Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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v L.IT9S iluiiiuci v.oiy iii ui: uasi ruuige;
With Possibilities df Becoming a Fruit
Section and Summer Resort
(Editorial Comnpondcncc by E. Hofor, President WlKaiticftc Valley
Development League)
frails City held tlio llrt Booster ntid Development meeting nt the op
cr hoiiso last Monday, and will lion- gather facts of production and
preiare advertising matte for a publicity cnmnnigil.
On May 23 there will bo a big Woodmen of the World convention
held here, with an all-day nrocrratn. nri7.cn and narade. mihlln nnenk.
lng, grand bhll and picnic.
Fourth of July will be celebrated on a fine scale and with nil the
usual amusement features of nn Independence Day celebration.
TlHiro Is going, to bo the biggest oil discovery made lit the vicinity of
Palls City sonic day In tho history of the Pnqlflc Coast. Walking over
the hills It has all tho appearance of the West Virginia oil region. The
soM Is so full of oil It oils your shoes and leaves grease stains on your
Tito Salem, Falls City and Western railroad, which docsnt start nt
Salein nor stop at Falls City, is doing a fine business, hauling tralnloiuls
of loss dally to Dallas and New hers. It Is belne etcndeil info (ho
limner as fast as new camps are opened.
It was n revelation to tho under
signed to go to Falls City this week
and spend a few days In its clear
mountain air, beside Its clear moun
tain stream, tho Little Luckiamiito,
and realize tho remarknblo growth
mndo by that Ilttlo gom of Oregon
cities In tho pnat few years. It is
a question It it docs not hold 'tho
bolt for having mndo tho most rapid
growth of nny town In tho state. It
is II. h. Gorllncer and SonB's town.
and tho projector of tho Salem, Dal
las, Falls City and Western rail
road has a warm plnco In the hearts
of tho peoplo here. Tho object of
this visit was to hold n GREAT de
velopment meeting, and the opera
hills fairly bubbling with springs
and musical with tinkling and mur
muring rivulets. One orchnrd we
visited was Olon Alder fruit fnrm,
owned by Miss Collins, for many
years a school teacher, but who has
becomo an onthmslnstle orchardlst.
Sho has bul't a big cozy mountain
homo for hersolf and her sisters and
father and mother. Judco Collins
and wlfo of Dallas, when tho Judg
gets ready to retire from Inw nrac-
Met Some SalemlU-s.
Dr. W. H. Decker of Salem 1ms lo
cated hero nnd hns a good practice.
I found two old Journal ofllce em-
running a branch store jvt Black
Rock. His head mert and chief
lieutenants are Walter F. Nichols
and Frank Luckey at Fo11b City and
Henry Hall at Black Rock. Mr.
Toozo Is also president of tho Com
mercial club and Is putting tho town
on tho 'innp.
There Are Others.
It would take a column of a news
paper to mention tho other boosters
nnd live men Tvho havo made Falls
City the bustling, buzzing place it
is, and it can nil be summed up by
Baying tho placo has great material
for making a fruit shipping center,
has splendid attractions as a health
and summer resort, many coming
hero now nnd camping and fishing
and hunting nro of the finest. The
city has a bank nnd a newspaper, a
skating rink; and a band Is being
organlred. which I hono will bo
ready to play a tune tho next -time
wo hold a development convontlon
ithero. One of tho founders of the
town Is F. K. Hubbard, who Is now
running a big dairy business nnd
supplying pure lacteal fluid for the
babies that seem to thrive on it.
CJ. Pugh established tho mutual
telephone system, which will soon
be extending to the mountain ranch
es In all directions. A drive lntd
tho mountains will surprlso anyone
who has no idea of their rhjljneas
and productiveness. Every ncro will
grow fruits, small and large,' veg
etables, grains and grasses, has wa
tor all over it and under it, nnd
fine houses nre being built along
tho roads, dairying Is extending,
chickens nnd pig are multiplying,
and the mnlls nro being extontlcdl
Two SnmploM of Hustlers.
