f - 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1007. TOMORROW ONLY IJARGAIN SPECIAL NUMBER 332 For tomorrow's Surprise Sale wo offer n line of Shower Sticks Slzo 2G-lnch, atool rods, bulb run ners, mctnl, born, natural wood bandies, steel catches. Tho bort $1,25 vnluos to bo found In tho city Wednondty only. None nold until 8:30 n. in. No (clcpliono orders received. 89c PERSONALS.. I NEW "WAISTS Wo aro Just In receipt of tho latest Now York stylos In HEAVY JAPANESE SILK Wnlsts. Quality la heavier than tho ordinary, and tho embroidered designs aro tho nicest ovor scon in many n dny. Prices Itexihonnblc Newest Styles la Ladies' Ready -to-wea At a Great Saving A rnro chanco for tho careful shopper. A chanco to get qunllty and stylo, distinction and valuo at less than tbolr valuo. Thoro's only ono fenson strong enough to forco such cuts In prlcj wo must mnko room for summer mcrchand dlso. I1H.00 suits aro now rcducod to ?1000 $18 suits nro now reduced to $12 00 $25.00 suits nro now reduced to $16-07 $30.00 suits nro now reduced to $2000 Hosiery Mnny supplied their summer hosiery needs yestordny. Thoro's still somo for you. But don't delay They como in white nnd black. Ilormsdorf dyo, pretty embroid ered designs, $1.25 nnd $1.50 values 50(' GLOVE SPECIAL A grand ovont In ladles' gloves for street woar in nowost vogue Bponr point, prick sonm, capo gloves, 8 nnd 12-buttou. $3 00 values. Special ..$2-19 $3.75 values. Special . .$2-09 Good Clothes Proporly tailored clothing mado of propor materials will stand tho test of scrvico and provo ltsolt worthy. Tho clothing wo handle hns tho additional advantago of hnvlng boon designed by tho fore most oxports of this ago and coun try, nnd brought to perfection by tho best tailoring talent in the land. Character, tono, quality nnd perfection of fit and blondod Into a harmonious kinship in all tho nowest offecta In matorials, patterns and colorB wo aro show ing. Many now ones to show you $10 to $25 BOYS' SHIRTS Tho latest styles nnd colors in boys' ncgligco shirts for spring nnd Bummer wonr. Tho boat pat terns nnd values to bo found nnywhero $1-00 Dr. Itnnsom, of Turner, Is In the city on business. Frank Munson left this morning for a visit In Sllverton. Col. Page left this morning for Drain on business. Attorney M. E. Pogue was in Dnl las yesterday on legal business. Dr. Reynolds went to Portlan.1 this morning on business. " Mrs. E. T. Adair left this morning for Turner on business. Mrs. Ralph Budlong loft this morn ing for Stayton to visit relatives. Mrs. Eliza Carmen left yesterday for Newell, Iowa, to visit relatives Robert Eadle and family, of Hor race, Kansas, aro visiting In the city. Miss Louella Wain wont to Port land yesterday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. S. Helmroth are the guests of friends In Portlnnd. State Trensuror Steel wont to Port land last evening on business. Miss Merle Hockett loft this morn ing for a visit in Portland. Frank Olson left this morning for a two weekB' visit In Sijverton. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald wont to Portland last evening for a short vis It. F. A. Erixon, tho contractor, loft this morning for Portland on business. Miss Alicia McElroy, of Portland, Is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Frlzzoll, or Xx.uleqeiA SjAxmA ! CITY NEWS A OoUtrctfon of Tfimpptont V$r' nKPii'it for Your Opnuonitlm z Vlll Sfovo to Porllnml Attornoy J. W. Reynolds, donn or tho luw department of "vVillamottu University, will In' a short tlmo move to Portland whoro ho will reside, U will engage In hla profession with A 1 Flogul, who la ono of Portland' promlnont attornoyH. Mr. Reynolds has boon ronnocted with tho educa tional work -of Wlllnmotto Untvoralt In vnrloiiH capuoltloa for many yonrs nnil will bo urontlv mlwod by bin mnny frlomta In thin city. Judgo Sours Will Speak J ml go Boars, of Portland, has boon