MOST "LUCKY" WANT AD. YOU HAVE EVER WRITTEN MAY BE YOUR NEXT ONE 1 )i f 1 l0ttmal -f i. sr - an 1 f k II nilii Mm DL. XVI II, ' SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY SO, 1008 ELVN no. in WITHDRAW Li i J ulJjwlfljwli 1 SUIT ORM LEAVES ONE HUNDRED DEAD TEN THOUSAND HOMELESS inch, is IASTED BY W.GALVANI WAV ENGINEER SENSATION IS SPRUNG BY BRYAN IN ELECTRIC OFFICIAL W CITY FATHERS THAT tlv IS HELD UP AND WITH. iVS ALL REQUESTS. hnvo been trying to Improve ly. wo havo spent onormoun money on our railroad ml our Improvements have ln tho vnluo of your property. re nil anxious for us to come. you pro holding us up at page of tho ganio Those who deal fairly with us have ovon lections cast upon thorn, Anil, fof all these facta, I now wish' Idrnw all requests for further es In your city." theBo words Chief Engineer of the Oregon Electric Rul!- ompany told tho city council kht whnt ho thought of their toward his company. Tho af tho committee recommend- the bill granting "franchises Jregon Electric Rnllrond corn- certain streots" bo not was about to bo voted upon, tho suggestion of CouncII- oltz that so mo of- tho officials 'company bo allowed to ad- iie council boforo tho bill was of, Qnlvanl mndo tho speech council Bat up and took not- Ivo been coming horo for four said Oalvanl, "nnd I havo with Individual momborB of iocll. Thoy all snia. you aro fou are not asking too much. aen we havo been blocked by schemes, Somo of you hnvo tiding uh up and objecting to jueBt vo hnvo made. I w? flgh street as nn entrance to y because It was tho proper tm the grado was Just wber in Tin T tnnc.1,A,l . !. and ho agreed with m fnchlso glvoa us all tho right H on High street; If you slven us tbnt right wo would fe come. Wo nrono&ed to rm n center of a system of I aMwny, but you will not rSomo of you are afraid that et enough room on Mill strtct our cars, we will hold up all Perty thoro " members of tho council took n'Mtud b on tho speech. tolvanl said that he "wlth- M requ sts for further fran- Councilman Groenbaum hn tho withdrawal of fur-ju'-ts" ))t accepted. Tho mo- l out of order as tho report mmltteo had to be voted on. nued on Page Three?) ASKS TAET'S HELP .as WILL TAKE -LAND FR0M RAILROADS TELEGRAPHS WAR SECRETARY FOR ASSISTANCE IN PASSINO RILL COMPELLING PURLICA TION OF CONTRHJUTIONS. WILL BEGIN SUIT JEROME v ; A BLOT -ON CITY l iWANTS TO G0NTR0L FORTUNE SPECIAL ATTORNEY COMING TO PORTLAND TO MAKE SOUTH KRN PACIFIC GIVE UP $!I,BOO,. 000 WORTH OF LAND. ailed to (United Prww Lenncd Wire.) Washington, Mny 2C Tho first big sensation of tho presidential campaign enmo today when William J. Bryan Bent a. tolegrnm to Win. II. Taft suggesting that they Join In urging congress to pass n bill mak ing compulsory tho publication of campaign contributions. This movo by Dryan Is looked up on as oho of groat wisdom by" the Democratic leaders who Bay lt'Bhows his Blncoro determination to conduct his campaign without tho aid of great corporato Influence. Tho Tnft men would not criticise Bryan's ac tion publicly but It Is understood they aro Inclined to look upon It ns a "play to tho gallorles." Bryan's message read as follows "Hon. William Howard Taft, Bcc-jtholr obligation. retary of War, Washington, D. C. I beg to suggest that ns the leading candidates of our respective parties, wo Join In asking congress to pas.3 tho bill requiring the publication of campaign contributions prior to elec tions, if you think best wo can nsk other candldatOB to unite with mb in tho request. (Signed) "W. J. BRYAN." Washington, May 20. Secretary Tnf-t today replied to William J. Bry an's telegram, suggesting that they unite in asking congress to pass a bill providing for the publication of campaign contributions, as follows "William J. Bryan. Your tole grnm received. On 'April 30 lqst, I sent the following letter to Senator Burrows, chairman of tho commltteo on privileges nnd elestlen: 'I sincoro lv believe Hint it would greatly tend (United Vtenn Lonied Wire.) WASHINGTON, May 20. B. D. Townsond, special attorney In the de DECLARES LAWYER RAILWAY ATTORNEY SAYS RIB TRICT ATTORNEY'S CORRUPT NES EQUALS THAT' OF AN ,C1ENT HOME. (United Pre Uai1 Wire.) .Ellsnbothtown, N, Y Mny 20.