VET r Iflurnal ia SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1 008. NO. 30. (1 be AJuun iilmuu t ';',--' m BOOSTERS OPEN GREAT CAMPAIGN iree Killed and 23 Hurt id West Side Train Wreck BSH COLUMBIA'S DRASTIC ANTI JAP LAW mil Can Land Unless He Can Read Or Write MA Or Some European Langiiage-268 Japs hi Quarantine Affected itolfteti Leased Wire.) i. D. C , Feb. 12. Tho now ill enacted by tho Drlt rah kjlilaturo recontly, on itftieXttal act, which n- aKHiuoaal test to immi- srlriaj In British Colum- b cut bo ablo to road and la&sUih or a language ot Kt U pcrmltUsl to land, ba ll ii todijr, whoti Lloutonant- r fcssmulr assented to tho JUDGL BURNLTT MAY GET PLUM (United Press Loascd Wire.) ' Washington, Fob. 12. Judgo Goo. II. Burnett, of Salem, Oregon, is bcr Ing consldorcd for tho position of United Stntos district nttornoy for Orogon. Ho is strongly recommond ed by W. S. U'Ren, of Oregon, nnd Honoy, nnd it Is thought HUoly .that o will bo appointed. MOSTOE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSrt , GET OUR PRICES " re you buy one dollar's worth of and you will find out that it W you well. We buy for cash tell for cash and allow no house Pacific coast to beat our prices: en: M SILKS rad ,n .. .... '. a hAiitif..t . fcjT,4test 8tylw w n Th ::i: "? - chcgo or New I fit W.J . . :..M - kaw , We-Ut- sj uum quick l'tas. is.. "",wrw yi ""Mu s t;B ,rom !j for t"H half k. : tfxiL ... r v. "" . m tk ... ' -"7 .-l Vl Will WRECK AT FOREST GROVE BOOSTERS CAPTURE THE CITY RAYNOR ROASTS THEODORE THREE ARE KILLED AND THEN 6ET BUSY FINES ARE FUTILE A DEFECTIVE KAIL DITCHES PAH- TRAIN -BESIDES THE 'piiim.'i.' ni.' a ii wit ivnti)i.'i AND OF THESIS 'ONE O ltlOS-j SIRLYTWOMAVRIE. . . r- CIilIIl SlMtOriCEHS TO WAKIJ 1T1 SAYS ONE HOUR'S IMPRISON --.-.s$-t- i -- -- . TlfEClTOWN AND SHAKE THE I MUST OF OFFICIALS WOULD HUGHES SLAPS AT JEROME AFTER ICE TRUST I WRINKLES OUT I)1TIQ'S. OF OLD CON- (United Pross LonBOd "Wire.) Forest Grove, Or., Fob. 12. Throo wero killed nnd 23 Injured, one very seriously, by tho derailment of tho Sheridan local on a short trestlo bridge nunut throo-fourtliB of n mile west of this city at G o'clock Inst night. Tho dead are: Mrs. Edward Bntoa and 5-months-old daughter, of Forost Grove. J. A. McDonald, of McMlnnvlllo. Mrs. J. H, Brown, aged CO, of Sheridan, was badly crushed, and ,may not Tccovor. Tho accident resulted from a brokon rail, one 30-foot section at tho west ond of tho trestlo being splintered into four pjecos by tho wolght of tho heavily loaded coaches Tho (lofectlvo rail apparently did not glvo way until aftor tho ongino mnll and baggago cars had crossed Jn safety. Tho smokor was tho first to leavo tho track1, carrying with it two day coaches. Tho smokor and tho first day coach ran over tho tlos for a dis. tanco of 20 yards and pitched from tho trestlo to tho ground, ton feot below, Btrlkln. on thoir side. Tho second dny coach also loft the track, and turned only partly over. Miss Graco Harding, of Gaston, a passongor in tho roar coach, was Tho Program. Music t tho ogicni lion on trance, Salem Military Hand, II. Stoudcomeyoi,l lender. Music, MeEIitiy's orchestra. Address of welcome, Geo. F. R turgors, mayor of Salem. Address, Mrs. 1 II. Ray jnond, pr-sidiut Salem Wo nmnVi club. Mslc, Stalwart quartet. Acklrcss, August Hiickestuln, president Salem HuslnesH Mcnf6 league. Aldre"sH, V. h. McNarj-, pres Jdeiit Salem Iloostri-H club. Vocal ojo, Mrs. Ilullle Piir riNh Hlngftf. AddiXfiN and Introduction of the evening, F. G. Deckebncli, president Salem board of trade. t Addrcsn, Mr. Tom Richard, son, manager Portland Coin incrcial