DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1D07. 'k i ( n Wi OKaaaowj Tcomxx..VOOM OUR TOWN-TELL THE WORLD ?M3w$r;V2 A ' (S W Sl "" IIEWW--fevAJlSZSiGt'A- W" z EBW'T-.JW&FVn"..,. v- r-T ...mr iiivi Wtt&&nilfc8ft IF WCKC SIINU sf nothing and Furnishings at Stockton's Store lrtHlWUM' ""' L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER . some now things In Clothing that will defy- competition. Wo are lined up for Fall W the snappiest patterns In Men's Suits and Coats that will bo shown In Salem. Our prices. B ' . . . .. rnnjMTinhln than VOII Will GXHCCt VllOtl VOII Rpn thn wnnrnlilnn Onnlltv lo ra. rt lys is' Jg orgotton. Wo know It and thoroforo cling to goodness. teBbered wheij P JX)gB AT n O'CLOCK TOMORROW TO ODSSERVE SALEM DAY. ' m STOIHi Hi"" I!B orn sro"1 s t These new French Plaid Handkerchiefs are hcautles flc to 75c UMBRELLAS 50c to 810. The greatest ntock In All Salem. NEW CREPE VEILING All Colors, just received In tlmo for tho Fair. Ladies9 Reacly-to-wea Goods im't It worth a good deal to you to know when you trndo hero you are trading in a safe, reliable Btore. Wo nro not nltogothor par- d never have claimed to be but wo cortnlnly aim at perfection. Each weok, each month each year ha9 to bo bettor than tho proced- flie. Vcars of experlonco has taught us to eliminate tno ciouotiui and hold fast to that which wo know to bo tno merit. j':" !l mmmm .u-,-r- k n --.A-.tvTV ,;.j, HI Wr"W 1 "af.'..Tir..- OUR $1.25 UMBRELLAS Look Uko $2.00 ones. Ladies' Coats $4.50 mi Cloth Coats 50 inches Lt You would kucss thorn as i;S9 nlues nt least, but tho i Va h only $4.50 Ladies' Skirts $3.50 to $20 Wo know our skirt styles nro correct and you will ngreo wLh us If you glvo n look. Black Voiles Ladies' Suits $10 to $65 Last wook was our banner week for suit selling. Which Is evi dence enough that our styles and prices nro right. Ladies' Waists $1.50 to $12.50 Wo boast especially of our $2.25 Waists, and know positive ly that wo havo a brag coming, rite Albatross and Bntlstcs nro 03pcclally good. IHIIIIMItMHIM IIV NEWS iMtctkm of Important Pnr- u i for Your Consideration 2 ! I M Hill iRtycti dally. tVlhj Fnlr :j tomorrow, Soptcm- KS trains Xoa, 11, 12, 17, Idtad sections of No. 1C 'opattheFalr Ground ltf fading S ptember 21st. 0-13-71 WFiwjf c-rr rcfrlg rntor counter i,!i' market doesn't frooo R'J. in keens them nt lint & toperature. Evory fnlr ''!! ito It. 9-lG-Ct llnnjl School liBu!lMi TnilU..l ... I W U1IUIIS fill JJM. Address J. J. Krnps, 1 """ y-io-ct l Ended 4 leP Plrkine SPnsnn I. , . as tho rain put n pe- "? BU51DPS3. and that '""lltfln. It Ik .,! ,. ll,t the crop will not ex- '" "Uiwi lne ,lrat eaU. MMBr run ....i.-,. . -- ' .vusmerauiy ue T Th' quality, however, Is M rnA.1 .j .. ' M-"'a ino picking to . .HaH usual, "-wer .are firm, firmer If Lib a "" A saiern 4'ore to McMlnnvllle yes- " u tho hops along r BfkAi u tit f V T . flUU,y Iino ;. Tc,ked' and im,,w raersand sales at i M 'IM cnts. Wnldo AVIIl Probntcd Tho last will and tostnmont of tho Into Judge J. B. Waldo was. yester day admitted to probato In tho Mu rlon county court. Tho value of tho property located In Marlon county, according to the petition filed, !a $30,Q00. All of this, with tho ex ception of $G000, which Is glvon to Mnry Logan, n sister of tho de ceased,, to bo paid within flvo yoavq from his domlso, wns willed to his daughter, Edith Wnldo. Mrs. Clarn II. Waldo, wife of tho deceased, la nnmod as executrix to sorvo without bondB. W. II. II. Darby, G. W. Eoff and D. J. Siller havo boon appolntod to appralso tho estate. Klrkfd by Ilos F. H. Hudson was kicked by tho thoroughbred, "WUIIo Ilighlow," this morning when tho parndo of that brood of racers was taking plnco. Tho nnlmnl nlmed a vicious blow at his head and brenst, and, If it had struck him a trlflo higher, might havo ondod tho career of his attendant. As it was ho was badly cut on tho brenst, and thrown back wards about ton feet. A physician waB sont for from tho city, nnd ho was soon resuscitated nnd led off tho grounds. WHOSE BABY ARE YOU Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Curt Trial Pnckngo Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrapper. Go and Learn Tonight-Delightful Pre- scntatlon of "That Girl From Texas" Last Night e Wite' tiear Bt Flft- ."