,1.' u: DAILY CAPITAL JOWtNAL, BALKM, OREGON. gATUBDAr, AUGUST 8, 1M. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H. IIOFJIR, Ed. aad Prop. la ln&ttii?at Xvpti Derofcxl to American TfinclpJe and (be 1'fetrw m& IMTcIopewMit of All Orrgon. fubllnh'M grwy KeaiaV Bxwpt &i4r ( gjulesi, Pro simfecitiPTioN rate. (IaTr!blr to AdYMK?.) Mir IV carrier, per rear....... -..KS.09 Pr month.-...w-.60o fcllr, r ll, pr rr-..- " ''r monl1 R, Weakly, bjr mail, pet jroar............. 1.00 Six month! ........Wo k jl :2i-. - i v r difi 1 1 "Xv f CALIFORNIAN IIOOSTS. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Bad Blood la (ho cause ,o! all humors, eruptions, M ww im; - IM The following extract of a letter . u i-.y scrofulous sores, eczema to ho Fortuna, Cal. BOonr from ? " , 0f rheuma- the pen of B, P. Casaldjr, who recent- """",. -.,,. trobloi.. The greatest blood remedy for all these troubles, proved by Ka unequated record of cures, Ss Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. y- TIIJE$U0INKfl8 OUTLOOK. Goodwin's Weekly snys wp look for bettor times. Wo look to boo In oroty morning's dispatch where some great manufac turing plnnt hns resumed work, whom more and rrioro men ero ob taining employment, " Wo think It will 6xtbnd, to tho mllroads, that the traM WHICH HAVE REKN LYING JULB ALL WINTER will nil bo running again within a month, Wa rather expect that tho stock exchango In Now York will Biiddenly tart up with Irrepressible- enthusi asm, becnuso It will hp to tho In terest of tho men of money to have titties prosperous from son Jo sea on election day. Then again, tho crom WILL BE GIN TO YIELD THEIR RETURNS IN A FKW WEEKS and tho men who deal In money and who hnvo bfek quiet for I ho last eight months wlfl pick up the tangled endn of taelr business arid bogln nnow, All 4ho algita look hopeful, nul when buslnosi In resumed In tho at wa look lo nco tho motnls bogjn to rlso, especially copper, becnuso thsrs aro a' thousand oloctrlo power and railroad companion waiting an ausplo'ous tlmo In begin oporntlon. August, generally a dull month on ImHl nlflri At Urn finnllnnnl wn lin- llovo that BEFORE THIS AUGUST IH I OVER THERE WILL HIS EXTREME) ACTIVITY Alijt ALONG THE MM-:. Thoro la a dotthlo motlvo bohlnd all thlo. Tho Republicans will wnnt to em ploy tholr men and any to thnm: "THE TROUBLES OF LART YEAH ARE PASSED. 'Tf Mr. Toft la elected, your places will ho socuro for nn Indefi nite length of tlmo In tho future: if ho Is not, wo nhntl hnvo to closo flown Just bo soon n wo can work off our Burnlns ntork." Till? DEMOCRATS WILL WANT GOOD TIMES bo thnt tlmy can loll tholr mm thnt tho Republicans nftor yearn of prosporlly precipitated n panlo on tho country Inst fall which was rulnnuH to tons of thousands of .pooploj that It wna all duo to tholr extravagance, whereas, If thoy will olwt a Democratic president tho old economy of the parly wl'l assort Itself, MfIN''N WILL BE HELD ON CON8KHVATIVR. LINES and tho fnar In the heard of working mon that they win lose tholr places will ba taken away. Jtia'UIILH'ANR SHOULU NOT Al'OIGIZK, The Uopubllcnn pnrty of Oregon ban a record to bo proud of In tho llti of doing things for tho pooplo. It wa a. llepubllcnn loglalnturo thnt pawed