Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    " ?nyw1j
rummer's Samples
At Factory Prices
AVe hnye Just receled by express .1
lino of ininpfcafthntl rcpne1fttht. f iJ&ti "
entire stockyf oneor New York's v ,.
foremost factories, only- on? of-n-VOf
klml, no duplicate. Tlie line com.
prl-os Lawns from $1.00' to $'A.r,0
Lingerie from $'.2.00 to $5.00; ct.
-fom $.00,to"7.00; SUkV$2.50 to,
$5.00. Tills offers n nplcndld oppor.
tunlty to ladles who want exclusive
lon't fail to see , the Artist
in Our Court SlrPipi Window
in is
fll till
A Sear Story, of Watching
Mi & and Waiting iP
iiy tho $itltnti Hates England,
fc Sultan hat. s England w'th u
Innont and lnerndlcnble liutrel
feeing dominates and colors his
lo policy It Is on v for that
pn that ho tolerates Germany,
Hi oincrwioo ho dislike. Ene-
f has always been the friend of
reform party In Turkey, and M10
in Is tho great reactionary who
trodden the reform party In tho
But, worse than that, Eng-
prctendlng to help Turkey took
dbsIoii of CypniH, nominally to
pit htr to gunrnntco Turkey
irt Itucflln In Asia Minor, but
(an It ivoetus to tho Turks)
jijro theft, bornuBo nlf prctnn.io
ising Cyprus ns a bnsls of op.
Ions against Runsla In Asia Wl-
r-os abandoned In 1880, and yet
iind kept CypniH.
dw to tho Sultan the sting lies
lis, that Cyprus was his prhtyuj
kuage, and not part of tho state.
f,wuon revenue of Cyprus wont
ho Sultan's privy nurso. Hut.
still, at first tho English paid
tho- Cjprloto revonuo about
300 a yen,r tp CoustnnUnoplu,
Faftor the G'ndstonlan govern-
camp Into power, i 1S80, this
no wns diverted to pay Interpol
tho Turkish debt, , emptying Uio
n irlvnto nurso into the bin
iviropenn uomiuoiuers.
no Sul'nn. thereforo. we enmod
,G rinnn Intervention, for tl.o
fcu'ia encouraged hlnv to govorn
fe pleased They even porsuadtul
hat railways we.ro necofwnry
Imllltary efflctoncy, and
' 196491 Krcen bills of
y'rt;( western Connecti
cut there stands'
todny.it little way,
I) a 0 k from the
rii!it fi liffiwiiY
-- 'j,
weather beuteu.
farmhouse On
each side of the
door the wood"
blue climbs, and
overhead It foruif ,
111 an nrvii 01 uv?
Jug green.
On the west side
by the low bunk
wall the old fnsh
roses bloom In all their
springtime splendor.- More ofttlmos a
few jeurs ago merry schoolgirls, with''
choVUs that matched the glow of tho
roses, paused to gather a bouquet for
teacher's desk or toTjuHv beneath thtv
tlagt'litUhe HttleigravSvanl on (he hllli.
dllUt llll f MillltnW.tl fltttY 1 tut rkTMIlitnibi.
I too. they paused to listen to the ouUnj
1 words or .Mrs. Mayuard, who lived
I here alotie They wondered at the
' Badness of her vol.-e as she said-
"Yes; yon are welcome to the roses."
Then sudden bode would light her
face as s.lie added. 'When Henry
comes homo ho'll tidy tip (he ynrl n
. I. It ...! ..I.. I. .. -- 1. - .1 1
1.nii.,r,,i .. 11 i" "" "u iirn 11 ruse lur mu uu uui
hatred of a people moro than com- ,. i,, ',..
"' "" "'
t J ii
- . 7
"I'M. Celli: HAt'k
TO VOl'."
r 'oned rcl
tory will record hereafter that the,
former p.roved a fall-.iro, and that the
pocsated for the- favor of nn evniKVt
cent tTnnt. Tho same struggh U
going on In Turkey as In Russia i
the educated part of tho people on
on side, n tyranny resting on bu
reauoracy and obscurantism on tho
other, whatever may be tho fauiUJ
of Abdul-Hnmld, his worst enomyj
must place him on an Inunously.j
hlgor lovel thnn the Czar on anyjr
point or view, numanitnrlnn or ;m
triotlc, personal or political. HuU
for England In Turkey the greatest'
danger Is that she bo tempted to!
