& y ... Jtz3L flumal U. XVIII. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1008. NO. 15. til s lI jISXI" I A 7 JlPliMiiiPr 1RST CAR ON INTERURBAN LINE iss Fletcher b Star Witness in Harry Thaw Trial 16 ELECTRIC GAR UP FROM PORTLAND rived Shortly Before Noon With Officers of the Road Coach Is Sixty Feet Long, Beautifully Upholstered and Up (o Date In Every Way Ik Ant cf the bis couches which B 1 uwd on the Oregon Hloctrlo Wen Portland and Snlom nr- ,ti In the city today shortly boforo o'clock, which was the occasion a larse crowd to gather at tlio rr of High and Statu stroots, fcw the car was brought to a atop. THcarti pointed a itch ornngo tr, trimmed In gold, nnd 1b of tho it modern type, being built for -to-date suburban traffic. Tho ub li divided Into three compart- hats besides tho vestibules. Nearest e notorman'g vestibule is locatod, Ubiggage room, after which comes isoklng npaitment ami tho gener al pnssongor npnrtment. Tho conch Ih flnlshod in hard wood, nnd flttod with ovory convonlonco of n modorn railway car, being llghtod with rows of Incnndoscont lights, besides two sinnll arcs which nppoar on tho elo gantly docorntod coiling. Tho seats nro placed in tho stylo of tho regular passenger conch and nro upholstered in green plush. Tho car possesses four 7f horse power motors, and has ti whittle which sounds like a "Wil lamette rlvor steamer coming under tho bridge. Superintendent Coolldgo, who enmo up from Portland on tho I (Continued on page eight.) WANTED WIFE'S LETTERS LEAPED FROM THE WINDOW DID NOT GET THEM.OF ST. REGIS HOTEL CHICAGO STORE, PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Clearing Sale A Money-Making Harvest for Bargain Hunters AVK .UW OPFKRING GRHA THR RARGAIXS' THAN I 0QD5 XOW OX SALE AT COST AND LESS THAN COST. 1 1VST GO TO MAKH ROOM FOR OUR SURINd" PURCHASES. BR PRICES FOR RI2LIARLE MERCHANDISE. lMM yards of embroidery w M Ml. They are a spot cash direct from tho dmport i W are tto best values In Sa- It a yard Oc !. ajrard 12c lt a yard 15c JJ widths are from -1 to IS wWv. Tboy are a flue pro jj f nut!e aeedlework. IWdi of 7e Drk and Light JJW ObUbj Flannels, yard, ,c H PMc on Fino Drees JJ Sllki. of articles all ovor .. at clearing pricoa. J . Ladles' Suits. La- m ILIUm' Coat8 Milliner, . Pticoau. Clothing for Md Hoy., Blankets, Com "r Uaderwoar and Do- JJJSU. row $8.50 Z' "W 911.50 !?aow $o.oo , bow $0.50 J ta&a than oost on ajl ad Salts. IXSTI3AD 1113 STIRRED UP SCAX I)AL, AXI) PACKS A CHARGI3 Or ASSAULT WITH ATTI3MPT TO COMMIT M.URDEH, AXI) MAY HAVE TO ANSWER FOR MURDER. WOMAN A FINE WITNESS CLEVER WORD FENCER District Attorney Jerome Runs Afoul of a Woman With a Bright Mind and Exceedingly Flexible Tongue ill (Unltod Press Lomod Wire.) Dos Molnos, In., Jan. 17. After trnvellng all tho way from Snohom ish, Wash., to Des Moinos to recover letters R. II. Dosh had in his posses sion nnd refused to surrender, C. L. Clemens, a former football star at Lolnnd Stanford University, found tho man ho sought In tho ofllco of Attorney-General Byars at tho state house. There- Olomona attacked hlfl pno-tlmo rival, R, II. Dosh, a promi nent attorney of Stuart, lown. Tho two mon glowered at'ono nn-oth-r, and then "began a vicious fight, during which thoy mndo their way into tho corridor of the capitol build ing. It took the strength of a num ber of mon to pry Clemens from tho prostrato attorney, who was plckod up unconscious and taken to Mercy hospital, whorp it is feared that ho will dio. He has a fractured skull and is otherwise Injured, Clemens was arrested and is held under heavy bonds on tho charge of assault to commit murder, Clomons refused to give tho reason for tho assault and Dosh has not re covered sufficiently to talk. Snohomish, Wash., Jan. 17. Carl L. Clemens, president of tho Snohom ish chamber of commerce, left horo n short timo ago for a trip East. Ho is Identified with E. C. Ferguson In the Snohomish Land Company, nnd also owns two dairy farms near here. Dur ing tho past year ho has been deal ing In tlmbor. Clomons lived hero about eight yoars. Ho was formerly publisher of tho Snohomish Tribuno, with the present state printer, C. W. , Gorham, Ho is a graduate