T. D. Hollowell has about a quar
ter of an ncro on the Bide of a hill
so steep that little children havo ac
tually got Btartcd and rolled clear
Into tho Btrcot below when tnoir
mother JiiBt let go of their hands
for a moment, nnd took seven or
eight hundred dollars worth of hor
des off each year. Mr. Hollowell
understands the principles of soil
tlrnlnagc, nlr drainage, heat radia
tion nnd n lot of things not taught
In nny agricultural collego, and best
of nil he shows tho products, and
what every aero of these hills Is
capable of. Another snmplo of what
nn ordinary mnn can do herci 1b
shown by Mr. J. Florv, nn old boy
who floated out hero from Mlsscmrl
four years ago, $52 worth less than
nothing. He io what tho preachers
IAHav Yrniv knvr -! v.-
TTMC" Jv ""J Ju sec more tk
you bargain for It's heavier in
vour stomach than oh ft ..i
v UAV belies
Lard is a foe to digestion." If you
had the stomach of an ostrich you could
hardly withstand the ravages of lard
soaked pastry. You have probably
found this out and already given up the
eating of pastry. 'Tis wholly unneces
sary! Anyone can eat and digest food
cooked with COTTOLENB, the perfect
shortening. It is a pure vegetable
product, made from the best beef suet
and choicest vegetable oil.
When you buy lard you have no pro-
tection as to quality-you sinJ i
you are getting lWJS
iuc grade, it's just lrh&S rC
other Jiand,every pail of COTTOI
in uniform the producr L. $
You take no chances whatever H
In the face of these facts w i
yourself if you can afford to 1 W
when you can rret nure Se
healthful, nutritious
Cbttolene is Guaranteed
!LnnKr ' S!!:ro," fJT In, but the last few years has.be
connected up with Salem people. C.
L. Starr, now secretary of tho Btnto
normal schools, hns Jieon tho llvo
newspaper man ot tho town, and ono
of his brothers hero Is on tho school
board. It has run In tho blood of
the Starr family to havo more or
loss to do with school matters for
several generations.
Has a Fine School,
Falls City has a ton-grndo school
conducted bv F. S. Crowley, Demo
cratic candldnto for county clerk.
Thero nro flvo tcachors, and a branch
bcIjooI at Black Hock, the upper
lumber enmp, with two toachors.
Tho school bonrd aro Ira Morllng,
secretary of tho Commercial club,
0. M. Tlce. chairman, Walter Wil
liams nnd II. E. Starr. This board
aro not nfrald to pun n good school
and employ bright nnd capablo
teachors and pay them good wages.
raus uuy nns no full quota of
churches, and good mnyor nnd
city council, nt the head of which
stands Samuel Tothorow. They nro
nennng wun such problems as city
water supply, restraining cows from
running nt Inrgo and other soul-Btlr-
ring matter?, moe or lesB to tho sat
isfaction of thomsolvos nnd tho rest
of tho community,
tllriVDn. Alvltl TJnivmnn fni-iiinH
.." .... V... . i . '.. ....... WV... .!,..., lUllilUI
ijuuhu was wen iuiou to standing pressman, nnd Billy McAdams, who
room with tho brightest and best sold papers for mo whon he was a
people of FallB City, of cairso, nnd kd. Among the peoplo nt tho boost
as a mark of tho way the people 'or mooting was Row Rounds, of tho
ovor there take hold of anything of, first M. E. church. I met Mr.
XI nillilln rnnrnpJoc T nnclif tn mnii.n........ ,...,,... . , ... .. .
tlon that nl I tho store ,To.cd. tho : ''V ,r' uld call a Ilttlo bit of a sport,
saloon mon locked their doors otiJ n,.,U- iT-- .Jl. "'' "' f1"" tn0 nrat two years saved noth
tho town wns dry for ono hour at
least, tho okntlng rink closed up,
tho city council ndjourned, and all
gave up their tlmo and busluoss In
an effort to do Justlco to the cnuso
of promotion nnd publicity. Tho
natural beauty nnd ndvnntnges of
tho plnco aro great. Bcsldos an al-
moBt Inexhaustible tlmbor sunnly.
,- . ,. , . . ---
I vxnni Keeps trpm tnrco to nvo logging
camps u.mntng, as many sawmuia
going, and a largo pinning and ro
SAwIng mill In tho city Itself, the
railroad Is being extended into tho
coast range moro nnd more. Tho
locnl manager of this manufacturing
plant Is W. T. Grlor, n regular enp
taln of Industry, who nlso manages
tho Falls City sales agency for tho
rest of tho mills In tho mountains,
a distributing business thnt amounts
to millions of feet annually.