Germanlza her policy from expert
onco ot tne apparent German sue-,
cess. Hor policy has boon, on Ilia
whole, tho wiser, but t. has noi
cnrrlod out with an Iguoraueo
Turkish facts that Is appallng.Or
leiitatls In London Chronicle
After the sun had set and the shad
ows had crept down the hillside
through the graveyard and tilled all the
valley with darkness the lamp was lit
nnd placed In the window, where Its
rays lighted the pathway loading to
the, road. liy the ta.ble Mary .May mini
would sit. her bunds folded. She was
waiting for Henry.
Forty-live years ngo on May UO Hen
ry brought home Mary, his fair young
bride, saying: "Mother, hero Is my
., aS
tit A lf.U n.11 . . i.
1 mu- iivujuz uauwny muai uo in nn(Rh
Lt. . . - - .... -i.
uauon of his Khallfato. Yet tho.
K'ays that ho has made and tho
pin schools that ho has founded
sthe surest means of educating ;,.
F . - . . . . . I ""-
tiopio, ana education is tho in
ftblo enemy of autocracy.
The 'British, wlfllo they hav:
KlnilfIifnpfiil innnv Xfn1in?iiMnrlStiv.i'n!ti
eU In India, are 'ufterjnj Jitmj'lijr
from cholera nud have a 'serious sit
uation to face.
coast have notified Captain Blnnln-J
i mm m - i?! 3 .- .'J
.piuiii'. a. J,iuoojijpt ve9in, umj
uuioss 110. uuinwus ine cunrgoi
against three matters foV blowlngn
hojr whlitfeitr 'ovejlfiug when th
lleet entered San FraiieUeo barbor(
they will surrender' their licenser:
Bhowoalllrmlnghnm fay ho will fight to a
Joh'nson campaign manager says
nil unlnstruoted delogates at tho na
tional Democratic convention will hi
Tho rtopubllcnn and Democrntlc
J members of tho senate house 'cen:
uurinnn ppucy nas eeomea to in,tteo consldorlmr tho nanor trusti
ery successful in promoting Our-J lnveHtgat0n nnvo split, the Dem
tu-orwiw in Turner, mit, after .crilta IirKinc t,l0 removal of the tnr-
. ... .- ,,
Mho ground fact Is tha.t the Ger-
pol cv was an opportunist pol-
tand tho English policy, ignornnc
LIU managed as It has boon, was
ded on dconer nrlnclnles. Ills-
lany a Man!
u critic because ho llke to
contrary. You can go con-
Ittiry to tho vishe8 of your
fluids nnd neighbors nnd
onetimes get tho lcst of
M'm; hut go contrary to the
Hies or nature uml vo nl.
'8 get tho womt of It.
If Nature Says Spectacles '.
Mn Spectacles It must he. Na
irn" ,Voii't nccept Just Spcc-
Plll'S tllOlloli; ihiv must lv
---- ..rf .
Ight Spectacles. Wo ran glvP
he kind tlwt natuiv demnnds.
Iff and the Republicans oppoilng
Biich action.
Tho Wabash Terminal railroad,
one of tho Gould system, Is facing a
sorlous situation in th falling duo;
of $600,000 -ou next Monday.
Levi Hanford, Callfornlan pio"noer
and father of Charles D. Hanford,
th actor, died today at tho ago of
80 at Washington, where, he was em
ployed as a pension bureau clerk.
A national commission hns bon
appointed by physicians over tint
country to compel California to make
reciprocal agroemenU with othor
'aU to allow outside doctors gnlf
admittance Into the state.
President Roosevelt today signed
the b'll encouraging the dovolopinor.t
of the Alaskan coal fields.
Secretary Dover of tho RepublU
can national eommuiuo . uas an;
nounced that the soats ot dele
gates will be contested.
mulrll W FSJr
.h Cpyrihl. I90S, by L. 5. Mill.
cd bj I1I3 father's death. Itut' bis moth
er's 'huuvt seemed burltjd" out in the
lonely grave, on the hlflslde with ucr
husiiaud. and. though she' gave lleilry
uubuunded' lovcVpe coroilt for little
else till .M'urjr came aud- llenry wout.