Htiouruil by tho mnruigomoiit of tho Wllllnmottu Unlvoralty law d pnrtnumt to dollvor tho address of tho ovonliig nt tho enmmoucomont oxorolBus. which will bo hold bora next Saturday ovonlng. Tho Judge la an IntoroBtlug and ontortnlnlng unenkor, and will doubtlosa buvo an nhlo olfort proparod for this occa elon. To Whom It May Concern- Thla Is to notify you that I. N. Rldgowny la no longer locnl ngont far tho Orogon Nursery company, and any orders placed with him will not bo tilled with stock from our nuraorlos. (Signed) Orogon Nursery Company. fj-l-2w, For Sale Somo ospooinlly good bargains in lota, also houses and lota along the Snlom and Portland oloctrlc car lluo. Soo Derby & Wlllson. 5-1 1-3 1 Stolner'u Market Movixl From Stato .stroot to 321 North Commercial street. Phono 125. Mr. Pratt wishes to thank his cus tomers for their liberal patroungo. Hoping thoy will coutlnuo with him at his new stand, which is comploto In ovory respect, nnd no botter flsh market known In tho city, 5-ll-5t Notice "" I will bo responsible for no httld unlosa orderod by mo. God!V. Gos Ber, 5-13-5t Thoro Comics h TttHC - An vndortaklng parlor bears very llttlo attraction to tho ordinary per son, but then come a time wha It toscoiuts osctsfcary to patronlw tuck ix pluco, nud then ono conducted by a klud-honrtod, sympathetic man, whoro ovory convenience is provldod for tho patrons, and tho ontiro funor nl conducted without jar Is to bo ap preciated and sought after. Such an ono will bo found In tho A. M. Plough undortnklng parlors, Think of ft Flfty-llvo dlfforont stylos of rig to select from nt S. A. Manning1)) Implement IIouso, no two alike,, Suro ly you enri b'o stilted from this as Bortmont, li Cronlil Social At tho , Central Congregational tliurCht Wednesday ovonlng, Mny 10 Everybody como. Tonight at tho Grand Tho subject of Iho leoturo by Rov. Arthur R. Vosburgh, 0. S. R le "Tho Idonllsm of Joans, " a troatlso upon tho doctrlnos of Christian Sci ence, and la glvon for. tho purposo of correcting mlscoucoptlona rognrdlng It. Tho public la cordially invltod to attoud. Lecture begins at S o'clock Cant or Thanks Wo wish to oxproas our hoartfolt thanks to tho frlonds and nolghbors who so kindly nsslstod us during the Blokness and upon tho doath of our father. Wo also wish to thank tho Indies who furnlshod tho iuubIc Mrs. Alzndle Richmond, Mrs. Cath erine Kuril, Ernost C. Nnftzgor Charles V. Nnftzgor. Noted SiH'akor Tonight Rov. Arthur Reovos Vosburgh, C S. 11., of Rochoutor, N, Y., will lec ture at tho Grand opera house this, Tuesday, ovonlng on Christian Science. Rov. Vosburgh Is nn au thorized lecturer of tho Christian Scionco denomination, and comes to Salem at tho Instance of tho local church. Ho Is recognized as a schol arly man, nnd bis address will doubt loss attract a largo audience. It Is tho contention of tho mombors of the Christian Scionco church that, like mathematics, tho fnlth Is nn exact scionco, nnd can bo demonstrated. Tho speaker believes It is founded on dlvluo inspiration and provides a Mossing to humanity. Christian Sclenco A public lecturo pn Christian Scionco will bo given tonight at S o'clock at tho Grand theatre by Rev, Arthur R. Vosburgh, a Hiombor of tho board of lectureship of tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Dos ton, Mtu under the auspices of tho local church, A cordial Invitation U xUndd to th public to attend and gain reliable information regard ing this subject from one who Is qualified to speak in Its name. Real Estate License There seems to bo some discontent over the now city ordlnnnco compel ing real estate men to pay a city li cense of $10 per year. Tho new law wont into effect a few days ago, but up to this.mornlng nono of tho deal ers in uirt nnu put up mo imiiy lucre called for by tho ordinance This morning Councilman Radcllff who Is 'the fnthcr of the bill, paid his fee, and several others paid