ! on eapenencea ana SKiutui piiysicl&tt, tnu adapted to woman's delicate, system. It ! mado of native American ihedlcln .1 ryi and.lsperffctly hnrmlcn. In . j ej?v:? ( yrrt ;)umv,in-iKrTr j r.'"" f As iv nowcrful Invliroratlnir tonic T-iv vorlto Prescription" Imparls stronsth to tho ttholosynera and to tha orcans dl ttnetly feiu.tiino In particular. For ovir worKed, "urn-out." run-down." tlcblll tatcd toiiehers, milliners, dressmakers, scnnstreses. "shop-plrls, houso-koepers, 'erally. Dr. Pierce's FivvorltoPreserltitlcn w tno greatest earthly boon, being uti Rqualcd an au appetizing cordial and ro oratlvo tojdc, As a sootlunp and strenstthonlnR nrrr Ino "Ftt-ViiMtn l'rrstr f tIciiM lji.iintnnnlo,4 and Is luvnliiabjo In nllnylnit,jiiiin. dU-a dulnc nervous cxcltaLllltv.HIrrttdhllllf. nervous exhaustion, ncrvonSiprostrMtlon, , nenralgla, hjstorla, spasms, SCVItus's aancc, una oilier distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the ntcrus. It Induces refreshing sleep un relieves montal anxiety and desnondoncj. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet InvlsoraU tho stomach, liver and bowels. One U tkrM a do. Kaay to tnko as candy. Gold Dust Flour Made by THE SYDNEY POW Kit COMPANY', Sidney, Orr Kon. Mndo for fnnilly use. Ask your grocer for It. nrau nihl Bhors always on linnd. ; PB. WALLAGE,t. s"YL- " tWWwmiw I liLWrfiiTQir "H I ' 'CorrRi... ' TEA We sell tons of poor stuff; but our name isn't on it. Go by the name. Vwr crw r r-irrn y"ur money It you don'l ll'.e iil.l!l!u' l.v.l. wtf iy Into. n Being good thnt evil mny come of It bents being bnd that good may cor.; of It in tho estimation of his Satanic mnjosty. THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Cnn bo obtained from our prima tender nnd Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our montB nro solocted from tho choicest, nnd prepared for tho tablo to Buit tho domands of tho fastldlouB. Our prices aro lower for quality than you cnn find nt any placo In Salem. 13. O. GROSS, Phono 201. 070 State St, When tho doctor Is called he asks: "How aro the bowels?" They are gonorally wrong. His visit might hnvo been saved by a timely dose of Lane's Family Medicine, I'wwrtii lea .NunnftU 1!. Vigor. ifciiCiyrJS'T; Kcveiiis. tropurr "wsCuJTS: .Po-:lao m&d 1,1 1 WAfA IBTa ,-. "" v.... JWceti n.. . jl i. rv,!" Mirnnii. JftUWN Ad- There aro people who know how to bo rich and offend nobody, but fnr the greater number don't know how to be rich at all. For a Sprained Ankle. , A sprained anklo may bo cured In about one-third tho time usually re quired, by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely, and giving It abso lute rest. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug store. ' o-- A strange world. Governor John son is nominated a third time be cause he was elected twice. Mr, Bryan was nominated a third time because he had been beaten twice. Kerap'd Balsam la a safe cough cure, for It cobUIbh Hothlng that cab barn y?w. Jt la the bet cough cure, but costs so store than aay other kind. All drugglsta sU It. 0 Keep hammering away on manu facturlng Industries. They are need ed to balance up our activity In other directions. First Class Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables Largest stock of now vehicles in town. The Old Club Stables Corner Ferry and Liberty streets. Proprietors, Gilliam & Boedlgholmer. Phono Main 7. Salem, Oregon. Grau Chinese Doctor L. M. II U M Has mcdlcluu which will cure any known disease. Ho makes a special ty of, and guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackened or swollen soreness, broken limbs; Smallpox; .Epidemic; all kinds of Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak Hew, Hernls Troubles and -Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylek.go Tong Co., ChlBese drugs and herbs, 1S3 High St., upstairs, Salem, Or. Kodol will, la a very short time, enable the stomach to do tho work It should de, aad the work it shonld do Is to diaect H the food you rat. It makes the stomach -sweet and It Is plMMBt to take. It Is sold here by all druggists. . 