Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 26, 1908, Image 8

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1 TV Ym
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M l l.iKi
f H Warn ii
I II l iW' ..
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Of fnshlon's fancy spring drc b apparel.
Wiion wo eay Btylcs wc nKan thfs season's latent fashions
weaving apparel. Wo aro not trying to sell any old Block of two or three decades. Nor aro we trying to
run any show sale, overy Item will bo found at this big store' as advertised and (we) Jos. Meyers & Sons,
will verify this fltafament with tho goods. Each and crory department Ik ropleto with spring goods and we
ndvleo early selections before the lines arc broken. Wo have enlarged oach" department, and Ailed them
fa. ? " r
with now spring stocks for the'conjrenlence of'ftur rnrtld growing trade.
: h,
TlYH A V Womon'B Skirts in Bilk, wool and mixtures Black, Brown,
stripes for today only. No telephono ordere received. Bale starts at
Half Price
8:30. (Now Department) FIRST KJXK)K.
Dress fiewls
Tkey are hore In all tholr nw
anal attractlvouess
from fashion's looms In such a
grand array of pretty patterns
that flotno of these now effect
will quickly disappear.
llliihnrd Hudnut's marvclois
cold cream's and porfumes are
hero with some of his latent ores.
tlon, a ffi'o Miniplo give nto ov
ary Indy who will anil ut the por
funio section,
Nurds!, Hudnut's latcjst pro
ducllon with n swell odor.
New Feiiast Art Felt
For making college pennants, ote ,
colors for alt tho coast collogon
and suitable colors for-omtorn
uollcges dreiwry department
Grind Sale
Colore! and black silk pettl
coavti!. Theso aklrts aro made from
tho best grado of tnffotn nnd arc
tho host values wo haVo yet
$6.50 to $15 values
Reduced One-fourth
Women's Long Coals
Our entire Ikic of Women's
Winter Coats to dose
$12.50 to'$20.00 vntucs
. $7.50
$22.50 to $30 values
Wash Goods
The new Jajnpn linen In check,
stripes, medium and light shadc-i
this is a cotton fabric with a'l
the ncccomry qualities of an ex
pensive pleco of dress goods,
Extra Special 20c yd.
Spring's RCttcst
Styles in plain
chocks and
stripes single or
toWo breasted.
Sizes 5 to 15
Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns
The mokt reliable guldo for tin
homo dress muker and tho moat
authontlo styles on onlo hero.
6 A
With overy pair of ladles shooj
or oxfords a beautiful Japanese
ten pot or n modern dust pan. La
dles know .wo aro straining every
effort In our shoo department to
pleaco and gtvo solid comfort.
Spring Oxford Ties aro patent an 1
with ribbon laces.
Lace Curtains
to Ihrco'pnlfH
I)o Yoh Deliberately Torture Yoar-
nclf Allvo by Neglecting
YoHr StoHMicU.
dMcd from
30 to 50 per cent.
Men's Suits
Wo announce tho arrival of
inoro apilng suits In tho new
brown and gray effects.
New Spring Shirts
In golf or negllgco aro now ready
for your choosing.
w js
City News
Halt tonight nnd Thursday.
ttfc KfcgHcM
Market price paid for chlnkona
QMdUl OoinmUlon Company. Phono
Ctub dauce this evening will bo
of the social ttveuts of tho turn
, gnwlftl muio ttul program for
oecAilon. Th srlu of dancJ
ilg given by this club aro th
ftMt of tho ouon. Tin inembors
mm all urged to bo proont und brlnu
Wlr friends. This will not bo u
W4 year party as first IntomUd.
)Im rosumo4 his practice in Balom
MMl haa opened an orflco In rooms
a4 S, osr Fry'a drug ator. OBlco Nrw Miilinnry Mnn
Wit, 13m to 4 p. m. S-Mru MU Margnrot lioaa, formerly a
" trimmer with Mrs. rr&r, af tkh
JffA olty. and MUa Wlprut. at Portland.
ft onaumr will pleaio xr-.has formtnl a prtncrhlp with Mrs.
M4 much caro In u!n gtho supply Oardaor. of this oily, and will opn a
WHlHes4a)w.fnvorlMK tho dectrla millinery bulnew la about two
will bo brought back for trial by
Hay Weloh, who loft for Dolso yes
terday with requisition papers.
W Want
Two tons of ohlokcna this wek
Capital Commission Company. Phono
XT. tt
Hrnt'HC'd for Vagrnnr)1
Juillco of tho Peaco Webstor son
toucod John Ilooth to ton days In Jail i
on thu ohi.rgo of vngranoy.