Intllutlvo and roforen tin m nmendmont to tho constitution lWlT?' WAR UKl'l'HUCAN VOTKIIS Til VT AUOITHI) IT. It was HemiblU'iin leglHinturo that 1)bboi1 tho Mnva law by uieani of which tho ncnoltf uot tho ohniico In votfl on United Slatoa Honatora direct on th Antrnla ballot, IT WAR IIKITIIIiIOAX VOTKIIH that uxAfTicn tiik uutKer 1 HIM Alt Y LAW. h was Itenubllean voters that have carried two log'iilatures for Blaiemont No. t momborB who aro pledged t eloct tho peoplo'a cholco for aenalora. U won IlopuMlpan voters In a slate threo-fuiirtha Huimbllonn that enacU cij tho reca'i Otjior Btul nro Ktruggllug to get tllrnri IorI InMou TIIK HKlTllLirAXB HAVK CIIYKX IT TO OHIXION. Other Blate are battling to get tho d I 'eel primary laws. Houublloan otou gave It to thu peoplo thninwilvn th pwiplo out here In benighted Oregon. For ovor twentylwQ years uo hix been slvlms" prompt and raroful attoutlon (o 'all buslnesj outruatcd to us, nud hava ex- tended to our euatomero every courtesy cousWlout with good banklutr. Our officers and directors nr old and wall-known roaldonti of Salent, Special attention gIvw to new tomor from other Mates. CAPITAL NATIONAL J I' tmtn. Titlplilcnn AMil fllhor nrO- gresslvo atnlo Alt. HTHIV'ING TO HiX3Uiii: innpcrr islkction of I'WITI.'fl RTATKS RKXjVIUHH. Oregon has got It by the graco of Ood and tho Hcpuni'can pnrty, mm Mm Tifiotilfl nrnnOHQ to keen It. These arent nonular "reforma In Oregon. WKIII3 NOT RHCt'ItKn HY TIIK DOBHRS Oil TUB MAC1HNH. They woro socurc4 In nlto of thorn, and they wcro cowardly nnd Ignornntly rorusing io opposa wiy thing IcstTl coit tlitm nn ofTIco. rriiAvr pnnnnnfpil Icnhrnntlv nnd for want of real leadership to tholr own undoing, and. nftor It Is dono, TIIKY 8THUGGLI3 LI KB A HOPKI) HTKKK. , A Kot one of tho prosont allogort bosflos nnd Icndora of tho Republf- rnn Unriv llllt Cllsnod DCtUlonB nntl voted for tlioio very reforma that thoy nro now seoKing 10 ororuirow. Thn nnnin'i nt tlionn IpndOrft In COn vnnlfnnu nnd In tho Ic.'ttlfllntlirO linVO l.nrtn milillilinrf nvor and ovor AH AHRBNTINO AND VOTING FOK Ar.r, THH AIIOVB IIBKOILMR thnt Iium ninciA dm nnnso nround tho imni. nt Mm mnehlno nnd nin the oni? nnd at Iho rono In tho hnatbt nt llin nvnnfn .:... '.. ' - - n.nt Will inn nnonin iol cu hi iiiui. miiai Vnt ffff (Tin tnaf crnftlncr ftin- 'chlno trickster danglen In. midair. Tho Orogon mnnhliin I nono too good. ITS TlKCOim IR AH HAD AH ilNVOKTHEJU Tno jjrogoninn iiwj nv.inan.r Hinnn tnnrflltlP lenders wtlOllr ever It gets a fit of odltorlnl dyspop- Noxt day It rorants and BtnndB In with thorn becnuso Rh llftf fa t tho morcy of machlno polUlc. True ItoriubllcenH "hould not nnologlre FOK HAYING fllVKN TUB vmVLV. A GHIfATinir RILtllR IN TIIKIK HTATB GOrKILVSIKXT. Truo Itopiiblicnnn should not ...IiIiumii. iwiniikn inmn mnn lkJ (Joorgo Chnmborinln hni bean able to et (ho ronfldonro of tho nooulo. TIIBY WIIIM'J AMI I'AIjU iii.ii a ...ir. r(r, iri.ll H .1 ii.tn.n.li.ir. i lia.il'rilnvr.i linn ii iih-i.h- san In on breath nnd then tunr around nnd say Will Ittroublrciins vote for nn liiirccnnsixuricii .iuhhib s'ppl Demoornt for tho Unltod States sonntoT , , ,- Tim nnnntn Irnnnr fMinmiinrip'n mill liavn voted for him TltKBB" TiMiN lfnu