sr AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. iuxvii. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY', APRIL lid, 11)07. NO. 101. a m ANY MEN OP WAR LINE IN reatest Display of Naval Power in Our History s CASE GOES TO JURY ttUTOR StVERCLY SCORES NORFOLK FAIR HAS SUNSHINE ALMOST A PANIC IN THE CROWDS ilfeand Daughter Silting At Ills.Only Averted by Prompt Action of Side In the Court Room iihlngton, April ao. Accusing Bn of destroying public rec- for Illegal purposes, In alleged piracy with Mitchell, Benson. i and Diamond, District Attor- Biker closed the. government's today. Standing bororo ior- whoso wife nnd daughter nro lo hlro, pointing finger at de bt, Dakcr characterized him n Bon, cnarnfu mm wiwi kuowi- of tho lircgallty of tho Putor cj, which passed through the t office, of being tho paid tool of tell while commissioner. Ho ked any answers mado by tho de ist on tho stand. Dnkor do- ' Hermann's purposo In do the Military Farce. Norfolk, Vn., April 2G. A cloud less 8ky, just enough brcczo from tho bay to keep tho buii from burning up tho crowds; glistening white ships, 52 men-of-war In lino at day break, mado tho grandest plcturo of fighters at rest over Been In American wntoro. Tho ships with excursion ists and ofllclal visitors began to nr rlvo early. Almost a Punic. Norfolk, Va., April 20. Whllo President Tuckor was making 1j oponlng speech a panto occurred In tho great crowd boforo tho grand stand. For a time It looked as i though womon nnd children would lng 33 letter press books wns Co ,Uo trnmplod to donth. Tho oxposl- op hh tracks, not bocauso It , tlon guards and rogulnr troops In bo expensive to ship them to Hno nonrby rushod In nnd qultod th on. u any man of you was fired swaying mass of humanity. Sorlouo i your Job under a cloud, would j results woro thus averted. itaTo destroyed records that prorr your innoconco?" Dak- Crowds "Woefully Small. oied with a demand for a ver- Tho President arrived in Hampton Of guilty. JllBtlco Stafford I TtniulR nnd reviewed tho fleets. Ho PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DELIVERS THE ADDRESS VERBATIM " STATEMENT PUBLISHED HENEY IS THREATENED FOR LIBEL AT FORMAL OPENING OF THE EXPOSITION DRIDE M0NEY ,,ANDED,NBYRUEF,R0ASTED hemard at Stanford Discusses Composite American Race and Touches Upon tho Problems of the luturo Republic Scaly Political Boss Held Up tho Corporations for Largo Sums San Francisco, April 20. Tho Says Rucf Is Only An Understudy of William F. Ilcrrcn San Francisco, April 2C, Supo- Jnmcstown, April 2C. Prosldont Itooaovolt opened tho exposition in honor of tho founding of Jamestown, and following nro Interesting parti of hta speech: Touches Kngl'iml nnd Ireland. In welcoming nil of you I must Bay a special word, first to tho repre sentative of tho peoplo of Great Hrltnln and Ireland. Tho fact bo many of our peoplo, of whom as It happons I myself am ono, hnvo but n vory Binall portion of English blood In our volns, In no wny niters tho other fact that this nation was founded by EngllBhmon, by tho Cnvallcr and the Puritan. Tholr tongue, law, lltorature, tho fund of their common thought, mado an inheritance which nil of us sharo, nnd marked deep tho linos which wo hnvo devolopod. IT WAS THE KNGLIHU STOriC WHO 1)11) MOST IX CASTING THE MOLD 1XTO WHICH THE NA TIONAL CIIAHACTElt WAS HUN. (Continued on page two;. i0m publication In tho Call this morning rtor Judgo Hetfbord today uocurod a of tho full text of tho confession of warrant for tho arrest of Honey. charged with criminal libel. In a speech at Stanford University last night Honey referred to Hobbard aa ono of Huef'a henchmon. Ho also re ferred to what ho termed Hobbnrd's unfitness to Jit on tho bench, Inti mating ho woh not nlwnyB Bwayotl by lnw In rendering his decisions. In tho itnmo nddrotm Honey denounced W. F. llorrln, tho Southurn PiicMo nttornty, an being tho real boss of Han Frnuulflco, declaring Knot wns moroly his understudy. o and Bhortly boforo noon reached Dis covery landing nnd dlsombnrkcd. Ho was rocolvod by tho exposition mun ngomont nnd greeted by tho chocra of the tn,ultltudo. Tho oponlng nd drOB8 of ProBldont Tuckor, from tho omlnonco of throo centuries of nchlcuvomcnt, rovlowod tho history of the country, purposo of tho exposi tion, nnlnclzeri Fllzhuih Lon. who id tho Jury. I wna trnnsforrcd to a naval launch, w. inreniv rnannnnlliln