DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8.4 J, L STOCKTON THE OLD Will It LOKINER lew uuuua for Pall rtr time the train whistles, llllnk of Stockton's because if It Is .pas-engor It Is bringing us goqda JDri, " Is rt frol8ht !-1 ,S ringing goods by tho car load. l ii& Jew Dress ioods tm first shipment of dross Ioods comprises all tho Into nov lliles anil weaves In 30 In. Bitit- agj that retail at 50c a yd. :lannelettes and lutings Hundreds of beautiful pattern to pick from, In fact eyeryuung i cottons for Wrappers, 'Klmonns Valits and House Dresses is now leady for jdur choosing. lew Suits and oats for Ladies pre wm"n!? tv "J uny. Many hi.' io nuking incir selections fcow txtfjpwtmvKmmRssmmmwaamKimmsma. I Clothing New Suits for men nnd youths All the new ideas In college cuts P nnd business suits and shewing for tho first timo for Fall. $10 to $25 New Blankets for Outing Use 500 pair of ono kind Just re- colvod and through nn error the mill has shipped us 200 pnlr of elevon-qunrtcr blnnlcots in o.ce?3 or. our order. So wo will offer soino for n fcw dn3 so as to ho nblo to handle thoni whon thoy ar-rlvo. rand Opera House i JOHN' F. COHDHAY, Malinger hJW" 0- S FRIDAY, AUG. 2. Mr. Lee Wiiliard And II! Company In , . L SMITH Rl'SSBL'S GREATEST "1 POOR RELATION" Mr Wlllard v. Ill be pleasantly ro- altered for his clever acting In tho ! role la "Tho Country Squlro" t teason. PRICE3-2V, 3'c, 50c, 75c. Soat It it box offlco Friday, 9 n. in. MMHMMMatMMMHmmil JAPANESE HANGING i KOREANS I WILLARD AT THE GRAND r-c i ' i in rent theatrical Hon due to 1 iHia house on V..nl 21, Tho nr"- v (United Press Lcnsed Wire) , Seoul, Koron, vin Tientsin, Aug. ;19, In order to terrify tho Korcnnu Into obedience to tho Japanese ro glmo, tho Japnnoso government hero is publicly linnglng rebels In ovory city outsldo tho capital ovory day. Tho order of tho executions was aont out three wcoka ago nnd tho .Tnpanoso soldiers hnvo cnrrlod It out gleefully. Tho pcoplo of tho country wltnoss hnnglngB ovory day now In ovory villngo nnd hnmlot as well as in tho oitios. The Japauoso nuthorltioa toll for eigners who mako Inqulrloa that th oho puulshod nro brigands. Odlclnl reports any that Koroan revolutionists hnvo murderod S-lt .Tnpaneso or pro-Jnpanoso Koreans during tho past yonr, besides the number of .Tnpanoso lctllod in battlu, whlla tho mikado's soldiers have slnln ovor 16,000 Koreans in the field during tho past year. There Is no progress being made toward the establishment of order In the interior or in the outh of Korea. MrsEfoatdhMartm HAD FRONTAL HEADACHES EYES BOTHERED ME DROPPING IN MY THROAT MRS. ELIZAP.KTIl II. MARTIN, $Z2 llowon Avenue, Chlcngo, IU. Chaplain Gardcld Circle, writes "Poruna has been a blessing to our family for ft good many years, as wo hare all used it off und on for colds and catarrh, and I liavo given i t to till of my children with tho best of results. "I found that a cold left mo with catarrh of tho head in a Tory bad form. My head was stopped up, I had frontal headaches, my eyes bothered mc, and thero was a nasty dropping in my throat Which nauseated me and mado It impossible mutiy times for mo to eat my breakfast. "As oon as I began to uso Poruna I found It rollevod mo, my bond soon cloarod up and in a roniarkably short time I wan rid of catarrh. "I can, therefore, glvo my porsonal experience with your valuablo modi ctu, and nm ploaned to do so." People who profor solid to liquid modlelucK nan now socuro Poruna tab lots which contain tho medicinal In gredients of Poruna. Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative. accessible pnrts of tho country from which thoy bwoop down nnd mnko ln" ronds on tho Japanese agents. o TI5AMSTERS AND RAKER STRIKE IN' STOCKTON (United Proas Leased Wire.) Stockton, Cnl., Aug. 19. This city today fncos two strikes, ono of tho teamsters, tho other of tho bakers. Efforts aro being mado to conclllato tho warring interests, but tho dispute between tho employers nnd their workmon In ench. enso is bitter nnd llttlo hope is expressed that tho mat ters can bo adjusted without delay. All union teamsters yesVsrdny re fused to go to work becausa of tho action of tho draymen's express n sortiou In refusing to rocognlzo tho agreement to emnlov onlv union men. All but ono firm nlllllated with .department, followed this organization hnvo boon union ized for several years, but tho rocout nward of a contract by the now Stockton hotel to the Stockton Transfer compfuiy, tho non-union firm, caused nn Instant demand by tho tenmstors union for ndJiiBtmonr The drayman's association rofuteti to comply with tho driver's demand and tho latter doolsre they will not go to work until their proposals are accepted. Non-union bakers are now operat ing in the Stockton bakeries, the union baker liavlug walked out over WELCOME TO WINNER 0E MARATHON (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Aug. 19. Amidst al most as noisy a greeting as la ex. tended to a returning distinguished American or a visiting foreign prince, John J. Hayes, tho American nthleto who won tho Marathon rnco I for tho Stars nnd Stripes at London, walked down tho gaugplank of tho White Star Liner Oceanic today. Tugs met tho liner out in tho stream and escorted her to tho pier past shrill whistles blowing contin ually. Thousands of peoplo woro nt tho pier to welcome tho American who had captured tho greatest event of the Olympiad. Hayes said: "I'm mighty glnd to got back to America. This Is tho proudest mo ment of my Hfo to be nblo to bring tho much prized Marathon trophy to my country." -o- NEWS FROM HERE, 111141113 AND EVERYWHERE Tho Republican national commit tee rind tho Republican congressional committee aro not going to nnlto; the latter object to contribution pub licity. A Canadian printer has complain ed to tho Iirltlsh consul In Chicago that unionists In thnt city hnvo threatened his Hfo becnuso ho will not Join their organization. This mny cause England to demand pro tection for him. "Only ono issue; that is whiskey, nnd both of tho old pnrtios dodgo It." Eugene W. Challn nt his notlllcn tlon ceremony for tho offlco of Pres ident on tho Prohi ticket. Orogon milltlnmon nro scoring well nt tho national shoot at Camp. Perry, Ohlo In tho Looch cun match, Sorg'onnt Johnson, Fourth Orogon, won sovonth plnco, and Sor gennt Abranis, of tho Third, won ninth place. It is rumored that Attornoy Gener al Bonnpnrte would bo roquosted for. his resignation, hut thnt thin Is elec tion year and Hoosovolt is desirous thnt tho Republicans carry Maryland. Hearst nnd tho candidates of tho Indopoudonts hnvo boon booming tho Independence "party," but It Is now announced that tho luw compola tho uso of the word "league" n Tho Korean are still in arms and have made ravages on the Japanese tJie rfUiai 0f their employers to la army. It l almost Impossible to re-lcrww wages for night work to :0 store order because the Koreans are I rat nar hour. Stat Orironlz r I:i control of the Highlands and In- gchroeder Is here lu the interest f the union to attempt an adjustment Wlllard In Ed luasterpleco, '"A Rf It- -n a , i , . . - iitayeu in sniom ' a E'ifUous occasions win, ' d"a! f.f fii,,. n I ... n tha. .p .n":'l : . uHVUHWUIDUl Ul ' lDTMflrnn.. i . -I " M uero In so good a J8 A Poa ni..,.. ... . . numiuB will DO w come news to thn .i. I ometwng really good Jn tho ifV,. r,faI ente-a"nifint. T ' eaitern actors in.. M for tht3 pr.iucUon. ISOXKu WANTS i.AimT.w. Blr ?MAXIA0S,STKU foruJ! 19 Renewed 'rB.?ade ,0day to secure tho doan i,t::;:u ?ur!th0 tor hi. ....""" """nemny: iDTZ-Tf'"" nid( ;.:" ": Sa,nco nepi m,: :,:": wardwo h"v, ehalntjd' fc am...,. '"'' Sat death mi:.;g. f SPECTACLES TIIBV'nn EYE HELPS IP RIGHT EYE HUKTERS AND HEAD ACHE MAKERS, IP WROXO Who can prevent your having them wrong if you don't get them at the right place? Not tho aver nge spectacle seller. His busi ness seeraa to bo to get your noso harnessed with a pair that strikes your fancy and opens your purse. It Is by knowing the optical business thoroughly and attend ing to It properly that we hope to build and keep a reputation. Barr's Jewelry Store State and Liberty Streets. of the matter. THIRD TRY AT SUICIDE ' SUCCEEDS LONDON' FIRE CHIEF AND TWO OTHERS PERISH (United Press Leased Wlro.) London, Out., Aug. 19. Three men porlshed In n flro