DAIMT CAPITAL JOURNAL BALHtf. nnirnnN. WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 13, 1007 1 a n i A SQUARE DEAL Is assured you when you buy one of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines for all the ingredients entering into them are printed on the bottle wrappers mid their formula arc attested under oath as being complete ami correct.. You know just what you arc paying for and that the in gredients nre gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most viluablc native, medicinal roots found growing in our Ameri can forests While potent to cure tlicy arc perfectly harmless even to the most di Hcate women and children. Not a Irop of alcohol enters into their composition. A much better agent is us. I both for extracting and preserving the medicinal principles m, viz. pure tnplc-rcfincd glycerine ot proper strength. osscsscs intrinsic medicinal properties of its own, being a c anti-septic and anti-ferment, nutritive and soothing used in tl This agent most valm demulcent. Glycei Jcal Dlscov attended b appetite, g incuts of tl Beside ical Discov as catarrh, pelvic orgn cign rcmc Nasal passj far the nccc Itwo or tin thorough c In cou affections, i Medical Dli nate, hang cliial nuicoi coiighfl arls 10 plnys nn Important pnrt in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, iour risings, "heartburn," foul breath, coated tongue, poor .ving feeling in stomach, biliousness and kindred derange Uomnch, liver and bowels. tiring all the above distressing ailments, the "Golden Mcd- " is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, '.ether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or Even in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sover- if its use be persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of the s, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" iry constitutional treatment, to dentine the passages freely times n day with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, This rse of treatment generally cures even in the worst cases. is and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung X'pt consumption in its advanced stages, the "Golden very " is a most efficient remedy, capecinlly in those obsti- i -coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bron- membrancs. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute ; from sudden colds, 'nor must it b? expected to cure con sumption ir ts advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinat hung-on, or chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lent tp to consumption, it is the bent medicine that can be taken. If the wret taste of the "Discovery," caused by the glycerine, is disliked, a 1 v drops of lemon juice, orange or lime juice, added to each dose will mi o it agreeable mid plcawiut and will not in the slightest iuterfcrc wil its bencfical effects. It's an insult to your liitclllgcnca for n dealer to endeavor to palm oH up i you some nostrum of unknown comfmitfon in place of Dr. Pierce's wc Id-famed medicines which are oi known composition. Most dcalci recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines becnuge they know what they ' c made of mid that the ingredients employed arc among the most vi liable that a medicine for like puqmses can be made of. The same i true of leading physicians who do not hesitate to recom mend them feincc they know exactly what they contain and that their Ingredients ire the very lc.st known to medical science for the cure of the several diseases for which these medicines are recommended. With - 'icly dealers It Is different. Sometl ng else that pays them a little greater profit will be unrcd pcrti you a "just Osgood," or even better. You can hardly afford to particular KNOWN accept n sul Mtute of unknown composition and without any pa record of ci ea in place of Dr. Pierce's medicines which are ok COMioamc mid have n record of forty yean of cures behind them. hat you want and it is the dealer's business to supply that Yoh know want. Ins vton it. A New Orguiiljillon. Albany, March 13. "Tho Lemon Club" In tho littunt to iniiku Km ap pearance In this pnrt of the country, and oltibtt nro hulng formed In nU tho clllos on tho coast with nmoxlng rapidity. '"ho now ohih Iiiih no ritual, no Inner or uuiir password, uu Krlp, ml no seorutH; whon "you're In, you're uu." A iintlunnl organlsur WAN In Albany yostordny uuttluK tho Hv (iiiim" wlso. To become a member of this Kront fraternal or 1or, ynu must not fall to "come throiiHh" whon a stranger or friend liontm" you for a aunrtor. Fulling In this simple roquost, you forever forfeit your right to become n mum tier of tho Lemon Club. The only thliiK for you to tin la to ohoorfully lltf down Into your pocket ami pro duce tho two-bits, no matter If you only liml tho proverbial "30 cents" In tho Unit place. Having given tho tranger tho rolu, ho will immodl ntoly alnp you twice on tho loft shouldor, draw a fat, Juloy lemon front his pocket, und hand It to you with thoso werd: "1 hereby dub you u ICulKht of tho Lemon. Tho quarter you Jinvo Just contributed In tho Initiation feu and duon for oao your, and this lomon 1 rIvo you I a a uortlfloato of membership." Whan ho huii concluded thoso words, tho stranger loavca you, nad you itt onoo proceed to tho nearest fruit stand and purohuso n doion lemons