for tho nrea- II II "- - - ont triumph. Ho Bkctched tho cause , that led to tho ticttlomont, "numer ated tho principles which moved tho I colonies, said tho lesson of today li j that of honest Introspection, that wc may inqulro how far our conduct la controlled by tho principles for which ' our fnthors fought. Tho nttondnnco, nlthough largOj, waB woofully emal!, compared to other expositions. ThlB 1 Is on account of dolnycd cxaurslon Htoamorfl, only ono pier bolng rondy for landing. fllCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Live Merchandise Is the only kind that finds a place in out store. tor, up-to-date merclmndlso tli at moves quick, tluit. Is tho only kind 'handle. Count and walk through our Moro and see tho business do, tlifti you iu got an Idea of tho nmount of goods wo sell, nnd If it In ue have always tho latent nnd newest goods on hand to show ltarfctilns in every department. Pleasure of Travel to tho Imposition Norfolk, Vn., April 20. Mrs. Kd- VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS IN CHILI Lara? .Cities Burled Under Ashes, Mud and Lava --iv" Sautlngo do Chile, April 20. An other volcano eruption In tho Vnl dlvi district thrcutunu to complete tho havoc begun, Tho volcano VII lica Is pouring forth vast clouds of ashOB, which aro fast burying all tho towns in tho district. Vnldlvla 1b completely overwhelmed. All rest dontii who Hod to this city woro hurlod under many feet of lava and dust. Lava and mud streams aro J wis. isft BATTLING OVER LEGAL TECHNICALITIES 'ABRAHAM RUEF. San Francisco boss. who. has ," Consumed All tlw fine In McManus. Murder Trial . Ladies' Dress Skirts ,i tir V Q TPmllil nccntmftnt - bhadoa nnrl mntn. 6r I'annrnnu nnri Vnllna roat wa- tn u riK ., . ' O MWU WU f- E t 5 0U. but wo wnnt I t hfTr, Wa nulr amntl .... vv wort dwum - 1 9 ii n MtUlr IU0, $4.50 Pine Silks and Dress Goods Tho Chicago Storo is tho Btoro that dooa the busiuoss in Uiobo de partments. Whon you want a nlco dross or waist of Biinppy now goods It will pay you to toko a look through UiIh mammoth stoak. Wo ask small pricos per yard: Por yard, 3So, iOc, 05c and S9c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. J !- . - .. M . win Wnrfleld, wlfo of Maryland's now ciiioiinB mo worn or uosiruc governor, on route to tho oxpositlon,,t,0' lrodn of thoumindB aro aboard tho Btoamor Columhla, uwoko ' (,r,vo from lolr 0,nt'R io do laHt night to find a negro bonding ivaHtntoil districts and aro now llv ovor hor bod In hor stnto room. Hor . ,n ,n thu II0 flo,(,d "ubnliitliiB on Boronms nttraoted tho deck hnndH, nnd tho negro plunged through tho window, and cannot bo located. -o- BUTTE Ladies' White Lawn Waists Kre :'a y tucked and trlm- ia- 3 and embroidery C6 Cf thrm I. - .,... is. .1 al 8maU Pr,ceo. 5c, -'. aacard ii sr ITEMS OF NEWS roots nnd wild fruits. -- The Mayor Begins an Election Contest On Ground of Fraud We show as fine a line of up-to-date footwear as you can find any where. Wo ask small priflta. We want to build up a big shoe busi ness. It Is cow growing fast. Pricos pair: 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c, 98c to 1.49, SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STOKE. McEVOY BROS. 22!2-HCrAIi AX COURT BTREKT8. SALKftf, OR. .Iiutto, April 26. John Shiro, con fined in the county Jail, pending ex amination far sanity, last night con fessed that ho murdered and robbed Morris Chaplin, u wealthy resident of Denver, in 190G. Plro early this morning destroyed tho Sllvor Bow county poor farm. All tho inmates woro rescued. Jerry Mahoney, defeated Demo cratic candidate for mayor, has bo gun a contest against Mayor Corby, alleging frauds on tho part of elec tion judgos. o Conferred With Carmen. San Francisco, April 20. Itopro Hontatlvos of thu cannons' union nnd otllolals of tho Unltod Hallways wont into conference nt noon to oonslde tho demnnds of thu men for $3 n day and eight hours' work. At a pro ceeding conferonco Prosldunt Cal houn announced that ho would not grunt tho domauds. Tho conference broke up without a conoltiBlon bolng roughed. Xo ar rangements for further negotiation woro mado. In all probability a strike will bo voted. 