- 'No graver calamity could bofall the nartmont of lustlce. fitnrtrx! tmlnv' count v of New York than tlin rnn. for Portland, Or., to start legal pro-'tinunnce in office of District Attornoy William Travors Jerome, whoso cor ruptness Ib equpi to that of tho nn clent Roman courts," declared Attor noy Franklin Pierce today, who 1b j. 'prosecuting tho enso brought by Wm. coedlngB on bohalf of tho govern ment to take from tho Southern Pa cific railroad land In western Oregon, said to bo worth $3,G0O,000. Townsond will try to secure a de crco which will annul tho grant amr, F? "K1K In bohalf of tho minority rcstoro tho lnnds to the pnbllc do-, stockholders of tho Metropolitan mnln. Tho old Southern Pnclflc mil-1 Street Railway company, in asking road got possession of tho property,1 Governor Hughes to remove Jcromo many yeara ago on tho promlso that, horn office. it would Induco tho construction of "Few men in this country over had railroad lines. Although ronds were n bright prospscts ns did Joromc llllllt (tin irnvnrnmnnt nllnmoit tulll when hn nntnrn.l nfllnn no 11 Tlri-n churgo tho holders of the land grant i "Many believed ho would bocorao curry oui oiner pans or riwiueiu uj uuiivu oiuivs uui now it is the disgrnco of this city and i blot on tho name pf Justlco In this country. "He promlsod to follow tho trail of crime into tho office ot ho great LEFT TO NO IfliAVY WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT (United Tret Leased Wire.) London, May 20. It is annouueed J captains of finance if it should load lioro today to tho Burprlse of tight .him there, but Instoad vyo find him fans that thoro will bo no Burns- on termB oi friendship with tho men Johnson .fight for tho henvwelgbt (of wealth against whom ovldenco has cnnmpionsiup anil that BurnB will .been placed In bis hands but against meet Lang, tho much touted Aus tralian fighter. Tommy BurnB, who has been beat ing all corners in England and Ire land and ha established himself na whom ho has novor ncted. Ito ha? served as tho protector of tho crim inals and not ns the public prosecu tor. When it was shown to him that tho Metropolitan Street Railway tho king of heavywelghtB now In tho company had officers of ovory court ring, 1b tho Idol of tho followers of n New York county on Its pny rolls, hn did nothing. Ho lino tho mout tfm Ttinnli. nf linpn Atlrl titt. rt ..iltlm I tu ,iiM.j tt, v iv v u iiiv uvu null Johnson was expected to be n great event. Tho trouble Is said to have beon caused by tho failure of Jack Curley, tho Chicago promoter, to provide tho toward the absence of corruption money guarantee demanded by from politics If all the expenditures Burns before ho would meet the bl for tile nominations and elections of negro. all candidates and nil contributions Burns told his friends here today received nnd expenditures inndo by t that ho lias decided positively to go political committees could be made, to 'Australia and that tho Johnson public, blth In respect to stnto and fight Is off. Lung's manag&nt have national politics. For that reason I bon ofttr Burns for some time ajid, strongly favor the passage of tho though figures aro not given out, it bill now pending In the sennto nnd.h understood tho champion has a the houso of representatives which ( financial proposition that pierces him. would uring aooui mis. reBuu ns tar as national politics are concerned. " 'I mark this letter personal be cause I nro anxious to avoid assum ing an attitude in connection with; Pope Praises Roosevelt, fl'nllert I'rewi Leaned Wire. Rome, May 20. Pope Plus todny oxpressod his ndmlrntlon for I'rl- profund rospect for wealth and pow er of any man I havo over known. "Tho continuance of such n mnn In offico juim bring untold evil upon the community and upon tho coun try. He hns not only failed to do his duty but ho hnB worked ngnlnst the Interests of tho people whom ho has sworn to protect and wo now And him throwing with th eons head of tho traction combination, against whom ohargos liuvo beon made before him, and ho braronly