mm of OF BOOKS GHOSEN ilsslon Adopts Many New Text 3ks for High School Work Textbook Commission finished Rbors last night, having com- tho selection of, bookd for the tmar and high school graded. tho result of their labors will emains to be seen, for thcro has n sweeping chango in books and should bo a marked chango in ts, or elso tho wholo theory of 1b a mistake. Howovor, snimission will not understand many grlovous mistakes It , not until tho nowspapers of tato are heard from. Thero Ib j right hope held out. Thero has an ontiro chango In tho English BCS. no icxiuooKs auopicu nnu ro- with full titlo of each book, of copyright, tho exchange and (1 prices nro as follews: Modern English Grammar with ipoBltlon, by Huber, Gray Duh- Kowsomo & Company, publish- New York, 1900-OG; oxchango 30c; retail prlco, COc. imposition and Rhetoric for Bols, by Robert Horrcck and Llnd- Todd Damon; Scott Forcsman & ipnny, publlshoM, Chicago, III.; oxchango price, COc; retail $1. land Dook of English Compo-l- by Luclla Clay Carson, World ik Company, publishers, New 1903-7; no liko book In use; price, COc. Mgcbra for Secondary School, by Dster Wolls, D. C. Heath & Com- publishers, Boston, Mass., I5; oxchango prlco, GOc; rctnll $1,20. f Physical Gcorgraphy, by S. Tnrr, tho MacmUlan Com publlshern, Now York, 1903; aango prlco, GOc; introductory ec, 90c; retail prlco, $1. First Latin Dook, by William Incr Halo ad Carl Earllng Ruck, klnson Mcntzor & Company, pub- Iters, Chicago, III., 1907; exchange ce, COc; retail prlco, $1. Latin Grammar, by William rdner Halo and Carl Darling ck, Atkinson Mcntzor & Grovor, blithers, Chicago, III., 1903; cx- inge price, COc; retail price, II. -acsar'B Gaelic War, by Walter B. inlson and Walter S. Harley, Sll- Durdett & Company, Now York, )7, exchnngo prlco, C8c; retail ice, ?1 25. Virgil's Aoneld, Rooks I-VI, with VCTOE ournair reeds Care The Klad Tou Ilavo Always Bonght, and which ha heem in uae for over 30 years, has borno the sijrBAtnre of Z&W&56k All GounterfcitM, IralUtlons and "Ju8t-ns-good'ar lufe Experlmeatjs that trifle with and endanger the hct-.i ot ldkuta and ChlUiu Experleneo uunlii8t Expert ..ant. Vnat is CASTOR I A Caatorfcs U a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pat. Soric, Drops .nd Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiiun, Morphino nor other Nnrcoti substance. Ita ago la its guarantee. It destroy Worm und allays Feverihness. It cured Diarrhoua aud "Wind Oollc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Constipation ttld Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates tho Uemach and Howels, g'' '? healthy aud natural aleca. V Children's Panacea- Tho Mother's- Friead. i-fcWINB CASTOR1A ALWAYS SJ Bean u iifnatur 01 ,'Jf -tSuti ?Y JC6&tMZ6 Tiie Kiud Yon Ha?e Always Bought In Un For Ovr 30 Year A little time devotedto the care or the hair works wonders. Just use Ayer's Hair Vigor, the new kind, systematically and conscientiously, and see the result. Stops falling hair, cures dandruff, makes the hair grow. Ask your doctor about this. Jim; ..:nnr-" - jwco LOV wn. jmk ,Xui, Vocabulary, by J. B. Grecnough and G L. Klttredge, Glnn & Company, publishers, Boston, Mas., 1902; ex change price, G5c; retail price, 1.50. Cicero's Orations and Letters (Al len & Greenough's), Glnn & Com pany, publishers, Boston, Mass., 1902; exchange prlco", G5c; retail price, 11.30. A Student's History of tho United States, by Edward Channlng. Tho MacmUlan Company, publishers, Now York, 1897-1904; exchange price. 