iiioil OKI'IfB. Tho peonlo do not want a poimtor liotmht ami sola nnu nwncu nun cun trolli'd by any .machine or ring of anv nnrir. iMMTMrJCAVR DON'T WANT Til XT KIND OF A 8KNATOU. Tho machlno nnd tho Iiobsoi win in miHuftmi with niiv man for koiiii- tor who will wenr tholr collar or anv rnllnr they put on. TUB HOSSF.H AND THIT MA CHINK Ol'KHATK ONLY WITH i'ii i.' utnir. MM,., iinnntn nnornta without till Bark. Tho crosB-markB .ntndo on tho nrlmnrv bnllot and on the election lmllot nro made between tho voter iiml lit. rfinnnliinrn iiml hlH ClOII. The deal! madu liy uio mncnine to olw sonntor' nro mndo In COM I'HOMIfiB WITH TUB MONKY I'OWBIt AND TUB UBVIL. Thoso deals are rotten from ln roptlnn to ftn'sh nnd tho only won dor la that the V. S. Bonafo haB not p'unged our country Into nnnrcny and Boclallsm long ago. It la a good imuK hub naiuo ior tho BupromiM'V of tho ueonle fiver boodle R GOIXn TO IB I'OUGHT TO A ITN1RH IN OltBGON". Tho rank nnd lllo of tho Itenubll piiii inrtv nro nrottil of tho achieve ment mnjli' 'or rorormB in inn strong Uepuhlfwin state. Thov are ashamed of tho attltudo of the alleged larty loniTera who want to ovorthrnw and undo the reforms nccouudlshud HIT TUB HKI'UllUr'AX 1A11TV IH IMtOl'H OF 1TR HBCOUD. All the o'd leader nro sheuting: "We have no ltvpubllonn party In Orr uon ' THKY ADMIT THAT TllKT1 HAVK NO VHR Wl 11IK PAWTY ON TIIK NKW LININ. They want to keep and reaioro the old ordor of thlngu, when tho Bftek ruL-d. when tho corporations put up the tnoiwy. and tho senator shliM woro bought and o'd to blocks of lcRlplators. Huf .in the ttonuhllranB nnd the rank and ftlo of tho Republican party wajvt ixi i ii.w'iv m 'iiiii; iui OUD13U OF THINGS, when tho best Btatos In lb Unjon aro pointing to Oregon with prldo and aro Imitating her example? Lot tho Itenubltcans ot Oregon tako heart. Thlr stato Is not dis graced TIIHV HAVK 10NB NOTHING TO UK ASHAMKD OF. Tholr children will point with prM to the refiirw their father have- won In tho ciuo of decent tlt-goernment. o i. Arthe at 87, TMa would b u-.uual newt It 1 mej and womer wojld kp them Qlve fre freta raeuwattnin and all c i and p. i wlf as keeping thtr inuKUi I Kitt limber with llal'ard 1 8ov Lh!j ih Sold by all dilr. tv oiiiKprl thin section, will nrovo of IntorcBt to our home readers: I navo oeen ine jengm 01 vyn tnmt and tfto Kan .ToAiiiiln nnd Sac ramento aro not In the swln com- po-ed with tle WUlamoue vauey ior produciiou. ao irngauou uu. Oraln as far as tho eye. can see and then some. A woll watered valley with millions of water power wnicn are uned already to a great extent In UaUv xrornhlne Fiends. running jvoolen mills, grist mllia, fl b n 800thlng oyrups nw mills cbalr factories In fact. J n,aa eleln&l that contain nil Industries carried on here and ?"