1 -o 1liKMlMJfcV' , a.Mimrk'aT A. t,uiAa OOOOOOOOOOOO O MISfi BEATRICE SHELTON 6 O O Teacher of Piano, Orgau and O O Ensemble Classas, until Octo- ) O ber 1, In Chicago taking ad- O O vaaced studies. O O ' O O First National Bask Bldg Studio O O O O Residence Studie: 88 Marfoa O O Street., Pkone 13M9. Q OOOOOOOOO O Phese 44 Mala 147 N. High St. C. W. YANNKE Preprleter ef THE FASHION STABLES Cbs acd LJvery, all RIf ltedsra XaMr Tke, THK AOMK OF BLIS Is reached when, listening to the en trancing stralns'otjikHson Phone graph. For vat4ety and real Joyous ncss no music can equal that pro duced by one of the Edison ma chlno. You can lmvsany sort of a program you like. Otir collection of new records embraces tho grave and tho gay, the ridiculous and the sublime. SX L. f. SAVAGE, Salem, Ore. Wo I minrlnt- I nrttnc' Clitrl- VVnictc nnr Uli I SB .A. "fcUM..w. Lu,w .... ITUIOIO UHU ITIM1.V. m C Skirts Just Right. We guarantee to. All of our shirtwaists aro care fully washqd with a special neutral soap, starched Jut whore they should bo starched and Iroued by exports who have mndo shirtwaist Ironing a special Btudy. Wo are pleasing tho most careful dressers in tho city with our shirtwaist work and nro suro wo cnn pleaso you. May we have a trial. SALEM HLAUNDRY COMPANY Tel. 25 136-166 S. Liberty Ut. I ffi Jbittle German Shoe Store t 1 1 r Get footwear that Is right for this season, apd save shqe blUd. I have a now Hue of modlum heavy working ohoes for fall trade. BoyB' and Men'rt Leather gloveB for harvest work . MY PRICES. ARF THE 10WEST JACOB VOGT, MS State Street Newport YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matcbfess Beach Resort TUB TLACR TO GO FOR FKRFEOT REST AND RVBRY OON- CEIVARLE FOR3I OF HKALTIIFUL AND DKLIGHTFUL IlHC- RKATION. ITS FACIIilTIBS AltK OOMPLRTK - Best food asd as ahtsK daace of It. Fresh '.water frera springs. All madora scltli, such a telegraph, telephoae, atarketa freshly provided every day. Fuel In abundance. Cottages partly furalshed or unfurn ished to bo had cheaply, Strict municipal sanitary regulations, NEWPORT Is reached by way of the Southern Paclfie to Albany or Corvallls, thence Cor val Is & Eastern R, R. Train service dally and tho trip u pleasure throughout. RATE FROM SALEM SEASON SIX MONTH) TICKET CJU0. SATURDAY TO MONDAY TfCKKT .. '4JS Our elaborate new Suamer Book give a eoaelse deserlptioa of;.Nwjrt, IsludlBg a list of hotels, their eaplslty aad rates. Call oa telephese or write local ageats. WM. McMURRAY, i GMMral jPM"rAgt, Pertlaad, Offa. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmaA irMrBTaaC f Ka, I SMI BVaa ml "aW aw am aaV I I fix 1 in rv M "v-wi BUILDERS ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOU CAN TO POPULATE YOUR STATE? OREGON NEBD8 PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, raechaalos, morchanta, olerkB, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Go. Lines In Oregon is sondlng tons of Oregon lltorattiro to the East for distribution through ovory avallablo ngoncy. Will you not help tho good work of building Orogon by sending us tho names and atldrosset of your friend who aro llkoly to bo Intorostod In this stato? We will be glad to oenr tho oxponBO of Bonding thom comploto Information about ORKOON and Its opportunities. COIX)NISTS TICKETS will bo on salo during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from tho East to all points in Oregon. The faros from n fow principal cities nro From Donvor $30.09 From Loulavlllo .'..J4170 " Omnha 30.00 " Cincinnati 42.20 " KnnBna City .... 30.00 " Clovoiand 44-75 " St. Louis 3G.60 " Now York 55.00 " Chicago 38.00 TIOKICTS CAN RE PREPAID. If you want-to bring n friend or rolatlvo to Oregon doposlt tho proper amount with any of our ngonts. Tho ticket will then bo furnished by tolegraph. Local ngonr, Salem, WM, McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland Oregon. BDWARD A. BEAL8 ii"f O IswttoB Dircttwr, Ftla4, Ofoa "i