Then she talked ot Henry and round its
Maty it ready listener. So the two bo
vaults' fast friends with olio hope-tile
safe return of Henry.
till week wnt by, nnd together
they lead the papers telling of the wir
Houry. too, wtvte sotniitlml's to his
mother, but more often to Mary Ills
letters told of the weary waltlug ami
;tbe M'emlagly useless marching and
eountermari blng. yet he was nl-A,i;s
the same brave., loving Henry Soon
the vai would bo over, and Mury
would meet bluif aud thoywptjld sit by
uie i-oseoiisiies- again.
u her Uri'iima aue.sa.w him.ber rob '
dler. her "boy In blue." ntnld the roar '
nnd smoke of battle. "They .win the '
crtjit. he takes the ling'; be Is n hero"
Tli' 0 renin changed, and she .saw blm
alight from the (rain tit the vllhigo
station The neighbors bad read of his
'brave deeds 111 tho papcru nud bud
colne to rheer blm. Once inore the vi
sion changed, mid band In hand they I
huJ by the rosebushes. He placed 11 j
r6s.e lu her hair and, gently kissing her
cheek. whlsperedt ' .-
"Mary, we won't p-irt any more."
And, looking to his well beloved
race to reati the love Jils volet ex
pressed, It t-eeiued tho face of Henry,
but old. so old, and bis hair so gray.1
Ode day there came news of I.oe
Hlft advance northward In July
VMIl. There would be a battle. Mary
wroto a long letter full of love and
cheer to Henry. Hut no answer came,
in tho papers were rumors of n great
battle being fought. It was nt Get
tysburg. Would I .ce win? The sus
pense was awful to millions of north
ern people as they waited with bated
breath for news from the front. "Lew
retreats!" This was the report that
came on the fourth day. and the drawn
faces relaxed. Then followed columns
or "killed." "wounded," "missing."
Thousands of bumes were plunged In
gloom, for many n husband's name
and many a sou's, name and miiiiy a
lover's name was there "
A neighbor's bo brought the papers
that e oiling Though he came 011
Hwirtly, Mury couldn't wait, but ran
nut to meet him. Together Mary and
Henry's mother looked down the long
list or "I-IITihI." .Vol there! Thank
God! Thou the list or 'iwoundetl "
Not there! Then 711! slng" Henry
Maynard: . '
(I'll...... I..' l..l... U.l.l MilMl Itit,-
she tut with tin paper tightly clasp
ed All night ttli rat lliju an! heeded
Ii' H"' tliui- nor saV the' neighbors
w : 1 ("i.ii- to (offi fori her Astihi- sun
lik'ht b'oie in the eiist wimtbw they
geutl HriiH) her nud plav'Hl -hor ot) tho.
bed. - s 1 'lhi
pvety suit lookA .woli, but how Wll
-It A)p'daraftor'aiSoUple of months'
Avifar5? Its -lipilr'nctual service con-'
dltlons that the U. K. & W. Mon's
Clothing shows hi true worth.
Etyry, ,patJi5 pr9l9X lln4t tJwJ
htijr cloth front and collar stiffening
presorv8& the cofroct Vnapb' "bt" W
lar and lapo!s. ' Every- dowakd M
fnBhlon Is complied with in eelectlitg
correct fabrics nnd in designing the
garments. s
"Wo 'save, you soverni dollars ofc
every suit because our store manage
mont' is'' economical and' we do
strictly spot cash busltleW, therefore
have "pbad accounts to add to or
prices, ThaVe why we undersell
"regular stores,"
Look for tho ii. & W. label when
you're' buying.
Men's Clothing
It stands tor all that's good in indd
orn tailoring.
' ' ' r, 'i t , aea
m (WVwiMr.ttoa. ' B
Barr's Jewelry
wte and liberty Streets
Sacramento. Cal, May 28. Man-
ager Alder Anderson, of the Califor
nia Fruit Distributors, reports 50
cars of cherries shipped east from
the state as against but 19 to tblj
daU.- last. year. Gqod prices are be
ing resized and the eastern marker
in in fine shape to receivo Califor
nia's fiesh fruit products this year.
This first box or peaches sh'pped
eas this year from Loomls by the
Pioneer Fruit. company sold yester
day la Chicago for $7,50.
wife. Love her as you ou me, aud
don't lot her bo lonely, for tomorrow I
go to the front; but, God being willing.
I'll comu back."
On the following day earth nud sky
boomed blended In perfect harmony.
Tho .roses gloomed lu splendor. Ou
the grassy bank tboy sat, Mary aud
Henry, bcshlo'tho clustering blossoms.