85c; Introductory price, $1.35; re- tall prlco, $1.40. English lltornturc, by Alfonso Ger ald, Newcomer, Scott Forcsman & Co., publishers, Chicago, 111,; ox chango prlco, 75c; retail prlco $1.25. American Literature, by Alfonso G. Newcomer, Scott Foresman & Co., publishers, Chicago, 111., 1901; ox chango price, C3c; retail price, $1. Plane and Solid Geometry, by G. . Wentworth, Glnn & Company, publishers, Boston, Mass., 1899; ex chnngo price, C3c; retail prlco, $1.25 A First Courso In Physics, by Rob- ort Andrews Mllllkon nnd Henry Gor don Gale, Glnn & Company, publish ers, Boston, Mass., 190C; exchange, G3c; retail prlco, $1.25. A Compound of Geology, by Joseph Lo Conto, American Book Company, publishers, Now York; oxchango price, 54c; retail prico, $1.0S. An Academic Arithmetic, by Web ster Wolls, D. C. Heath & Company, publishers, Boston, Mnss., 1893; in uso; retail price, $1. Tho Elements of Economics, by Charles Jesso Bullock, Silver Bur dotto & Co., publishers, Now York, 1905; oxchango price, 50c; rotall price, $1. A Now Astronomy, by David Todd, American Book Company, publish ers, Now York, 190C; oxchango price, 59c; rotall prlco, $1.17. Tho Government of tho American People, by Frank Strong nnd Joseph Schafor, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., publishers, Boston, Mass., 1901; ox chango prlco, 39c; retail prlco, C5c. A German Gramtnnr for Schools and Colleges, by Edknrd S. Jaynos, D. C. Heath & Co., publishers, Bon ton, Mass., Jnyncs-Mcssn, 1S98-1904 in uso; rotall prlco, $1.12. A Gorman Render for Boglnnors, by H. C. O. Huss, D. C. Honth & Co , publishers, Boston, Mnss., 1900; In uso; retail prlco, 70c. D. C. Honth's List of Gorman Au thors for rending, as far na may bo nooessary for our studies; price ac cording to bid or catalogue An Kloinontnry Study of Chomls try, by William MoPhorson and Wil liam Edwards Henderson, Glnn & Company, publisher.!, Boston, Mass.. 190G; oxchango prlco, G3c; retail prlco, $1.25. Introductory to Zoology, by Chns. Bonodlct Davenport nnd Gortrudo Crotty Davonport, Tho MacmUlan Company, publishers, New York, Ml Boa I nnd has been inado under Ida per sonal supervision aluco ItMlnftincy. Allow no one todecoivo you la this DAILY CAPITAL JOtJRXAL, 8ALKM, ORKGOX 1900; exchange price, G5c; ro'all price, $1.25. General History of Colleges nnd High Schools, by Philip Van Neas Myers, Glnn & Company, publishers, Boston, Mass., 1900; oxchango price, "5c; retail price, $1.50. Offlce Methods and Practical Dook keeping, part one, Powers & Lyons, publishers, Chicago, 1000; exchnngo price, $1.70; retail prlco, $2.10. A Treatlso on Physiology nnd Hy giene, by Joseph C. Hutchinson, May nard Merrill & Co., publishers, Now Mass., 1906; exchange jJrico, 75c; retail price, $1. Elements of Botany, by Joseph Y. Born. nin a rnmn.. n..kii.i. -.., . w...,.....j, ,......, - era, Boston, Mass., 1904; exchango price, 65c; rotall prico, $1.30. Two of tho textbooks in tho list hnvo as authors Instructors of tho University of Oregon. "The Hand Book of English Composition" is by Luclla Clay Carson, proretuor of Eng lish and rhetoric, and tho "Govern ment of tho American Peoplo" is by Frank Strong, formor prestdont of tho University of Knnsas, nnd Joseph Schnofer, professor of history at U. of O. X-RAYS Dr. Woodrow Wilson, president of Princeton university, snya tho chew ing of tobacco Is a help to thought ful meditation, tho net of chowing being conducive to thought. This bolng true, somo Hpcclmon of tho great American cow should bo mndo presldont of Princeton nnd Dr. Woodrow Wilson should Ho In tho bnrnynrd and rumlnnto. United States bug exports say this U tho yoar tho 13 year locusts nro duo. If they show un In tho east boforo tho snow quits flying, 13 will provo nn unlucky number. Judgo Hnlloy Is a member of a cooporngo concern. This U a. good foundation for a political career, n ho is sure to control "a barrol." Tho Salem furniture men indlctod by tho federnl grnnd Jury nro not lonesome Thero nro about 180 others in tho northwest. If tho Japs don't want to piny like tho balanco of tho kids, they enn tnko their dishes nnd doll babtcB nnd go homo. Thoy ought to romombor tho way. Every Mn lilt Oht Doctor. Tho avorago man cannot afford to employ a physician for ovory slight ailment or Injury that may oceur in his family, nor can ho afford to neg lect them, as so slight an Injury as tho scratch of a pin has boon known to causo tho loss of a limb, Honco ovory man must from