BEST BUSINESS "CHANCE" YOU HAVE EVER HAD WILL REWARD YOUR READING OF THE WANT . AJ)S m P. ' '. ft ' BBISIBBBBlBMr IBVM. ' lv I? 1 stf ' ' 5ibsV vbiuXivUt I I A ' I " wml H A .a JIBI ssa SB S7 BBS I llllff n;w fagl ifaumal i. J I . T "V MW - " - - -.- li. XVIII. 6ALE.M. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY HH, 100- NO, it VE YEARS FOR ROSSND $576,853.34 FINE MED VOLUNTEERS SCOUR HILLS FOR MARSHAL'S ASSAILANTS VELAND TERM MAY DYING f CANCER ;ecv is kept 'AMOUNT'TO 800 YEARS h i "i'ii ACCORDING I0w HTOHS CALLED IN AM)!-ONVI('TI3 UV WITH E.Y-PJtESIDENT CLEVELAND' KEIT IX ! WTI2 OF CONDITIONS. IhlfMl Pre Lvntcd Wire.) vood, N, J., Ma 28. Ho prccautlous. against allowing irmatlon to bo given out ten today at tlio Lakewood flu re former Prosldont ilro- Iwlan.l Ih Buffering from a Ehtlnuocfnn pogcT'llveT n A x k eh jr . . WILL SPEND REMAINDER OK LIFE IX JAIL, 1'NLKSS SUPREME xitytT reverses decisioV. ' "The prisoner, J. Thorburn R6as Is icntenotd .to,.flve years In, the peni tentiary,' and a ;nne of $570)863.7.1, and In default of tho paymontof thli flno ho will bo confined In tho Mult nomah county Jail for a period of 288,125 days." lhaf umsmt PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE CONGRESS , ADJOURNS TOMORROW SETTLES CURRENCY DEMOCRATS WILL PHKSBNT XO OBSTACLE TO IMPORTANT MEASURE AXI) IT WILL F.K COME LAW. (UnltfJ rrcwi I.naiK Witt.) WaahlnBton, Jlay 28. Tho Dotno oratlo aonatora decided today ai u conforonoo that they will xnako no filibuster In an effort to block tho passaKo of tho curroncy bill. ThiH la taken to mcau that final adjournment may bo taken tomorrow night or Friday and that tho bill, a adopted yoRterday by tho houso, wlllj bocomo a law. he Crowds :'lllKtnt buyers tfuit dally vlhft aw stor Ik tlio Ixst proof Id t!io llmt tho CIHCA(30 STORKS j;o(kIh and prlccH nro always righr. i-er olTvred eiich nueysavliifi bargaliiH u wo are now offering M'y ikMirtnioiit.. Oct our priced. ' lies' Suits Ladles Sniunow on snlo. 150 Suits .now at prlcos hi i move thtwn oJt quick. u c tn ttnKQn'e latest gar- mado of i$ latest ma handcomoly trimmed, silk Pand VERY neat-tailored. arn worm irom $ia o ?oo. prlco now Is SO, $12,50 and $1490 :ss Goods and Silks 10 lads of Fine Draw and Dress Sljkd now soiling (cos that suit 8)1 pocket If you rant tbo biggest i' 1 . pains In Sulem In new -d ' ore 3 Goods and Silks. f' o CHICAGO STORE t iard ;35c, 49c, 69c, and up TWELVE IIUXDRKI) TRAIN 'OPERATORS fio OX'STRlKi: (I'nlti) VmH .?nKt Wire.) St. Ioails, Mo., May 28. RoporU iHsued tills nftornoon at tho head quarters of tho Urotherhood of Rail way Carmen show that 1200 men struck today on tho various divisions of tho Missouri Pacific & Iron Moun- ;ACE SUICIDE PACT 9 til ? ADMITS MINISTER AT TRIAL OK POSTMISTRESS FOR OI'ENINfl HIS MAIL PREACHER ADMITS HE WROTE WIFE PLAN OR "PACT." tain railroads, and other Oould llno. Tho union officials announco that rocolvcd from tho Bible and accord- (Uiiltil PrMW I.niril Wlrf 1 Chicago, May 28.