Houry bad picked one of tho rosea
nnd lovlugly placed it In Mary's hair.
Fair was she then, lu till thu rresbtiesH
of youth's bright morning. Tenderly
she placed her hand ou Henry's shoul
der and with tovlug. pleading eyes
whispered: '
"Houry, please don't go."
Sadly, slowly, ho replied; "Mary, I
must. Hut watch for mo. I'll come
back to iou."
Ho tboy parted ou that fateful day,
and the birds sung, the breezes crept
softly by, 11 ltd fho roses scented the
ulr. Rut Mary alone on tho doorstep
mid Henry uian3hlng qui of tho valley
heeded them not.
Those were trying days for north
Mid south. Tho nation's best were
.lujlng each other lu terrible battles-.
After IturnHtde'u defeat at the battle
of FredtuJeksburg In Decombor, 1S02,
there had bcon a call for moro men to
tll th? broken ranks, und llenry May
uard had enlisted. Dearly as bo loved
Mary Harper, bo could not resist the
nntlon'f call any lougwr. At tlrst Mary
pleaded with tutu Then she realized
-the need and bravely gave bur eou
tent, only reojietttlug that they bo mar
ried before bo went .When on that
last, day as they sat toother by the
roses, though tbd whispered blm to re
main, she know he would go that
above all tho sorrow ut parting she
wished blm to go wished him the
brave, true soldier of her dreams.
Thus It was that llenry went, and
Mary came to live with Henry's moth
er Just those two lu the little farm
house, for Henry's father bad beeu
killed years back while hauling logs
from the wood lot The Bled bad over
turned coming down the steep hillside.
Henry's mother hud soon It from the
window where she hat knitting and.
calling Henry from the wood shed,
wentto his aid. Crusbed and bleed
tag. they brought blm home Just at
the closo of the cold winter's day, and
be died in half an hour
Aftw this they had tolled on, Henry
growing stronger a ad more manly,
vereemtag' gradMlly the serrow eatw-
Summit Shirts
Fit llko "mndo. to or.dor" Bhlrta be
causo they're out in full liberal di
mensions and mndo by oxport worlt
mon in otto ot tho boat equipped shirt
fnctorlca lu America,
CHftPQ For the Wliole
JlllFE J Family : : :
for Women.
Wt k
7e si
j PPuTk b m
t-i JBli.
Every pair built to give sat
iifuctory Borvico,
That's why wa carry a larg
er stock aud sell moro skoe
than most ohoo atoros.
Z? . S AC
$a:fSed'w 3ri.
Wc undersell ".Regular stores"
doctor said, and
nurse watched
Aflt'iHU time liM,lviilruii drvamml , Patiently till bo hwiihhUu grow quiet,
r Ijviiry U miirAii.ilhi crust .of i ft,ul ni,uly Ut ,1I- '"' '10 lfnow
... .. 1 1 .. flu, i4tli4lu U'nu-nrtaf
hill lmlilml 11 low hank uf. 011 nh Him- Uio CrWIs WflH'prtSt
iir.wis .if mi,.i ..ro at lils rfisln and ' Wbon bo 11 woke lu, tht .moriilng lis
lert Itefore blm. advancing up tho ' wan Iluliqjrl tfiijib uo iiMjrv. but Ilonry-J
hill, ww 1. thousands or men wlthgrny 1 .vaynaru,nmi an uio romQuinranco or
uulforiiiH. Then liegtiu the nmr or nr- ' Mn,y Ucim' l'ttim ovcr u
tllhry. and the smoke or battle rolled ial hP0" woumlwl In the head nt thu
over till. 11ml she saw blm no more. Vet. I "' "ettysburg. )u u.soomlngly
hair wakiufclnUr slooplng.bho seemed 1 lf0e,, iitlltJoii he was loft on tho
lo bear blm uy, us oi that day of , " er tho buttle. Ho was
nartlii-: "Watch for me! I' II como wvw iui u ininier iihm unco pimi
bak to you
Then began tho years of waiting
weary yours, lu the afternoon whon
-, 1 11 e worn waa
none many aim
i.ookino ron itKNnr.
Ktejt looking dow,n
the toad looking
for Henry. To
the many friends
w ho came and
went Mary el
1I0111 spoke. Hhe
was like one pro
o e c ti p 1 e d , hor
thoughts lor
away nnd a
ilroumy look In
hor eyes. Bo tho time passed.
