DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUfcSDAY, MAY 20, 1008 If you want bargains in this season's latest suits Now is your Suits hat arc $35 and $40 cut away 4 down to suit TIME t ih to buy 4)6eautiful II m f suits AT SMALL PRICES s Mffllllllll1 WWxk 11 yo'u'u pocketftook Ji Ji'UFl ill ml 111 J Wr yy rifSaJ IliJifvIl M IrSiiiX jPsjjlliJI II III VTfti. J" ' now is your time to buy Suits now selling at less than manufacturers' cost 30I0 LADIES' SUITS PRICED AWAY DOW 150 New Suits just received from our buyer in New York, they are beauties bought for spot cash and will be sold at v . i i-t 4 l 4 IT4 r l 4 4 4 i 4 4 l 44 4 4 4 1 1 4 I that will surprise tne closest Buyers, inese suits are an nignciass tailored garments, siik nneu, maaeor me latest all the best shades trimmed with the latest Persian and Silk braids. Coats, Vest fronts and semisitting Skirts full trimmed with bias folds of silk or self material. If you want bargains in Swell Suits this is a grand opportunity jo $ latest up4odate garments for small prices they are great values and will go quickly. $18, 20, 25, 27.50, Suits now $10.50, 12.50, 14.50 and 16.50. Slightly Soiled Suits' that were $18,25 & 35, now $8.50, 9.98 & MSfFRING &UMMER kHESSGOODSjfe kJI 8Gc Fancy and Plain Wool Suitings in a splendid rnnge of mntorlala, now a yard 49 11.60 mid $1.GG Imported Wool Suitings in nil the Intoit Hlimloa and materials, now n yard OS Great Bargains in DRESS GOODS and SILKS Tho vnluos wo will givo our customers in DrcBs Goods and Silks during this huIo will ho th' talk of Su- Mom. Wo havo stacks of thorn horo to show you in tho latest up to dato shades and materials. If you want swell silks or novolty ira goods you will do yourself nn Injuatlco if you buy bo- foro you seo our goods and got our price. Our assort" mont is certainly great. $1.00 27-Inch Black Tnffotu Silk, now a yard 69 Goc Fnncy Chock Silks, now a yard .JJ9tf SGc Dross and Walstlng Sllktf, now n yard 49(J 39c Silk Mulls for Dresses, now a yard 25 Prices cut away down on Swell Trimmed Hats Wo show a mngnlflcon. as-ortmont of Swell Trim mod Hats, FIoworB, Feather nntl everything that goes to mako a comploto mlUlnory dopartmont. Thu business wo do in mlUlnory 1b a wonder, ovon to oursolveH. Wo turn out moro trltnmod hats horo than In boiho big city stores and 'wo ought to whon you consldor tho careful atten tion wo givo our customers and tho small prices wo ask for our hats. The' Chicago Storo's MlUlnory Dopart mont Is becoming famous far and near. Wo will tiy hardod and hardor nil tho tlmo to mfirlt t,ho people's confldonco and patronage which hns made tho Chl cngo Storo alwnys grow. vz trr r 4W4 m it ' r, vr o-' Trimmed Hats $1.49, $1.98, $2.50, $2.95, &ai NOW. IS YOU TIMK TO ItUV. Dress Skirts Wo nluiw a beautiful naiort mont of Indies' up-to-dato Dross Sklrtft and wo soil thorn at very o'o!v prloos. Lots of saloa and llttlo profiU to our idea of busl no'!?. If you wnntAxtra good val uos in Drofts Skirts, oomo to the Chicago Store. Prices $1.95, $2.5ff, $2.95, $3.50 $4.50 and up SI'RCIAIj LOW 1MUCKS OX. Black Voil Skirts 100 bountiful Black Voll Dreas Skirts now on salo, priced away down to mako quick soiling. They aro tho rtewes creations, dlroct from tho manufacturers. Prlcos $1.95, $5.90, $7.50 and up 1 3 vrl$li IVIIA vv QUICK SKLMXG PHICIH OX FINK Dress Skirts, 100 Chiffon Panama Dresi Skirts now on sala. . Wo Just ro colvod thorn a few days ago. If you want a flno Dross Skirt you will bo pleaded with them. The colors nro black, navy, brown and fancy. Prlco-r- $4.50, $4.95, 5.90 and up HOOK HOTTOM PltlClCS OX White Skirts Corset Covers and Gowns Jillil ICc Corset Covers 25c $1,96 Whlto Skirts $1.25 8Ga Afuolln Gowns .10c 45o Drwori. iWo Childixju's 75o Gowns now only ,,., 30c DOMKSTIO SPKCIAT.S AT VKUY Low Prices Now yard " C Oc Fanry Divss !.?, s Now it'd ......... . . 7H Hst Sttiudtinl Calicoes Now yartl 5c 5c Muslim' and SluVtlngs tit mill prices, Ht'mnants of Calicoes and Ginghams at Half lrk-t. 12o Fancy Crctons q I Now yard . . . , QtQ Uargalns In Towels and Tabic. Linens IF YOU WANT TIIK LOWKST ' PRICKS OX EMBROIDERIES . . Ouiie. to tho CHICAGO STORK. Wo carry a great stock and can case you u any class or kind yon may want. 5,000 yards of Embrolderlos a'.l widths, nrlce yard 4c,6 l-4c. 8i-3c. 9c.,IOc. 12 !-2c ."500 yiu-dM of beautiful Corset Cov er Kuihroldrry, 20 Inches wide, now, V'1 , 23c , GREAT BARGAINS IX Summer Wash Goods 5,000 yards of Summer Wash GoodH now on sale. You can find In this great ussortmrnt ' k,,ul 'ou aro looking for and at small prices. 15c Fino Sheer India Linen Now yard 0i t53c Dotted Swiss Dress Goods Now yard i 15 jllt U5c Pei-slan Iawiis Now yard '. . . , .15 sal CHICAGO STORE qn The Store That Saves You Money BiilUT WJU5W 5i Thioj nro new ouu sellors. S5c Waists, no 1.50 WaUts, no J2.00 Waists. z. iH Mil wjX t Tyf m uwi nmyj n .iht rafcii " " i ii iHr i-i " ' t rt' r tf"4(MHR H-hMtttiJ i JtM1MB -fc f4i' -&