DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEITEM1IEU 30. i"7- a HOFER BROS., Pilahztt and Proprietors A. P. HOFEH, Manager. E. HOFER, Editor. -L. HIE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LABOR. THE DAY WAS DEAD. Tho day whb dead, nnd tho flowers swayed In tho blttorness of grlevlng: And twlight camo with hor eyes of shade As tho spirit fair was leaving. Tho zophyrs crooned In a requiem And the echoes low, replying, ' Sang softly sweet, as Is wont wllh thorn, In tho music of their sighing. ' Tho night came slow, whllo the sobbing sea Swept on In Us stately surges; Tho undertono of a lullaby Roso up from Its mollow dirges, Tho night camo down to tho sleeping day That scorned of Its noon-glow dreaming With starry candles In rich array Tho tomb of tho day was gleaming. Tho day was dead and tho word wont forth To tho farthest sllont spaces; To tho stars that stand wost, south nnd north And forever havo their places. Tho word wont forth and tho word went on Till It lost Its tono of sorrow And It broko in light at tho gates of dawn And awakened a tomorrow. MACHINE METHODS (Continued from Page Ono.) ( W. D. Nesblt In Republic. THE I'UULIO SCHOOLS. Tho greatest social Institution of tho American pcoplo Is tho public school. ' ' Opening of tho public schools nt Salem today starts fifteen hundred young peoplo ON THE HIGH ROAD TO CITIZKNSIIIP. Whothor thoy shall bo usoful nnd successful citizens or not depends much on tho public school. Tho public school can only reach THE HIGHEST SUCCESS III CO OPERATION of tho pnronts, tonchors, pupils nnd school omcors. Tho work of tho schools Is broadening. It extends to tho physical wolfaro, THE SOCIAL, MORAL AM) INDUSTRIAL LIEU. Salem Iiuh many other schools, and pnronts can uso their discretion in Bonding children to them. In many cases it Is to tho ndvnutago of tho child to send It clsowhoro part of tho time. Hut lot mi glvo tho public schools our hoarty and cordial support, nnd doiuuud that thoy do good' work. o THE AMBITION OK EUGKNE. Eugene Is ambitious to bo the second city In Orogon nnd hnB long boon a Jonlous rival of tho Cnpifnl City. The nmbltlon Is u worthy onu and tho youngster up tho vnlloy IS LUSTY AND ROLLICKS LOUD FOR PRE-KMINENCK. Thoy are raising n boosting fund and claim to hnvo omployod a $5000 n year hoonlor to put out tho funds.' Tho First National bank has hqr.dod tho subscription list with $100 n month for u year. Senator Booth Ih to do tho samo. OTHERS ARE SHELLING OUT LIKE A BONANZA MINE. Tho opening of tho Unit mllo or ol6otrlc strootcnr lino wnB colobrntod tho other day. Somo twonty-flvo blocks of bltullthlo pnvomont nro ordered nnd tho village founded by Eugene Sklnnor WILL NOT KNOW ITSELF A FEW YEARS HENCE. A now $.10,000 pnBHongor dopot hns boon onlorod thore. Hero's lookln nt you, gontlomon. You nro doing things In tho right way. o . . A WOIII1 TO YOUNG ADVERTISERS. Young n starting out In ImihIiiom nro fronuontly mlsltd Into want ing thulr money on forty different wny or advertising. Older ndvrtlBorn confine thoinuol von ALMOST ENTIRELY TO THE COLUMNS OF THE DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPKU. Wo could mention Sttlem linns, such u Joseph Moyors & Sons, Hni'iiOM, tho Chleugo Store. Wado O- Co., who do this. Thoy hnvo built up a lnrgo and HiiccoBHful business IlV ADVERTISING ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY IN THE SALEM NEWSPAPERS. Thoro nro very fow other mediums of advertising that bring return. Too many nro more gift ontorprltws. Tho roucoH rtn tho roadsides nro A DIRECTORY OF IIPSINKSS FAIL URES AND FIRMS THAT WENT Ol'T, Thoro may bo n very low mediums hotddens tho nowspapor but you can count t Hum on tho llngor or one hu ml. Tho fako udvurllslng sehomos luJuro a mnn's credit as muoh us thoj help It Ih trade. --0 .. UNIVERSITY. Eugene, Tom Hlohnrdsou over HOW TO HELP THE In an effort to hotulr the peoplo or ronolutd u llttlo. Undtir tho bonding "A Hot Shot" the Rogistor prints the following Tom Hlohnrdsou sent homo n ptotty hot shot In his nddross boforo tho business men Thuradny night when ho said no man Hlioiild bo made governor or this state nor polltlolnn ndvnncod to it plaeo or honor who does not think Orogon schools nro good enough In which to educate his children, No stnto should bo good enough for a umn whoso schools nro not good enough ror his children. He ouKht to go where ho can consist ontly bo loyal to homo Institutions. v Tho (ling Ih at Governor Chamborhiln FOR HIS VETO OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY APPROPRIATION. Tho