of Stan- ford University, and gained fame on .tho gridiron for tho Cardinals. Ho Jcamo here from Iowa, and was prom- inont in atwetics uerore coming to tho coost. I Ills wife and two children live here. Nothing is known of his do mostlo trouble. MILLIONAIRE'S WIFE DELIIIKR ATELY PLAXS SUICIDE AND LEAPS FROM HOTKL WIXDOW DURIXG THE X1GIIT MAXGLED HODV F0UX1) THIS MORXIXG. (Unltod Proes Loosed Wire.) New York, Jan. 17. One of tho most sensntionnl suicidos that over occurred In UiIb city was committod last night, whon Mrs. Horlut Scan, wlfo df a millionaire lawyer of Bob ton, and a member of one of the most aristocratic families In Massa chusetts, leaped from her room on the thirteenth floor of tho fashionable St, ReglB Hotel, and was dashed to death on the roof supf-nn adjoining building, 100 feet below. That tho'suicldo was carefully plannod thoro Is no doubt. Arising from her bed some time during tho night, aftor having retlrod In op- parontly good spirits, sho throw n light wrapper ovor her nightgown nnd thon mado the plungo to death. Mrs. Sears' maid, who occupied ad Joining opnrtmonts, did not hear her mlstross moving about, but sho thought it was Btrango that slio locked tho door botwoen tho two Bleeping apartments. Mrs. Soars had evidently takon this precaution against any Interruption of her plans by tho mold. When tho mold entorod Mrs. Soars' apnrtments this morning qho was startlod by finding her missing, and ono of the windows thrown up. She looked down nnd Raw tho mangled form of nor employer lying on the roof of a building below. Her body was so badly ornished that it was al-j most unrecognizable. Mrs. Sears had como to New York to undorgo treatment for a nervous disease. It is supposed that it was on nccount of nor bad health that she committod Buiolde. Before killing herself she ponnod a letter to her husband, and this is being bold for him. (Unltod Proea Loosed Wlro.) New York, Jon. 17. ISvolyn Nos bitt Thaw, wlfo of Hurry Kendall Thaw, was called to the stand at ll:3fi o'clock thlH morning In tho murdor trial In which her husband Is tho dofondnnt. This was n rnthor unoxpoctod niovo on tho port of tho defense, as It was thought that fiho would be ono of tho last Iny wit nosscs. Aftor sho had takon tho stand the defonso mndo another movo that cousod Burprlse. After Evelyn Thaw had boon sworn Attornay Llttloton conferred with his 'associates and thon withdraw her, stating that he was not ready at that momont to ox nmlno her. It is probable that Mrs. William Thaw, mothor of tho dofondnnt,, may, teBtFfy tbdny. - She UErlvToUAU -W& court houeo, accompanied; hyu Ijer! son, JoBlah, and npponred'to bdVory; ill. Mrs. AHco C. Flotohor, of WaBh Ington, a friend of tho Thaw family, was tho first wltnosH to testify this morning. Sho said Harry Thaw was vory nervous whon ho Sho Is ono of tho boot known sct-f-ntlflo woman in tho Unltod States. Tho -district nttornoy hnd for from on onay tlmo of It handling tho wit ness. "Did you form any improaslou that his various hoiihuh wore any dlffaaut from thoso of any othor ptrion?" Joronio OHkod. "I can toll you tho way ho notod," Miss Flotohor ropllod. "I hod no way of tolling anything about hlfl Bonsoa." "Was his Bonso of perception dlf foront from tho perception of any body olso?" quorled tho prosecutor, ""I am suro I canno answer tho q'tostlon," tho wltnoBs ropllod. "Psychology of jorcoptlon ob you undrra'tand It may differ from 'my vlow," fcaiMJasr. Fletcher. :lafflLd tho district .-attornoy by tho olovorqoss bIio dla- piayea.in onii iunoinK tn inu uiuiin time Littleton's faco woh wreathed In smiles. Ml'w? Fletcher oxplnlnod tbq anxlo ty of Mrs. Thaw over tho mental condition of hor son, Harry, Btatlnt? wnti a cllld, that Mrs. Thaw confided to hor thnt and that ho was subject to vlolont tho boy wob not roBponsiblo for hl outbursts of tomper. acts. Jerome started to propound Miss Flotohor tostlflod that In Do cembor, 1903, Harry Thaw told hor that ho wna suffering from a torrlble dlsoaso of the oyos, and ho wanted to dlo. Ho talked Inaohorcntly, tho wlt noss doolarod, and that sho could a case boBOd on suppositions and ro . forrlng to n man like Thaw bolng In , lovo