club nnd secretary On'gon Development league. The rereptlon will close with "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" by tho orchestra, the audience nnd singers, led by Mrs. 1 fall In Pnrrlsh.HlngeH. ACCOMPLISH WHAT VI NISI OF CORPORATIONS CAN NEVER REACH. RLAMEH PRESIDENT FOR CONDITIONS. (United ProBa Leased Wlro.) I Washington, Fob. 12. Using tho ; Aldrlch financial bill as a Nvcapon, 1 Sonator Raynor, of Maryland, on tho : floor of tho eonato today unmercifully donouncod President Roosovolt and ; his policies. ! Tho Maryland statesman declared j that tho present business doprossion i wnB jRnuscd by tho "unlawful char- actor" of tho PrpsldonJroW "methods, coupled ,wfth p.y.gurflh ' fonr that Home "new volcanic dis turbance from tho Whlto Houso ! woMld further paralyzo tho buslnoai of tho ontlro country. ' "On account of (ho violont forvor ! of his utterances," Senator Raynor shoutod, "there is an idea running ' through tho public mind that tho Prosident has come to tho conchiBlou it mat ovory man ongagcu in a largo biiHlnnw ontorpriso l a mnlofactor, and that ho should spend a torn) in tho penitentiary. "Although I greatly respect Pros Idont Roosovolt and tho groat ofllca ho holds, ho has unconsciously con tributed with best Intentions to tho causo that havo led to buslnoBH do Tho boost- prfsslon. I heartily ondorso tho .IIOROME DECLARES THAT TRUST HAS SHOWN NO CRIMINAL IN TIJNT, RUT ATTORNEY JACK SON INSISTS THAT IT HAH VH. LATED THE LAWS AND WILTj PROSFOUTE. (United Pronts Leased Wlro.) Now York, Fob. 12. Governor Ilughos haa taken tho ilrst atop oC his ndmlnlutratlon to Hot aside Dis trict Attorney Joromo as tho publla prosecutor of thin county. Imtplrod by tho positive declaration ot Attor-noy-Gouoral Jackson that tho Ameri can ico Company hns violated tho Donnolly anti-trust laws and tho penal code, tho governor ordered tho stato P$olal 4o prpsent Uio catjo to Iho "grand j'ury'ojf $jw Yprif county ntl'd to prosecute, "In tlio placo nnJi stead of tho district attorney." Joromo hua repeatedly doclarcd that no criminal intent wati showo by tho Ico tniHt. ASSAULTEDA GIRL ' MAY 'l MOBBED Santa Fo, N. M Fob. 12. "Whlto on hgr way homo Tuooday Margaret Carting, omployod an night operator nt Las Vogas, wna aiaultod by two mon, who Intor woro arrcstod and Idontlflod by thoir victim. Tho mon 'Z. ' 9S.50 $10.50 1$12.50 ' jt i .Z:-! '. dl tfWSftfhi KaKM MSff tez?m The big night Is hore. Tho boost- prsslon. I heartily ondorso tho aro Follpo Garcia, a Mexican, nnd V ' I . rtl... 1 l .11 . IliriallUnl In n nittffnwn lin In mni. Jnnl, nnmn .. I. I f1. .... I thrown through a window into loss B "' ouimm """ Ul i'"i "tsiiuvim; ...- w.u ... .. . (,-,. .., ,...-. w ,,... than two feet of wator bonenth tho!,n tho gront fwtur0 of t,,,s QltY w,!l lng n8n,nBt violators of tho law and Thoy woro placed In tho county Jail rAtio init cl.,1 nin4.,rn,i I " t tfc opara hotiso at 8 o'clock, the oppressors of tho people. Mal- undor heavy guard, and last ulght n when the onthuslaetjc program & faotors should rccolvo ponat punish- largo crowd tnirroundod tho build- above wi'l be earrld out, inent, but a whole generation of in- intr It Is bollovod tho prlsonnrs will Tom Rlohardson, tho "original nocont peoplo should not suffer for .bo lynched union thoy uro splrltoJ tMAani la n..MMA. !Ua 4 .. - 1 11 ft Bfnri rt nhnrAdatpu Cit ilnu'd diitau fVr tmtmrt I lunntilni atautt which two other norsons mot thoir' ' ". i ir -- " ,.,....,. w..u uu0)Wn,. . ,..... .,.......,,, !. .,.. . .. .. turo. but Urn other nddr o. whloh Imprtsonmont may do tho work aro being tukon to call out