DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1008 . . - - HOW ONE TOWN SECURED BIG FACTORY lie drawing when each perBon will learn for the first time which lot ho or she 1b to cot. At the- draw tho board of trade, ns tho latter have become satisfied that tho presence of Btiloons retards Instead of aids the Each lot In the new addition will bo well Bltnutcd, so it will be Impos sible for any Just complaints to bo ninde. Tin' lot contracts call for twenty-five dollars down with the ' 'signing of the contract, and fifteen (Prom tho Perry, la., Chief.) i ! dollars monthly after that. If the Ton dollars for each man, woman lot Is paid for. with one payment tho and child won tho gift of a live little price Is reduced to one hundred jlty on the White Womnn river In ' rand ninety dollars. The day all Ohla, made last month to one of the business was suspended Boven hun jjrentost manufacturing concorns of dred lots were sold tho contracts 'Chicago. amounting to ono hundred and for '' Coshocton, Ohio, a town of nbout ty thousand dollars, almost one tsn thousand people, performed tho third of which wns paid In caBh. Herculean task of prevailing upon Within two weeks tho nlno hundred Inir the Mirno nrnmliimn will bo num. coming of factories, and It Is predlc- jbered and treated as single lots. I ted that within two years this will bo another city nddod to tho rapid ly growing list of dry townB. CoBhcocton, Ohio, April 7th U. M. H. o tho great Clow ulant to movo to that lots were Hold thus raising tho mon d0wn Instead of Birmingham, Ala. ey to pay for the entire tract for CoBhocton Is u qulot, but nctlvo and tho slto and. to, pay tho ono hun tfptorprlslng town, -'favored With' fired thousand dollars bonus. The many beautiful homes nnd modorn board of trade has an Iron clad con- ImprovemcntH, but Its streets havo tract with tho Clow poople. whorffi Hot ns yet bCon introduced to the by the lntter aro to omploy novo lcctrlc cars. To paB9 down Its less thnn one thousand mon nnd wtrects and moot Its scores of good their pay roll 1b to bo not Icbb natured bimlnesa mon, to breathe the than two thousand dollars for n atraosphoro of hnrmony which Is period of thirty years. If at any tjVldcnt here, ono would not havo tlmo within that thirty years they Kdspected today that 'tho Btnoko had fall to meet theso requirements on Juet cleared away from one of tho the part of Coshcocton, the property xdost unique battle of c!yo prlclo with It Improvement Is to pnsil ever recorded," or ""that ono of tho back to tho board of trade. How- reateHt achievements In business over, a Iopbo on tho part of such ilratOKV evor accomplished had beon a world famed concorn ns tho Clows . -- . RUSSIANS ATTACKING PERSIA pnfuimatcd, yet bucIi was the case. flho whole ufTnlr Is but an Illustra tion of how great things a little city or town may do when all pull to jthor. On March first tho Coshocton pu jmrti announced that It was possible tbr that city Jo hOciiio tho eonHoll rintcrt plnntB of the great Clow Hya Is scarcely within tho range of hu Imnn ponelblllty. They will begin tho erection of their buildings 1m mediately. Tho largest one Is to bo five hundrod feot wide nnd moro thnn eight hundred feet long, nnd they will huvo perhaps a scoro moro of other buildings. This method of raising money wns W v.A . OF OHIO. (United PresB Leuttcd Wire.l Vlennn, April 27". Torrlflc .ficht- lng Is reported on the shah's side of the ItUBflo-PorsIan frontier. Tho en- tiro population of the mountain re gion south of tho Arns river Is rising against tho Russian force now about ir00 strong sent Into their country, to punish tho Kurds for rnldlng tho czar's territories. The coHsacks continue to hold their own but their position, accord ing t6 advices from St. Petersburg Is critical. The