tells us here that hn iIooh not regret it." fl husband being declared in. sane, evelyn nesiht thaw would Handle millions in herited RY HIM. (United I'rcM I.enied Wire.) New York, Mny 20, Counsel for Evelyn Noftblt Thaw appeared boforo Reforeo Deyo today and applied for a vrltlidrnwnl of her suit to nunpl.her mnrrlago to Harry K. Thaw, who yesterday was adjudged Insano by Jintlco Morschausor at Poughkeep, slo. The counsel gavo no reason for their sudden change of attitude, but it Ib reported horo that it is a step toward an offort on tho part of Eve lyn to gain control of Thaw's estHto. With tho withdrawal of her milt she remnlnB tho wife of an insnno mnn nnd It Is roported that hor coun- sol nre prppnrlng to bring an action In an nttompt to hnvo ho rappolntcd a commltteo to tnko chnrgo of his psrson nnd proporty. In this way, It is said, her counsel hopo to gain control for her of all of Hurry's sliRrq of tho cBtnto of tho lato William Thaw of Pittsburg, who wbb a multimillionaire. It is understood that Mrs. William Thaw is hurrylhg to New York to confer with hor counsel horo and try to provont the success of such a step by her dnughtor-In-law. One of tho attorneys for tho Thaw ostato aald today that It Is so closoly held under tho will of Thaw by tho trutooB that It would bo impossible for Evolyn to get any largo amount. Tho Thaw counsel already aro pre paring to opposo a motion to hhvu Evelyn appointed na a commltteo on tho ground thnt aho Ib not a suitable porson for Mich a duty. o RIG BATTLESHIP IN llljll.l' Ml l, , .rtVV HORRORS IN TEXAS INGREASE $25,000.00(1 LOSS FLOORS GETTING WORSE RIV ERS STILL RISING RECOVER ING ROR1ES TRINITY RIVKR: EXCEEDS PREVIOUS IWCORD.. -i, (United I'rrsa I.enccd Wire.) Dnlla, Tex., May 26. Ah tH hours pxiis tho horrors of the Heode throughout this section Increase H now It Ib bollcvcd that wHen tho completc Hats of tho dead at lentlth: aro compiled it will bo uhow that at least ono hundred lives have be lost. It Is cHtlmated that 10,00' psoplo are homelesi having bn, driven from their homes by the ragg ing waters.' Tho property loss la estimated to he at least 125,000,000 over the en tire stricken district, At noon today H bodies have been, recovered in this city and vicinity.. Hundreds aro miming aad uu Re counted .or by their relatives who havo been searching in boats and It nil tho places of re tug without sMe co fi. Thq Trinity river has surpassed K records, La?t night it wae Vellevetf that tho crest of thf flood had beet-, rtached here but more ralRs Ut tk north havo sont the wetet down wRk incroasod fury and today tho Hoot wero greater than yesterday Mud continually Increasing. MORE RAILROADS FOR TUIH HTATR (United Pre !,med Wire,) Portland, Or., May 2(5. CoHstrwr tlon of tho Wallowa extension or ttm "Hnrrlmnn roadr will start Immedi ately, making nn oggrcgato of isr miles of now tracks being laid In Or egon this Bprlng. Work Is being doriw on tho following Jlnos; Umatilla Ct7trAl,t15 mlJB,liuoiior- ltfnl.u1 ff nA. ,fl-A I ....... r.. . ... i.ruicu mr. I..I. rnmilun V T 1nv nit rrl.o l.( "lion. bnUkfchlp Mlohlgnn, tho newest typo1 tlva:0 Hallroad , company, u of American wnr vessels was launch- ng dice fo Mho drink.'? t0',By nt U.,e No Y?rk rnZVilnZl: of Thomas F. Ryan,,n "ny, rd. hero In th JJJJJ r,ver' 71 ,nnpa now "t,,nK tmMinn .mi.i.i presence of n largo crowd nnd many ' """... OANS SAYS HE WILL WIN EASILY (United I're.s Leaded Wlr.) Chicago, May 20. Joe Uans drop ped lato town to'lay and indulged In little, gmslp that mndo tho local fan sit up and take notice. The gist of his talk was that "Battllnc" Nol- tho cominit nresldentlal camnalgn.iuent noosevoit for uie fearless ngut which it Is quite poislblo I shall nev-(ho Is waging against alleged preda or have the right to nssumo, but 80(tory wealth In America and ileelnrod far as my personal Inlluenco Is con- that tho pooplo of tho United Stnt crned I am anxious to give It in be- should appreciate his efforts In bls ion will be a "hus been" at tho um! half of the passage of tho bill.' regard. of 4he fifteenth round of their com- "Since wrltlnc the above letter