nccosslty ho his own doctor for this olau of allmonta Succcm often doponds upon prompt treatment, which can only bo had.Rurnl Avo., hetwoon llnzel and Iau whon suitablo medicines aro kept at hand. Chamberlain's Romodloj havo boon In tho markot for many years and enjoys a good reputation. Chnmborlnln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody for bowel com-' plaints. Cbamborlaln's Cough Romody for, cqiiRbs, colds( croup and whooping coiiKh. Chnmborlaln'a Pain Dalin (an antl-, septic llnlmont) for cuts, bruises I burns, sprains, swellings, tamo back and rheumatism pains. I Chamberlain's Stomach and Llrer. Tablets for constipation, bllloumo and stomach troubios. Cbamborlaln's Sclro for dlteaaes of tho skin. Ono bottle of each of thoto five preparations coats but 11.25. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug store. o A NoUy Tramp. O. Henry, tho author, vouches for the follewing: An effeminate young man daintily placed two cent on a drug store oouater and caked the clerk for a ttamp. The clerk tore ono off aad slid It over to hlis. The yeung man drew an envelope from his pocket. "Wesld yeu mind licking It for me and plaeing it oa here?" he litfied. "Sure." said the elerk as ke starU ed te stamp the letter. Ok. stay," oautiened the yoeag man In great slants. "Net that way, I beg ef you. Kindly jrioae the stamp with the top toward the outer edge of the envelope." "Sure," said the obliging clerk. "Dut what In thunder Is that for?" "Why, you see," confided the youth, blasbingly, "I am a student la tho Cosmopolitan CorrtspandSBco School and that's our college yell." Everybody's. OAbIVOKXA. mmU sflXIMtHtwmmkmM FRIDAY, JUXK 7, 1007. The JCodesty or Women Naturally makes them shrink from tha Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant locwl treat ments, which sotno physicians consider essential In tho treatment of diseases ol women. Yet, If help can bo hud, It Is better to submit to this ordeal than lot tha dlseaso grow and spread. Tho trouble Is that so often tho woman undergoes all the announce, and tkamo for nothlnjr. l homand qf women who have been cured GvDr. tHcrce's Favorite Prescrip tion wrliH. In iWeclatlon of tho cure which dlspifc&vSjh the examinations and local trcalment3NThffrg la rfn othr "Hlclnc wyarr nnrt a,fa locdBliiaS vomen ns "Kavr-'w tretcnm Srw'dtbilir Tntrregu ttort.' it r regularity and female wm.aba It alwaya helps. It almost always cures. It Is strictly non- '.noiie,non-w?cr?t,MUlngwillentf , iwiiiR pnnteu on iw DettlO'Wrappcr: con talus no deleterious or hablt-fannlne dniRS, and every natlvo medicinal root entering Into It composition has tho full ondorotnont ot those most eminent In th several schools of medical practice. Soma of thwo numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of its Ingredients, will bo found In a pamphlet wrapped around tho bottle, also In a booklet mailed re on request, hy Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Thcso professional en dorsements should have far mora weight than any amount of tho ordinary lay, ot noii-profesMimal testimonials. The most Intelligent wanton nowa-dayr IntUt on knowing what thoy take as mM tclno Instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever It offered them. "Favorite Pro scription" Is Of KNOWN COMIH)8tTIOX. It makes weak women strong and lick women well. Dr. nerve's Medical Adviser It tentrre on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send to Dr. it. V. Pierre, Buffalo, N. 1., 21 one-cent stainM for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for clot h-bouad, If sick consult the lXv.tor, f roe of chars by letter. AH such communication art held sacredly Dr. Pierce's PleHnnt Pellets Invlporau ml reuulate stomach, liver and bowels SMILES Now potatooa In tho markot. Thrco mouthfula for two-bits. 9 This Is tho season for hnvlug your woodpile on tho (street. Prof. McElroy Is Salem's Sousa. Ho has tho stato fair band Job. a Don't complain If tho girl with glasses gives you