nvnllnblo Russian mili tary forces within ensy marching dis tance aro also exhausted and tho body now In tho flold will havo to fight It out nlono if It Is to escnpo annihilation. Tho Cossack force, with its ma rhlno guns, has boen bnttorlng down the enomloB villlngoB and Inflicting heavy Iobh of llfo on their bands, but or .Is fairly overwhelmed by sheer num- born and unable to fight to advan tage In the rocky, broken countrv where tho mnuntnluoern,1 nlniost equally woll armed nnd disciplined, are perfectly nt homo. Tho continued intuBlng of Turk ish .troops along the Hiiltnn'H hair of tho southern boundnry or tho Can on huh greatly nddn to 9t. PoterH burg's npprohonslons. Though It Is said In St. Peters burg that the Grand Duko Nicholas Nlchollnovlti'h's departure for the flouth Is merely on personal buslnoBB, thero Ih little doubt that he Is to take charge of the situation In the Caucasus. SUSTAINS (Continued from pago one.) hausen, In which Fulton was accused of attomptlrig to bribe him, was a Ho. .fudge Burnett this morning hold that the affidavit was not on a "point material to the enso" and, therefore, perjury could not havo boon com mitted by Smith, nnd Fulton'B re marks regarding tho affidavit made no difference. , Attorney L. H, McMahon, repre senting Smith, stated this morning that whllo tho decision practically ends the suit, ho does not intond to give up until ho hns thoroughly In vestigated and If ho finds that It is possible to provo the suit on difforont grounds, an nmended complaint would bo filed, thus oponlng tho case again, or else an entirely now Bult begun. George G. Bingham nttorney for Fulton, received tho doclslon with nonchalnnco nnd appnrmtly expected such n ono as th'd'only thing possible under the circumstances. BUBONIC PLAGUE SECOND CYCLONE (Continued from pago ono.) 10 more fatalities havo Increased tho total death list to 3C0. Theso 19 deaths occured in Perry county, Miss, A great number of injured persons aro bolng brought to Mobile from Mississippi towns that have beon lov elcd by the tornndo. A roport from Cnusoyvllle, In Mississippi, 18 miles north of Meri Unn, sayn thnt village was struck by a tornado, which wns nccompanlcd bv a hall storm, causing much dam ngo. a Allium Mooting Oregon Stnk Sun ilay .School Association. Forost Grove, Or., April 27, 28, 29, 1908. For tlic above occasion, S. P. Co. will mnko a roto of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE on tho certificate plnn. WM. M'MURIIAY, JOHN M. SCOTT, 0. P. A. A. a. P. A. -1-20-lt. o t r. I CALIFORNIA HANKER UKTS A SENTENCE (Unltod Press Leased yiro.) San Francisco, April 27. J. Dal- zoll Brown, former manager of the California Safo Deposit & Trust com- nanv. now dofunct. when nlaced on -g- -. I i pi i 'trial this morning on the Indlctmont A I 111 IAYAl A 'forging him with having ombnzzled ri I JJr I rlllrl securities intrusted to IiIb enre. changed his pleas of not guilty to one of guilty and wmb sentenced to IS months Imprisonment. In return for the light sentence Brown will make u complote con fession. Ho will toll his Btory to the grand Jury this nfternoon nnd ns the rosult of his statomouts it Ih expected that other Indicted- otllolnls of tho bank who nre now out on ball will be returned to Jnll. o . (United Presi Lonsed Wlro.l WllloniHtad, April 27. Thnt bu bonic plnguo Ih alarmingly provnlont nt La Guayra Is no longer In doubt. Tho epidemic la gaining ground, I from nil accounts, and the dlsuaso hns also appeared In other Venezue lan cities. The government hna boon doing Us utmost to koop the nltuntlnn sec-rot, dosorlblng tho dlseaso simply ns n Innllgunnt fever, but tho pnnlc Into which the Inhabitants huvo boen Mtrown has rendered It impossible to prevent tho news from ionklng out i In mnuy wnya. PetullH