DALLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, EVALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1007 7 i iiiiii ii Mi ' bicycles! A bicycle botight of as will save yotf money, because we handle the most reliable makes. If your wheel needs repairing trfflgittocs. We will fix it and usc the best materials and work men, therefore yotf will be saved time, worry and money. Cattode in Bulfc 2 lbs. 25c Fank h Moote 1 iMtimwiWMiwiiWMWwi I THE BREAD LINE tie thinker has long maintained UlktTigM of tho laborer nro al- njjnejrtho bread lino that Ib, ho ffildonljras much wages as It ro- f. i. ....A.I11KH lilinanlr III lnnil tjttbj oder, the cmployor well bcvlss that bo must Keep his work in uncllcd with food, Hholtor and nkettininclcnt to protect him nnJ totally and allow reproduction In pfet to keep tho mlnoa, fnctorl03, Va and 10 forth running. I say fe Making man has long rocog- M He above as a fact. ,jjhw beforo mo u prospectus la- Mino uoara 01 irmw 01 ji buwpi 5)$ that ought to convlnco nny oifth above contentions, If any torero nectary. This pros 'WU Issued for tho henoflt of tho item Interests of that city. It in LB to different ninnufacturors ijlout tho country to Induce to locato there. Tho prospectus i(8 gotten up. It shows skill nnd In arranccmen. It has a num- I fine cuts of tho principal fca- ot the city and surrounding Bwtrj, 6lvlng In detail nil that ono lit reasonably want to know In pA (JIM. Bt wbat.Etrlkos tho wrllor as bo- I 10 rnlrl.lilnnilml (a lt nrHnli UiM "Lahnr." nt wlilnlt tlin fnl- ,fcitoj aro tho oxact werds: "Labor at reasonable cost Is, tho kutof this city. Tho iourco of tho laWrmpply la the native whlto pop Atfoa mrroundlng tho city, tho t prolific In family production in w United Statoa. Tho laborer Is Me and contented. Strlkos are Kkaown. ' Tho low cost of living the mild climate making tho cost fBel And plnHllnir lnaa !... In r other cities and permitting of ".wr work every day In tho year, I It Is a wonderful llvoi wr it possible to maintain a lower I always bavo It In tho j.jHlc,,e than Prevails In like In- Hah whero you wiBb." " ' mt uorm." As nn exnmplo of somo of tho wagca paid tho following Is queted: Common lnborors, from ?1 to ?1.50 a day. enrpontors, $2.50 to $3; print ers, $2.75 to $4; painters, $2; plumb ers, $2 to ?'l; pnporhangors, $2.50 to $3; brick mnsons, $-1.50 to $5; plas terers, 35 cents nn hour; teamsters, $1 n day; toxtllo mill hands, 50 cents a day ami up. Tho prospectus boasts of having ono ot tho largest cotton mills In tho south, nnd also tho largest woolon mill In tho world, honco tho quota tion ot toxtllo -hands at 50 conts n day and up. Whnt does tho abovo convey to tho' render? Only this that what ovor advantages natttro hnB glvon tho lnboror In that city nro taken from him by tho manufacturer. If tho cll mato lo rigorous, ho la paid sufficient wages to purchaso fuol and clothing. If theso nro unnecessary, they aro not furnished In wages by tho em ployer. In othor words, tho laborer la not allowed' nny benefits that his location mako for him by tho reason of his living In a mild cllmato, but they aro absorbed by tho cmployor. If somo wizard of an Edison should dlscovor a food tho vnluo of 10 conts worth of which would bo sufficient to maintain tho laborer In working con dition, do you not know that tho wngos would at onco fall. Wages have remained and always will re main near tho broad lino, sometimes above nnd sometimes below. So long ns tho present system is In voguo tho abovo condition will prevail. You will note In tho wages quoted in tho prospoctuD that thoso tradoB which aro boat organized receive tho highest wages, and that thoso unor ganized recolvo tho lowest. Thoa. Farmer In Chicago Rccord-IIorald. o Sho Found Relief. If you aro troubled with liver com plaint and bavo not received help road this. Mrs. Mary E. Hammond, Moody, Texas. "I was in poor health with llvor trouble for over a year Doctors did mo no good and I tried Horblno, nnd throe bottle cured mo. I can't say too much for Herblno, as wonderful llvor medicine, i house. Pub Sold by D. J. Fry. Gorky's Ininilcssloiis of London. What Is tho glory of England? England's glory Is her Insatiable love of liberty. Dut this lovo is now dy ing out unsatisfied; and it behooves you, therefore, to quicken It anew In tho spirit of tho people Tho mighty city seems to bo think ing: Will they soon