and luy for tho oasy marks. If you've bitten onco tt'tt pretty euro you won't toll, for tho Joko I on you. You've been handed a lomon that'll nil. It flow llko nro through your volimi It Uooo tho work. It you'ro wasting away day by day, tnko Hoi imtor'a ltoeky Mountain Tea. 35 cunt. Tea or Tablets. Sold ut Dr. Htono's. Grand ..Millinery Display... Better, BdsRter, Blgf TJum Ertr. 0e MtUkwry LVpartanent tut Grows. Tfeta mm we arc carrying tb krgect and tot HMOtteoJ stock k tke city. We kyc more experkneed ttlmmtn attd kelp to watt o yew. All the tuw cr ttoas are fee Jog tiiowm lure BafftifI flowers aai trlaiawi feat. Our tttal Uw prices wil! fee tke rule. ROST0N & GREENBAUM DRY GOODS AND M.LY STOW! DEVETOP WATER WAYS i - Is. the Surest Way to Bring About Better Transporta tion Conditions Washington, March 13. At a tlmo whan tho country "la clamoring for Bomo moans of transportation to ' ntmlst tho ovor burdonod railroads In moving commorco, It Is a note worthy fact that Italy Is struggling with tho Bnmo problem. It Is oven moro noteworthy, In the face of tho passage by congress of tho grontost rivers and harbors appropriations bill over pnsaod, that Italy Is adopt ing tho samo moans of wntorway transportation to overcome tho illf nciilty. Consul J. 13. Dunning of Milan, Just boforo Congross aljournod, mndo a Hpoclal roport on tho situa tion In Italy. Tho roport was road with much Intoroat by mombera of Congress, and especially by tho momborH of tho rlvorB and harbors committee of tho House. Consul Diiiiuliig'H roport shows that tho govcrnmont-owuod railroad linos of Italy during tho pnHt yoar haulod $7,00,000 moro In freight than In tho provlous corrospondlng porlod. ( Dotmlto this groat lncronso, busluowi In Italy Is In a woeful stato bocatisu of tho Inability of tho Minos to hnn dle tho tralllc. As a rouult tho Italian govornmont Is contomplntlng n groat systom of canals and canal- izod rlvorB as a solution of tho dim-, culty. . i The principal bqIiqiuo In this pro gram Is tho dooponlng of tho chnu nol of the Illvor To from a point nonr l'avla outward to tho soa, with tho ultimate object of making a sea port or Milan, which Is many inllou Inland. Consul Dunning sayn: "Thoro Is now a canal connec tion botweon Milan and I'nvln, about 2G mllott long, through nn ancient channel which lias been In nctlvo uso for moro than six hundred years. ThouRnndB of rnnul bonBts from tho I'o como to Milan ovory year, pasi through tho ulty'H canal , system (which la fouudod on the old de fensive nioatH of tho middle ngos), ntid proceed northward to the Ital ian lakes, or vlco versa. "In connootlon with tho To pro ject a gonoral extension and re building of tho whole vast canal system is plnnuod. This, with nn ample basin on tho outskirts of Milan, will give tho city the, rank of a port, though It Ih In fact tunny iiilluH inland. Tho aim ot tho plan Is to enable bargos ot several hun- drod tons bunion to como In tow from tho Adriatic directly to tho alty gntos, thoro meeting and exchanging with other bni-goti from tho Inko ro- glon. both forming n systm of spe cial transportation which Is bound to have u doclded offset upon tho Industrial development of the dis trict as well ns upon that of tho en tire kingdom anil Southern ICurope. Vho government Ik giving practical aid by forwarding all the prelimin ary work of the undertaking, which la to be a government work pure and simple, though the contracts will bo open to bidder throughout the world." It U a matter of considerable mir prUo that tho United State has kgon laggard among groat nations In de veloping Its waterways. All of thq commercial countries of the world httvu adopted this system ot trans portation within their bordors, and becaiiHO of It hnvo boon enabled to enter markets abroad by reason t tho elimination of eaooMlvo trans IMirtatlou tolla from tholr factorlot to tholr seuboard Hngland. with Its inagnltlcont harbors. Cernmny, with its system ot deep rivers and canuU and Franoo. with U highly Uovwloped watorwnys, have been en abled to push their good in every quarter ot the world, laying them In foreign markets at the low oat cost for getting them thore. Although tho amount carried by tho bill Just pail by Congross cs tnblWhee u record. It I not up to tho mark set by tho National Hlvora nud Harbors CongroM. which la set-king to have tho government set aside a Hat sum ot $50,060,000 n ear for tho prosecution or watc waii development. The bill carries In rash available for Imwedlata uio approximately 135,000.990; the re mainder Is merely auUorlxed tor a contliuwtlou or work under way. Of couro. It future bills are as liberal as the one Just pawed, tho amounts of cah, available eventually will n?iea (each year th fljuro set by th N'atloail Itlvem and Harbors COttKTtM. TIU orRllloa will Independence for the American Cigar Smoker That's WJiat The American Cigar Company Stands For You can't be an independent smoker as long as you depend on somebody else to select your cigars for you. You must know what you want and get it The "Triangle A" means freedom. It means better cigars of every grade than the best made under old conditions. It's the Identification Mark of Cigar Quality no matter what the brand name. This "A" (Triangle A) mark identifies the product of recently perfected processes of fermenting and blending extensively applied on scientific principles in the American Cigar Company's im mense specially-constructed stem meries exclusive methods beyond the knowledge or facilities of ordi nary manufacturers. Do you realize that you have always bought cigars without any reliable guide as to quality, value or condition? The question is: How can you know you are getting the best cigar for your money ? You can be sure before yoic buy. Wherever you buy, whatever price you pay, whatever your taste, you will find the best cigar for your money in boxes bearing the "Triangle A" mark of merK, The New CREMO Every box is now extra-wrapped in glassine paper, sealed at each end with the 'Triangle A" in red. The cigars are kept clean, fresh and in perfect smoking condition until th6 box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer Merit J HA A labor to that ond nnd will urgo upon Congross and tho country tho vltnl Importauco of this work to all linos of commerce, o 1 9100 Howard, 9100. Tho roadors of this paper will bo IilnuKnd tn Innrn Hint thnrn la nt titnat ( ... -- ........ ...... .. . . ........ on dreaded dlsoaso that sclonco has boon ablo to euro In nil Its stages, aad that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnro Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to tho medical frntornlty. Car tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, ncttng directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation ot tho disease, and giving tbo patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting naturo In dolag Its work. Tho proprietors hare so much faith In 1U curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any caso that It falls to oure. Sond for list ot testimonials. Address P. J. CHKNKY & CO., To ledo, O. I Sold by all druggists, 75c, I Take Hall's Family Pills for coa-tlpatlon. Fox Hunt In Murch. St. Joseph. Mo., Maroh 18. Aa ono ot tho feature of tho Su Joseph's Kennel Club's forthcoming I bonoh show, thoro will bo a fox hunt ' In tho streets, boglnnlng at 10 o'clock Maroh 16th. Tho hounds will go ovr a two-ratio course, previously marked out through down-town streets by a llvofox. but tho dogs will have uo opportunity to seouro tho brush as tholr quarry. Fourteon hounds havo already beon entered, and a valuable cup la offered as a prlta. Tho success of tho show ta fully assured. It opened today with a full list of entries. On sportsman cornea from Pittsburg. o PILES CUiU'.l) IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT U guarantcM to curo any cam of ltcbtn-. Blind, Bloodtiog or Protruding Pile ta t to 14 day or money refunded. KOc. - , Judge George H Burnett, of Sa lem, wa la th city this -week tar the Marth term of department No. 1 ct tbo circuit court, -Albany Herald. AutomoblllstH Join ltoutl Makers In Convention, Pittsburg, March 13. Tho Road mnkors' Convontlon Is romnrkablo for tho great Intoroat taken in It by those who nro not rond makers. Tho automoblliBtB mnnlfost as much lutorost as though they had called tho convontlon themselves. Gover nor Stunrt worked very strongly for thlu convontlon and In a lottor to tho chief oxocutlvoa of other states said: "Tho progross of highway reform has mado vory rapid progress and shnrp strides during the past few years. Tho quostlon of trans portation Is most Important, and It la thoroforo felt that tho statos which havo adopted somo definite Plan of suporvlslou and stato aid should dlssomlnnto tho result of tholr oxporlonco as widely as pos slblo for tho bouellt of tho other statos, Tho stato of Pennsylvania has mado largo appropriations for this work. I am interested in tho success of this convention, and am glad to second tho efforts or thoso who havo It In charge." Tho con vention Is a record one. and i s tho largest ovor hold In tho United States for tho consideration ot high way tmprovomont8. There Is a largo attondanco of automoblllsts. Tho automoblllsts tako tho tlclogates by the arm, and talk good roads to them, showing tho economy In con structing thorn, and tho facility with which distant localities aro brought togother; tho contribution to busi ness In that pcoplo ot different lo calities can tarry their products to market or can exchange their com modities at an advantage. They rep resent that that part of Pennsylvania that has taken Its roads In time lias proHted greatly by Us timely work, and that tho people along tho routes under construction are heart ily In favor of the improvement, they havlns seen to it that all tho arguments on favor of better roads havo been duly and strongly pre sented to them. SALEM WATER CtMPAITV orooi omr j-Axi For wat storlM rjjlf a mm pajM Tnrilhjj- J Va. all .M,iltu a T.Av M . Tk.'J.r M.m u 2&M MrtFTOJ :vi 41 (h Ft -1 f. it m KASY FOKYOUW and for us to cut. wbterj doslre. out no mi " sell you Beef, Veal, W . . .. t.d nrs Pit rorK, you iuuj - - --i -.-. .. I liilrr tut tl wmA you every satisfaction. S1 handio goou . .jil t. -..... Mlti. I3i" oui irora i - tho reputation of beisj AMn iinr i. uiv-"- """ ...... nX Mf9 Turkeys are '"-- -, For such nign BfaB aro low rJL-t1 -...-. on. I ' rnuuo v There is oiif '-. "BioM m That is UxativsBriaii CURESAsiJ(f,f Bflrwiij i' t- m& ltUl -i- 2Ei' :':r .i te "' JCUMW lKDETKjf j-J -r J-" etto Daily Umel KMtS r-Ulas pe4fBce 11-. ih xy"- . 1 with "L V at :' ",. PTJ -VSis' 1 m