Art Qlrkl---
Ilouro for salo for (300. Euqulrc
Spauldlng Logging Co. d
ItaiiQuiH to CxdciivAii
Dr. John H. Coleman, whoso rt
Ignatlon as prIdnt of Willamette
University was accepted by tho board
of truU'Hi last week, was tender!
a banquet by tho utAidonu, wh
howd thoJr cordial ftfollugs owaR
hlat, and uxproM? tholr rttct at
hi loavlug tho institution.
vlw U poMlblo for tho roaon that
chawaea In tho plant apparatus
afelsg WAdu and tho work may
bo gfiNhod varlv ououh la tho
Ar to Injure a full supply for tho
MMlxg of WdiiHday wllhoMt con
sswyImk tho supply smtwhaU Port-
Ky l.lht & Power Co., by
In K Pafo, local maaagvr.
VorfMs KHt, v
Yn HugeHA and Balw high
ssid dhtlag tam wilt wwti oncu
ami In forl attlo ou wvxt Fri
Mp ftbjtkt on the quntion. "Un
t Tkit mombero of tho state
tUfrtnu skonld V ap(vlut0. by
m $im of propottloHrtl rprv
ssMiUtlM " TN dobata U tv bo bld
la ikn sUlom Hlgn whtwl a nimbly
i9smm and tho Iwal Hkol win V
wajwimmM by Hobort MIaiou, x
fmr h4 H Xlwr-wnuw.
ltr4 tmkr, who U un4r arrt
t mtmt Uk. a (Im kar of k
UlaUuf vmf m imiHs &;
itm aW mmMm4 f tfe city,
Itrlng Vb Your Ctikkvn
Wo want all you have Capital
Commission Co, Phono 179. l
ttly Fr AwMonts
The summary of acoldonta for the
month of January accord lug to tho
report of 4fco railroad commission.
employ and tno tramp killed and
oik pAssongor and ono owpVayo In
Jurvd during (b month.
filx LIuUk of Chain Mglitulng
Can bo seen whlrHng around tlu
rink this evening at the fiutcst paco
oror set on rollers in this city. Cope
land nnd Holt aro after tho load lit
earntvit now. and Card still holds his
oho lap hotter.
Fm-latul :(m a Injunction
County Judge Scott yesterday Is
sued nn Injunction preventing tho
city and Street Commissioner Martin
from fitting a road through tho prop
orty of J. U. Freoland. The city Is
given ton days In which to answer
Tho oounoll, at its last mooting, ap
proved tho report of appraisers as to
tho valuo of FreoJand's property,
and stroot Commlssionor Martin was
about to begin work Immodtatsly
when onjolned.
Watch Card Hold Own
Tonlchl at the rink wkoa tho pro
ftQHal rottimo tholr third day In
tho six-day oontost IhU wok Cope
land and Holt aro "coin" soma for
equal tUstaneo with the high man.
Mill Hand 1m?9 IMagof
J. S. McDonald, an employe of tho
Spauldlng sawmills, lost tho tndax
nagor of his right hand through an
acflldont whllo at work Tuday. Ho
waa moving som heavy shafting
from tho foundry to tho mill, when
tho oaK ran off a gang.way. ahtttlug
tho hfavy load onto McDonald's
flHKr. which wa$ crutaod. A doctor
ft'as callod, ami it was fsund nocs
wary to amputate tho ftngor at tho
swond Joint
mk at Your Watch
Wl Help tho lltxwter Moveimnt on
PIn.i PntpOMil by llonril of
Thlk AV.XBltlf Uftkt lldA uw.lon
mado iMWIe U wording shuwa on.Lu lefty th okftJk WjJft J
Uco (itttHi KMtPr--Copland
nd Hlt nro smuklng up
nirvtMJIag In gaining dUtanco last
ovoutng through 6xtrtmiy
and JuJgo for yoursolf It tho contest
isn't a hutumor. Baduraaoo and
skill ar? exhlbltod In tho six-day con
test this wk.
It Is leanaeil that AtdAMutn r.n..).
taof th fifth ward, will probably ro-
sign on account of moving eu or the
ward h reprosemt. Tho council
wilt nnm his uccor.
Wvditrbiy JftcUl
If yon haw a cgurr r coW.
etwe to 1ourU' and got sow Qr,Siv'VM Irfi to th oid
OMr tnk XXXX fenreaound Alckor' 1 nlghf rao at tho rink re
drops, 15c pr pound, er twa gnnd rdi ,a 0R Blkt far. dno to
lr Sle. ttgnUr Mn4 DsntiCo,M4,4 ttl ta u? wltt;
lai, 4 WU trt. I 5$-St icd M y n iai akou.