are lmposlble to lenrn ow ing to the nuthorltloH' nttltudo but It U I'BrtH'n tliut the mortality rate 'imong thofo stricken I frightfully high, thnt thv lioftpltnN arc over I'lnwlng, that pnoplo aro dying overy whirp nnd tlmt liundredH nre fleeing from tho cities. Sovornl fetnmhlp .lines hnvu In structed tliolr captains to cense cull ing nt T4t Ciitnyrn with tlnMr vosbpH nnd othorH are rofuslUK to racolvo pniiSfngers from there. WILLIAM H..TAFT tm with a pny roll of two thmuwind dollarm pur day, omployiiiK one thou sand men. The IhihIiiwm men of the board of trndn took hold of the pro ject promptly nnd devised n plan. Tho (Mow riimimiiy Is a rich ooneorn. mo wonderfully succtfMful In Coith (U)i-ton bucaiiHu It ban pi oven mucvum fill on former ocwtton8. Three ytmr ago a discouraged but plucky printer enme to Coshocton with n HinaU. cheHp nnd an Inferior printing nut tliolr property in t'uleugo haw outfit. He did UUIe Job work of howiine too vnluablf to be used for the oYdluary kind. Finally he eon- iiu'iiiry piuiMiNun n oomih a loriune ceivvu ine luo or printing some- to equip one of their plants. They required that Uiwhoulou give them Rft ncren of xrnund nnd nlo one hundred tlmtiKUiul dollar In cneh. This might have stnggured toim oommunMU'H, but not no the county eai of .Coshocton oounty. Ohio. The lionrd of Iriule Kecnired two hundred nrre of level farm land within n half mile of the oourt house, bo tWHoo the two rallroudH. It set nulde n tract of sixty acre for tho Clow poope a ul divided he remainder Into town loin, laving the addition out with tdreult?, alloys and other 1m proveuitMitH The price of two hun dred dollar whs put on every lot. On Mmcli I Oth nil of tli stonw. ructoiiiM. ollloee. nchools and jmbllc tniUdliiK were oloited, the mayor lsmliiK liieo'nnintion nuOdiig thnt H holltluy lCvry iiprenu beme an nitentjor the luie in the uV Hddi linn iJltle itd rlbboutt wir print- d lixerliiK Hi woIh "A Coeh ooo- i ttootei ' The only way r iir hoii could t one of tlieee ribbons H to buy e lot. In othr wurde, n riblHin mutt two hundred dollnr. In MpttH of Hutir coi H "urn beoniue the pi.ii,. fait o bo vwlug one of tho ribbons, even the yuuHX huly vlrk weHi-lUK theiu They put Mime of the llMklly drwd. would do purtM of tit Iuwm to ahiune, for ho ImMw- bed n4lhr the osh nor H. orHltt whllo Ute dbjrret. eeuel ni.. Kir) had both An an luduremiMM to help the sole ih board of truilo buught Uiree v I oo8 of proierty whiuh were to Uv ooiiittdiH-ed as preuikima. but whith would only coat tho lucky per doiih two hundrwl dollars, Just the -iin. ih one of the other lots. One or the premlunu la woll worth tire thousand dollars, another ono vbout twontyflvo huudrud uud tho third abuut eighteen hundred dol lar After nil ot the lets have boen Hold by ooutriirt nnd two payments bve lneti mde there will bo a pub- thliiK on bags used to enrrv school books, making and selling the bags. Then he bought oft wood uud mitdo yard ttlrku by inoMnx of printing the murks on tliuin. Uu then dvlsod other novelties for advertlelng uud premhim puriiosini. A little Inter he dovUed means of printing on tin nnd tuotnl with a printing prees and he begun the making of tin Iku whu-li are seen now on every band. Today ax I wag at hU plant I ew sbe.'tn of jluo and tin fed through his printing inetwee like ordlnury paiier. Mr. Meek started hie plnnt with mere pluck ati hU capital, and mi room m hU place uf bualuoM. Today the concern require severnl apoclally coiMtruettxl .brick build ings, employe more than four huu died men anil women within its wuIIh and ha eighty uleeinen trav eling uu the road taking orders. Mr. Moek U now suffering from a nor voua trouble brought on by hU xaHr to hit woik and he Hat ro tirod wealthy, tumiug the pjant nvei to t-uuipauy or