- The Rev. CJia. E, Havonor today cauaod a soiiKatlon in .tho court of Unltod Stales Com missioner Footo by declaring that bo had married under a "rnco sulcldo pact" according to tho tcachors of tho Rlblo. i Ho. appeared at tho trial of MIpb Anno Wbltmore, po3tmUtrc3,s of Grays Iko, Ilia., bis homo, whni ho charged with opening letters from hi fluu Forf Wny When cornored by .questions, U' surprised tto aommlsstonor by an nouncing that ho und Miss Calvlu wop married on Mny IP. Tliun h admltlod that ho had written to Mlsn Calvin and proposed tho race mlclde pact. "I did tliis from tho Inspiration I BANDITS -may be: . LYNCHED IFEAR FOR 1IVES OF REFORMERS ft i IF CAUGHT BY MOB AHMED POSSES HUNT FOR. AH SAILANTS OF .MARSHAL JOHN , RECKLEY OF OAKLAND, ORE (ION SCOURINO HILLS. llinery Swc Hats now on ay you well to get aleAlt? our LADIK.1 fi CilOVKS. Wo havo Juet received from our lhiyer in Nnw York a bl shl ment of Ladle' Long Glovoe In iIbIo and Bilk and in a.j tbo want ed hades. Coponiiageii, Tan, Modo Black. Croara ad Whit. W r selling them for ama'l prlcoo. 40c, Oc, 75c, S5c, and 08c, SSL. si. THE EDISONIA H. Entire Change of Program Tonight (Pultfrt I'retm r.rimcd Wlr. Oaklaud.Or., May 28. Every man old enough (o fire a gtm han nrmvd hlmBOlf and Joined In tho bunt for the two bandits who raided thlrf placo and seriously wounded Marsha' John Hockley In. tho shullder in a rovolvor diiel when tho oincer nt temptod to arrest them. Tho hllht are bclngscouroU and ovory Infin watched. Tho irialtclou destruction of prop- ex?., !kg Mnry Calvin, of ' ''" (,, "'.' wll ,oole J1 lyrtolndi" ;. r.ii. . ,.. buelnoiu, . ,ho;i80gbcforo .nhjiotlm; imcKioy, has aroused tho people of Oakland to a fonsty of anger arid If they ovortnko tho fugitives a lynch ing may bo t)io ohlnome. , Apparently angry at tho small sums of mo'ney they realised from their burglarleii tho robbers broke up furniture, smashed showcases and window la almott every store iioy entered and At tbo poHtofflco brirli- ed a quantity of stumps- o tho troublo resulted from the com panies breaking contracts with tho ' men. They say that a system of pay 'mont on a ploco work basis has been substituted by tho officials for tho scalo based on tho number of hoirs worked. This they asstrt, was a flat bioach of tholr agreement. Ing to tho Instructions of tho holy writ." ho said. "Tho bible says It is wrong to bring a child Into tho world unices you nro nUloto support Jt and care for It properly. My flancco wls'ipd 'to oontlmib br study of inuqlc and throforo U would b Impossible for her to bscomo tho rnothar of n fun.-Ily." Tho minister said that tbo p"8-. mistress could never have Iqnrnod that he and Miss Calvin were eon elderlng such a proposition nnlex she had oixnod hln lettorB and tbnt this knowledge od bim to bring tho charges against bor. Mrs. Havener, the "raco suicide wlfo." ook the stand and smilingly eorrokoratd all the ststemonts mado I tk ika ttitatiBMil In nnnnAllin lli Jlon left horo today for Kansas ORy ,' . " , ,...,?. i.M'i.. ,.,.,i Ai.t .fc'KkoIr RrwwoBt wul tho Jetton striko I wh,oh they flalg9il. She agreed . vii. hr husband that tholr pact bad St. Louis. Mo, ,JiJay;28.