with n chorus girl, whon Judgu ; Dnwllng intorrupted hi in by Haylruc that Hiieh quostlotiH woru incompo i tent, for tho roason that no chorus hardly understand what ho moant. Kjr) itnl boon montlonod In tho pro Whnn Attornoy Joromo bognn his ooodlngs. After tho wUiiohs tostlflod cross-examination of hor MI Flotch tjmt Tliaw bad told hor that ho loved er suld sho was Interested in tho. nrohologlcal bureau at Washington. (Contln'iod on page olght.) SOCIAL DANCE jomorrow night Grand Marcli at 9 O'clock HE WANTS TO IMPEACH HIM The Store That Ikes tke Bisiiess Took n Shot at Himself. (Unltod Prose Loasod Wire.) Tacoma, Wash.. Jan. 17. Stand ing before a mirror In a crowded hotel lobby C. 0. Gullander, a tailor, who recontly arrlvod from Portland, shot himself through the head at 10:30 last night, expiring instantly Twenty persons wore seated In tho lobby of the Tourist Hotol last night when Gullander passod through to the rear. Just as he took the revol ver from his poaket he turned to thoso nearost him and said: "May God forgive me." He then fired the fatal shot. He was a member of the tailors' union at Portland. Rrlbery Casea Continued. (United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Jan. 17. Tho Park side franchise bribery cases were continued for one week for decision qn tho demurrer filed by tho attor neys for the defense this morning. Abraham Ruef was the only one of the defendants to appear In court. Victoria. B. C. Jan. 17. Follow ing the opening of the leglslaturo yesterday by Lleutonant-Govornor Dunsmnlr, Hawthorne Walte, the Socialist from Nanaimo, ondeavored to introduce a resolution oalling for tho impeachment of the lieutenant govornor for having disallowed the antl-Japaoes legislation of last sos- islon. The speaker ruled that the motion was not sufliolonUy urgent to intro duce at the opening session of the house, preceding the formal motions, to which the opening day Is usually devotod. Tho resolution stated that It was Bhown at the recent Inquiry that Lieu tenant-Governor D-unsrnuir, In nil private capacity, had contracted with the Canadian Nippon Company, of Vancouver, to procure GOO Japanese for work in hiB minos, while publicly ho disallowed tho measure tending to prevent the Immigration of such Japanese laborers. STEAMER ON FIRE AT TACOMA (United Pro s Loasod Wire.) Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 17. Fire In tho hold of tho Amoronn steamer Tromont, loading for Japan, China and Manila, did damago last night estimated at $-10,000. More than COO bales of cotton were destroyod, tithor by flro or water. Tho shlp'i deck was somewhat buckled, and thoro Is other structural damago. Tho origin of tho flro la boliovod to be spontaneous combustion. Elevep streams of wator wero kept playing on tho flro for an hour and a ha'f beforo It was oxtlngulshod. .o Admiral Evuiim Goi Ashore. (United Pross Leased Wlro.) Rio Do Janerlo, Jan. 17. Roar"- Admlral Evans' trip ashoro and a boat race botween gunners' mates of the Atlantic fleet aro tho features of today's entertainment. Elaborate preparations havo been mado for tho commander of tho American squadron, and he will bo given a rousing reception. Owing to Illness ho had been prevented from going ashore up to today. SUFFRAGISTS RAISE A RIOT (Unltod Prow LenKnl Wlro.) London, Jan. 17. Stiff ragUtti raided the house of Premier Camp boiunannerman during the meeting of tho os bluet today and subse quently purtiotpated In one of tho wildest riots that ever took place In London. When tho police swooped down up on thorn the suffragist roslstud all attempts mado to arrest thorn and fought tho "bobbles" for a solid hour The streets wore blocked in evory di rection by crowds that Intensified tho oxoltomont with their cheers and Jeors. Tho suffragists greatly out numbered the police, and finally the ofllcors of tho law wero compollod to handle the riotero roughly In order to sunnross thorn. Many nrroets wero mado. It Is thought that tho raid was mado simply to show tho strength of the suffragettes. Archduke of Tuscany Dead. (United Press Leased Wlro.) Salsburg, Austria. Jan 17 Arch duko Ferdinand IV, grand duke pt Tuscany, died boro today,