DAILY OAVlTAh JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1008. AMUSEMENTS i inmnif tnHnnumi' ftntnd Opcrn House. Friday, Fobrunry 7. "Kerry Oor." Auditorium Roller Rink. Morning, nftornoon and evening Wlons, Tlio Vntidcttc. Moving pictures and Illustrated aongs, ovory afternoon and ovoninff except Sunday and Mondny oftor- BOQUH. I www IHIIIIHIWWJMM 1 P4PKE MAY BE THE NEXTHEAVYWEIGHT (Uy Bob Bdgrun.) Now York, Monday, Fob. G.WII Ha Papko Is the Apollo of tlio fight ers. Physically bo Ih a modol. Ho lit built tor the fighting gnmo from Kerry Gutv. DuTInff Inst season tboro wore produced for tho first timo on nny etago 'n Now York city, oxnetly 307 now plnyn. Of this numbor only 17 will bo seen "on tho rond" tbo proa t season, (ho othor 200 being cither failures or not strong onoiigit tp tour. Tbo record for tho pant 20 yero shown a llttlo bettor average tjian this, but not 10 por cont of tho plays produced aro roal successes. A drama with Inhoront morlt and with Jrtxong human Interest that appealn to tho mind and tho heart of tho an d Ion co will llvo and llvo for many years. Theso nro tho things that wnko any play a fnvorlto with tho iwbllo. "Tho LIUH Minister," "Tin (an of tho Jlour," "Tho Lion and tko Mouse," will llvo with nuoh plays at "VlrRlnluv," "Tho Threo Muskot cors" and tho ShakoFpooroan dramas. 80 mo Irish plays are Ionic lived boeauso tho'y combine all theso qual ities, but not ono linn remained so long and so firmly ostnhllsliod with tbo public as Joseph Murphy's "Kor- to knock fighters down with it, and now it Is often good for a knockout. J twist c round and got p. tte uppfr- cut with my right and at the sami time I punch tho other follow's nad over Into tho punoh with my Iff- That's my best blow. I beat Kt-l'y to a pulp with it. Ho couldn't get away from It to savo his life." Hilly Papko Is a larger oditlon of Terry McGovern at his best. He 1 Jtitt or great a fighter among thr mlddlovolghts as Terry was years ago among tho llttlo mon. Ho fights gnmo no doubt of that His Bturdy head hardly feels tho effect of the JinrdcHt blow. o TREASURE BURIED ' NEAR MILTON inch topi than tho reach of Jim Cor bott former hoavywolght olmmpk his toon to tho top of his head. Thore Isn't a woak spot In his anatomy or Mk0 R fry barJng hg t9th Jn a grln b imo 01 111s mass-up uiui mo musi of acUml 088Ur0. Ho kM tho cnuciii 01 souipiors would enro 10 have changed. For n 21-yonr old lad his dovelopment Is remarkable. Papko woIgliB today Just a hun dred and flfty-slx pounds stripped. Ho isn't ,rflno," for he didn't havo to train down to moot Stanton in llos ton a fow days go. Papko stands llvo foot olght and threo-qiiartor inahus. IIIm r-aoh Is B8vontyouo Inches. This Is only nn 1 who Is just five inches taller ttufh tho new king of tho mlddlowolghts. Tbo "Illinois Thunderbolt" has arms and hnudi that aro pcrfeotly adapted to tho lighting game. Ho has great forearms, nttd fists as big and strong as John It, Hullivan's. Much of his truly roniarknlilo hitting powor comes from tlieee lists. And ho can hit harder than nny other mlddlowHght in tho world. Ho usuplly wins his flghtj with a cloan knockout In the Hist, second or third round. 