governor has n son who Is n doctor nnd nnothor who Is n law yor. Ho could educate nolthor of thorn nt Eugene nt tho state unlvor Blty. t Tho legal nnd modlenl departments of tho Orogon stale university nro located nt Portland. HENCE THE RICHARDSON SLOPOVER. A young man who wants the cultural houolHs of nttoudlng a stnto university must go out of tho stnto to belong to olther profession. Tho stale university will never bo strong nnd popular with tho peoplo I'NTIIi THOSE GREAT LltAHNEH PROFESSIONS ARE MADE PARI' OF THE IXSTITITION AT EUGENE. Tho lognl nnd inodlcml professions. Including dontlstry, should bo tnught ut tho university beenuso tU mombors of thoso prorosalons nocd tho fliilturo that can only bo Imulbod nt nn university. Wllltuuotto university nt Salem la uhoad or tho stnto university In thoso rospoots. IT HAS A MEDICAL AND LEGAL COLLEGE AT SALEM, Governor Chamberlain 1ms not boon disloyal to this stnto nor Us In stitutions. Ho Is nn university man himself, and ho wnuted his sons to hnvo tho benefits of an uulvarslty training, Tho way to help tho uulvorslty Is to demand that thoso learned pro fesalons shall bo made part of the Institution. That would double tho attendance. Digest of New Charter Drnft. Under tho proposed new charter there will be a complete change In the form of civic government, If It Is ndoptod by the people nt a speclnl election to bo called for that pur pose. Tho elective offices will be tho mayor, auditor, now known as the city recorder, treasurer and mem bers of the city council, one from ench of tho seven wards of the city Tho powers of tho council will bo very much tho same as now except that they will bo considerably elab orated upon nnd will bo confined principally to legislation. Tho elec tion or a president of tho council Is provided for to prosldo In tho ab senco of tho mayor. Tho mayor will bo given tho veto power over all ap propriations of money, whether by ordinance or resolution. Tho powers given tho council over nuisances will bo elaborated upon, since tho officers will have tho au thority to go on premises for the purposo of abating a unlsance nnd tho cost of snmo will apply as a lien upon the proporty. Tho council will also bo glvon a broader scope In tho mnttor of Hldownlk Improvement and tho city's nuthorlty to order and en rorco orders for nldownlk Improve ment nnd building will bo strength ened over tho prosont system nnd thoro will bo no question of tho legality of tho method of procedure. Franchise Grnnt Limited. Tho gonoral poworB aro practicnl ly tho same nH nt present and the provision of tho present chartor, permitting tho acquisition of public utilities by voto of tho ncoplo ban boon rotninod. Tho granting of pub" lie franchises will also bo. limited to maximum of 25 years. All fran chises, too, must bo published In full In n locnl newspaper for at lenst 20 dayB boforo being grnntod nnd nt the oxponso of tho applicant for snmo Thoro aro mnny restricting pro visions in connection with tho grant" Ing of a franchise, ono of tho prin cipal of which is that tho city has tho prlvllogo or taking over nny pub lic utility nt tho expiration or tho torm or tho franchise Also when a corporation vacates a street It nt onco rovyta to tho city. All gran tees or franchise will bo required to ninko rcgulnr reports to tho city council, showing the condition or tho proporty ror tho purposo of taxa tion. .Brnntl New Fund System. Tho now) chartor will provide nn of rund3. Every appropriation must bo mndo ror tho benefit of n cortnln fund, which will bo pro vided for ovory purposo, nnd no money enn bo nppnt unless tho ex act purposo Is specifically stnted nnti inoro is nmpio money in me fund to cover tho appropriation, Among tho funds provldod will hu tho Btrcot lighting fund; public li brary fund (to tako enro of Intorcst on bonds). No monoy enn bo spent by tho council whon thoro Is no mon oy applicable ror tho purpose nnd It ennnot endorso wnrrnnts lrt the ovont or a dollcloncy. Any member appropriating money from a fund in which thore Is u dollcloncy is deemed guilty of mulfensanco nnd adequate punishment Is provided hosldo ox pluslon rrom tho council. Monoy ennnot bo transferred from one fund to nnothor. New Administration System. All or the udmlulstrutlvo hulnMi or tho city will bo trnnsnetod through the medium or nn executlvo board to consist of 3 members, to ho appointed by the mayor who will act. as presiding olllcor. Tho re ceiving of bids, letting of contends, accepting work nnd payment of bills will bo attended to by this board u.uuil ii'KiHiuuvu