-Tho dis trict nffootod by tho striko ,of or inon extends from' St. Louis wost to Pueblo, Colo, nnd from Omaha, Neb., south to Alexandria, La, Tho strikers Uiroatoned. this &R ornoon that tho striko would bo ox- tondod to the moil in otbor depart montii If their demands are not granted. ' Grand Chief Ronomufc 4f the un SAYS W J. LAMGDOf xt DISTRICT ATl'ORNKY ItRLlKVH CONSPIRACY AI-XOT TO CHECK C1IMFF PROSKCIlTIONAVAXa'S DYNAMITERS TRIED. WANT HVI)K-HIJNJ iviiirrii.'Viic Tiicxricciit ,..i ,J. i wi.:' ibW rt aatittttd bar 28. Attorneys v(,y "' sumoieni frwi Ibten formed In pomrtianrn with the trenlage of the Bible, aud admitted djslMuio rrak7or It. -,n- Washington, May rAnriientinir the defendants In the .Hyda-Beneon ld fwud cam reeumtfj VJtAS T0 ""HAIC their argumonu to have tlelr events' Vl w""" n'r wMBingion, nuj sa. as un at We have Just opened up the oiHt beautiful assortment of Swell Parseols you have 6ea for a long tlsao. Yn caa find here any class or kind yci have your mind set on. We show them at all prices. 45c, 75c, OSo, $1.25, $1.10 ami up The Store That Saves You Money dlsmulsicd when ootirt opened to day. Counsel for Dlmond moved tHt the B!izab&th Dlmond" letiojrs al leging to show his eonneetioH tv'lUi the land frauds bo stricken out. so far as tha queetlon of forgery rela tive to these letters Is concerned tho attorney-! contend that such a charge la not jwirt of the Indictment and that evidence bearing on it should not tip to the Jury. Much of today's sesibn was devoted to arguments on those points. CI TVVO HATCHERIES ,. FOB PUGETk sound Washington, May 28. The' house tday'passed a bill establishing two, nek' batckfies on Paget soucd. DIAMOND BELT FOR CHAMPION (United rn-mi I.ensrd Wire.) Qhlncago, May 28 Billy Nolan ar rived horo today ostensibly on pri vate business but Is bupy Invostlgut Ing tho poislbllitlee of arranging big fights for tho combine,! prtzo fight c'mIia of.San Francsco, and it la prob able that ho will close articles for at loas,t two championship bouts. If suH'iblo terms can be reaqbod It Is expected here that ho will closo a deal for a battle between McFarlund and Gaus. It Is also said on good au thority that ho probably will ar range for a fight botwoen Abo At .oil and Jorry Drliooll. Nolan brought with htm a sllvor belt, studded with diamonds, which ho tays will go to the winner of otio of tbo championship bouts. It Is be liever that ho will offer it to tlw winner of the foathor-wolght bnttlo. Nolan's arrival lias caused a gron; stir among tho fighters (Vltd mann&ura and there le much aptotilntlon ns to what big events ho will bo able to land for the denotation of tho fight fans of the coast. lftged clever political move to break mi the "!d Demora.Ue iOHtb. it MOALU'ORNIA NATIVE did Preftdefit RooeeveJt has anko'V G0nral Ijuk Wrjgbt, a Democrat, to accept the war- EoereUryship If T&ft reelgni aru) tnat 1k has ton- fi ftp ted. . ' SONS OFFICERS (United I'res l.eaied Wire.) Yowuilte, Cal., May 28. Amid continuous applause tbo olootlon of qlllcers of the grand parlor of tho A warm nureonitl friend off Native Sons of tho Qoldcn "West wa Wright's is authority ff this state ment. He it ta atterjioy from- fnl phis, Tonn., which Is Wright's home city. Politician say that behind this movo on tho part of the Prosldont It a strong bid for the southern Demo cratic veto for the Republican party. It Is said that Secretary Taft will