? "B"d narcotic3. McQee's Dabv thero's room for more. And there "P" idntnins no injurious or nar- Ib bIbo room for minions more peo- - . of any klnd a sure plo. Land is cneap, irom iu iu ----- .Q c(r0 for (1jsordered Btom- ioo nor ncre wun iuo uvai- !"" ,. i,ni nnd freuuincja I I I I I I I ' "' Yi a 1 1 H i i4UrW4H4fSf?2 SUMMER RESORTS t -" n . . .V-H-H-H 1 1 1 1 J I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I H-BU ii WILHOIT SPRINGS N $150 F. W. McLean, proprlotor. , ; , ivv pui wo "i - - -- acn9 bowels anu nuuun Improvements that I ever saw on , dW for teothlns Infants. i tin rnftrtt. Kveryhody looks well nnd spienumioi happy and Uvea oailly. I have not , . , , ,, n flweeplng nsser- been ovor all tho vnlloy and I don t a b t'knowIng ll0NV to handle think I will get to sco It nl right ta,00,m"ou . - . iLi..t. I, .U...I.1 Intrn ntin ft wiuuiu. nwny iori un. ' "".."". .,., .w. -,--- .. ., . a year or two m k "r am going cast to a nlco town of 1500 Inhabitants, milling town nnd a prosperous one also. "All that Is tho mntter with this country Is It IbIii Oregon. A small family can make a living hero on 25 nrrot it fa a flno fruit nnd berry country. Apples, pears plums, over Hotv'B This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Roward 'for nny caTso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall'a Catarrli Cure; F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. , We, tho undersigned, nave Cheney for tue m i i.-io, HOTEL BRADSHAW DRING Y0UR C"RAS K SMITH'S CAMERA STOfc wc uo uevciopino ior Ainalws Servo LkrcIics- and Sell Ck&t Nye Beach Newport, Os, n ,imi free uso of furnished kitchen, half way to Nye beach, over looking the ocean. Rates reasonable. W. C. COOK, Newport, Ore. Proprietor. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE country. Apples, pears plums, ever- . j. . t, y .. "'- '.v ,innornt)te green blackborrleB gro r along o , ,7 ruess transactions arid n- Sr'tfcm 'S K id "S S...ly TbuTji enrrr out ? For Bore Feet. "X have found Rucklen's Arnica Ralro (o ho tho proper thing to ubo for sorb feet, as woll as for healing burns, sores, cut, and all manner of nfomsfonV wrltoB Jfr. W. Stone, of Enst Polnnd, Maine. It ftf tho nronor thing, "too, Tor pnps. Try I Sold unnor guara.ntco at J. C. Perry drug storff. ZCc. o If your pnrma turn yellow tfoiTt think ther aro 'dying. They do that In Callfoml'it and continue" to lire, pulling on ntrw leaves, buy wltH them. a CO'FFEE is perishable,, it oughtr ta be kept in tigfrt packages', not exposed1 to air. Your KXr rclitrn rour moner II joa dowt .VU Sthlllloi Ucitt wrpay hint CorvnlllB Is Jubirinit. re I to hnv n freo mall dollvery lir Octobor 1 Tho Inspector, Mr. mickror, has boon thoro and the prollmlhtnr arrnngc- mentH nro now bolng- mmfcr for th change. . n- DIcrtbl nt lRimi. Lots of men nnd womoir who nro ngrecnblo with othora, gut "crnnky" at homo. It not disposition. Its tho Tlvor. If ynu find In younelf thnt you fewl crosw around Iliir ianiae, llt tfo thftigs worry you, Jnst buy n bot tlo or irnllnnfii Horblno and put your Ifver In Bhnrw. You and' everybody around yon will feel butter for It. I'rfco t0 cents por hottlb. Sold by all dearors. ( B-crr man" hns an-alla hr frfff. but lots of them are mfghty poor ntarks men. -0. Grnirnlntcil Hro Byes CutttI. "For 30 yonrs I sufforud' from n bad rase ot granulatod Bore eyes, Bays Martin U-oyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1903, n gentleman asked mo to try ChnmborlMir Snlvo. I bnuuht ono box and uieif about two-thirds of it nnd my cyos hnvo not given me nny troub"e Bince. ThU snlvo Is for wile by Dr. Stone s drug store. .- .,... .Into Tnlnrln D Bllie Ul ll(,H"'i ...