Tho Fruit IndtiRtiy.
Pooplo aro coming slowly to ro
nllzo tho fnct, thnt the ontiro foot
hill country from Dnljns west nnd
southwest, and especially about
Falls City, is just nj flno fruit sec
tion ns Hood River. Annual pro
ductions nnd shlpmonta aro Increas
ing, nnd hundreds of ncros .nro go
lag Into orchards whoro tho eolld
est apples, thnt for high color, flav
or and shipping quality nro going
to bo world renowned, nro produced
.plentifully nnd profitably. Thoio
lands nre Btlll to bo had for a song.
I urged tho peoplo at tho develop
ment mooting to got up tho facts of
production for tho pnst year or two
not only ns to npplcs but small fruits
and veg 'tnblos and other crop. Tho
soil hor In tho valley and on tho
tops le of tho rod volcanic ash va
riety Inn great depth, and Is un
,derlnll with. Mo veins of wnter, tho
Wc hereby authorize your
grocer to "refund your money
In case you're not pleased after having given COTTOUJNE a fair test.
Never Sold in Bulk cottomjne is packed in pails
; '' ; ' with a patent fair-tight top, to
keep it clean, fresh and wholesome; also to prevent it from ab
sorbing the disagreeable odors of the grocery, such as fish, oil, etc.
Cook Book Free w 6Un11 te slad to ecnd ny Uouse-
1 '' wife, for a twoccnt stamp, our new
"PURF. FOOD COOK I100K," edited nnd complied by Mrs. Mary
J. Lincoln, author of the famous "Boston Cook Hook.' Address
sSmmmmmf ''
Nature's Gift from the Sunny Sotii
The Cold
of Today
The Pneumonia
of Tomorrow
A large proportion of cases
of Pneumonia ore directly due
to neglected colds. That is
why you want to cure your
cold today.
has been successful in relieving
and curing Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Hoarseness, Inflammation of
th Lungs, and similar ailments for
77 years. It is likewise a splendid
remedy for Croup and Whooping
Cough, and very effective in reliev
ing the attacks of Asthma.
Sold by all druggists, in three
alxe bottle, $1.00, 50c, and 25. ,
farae'e Teak VejmlNlgU a reliable
eUkken a safe Worm Cure.
Tho IlctiuUfitl FallH.
Tho beautiful waterfall nt Fnlls
City of nbout CO foot Is owned by
W. 13. Newsomo of Portlnnd, who
hns converted pnrt of tho power Into
electric current for lighting tho city,
Tho scenic beauty of tho falls at
trncts peoplo from fnr nnd nenr. Tho
canyon Is overhung with firs and
aldors, hawthorne and eyringns, and
othor flowering Bhrubs, and has
groat scenic benutv that should bo
presorved. It will always bo ono
of tho grentest drnwlng cards of this
cltv to have theso fnlls nnd the nnt.
! u"nl beauty of this canyon preserved.
I Tho city should look nfter thh and
pnss nn ordlnnnco forbidding tho
cutting down of tho treos nnd pro
vld" for keeping tho hnnk? green
nnd pnrkllke. If this Is not done
tho commercial greed of man- will
rob them of every last vest'ge of
beauty, and tho canyon will become
tho dumping ground of tho city, a
nuisance and unsightly rubbish honp
Instend of n drnwlng rnrd for tho
class of peoplo who love nnturo's
nenuuei and havo monov to spond
visiting such resorts n3 Falls City
can bo made to become.
Has Kino UotcR
Fnllp Cltv hos two flno hotels,
either of which would bo n credit to
Splom. They do n lnrge business
with homestendoH, timbermen, and
tourists, and traveling mon, who nil
l'k Fnlls Cltv for Its hotels. The
Tnvorn is conducted by II. Fugltt
nnd family, a California hotel man
Hid real Mtnt booster who enme
hero n year no. Tho Walker is mm
by Col. Mntthew nnd Moss Wollcor
who came fom Lebnnou, both ex
perienced men In catering to the
public, nnd the Inner probnblv the
finest chef la Oregon, n n dinner
wo enjoyed thero wns equal to any
thing tho city of Portlnnd jnn pro
duce, A Woodhnrn Hooster,
Walter I,. Toozo enmo hero from
Woodburn a year ngo, nnd bought
out F, A, Lucas, tho pioneer mer
chant nnd tlmbermnn. who Is now
retired from active mercantile op
erations, but ho cortainV, know how
to build u a trade with the logging
camps, thnt are supplied from here
for mi'es around. Mr. Tcozo hns
extended the trade, untM he does n
large bus'ness buying the product?
