DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, RALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1007. 0 - fflHR w mmWm HK1 fr m Bin BR ff i' in at a uUmh k A A -a fit a Wit ' Ytntti JEANETTE WALLICE, 943 W. 14th Street, NEW YORK CITY Ponding tlio arrival of a spoclul veniro at Gcorgotown from Grant county, Ky. which Is being Bum- monod, thoro is littlo doing In tho Powers case toJny. - NIGHTS OF UNREST. No Sleep, No Rct, No Pence for tho Sufferer from Kidney Troubles. ' ' No pcaco for tho kidney Buffcror Pain and dlstrofs from morn to n'Bt. i Got up with a lamo back, Twinges of bnckacho iiothor you nil any, Dull aching breaks you rest nt night, Urinary disorders add to your mis ery. Got at tho cause euro tho kid neys. Doan's KIdnoy Pills will work tho euro. Thoy'ro for tho kidneys only Havo mndo groat curoB in Salem. O. W. Vaughn, of 3 Stato St., Sa lem, Ore, says: "Doan's Kidney Pilla procured at Dr. Stono's drug atoro proved to bo a rolinblo remedy for bnckacho and all forms of kid ney complaint. I obtained tho best of results from their iubo, and n child In our family who had boon aflllct od with woakonod kidneys nnd noc turnal trouble got ontlroly woll In n Bhort tlmo through tho uso of Doan's KIdnoy Pills. This should commond tho romody to all paron.s who liavo children troubled 'In any way with kidnoy complaint." For Bftlo by nil doabsrs. Prlco 50 cents, Fostor-Mllburn Co., Duffalo, Now York, solo agonts for tho Uni ted Statos, Itomombor tho nnmo Doan's nnd tako no other. ChnrlM Caldwell, who was oiocUd Judgo of tho supromo court last fall, dropped dead of heart dlsonso this morning at Donvor. Biliousness nnd Constipation. For yoars I was troubled with bll - iousnoss and constipation, which o rollablo remedy. Wo havo niado llfo mlsernblo for mo. My np (found that It would do more than petlto failed mo. I lost my usual tlo manufacturers claim- for it. It forco and vitality. Pepsin prepara-jls especially good for croup an J tions and cnthartlcs only mndo mnt ('hooping cough, tors worse. I do not know whoro 1 1 REV. JAMES E. LEWIS, should havo boon today had I not Pastor Mllnca, Minn., M, E. Church, tried Chamberlain's Stomach nnd! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Llvor Tablets. Tho tablets relieve 8ld at Dr. Stone's drug store. tho 111 feeling nt onco, strongtheu . r- tho digestive functions, holplng tho' Nearly two million dollars worth Bystom to do Its work naturally. of now business, Including an tm Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Anla. PQFtant order from tho Snn Francisco Thoso tablet aro for salo at Di.jKoIc company, has boon plaood Stono's drug store. with tho Wostlnghouse companies, n at Pittsburg, Pa., enough to keep The Hnrtjo divorce case was today deckled In the Eiuportor court at Philadelphia In favor of Mrs. Hnrtje A Dangerous Deadlock that Bomtlmos terminate? fatally, is tho stoppago of llvor and bowel funcsuro to kQ0 J'n WU. 35 cents, Tea tions. To quickly ond this condition or Tablots. Fqr salo at Dr. Stone's ivlthniit. rilRnernpfihln Rensntlnna Hiv King's Now Llfo Pills should always ho your remedy. Guaranteed abso lutely satisfactory in every enso or money back, at J. C. Perry's drus atore. 26c. Danderine Aki l''PHi 3nm Flro in tlio wnrohousos Ratportngo Sash & Door Rnmsay company and Morrick Ar dorson company causod a Iobb of $200,000 at Wlnlcg, Man,, Injt iincnt. There's No Use Talking, you can'o boat Horblno for tlio liver. Tho greatest regulator over offered to Buffering humanity. if you suffor from llvor complaint, jf you arc bilious and fretful, its your llvor, and Horblno will put in in its proper condition. A posltlvo euro for Constipation, Biliousness. Dyspopsla and all ills duo to a torpid llvor. Try a bottlo and you will nov er uso anything else Sold by D. J. Fry. Socialists of Port Townsond, Wash., heretofore Inactlvo In poli tics, havo decided to put a ticket In tho flokl for tho Docombor election. Cures Winter Cough. J. E. Govcr, 101 N. Main St., Otta wa, Kan., writes: "Evory fall It lina been my wifo's troublo to cntch a sovero cold, and thorofoio to cough all winter long. Last fall I got hor n bottlo of Ilorohound Syrup. Sho used it