""" DAILY OAPlTAIi JOURNAI, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1007. GIFT MAKING HINTS, RIBBON WORK EMBROIDERY. -Presents Clever Women Construct at Home. May 'WORKBOX AND TIE HOLDER. Two Attractive Christmas Remem brances, In the Manufacture of Which Embroidery and Amateur Carpentry Figure. 1 l HERE Is nn interesting variety of pretty Christmas girts that women can ninko at homo this .year for trilling exponso If "they are Ingenious enough to do a llt tlo carpentry work nnd havo nlso the ability to embroider and crocbot or Irnlt Ono of thcso practical and dcsirablo presents for cither a man or woman lu a-nccktio holder. It can bo fnshlon ed nn simply or elaborately an Js wish ed onco tho woodwork Is mado. Thcso holders that may bo hung on a bureau JJaiob, nttnehed to tho gas Jet or nulled 'to tho wall in a bedroom aro mado of 'on ovril -plcco of light whltowood that Gifts Any Clever Woman Can Make at Small Expense. Such dainty gifts decorated with rib bon embroidery may be mado for Christmas by women who know this art that there is renlly no limit to tho presents that aro posslblo to construct out of Inexpensive materials and that will look like costly articles when or namented with this hund work, for ribbon embroidery made in floral, elab orate scroll or geometric designs will glvo oven the homeliest of bedroom or dress accessories uu original appear ance, and anything from tho old fash ioned pincushion, that Is an essential GIFTS FOR INVALID. May fe T3rxX2pQjJ' Christmas Remembrances That Do Made at Home. Many useful Christmas 'gifts for in valids may bo mado at home. A case for tho hot water bottlo Is ono that I year. calls for skill with crochet hook and I knitting needles. Salem needs several hundreds SMILES At tho prices of good apples sweet cider must bo a costly drink this of Heavy Angering nnd bono needles .good I. coortajjlo houses for work NECKTIK 1I0LDKII. Is covered with denim, crash, linen or Batln in any shado desired. They aro earvlcnablo If tho material Is left plain, but when embroidered with tulips in red, white nnd yellow silk with green leaves or in a solid rose pattern lu natural colors they nro dccorutlvo and aro really an ornament to any apart ment. On ibid wood plaquo n round steel rod Js screwed, nnd on It tho scarfs nnd ties aro hung when not in ubc. At tho back two ribbons any length uoeded to suspend tho holder from a desirable place aro attached and Mod in a bowkuot Tho ribbons may bo of a color to match tho muto- rial. Instead of nn oval of whltowood n 'six sided pleco about ton inches in diamotor Is needed for tho modern workbox thnt is Just now ho accepta ble because it contains nil tho Decen nary thtugH that a housekeeper wants when Him sits down to how or mend. Onco tho wood is carofully sawed In to a hexagon It may bo covered with I dark red or deep green satin or with ' less expensive material, nnd then tho ' task of fitting tho workbox with spools, miniature boxes for needles, plus, tnpu measure, etc.. may bu started. ( Tu the center a cushion for plus nnd tfccdlos is essential, nnd it may bo puoTooiurn pijamb in himhon wobk. in dressing, to tho newest corsot bng will bo attractive and decidedly accept able when decorated with It. A pincushion mado of white satin in a round style, with two milieu of real or imitation vnlenclennes lace and n third flounce of whito Bilk, is pretty, but when decorated in tho center with a Louis XVI. basket mado of gold thread, out of wliich ribbon embroid ery flowers in imitation roses and for- getmenots fail in confusion, this ordl ' nary .bureau article Incomes a wo-lc of art, or if the mlddlo of satin 13 ornamented with ribbon embroidery made into a running green vino on which conventional tulips or carna tions in yellow, pink and bluo nro worked tho cushion is equally effec tive and unique. Picture frames for photographs