1 askod I'apke how ho Imppouad to bnenmo a llgbtor. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE The report com us from Wolln Walla that 125,000 lies burled within two mllon of tho present town at Milton and now awaits only tho lucky efforts of some ono with pick and Hhovel to bo reclaimed. Tho only objection again -t tho tronsure Is that It boars the taint of unlawful seiz ure. From tlmo to time since the GO'h when tho tnonoy was burlod by stage coach robbers, Individuals and parties have sought tho fortuno, but without sucrose. "Tho overland atago which used to make the run betwoon Salt rak and Walla Walla," said 1'qIIqo Srg3NHl Frank Morse ywdarday, "sat out on' BBBBBBBBSF 'DBBBsHJ i JS&SHafllYBBBBBBSSSV ksBW. ssssssBr iBllKffssssssl BBBHB. At 1 t-SaMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SBBBBBBBBBBrBKM aBBBBBBBBBBBBatft BBBBBBBBrBBSSBBBPir' UBBBBBaVluBBBlf KSSTfisBW h jdwr Jef HsBHsslBsdHr 'SPvmL -v viIbbbbbbbI jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlr vHuavCi )kKiDflBBBBBT JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflVf ' i' 9HkrfS ' &HB1JBBb1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBflBflKl - It.' ' V&OBBIlJBE: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkBSmBBBbWki r JJmBBHh)"jbbbh BlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBlnBBBBBBBBBn tVHttKtK r wtwllKOStSBSK HbbbM ' IiibbHbIbibbKIk ' L lit IjWBssn jeaBBSBBSBBSBBBBBBV "HvNp vTSBEHNKIRI JlHHIpjv .. tjw IrylBWMBissBBsssw flllio Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, and which has been In uso for over 30 years, has homo tho slpinturo of and has been niauo under his pcr jj -, sonal snpervlslon Blnco its Infancy. CUCA4M. AHo who ono to deceive you In this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-good"nro hut Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Harcotic Htibstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 2JoaLe tho Signature of Thn nhnvA -nf n.n.H-A -.w V.W..W vww tVUlUBL'nil Ab fbrlck lined Torrid Zono Pum... uuarumoea gas, omoKO and dut prooi. economical ana durable L. FRASER I 308 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating (&z47YctZjAtM The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc oiNTtun eoMMNr, rr MunnyTiitrr, tvYoncrrr. "sarv2as&u xvvw wwwwwwwwwwwwuftwwwwwmwwwm j Are You Interested I In Saving Ydur Money? Of course you are. That's why wo ndvortlso. Wo carry ono of tho beet stocks of wagons ana Implements In tho city, anil it Is to your Interact as a monoy-savor to call ana soe our lino no mattor whother you buy or not, wo know that you know n bargain whon you Hoo It, and that you will bo sura to toll others about thorn. Wo carry a comnloto lino of wagong, bugglos, farm Implomonts, all klmls of furm and mill machlnury, palnu, oils and varnlshos. First class blaoksmlthlng and horso shooing also done. Wo tako second-hand vohlclos and maohlnory as part paymont on all now cash ordors. Keep your money at homo by buying what you nood at home, ana at tno samo tlmo soo what you're getting, GEORGE B. JACOBS R. F. D.8' - - SaIcm,Or. iitwumnufcmintwimiMiWiifciimmnnniinufcmimniign TNi0w,,Ng'jSea'Vtf