."''" ,ur a'1 dj . , ls Iaro t0 th or fn m . Ckpiw city Auto LI 3-lC-Ct rir- , lilt ground. r.. .- Srrr?113- The Capl- "- ', 7u"ianv 9-lG-Gt Twelfth fitrcct Shall F. M. Baker will open his Twelfth street studio on Saturday, Septem ber 2 1st, and on that day will mako first-class cabinet photos, on that day only, for 12.00 por dozen. All other work, from stamp photos up, dono in flrst-classs stylo. 9-17-3t Miss Carrie Judd, who taught ono year in tho Salem high school, has passed tho city examinations, after taking her degrees at tho Chi cago University, and begins work as a teacher in tho Chicago schools, The old remedies are the best, Hickory Bark Cough Remedy has been in use for over ono hundred years by the old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and is still in ubo by all the old famlllos of Western Penn sylvania. Is absolutely pure; made from the bark of the whlto or shell- bark hickory tree. Tho bark Is ship ped from tho east, and manufactured in Salem, Ore., For Bale by all deal ers everywhere. shafer, lfacss Saddlery, Bootc F4eU. Wui E'.oa & Soap, Tho Allen Stock Company bognu a weeks engagement at tho Grand Opera Houso last night, opening with "That Girl from Toxna," with Miss Vorna Felton as "Tho Girl." Thoro wa3 n long wnlt for tho cur tain to go up, owing to tho fact, so Mr. Kennedy explained, that tho train from Portlnnd collided with a vicissitude, for which Mr. Kennedy apologized, nnd added another of tho enmo kind for tho curtain hang ing fire. It seomod for awhllo that tho company must havo hit, anoth er vlclssltudo, for thoro wns anoth er long wait, that, howovor, passed pleasantly owing to tho music put up by tho orchestra, which In itself wns well worth spending tho evonlng to hear. Howovor, all things como to him who waits, even the waiter, and patlenco was surely well vowarded when tho girl from Texas arrived. Tho play Is a pretty little light af falr.but it Is ono that Is brimming with laughtor and lacking in tears. Miss Felton as tho girl is chic, in souciant, natural, as breezy as tho big prairies from which she halls and with a laugh as infectious as tho measles, and that breaks out with tho samo prolific spontanloty. Tho support was oxcollont, and "Tho Girl From Texas" promises a week of genuine pleasure to Salem theatre goers, and what sho says goes. Tonight tho attraction 13 "Whose Baby Aro You?" If It Is up to tho Btandard of last night's presentation you will miss a pleasant ovenlng If you do not attend nnd loam tho an swer to tho question. Tomorrow being Salem day at tho fair, tho box offlco will be closed from 11 o'clock in tho morning to G In tho ovenlng. Those wanting heats reserved should mako a note of this. o An Ounce of Prevention Is worth a pound of euro. There aro many poor sufferers, consumptives who' are hopeless of getting woll who, if they had taken caro of them selves, would now bo well. A cough is tho foundation of consumption. Ballard'B Horehound Syrup will euro that cough. Mrs. S . Great Falls, Moatana, writes; "I have used Bal lard's Horehouad Syrup la my fam ily for years ay children sever suf fer with cougka." Bold by D. J. Fry. Piles Is a fearful disease, but oasy to ,curo If you go at It right. An oporatlon with the knife Is dangerous, cruel, humiliating nnd unnoccssnry. Thoro Is Just ono othor Buro way to bo cured painless, safo and in tho privacy of your own homo it Is Pyramid Pilo Curo. Wo mall a trial packago froo to all who wrlto. It will glvo you instant rollof, show you tho harmless, palnlosB na turo of this gront remedy nnd stnrt you woll on tho way townrd a porfoct curo. Then you can got a full-sized box from any druggist for CO contB, nnd ofton ono box curcB. Insist on having what you call for. If tho druggist trios to sell you soniothlng Just as good, It is becauso ho makes moro money on tho sub stitute Tho curo begins at onco nna con tinues rnpidly until It is comploto and permnnent. You can go right ahead with your work and bo oasy and comfortable all tho tlmo. It is woll worth trying. Just send your namo and nddrosn to Pyramid Drug Co., 02 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and ro- colvo freo by return mall tho trial packago in a plain wrapper. Thousands havo boon cured in this easy, painless nnd inexpensive way, tho privacy of tho home. No knlfo nnd Its torture. No doctor nnd his bills. All druggists, 50 cents. Wrlto to day for a freo packago. . O i MAIUUEI). SHERWOOD HILL. At tho homo' of tho officiating clorgyman, 131- j dor It, M. Messlck, In Salem, Ore gon, Monday, Soptombor 10, , 1907, Gideon F. Sherwood and Mrs. Lotsoy Hill, both of this city. Our New Line of Men's Clothing Is now on display. 