which broko out early today In a building occu pied by tho Westminster Hnrdwure company. Thirty mlnutos after tho flro broko out Chlof Clark of tho lire by Fireman Wynne, nnd sorgonnt of tho Royal Canndinn Rlflos, ontorod tho first Door of tho bluldlng In ordor to bring tho hoso to piny In the basement, a few Mconds lntor a crash was heard and the throo men wero burled undor the fnlleu walls. No trace of the bodies have beon found. A Perfect Harvest For Money Savers THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BUILDING ABOUNDS UNAP rROACHARLE BARGAINS. EACH FLOOR TEEMS WITH COUNTLESS MONEY-SAVING CHANCES AND EVERY DEPART M.ENT HERALDS FORTH LOW PRICE RF.VKLATIONS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE. I RANGES RANGES TljJjS WEEK WE ARE MAKING EXTRA SPECIAL INDUCE MENTS ON OUR EXTENSIVE LINE OF RANGES AS THIS DE PARTMENT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO MOVE. NOW IS THE CHANCE FOR YOU TO KUV, IF YOU NEED . A NEW RANGE, FOR NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE THE OPPOIU TUNITY OF PURCHASING A HIGH GRADE RANGE AT A LOW GRADE PRICE. MJAjL uiirrryjgTvifiin nn imJs JLmw3 ii ie J JtaA3CBiBfcsjMsgjMHEk aajaugaatjj (United Pres Leased Wire.) Mcdford, Or., Aug. 19. Frank I Nelke, clothier, who made two at tempts to commit suicide yesterday by cutting his wrist and taking car bolic acid, last night made the third attempt by trying to cut his throat and stab himself in tho heat with a case knife, used to break Ice and left nearby. He was not Injured to any nearby. Physlolans say effect of his act will probably be fatal. Medford, Or., Aug. 19. Nelke died at 8:29 o'clock this morning, after begging his wife's forgiveness and regretting his act. His financial backer was his brother-in-law, Ben Schwab, a wealthy jclothelr of Prpvo. Utah. There Is fCOOO balance in me Jackson eounty bank to the suicide's crsdjt- GGtteW jHllga ' It. ! understood thnt tho govern ment nt Washington lias glvon Hoi Iwid po'rniltwlou to deal with Caatro as she soos lit, with tho proviso that that government must occupy no kind. Egypt is much Htlrml up by th. nows of Roosovolt going thero nnd l' planning to onturtnln him. Troops nro being withdrawn from Springllold, IHIiioIk, it bolng bollovod n'l danaor of rioU Is over. Dr. Stone's Drug Store Tho only cash drug store In Oro gon, owes no ono, and no ono owes it; carries large stock; Ita shelves, counters and show coses are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regular graduate lu mod Icine, and has hua many years of ex perience In tho praotlco. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are fre, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stoue can bo found at his drug store, Salem, Or., from G In the morning until 9 at night DeWUt's Kidney and Dladder PUts will promptly relieve all Kid ney and Bladder disorders. Sold ! and recommended by all drvglMt. ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOl' CAN TO POPULATE YOl'Jt STATE? OREGON NICISDS PICOPL13 Settlers, honest farmer, mwehanlcn, merchant, olerks, people with brains, strong hands and u wlllliift honrt capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. Lines In Oregon Is sending tons of Orogon literature to tho East for distribution through ovory avallnblo agoncy. Will you not holp the good work of building Orogon by sending us tho names and addrosuos of your friends who aro likely to bo Intorestod In this state? Wo will bo glad to bear tho exponso of Bonding them completo Information about OREGON and Its opportunities. COLONISTS TICKI-rra will beon salo during SEPTEMBER AMD OCTOBER from 4ho East to all points In Orogon. Tho faros from a few principal cities aro From Denver ,. .$30.00 From Loulsvllla $-11.79 " Omaha 30.00 " Qlnctunatl 42.20 " Kansas City ..... 30.00 " Glevojand 4-1.75 " St. Louis 35.50 " Now York ......... 55.00 Chicago ... .... 38.00 TICKETS OA.V HE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or rolatlvo to OrQgon deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The UqkoJ; will tbwi bo furnished by telegraph. , Looal agent, Salem. WM. MuMUUItAY, Gcmiral Pah-nfr Awiit, I'orUntidj OrcgOtu