--, . Halls cntnrrn vjuro is um . tcrtmlly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfnco3 of tito Bystym. TostlmonlnlB Bern irer Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. Take Hairs ranuiy rm " " Btlnatloc. Grain Bouglit Wo aro In tho market for any o;trantlty or oats, whca, barley, ryw, client seed, vetch Bead, etc. Wo aro paying tho Mgnest ensh prices, and furnish Bacfa for tiro grain that wo buy. Sacks For Sale Wo havo both now rtnd flrfit clasa second-hand wicks for Eale, and' tho price fl right. Also have sack twfno. HBaBBBBBBB9BSBBBBBV4BBBBBmBBl H'sHliLHHLifliHjIlrGtHHf SvBpnSlffl ' 'THE TAFT HOUSE Prlvato boarding. Strictly beM cooking, servo tho best meato, Jit help yourself. Rates reasonable. aiRS. SLUtY bAtOHMAN, 5fr. Cor. Fifth nnd Hurlburt Streets-, oh block north of Presbyterian cbmreb. Ihn nbovo cut roprcsonts our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnaco, Guaranteed gas, amoko and dust proof. Economical and durable A. L. FRASER JMJfl STATE STREKT. Estimates furnlsncd on heating D. A. WHITE & SONS 255 Com.Strcct, Salem, Ore. I firaber Bros. Thoro nro lotB of inuir who never Bwonr and wo wouldn't IwUcro thorn on their oath If therdld. o She Likes Gwxl Things. "Mrs. Chas. K. Smith, of West Pi-nnklln. Mntne. savs: Mf llko good things nnd havo adopted Dr. King's New Idfo PI1U as our ramlly laxa tive medicine, becauso they nro good nod do tholr work without making a fuss about It." Thfeo painless purl llora sold at J. C. Portr'a drug Btorp. 25c. Great Chinese Doctor L 1. HUM Hiis niedlclno which will euro any known dlionsc. Ho makes a spucfalty of, and guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rhoumntlsm, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; ulso any blackoucd or swollen Bareness, broken limbs: Small- poxr Epidemic; all kinds of Rolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weakness, Hornfcx Troublos and ParalrBls, Cunaiilt.xtlon froo. Care of Ylck SO- Tang Co., Chinese drngs and llurlw, 153 High St., upstairs. Sti lUm Or. PLUMBING AND . GAS FITTING ROYAL RESTAURANT For quick sorvlco, strictly how cooking, go to tho adUreestf low BEACH LUNCIIH& our specialty. West tld ot Front St., ono nnd1 one-Wf block south of boat Jandlsc A. 3, Rader's Camping-Grxxurf Hero you will find good' vtfer, nntti fnnlin crind lnrntlnti! fnmuk. tlon and fmrnlshcd tonts to rent t Nye Creek. A. J. Rndor, proprietor, Newport. Oregon. ' O.K. BARBER SHOP A first class up-to-dato shop, Do tet overlook this- placo for tho best wort j Thoro Is no barber hotter mwm with a razor or pair of elisor tin K. N. WALTER. Prop. I West sUIo Front Btrect. near H landing. Asoncy for Corvallll UU t dry. I Will glyo prompt attontloa to all oriers, guarantoe our work to give satisfaction and to bo up- to the sanitary stand ard; WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVK ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS. Call at our shop on Liberty street, back of Rarr's Jewelry Store. Phone 5&0. CIGARS and. TOBACCOS i i I have selected tho bwt bra of Cigars nud Tobacco coiw ont with the trado. Cab iw you with what you wlih " eatiafactlor. Also carry a w ploto lino or soft drinks. K. OASS. Prop. Front Stroot, opposlto