1 a , Coal Mlno Kviilosloii. Soattlo, April 20. A telephone from Dlnck Diamond says an oxplo slon nt tho Pacific Coast coal mine ooourred this morning. Four nro known to be dead. One body bus been recovered. A epeolal train with thu BCQIIO, shaft 1500 feet deep. been intlictod on pcorofl of countn, charged with bribery nnd other ol fonsea. . , tho supervisors has created as groat a seiiBntlon as whon tho Btory of cor ruption wan first laid hare boforo tho grand Jury, and mado public tho day following tho confOBHloiiH. Verbatim BtatumentB as published today com pletely Huhstautlnto tho uuoltlolal BtntomontH published March 19. Tho!'0'' tho Prosecution and will tantl to principal confoHhlon hi that of Super visor Oallaghor, who aworo that all tho brlho money, with tho exception or that glvou by Theo. Ilalsoy, cf thu Paclflo StatOB Tclophone Company, Pondlqton, April 20. (Spoclal' td Tho Capital Journal) With excep tion that a few wHiicruch woro al lowed to stnto that tho reputation of EHtes for honesty wns had. Attor neys for tho dofunSu In tho MnMauus' murder trial woro not allowed to In truduco testimony for tho purpose of-' showing up tho character of deconnod This ruling of tho court In a victory ferisfew hasten tho clovu of tho trial. Wit nesses brought from n distance, at groat cxpenBO, woro not permitted to answer n single material question, Tho entlro afternoon was consumed In tho calling of witnesses, asking (inoBtlonB, making objections and Having exceptions. Nothing was ac complished. Tho defense will cloou tomorrow. Hehlmrd Hefiued a Warrant. A warrant wan rufimod to Hob hard, who wont to police headquar ters, where he flourished a rovulvur, declaring ho would kill Langdon If a warrant was not issued. Ho was taken to thu chief's office unit n guard placed over him. ungdnu or dered him arrested If ho made furth er disturbance. Hebbnrd has boon drinking. BUOKNK K. SCIIMITZ. flll'm. nf T.'u.w.Ia.,. i..K,i. phyBlalans has left Seattle fori , . ,. . ,. , . Mine. A cavoln occurred on ' wl for ul,0K0l grHftli.g und promi- nout in tho not t lenient of the Jujt unoso Euhool iiwtion. President I'urdons William January. Washington, April '26. Ono of tho last official acts of tho Presi dent before going to Jurnostown was to call for the papers la the case of William January, who was remand- ' t-d to Leavenworth prison, from which he escaped and lived respectably married at Kansas City, under the name of Anderson. It is believed January will be pardoned. o - The Hermann case west to the Jury at 3 30 U Is afteraooa. I'atii of n Drunkard. Stockton, April 26. Following n ; was passod to hlra by Ituef, and ho night of drinking Stephen Taorso, a ' (tlallagher) la turn passed It to tho gardnor, this morning climbed n supervisors. Ono of tho Intorostlng windmill tower and banged himself featuros not before published Is to tho shaft. Ho then slashed his Mayor Schmiu's activity In tho mat throat with a butcbor knife. "" ot tho Home Telophono franchise 0 According to tho confession ho re Labor Leader Hetter, poatcdly urged tho supervisors to Chicago, April 26. John Mitchell voto for tho franchise, both before Is better, and may bo ablo to under go tho operation within a week, or postpone It Indefinitely. o KmiHcnt HcUntluL Suicides. Vienna, April 2. Prof. Moorhof, Introducer of iodoforso, committed sulcido today by drowElng In the Danuba and after tho supervisors woro la formed that tbero would bo "omo thing in It" for them. It Is not un likely the grand Jury will Investi gate tho manner In which a copy of tho verbatim statement was secured Attorney John Jeffries, of Port Uad, Is la tke city oh legal butJiie. Insurance Ollldlal 1'IinuN (JiiiKy. Now York. April 26 Win, A. Urewor, itrosldujit of thu Washing ton Life Insurance Compuny, wus In d luted on two charge of perjury and misdemeanor today. He pi nd4 guilty to the charge of misdemeanor and the court will Impose senteueu Tuesday. " -o i Negn Attacked 1,1 War-Old Girl, Alton, III., April 20. The pollco urrosted Itlchurd Sims, nged 22, a glass factory employe, bocuuso ha an swers the description of a negro who attacked Violet Spencer, aged ,15. Tho girl Is recovering from a knlfo wound across the ubdomon. ' "O Ills? CopiKir Suit Hetllttl Over Night. Doston, Mass., April 20. It Is announced today that tho suit of tho Copper Range Consolidated Com pany against Arthur Ilurrage, Law son and others was settled during tho night. Thrco millions wero Involved. Dr. J. F. COOK THK BOTANICAL DOCTOR, MOVKI) TO I9 LIHKUTY ftTRKMT FOR ANY DISKAiR OALft OX DR. COOK. COXiULTATION FRRR.