tho mlll- uouui ua za pvnum woro injurw,, - u ,.., , . , ,,.. ,, ,., ,. ,. n ., gavo up her life In an effort to save her two chlldron, one of whom os- trostfe, hut escopod unlnjurod. Mrs. Sarah Bates, who was ktlUd In tho Southern Pad 11 o wreck near Forost Grove, Or., last night, In capod, owing to the mother's efforts to savo her. Harold, aged five months, died In his mothor's arma, am ta ha limited to flvo minutoA quicker and boUer than all tho fines tiu. oacli, will bo brim full of enthusiasm that could be levied upon tho insti-! Tho victim la In a procarloua con Tkoee who enjoy a good tlmo. tutlons tboy roprosent." 'dltlon. with muslo, will havo thoir fill if V. thoy Join tho monstrous crowd, which j the two being thrown partly through ' ' "' ;'n ' tk-n of g a window and fatonod beneath the luwr po,,ul u "' ,UW"MI " u I car as it fell on its side. In tho gulch th wor ,ofIth ""-' "b K - , 1,-1.1 ...l.a , I.IM ,r"'. " " " "" -" " "" '" ' nnrrn,1 M, T,o lh .h. hnhv 't P to t0 St thMO erly. In hor arms, and Florence, aged five yoars, besldo her, was riding baok ward In the coach Just behind the smoker. She had boon put on the 'Maui inn Or., the third person killed in the wrock. was riding ner Mrs. Ratee and her chlldron. He whs on the Sheridan local at Forest Grove by i left hand W of tho aar, nd, as ihe her husband, J. IS. Rates. MrsJeQaoh apsi7d, he was thrown Dates had hardly seated hertolf eom-' against the front and and then to the fortably when tho crash came. As, opposite etui of the ear, his head be i Opening Excursion ft"9aj!HHai Great bargains In Silk Coats. SUk Underskirts and Spring Jackets. .J Store That Sayes You Money the train began to wobble and drng Itself over the ties, after leaving tle rails. Mrs. Bates realised the danger of herself and children, and she! reached for Florence. it)t erushed. M made a desperate struggle to reaeh tho child, still clinging to the baby with her other arm. In doing so the mother lost her balance, and wag dashed against the aide of the ear, and the life crushed out of her 5 Tuft In Mifhijpiii. fl'nit d Frees Leased Wire.) Mrs. Bates. j Grand Radius,' MJeh.. Feb. 12. This is ' Taft" day In Grand Rapids. The eretarjr of war waa greti by a vast crowd when he arrived In city, aud a still lurger erowd prom ises to be on hand at 4 e'e'oek, when ha will address the members of a months-old boy at the same t!rae..cNb. whose 1100 member are Taft Mrs. Bates and ehlld were caught bs-ieathu lasts tween the window sill and the ground. Little Florence Bates was thrown through tho car window, and escaped with two slight cuts on the face. Rescuers found the girl. Oaly a few feet away waa her mother and little brother, both dead. John A. McDonald, of McMlnnvlIle At tonight's banquet, whleh will be an elaborate affair, Seoretary Taft will deliver the prlnaipal address. The other prowlwnt weaker wt" b Gowraor OulMl. of Massachusetts; Ambassador Jusserand, of France, and United States Senator Smith, of Michigan. ' From Salem to Portland and Return VIA Oregon Electric Railway THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1908. FARE FOR THE $1.50 ROUND TRIP TIekots good going on any train Thursday, February 13, return ing on any train Friday, February 14. Take a trip over tho New ISleotria line, flnU-olaiw, modern pas senger equipment, ample train servlee. Trains leavo Saloia at 8 a m. and 2 p. m., arrive Portland 10:46 a. in. and 4:45 p. m., re turning leave Portland 8:05 a. m. aud 2:05 p. in., February 14, arrive Salem 10:50 a. m. and 4:50 p. ni. F. J. SWAYNE, a. T. NKVINH, Ticket Agent, rbiletn. Traffic Manager, Poctbuul,