In1 The occasion of this brief addroes,ng battle at Colma. Just outside of AV WILL Innswer to inoulrles. I have said nub-'waB tho visit of Brooklyn and Nowlsan Francisco, on July . Tho ool- AVENGE KILLING llcly that I hope suoh a bill would bo York pilgrims to the vntlcan. The'ored lightweight says the Dane will miles under construction. ' Rlpnrln Lowletan ?xTeiiBlon nlongt com- RolMillilIng msji lino of o. It. & N. 23 miles. pgtam Wash.. Mnv 2C. Ac- to (ho reports from several -h neso now employed by tho kr-.orlcan fUhorles lu Belllng- Fi Lew, a San Francisco if. Is nntl' In ll. l.. n.1 la ..w ,u no uhj SUU i 3r U Wlug Wab, tho China- '"cently killed a Chinese ae Sunms detention hospital fPlongs to ono of the most Pan Francisco tongs, and Is working In tho restricted lth the Intention of doins vtaa bodily harm as toon HWrtunlty asTorda. parsed. (Signed) "WM. H. TAFT." manifested a deep Interest in Indus- SUICIDE AFTER VISION trial ana political conditions in mo OF FATHER IN RRIMSTONE United States by asking many que Chicago, May 20. Miss Florenra tlons concerning tbem. A. Ferrlan, 20 years, pretty and fol-j "I admire your President for hU lower of a fanatic religion known as persistency and consistency in flgh "Parhamltes," after seeing visions ot(lng those In America who are seek her father writhing In a sea of brim- Ing to amnt.8 wealth by means that stone and falling in an effort to per-' appear to be unjust," said tho popo, suade him to abandon the strange in addressing tho pilgrims, cult, killed herself by drinking wood "I also admlrte tho American Pres- alcohol and then Jumping In Lake Jdent for his respectful attitude to Michigan. popo recolved them and chattod with hook eo easy to him that ho will hato his visitors for several minutes. Ho, to take tho money. Approve .Mnliton Hunk, (United rr Levied Wire.) Washington, May 26. Tho npp'l cation of A. T. Carlson, J. C, Bander, William Lo May, T. W. Howell a'nd S. P. Flower to organize tho First Natlonnl bank of Mabton, Wash , with 125.000 capital, was today ap proved by tho controller of tho cur rency. Tho KIrt National bany of Harris burg, Or., has been authorized to be- wards the Roman Catholic church." gin business with $25,000 capital. officials of tho navy. Miss Carol Barnes Newberry.. daughter of the nBsistnnt secretary of ll i tho navy, mado a beautiful picture '"ltg', Vo Jvt,w ni she christened tho great ship,' Gner und Capped aft at concur amid the ohtors of the crowd and tho ' t"llJht. Unlvorfilty chnpql. waving of countless flnga. I , o The Vleblrnn Is tho first Amsrlca't' HtnH Ij,rK"t Clock. h!p a? tho "all.blg.gun" typo. Hor' (United I'reM .med Wlr. firing capacity Is grontor than that ' Now York' Mfty 20 Whon Mayor of any ship herotoforo built In thin w'tl'en ot Jorsey Olty prctwed a tlnj country. Thqro nro no small guns In ' but!oM he 80t ,n n"'on mechau hpr Imttorlos and her construction ,8m of ,no 'n81 cloc ,n ho worlf marks the first attempt In America I ,ocn,od on toI' Cdcnlo ft CMiti to floaa ship boarlng a many largo ,,nny'8 'nc,0'y O" the rlvir front of. calibre guus us her displacement will I lho ,aUor clt'' permit. As tno K,nnt minute hand began to Tho'longth of the Mlohlgnn on tho ",ovo u,e ,,oat" " u, r,v0' Bna tl,0f load water linols 450 feet and th.faoloroB .on ,UM, 0,nert " tt choruw extreme brondth Is 82 feet 2 lnolww.lof w,J,flc- Tho dial or the clock is vlsiblo for miles along tho Hud son rlvur. It Is 38 fc-ot In dhunoter,, HffillWAVsrAV rnriTM w' " nrea or uiii squnro reel HOLD ROHHERV Tn0 ni,mito bni"l I" 20 feet long an Spokano, Wash., May 2(5, After-wc,hs a tl,,rd of a ton ftnd th bslng tied to a tree In n gulch, thrco w0,Bht ot lh ont,ro c,ock ,B e,0B tf miles from Spokano, James Dragoo,B,x on8- "e! oluctrlo bulbs marie a rural mall driver, was robbed ot the ,l0Ur t P'6ht Rn wo "' $08 of his own-money and $C0 b0-1 nIlcttnomlnuo spaces, longing to tho government by a o niaskod highwayman. Tho robber Mi-mlo Hkjc , then boarded n streetcar nod rodo in J Edna Browning and other Arc to the city. j singers nt University chapel toKht, Hor displacement Is 10,000 tons. On