" c DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1007. I n .1 . ' tJ M M l t t. IFirst Rule )f Health Ask you. doctor, "What Is the first great rule of health?" Nino doctors out of ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels regular." While you aro about it, ask him another question, "What do you think of Ayer's Pills for constipation?" we arc willing to trust him. Aro you? We hTB no lecrst I Wo publloh (oiormniu or au oar preparation J.O.ArtrOo.. ZowlI.Mati. British Coal antl Hours of Work. t A romarknblo official report Issued recently on tho miner's eight-hour day shows that tho matter Is of vital national concern. In tho national in torst tho government is advised to retain tho power of regulating or suspending any law that may ho Adopted for restricting tho hours of minors. As Is well known, miners thom flelvcs aro not agreed on tho olght- liour day. A few weeks ago a prl American nnd Urltlsh Capital in Russia. Tho Tomps of Paris draws atten tion to the oxtraordlnary influx of British capital into Russia. It says: During tho ipast throe months tho American and English, nnd especi ally tho English, havo bought up ovorythlng thoro was to sell in tho nature of mining and kindred In dustries in Siberia, Central Asia, tho Urals nnd tho Causasus. Even in tho region of Moscow tho number, X-RAYS vato hill wns read 'a second tlmo in of Industrial concerns which havo tho House of Commons, but it wob boon latoly acquired, prlvatoly oi thon stated that in vlow of tho com- j otherwise by English capital, Is very mlttoo Inquiring Into tho subject th'o Great. It Is nfllrmcd that at tho very covornmont would explain its inten- Bates of St. Petersburg, on Lake Ln tions lator. Tho commlttoo (which doga, on tho boundary of Finland included Mr. Russell Ron, M. P., jaud Russia, tho Pltkaranta mines, Lord aindtawo, and Sir Robert Glf- tho only copper mine left in Fin fon) issued Its report. . jlnnd, aro now In tho hands of tho Thb committee finds that some dl- English. During tho past year -a mlnutlon of production would follow Kneat deal of money has boon made ir legal reduction of hours. At pro-(i" Moscow. Th,o colossal increnso uont tho averngo theoretical week Is of business noted at- tho last Nijnl 40 hours 53 minutes, and on that l Novgorod fair shows no sign of ro liulHtlio reduction would bo 25,73,-1 laxlng. Tho state Itself is said to 000 tons, calculated on tho outiut havo caught tho fovor, and as a start of 100G. But so much tlmo Is lost, negotiating tno snio or mo eastern Chincso Railway, whllo other deals would follow. . o tho commlttoo finds, that tho real wook is 43 hours 13 minutes, and it holds that tho lost tlmo could bo utilized, whllo other Improvements would mean that tho rcducod output would not bo bo crcat as might ap poar. Tho offect on tho wngos nnd on tho prico of coal is noxt consld'orod. A tomporato shortngo of Biipply mtiBt moan onhnnced prices and wages; nnd should "prices bo raised to such nn extont as to crlpplo or causo tho romovnl from this country of other industries, a temporary causo might 1o found to Iipvo a permanent ef fect." DiscusBlng tho export trade, tho committed cannot accept tho reas suring conclusion that tho foreign buyer Is our most tonnclous custom er, in view of tho rapid oxtonBlon of production nbroad. Already "al though Hrltah coal is shipped to nil parts of tho world, tho British com mand of nil distant markets has dis appeared." Particularly in tho trado to tho ports from Iliimburg to Nan tos, as shown by tho effect of tho coal tax, any special dliuulvnntugo to tho British oxportor would menu tho partial or 'onttro success of for eign competition. At tho snmo time, Britain in aupromo in tho mlddlo nnd Inrgost markots o, g., tho Med iterranean ports although German competition lum appeared at Mar seilles and American is thruutoucd. It In uotnblo that our moHt sorlous competitors ,Gormnuy and America, havo not uniformly limited minors' hours; tho underground hours nro t protunt Bhortor 'than horo, hut longor than thoy would bo by an olght'hour Inw, But tho ofToet on othor British In dustries is "an Intorest of greater national Importance than nny imme diate effects on tlu owners or work ers In colllorloa." "All our Indus tries nro ultimately completely de pendent upon British coal for tholr existence." Thoro la not much ohnuco of rollef by fnrolgn coalabu ports, although a point inlghTbo reached to oauao rocourso to such import of Gorman coko In West Cumberland and by tho fact that soma Atlantic llnors carry American coal horo to ubo on tho outward oyago. Accordingly, boforo making tho Tcconunondutlon that Parliament should nteervu power of suspending u eight-hour day, tho committer nays emphatically: "A Bltuatlon might bo oroutod by mi pnhunood price of coal, following