DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OBJBQOy, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, ltO. if '1 FTsTociaoN THE SHOE STORE -TiionTo" Star L i w pfins mode!8 H . J.1 Worcester ri.Mv wr garment . . . flgute. The fc f ' 1L these Tds them BISK-IS. fStrym every ofW- at iftte n. , Sd iliwimo '- , filled with pure m ..j -ifAo. Dure white, !7 '"": tiey will not cauo " i -llfi. $t.12jo$i0 Mtats. $1.00 . - mnd material out , & wits wldo flounco . ... i.kmftl In laco jmertlot. Tho greatest i w ottered in bjiiuu. NEW SPRING SUITS $15.08 With each suit wo give a pair of high grade nuBpendors. This offer ing will appeal to overy man of good Judgment who wants a suit. Tho values are equal to' any $20.00 suits shown In the city. Blue Sorgos Black Cheviots fancy Worsteds. New Royal Machines $25.00 The New Royal has stood the test of years, Is one oMho most popular machines now sold in tho cast. Our sales have Increased to such an ex tent that we now get the very lowost prlco and tho best discounts offered to any dealers. Thoreforo wo have reduced tho prlco to $25.00 permanently. We will send them out on ten days' trial, guarantee them for 10 years, rotund tho money to any dissatisfied cub tomcr within 30 days. Better Consider This at Once BBJUfl) TO rWBRITT IfM Frew Leased Wire.) tine!?, Cai., ainrcn u. oam ;lu cinched a match botweoa Eritt ind Packy McFarlnnd, n flirt la San Francisco Tnoa- H March 31. Tho boy pro- Mth Chicago lightweight on lut night and, with Wlllm tlliilbow, all details woro nr- XcFarlan.1 said ho was I to fltht Drltt, and there was iilllMest difficulty In nocur- irijnature of James Edward i U of tho opinion that Brltt B.1M to til decision over N l- ,ilthci;h most of the Los tffltn handed tho honors to , Sim was wilting to cloe ton with the Cnllfornlnn. Uto oeceuary to sign n now tftlt'to upon tho arrlvaf of i la San Francisco, but tho if)atorporatcd In a paper fc&twd Derger signed, which w re repeated over tho JfcFsrUnd. and found to ho Socialist Convention. Marion county Socialists arc horcby notified to asscmblo in mass conven tion ut Conunorclnl Hall, corner Co li ter and Commercial streets, Salem, Oregon, on Saturday, March 28, at 10 a. m., to plnco a full ticket in th field for county officers and to olect delegates to the state convention, to bo held In Portland, March .10, nt 10 a. m., at 309 Davis street, to put up a full stnto ticket, and attend to oth er matters connected thnrowlth. R. It. RYAN. County and Stnto Chairman. No Uho to Die. "I Jinvo found out ithnt thoro is no ubo to lio of lung troiublo aa long as you can get Dr. King's Now DIs- 'covory," says Mrs. J. P. Whlto, of iRushboror, Pa. "I would not be nllvo today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough qulckor than anything olso, and cures lung dlBcaso oven after tho caBo Is pronounced hopoloss." This most reltnblo remedy for coughs and colds, lagrlppo, asthma, bronchitis land hoarseness, Is sold undor guar- 'anteo at J. C. Perry's drug storo; 50c and $1.00. hmllr MCdlcInn cannot UStator bills, but can save a iw.1 of them. Ono two-sbll- U has kept a wholo family lUalta for a year. DR. KUM -. iill.NKSB DOCTOR Btmtjoa with Oriental herb KTl 11V ltt..k... 1.1 i voo wiiaoiu oner' u la known everywhere In S lii 111 nnj . J here. Ho has lived in " w many medicines uu- FtO Mt. A-L " --.. uwviors, ana witb IWvi w"n, nsUiaja, F"w!tt. rtii.ti. .. JVat7 diseases. teuT . ' a PecIalty of 14 ,j . -uict. uis rem Wnu nea -r r Wis. He hashun .I!r",dB tttu . """ ina eouc I'M .t Bend etamp iiSL!!?W WO CO.' Trial bottle free. FOIOM HAS REI3N IX)RCKI) TO IJUVK. Louis FolBom, old-time Republican political boss and political ward hcolor, has been forced by tho chief of pollcotajoavo town. Aftor ho was recently fined $50 for living off tho proceeds of inmntos of houses of lll-famo, Folsom secured permission to remain unmolested here until Tuosduy morning, and on that day he loft bound, his friends claim not