Each luccedtne year stol something
away frpin her bbauty,
leaving brthlivl It. broader and ilepr.
tho Bloom and the shadow.
Henry's mother died nnd was laid
away lu the quiet graveyard, und the
years rolled ou; tho snows came nud
tveut; Uio rose, bloomed. Schoolgirls
came for them und In time grow to
womanhood, and other girls came.
f:.icli evening tjie lamp was placed lu
the window. Knob day Mary watched
and waited.
The sympathetic neighbors kindly
cared ror hor row wants. Muny letters
had been scut to tho war department
Inquiring for Henry Mayuard, but
'Missing after thu battle of Gettys
burg" wus all the reply.
In a ploasant room In Melbourne,
Australia. Hubert Smith lay sick Over
forty j corn ago he Imd como to Austra
lia, or bad found himself there, but
with no remembrance of where he
bad been before. He bud become a
uuiwhunt lu a small wuy at tlrst. 'but
gradually Increased bU business till
at the time of bis slckuess be bad be
fnue a man of means with a small
fortune. Still, he had remained unmar
All day be bad to4 about ta fever.
Tealgto there will re a ciwftf," the
j recovered wuudered a way. giving' no
name. How ho reached Australia he
never lea mod.
His recovery was speedy, and ho
hastened to America to llnd Mary If
And all
Ulght bu paced the steamer's deck oven
whelmed with love it ml longing.
limn," 11 Ml 111 mm j
ninny a day Mary P,?8H1b,,0 '"0u' M"ry "P, w
sat on the door- Hbnll luce yoii?"Mie cried- A
pn Moy sp. loos. M,ary.at in the
iloonvny, looking down tho road, Her
luilr, ojieo black, was now streaked
tflth gray, fine hud been looking at the
rcvsea und thinking of Henry. "Will bu
come today'". An hour later uu old
man came slowly. up the road and
turned up the pathway to the house.
Mary, waiting on the doorstep, know it
whs Henry, ijur the face .was -the face
sho sow lu her drcnui, ,
,". "...
That. Is all those two jmld,ns they
clasped bunds und sat once mow on
the grassy bank where tbo roses bloom.
Rut heart spoke to heart In a love and
Jpy deeper than all words and deeper
than all thought
Kansas. City, Mo., Moy 28. "Our
chtirchoamako awful poor tlmo tn
tho race for recruits," declared the
itev. Dr. Metthowa qt Seattle In the
Presbyterian general assombly hero
tbii afternoon In a tpeech in which
ho-Ied'tho iiipvemeiit to open, tho
ohurchej every day In the week.
"fialoona and, places of, evil are
open to the bpys of tho country ev
ery day hi theweokhut' the Presby
terian churoheiLnre,ppon norhaps two
"I believe that the churckuj
should be open all the time to those
who wluh to epter and Uiat we
should not lag back lo the coatcU
xvltjt evil, but ahould keep to tU
. AJnjwjL.fattlou.ti.. the doleftti
Joined pr. Mntthowsju hi flghhioe
Jtlio optfn church, L ' " '
Mp.'JToUn Itlhn, of Viuiugr, In., says
"I havo been Beijing DoWltt' KI4
noy nnd Ulnddor 1'llls for nbetft i
year and tkoy give hotter mMtti
tlon than any pill I evor sold." ion
by all doalors.
. o . .. ,
Tfutico' to CoHtracUm.
Notico Is horoby glvuii that soa14
Vlds will be received at the, city ttf
Saloni ut tho oillcu of tho under
slgttod at tho city hail at Sl,
Orogou, up to 10 o'clock u. 111., JimJ!
1, I'JOS, for tho puvlng of tho e
occupied byithe atroo. railway traiti
of the Portland Hallway, Lfght 'if
Power company on Uborjy atruet Im
the city of Salon), Qtson, from iftf
north lliie of Btato sfreot to tho nortl
line of Court street lu said city.
Attention is called to tho plant
nnd spicillcatlons on fllo lu tho ottc
of thu city recorder of said city for
tho making of said improvement
whlph must be complied with in er
ory, respect,
The city of Snlem rnsorvos thu
right to reject any and nil bids
Dy order of tho common council. i
5-20- -it. city itocordor.
For Weak
Inflammation of the blad
der, urinary troubles and
backache use
DWitt's Kidny
and Bladdwr Pilla
A Week's
Trial For 25c)