a glassy stnro. Frank Morodlth Is glad thero nro no moro Du Barry shows. Ho would hnvo to buy n scoop shovol to handlo tho gato money. t ' SO DECKITIVU. Many Bolem People l-'all to Rcnllxo tho Berlottsneas. Bnckacho U so docoptlvo. It comes and goos keeps you guosslng. Ienrn tho cause thon euro it. Nino times out of ton It comos from tho ktdnoys, That's why Doan's Kldnoy Pills euro It. Curos every kldnoy III frpm back acho to diabetes. Horo's a Salem ease to proro It. Jnoob Morolock, fnrmor, living on rol streott, Salem, Ore., says; "What t said about Donn's Kldnoy Pills three years ngo after hnvlnR used thorn tor kidney complaint nnd back- acho which had troubled mo for some tliuo, wot only tho plain truth, I prooured them at Dr. Stone's drug ntoro nnd thoy actod up to tho rep- resontntlons mndo for thorn and he- foro I had uted n wholo box, I found groat relief. In a short tlrno tho no- tlon of tho kidney secretions was eorrooted and tho pain and aching was removed from my back. I cheerfully recommend Doan's Kid- noy Pills to anyone troubled with backache or kidney complaint." For salo by all dealers. Price .0 cents. Fotter-Xrillburn Co., Iluf falo, Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Remember the name Doan't and take no other. o liar litMiiiinntloiiM, Tho dato for holding tho state bar examinations has been fixed for Wednesday, June 12, 1007. The tests will be held In the supreme court room and will begin at 9:30 a. m. O" Have You a Cough, A dote of Ilallard'a Herebound Byrup will relievo It. Ilavo you a cold? Try II for whooping cough, for asthma, for consumption, for bron chitis. Mrs. Joe McOrath, 327 K 1st street, Hutchinson, Kan., wrltee: "I have ul Hallard's Horehound Syrup In mj family for I years, and find it the moat palatablo medicine I artrr used." Sold by D. J, Fry. Beerhd Kxu?ru llscunion rates, May 20, 31, Juno 6, 7, I, July 3, I, August 3, 9, 10, 8ptabr 11, 12, 13. To Chicago and returs, f 73.16. sH. Louis and returs, M0.1C mi, Paul aad retura, Omaha, Cosaeli mnt, Nkx City, mi. Joe, JCassM City aad retura f 11.(1. WK. M'MUKKAY, i-Iltf Oea. Tvk. Aft. CLASSIFIED mf nmtu ! iiffiiiw-ipaiaiiw ro fLAXX l-xw Hale Full-blooded. 3-voar-o Jorsoy cow, wolght 935 pounds. Prlco $40. Gontlo driving mare, $50. Brood maro, good workor, wolght 1250. Prlco $90. Call at 725 South 12th atroot, across from Yow Park grocery atoro. G-6-3t For BaIo Nino-room houBO, with bath, corner of Oak and Universi ty street, No, 1109. Price $1650 cash. Ownor on promises, up stairs. 6-6-3 t jtrhrra Flmt-Clajw Fnrwui for 8I. For particular inquire of Dr. W. A. Cuslck, ovor Fry's drug store. 6-4-ltno 8ovcrl lJry lUachtxi for bkIc t mce Prlcoa low, all oqulped ready for business. Baker Laad Co., Turner, Oregon. E-30-lra For Sale Two light spring wagons (Just right to haul berries), two heavy spring wagons, aud throe second hand buggies. Werner Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. 5-28-lrao Vov 8le Old papers, 10 cents per hundred. Inquire Journal offlee. Why Pay Rent Vhea you can buy a nice homo at 580 N. Liberty St., on terms to suit the purchaser. Address C. II, Burggraf, Albany, Ore. S-17-U. FOR 11KNT For Rent Furnished rooms, sear high school. Inquiro at 665 Ma rlon stroot. 6-4-tt ! or Rent Sovon-room house, hot nnd cold water, elcctrio light, hath room. Inquiro of Aug. Hchralb or, 600 North High street. MISCKLIiANHOUB. PlaHo THHer u, L. Woods, plaao el port tuning, repairing and polish' log. Leave orders at Geo. O Wills' music store, Salem, 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Oet y prises ea sidewalks, curbs, aeptto taaks and ceniont work ot any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 68S 6-ll-tt Iluttft Ai Wenderoth Klae wlaes, liquors and elgars. We handle tht coiobratod Kellogg and Cattl whltkles. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. 