return and ring again tho chimes which are born of my spirit so that tho nations ot tho earth may hear? Will" they onco again sound my mighty .trumpots and .proclaim tho thoughts and hopes of England? A sullen and mournful nolso, mln cllntr with tho mlat. enshrouds the city llko a dark cloud. Thoro Is a great strength In tho din and roar, but thoro Is also a great weariness. In tho mist I seo tho faco of Lon don, wlso and Borrowful, llko the faco of a giant In an old and wonder ful tale. Tho city Hob In contempla tion, and Bho compels us to contem plato life. Tho mighty, Bombor city built of stono and richly clothed In lis luxurious dress of greon gardens and parks is suporbly adornod with tho priceless productions of nn old and daring art. You pauso In rap turous wonder in front of Westmin ster Abbey, that fretted pllo which rises sublimo into tho Bky; and you gazo with dop rovoronco at tho mas slvo gray Tower of London, which evokes a long sorlos of memories abovo all, memories of your glorious Queen Ellzaboth. Much wickedness was perpetrated within its gray walls; many ghosts bespattered with blood whirl round its venorablo tow ers. But tho old towor b not tho less beautiful for that. Tho capital of every country has its towor in which blood has bcon shed, and tho grny old things are hotter; they aro tho work of a cheerful and healthy gon cratlon. Look at Rosettl and Burne-Joncs. Why did thosn men of ntrnnr nnd delicate talents draw their inspiration from tho paBt? Why did Bottlcolll fascinate them? Why worn they not able or did thoy not wIbIi, percanhco to approach nearer to actual llfo? Was It not rather bocauso tho llfo of tho civilized society of our day has becomo too crowded and colorless and tedious, nnd becauBo men aro ruled moro and more by sordid pas sions? There Is no room, for poets in this life. They seek tho beautiful In tho cemeteries of tho paBt. For tho poets of the present thoro Is no todny to arouso creative thought; tho glories of tomorrow aro not theirs; thoy llvo only In tho far-off yesterdays. Maxim Corky In London Mall. Towor of London Is not moro( Inno cent than any othor. If men' allow themselves lo bo killed, thoy nro themselves always partly to blamo. Partly, I Bay. For Is thoro any ono nmong us who Is altogether innocont ot tho crimes which nro committed around him, or who hns no part or lot in tho cruelties that abound In llfo? But tho pearl of tho city, Its moat prcclouB and prlcoless possession tho most, plondld ornament, I think, of England Is tho British Musoum a panorama ot tho llfo of tho na tions of tho earth; a groat and mighty crcntlon, built by tho far reaching nnd powerful bands of tho English people. This grcnt nnd mnBBlvo palaco, filled with treasures, standB rooted to tho earth llko Eng land horsolf. Thoro It standB ns if it woro tho grnnlto binding of tho great book of human civilization tho book which would require years to road through to tho end. And ovcrywhoro It Is elenrly soon how much gonlus thoro.ia In London. But tho thought flashes across tho mind: Has not tho gront spirit of tho nation becomo narrowed In tho last docado? HaB not tho nation boon too much absorbed In petty nnd pure ly material disputes, and hnsnot this passion retarded tho dovolopmont of Its frco spirit, of that truo croatlvo spirit which has enriched tho world with otornal and Immortal treasure? Tho numbor of dealers In nntlqul ties Is ono of tho striking features of London. This Is natural in a coun try of such nn old clvllzatlon; and tho lovo of Englishmen for things which remind them of tho great past In incomprehensible. Tho old glass and bronzo, so slmplo nntLso richly fnaiiinnni iiv nnnsinnntn lovo. bear tho Imprint of tho inspired workman. That imprint is loss apparent In tho samples of contompornry artistic In dustry. Thoy bear witness, it Is truo, to a strlvinc after simplicity a noblo aspiration but somehow tho work Is dull and lifeless; and invol nnfnrllv a molancholy thought ontors tho mind thnt tho powor of creation Is decaying and that tho power oi manufacture is taking its place. Tho fc-. iM mKtmm COBBLING We'K mend your shoes and we'll do it well. We do all sorts of shoe repairing. We are well Wed and know how to do it Wc have a repairing department fitted up with Wning that's modern in the way of machinery for ""WS the best of repair work. OUR PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE HALF SOLES SEWED ON 75c L us makene old pair of shoes new for you vHK: nSnt sure that you will come here for "COBBLING." $100 Rcwnrd, $100. Tho readers of this papor will" bo pleased to learn that there Is at least ono dreaded discaso that sclonco has boon ablo to euro in all its Btages.and that is catarrh. Hali's tJatarrh Cure Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to tho medlcnl fraternity. Catarrh to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional discaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken intornally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho dis caso, and giving tho patient strognth by building up tho constitution and assisting natur.e In doing its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith In ItB curntlvo poworB that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for nny case that it falls to curo. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Che ney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills Tor con stipation. o A Kangaroo Farm in England. Tho increasing popularity of kan garoos and wallabies as pots had led to a curious departure in farming at Lyncombo Hill, Bath, whero tho first kangaroo farm In this or any othor country hnB been established. Tho founders ot this enterprise nro two Engllshmon, Mossrs. W. H. Pnyno nnd Jack Wnllaco, who prob ably know moro about tho unox plorcd wllda of Northwest Australia thnn nny persons living who nro not native bushmon. Tholr wandorlngs In tho remotest of snvogo Australa sian districts covor a period of moro than 30 years, and thoy nro both seasoned bUBhmon, kcon naturalists nnd sklllod trnppors. Thoy woro tho first poraons to bring tho beautiful nnd vnluablo nntoloplno kangnroo to this country, nnd at Lycombo Hill thoy hnvo Just effected a romarkablo success In breeding from this species, ono of tho docs having caro of a youngstor tho prettiest and llvolloat llttlo fol low Imaglnnblo, with n dainty llttlo head exactly llko that of an Italian greyhound. An Express roprosontatlvo was Bhown over tho kangaroo farm by Mr. Payno, who Ib now in charge of Bath whllo Mr. Wallace Is securing a now collodion of animals, which aro to nrrivo from tho Antipodes noxt April. Mr. Payno first lod tho way Into tho nursory a largo, bright apiyt mont heated very near to tropical temperature. Comfortably quarter ed bore woro several young wana bloB, with tho llttlo antoloplno in fant and Its mother. Tho buildings and paddocks of tho farm cover about four acres, and thoy nro surroundod by a blgh stono wall. Tho latter Ib an essential on a kangaroo farm, for, ns Mr. wiynu pointed out, nn old-man kangaroo is a wondorful Jumper. "Heights of ton foot and lengths of 20 feet are not uncommon," ho added, "and I have myself measured a jump along tho ground of 18 feet in tho largo paddock hero." It was Interesting to see half a dozen nntelopo kangaroos In one of tho paddockB hUBtllng ono another to secure a bIIco of bread Mr. Payne carried. Thoy boxed and wrestled just llko human beings. 4 , "Tho rarest kangaroos In England are to bo soon in tho Bollo Vue Gar dens, Manchester," said Mr. Payno, "and 'thoy nearly all wont from this farm, but the most interesting fact In relation to our kangaroo farm Is thnt wo are doing a Btoadlly Increas ing business with country gontlomon with whom tho Idea of having kan garoos at largo In their parks Is bo-' coming very popular. Wallabies also aro being bought in large num bers by well-to-do people." Kangaroos aro docllo nnd sonslblo pots, and thoy require very llttlo at tention. In tho Bummer thoy llvo mainly on grass, and sloop out of doors; In wlntor thoy require a shel ter bucIi as park door havo find thoy do best on a diet ot crushed mnlzo. London Express. o . Alfalfa Will Thrive Ifcro. Thlrtv-oleht tons of alfalfa hay from ono aero ot ground in Bix yoara j Ib tho rocord mado in nn oxporlmont out on tne Oregon ngncuuurai uirm. Tho aero of land Is bolow tho nvor ago wheat land used 'by tho Oregon fnrmors. being Bltuntod on a high point and rolling land. In tho 22 J crops cut from this ono aero tho yield In greon, alfalfa has bcon 228, 50C pounds, or 38 tons of cured hay. Each year tho land haB been treated with 100 pounds of land plnstor, costing CO cents por 100, nnd two light dressings of bnrn yard fertil izer bavo boon applied. Thrcp crops havo