and has boon ablo to sleep soundly all night long. "Whonovor tho cough troubles hor, two or throo doses stops tho cough, and sho Is ablo t0 i,0 up nnd well." 25c. GOo and "0. Sold by D. J. Fry. Tho Trans-Mlsslsalppi congross In soslon at Muskogoo, Okla., has en dorsod tho proposod waterway be tweon Chlongo and tho Gulf of Mexi co. Thomas Goro, the blind senator, of Oklahoma, was given a rousing ovation when ho doolarod the wast and tho south woro ngalnst oriental Invasion of the Pacific coast. o Methodist Minister Itecommonda Chnmbcrln in's Cough Remedy. Wo havo used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In our homo for seven Gar3. Rd has always proved to thousands employed for a year. Start winter in a healthy condi tion, bo froe from disease. Hollis tor's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most ltohlo preventative. Nothing so BiOrO. OJLfltTOXt.XJk.. Btk yH Hrf vWlUwwji$ BcijgM 'utw , SJS&:, cf tf? V ssf, 4 ftr Grew Miss Wallice's Hair AND WE CAN PROVE IT 1 EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIR NOW, nnd you don't have to wntt around weeks and months for results cither. You will oco improvements from the very first application. Her Hair Takes on New Life and Qrowa 3 Feet Lonecrthan It was Before. Knowlton DANDnHINK Co. Cetittcmeu; Your Dntulerlne linn innric my linlr Krow over three feet longer tlinu it was when I be unti Its use. It Is how over five feet lonuand keep right on Krowlnjr, It seems to (airly crnwl onto! my scalp, It Is so glossy nnd nice too. . Dauderiue will always have my best wishes. Sincerely, JHANItTTft WAM.ICU. This QREAT HAIR-GROWING REMEDY can now be had at all Druggists in three sizes, 25c, SOc. and $1.00 per bottle. Hn W W To show how quickly Dnnilorlno M K M M nets we will send n lame sample I ft la Ml free by return mall to anyone who sends this advertisement to the Knowlton Dunderlno Co., CliknRo, with their same and address and tea cents Ju sliver or stamps to poy postage. of tho I Count Puecklor, loatlor of tho Gor factory, nmn nntl-Bomltlc movement, has boon tnkon to the Dnlldorf insane asylum, n dangorous lunntlc. O i Always Was Sick. When a man says ho nlways was clck troubled with a cough that asted all wlntor what would yfcu think if ho should say-ho novor was sick slnco UBlng Ballard'j Ilorohound Syrup. Such a man exists. Mr. J. G. Clark, Donvor, Colorado, writes: "For years I was troublod with n sovero cough that would last all wlntor. This cough loft mo In a mlsorablo condition. I tried Bal lard's Ilorohound Syrup and havo not hnd a sick day Blnco. That's what it -did for mo." Sold by D J. Fry. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Hii Kind You Have Always Bought Boors tho r stf? , ? Signature of (az7Ucli CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY We are a new firm and wo havo como to stay, Our uniform method of damp ening, dono by an export damp enor, Insuros a beautiful finish. Special offort will be made by us to please our customers. Laundry called for and de livered. Phono orders given prompt attention. PHONE 105. WHERE? m'JOflN HUGHES CO. For All Kinds of Spray Material Lime, Sulpher, Blue Vitriol Etc. PRICES THE LOWEST. Rocky R!cu:st?.in fe& Kdygots A Das; 4u!b f. r Ha y FmuIs BHnra OsMea Health 6d haved Vigor. tnJ Backacho. It's RwLy alountmuTw In uX? let form, cents a bo Uenuine made hi &W.DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PW-il WANT STATE HANK AN!) LAlfolt TEMPLE Trades' Union Draft Now Rill and Lay Plans for lliilldliitf. Portland unions want a stnto bank to be owned by tho stnto and oper ated by it. The legislative commit tee of the Trades' council appointed at its lo mooting is now at work on a bill providing for tho creation of such a bank nnd will proaont the document to the voters of the state nt tho next olootlon held In Juno. Then If tho people consider tho plnn a good one and pass tho bill tlifi bank will be orgnnissed. Plans are also being considered for tho labor temple to be erected in Portland In tho near future. The plans for tho structure arc expected to be randy for ndoptlon nt tho meet ing of tho Federated Trades' coiin cll commlttoo next Friday evening. Tho membors of