Don't! I I I Don't lot your child suffor with that cough whon you cure it with Ballard's Horohound Syrup, a sure ouro for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influon- ra, Croup and Pulmonary Dlsoaaos Buy abottlo and try It. B. B. Laughtor, Bylialln, Mtsa., writes: "I havo two ehildron who had croup. I triod many dlfforont romo dloB, but I must oay your Horehound Syrup 1b tho boat Group and Cough modlclno I ovor used." Sold by D. J. Fry. o fiC-gj "" $&&& Stato street will bo successfully paved whon a sufficiency of asphalt gets amalgamated with an equal quantity of good Intentions tho first named material Is what is shy. Tho latest suggestion for a Demo cratic presidential ticket is John A. Johnson, of Minnesota, and Tom Johnson, mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. Tho only troublo with it Ib that thoro Is too much Johnson. x a Tho only conspiracy so far proved ngaliiBt Haywood is that ho helped Orchard deceive his wlfo as to where ho was. This, to somo people, is ov idenco sufficient to hang him. M Tho weather clerk has ordered up a brand of weather that will keep Portland's roses from withering. If U. S. District Attorney Bristol would turn his attention .to cleaning up tho S. P. land question, instead of monkeying with that forest reserve question in Colorado, Oregonlans would -apprcclato his sorvlccs more. V Somo ono defined metaphysics to bo ono ignoramus explaining to an other ignoramus something which neither of them knows nothing about m m m "Sonntor Boverldgo is not a con stitutional lawyer, nor a constitu tional statesman," says Harper's Waokly. TubIj, tuBht Albert Jere miah Bovcrldgd, of Indiana, Is tho constitution itsolf. LlkowlBO ho Is tho Pilgrim Fathers, tho Spirit' of '7G, tho Declaration of Indopondonoe, tho Ordlnnnco of 1787, tho Emanci pation Proclamation, tho goneral wol faro and tho blessings of liberty to ourselves and our .postorlty. Hnrp or's Weekly needs a little regulation Now York World. THOMAS II. PAYNTER. Former Kontueky judgo who ro contly succeeded Joseph O. S Blackburn ua United States scna tor. Tho Mko"No. a. Numbor throo is a wonderful mas oot for Goo. H. P&rrla of Codar Grove, Mo., according to a lottor which roads; "Aftor Buttering much with liver and kidney troublo, and becoming Rroatly dlscouragod by tho failure to tlnd rollof, I triod Eloctrlo Blttors, and as n rosult I am a woll man today. Tho first bottle rellovod and throo bottle complotod tho euro." Gurantood boat on earth for stomach, Urur and kidney troubles, by J. G, Perry druggist. 50c. Nearly ovory papor In tho stato published tho statement that tho Sa lem band refused to play for tho G. A. R. on Momorlnl day, and not a single ono of them noted tho fact that tho story was subsequently proved to bo fnlso. Yet tho correc tion was surely duo tho band boys. It would bo Interesting to know whothor tho country pup that licked "Pete," tho Whlto Houso hull dog, grabbed his opponont according to tho London nnd Long methods, nnd If Peto followed tho system suggest ed by tho President. Tho "World's Muddled Colnnge. Twenty-six different monetary un its are used by tho forty-eight prin cipal countries of the world. Thus, Great Britain uses tho sovereign or pound storllng, Franco and six other countries of Europe use a unite equal to tho franc, and Canada and the United State uses tho dollar. In value these different units range from 4.4 to 494.33 cents of money of tho United State . They nro respresented In their turn by coins tho values of which aro either multiples of fractional parts of tho value of their own chief units, and thero aro no doubt at least 200 such different coins, not ono of which scorns to have a value equal to that of any commonly known "unit of weight, as. the gram, for oxamplo, o'' the ounce of gold, although forty threo of these forty-eight countries havo accepted gold as their standard measuro of values. This lack of logical relation of coins to any widely used unit of weight of tho precious motals may be due to tho fact that, money sys tems seem to havo grown up hap hazard, under diverse conditions of llfo, In different partB of tho world. Such diversity In moneys may havo been of llttlo moment when millions of peoplo spent their lives knowing nothing of tho exlstonco of othor millions, and thoro was llttlo traffic; but thejio differences in monetary units nro of importance, now that international commerce In cludes millions of tons of products of tho toll of all lands, nnd billions of dollars each year to sottlo Its bills for such differences put upon trndo a wholly unnecessary tax. No ac count is made horo of tho burden laid on domestic trndo by like vari ation in tho valuo of ouch units at homo as of tho taol of Chlnn, which has slxtcon different values within that empire. E. W. Perry