mado of silk or untln nnd ornamented with will bo required for this, tho bag being m?' fnm,1,C8, 1.A.1 ... . . -.Ill I- - I V Kuiuuu uu iwu uuuuies. J. inn is cru chctcd, also of wool, nnd sewn around tho three sides and tho mouth of tho case. When tho water bag is Inserted tho top Is drawn together by running a ribbon in and out, tying tho bag in place, and It goes without saying that this Is much moro pleasing and sightly than tho usual flannel case. To match this u pretty covering for n hand warmer may bo constructed on similar lines, except that both ends aro drawn up and finished with tassels and loops, though ono Is left open to receive tho warmer. Llttlo bottles filled with hot salt, tli en tightly corked, nro slipped In tho enso and tho open end drawn to gether. When completo It is not unlike tho silk crochet purse of long ago, as tho hand warmer, though matching tho colors of tho hot water bottlo case, is mado of heavy Bilk In crochet. Then, too, the Bofa rug, that will keep slipping off, may bo mado to re tain its position by having nn under portion sny half tho leugth of the rug into which tho feet aro slipped, thus having it up to tho knees both over nnd under tho legs. From tho knee upward tho rug mnybo drawn up or thrown back, us preferred, becauso this part is single. Every ono knows how pillows are apt to slip, whether tho patient is lying or sitting In bed, nnd so a holder Is quickly and simply mado by sowing to a stroug pretty ribbon stocking sus pender clnsps, which will grip tho pil low and hold It In place when tho In valid wishes to Bit up for u few min utes. Leaning- back again, sho will And It in exactly the samo place. A thoughtful gift would bu a strip of whlto linen embroidered, bound aud the ends finished with the clnsps. Who will build l'INGUHIllOH I.H HI1UI0N WOltlt. ribbon embroidery flowers nro compar atively now this season nnd will bo most acceptable gifts, for they may bo used with appropriateness on either a dressing table or in a Hitting room or parlor. Though these frames, tin lshed with nn edging of whlto or gilt wood, nro attractive, n ploce of bright gold galloon put around tho glass makes tho whole moro original and decorative. IMlls ami riles. uouimx wohkiiox. tnndo as decoratlvo as la desired. Around It tho small cardboard or pill boxes, eqvorort with satin or whatever goods Is used on tho base, aro glued In place, aud between, thcso boxes tmools of thread nro tied into placo with narrow baby ribbon. Ou tho tops of tho boxes slips of rlbbou nro at tached so that jtclssora, bodkins, knit ting needles, thimbles and emery bugu will huve a placo on tho workbox. A prollflo cimiho of Piles is tho uso of cathartloH and pills of n drastic violent nature, always followed by n reaction on account of tho roslnous, dnlng proportlos thoy contain. Thoro nro othor causos, but no matter what tho causo or what tho kind of Pllos, Dr. Loonhnrdt's Hom Itold enn bo rallod upon to euro to stay curod. It's an internal romody that ro tnovos tho causos of Itching, Blind, Blooding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantoo goos with oach pack ngo. $1.00 nt druggists, or Dr. Lcon hardt Co., N'lngnrn Kails, N. Y., Pro prietors. Sold by Dr. Stono, Saloin. n Novel Pincushion. A pincushion la a very necessary adjunct to tho nvemgo woman's dress lag table, aud she Is apt to be special ly appreclutlvo If the ouo bestowed upon her at Christmas Is mado In soniu novel form. Uroocho that aro worn often nro jjonorally kept somewhoro wlthlu easy Tench, aud thoy aro proeorved In bet tor condition if their ordinary resting placo is a wash hmthor cushion In stead of a china or metal pin tray. To make this brunch pincushion, uso a round cushion coxorod with wusu leuthur for jour ceutur and sew to this four flaps of velvet, heavy Hllk or tiny other material that you choose, lining oach flap with the wash leather, titlek your brooches luto tho center cushion aud fold tho Units over, Tho two thnt fold ou top aro tied together 'with ribbon. Nnttio to Knights of Pytlila i At tho llolmau hall this ovonlng, October 28th, thoro will bo rohonr sals In tho third rank. All member aro requested to bo present, especial ly thoso having parts of tho work of tho third. Tho work bolng over card 'playing and spoochos will bo the lln- tailing ovout of tho ovonlng. There I will bo rofroshmonta and cigars. All j visiting members nro cordially In 'vlted to uttond. W, II. Dalrymple, 0. 