manors, nun iius board will havo complete charge and control or nil departments or tho city. Including tho lire, police, streets, lighting, public buildings, li brary, pound, etc. All public olllcors, with tho ex ception or thoso nnmod as oloctlve, will bo appointed by tho executive board, Including tho chief of police, flro chief nnd nil or tho subordinate mombors or thoso depnrtments, nnd tho board will bo held nbsolutelv ro sponslblo ror tholr collective anil In dividual conduct. Every police ottl cer will ho required to furnish n surety bond or $1000 to $3000 under which thoy will bo hold responsible ror mnlconduct or nn oillclnl nature, and, in cases or public dtsordor, such na riots, mob vlolonco, etc., tho irtnyor will net undor his porsonnl supervision; ho will also bo nuthor Ired to nppolnt extrn ml special ofll cors whon tho occasion domands. Powers of Executive Hoard. Tho executlvo bonrtl will havo con trol of tho streets nnd nil work of repnlr, improvement or construction All Humors Arc lrapuro matters which tho skin, liver, kidneys and other organs cannot tako care of without help. l'ltuples, bolls, eczema and other- erup tions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of Indigestion, dull head aches and many other troubles nro duo to tlicin. They nro removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as 8 arsataba. 100 doses $1. Hurrlmau'a now homo is to bo n mllo above sea level. Hopo he'll en joy u for there's , another waiting lilm that U not so olovatod. Madl uou Democrat, 'Undo Joe'1 Cannon is said to bo making a nolso like & presidential candidate, but so fur ho hasn't res cued a girl or pitched any hay, Detroit Free Press, A Savings Bank Account lias been the nucleus of mnny a fortune. It's a sure and safe way of accumulating money. It's an insurance pol icy against failure. Open one with us. Savings Department Capita! National Bank In connection with them, nnd also of the patching, building nnd ropair or bridges within tho city. Tho execu tive board must render regular monthly statements to tho city coun ell to keep It advised ot tho minutest details of its transactions. Tho park board' will remain tho samo ns nt present, as will also tho board of health and tho library sys tem, but tho executive board will have power to establish n free city library nt any tlmo and levy a special tax of not to exceed one-fifth of u mill for tho purposo of mainten ance. Modern Auditing System. Under tho new chartor tho pres ent city recorder will go known ns tho city auditor and- will havo "the snmo duties to porrorm, with tho ad ditional duty or auditing all nc counts, seggrogntlng them Into runds nnd keeping a cystom or ac counts or runds with a doublo check upon nil moneys In tho city treasury bo that ho will bo nblo to ascertain tho condition or nny nnd nil runds at a moment's notice. Ho will cqn tlnue to net ns pollen Judge nnd clerk or tho city council. - Duties of Treasurer. Tho city tronsuror, In addition to tho dutleo Imposed upon him under tho present chnrtor, will dopoalt no monoy except on good Bccurlty, nnd must require a surety bond or tho bank ror ovory dollar bo deposits. Any bnnk wishing to rocolvo city runds on deposit must stnto tho rnto or lntoroat It will pay ror opening mi nccount nnd tho bank paying tho highest rate or Interest nnd furnish ing tho best socurlty will bo declnrcd tho city doposltory by tho city coun cil and not tho tronsuror, ns nt pres ent. Provides City Engineer. Ono or tho most Important ofllccs which will ho created under tho pro posed now charter will bo a city onglnoor, to bo nppolnted by tho mayor. Ho must bo a practic al and competent engineer with long cxpcrlenco In public on with long oxporlcuco In public en gineering work nnd will hnvo charge or nil public work or tho city, Includ ing Btrco3, Boworn. drnlnu. location ot telegraph and telnphono poles, etc., nnd till civic Improvomont or nny nature Ho will bo under tho direction or tho executlvo board. Tho chnrtor bonrd rognrds this ofTl clal as tho most usoful and neces sity of nny public ofilclnl. Tho city nttornoy will bo tho snmo as now nnd will bo nppolntlvo by tho execu tive board. Revised Street Improvement System. Ono of tho most lmportnnt rea- lures or tho new charter will bo an elnbornto soyBtem or 'street Improve ment, cstnbllshmont nnd changing or grades, vncntlon or stroots, olc. It will bo conduct od undor what Is known us the district plan or assess mont according to bonoflt. This will be used especially In tho rosldonce districts whoro districts will bo