of the valley for mile? below nivl
thon. fMstclbuteg tnen, to the luro
ber nnd logging camps for miles
above, employing U peop'e, and
come moro thrifty nnd hns picked
up two houses, sovornl lots nnd Is
easily worth $2500 and then some.
Ho hns Just chorod around and gar
doned a little. County Commission
er J. B. Teal lives near here. Ho
has a flno family of sons nnd daugh
ters, has n great big goat ranch, lots
of timber lands, flHh ponds, believes
In good Toads nnd bridges, and Is
In for giving Polk county a good
progressive business ndlmlstratlon.
Hut I nm coming bnck some of theso
days and give Falls City n real
UllfouHiiess and Constipation.
For years I was trobulcd with bil
iousness nnd constipation, which
mndo llfo mlscrnblo for me. My
nppotlto fnllod me. I lost my usual
force and vitality. Pepsin prepara
tions nnd cnthnrtlcs only mndo mnt
tors worse I do not know whoro I
should hnvo been today hnd I not
tried Chnmberlnln's Stomnch nnd
LIvor TahlotB. Tho tablets relieve
tho 111 feeling nt once, strengthen
tho dlgestlvo functions, purify the
stomach, llvor and blood, helping
tho system to do its work naturally.
Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham,
Ala. These tnbletB nro for snlo by
Dr. Stono's drug store.
For a burn or scald apply Cham
berlain's Salve. It will allay tho
naln nlmost instantly nnd quickly
heal tho Injured pnrts. For sale by
Dr. Stono's drugstore.
"" o
Xnv Corporations,
Alluvial Land Compnny Prino'
pal olllco. Salem, Oregon; rnpitnl
stock, $5000: Incorporators, M. L.
Jones, Conrad Krobs, Leonard Krobs
and M. Krehs.
D. W. Mellion & Co. Prlnclnnl
ofllco, Oregon City, Oregon; capltnl
stock, $15,000; lncomorntors, E. W.
Melllen, Wm, M, Smith and O. W.
O'endora Hotel Company Princi
pal ofllce, Portland, Oregon; cnpltnl
Htock, $5000; incorporntors. W W.
Snvagn, C. M, Ponnell and Janet
Phln Hockott.
Phoenix MfK Co. Principal of
fice. PorMaud, Oregen: rnpltai stock,
S5000; Inrornorators, Edwin .1,
Stephens, W, J, Hoog nnd Frank H.
Central Orecon Tnwimlto Com-
)pany Principal ofllce, Portlnnd, Or-
fgon; capital stock. $2,000,000; in
corporators. Mark W. Gill. Geo, C.
Mason nnd W. II. Grlndstaff.
Hester Manufacturing Comnany
Principal office, Porelnnd, OreRon;
cnnltnl stock. $50,000; incorporators,
Georco C. Hester, Arthur L. Veazie
and Ralph A. Conn.
II I I I I I i H-H 1 1 ( IIKWtH
t White House Restaurant
For a Regular
I 25c Dinner at20c
They can't bo beat
McGilchrist & Son
flnll and (pv tliam 1aat.
16c. Board per week $2. 71,
also furnished rooms verj
iiueiiiii i inn in i hi 1 1
Rcbtnurnnt and hotel, on
! European plan. Meals at all
; hours on short order. Regular
; dlnnor 25 conts, Thirty now
! ly finished furnished rooms,
! E. ECKERLEN, Prqp.
! 148 Commercial 8t.
4 6 11 I I I t-t I 8 I I I I S I I 8 IM-H-
Heatnes! Cannot bo Cured,
by locnl applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portions of the
ear. There 'a only ono way to cure
denfnes and that Is by constitution
al remedies. Deafness is caused by
nn Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of th Eu'tachian Tube When
this tube Is Inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely c'osed,
deafness Is tho result, and unless the
inflnmatlon can be taken out and
this tube restored to Its normal con
dition, honrlng will be destroyed
forever; nine cnes out of ten aro
caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of tho
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of deafness (caused
by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars freo. F. J, CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo. O.
i Sald. by druggets,. 75c. 4
Tako Hall's Family Pills' for constipation.