Aftor a oonforonco with th bonrd
of trustoos wRh City Superintend
ent Power a movemont hai boon or
ganUed to have tho public schools af
this city help tho advertising pro
gram, by circulating soeral thou
sand copies of tho 1000 Facts of
Production. Bach toacbor and eaoh
child In eaoh room Is to be onllsted
In this campaign to 4ho oxtont of
writing ono letter, and sending ono
of tho shoots to somo friend In ths
Tho Hoard of Trade has ordered
tho second 10.000-lot, the first going
off very fast. Huslnoss men. farm
ors, manufacturers and bankers aro
sending out tha little of 1000
Facta of the fruit erojw of the last
year. All who have aot douo so
should oall at tho Hoard tf Trade
rooms for fro.e copies to olroulate.
Tho shoot of 1000 Facta will go In
0 ordinary two-cent lottor wlthotit
additional postaga, and oan bo mallei
for ono eent.
t United Pria Uvxsvd Wire.)
Spokane, Wash.. Feb, 26. The
Spokane board of health has com
plained of the St Luke's hospital,
the raot ejtolusivo In the city, of
burning amiutiatd limbs In tho
Tho remuaata ef humanity wero
stacked up on a boufiro and tho
atoaoh is such that U ihroatoas to
depopulate that pan of town. The
management has ben ordered to
connect with the city crematory.
Remedy Frc0 for the Asking. .,
A great outcry has arisen during
tho last few years against scientists
wh'o torturo dumb animals alive In
the Interests of science. How many
peoplo nro there, however, who need
Icssly torturo themselves by causing
their stomachs to overwork. Dys
pppaln, Indigestion, heartburn, slqep-
lessness, loss of vim and energy nro
tho Inevitable result.
Aro you ono of these?
Why not give yoiur stomach a
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will
relievo your stomach of all its work
nnd do it for you. They aro com
pounded or tho very elements nml
do tho work which ho stomach per
forms when In normal health, asep
tic pepsin, malt dlastaste and llko
Dr Richardson In writing a thesU
on treatment of dyspepBln nnd lndl-
gesttqn, closes his remarks by saying
"For thoso suffering from acid dya
nonaln. Bhown by Bour watery ris
ings or for flatulent dyspepsia, shown
by gnH on stomach, causing heart
troublo nnd difficult breathing, ns
well ns for all other fotmB of stom
ach troublo, tho safest treatment Is
to tako ono or two of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets after each meal. J
advioo them because they contain
no harmful drugs, but are composed
of valunblo digestives, vMilch act
promptly upon tho food eaten. I
novor know n enso of Indigestion or
cvon chronic dyspepsia which Stuart's
Tablets would not reach."
Cheap cathartic mcdlclnos claim
ing to euro dyspepsia aid In digestion
can hnvo no fffoct whatever In act
ivoly digesting tho food, nnd to call
nny cathartic modlclno a euro for
indigestion la a misnomer.
Kvory druggist In tho United
Stnlca nnd Canada sells Stunrt'n
Dy.spopsla Tnblots, nnd hoy nro not
only tho safest and most successful
ut tho most scientific of nny trcn'
mont for indigestion and stomach
Prlco SO cents a box at all drug
gists. Froo samples on application to F.
A. Stuart Co., 1C0 Stuart Dldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
(United Pree Leaded Wire)
Visnaa, Fb. 2 The seret po
H of Constantlnoplo aw alarmed
over their inability to locate more
than tea of the S9 Araeai&a who
aro said to have come from the
United Bute to asauina4e the Sub
U of Turkey. Tn AroialaUuw wre
tnkoa prisoners yctrdy. Croat s
orsy anrrousds the movements ef
th Cun&taatlaople olk.
WimtH a Joint Delta tc,
Hal D. Patton, of this city, who Ii
a candldato for tho legislature on
Statement No. 1, has Issued n chal
lenge to Republican leaders who aro
opposed to statomout No. 1 to do
bato the quoatlon publloly, and In
willing to moot thorn and arrango for
datos and help pay for tho opera
Mr. Patton Is meeting with a great
deal of eucostragoment In his cam
paign. Ho was approached today by ono
of tho antli with tho question, why
ho wanted to tako a statement No. 1,
under which he might hava to voto
for a Domocrat, If the peoplo elected
"Well, why do you Republicans
want to olect a Domocrat You have
an Immonso majority In this state,
and If you vote your principles and
support your party candldato, I will
not havo to voto for a Democrat.
"I would llko to have tho question
debated publicly," said Mr. Patton
today. "It Is the best way to get at
the truth of tho matter, and 1 will
gladly arrango a meeting."