Unal people, lie attribute hU auoow largely to the favorable condlilon In a -mal'er vll aa eomuared with th ten alvenega of tit big nty. Coaheactou hu ! profit. -a hv IU tlenllHge l th uowtu lino The hualueea meu here believe in Iouum If given prop.ity They gave a boa a of tweni-two thousand In one etiiieeia which atartod a faot.jry and after tjiay hd had one pay day ther olotHl down. The ooneern va sua pected of beUtg bouua huuiere and the board of tmde imuiedlutoly nuti tled theiu to refund the money ad vanced or Im sued a'he eomnaity ro fundetl the wutytwo thoutaiiJ dollars coah with iMereet to the board of l rode. Thla city hu hud and now ha twauty-seven aaloone. but the jrea ont mayor was elected with tho un derstanding that h would put on the lid and this with he advice of J TEA was a royal indulgence two hundred years ago. Tis yet. Your roir iitirp your mnr i( you Joii'l UU SUiltiuti' -(. wo par liu IRISH AMERICANS EERMINST Snttin should have another woolen mill. Thic f-iirfir tv-sl ' " """ """J ,s n Diem oi tdim-it guarany to you mat me makers buck s ranges hold selves responsible fori wares. -It means that the makers; proud of their good liai work, and put their stamp ( approval upon it. -When you buy a Mi Range you buy satisfactii Let us snow them to yo today. One dollar a week will pay fori Buck's Range selected from ourslo $ju)uft (qmilk nil'ltlSONKD AI-TKIt TIIIUTV YKA11S KXlliK. (United Press Lonsed Wire.) St. Petersburg, April 27 The Uus Hlun.govornmont hns refused nn ap peal from Mine. Tchaikovsky for the relenso of her husband on ball be cause tho arrost was made under an administrative .order. Tchalvosky U the RuhhIuu Mbernl who, aftor 30 yonra exile, roturnod home a few months ngo nnd wuh Immediately thrown into the FortroMs of St. Peter and St Paul No ctirp I boon p rf erred agalait feiB. DeWltfi Lltt'e E-r'r M famoiu ttle llrer pU sui drug'jlta- Biiloey of a friend V.Kf than novcr -evta is f--3 DoWitt'a ra'boUfJ W-l Salve. It l f l,T 'I piles. Sold W d "Wl Portlund, Or., April 27 D:-cr ing any kind of treaty relatione with Oreat llrltain as bad politics nnd Mhorttlghted statefiinanhl nnd de claring that In cnae of an European conflict tho re'utloii between tho Uni ted States nnd Germany are such as throw our intluenco in favor of the kaiser's empire. K00 lrlsh-Anierlenn yesterday pnwod resolutions onlling upon the congressional delegation of Oregon to fight the proposed English-American arbitration treaty now In the prnooss of negotiation. "The British nation is u tuition without faith," declare the resolu tions. "We would be false to our duty American cltlzcus if wo did not warn our country of th trench erosis character of the nation seek ing this treaty." A Knocker Is n man who cgu't aee good in anv uoraon or thing. It's a huhlt 'auMd by a disordered lver. if ou se- tUlUgi through blue vpeoUfles. trou your liver to a good o waning out proceea with Uullanl s llerblne A ur cine for constipation, dyspnp aia. Indigestion. hk hogdaohA, bil loiiKnoss. a' l :iv.r stomach ami bow el trouble So.d l i'.l inuggU's ' . !Ienno4 .; Laxative nih S) riu acts promptly et g, n" .;i Mih dol, through shiih - . , ,)!J !, fOrCOKl OUt f ho ;Vt"ll ld j. M0 aeme Uiu it silas .tmnutKm Sold hy n.l druggist. CASTOR I A i'or Iafeuta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ffi Fashionable Clothes R)R SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ,r .. .. M. ... t ' ciH, rinfkej fW you ii come 10 us ror jour jjji".& .- tinctive style and quality are I-nptrtait in garments that fit perfectly. . We can suit you with -. ' Bishop's Reaoy Tailored Clethe: &m lit ill iffi7 T5! $10.00 to Washington Fashioned Appare! ti w4asHiHafo' do It fill Interest You to See These ' . slligli Class Tailoring Hi SALEM WOOLEN MILL iu u