in Moody's. A Now York broker is kicking bo causo ho lost $50,000 In a fako min ing deal. Ho had probably lost moro than that many tlmos In such ven tures boforo, but thlB tlmo It was his own monoy. p At tlio Seashore. Mrs. Hoylo How often do you wrlbo to your husband? Mrs. Doylo Every day. Mrs. Hoylo I don't seo what you can tlnd to say. Mrs. .Doylo Ono can always ask for monoy, you know. Now York Pross. o Poor Dnutm, "Aro wo alone?" asked ono of tho vlllnna lit Mia titnm rf lifa hinMinn la Aaaaa.., baa -a at . . a ntlllti -lka-lllll 1.1.1. u.u V...Uu..u ui m fc-uu, m loou8)mtort for minors In which tho immediate , guv.nor. C1UU0 ft voloo from cronomlo interest of employers and row night." Loudon Tatlor. o men engaged In the production of , coal alike might ho opposed to tho ceo no in I o Intarost of tho country at largo." London Mall. i" m j Success In llfo Is nccompnnlod ,hy lucronso of ouomles. That's why Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Ton has How's This? Imitators; it's n Buccosa. 35 contB, Wo offer Ono Hundron uuiiArs no- Ton or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Drug ward for any caao of Catarrh that Storo. canuot bo cured by Hall's Catnrrh . Curo. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toloio, O. """" Wo, tho undorslKucd, havo known CflCrriGS WBfltCCl! F. J. Chouoy for tho last 15 years ' and bollovo htm perfectly honorahlo iu nil business transactions and flnnn dally nolo to carry out any obllga- Highest Market Prke Paid tlona mm! by him firm. Waldlng, d Also Other Canning rant Klunan & Marvin, Wholoaalo Drug- glas, Toledo, O, . .stall's Catarrh Curo Is taken intoN aally, acting directly upon the blood at mucous surfaces of the system, TrtlraoqlalB aont froo. Prices, 75 MRU per kottU. Sold by all Drug- v ,.. iCorntr Track md Hiflt Sts, Tetter Cured. A lady customor of ours had Buffer- Every Mun His Own Doctor. Tho avorago man cannot afford to omploy a physician for ovory slight nllmont or Injury that may occur In his family, nor can ho afford to nog lect thom, aa so slight an Injury as tho Bcratch of a pin has boon known to cniiBO tho loss of a limb. Honco overy man must from nocosslty ho his own doctor for this class of allmonjts Success often doponds upon prompt trontmont, which can only bo had whon Bultablo modlclnos aro kopt at hand. Chamborlaln'o Romodloa have boon In tho markot for many yoara nnd onjoys a good .reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Oholora and DInrrhooa Romody for bowel com plaints. Chamborlaln'8 Cough Romody for coughs, colds ( croup and whooping cough. Chamborlaln's Pain Balm (an antl soptlc llnlmont) for cuts, brulnos, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rhoumatism pains. Chamborlaln's Stomach and Llvor Tnblots for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chamborlaln's Salvo for diseases of tho skin. Ono bottlo of each of thoso flvo preparations costs but $1.25. For salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. LYDIAE.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is acknowledged to bo the most sue ccssful remedy in tho country for thoso painful ailments peculiar to women. For moro than 80 years it has bcon curing Fomalo Complaints, such as Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and consequent Spinal Weakness, Backache, and is peculiarly adapted to tho Change of Life. Records show that it has cured ETpmvrrrU' LYDIA moro cases of Female Ilia than -. '"uwi Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Zan7, Tumors at nn early stage of development TC!1 5DlTM,,Mli 1U p3ln,woight, and hea.daeho aro relieved andn Jm.Tiif en8at,,0D8canli It correct Irregularities or Painful Ktlonf ff1 lU Stomach. Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous KrXn ftVe! oI ral Debility; also, Dizziness, Faintness Extremif T iMead.ache' Q andwanttoboloftalono" fooling, iSJ T1 ' Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Blues." Thes?Tr 8RnOM,,81;,eP1". fomalo weakness or Bomo organlo derangement llalcatloM of For Kidnoy Complaints of either box Lvd.a p wi x. , Compound is a most excellent remedy. ' PInkhttn VcgekbH Mrs. Pinkham'5 Standing Invitation to Womea Women suffering from any form of female wcnWii n, i,j. , . write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Masa. for advice. She&'ffiJ! who has bcon advising sick women frco of charge for more Zn k5"2 vcars. and before that she assisted her motheX-law Lydia ShSKS In advlsfnir. Thus sho Is woll qualified to guldo alck worn; uT health. Dor advlco is frco and always helpftTl. n back USE For Boston Brown ALLEN MMMaMm SELF RISING B. B. B. jwu Bread, Grlddlo Cakes, lIufllns and Plum Pudding 3N'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cal. m A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OF OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS AM) MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT BUY. I SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NICIIOL'S AND SHEPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY BALERS, STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. ' WE HANDLE THE BURG WAGONS, EXGKR BUGGIE9, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANOE, BUCKEYE MOW. 13R8, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON CUITIVATORS, ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM I3IPLEMENTS. AND WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND III. TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PALNTEW SUPPLIES. HUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIP TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. PHONE 401 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINE STREWS IBIG ST06KI At tho Rainbow's End. At a recent dlnnor -in Philadelphia FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE od with tettor for two or throo yoarArcMtenoP R'nn and Rabbi Joseph , n goi so naa on nor nanus mat sno Krauskopr wore seatod sldo by side. Iu fropt of them was ono of thojo celebrated ' Virginia hams which could' not attend to her household duttea. Ono box of Chamborlaln's Salvo cured her. Chamberlain's modlclnw give splondld satisfaction mnko .tuo ni0"lB of mon water, in this community. M. H. Rodney Turning to his uolghbor tho Arch & Co., Almond, Aln. Chamberlain's bishop Inquired gracieusly: medicines aro for Bale by Dr, Stono's drug store. Call for Polk County School Bend. Notlco Is horoby glvon that In ac cordance with 8cotlon 33 SD, para graph 31, of Belllngor and Cotton's Annotntod Codoa and Stntutoe of Or ogon, I will within thirty (30) days from tho date of thla notlco rodoom and pay bond No. 1, of School Dis trict No. 29, Polk county, Orogon, is- sueti iau. j. issH, tho same bolng now rodoomnblo and pnyable. No intoroat will acorue on said boud af tor thirty (30) days from tho dnto of this notice. Dated at Dallas, Polk county, Ore gon, Mouday, Juno 17,V19Q7. J. E, BEKZLEY, Gounty Troasuror. 0 19 3t 'My donr rabbi, whon may I help you to somo of this dollclous ham?" With over-ready wit tho rabbi Binllllng replied : "At your wedding, your graco," Saturday Evening Post. -o H. S. Gile & Co. Roform School Supplies, Soalod proposals aro hereby Invit ed for timlslilna tho Oregon State Reform School with supplies for the next six months, ending Docorabor 31, 1907. Lists, with specifications. will be furnished upon application to tho superintendent. All bids must be in by Juno 26th. All goods must bq In strict accordanco with sample, In origlual package when powlble. N. II. LQON1.Y, H-1U BFrla.U3at Thero Are Few People who know how to take caro of themselves the majority do not.! The llvor is a most important organ' in tho body. Herblne will keep It in condition. V. O. Sirapklns, Albn,! Texas, writes: "I have usod Herblne' for Shills nnd Fever and find it the! beat medicine I ever used. I would, not bo without It. It Is as goood fori children as It is for grown-up peoplo and I rocommond it. It is flno for La Grippo." Sold by D. J. Fry, Beautiful lino of all-over not wasts ?2.00 up to $5.00. Embroidered Lawn and Silk Waists $1.15 up to $0.50. Calicoes, ginghams from 7c up to 15c. Lawn wrappers trimmed with laco and Insertion $1 up $7.50. Klmonas short ones 50c up; long ones $1.25 up to $0.00. Just received big lino of men's neckties, socks, sleeve holder. Men's embroidered socks 25c up to $3.00 a pair. Men's Windsor neckties 25c up. Men's fancy dresn shirt $1,00 up to $4,50. Ladles embroidered hose 75c up. Ladles' stockings, in blue., pink, white, tan, 25c up. Ladles' under vests 10c up to 50c. Ladlo3' muslin night gowns 75c up to $4.00. Ladies' whlto petticoat $1.25 up to $7.00. b Ladlea' embroideries, insertions, trunks, telosoopw, valises. (back and sldo combs) going at law prlcos. HUIE WING SANG CO, Chinese and Japanese Bazaar 34-6 rvi,f .5t.f Salem, Otep But DlfTorvnt. Redd I seo that roller skates vro invonted by Plympton In 1SC3. Groono Yos, but tho peoplo sat down long boforo that. 'onkers Statesman. Tonight. If j'ou woud enjoy tomorrow tak Chamborlaln's Stomach and Live Tablets tonight. They produce at reWe huMtlre oot, elw the he4 and eleuiM the toraack Prl), it MkU. StattplM Itm at Dr Stoae's lirwg store. .. Salem Fence Wire HeadqHartera for W'ovea wire Fencing, Netting, Pickets', Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doon and Adjusttble Wlsdow Screas All at low sat yrleea. i Walter Moriey 250 Court St Saft, Ore FOR SALE! "lTaInTgu prices on vacant loU, and lot. in Highland JjtfJ the Salem-PortUnd d ThU property has v", for Nl before since &" of the road, and w W " t , ceptloaally good buyi. Deity & W