8onth Commercial street -l-lyr Halom Iron Work. Koundors, ma' chlnlsts and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery, Hop and fruit drytsj stoves, etu. Manufacturers of tht Balem Iron Works Hop Pret. Halem Rns A I.Hmlwr Oo Removed from South Salota to 14th street, near the 8. P, depoL Doxee, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 101. KnUrKcd Our meat market ou Kast State stroot hat been doubled In site aad we are bettor prepared than ever to serve cuttomort. Prompt service and the best of meats our motto. Call or phone 190, H, 13. lSdwardt, Prop e""e,a","e"""""i"i"eai Kakim .fnricpmtlenrti MOHWOHtM Stago line, Leaves Indopondenc dally (except Sunday) at 809 o'clock a. tn. Returning, leaves Balora from Willamette Hotel at 3 p. rn., arriving at Independence in time for 6:16 motor for Moa mouth and Dallas, Phone Mais 170. Wo Are Cwh PurcluuMrn -Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Horry crate made up la unlimited luantlttes. Capital Comtnlttlon Co., 207 South Com mercial streot, Salem Phone Mala 170. A, J, AiwU-rftoii Contractor and builder, 41C Court street. Phone 644. 0-1-tf drta-rat Houm CI raiting -Carpet cleaning and furniture packing a specialty All work with neatness and dispatch. F. A. Button, Phone Suburban 07. O-CSt Th lUghUHrf LawadVy Is still la the race for patronage. Ho white thlrU or collars. T. II. Wallace, 2349 Currant avenue. I'hose Mala 403. C-5-lm BUmRNUT BREAD It U worth awe than aay ether read, yet the hviee la ae higher, Fer sale at year geeeer'a. CAUFOKXIA tUJOMIT, Hlif tISrMtHlwiV DEPARTMENT DHAYMKrt. CiuHMkt Mro.' Trwuftfer Commay 4 ah Kinds of transfer work doMw Furnltura and ptaao bote r4y for shipment. Prompt tnrl to our Biotto. Stand kmI e sA 353 South Coamere! tiraH. Pho 519. RhMimm PkoM 9tS. iABX AXD DOO 7AOTOEXM, ae, &, movldhg AU iJm oi ltd. 4 fcMj WW4 m FtoM etrt, eet. Male ss4 0t Make all tomtdalaia at (hw . TLmanm, Xhee. M. Barr PIsbsbIb;, kot ynfim aad steam keattag aad ttaalac, 164 CeMsaeretal street. PIhhmI Ma 1J. i.J.iy ' --PlHWf, steam tat ttlf. 8eMfr te Kaes: M Tkaa Mala IT. Frestert) ot Atr1ca)oHrt" 'W& wood Foresters, No. It. kfeeic Tuesday la HUrst kail, State street Lee Abble. a R.J A. L. Brew a, Central Let! Ne. 1, X. ,, Castle Hall la Holwan bleek, eefW aer State and Liberty ttreeUu Tuesday of eaok week at T:a 9, m. Oscar Johasoa, O. O.; a. h, AaCirsoB, K. ot R, an4 g. Modem WoedmeH ef AmerlaaOf goa Cedar Camp Ne. ISf. Meet every Thursday evealsg at t o'clock la Holmaa hall. W, W. Hill, V. Q. P. A. Turaer, Oik. Woodwea of WerldMeet aytry Fri day Bight at 7tae, la Hslmaa hall. J. A. DloVey, C. 8.; P. L. Frasler, Clerk. , LlaeelR AnnHlty Ualea. tllek, aeei deat and Beaclea iBturaace; Mr eeo.eOQ pledged; every elaima(d Oood agents wanted, J. H, O. Montgomery, supreme or gas tier, Box 431 Kalem, Oregon. R, Jt Ryas, seereetary, 148 Htats street. MUHI0AL7 Arthur Von Jem Teacher ot pt- anoj touch, teohnleh, laterpreta. tlon. Thorough preparatory eeurte Advanced studeats prepared fer publlo appearance. Ketldeaee CIS Center St, Tel. Mala IS, -as-tf. WAjrrxD, AAA Mjuitwi Thirty men with teams. Call at Club Stable, cantor Ferry and Liberty atreots. 8-8-lwk WaMtrdTo borrow 91000 an the best of real estate security. As Ply to "J. P.," caro Journal oKee. 4-ao-tf Ulffheet Cah PricePaid fer ehiek ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-lt-tf Cook Wanted For employeea, eluh nt Chotnawa Indian 8chot la qulro at school, e-5-3t VaHtl A girl for general house work. Call at 305 High stroot. 0-5.3t J 2 20c Meals for t i v i .n m w r T and tho beat meals la Salem, at that. You can bask oa the reputation ot the WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT 4-n i u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ni h 1 1 a T ltifmiitliglHsls Gold Dust Fiotffl Made by TJOt MYDKYY MW ML OOM7AXT, BMaey, Of, T Made tot faw41y aee. Ask yee f yrfiCMT tot It. Ufa aad sfcert always e head. P. B. W!lc ! AGENT ittimiinsi CHICH LODQUS. HrlLSWLL? i tffl T? lSt t?wr. T? l" iTmi . Sift, i ItiiiiTViajisT Su a a aiv mmS Km ei kWVseM Clwttlttsmts. m mmm0mmmmmmmmmmm - 44 c&a&te&c Fi