already boon cut this soaBon, and another crop Ib coming on. Tho ,ncw collego bnrn Ib to bo locntod on this ncro tract, which will convort tho alfalfa patch into a bnrnynrd. Tho yield from thlo ncro of ground Ib exnmplo and proof enough to con vlnco Wlllnmotto vnlloy fnrmora that nlfnlfa can bo profitably grown If right methods aro employed. Don't Neglect Your Eyes Tho tlmo Is now npproaohlnu when your eyes need attontlon. Tho evenings aro Bhort and to strain your eyes may result fatally in tho end, if neglected. School children's oyes should bo looked aflor beforo starting them to school. Thoso wearing glasses should havo them examined to boo it thoy aro still correct. Don't delay, uud boo Salem's best eyesight special ist. CHAS. H. HINGES Graduato Optician. 123 Com. St., noxt to Capital Bank. Superior Restaurant 153 HlRh Street, Upstairs. First-class in all appointments. A plnco for ladles nnd gontlomon to got all kinds of Chlneso dishes and the famous Li Hung Chung Chop Buoy and Ynkama. R. It Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. BURTON. Trop. Brick always on hand, in car lott or otherwise. Pressed brick made to ordor. Yard on Stato atroot, south dl pontltontlary. -7-1-tf. Kndorscd by tho Country. "Tho moBt popular remedy In Otsego county, nnd tho best friond of my family," writes Win. M. Dlotz. editor nnd publlahor ot tho OtBogo Journal, Gllbortsvlllo, N. Y., "Is Dr. Kings Now Dlscovory. It hnB proved to bo an Infalllblo curo for coughs and colds, making Bhort work of thtJ iwornt of thorn. Wo always keep a bottlo In tho bouflo. I bollovo it to bo tho most vnluablo prescription known for lung and throat dlBoases." Guar nntood to novor disappoint tho takor, by J. C. Perry's drug store. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. . o AVOID.. SUBSTITUTES GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR. tiMHBgBalit MEALS 15c J AT TIIE I Salem , Restaurant i nao court street. I Call and try thorn. Menbi 15c. Board por week $2.75, also turnUhod roomB Tory roasonnblo. HOLUOTEFVto Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bnir Medietas for Baiy People. Brlnga Golden Health aui) Renewed Vigor. X Hn-clflo rnr Constipation, Imllgoitloin Hid and Klilnoy Trouble, rlniplt', Eciemn, Impure Wood lliuf Hrmitli, HIiikscIhIi ltowols, IfcAiloclit mid Unckiiplio. U'h Honky Mountain Te In tl lot form, ill cent h ln-x. QrtiuiDO uimlo by Holubtku Dnuo ConrNV, Mtullson, Wl. fiQLDEN NUHfiETB CPU SAUOW PEOF-fr IWIllIMgllllUlllllti--HH44-4WC MISS M. D. EVANS Will havo on display ovory day this weok now nnd nobby hata of tho latcHt designs. Our stylo and quality aro not to bo found olse whoro. Our FISK nnd TAILORED hats aro oxcluslvo. Wo will bo ploasctl to havo you call and boo our ologant display. . . . MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Second Floor, Store of Jos. Meyers & Sons lilaiiiitiiiinii''fraiIB','ilMlallia'lilM IJ" "JUiL lummmmmm Oregon Shoe Co. We Are Sole Agents Jo Salem For Chase & Sanfeogn's Coffees 25, 30, 35, 40 cents pe lb. The best fnthe market for the prices named. Jost a little better than necessary for the price. It Is a pleasure to recommend and sell these coffees. Announcement To my patrons and tho public That I havo added a Horso Shooing dopartmont wltlm first-class horBO Bhoor, and tho patronngo of any and all will bo appreciated In this line'. Special attention paid to Intorforlug, over-reaching and Inmo hones. Satisfaction gunrnntood. Wo pny Bpoctal atton tion to building trucks, express and dollvory wngons, nnd all vo blcles. A flrBt-cIosB paint shop and an thorough painter for vo hlclca. Paints, oils, varnishes ond lubricating oils of all kinds Wagons, buggies and hacks, also farm implements of all kinds, plows, harrows, cultivators. A gouts for tho Era bollors and en gines, Nicholas & Shophord traction onglnoB, snwmlll maobln ory and gasollno englnos. It will Indeed pay you to talk to ub If you need any of theso lines. Como in and boo us, whothor yon buy or not. Communications by mnll prompt ly answered, GEO. B. JACOB Cornor Front and Pine streets, North Salem. Phono Main 404 MOIR GROCERY CO. Phone i 82 456 State St. usb SELF RISING B. B, B. Flout Per Bortea UrowH Urea, unume vi n.ra, i ,. 'dB lM M 8 U ni THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ALLKN'0 B. H. B. FLOUR CO., INC., BAN Jo, CM. l' vutttK jir- - w imKH HPC I1 iff S.!fjr"L.L " 1