the committee hav ing mntter in chargo arc: W. II. Fitzgerald, of the cigarmakers, chair man; P. McDonald, grnlnhnndlor, secretary; W. Wood, longshoremen A. II. Shaffer, cooks and waiters; T. M. Loabo, barbers; II. W. Drew, iron trades; J. A. Stolnbnch, bricklayers; W. II. Sparks, teamsters; G. W. Lewis, typographical; J. Thorpe, tailors. From tho voto so fnr received from tho different unions of tho city it in nppnront tho per capita tax upon tho union membors of tho' city will bo ln- crottBod In order to provide a fund for keeping a union organizor in tho Portlnnd field continually. Ab tho mooting last night II. O. Parsons and P. McDonald woro elect ed delegates to tho annual mooting of the Oregon Stnto Federation of Labor which is to convono in As toria, Monday, January C. A com mitteo wns also appointed to drnft resolutions of condolonco relatlvo to tho recent death of William G. Bur ton of San Frnnclsco Pacific coast organizer for tho Amalgamated Street and Electrical Railway Em ployos of America. Mr. Burton Bpont Bomo tlmo In Portlnnd during tho strike of the street rnilway employes last wlntor. THE O.K. GROCERY Between Low Prices and High Quality In grocorioB you would surely chooso quality. But If you trade hero you don't have to chooso, for you get a combination of both, QUALITY GROCERIES, QUALITY PRICES Mako this Btoro tho favorite among womon who know grocery values as woll as wo do, By dealing hero you can save money without sacrificing quality in tho slightest dogroo. That is real economy. A. A. ENGLEBART, 12th street. Phono 122 Salem Fence Vtyorks Headquaitcrs for Woven Wire Fencing. Netting, Plcketi, Gates, Malthoid Roofing, P. & B. Ready Roofing All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. BUTTERNUT BREAD. It is worth more than any othe1 bread, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomaa ft Oooloir. Props. THE AVENUE Creams, ices, cigars and confec- ions. Corner of Seventeenth and Asylum avenue. N. O. Baker, pro prietor, I w To Heat Sa Cold CorWi P I o J -it's die smokeless device llul ilrKlb,dh" operaic anu ciean as a lamp, brass font WJ, 4 quarlr-oivcs intense heal lor 9 hours. FinisW in nickel and ppan every healer warranlcJ. ThciSe&Lampis fc' V Ground lamp maJe. iii i i l i i.i HP," Willi lalesl improved crnlral tlrall burner. Made ol brfcs lluounhotil, nickel plated. Jusl the light to read by--briolil and slcady.t Every lamp warranted. . II your dealer docsnt carry the Perfeclioa Oil Healer and Rnvo L.imn. wrilo nnr n.....i . lor descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) HUIE WING SANG Big Stock, New Line of at the Bottom Price Sale Wo aro making up tho host wrappers and waists, klmonuitji underwear, skirts, coats, pants, blankets, comforts, overshlrti, i nnd wool and cotton Goods, flno neckwear, hoso, undertklrti, i ory, laco, ribbons, children's nnd ladles' and gents' furn!ih!t(j ill oca, silk hnndkcrchlefs, chlnnwnre, matting, teat, orntanlii toys. All kinds for tho hollJnys. All kinds of curios. $1.1G children's niuht gowns 7fic $1.2G children's night gowns DOc ?1.25 Indies' night gowns ...85c 1.75 Indies' night gowns $1.25 $1.00 Indies klmonns G5c $1.50 long kimbnas $1.15 $2.75 long klmonns $1.75 $3.25 long klmonns $2.50 $8.35 host silk klmonns . ..$6.00 Wrappers 70c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.25 to $4.75. Chinese and Japanese Bum 346 Court Stre&t S' CALIFORNIA IS THE PLACE WHERE GOLF, TENNIS, B0ATM & RIDING, DRIVING AND ALL THE SUMMER SPORTS JUl ENJOYED RATE, SALEM TO LOS ANGBLES J5500 AND RETURN Correspondingly Low via the famous Shasta Roiite-Soutliern Pacific CoPJ j KNOWN AS "The Read: of a Thousand WjJ .... ...tM hnok-lets. deseripUW cf C , . -n n Anthem Pacmc A6 lis winter itesuns, - 1 T fee ihsrA. y " " 2 flcnial warm and i il. d RF E Oil Heater (Equipped wllhSwktoj Jushvhalj a cold snaD nr U, ',IB Comforter nnd Wiolct felt. $2,50 comfort sale ... $3.25 blanket sale .. $10.00 overcoats !e .50 pants sale $4.25 pants sale $8.50 silk tklrt-tale $1.50 waist sale $5.25 silk vralst sI $1.50 silk walit-! Silk and wool drt fM Illg line for cheap & Rat08 to other Cities la SoutlersCj II A Full l oZl ..,.A " neff jau w- m ,1 Id!"" jacob