Personal lentioi
S. F. Rlchnrrionn 1f.
ness trip to Portland this m0J
u. v. Jonnson, of CorvaPis
ins iniuvi, UUHBiaOie J C Jrtl.
yesterday, and this morninc J
Portland to attend to business
Mrs. A. Collard, who haa bed
mng nor siater in this city, retd
tnia 'morning to her home In Bp
O. W. HobsQn Is in Seattle
few days' business vIbU
F. A. Welch left for Seattle
day to attend to business mattj
u. i. uogaro, oi wood burn
this city Tuesday.
"" Theo. Roth returned todav
Southern Oregon, where he bas-i
visiting mends,
Honry Ravet, of Woodburn
Salem Tuesday attending to
ness matters.
Miss worn Kaiser, of Albad
visiting friends here.
Miss corn Flumps, of suTJ
was visiting friends in this city '
Miss Edna .Bailey, of Woo
vlsUcd friends In Salem Tucsda
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Laukcmn
prccent (n Albany, were la thu
Tuesday selecting a residence
nir. and Mrs. W. A. Gueffror '
goncs to- Jefferson for a short
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Kola Ncis left
day for Portland, where theyl
spend a short visit with friends i
Mies Inos Smith, of Portland,
turned homo Tuesday after a
visit with friends In this city
Miss Myrtle Montgomery, who
been living in San Francisco foil
pnit year, has rcturncj to Sa
and will llvo with her grand mol
Mrs. Eliza Emrlck
Mrs. O. A. C. Dartlett, of Ha
county, left for her homo to as
her duties of school teaching
Elmer Woods, tho ka'sotnlnerl
painter, is homo from working
weoks on tho $8500 rcsdrnco
McQlll, at Orenco, near Hlllsbor
John D. Dlmlck, of Hubbar
very successful onion grower, as
mombor of tho bar, is in the city
itlng friends.
Ray Falrchlld, a cnttlo dcalei
Heppner, has written the rails
commissioners to ascertain whs
tho Southern Pacific will
123.05, which ho was compel!
pay for feed for cnttlo at Tho
through tho railroad company's
management In transporting tho
tie. If the amount is not relets
Falrchlld will begin suit for It
Pastry requires good flour
Wild Roso brand, homc-msnn
tu red, Is tho kind the best cooks
dor. Try a sack.
HKYHRLY. At tho family rosl
donee noar Pratum. John Hoyerly.
aged 75 years, 1 month and 25
; days. Tuesday, February 25, 1908,
at 9 a. ru., of pneumonia.
The deceased was born In Switzer
land; Deoembor 1, 1S32, coming to
America whon 11 yoars old. Ho set
tled In Ohio, whero he lived uutil
18T7. whn ho moved to Oregon, set
tling about two mllQd north of his
lato home.
There survive him three sons and
two daughters, as follews: Den Hey
orly, of Clackamas county; John
Hoyerly, or Albany; Eberhard Hey
orly. of Lablsh. Mrs. Henry Savago,
of Salem: Mrs. Fred Karapf. of Sll
vertoa. aad Mis Darbara Hoyerly.
r Pratum The, funeral will take
Hace from the home at Pratum at
10 o'clock tomorrow morning, the re
mains being laid to -Test in the Men
nonlte cemetery.
PEKD. At Willamette sanitarium,
Tutwday. February 35. 190$, to
Mr and Mrs. James F. Peed, of
thu olty, a daughter.
Tandtr aU are appreciated by
everybody These are the Wad we
try to furnish Phone la aa order.
jMoJa JSl. SUasloSf Bro.
Norwkfc Uka Fire
Frank Meredith, Rcfidcnt A
0co with Wro. Brown k Co, J
29 Commercial street.
Over Ladd A Burt's Bank, Salts
? aticiiiiii'"11
For KIiwT.srizrt body M
m.wtA ttWAyntl.ffir.wth flf
141T nr 1283 DOWUlBJ
For 8le Several house la SH
and farm 'ands at a bartaia.'
Ifnl Vallnnal Ttank t'
Wantttl Cow giving 4 to 5 11
of milk per day. acd tW
6 per cent Phone M"
For Salc Berry tips
Mammoths. 50c per dot.
bank's Phenomonals, 5 Y
Losau's Locanbern' 3$c "
Tiheors' Ylirto Bird Sl'C P (
Address Box 415. Sa en
For Sle IS acres cf &.
land r.nJwti!1f mile et Of
.tAa .aVm iinnu one av
Kai.j& arnvil anrinX! Sw1-
acres clear, tho rest la V
pastur. all for 7j0
balance caa be worked "
.-w. OCkA C.tth !1ct ttrCit
-7--"--- 24fi
WtMi Msa to ork
tte kotoL