established as a cortaln street, to be used us n main nrtory or trnlllc, will bo Improvod nnd the property pwn ors In that district will bo nseessod for tlio cost according to bonoflt re- colved. In . tho builnoss district elthor tho district, abutting proporty or ndjncont proporty systems enn bo usod, nnd, bocnuso of tho flexibil ity or tho systems It was adopted by tho board which fools cortnln that it will glvo perfect satisfaction, bo cnuso It lias boon tried In lnrger municipalities. In case nn assess ment Is not approved by property ownorB, upon a basis or oquallty, a mothod or appeal Is provldod ror and the present system of two-thirds nren for romonstrnncoa aglnst street Im provomont hns been retnlned. 'Anothor ndvnntngo of tho Btreot Improvomont system Is that, In case of mlstako In tho proceedings, which upon rovlow In tho courts nro found dofoctlvo, Mio faults can bo correctod by tho city council with out Intortorlng with or invalidating nny other tonturo or tho proposed Improvomont. In tho main tho other fenturos of tho chnrtor aro practical ly tho snmo na under tho presont city constitution. Tho entire document will come up ror consideration be fore tho city council tonight and It la thought that It will bo adopted in its entirety. o . J Wanted Quick Relief. Llttlo Dlmpleton How long will It tnko you to give mo a working knowledge in Jlu Jltsu? Tho Profeaior Oh. x sny, two wooks. J Llttlo Dlmploton Rut, honvons, man! I can't want nil that time to got rid ot our cook. Philadelphia Inqulror. I o A Matter for WonuW. "Tomorrow," . nnnounoed flvo-yoar-old Sldnoy, proudly, to his klndorgnrtou toachor, "Is my blrf day." "Why," roturnod she, "It is mine too." Tho boy's fnco olouded with per plexity and, nttor a brier silence, he exclaimed: "How did you got so much blggor'n mo?" Ltpplncott'e. O Show Him Up. "Please, mum, there's a gentle man downstairs, mum." " "Vory well, Jane. Show him up to tho drawing-room." "Rut no's come to sweep tho chltnbly, mum." "Very well, then: show him ..n ithe chlmuey." Now Haven Regts-Jter, Clothes of Quality Dressed In one of our hand some suits a man will bo his own letter of recommondatlon for wisdom will tell you that, whllo good clothes do not mako tho man or break him, they glvo him a lift along the lane of life. You boo many well-dressed men on tho strcots nowadays, and a largo por "o of them aro wearing: othes of quality. SUIT PRICES RANGE $10, $15, $20 up to $30 Let quality Influence you and not tho nrlco So wo ask you to como to soo what the price will bur .. I tho way of quality. . ' "''J I G. W. JOHNSON & CO. THE GOOD CLOTHfS STORE Announcement To my patrons and tho public Thnt I hnvo added a Horso Shoeing department wltha ttnWa horso shoor, and tho patronago of any and all will be appredtt in this lino. Special attention paid to Interfering, over-mti:B and lamo horsos. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo pay speclil o tlou to building trucks, express and dollvery wacons, and ill hides. A first-class paint shop nnd nn thorough painter ton hides. Paints, oils, vnrnlshos nnd lubricating oils ot ill IbJ Wagons, buggies and hacks, also farm Implements of ill khfl plows, harrows, cultivators. Agonts for the Era boiler uj i glnes, Nicholas & Shophcrd traction engines, sawmill ory and gnsollno engines. It will Indeed pay roa to to us If you need any of thoso lines. Come k sco us, whothor you buy or not., Communications by matp ly nnswercu. GEO. B. JACOB Comor Front and Pine streets. North Salem. Phone Mais IH EZsnHnnHHi USE SELF RISING B. B. B. Flour For Boston Brown ltea(L Jddle C A'kes. Mulllns nnd Plain P ALLEN'S II. II. II. FLOUR CO.. INC. SAN Jo CtL f9mMr' 9A I 'i' flniA TrinI "Vrtii CTstta Alnrntxi Tlnncrlif and wlltcJl lM I in use for over 30 years, lias borno the fe"JJ nnd Iws bceuniauouuu -- Zjy- aonal suporrlslon since Kw All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good iMjj juxporuncnttt mat trine wim uu. -- -Iniknts and Children Experience sjrhwt i What is CASTORIA Castorla i a harmless substitute for Cas t u goric, BropH nnd Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor 0I" , substance. Its ago is its guarantee. u" fi ana nunys x.'overisimess. jil vuia 400011? Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, curcs , nnd FLittilMv. It assimilates tho io ".! k 14i., nml Miu " etomaelinml Kowels, giving CimM' r V-ind. Tho Children's Panacca-Tho Mother's tncnu. rr........ vji-r-M3lA ALWAi ubiiuinc v-Jj I vni1 B4Uf the Signature of The M You Haye AW B0 In Use For Over 30 Y . t mitut m " TNC OKNTkUM MKMat 0