THE DE8T ItOA8T THK FABUIjY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prlotl tendor and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats aro leleetM: from tho cholcoBt, and prepared for tho tablo to suit tho domundi of tb fastidious. Our pricos aro lower for quality than you can find ,at any pmco in uaiom, E. O. C R O 8 8, mono aoi. 870SutiH I Gold Dtist Flotir Made by TH1 BYDNEY POW. la COMPANY, Wdney, Orjo, Mado for family oee. Aik yoat Croosr for it. Brsa tad iiorti Jirayi ob kaad. P. B. Wallace AGENT HBMeTgweje).tMi IIKUWim UAIA ty floyr," whlah for tnwr tUon n (pr tor of JivMiitury has been playml Ih vry town m America Utu fld Um hkhIh, and "tlnio cannot w1tHr nw eUBtom eule" iu luflHlttt UiHistU. Kar the priwost smmii It will be lirfttM In r man al tyU fur nwpfior t HMyUiHs r aUeHitd before ami the edintMfty hni m wore carefully solect4 thRK u hha1 Vlth travtllQ)g NtmaHlee. Mr. Hr ard Paly. Ih wondwlul Irtnh Imh fg una aeiUlK c!4feM will eiMet tho "Kerry OowM and mtHly n In (!nm Only Two Warn. "1'vu bon UrUUhk leM then iwo mw." Im Mid. "I fBUUt my tlrtt HMIh rMt a ywir n last Novhn. Uer. kMw Jim Harry a cvuple of ) k. Ttwt w Wefar Ue tvt tliOMKht of ftgatlag ae HHe Ui ford, lie w koxlnic and train! In my town ami )m ltkael to rlda aroNMil wttk me and hlp Me jikUmuI eoal. I WpH UttVlHR uh Uim a lltUe HMtl helplNg hlHt irKln. I nt to Woot iH Umii Kir alsa a mb4wM. One 4 AHuther frtoNl f utlMe Wad to drew out of H wotrk down lu ler. 111. 11 be a fHtuitirvof tkU Irtak Ua' as It ia ft fraiui of Un lit Ih lWHd. , Mkd HMl(lt Mk to odoW tkre pct.uor. ioKHMt sH4i 8-ot are all MM MM tor tin. I went. )ui tor 'rorrcrl and of tke beet, and a wort Hnuu.iy plwottt wottlfcs's NtO (alHtueai M Mot be etd to "will 1m aim by Mr. Daly ana hto compady Ih "Kerry Qow ' m toe Qratid utter bMM HoxlfHiMa" mlckt. dftU on le at ih to goo rrt ny. 1'vb T. at 9 a. m. Tho dull feeling 1 U kwd vfctok tc um qnlte aa ak. kl W4 mm& to iHake wt MKoxtkH, m W grtve Kvip oourk ISwm ICMiin'a Hh. tk 5t cur for keMtft4. bui. ami koooked mt out lu If, tovoM wtk fMJy a msuule of puorkra I ikotkt ikAl as oretty eaey, and u 1 ckAMwM ky oroftloo H m arelly easy erer ataee.'" DfrrUMW life New ltitcl. fttkv a kora la UllauU. of Oeriaaa aaivau Tko- say Orrataa tefaftwig Hon i nke U aaV " k UkJ tar. " kaf 1 eeeta to llkv H Tk kaiiler a Mtiai I got ike ur fMa it It" lake's oaerHafloa of tao klow ko a auMo laaMtae ' tmervotiac. "I aotUMl a to o laktora aala a 'toon' aaaok." k . "! u .H . ......... ... V . -- -. ,-. .w w ... KooroH la a M wko Hotklag aaff tka o. 1 ikoaakt by lruio r anneos aa ftaUm Uere ouiat to ke way at nak tkO ww kwh to alia ay ta pajrtk U, U a dateroa oak o I we,. "..,?..,ywm to work aad lad4o4 K out I kogak HHMiBinwtirimi iwiuai ""'""" " ii mil mi.n. i Yk tf fc JuJRf'oailk(JWMofikelrkid. hirtlH fWfktiUktM.woeviawklToaUwMw JLJlltU wAyer'a II sir Vijerte cornel wly cover tkU upper ttorv. koi oa mt v idj r- K'Am? T4tywtdmJ,Mfma4 !k HdJkcwbyikc8ycueol fa Auuticr. renwuu a csn wme f "wnmrwwwnmWHH MHirHlug oarrylag a ooasliMaent of looHey of about ike value of m. 000. Altkougk kold-uie were oom won la rartoue parts of the roHUtry la