0. minniiiHtiiiiHinm J m c: Every Month in the Year :: i" i.: COFFEE Poor coffee has to be sold in bulk, it isn't worth jDackingf. Your rocr rturoi your mootr M in feat UkeScMUW. fktt. . pr hju. Brlugs Its curront bills. Ono wny to pay thorn Is to go from I plu.ee to plnco, carrying tho ; monoy with you, nt tho risk of ' loss and tho chanca of ovor- ! looking the taking of a recolpt, ; and having somo of It to pay ; ovor ngatn. Tho convonlont busl uoaa-llko wny Is to pay all bills by ohock, no matter how small. ; A oheck Is tho best receipt you ' can hnve. Paying out monoy lu this way Insures correctness ; and gives you a complete rec- ord of nil monoy paid out. ! Open a Checking Account With Us. SALEM STATE BANK 'Salem, Oregon win t It it HI tl I i M Puff Dncs. Llttlo Inco edged handkerchiefs nro utilized for making bags into which the powder puff can bu conveniently A hypnotist talked Mrs. James Alderson out of $480' nt Independ ence. When tho Harrlman officials want to go anywhoro in a hurry In Orogon they take an auto. Elbert Hubbard wont through Ore gon last week. If it had been gon orally known what a lot of wome; would hnvo been at tho stations to have hnd him look into tholr soulful eyes. Great oculist, Elbort. o Tho Journnl Is a bargain day ev ery day in tho year. But tho $3.00 n year bargain rato can bo had again November 30. Pay up to that date, and extend at tho low rato. Tho Capital Journal has beat ev ery papor in tho state on big turnip stories. What do the women's clubs think of tho beautiful Russlnn Circassians coming to sottlo In Orogon? If Mrs. Weathorred don't look n llttlo out, her fair Ilnwalinns will never return to tho land of Aloha. Thoy will becomo Orcgonlnns. McMinnvlllo seems to hnvo three llvo ndvortlsors, Macy Bros., Tho Miller Mcrcantllo Co. and Iho Ilnm-blln-Whcoler Clothing Company. m Lincoln county hns formed a pion- oor association. V Congressman Hawloy nnd Sonntor Fulton hnvo dono tho district n groat sorvlco by visiting nearly ev ery county nnd getting In touch with tho Industrial and political situa Tho now union dopot In Albany Thousands Haye Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. JProvnlcncjr of Kidney DUcino. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prevalency Whilckidneydis- luiuuia are tne most common diseases that pre vail, they arc almost the last recognized by patient and phy aicians. uho vm. tent ihtmm .....- with doctoring the effects, while the orig. inal disease undermines the'jystcm. What To I)o. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmrr'a Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills evcryvwish in curing rheumatism' pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder nnd every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water nnd scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects fallowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the dny, nnd to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need n medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug, gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a DOOK mat iciia aw about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- linmtnn. N. V. When Horns of Bni.iii writing mention this paper nnd don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, aud