un der protest. It is claimed by some that tho law is not sound, and will not Btand In tho courts, henco the reluctance of somo to pay. It is clnimcd that some curb-stono real cstato denier will bo arrested today and a test caBO mado forthwith. John P. Jones 111 Word was received last Satur day from John P. Jones, the trav eling passenger ngont of tho South ern Pacific Company, who Is with the Shrlners' excursion at Los Angeles, that ho had been taken down with nn attack of gastric rover, and is very ill at a hospital in that city Mrs. Jones, who is living on tho farm north of Salem, was notified, nnd left for his bedside Snturday night. Mr Jones' aged, mother Is nlso at the farm, and all tho family Is in the greatest anxiety over his condition New Headquarters Tho Salem bonrd of trade Is now engnged in furnishing nnd fitting up hendquartors for this very offectlvo and nctivo institution. Secretary Polscll Is busy putting up tho dis play of grains, grasses, fruits and other products for inspection by nil visitors, and horenftcr tho room will salom visitor. bo used as a mooting plnco for tho J Mrs. A. V. McCarty loft this morn- mombora nnd committees of tho ig for Portland to visit hor daugh- club. It will bo a true homo for tho tor, Mrs. Clino. organization and a standing monu-1 Miss Alta Davenport went to Sit- inent to tho grontness .it Oregon's yorton todny to visit relatives nnd products of tho farm nnd garden. In friends. ndditlon to this exhibit tho orgnnlzn- Mrs. G. M. Booth nnd son, Wnrron Hon should hnvo, and .probably will i0ft tills morning for Seattle to visit have, an exhibit of tho products of relatives. ovory factory In Srtom, nnd will be Dr, j.'s, stntt, of Portland, nftor n surprised nt tho Inrgo number of 8i,ort visit hero, returned to his home manufacturing concerns wo hnvo in this morning. our city. Tho bonrd should take thU nonry L. Bents, of tho Aurora mnttor up at onco, nnd not only In- stnto Bnnk, was In tho city this vlto but request these manufacturers morning. to put up a ncnt display of their Mr8. j. l. Edison, who has been best wares, visiting Snlem frlonds, loft this morn- I Ing for hor homo In Sllvorton. O. A. O. Won Meet j Mra. j. Donby and daughter, Mrs. Tho Oregon Agrlculturnl College', J. A. Aupporle, of Jefferson, nro In won in tho flold meet Monday with tho city visiting relatives, tho Washington Stato Collogo by 10 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hnzznrd went points. An excollont showing was to Portla'nd todny, where they will mndo by each team. Hall, of tho O. visit friends for a fow days, A. C took the hammer throw ut AttornOy FrAnk Turner was among 132 foot, and then throw for a record tho legal authorities who attended and mado 131 feet flat, breaking court In Dallas yostordny. tho stato record. Wolf, of tho 0. A Rov. Guoffroy wont to Portland to C. tonm broko tho Agrlculturnl Co'- day to attend the Evnngollcnl con logo record In tho shot put nt 40.3 forenco, which will conveno In tlie feet. Washington won tho mllo in metropolis tomorrow. 4:40 1-5, and tho high hurdlos In Rov. J. A. Goodo, of Dnllas, was 1C.4. among those who left for Portland this morning to attend tho Evangel- Painfully Injured leal conference. Will Allen, ono of tho workmen Carl Abrnms left this morning fori of tho Spnulding sawmill, had the Portland, whoro ho will meet R. J mlsfortuno to bo struck by a truck Hendricks, who is roturnlng from londod with tlmbor this morning, Bay City. and sustnlnod a painful Injury to his DISCUSSES DIVINE HEALING. ""' ' - Ren-. Vosburgh, of New York, ln the City Speaks Tonight. this city. Mrs. E. J. Smith, of Snlom, who bos been visiting in Washington, is expected to arrive In tho city todny. Mrs. E. D. Goodrich, of Lincoln Nebrnska, Is visiting hor siBter, Mrs W. M. Rulifson, of thlB city. Guy Kinsley, nn Iowa man, nnd old-tlmo friend of Hofer Bros., is n foot. Ono of