tkoeo dayo ao uaaeaal precautions w takoa to guard to troaeur etnea It was believed tkat aobody but tko xprem aieaaeager kaOM of lu pre- titae oa tko stafa. Tke Information kad leaked oat soajowkere aloag the lla awawr. ana" waaa tko aftaak aoarod tke Irolaad ford of tk Walla Walla rivar wMah u aetHoa shj aad iw aillos aank af Mtltoa a, wns atott4d tad roooeV ky three kish. wayatea. " latere tke ea could effect 4katf acaao oat of tko oouutr.. Bev Qf tko koW-aa ka4 roaakati Walla Walla a poaao waa NuNodiately rakiod aad atartod la aaraalt of them. Tka tkroe. eoola tbatr rkaavo o( aaaaao Uk tko ataao etroueboc rowto sun, barton :ae traure They wra an owrtakoo. aad ell tkree of tkam t lyaokOd by tk noo. Tk4tf died rofuelag to tell krre tke Me y vfu kWttea May people kav tr'ed to Aad ikla many, but ao uxoa kas over aeea reported la eooie fatit!e tka Moty af tko koldap wltk detailed dv rrtauoaa aav bora kuadi down froai geaeratloa to gfiicrati..a ia tko' aopa kat mio. aaember would bo! aelqr eaoagk to god th. foituae. fiaata day. aoaae ou tm be die. Hag aroaad la kle gardm. mavbe jm ao wui atkk hi. pkk or kovol awahaat a nwtr ira box. Aad tkat am will be an a reet tabebkaat afterward r.x BgaBBBBBBBBfl I aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal A GOOD. WO KING HORSE Is always Includod In our llvary sorv Ice. You needn't bo aahomoxl to moot aay body while enjoying a ride In ono of our rlga. You eon havo all tho pleaauro of a private atabla wlthoul either the bother or tho expense jusi lot us know and the rig want will be M your command. SALEM WATER COMPANY!1 OFFICE CITY HALL. For -water sortie apply at ofletj Dills payablo monthly In adnneJ THE AVENUE Creams. Ices, clcarj and confK-1 ions. Corner of Seventeenth &sdl Asylum a von no. n. u. er. pro-1 pnotor yon FASHION STARLKS, t W. Yumiko, Pi-op. 111-117 N. Hlgk St. Ihoae Main U GWeiti fH ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST TOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK BOSTON BROWN BREADJFLOUR Is Sclf-r islng.It makes Genolne Brown Bread, Toothsome Quick Biscuit, and a GLORIOUS BOILED PUDDING Sold by All Grocers SATIS AS 10V AS IASTIIN HCIIII -, -.si1" , .-. I- ." t 't W PEflHf as uie isunury buiitu wit,i stroas so kave tke wetkods of lauaderiag become more aad niaro rallaed. TUB PHONE 25, unimu tkaea wlw woraiaif. SALEM LAUNDRY CO. "The Laundry that Knows How" .'I...... - at Ui PortbVfcd tkls1 1SS S. UBERTY ST. "louT!1 W ot all tke mar. velou ekaago la tke proces of -.f, motk, aad wttkout a peer. today stands HOLLISTER 3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Boiy MeJiaiB ki D.y T : Brian Qallta Ht<li &id Be '" A pedW firPontlpti.n i . Ml KMu TroulMM. ItuipW-. t WU. IUd Breath. 81k1CHi II- and llrtrtuu-lh" ItNj RooWy M :'' lot fultu M ioniii 11 IkiZ HoU-lnTtR liv. PulirjiSY, M 'onirtPM wi'nncTQ tor s' i ll,i IH Wiwio mmtmrn i iM CmcH'sM Llrt Aki.urlrux ' W Wi 1 "V 1 3 " llIMiM 1.11 ' LS r SOLD RV il "fiiTS FiCYSWlf ! llAIIAIIfl MIIWHIFIIEMCHFOUIE ruuiamiiMld pills. b.b CulUUI aMa fefefeVJ. tir- UitttmMtliMNteiuil UMITCB MtOICAL CO a( T4. Uac" ft dvJvl its !F !i ft! hi e a K Ilr It n ai far , I? mSeUkSkm by Dr. 5. C Sm wr