8vou,fl find tho B. K. & W. Label On every suit, which is a guarantco of high grade fab rics and superior workmanship You'lJ need a now suit for Fair Weok, so you'd' bottor let uo show you tho latest arriv als. Wo'vo priced thom on tho Bpot cash baslrf, which moans sevornl dollars in your pocket for every suit you buy at Barnes' Cash Store POYS' CLOTHING Tho now pnttorns nro nttrnctlvo nnd tho fabrics aro aolectod with especial regard for tho rough usago which all healthy boys glvo their clothes. A few minutes' visit to our Clothing Depart ment will convlnco you that "regular storos" can't match our prices. Reliable Merchandise At Reasonable Prices Keeps Us Growing OUR STORK CLOSKS AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY, SALEM DAY AT THE FAIR. DIED. FLEMING. At his apartments at tho Rowland Iioubo, in this elty, yostorday, Mondny, Soptombor 10, 1907, Joseph Fleming, of gastri tis. Mr. Fleming wnB a mombor of tho Russell concession show, now filling nn engagement nt tho fnlr grounds. Ho had bcon In poor health for Bomo tlmo, but was not ' tllfllirrlif in lin In n nnxlnno mtwlftlmi blJllf-l(V tW tJU it it DUI I WHO liUttlt IWWII until 9 o'clock Sundny night, when ho wns takon suddonly III, and, do spllo tho efforts of threo physicians, ho Buccumbod to his nllmont shortly aftor noon yostorday. o Hnd Totter for Thirty Years. I havo suffered with tettor for 30 yoars and havo tried almost countless remodlos with Httlo, It' any rollof. Throo boxes of Chamborlaln's Salvo cured mo. It was a torturo, It breaks out a Httlo sometimes, but nothing to what it usod to do. D. If. Beach, Midland City, Aln. Cham berlain's Snlvo Is for Bala nt Dr. Stono's drug store. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society I'm nk Meredith, Resident Agent. Ofllco with Wm. Brown & Co., No, 29 Commercial Btreot. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD. Ovor Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or NEW TODAY Notice On nnd after July 1, R. It. Ryan's real ostato, loan, Insurance and omploymont ofllco will bo at Commorclnl Hall, cornor of Com mercial nnd Contor Btroots. 0-28-tf For Salc Sovornl housoc in Salem, nnd farm lands, nt a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. G-l-ood For Sale A largo young bow and six pigs. John GIrnrdIn, Tumor, Oregon. 9-17-3t Ciirl Wanted For gonoral houso work; small family. Inquire nt 390 North Su minor strcot. Mrs. F. W. Power. 0-17-3 1 Twelfth Strwt Htudlo Flrat-clnss photography, from postngo stamp ptcturos up. Enlarging work and platos dovoloped. Botween wool on mills nnd O, K. Grocory.'Glvo us a trial. F, M. Baker, propri etor. 9-17-tf Fall Suit Styles MEYER BASL. At St. Joseph's rectory, Tuesday, Soptombor 17, 1907, Miss Cathryn Basl to Hugo Moyer, Rev. A. Mooro officiating. Both havo been residents of Bend, Oregon, but will mako their homo 111 Salem. n Killed by Pitched Hall. Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 17. Henry Pllon wns struck on tho Mead by a pitched ball In tho baseball game Sunday and died almost in stantly. The ball passed through tho hands of another player and struck Pllon. Pllon caught the ball, threw It to tho shortstop and dropped dead. . ,Tho suit styles this Hoason havo reached a stato of perfection. All oxtremo and all loud effects Iipvo boon avoided. Fabrics and tho cut of tho garmonts aro Refined, Conservative and Artistic Tho coat Is slightly form fitting and of mod I urn length, with and without centor vents. Tho collars and lnpols aro of modorato length nnd width, Tho trousers aro cut of modorato width and of a yory gracofnl form. Thoro never was a season whon tho styles woro handsomer or moro satisfactory. Suits at $10, $15, $20 and $25 We'll bo pleased to put our tlmo against yours nnd show you what the now season has brought forth. G, W. JOHNSON & CO. iTHE CLOTHIERS '. 1i l 3 K? ' toKc7fT'1 auujL-aat .i-L,