the address, Binghnintou, N. Y. Blippod and used so that no ouo but will bo at tho junction of tho S. P. tho woman who knows the trick would dotect It. O ! A Criminal Attack, on nn inoffonsivo citizon Is frequent ly mado In thnt apparently usolcss llttlo tubo callod tho "appendix." It's gonornlly tho result of protract ed constipation, following livor tor por. Dr. King's Now LIfo Pills regit" Into tho llvor, provont appendicitis, nnd establish regular habits of tho bowels; 25c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. Two From Union County Phil Lnmont and Mlchaol Broorlck woro commlttod to tho Orogon stnto prison -todny from La Grnndo, oach for ono yoar for larcony from a building. and C. & 13., whoro It should bo. Tho big Oregon Interests thnt nro scrapping Hnrrlmun will not unlto for tho gonornl development of tho stato. Kacli wants IiIb own llttlo lo cal moss of fish fried, and lot tho rust go. And it goos. Julius Cncsnr wns n mnn of norvo but Blcknoss left Its mark nnd ho btenmo aged boforo IiIb tlmo. Sickness is ofton caused by a torped llvor. Horblno will rcgulnto your llvor nnd glvo you health. Mrs. Cnrrlo Austin, Ilollon. Knn writes: "I consldor Horbino tho host mcdiclno I ovor heard of. I am never without it." Sold by D. J. Fry. Crocheted Opera Dag. Since the fad for knitting nnd cro cheting bus taken Bitch a hold on the feminine contingent the fashion for knitted nnd crocheted articles hns gained greatly In popularity. Ono of tho prettiest gifts lmaginublo for tho womnn who goes out n great deal Is a theater bag of crocheted silk that is capacious enough to hold all of tho small articles thnt she may need. Crochet rings very loosely In slnglo stitches or mako squares by crochet ing solid Btltchcs nnd connecting them by chains of four stitches each until n long piece hns been mndo, which, when folded over nnd the edges Joined, will form n bng. Lino this with pretty Bilk of n contrasting color. Cover ten brass rings with tho silk crocheted lu a slnglo stitch, fasten them In a row an Inch below tho top and run a cord through thcso rings to drivr tho top togothor. A vory old lady was grnndma Joncd, Sho hnd passed her four score and thrco, And had no aches or pains In her bones, For sho drnnk HolllBtor's Rocky Mountain Ten, For Bnlo at Dr. Stones storo. 53 noai.j.. n. -iy I'm Chalns lotted I de8l8n tj! .am c... . 1 """NUWuUv ., Ln.,..:... i AS. H, HI 123 rZZr Jewtltf n Ono on tm. .. " Bttei- ina i w. I. ,0" ,ll? .r - v & uiLiann vi.. " i - .: "i uoidim.j iik on th r ,. " want a B-e.ni !!?. L '&15"." Vorh'V. 5-n.M Nopolcoa 1 showed, atthobiUljJ ho vni Hi a ... . ."! world. nallaH1. o...TJ shown tho public It Is tht """ mo world, i, iur uneumatlsm, Sjr Cuts, etc. A. n pi.t.' says: "I med miiirftj mont In mr iamiir ..i t, ! mun "lied for tore clai corns, la fact tr t.u ho reached b; a lkiajj oy u. j. rry. An prrhnnro I. this: "A niov promised his wife be toI mi ramo alter ner Hi d Alio noiy Terror," They Want to Ho Pinched. Borlln, Oct. 28. Tho Knlser and royal family nttondod Caruso's first nppoaranco In Borlln In "Ulgolotto." Caruso was enthusiastically applauded. No person that k?u canal clean and l!Uj( appendicitis. Holllstin Mountain Tea remountf you from disease. IS i Tahlots. For saU tt kl store. o- The pavers are txMxi for Court street. 11 o- Thcy Make Yc FsH Tho pleas&nt pcrpJni porlencod by all vbowl Iain's Stomach asi Uml and tho healthy cK&fe body and mind l!dft makes one feel Joyfal Samples frco at Dr. store. MMVJMHiBifMIMHmiMMn AisJr fei J? w IsKiHHklisiK t I, New Model Sack Suits That can be had teady-to-w In them you will find quality, and style You will certainly five g eat pleasure in examiflfog new Fall models of famed "Bishop Ready TailWedClotbes Prices $J0.00 to $30.00 Salem Woolen Mill Sto ticsc garments and nave a tailo to ,cc - -ma a e5f vnuf taster extra cnarge. gt X - -