Th 1 coptJon, Newport, urejua. I A L-noil mnnv tntnes havo beon dono In tho nnmo of oharlty, and u good many people-, ioo. -o Tho Iduleat Man In the World, would not bo contented to bo kept In the house and" doing nothing by rheumatism. Neither aro you, who aro always busy and, active., Thfn don't neglect tlh first twinge of aiv actio or pain tnat you migm mintc Is Just a "crU;k." Rub well with liaunrd'B Hnow uniment ana nn mulln. ivhn hi rollhlo d It wtTI I llsnppoar at once. Sold by all dealer. WfclWSN Gold Dmst Flout MUV by THE SYDNEY POW- ' Kit COMPANY. Kliliifv. ns. ! t X Mado for family use. j Ak your grocer for It. Bran I P. B. Wallace AGENT wmniawaaBwu jsd H Many a man gets tho rc.uitatton of bolug well Informed because- r-eo-ple happen to ask hi mtbv 'talngs ho happens to know. o Probably It Is your atocuaeb and, not your heart that casej pain Is" tielghborhood ot the heart. It It Ir I.nne Family Mdlolno will give re lief. 25 cents ut druggists. i tttCKOKT DRK Cough Remedy 4iotvrrnt vm Coughs, Colds CROUP VThwpr Ctt BiwhKjk SORt TIKWAT M4tSMMIUi THR0A74ll'NCS UKZUBEUUHM ED. SULLIVAN'S MARKET Froah fish of all kinds in W n.o-t. T.-.l... irnnlrml HntlV. 1 i'Y?" V""B. ".""?, r.i. 'Baa&t uan on (luuu t uu iv- -.'Vi vv. Stocker's JJeat Marie! Here you will find at all UbmJ choicest meatB thnt oan be pro .i.a lot. -v'.. nntrnnftEO I0I" STOCKEIfS MEAT MAWJ VimiwiM flMtCMWl 1" 1 V IW1 If UIVfVH J. U. Aiv. U, M. Cretan, Pr-wldt, VMM-Pro. Jo. It Albtrt. Ca Ur. -v- Wo ran always thlak ot a lot ,ot reasons vby othw people ought) to bo EaCcQed with, what they have. OAVOB.IA. funlXt iMWs4tlil't!sBk I.an ' t Fnmlly Medlelne caanot savo al doctor bills, but can saxo a good ebarq pf thorn. One two-lhll ling paikaftQ has kept a who'a taUy iu good health (or a year. tfW I wim lot ta MlfH 0v. u v . nmrm m. mnari Imm4M (m Phono 44 Main 147 N. High St. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs aed Livery, al Riga Modern Rubber Tire Huie Wing Sang Co. FURNITURE Newport, Orego For Household Furniture d kind and description go H. D. BLAKELY Carpets, Matting. S'oves i L...a Onll mw vah vnn H Vv inniu. own u - whon von leave. Price alP 1 sonable. ,. rtoli1 South Frost stiee, uj kind. t.i xTAwnort ? wuhu you BU iu -"r--- - Bain's Hack & IW gives special attention te ring baggage and .cP "SH, nlshed aad HBiurn- j-,1 wooa hbb nay " "". ders at Bala'a uaiwii- Newport, Oregon. ra tions. RHIGUESTER'S PILLS W, Uj4 iU IU It c TA r'Utr. Hr .('Mr V RIO STOCK OF GOODS We mako up all kinds of wrappers and whlui underwear, waists and ktmonas and skirts; all kinds ot goutlemea's and ladies' furnishing goods; all kinds ot silks and dress KOOds: lose, suits nanti afii1N blankets, neckwear, matting, china ware, trunks, embroidery and laoa, otc OUR STORE REST Goodi now at very low price big le. W N. COHHHCPclnl St. Sks, 0. . . -a ta; wne ai wowitor j b- v , Rowla'a Livery Stables tor , mnv. vaui. hnpeaCO: lu a beat girl a drive; to Rock, Seal Rocks or ""'' terest la smalPor to&fSrm and feed ana a -- i around; careful drim &... l.nMh nirn in u IUU UfllVIl- WM" " , Newport no.J.uJ roonll. " i best 25c weal In city. 7 self. lrs:e. piea?v iroasaaaale. Mrs. ) sou ky mmsTs mmm rUtr, wpot ";., .i-tiL