to know where Chief Gibson states that if ho roturns hert unless ho en ters souiq legitlmato omploymont, ha will promptly bo arrested, and this tlmo not lot off with a fine, but be boiU to Jnll for a term. Tho Bank of England today re duced tho minimum rato of discount of 1 per cent. A four per cent rato has been in effect since Janunrj. A XclghlKr of Yours as well ns yourself is liable at any tlmo to havo rheumatism. Wo'ro all liable to havo cuts or burns, bruises or scalds, crick In tho back, neck or stde some kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advlco and tell your neighbors Ballard's Snow Liniment relieves all aches and pains, and heals all wounds. Sold by all dealers. D ? Ty Ol Now is the time to place JClJCil yotJr orcr fa anything - needed in our line for r7"::::' spring planting. Such as ;llMilesl Cherries, Pmies, PImnss, Jjrees, OrusKital Shrafcs, Rises W cw.... . NttLWUI, Apartment is the largest and Wii.. ?? 7s coast. If y&u need anything in " " ,i,l 75 or address &m NURSERY CO., jiiswrw HEAVY HEAVY J0SIE OiNT 6E ARRESTED HAD STREETS AND LARGE WAIST DEPRIVES SAN FRANCISCO TO. LICK OF THE PLEASURE OF TAKING A PRIZE INTO COURT A WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN IN A TRANCE FOR A MONTH. v't Piles Wo Want Every Sufferer to Teat This Great Cmv at OMr Expense Semi Your Name nd Aiklrcss for n Free Trlnl Package. (United Press Leased Wire.) Oakland, Cal., March 5. Joslo Harper, of 4C2 Rose streetr Is undot nrrest on a charge of selling liquor in Qakland without a license, but sho retains her freedom at her own homo because, sho Is so plump thot six stalwart policemen wero unablo to carry her to tho station, and tho police nutomobllo could not bo run within a block of tho house becaruse of tho condition of tho streets. Patrolmen Kcrrlck, Tnggart, Nclla and Hnnley wero Bont to her houso to arrest her. Mrs. Harper weighs 3 GO pounds, nnd when tho ofTlcers arrived she sat down and defied tholr efforts to tako her to the station. Tho po lice conferred nnd decided sho was right. Then they telephoned for tho nutomobllo. It soon arrived with Policeman Cavony and Drown. That Is, tho mn chlno arrived within u block of tho houso, and steadfastly rofuued to go any farther becauso of tho mud. Tho occupantB arrived on foot. Anothor consultation was held, but thoro was "nothing doing" with Joslo Harper. Tho policemen wandered sadly back to -tho station and mado their roport to Captain Dock. Yesterday Pollcoman Tnggart sworo to a complaint In formal cliargo of the woman's offonBo, a war rant was Itmied, but it will not bo sorved until tho strcots dry up. Woman Recovers Speech. San Francisco, March C. Novor since tho night of February 0, when sho was pursued by a ruffian In Do vlsadoro street at midnight and ren dered speechless from fright, Miss Annie Lucchl, of 74 Lloyd street, has rccovorod sufficiently to tell of her oxpcrlence, which produced a nerv ous shook that nearly cost her, Ufa. Miss Lucohl has lain In a stupor, unablo to speak or Indlcnto tho de tails of tho ordeal through which Bhe passed. During tho month that has elapsed the young woman, who is o dross makor, has been undor the con- Btant care of a physician, who said yesterday that many times nor Ufa had been despaired of. Whllo slid has rogalned her power of speech at last nnd shows other signs of im provement, her condition Is still pro carious. Frlghtonod by tho sudden ap proach of tho rufllan, sho ran soronm Ing down the hill from Hnlght Btreet. Cursing tho woman, tho man followed In close pumiit, and, though Mis Lucohl stumbled, fioverul times In making tho hurried descent of tho hill, ho failed to como up with her. Miss Lucohl said that It waa only by tho narrowest margin that sho man aged to gain her 'own doorsteps, whoro sho fell In a faint, and was found almost immediately by mem bers of her family Clerk Opened on tlie Robber. Spalding, Idaho, March 4. Two masked robbers made an attempt to hold up clerks