tho truck wheols ran over his Instop, badly orushlng his foot. Ho was tak'on to hla homo In North Salem, and was roportod to bo rostlng easily tills nfternoon,. Took Out Licenses Miss Mnrguerito Chamberlain, who has been the, guest of Mrs. C. -B. Shelton, hns returned to her homo In Portland. John Burton, ono of tho meat cut ters of tho Steusloft Bros.' meat mar ket, has gono to Eastern Oregon to Tho following real ostnto doalers 80nd a veral weeks' outing. hnvo taken out llconses: II. S. Rad ollff, F. N. Derby, C. F. Elgin, Ed Ellis, C. W. Scott. J. W. WlllBon, C G. Holt, R. II. Rutherford, E. E. Bell nnd J. C, Schultz. W. D. Love, a student of tho Rev. Arthur Reoves Vosburgh of Rochester, New York, arrived In the city today, and will lecturo upon tly3 tenchlngs of Christian Science at the Grand Opera House this even ing. The lecturer is a member of tho Christian Scienco board of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. ( It is 'a matter of common knowl edge that Mary Baker Eddy Is the discoverer of Christian Science, and that this discovery came about through her own healing, that came through tlo touch of divine power when human resources could offer neither help nor hope. Mr. Vosburgh said to n reporter "It Is by no means a thing anomalous nnd unprecedented in Christian his tory thnt one Bhould bo healed through fnlth, in nnswer to prayer. It is a matter of authentic record that spiritual healing was known in tho work of Wesley nnd his early fol lowers among tho Quakers, or Friends, nmong tho Scotch Covenant ors, Luther healed his young friend Molnncthon. All down through the process of tho Christian countries, after eliminating everything that Booms to bear tho stamp of fanati cism or superstition, thoro vet ro. mains In tho Chrlstinn church a con tinuous record of thoso who camo so near to God that ln tho hour of need thoy proved that Ho 1b ono who not only forglvoth nil our iniquities, hilt who hcalcth all our diseases. "Wo read of n man who onco healed tho sick nnd raised tho dead; who turned water Into wine, walked tho wave, out of a handful of loaves and fishes fed tho assembled thou sands; who finally enmo nnd went through closed doors, appeared and disappeared, and at last passed bonce, not through tho gateway of death, but through tho unfolding portals of oternnl Ufo. "What would God's Universe seem to us to be, could wo gain his Insight nnd securo his point of view? For what must hnvo been his snse of tho real power that lies back of chemical activity nnd chemical nfllu ity, when ho turned wntor Into wlno? Whnt must hnvo been his relntlon to tho elements nnd forces about him when ho stilled tho storm ana walked tho wave? What was his conception of tho nnturo of Ufo when ho healed tho sick nnd rnlscd tho dead? And what waB his understanding of the law of "mind when, with a spoken word or an unuttored thought, ho re stored tho lunatic and demoniac to rational polso nnd power. "From nil these mighty worklngf wo can bo auro of this: That Jobue understood that tho government of the Unlvorso Is coristittltod'jn spirit ual power and aplrltunl law; but this Is only anothor way of saying that Jesus understood that the real unl vorBo Is splrltunl and not material. "Christian Scionco has not only established Itsolf In tho United Stntos nnd Cnnnda, but In all the great divisions of tho earth. In Eng land 10 years ago thoro wore but two copies of Mrs. Eddy's book, 'Sci enco and Health. Theso were ln tht British museum nnd in the Westmin ster library. Todny, In London there nro threo large, growing churches. The largest of thoso will this year comploto n church edifice with a seating capacity of 15,000." OIL FOP STREETS Of WW u 01 Itill n. i. . . """wmawaiJMA., WMMrilM flno ..i . . -7SS3y"H ' uums 12,500 nik Oil frnm I. ' ?" I 93,813 pound, T "10 'oot long and tlrt, ,!:?; r.JS m fast as the ttretU eu ? ronrlv fn it ! ready