re sign at ouce In tho eyeijt that he U nominated by the Republican na; (TJnltM irrss I.rntfd U'lr.) San Francisco, Mhy aff.'A Bn aatlon wan created Ja riollcd "nchfy--quartern today when TDIstrlct Attor ney Langdon went porsonMltjr t tbw Ilnll of Justice u an offort to Have tho ensoa of J. it, Johnson, (lllfftmr M'lddlemaH nnd' Harry Smith, thr throo nop who woro nrrestod f6r fol. lowing Aselslant District Attorney Honey, Doloc,tlvo llMrnif, of the nertt servit?, ami Dotrctlvo Charles QtrB of tho city dotoctlvo htircRU, aroVn tho city In an automobile, trM V foro Police Judge Shortall. "This has bocomo, n Vory tterlonir affair nnd conditions aro pproch x Btng whoro oomo drastic notion mujr lo taken," mild District Attorney Lnngdon to Pollco Judge Jfetwnrk' Shorlall. "Tho poonlo nt tne heesT of tho graft prosecution feur for tbolr lives and thejr properly wHlhs mattora continue In tholr. rarntr slate. The throo prisoners are Wtrt nnd pnrcol of n consplmcy to chock oniolala In tho discharge of tholr du ties, "Information has reached uh ttt ndvnnco of ovort acts which ambelnsr committed, yet we cannot prevont thorn. I nm using my influonco lo havo tho cases of these nlon up b foro you for consideration." No lutlmntlon that tho catnm wouliT bo tried fairly boforo other Judges at ino ponco courts wrts fofthcomlnic from the district attorney, Tho complaint against the threw men Js In tho hands of Dotertirrt Gharloi Qoff nnd will b Hworu trr tomorrow, Tho men nnined ur charged with wilfully following, wntohlng nnd Intorforlng with Chna. Goff, city doteollvo. In tho discharge of his duty whllo ho wnu ntornptinfr to locato the inan or men who nr rosponslblo for tho bomb outragvn fu Oakland. 'Up to n lato hour this ufternoofi no application fw ball for the rnea had boon mude. Judge ShortnII to morrow morning will fix bail at $100.0 boiler JGPjcafth Not Mnnfnc'v Work. Oakland. Cal., May 28- Caplu'n Peterson this nftornoon uld thorw' was no plausible grgund for tho ic- pprt (lint n rannlao with an Imncln. nfy Krudgo agulu4 former HufcryU- or JnmcH u. Gallagher Is rosponslblo for the ropoalod nttauks on his prop erty with dynamite. "Thoro iti only one rxp'Hnntloii " said Potwrn, "and that In poran tljnt wore Interoeted In mipprotiafnfc the grnft prosecution evldonco aro trying to Intimidate Gnllaghti. "Wo bavo no piew and this after noon It soeme there is no liopo of capturing tho dyriajnltore." ' Supposed blood spota which ciusod a, sensation when disco vorcd near of tho dynamiting lust to be drlpplrigH held teday and. reeultod In tho fol lowing candidates being chesen: Grawd president, Senator ChnrI04tbo scono M. Belshaw, of Antloch, Cal.; grand t night turnod out first vice president, Congressman (fr0m wood stain' that had beoi ah'wt ueorgo . Knowiand, of Aiamoaa, tho place tho day before' Cal.; grand second vice presided, Dan A. R.yan, of San Francisco, Cal.; grand treasurer, John McDqugald, TV" j A roun runs for office on -his rec ord, and that Isfwhatevory man 1st San Francisco; grand mslde sentinel, running on In builnl-m and social J. E. Fitxgerajd, of Menlo Park, Cal ly. Si J fnfC" ,-m Ji A-- J . 5 4 ib. .MJ. k.- jtikvrfLk JhrtA.i.ii' .!i -VI,,