in Jnne Ifouderson's store at 8 o'clock laBt night, and only the daring norvo of Olark J. L. Noblstt foiled their plnnB. Noblett and Will Harris wore at work lu the store whon two masked mon entered by a ranr door, and with leveled re volvers ordered bauds up. Noblett. Instead of obeying, Jumped behind a pile of goods and crawlod Into he office, whro h se cured a revolver and oponed Are oh the robbsrs, who boame frightened and ran away, after firing so vara 1 shots at tho oUrk. Wo want to send you a free trial of tho Great Pyramid Pile Cure, at once, so you can see with your own eyes what It can do. You cure yourself with perfect ease, in your own homo, and for Ut tlo expense. Pyrnmld Pile Guro gives -ou prompt relief. It heats ooros and ulcers, reduces congestion and In flammatlon, and takes away pain, Itching and irritation. After you havo tried tho sample treatment, and you are satisfied, yon can got a full regular-sized treat ment of Pyramid Pilo Curo at your druggist's for 50 conts. It ho hasn't It, send us tho money nnd wo will send you tho treatment at onco, by mall, In plain sealed package Send your name and address at onco for a trial or this marvelous quick, sure cuire. Address Pyramid Dnug Co., "90 Pyramid Bldg., Mar shall, Mich. o Where tho Reciprocating Engine Drove Out the Turbine. A rcmurkablo demonstration of tho fact thnt tho mnrino turbine doct Its best work whon running nt high spcod, and that It ceases to bo eco nomical nt low speed, occurred re cently on the Great Lakes In con nection with an attempt to capturo tho passenger trafllo botweou two points, by placing upon tho routo a now and fnst turblno stenmor. Thi old-ostnbllshcd scrvlco was oporntcd by two boats, run by reciprocating engines at tho vory modost speed of 1G nitlca an hour. Tho new company ordered a 21-knot turblnc-drlvcn bout -from a British yard, placed it in sorvlco, and immediately began to socilro tho cream of tho traffic. A roproaentntlvo of tho old company, hnp,ionlng nt this time to moot lu England nn engineer who had boon promlnontly associated with tho de velopment of tho turblno-drlvon steamship, told him of tho condi tions, and sought his advlco ns to tho best wny to moot tho competi tion. Tho turblno englnoor asked whnt was tho speed of tho boats of tho competing lines, and on learn ing that It was rospeotlvoly 1G and 21 knots, stnted that It would bo n vory easy matter for tho old compnny to drlvo tho now fast boat oft tho routo. by tho very slmplo oxpodlont of dropping tho speed of tholr boatjj from 1G to 13 or 14 knots, nnd mnk Ing tho big roductlon In faros which tho roducod running oxponsoa of tho boats would renJor posslblo. Ilo stutod that tho company owning tho turblno steomor could never meet tho cut In rates, for tho reason that tho reduction of tho running speed of their vessel would not bring any corresponding roductlon, In tho coul consumption. Tho company detor mlnod to mako tho oxporlroont; and, aftr running tholr boats for a few months at a lower spaed and a lower rata, they found that thoy not onl rocovored. the passongor traffic which the loot, but that tho reduction In running expanses was so great, that they mado moro money than they had dono undor tho old conditions Purthormoro, It was not manv months before tho turblno steamer was laid on tho routo and offered fnr tinln i It should be understood, howover that tho conditions were peculiar at this point, and that the patrons of tho line uunfiltstad largely of working people, to whom tho reduction In fare, oven If gnthed nt tho expense of time, was a decided consideration Undwr average condition the faster boat would havo held tho traffic ovei at the high rates. Wo record tho (incident merely as showing In nn In- Utrwtlng way tho limitations lm 'posed upon tho marine turbine by (Its Inability to run ocononmlcally at Ion spoed. BANK TALK No. 7 -BY THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SALEM, OREGON Security for Punas A clo30 