Cor Seventh nnd Stark Sts.
Portland's New and Modern
Hotel. Rates $ I per day and
up. European plan.' Free Bus.
4 7MaA95i
240-246 Commercial St. i
Special goods values, cannot bo duplicated olsowhere.
$.25, $,()(, 75c
White Parasols $.65, $.50,
. A grcnt variety every ono a bargain
Long SilfcGfoves $1.25
Extra heavy silk, doublo tipped Angers, $2.00 values.
Corsot cover embroidery, yard , 2&
Ladles' sleovoloss vosts, Bpeolal valtu", wich 1W
Men's GOc light weight underwear, a garment aM
Ladles wash bolts, only JB
Laco Curtains, $2.00 n pair, 81.(15 a pnlr, $1.00 a pair.
Wo havo thorn from 4Bc a pnlr up, every pnjr a bargain.
Tablecloth, whlto or red, yard ,..,.i
Whlto India LIn6n, from. 8dJM
15c Figured Lnwns, yard 1M
Best as'ortmont In this city. F'owers, foliage, M
Hnts and shapes.
Is a gentleman's resort you not only And gentlemen In frost el
tho bnr but behind tho bar.
F. P. TALKINGTON, Proprietor
H.'s long experience In tho business hns taught him that It PJ
to buy only tho best.
Tolenhono. 177. 356SUU&
" '"W
A freBh and complete stock.
Also carry a flno lino of con
fectionary goods. Serve lunches
and soft drinks.
I know what tho peoplo want
nnd how to buy. Will carry a
select lino of tho most popu
lar brandj now In usq and As
sure all tho very best treat
ment In quality and prlco of
goods. Come In. Let's get
Cor. 14th and Oak Sts.
Wm0TT if mm I itw
jJ m m f I mum AS
11 T w I
I --LJ. -
Ti . I MiJllVi
i L
PC) TO f W
a tmmmmm'fwnmmW
Now under new mnnngement
Complete line of fresh and up-to-dato
bakers goods delivered
to all parts of the city freo.
We are proud of our party
and wedding cakes, delivered
on short notice. Give us a
trial is all wo nsk.
Store corher Twelfth and Che
meketa Sts. Phone Main 961,
of tb
X .... . ... . ... l noo of S0B6
uoirc reaa mis unless you aro n -- bars'8-
ll.l . .-- i . 1. .mlHM Ifh I It " "
anicies, una wisn to save money uy uiib ,Kslte5i'
W TIfl1 Mo,.l, on i .! ntnlra rnom for neff 500u '
jmt . i.VII .lilt, VII OV, IJJ UIUC1 IU ..n..w
S will bo offered at greatly reduced prices.
Those are all of standard make ana go " . &!
rr,V 9JJJ
9 Ono new 3-Inch wagon, complete
my uutj iscw DUKHJi Ucsl uumc
x Oin new buggy, be3t make
Z Ono new runnhnnt
One new disc harrow
W. On a nan nir .ini -...
Ono new Biickeve binder
m. One n w Buckeye mower
m Ona new Buckeye rake, .,....
m One new Dnvls cream separator Vtliiiair..
1 Qua new H-lnch Rock Island Clipper stee plow..
.... x.ij niinnar Sieei wi"""
uno new la-mcn uock iuuu '-' -;,, ni0vf.,
One new 10-inch Rock Island uhpf' - livv
r . . . n-1.1 vnfOCa ' ( An
: uno new nnnumaae iibuv caij. i- .n.
r Hno now hnnrimnrin llcllt fiXDreSS .. V .v. it ft iuA
I Also second-hand 'cultivator, wyBOd3bw f
f Single-trees, double-trees, neck-yokes, a
ni a au per ceni reuuu. .th 0f painis,
; nlshes and stains will be put on "Jf implement "t
t win nion roil nn commission any "
a ..... ....v. --.- - -- , nf onv iu . et i
which you may -wish to dispose , - , lrm -
ivmicr " ait "
9 00
S0. !
1T. J
TJ.5 i
155-M ;
I' if