for it. TBI ..o- Notlco to Real Estate Dealers All persons doing a real estate business insldo the city limits are Washington Stnto College, is visiting horeby notned that a $10 llcenso is interna m una u.iy. no wu loriuur- .... fpm nnphvnnfi. nnd they are rr V4lW W . - Will Glvo Emblems Physical Dlroctor Estor,,of tho Y. M. C. A., today placed an order fox ombloms, to bo prosontod to each boy making a first place In any ath letic ovont hold Ly tho Boys' Club and to onch boy making a place on ly a student In Wlllnmotto Univer sity. Mrs. W. E. Mlllor loft this morn ing for Kelso, whero sho will visit relatives. Sho was accompanied by Mrs. S. A. Wolton, of Marshalltown, Iowa, who has boon visiting hero. Mrs. Harriet Gill and Mrs. George Rice, of California, who havo been tho guests of I. W. Faxton, left yes- quested to call at tho city hall nnd pay tho Bamo at once. W. A, MOORES, 5-i4-3t City Recorder t)m olllll'H hflRnlinll nnil nllm. n..,r. Tho emblems will bear the assocla !r?ay fr TliW" ,n Portland nnd As" tlon monogram In whlto, to woar on colorod swontors or basoball suits, and moroon for white swoators. The guest of her club's color is maroon. Aks for Divorce Ida Rolla vs. F. A. Rolla Is tho title of a now dlvorco suit which has been filed in department No. 2 of tho Marlon county circuit court. Tho parties wero married torin. Mrs. Thomas, who has been a cousin, Mrs. Z. T. Koyes, left this morning for her home in Richmond. Sho was ac companied by Mrs. Keyes, who will spend the summer In Eastern Ore gon. o . Oregon Supremo COurt. J. W. Myre, appellant, vs. T. A ln 1SSS. and Liveslov & Co.. nnnpal frnm Con. II. the complaint sets forth that ln 190C Burnett, affirmed. Decision by tho dofondant wilfully deserted tho Bean, C. J. plaintiff, who has been a resident of! m estato of Henry Oolschlagor this county for tho past year. There jTheo. M. Barr vs. J. M. Wldner. ap aro two cnlldron to tho union, Harry, pellant, appeal from Win. Galloway agtiwMtnwtMgtJ I Strawberries The Best Dollar-benies 15c per box Theso berries are fine and look like "homo berries. Romomber our vegetables aro tho best and always fresh. and Carmel, aged 17 and 15 yeara. respectively, Tho plaint! tTasks, ln addition to a decreo of dlvorco, for $100 attorneys fees and $10 per month permanent alimony, togetkar Kith costs of salt. versed, by Bean, C. J. J J tuo louowing attorneys wero aa tnlttod: Robert Shaw and Guy R. McCoy, of Portland. Robert L. Mattingly, of Med ford. Jm. H. Nichols, of Bakar City. ;:Moir Grocery i Company FfeOM i8 5 45 State St. ! The steamihoTtltcthni "'"" """ naTeitntfkj yui uiuuin. Only ono more hron, , tho trial of Abe Rf,iim novea mat lie U t i any. Tho jury in the rUc aurornia, where 11 ro Kineci, round artr&tM ieciivo equipment iolattk I pany. They could net tab , Bpeciilc cause (or the udkt A landslide at Kk&Udl orlnnd, resulted In theiadd number of people. Thoro has been a ban i ln a largo part ot Wjosbt Albert Ol'.'man, a bo; ef U i St. Helens, Is belnj tried hri his foster mother. Moscow, Idaho, banhnwi prosecuica tor una una. s John Durst, ot McMIuflo killed by an enraged M. Tnconia theatres art total Sundays. a PIED. DOW In Esrt Salem, OnpM dny, May 13. lW.rniO.! aged 35 years. Tho body will be iil?H ' torla for burial. RIGGS. At the fiHf 1121 First street, it Itil mornlnir,MarlUW.S A. Rlggs, ajed Tl Ii months. ti, ,inrl irrlM id h I ducted from the torn tJ tornoon at I o'clotk hW A. A. Moore. Tbebe4raW ped to Phoenix, Or, Iff1 Norwich UekmST Frank MeralKk, WW1 Office with Ma. Brn 129 Commercial ibw. -MONEY TOW Orer Ladd 4BW1mM NEWTOMJ tVW!rw!rt ladles of fL, complete ere of "-rid peases. Call f ette Hotel- J- -2 - Vjtf af - For eT- --V Pill v - ., cle. bUltflBft orP" are UqsW !' . . nu B."5-- -JJ For BT":'M -J hunore- -r ..7"a?i&m viinic " .t. SSSSSi "rHM i at !. . ... n. SB- ' - For SJe-iH .Tl UkeaT Bftt J"" Tjagt Jw- CM. 1 " -i 0W