study of our publlahod statement will roveal Informa tion, concerning this' bank'B assots and llabllttlos. EveVy, lUtb la listed, and It Is shovn how aU moneys aro Invested. Our purpose Is to mako such Invogtmenta of funds ,Uut will glv satisfaction. Wo havo sufficient avallablo cash on Jjnd to pro tcct and caro for our doposltors at all times and under .all circum stances. Safety first, "profits secondary. - . r v SCHOOL fWE HAS AFTERMATH Raco Suicide as Prosldent Roosevelt calls It Is not nearly tho raenaco to Increase in pop. ulation that deaths among InfanU are. And eight out of en of those deaths aro directly or Indirectly caused by bowel troubles. McOeo' Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysen tary, sour stomach and all Infant ailments tit this nature. Just the thing for teethlug babies, Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. (Continued from pag eono.) Ileve that the furnace was the cause The Janitor claims that he opuued Um outside doors, but his other testi mony is oonflleting. Tho plans of the building show that the roar door opened outward, but this fact Is dls puetd. State Factory Inspector Morgan will iuspeot the ruins to determine If posslb'e. whether the authorities allowed the building laws to bo vio lated in tho construction of the build ing, which was never Inspected ly puted. Wo know that security and service aro necessary to . moot the donuuKlo'of satisfied cuotomor. Wf give both, Aayart of our stntomont that Is not oIoar7WQ.wlU explain personally,.. Wo Invito a cIobo litBpoctlon of our methods and managomqnt. Wo Invito you to Jolu Iho. largo number of enroful and consld erato peoplo who for many years havo found tholr banking rela tions with us both profltnblo nnd agrcoablo. This bank 'Hub n successful record of actlvo, and progressive banking. E W. HAZARD, Cashier J IlliaoU Take Action, gprjnsflold. 111,, JHarca CFgarful that a disaster similar to .that which occurrod at Colllnwood might befall somo city In Illinois, tho stato board of health has started a crusndo to romedy defects In school houso con struction. Buildings In a great num bor of cities will bo Inspected, and tho authorities will bo reminded of tho penalty of permitting doors of tho housos to open Inwardly. Bulem COHtnmlatcn Action. Mombors of tho Salem Board of Education-havo boon considering tho advisability of equipping all build ings In this dlHtrlct with flro oscnpos. Tho high school Ih considered a practically froo from danger, hut tho ward schools aro fitted with furmicos in tho center of tho structures, nnd a flro In ono of thorn would bo morn or le tfangoroui, nJ might result in a torrlblo fatality. Flro drills aro kept up In aorno of tho bcIiooIb, and will probably bo mado n foaturo of, tha school discipline Tho cattlo markot was reporUsI uiruiig tunny, o i A Swollen Jaw Is not protty nor ploasaut. Whether It's caused by nouralgta, tootkacktf or accident, Ballard's Snow LtnlmtHt will reduce tho Hwolllng'and relieve tho pain. Tho groat and wire eMre for rhoumntlsm, cuts, burns, brnle, scaldH any and all aches and pl. Sold by nil dealers. Tho gasolino schooner Borwlck got Inio Coos Bay after a weok of Btom, bndly wrecked. Tho Luck)' Quarter. Is tho ono you pay out for a box of iur. Kings iow imu ruis. iiwj bring you tho henlth that's more1 I precious than Jewols. Try them for (uu,.. u, h...wm...w... v.rr ." nnd malaria, it inoy wuappoim jrnn tho prlco will bo cheerfully refunded at J. C. Perry's drug storo. F'i 4 ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT 'U rromcsDtiesltwJOiwW ncssa!fectalwsr OjiiuiuJKorpMw; twr Hsuwi. NOTWARCOTXC. JIufdaJM' JHttana -r JkcUftSJtt- MrW- MiftyNwVw. MHMMIMBI tloii , Sour StoRUci.D-Uf iif j Worms onvmstotw J-cvmw teXwit SlJrcre tf NEW YOHiC wsxtm Kact Coffy at Wwff sr GASTORIA For Infants and Ohlldrtn, i.irn. i i Mill II Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AF iT Al1 fn Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA