f jf yWf9Wmm'iv!f!9!r '" DAttX OAWrAL JOURNAL SALEM, OnEGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1000. & DON'T WANT TO PLAY Not in Salem's Back Yards Unless There Is a Cleaning Up Ed. Jeurnal: A , prominent citi zen of Salem, during n recent con versation with tho writer, called at tention to tho numerous wooden Bhacks and backdoor buildings scat; tercd around town In tho rear of our business blocks. Several hun dreds of those buildings are located within tho flro limits and are a con stant menaco to tho property ad jacont. Somo are partially protected by tho use of corrugated Iron roofs nnd Bides but most of them carry eoveral Inches of good, thick moss for roofing. Around theso scattered buildings nro all sorts of refuses nnd old cast off fixtures, boxes, and n general assortment of storo rubbish, which ought to havo boon either burned or carted to tho dump ground, Alternately soaked by tho rain and heated by tho sun, theso germ breeding stacks of Junk tiro rapidly falling Into n putrescent fitato. Not only as a matter of hy gienic expediency, but ns a mattor of prido tho merchants should spend an occasional day among tho boxes nnd rofuso In tho bnck yard and oloan things up. Salem Is now Inrgo onough for her busluoss streot alloys to bo constantly used ns thorough fares. Pooplo nro dally using alleys for short cuts, not only to BaloonH, but from oiio streot to anothor nnd half of those nlloys uro without wnlks and tho pdostrlaii must-tako to tho mud. At night thoy nro dark and forbidding nnd in tho secret plncos might lurk the unseen hand of tho footpnd ready to strlko down tho unsuspecting. A row of incandescent lamps strung through out our alleys would bo a boon to tho "slrort-cuttcrs"' and an nld to tho nlghtwatch. More tiros orlglnnto In thoao places than nnywhoro else, thoroforo why not enforce clennlng up laws, KLEAN UPSKY. 4-H-H M fr HUH HI IIIIIIH ; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $ Marion County Land That Is T Changing Ownership Prices nmt Obtained. iOIIIHimilllil INVADE ENEMY'S COUNTRT. Salem Will Next lie Sending Apples to Jlood River Somo time ngd a young real estate agent camo to Salem from tho Yaki ma valley, In tho state of Washing ton for the avowed purpose of sell ing land to tho Willamette valley farmers. Ho was and Is yet trying to persuade them that they can sell out hero and go to Yakima and got rich growing apples. As an object lesson, tho young man rented a show window from John Hughes on State street and ar ranged a splendid display of Wash ington grown applCB. Mr. Hughes and his able asslst nntB, whoso fertile brnins are always working, cleared out tho other win dow of tho storo and established a rival applo'show. Tho exhibits thoy fixed tip of Marlon county appleB took all tho shlno off tho Washing ton exhibit. Tho young promoter from tho Evorgreon Btato sent bnck to Ynklma for a hotter exhibit and his peoplo shipped him n fresh consignment of apples but it was no use. Marlon county kept In tho load by a wholo head nnd neck. Now,. It Is proposed that tho Mar ion county farmers send a small ex hibit of Marlon ndunty grown apples to Yaklmn and Mr. Laforo Bays It will 'bo done Ono Mnrlon county fnrmer has voluntcored to meet all tho expenso If necessary. o Prolmto Notes. In tho ninttcr of tho estate of David Ilnmagc, deceased, order dis charging Clnra A. Rrownflold, ad ministratrix. In tho tunttor of tho guardianship of Clara Dnmos, nn ordor for op polnttng C, Ramos ns guardian. o Iiullim ReM't'vatioiin in Colorado. Denvor, Nov. 15. Sountor G. D. Clark, of Wyoming, chlof of tho sonnto committee nppolntod to In vostlgato land mnttors In Indtnn Territory nftcr a sitting In Kansas city Is today In VInltn, I. T., with tho other mombors of tho committee. After talcing ovldonco In Vnnltn tho mobors of tho commlttoo will pro ceed to WnBhlngton and formulnto their report and recommendation to congress for such legislation ns, will bo necessary for Indlnn Torrltory. PILES SEATTLE GENTLEMEN CURED WITH LESS THAN A BOX BY THE PYRAMID PILE CURE. Anyone Can Easily Tost It nntl Prove It, for n Free Sample Is Sent by Mall to All. Seven out of ten readers of this paper are tortured with piles or somo form of restat disease. You are, or you would not bo reading this article. Thirty years ago doc tors carried a lancet in their vest pocket nnd bled peoplo for all sorts of diseases and bled them hard sometimes a quart at a time. It was tho fashion thon. All that Is changed nowadays and a doctor with a lancet would bo considered a curiosity. PIvo years ngo doctors "cutout" piles wherever they got tho chance. All that hns been chnnged since tho nmrveloiiB soothing, healing and curntlvo. properties of Pyramid Pile Curo hnvo become known. By every mall wo get letters like this: "Wishing to glvo credit where credit is due. I foot it my duty to humanity as well as yourselves to j write you regarding your pllo reme dy. I have not finished my first box and am now well. After th first treatment of Pyramid Pile Curo, tho soreness loft, and tho Bwelllngs hnvo kopt decreasing. I also used your pllU and nm feeling like myself ngnln. Thanking you kindly, I am, yours truly, C. Crowley, 170 9th Avo., Soattlo, Wash. If you wnnt posltlvo proof of the curntlvo vuluo of this remedy send to tho Pyramid Drug Company, Mar shall, Mich. You will receive n free package by roturn mall. Try It, then go straight to your druggist, got a 50o box and got well. o A Remarkable Woman. Indlnnnpolls, Nov. 15. Mrs. Vina Winklor, who llvos at Kohomn, this Btnto, Is 9G years of ago and Is tho head of six gonorntlons. She Is the nncostor of olghty-slx grnndchlldron, 102 great grandchildren, thirty grent great grandchildren and thrco grent great groat grandchildren. Her old ost child Mrs. Anna Durbln, of Charleston, 111., is 70 years of ago. Tho following roal ostuto trans actions havo been placed on record In tho o 111 co of tho Marlon county re re eorder: J. A. Taylor to II. 11. Taylor, 8. r5 fuet of lots 1 and 2, Waldo's Add. Snloni; w.d.. $0000 Mary Orlor to Mao Hrowor, lot 8 J block 4, Thomas' Add. Stay ton; w.d 300 J. M. and It. Wndsworth to L. M. Bertram, 7000 squnro feet lu .Marlon county; w.d. 1!G J. M. and It. 11. Wndsworth to N. A. Bwlft, 7000 square feet In Mnrlop, count; w.d.. 25 13. ami D. E. Swank to Mtslo Cornelius, pnrt of lot 5, block 5, lu Aumsvlllo; w.d. 100 P. h. nnd O. Darling to Daniel O. Clark. SO acres In 8-4 H.; w.d C50 I. I), nnd 13. Carpenter to O. L. Barrett, Jot 5, Woodburn fruit farms; w.d,, .,.... ,,1260 William McKonxlo to J, Ilnum gnrtner, lots 18 'nnd 3, block S, Capital Park Add. Salem ,, , . . 300 J. O. Slcgiuund to Florence, Holt, 21 acres, 0 2 W.; w.d 500 W. It Holt ot ur to E. 8. Holt, j 21 acres, 0 2 W.; q,c.d.,., li O, II. and S. Mllloy to John Bqhuinackor, lot 7, block IB, Mill City; w.d 75 0 A, and R. h. 8treet to Tho O. A, Street Lumber Co., par. ' col land Marlon nnd Linn counties; w.d. 100 O, A. Street to Tho Chtu. a. Street Lumber Co., tracts ot land In Marlon; w.d 100, C. A. Street to The Chas. A. JHreet, tracts of land In "Marlon county; w.d X00 M4 Cle-CU. "A derous surgical operation, iMelrlajf tke removal ot a ris1!j Mutt Ver, M large m say band, fr M? daughter's hip, was nrveate4 by, tie ftffl4tto M Kuckloa'g Araka. felvt," ) A, C Rlckel, of Mt f-Vflfc rt yV - jpWWSpv JWHI OC WH Jy ow)MUly mnn4 It" CurW etlta, ImrM 4 to, Jit at J. Cl IHrry drucftct. . Make Salesmen Of Yout Windows After Dark J4 S 1 A store inny shut. Its doqrs nt Biinsot, but' It Its show windows are Eloctrio Lighted and attractively dressed thay aro doing as effec tive soliciting for tho next day's business as a corps of sales people. , Up-to-date stores nowadays consider window lighting a necessity whether they remain open after night or not. .Competition forces modern methods. Is your toro"SHUT UP" after sunset In tho old style or In tho now? There is no illuminating which will light a shop window as ef fectively, handsomely and satisfactorily n'a Electric Llghi. Fabrics aro shown in their true colors nnd every llttlo detail la brought out In truo proportion to Its surrouudlngs. If your window is not Electrically Lighted you nro throwing away chances for Increasing your business only measured by tho number ot people that pass your storo after dark. Based on our now acalo of Reduced Rates for current on Meter Basis, Electric Light Is not an espouse -It Is an ECONOMY'. For Information call MAIN 81. Portland General Electric Co. 20 ConnwGfcirt 5t Satom, Orcfwi BHHHittHESCSaUilillilWIIkl MM PIlhMH MTTnMF.l tSCSui "vKtetfA tV J. (mr SALEM, OREGON W. 1. STALEY, Principal A live business training school, having the confidence and endorsement of business men. n sends lu graduates to every part of the state, and Is unable to Bupply tho calls for students who have complete! the work of both courses, Business and Shorthand. Young Men of Energy Are Wante d Who will remain with us long enough to become competent In stenography, bookkeeping and klndiet) branches. All such mny be nssured of good places. During tho last five months we havo been unable to Bupply one-third of tho calls for this class of help, and the rapid development of tho Northwest will male an ever-lncrenslng demand for help. New Classes Will Be Organized Next week to nccommodato students coming In at this time, nnd It Is hoped thn.t ns many as possible ol those who expect to begin n course soon will arrange to enter next week. Twenty-flvo students enrollej with us last' week, and twenty this week. If you want to increase your opportunities, BEGIN NOW. We Arc Always Glad to Talk With young peoplo Interested In our work, and hope that any such will not hesltato to call. Our cat, loguo may bo had" for tho asking. A Night School Is Held On three nights of ench week to accommodate any who want shorthand, typewriting and spelling aid 3 nro unablo to attend day sessions. A Business Education Is worth to anyone more than It costs In time nnd money, and if one wishes to get Into business ft u 1 absolutely osontlal. INVESTIGATE NOW. a h? iv - 'W't..retf3tAME4iEkw Provide Your Own Protection Cut down your insurance rates by installing immediate ly n completo flro alarm sys tem In your house, thus Insur ing you ngnlnst possible loss by FIRE Protect yoursolf, family and property by ndoptlng tho auto matic fire alarms, burglar alarms, sprinkling systems nnd fire extinguishers In, your housohold. State Agent Co. 245 Liberty St. QUALITY FOLKS.... Of course quality counts among people, but thnt Isn't the only plnce. It counts especially In your daily needs, and one of tho things thnt adds most to tho suc cess of Perfection Baking Powder Is Quality. Its quality wins It friends all tho time. Buy It. Try it. i WMTM.MMM.MMMMM I JT1-1'I I I Ml M Ml MHMM """. C. M. El'PLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon Just Received Men's, Ladies' and Children's yiNTER SHOES. Men's and Boys' HIGH and LOW TOP SHOES and RUBBER BOOTS. Best quality at Lowest prices. Come and see them. We have some bargains. JACOB VOGT ffj' i '"NttiyiKa 1 1 I f ' 7 LJk A MATTER OF ABSORBING INTEREST Llea behind that of the approaching Thanksgiving, and that is the lum ber question, DurlnK the WJntoi tho supply is always uncertain, bull by ordering of us before cold weather j turnus you can do sure of having your wants filled. We are ready to supply any kind ot lumber you need aOODALE LUMBEK. CO. HOT RATIONS j , ' That's Vaat you want these chilly days, and at our place you get nothing cold, and always the best tho market affords. White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS, Props. , ' mmmmmmr m MiNlIBTOiWFBEiicHramE JMWMUMUOPIL L8. A Sn, Cm. i luiu tw tmmm VimMttw MYtB BMwi Tl rvi. ui.1 n StrrisX ; fcnU Cwulnl i Jim.. lU.'UJ!. WummS ...,.. ,,WWVH.M , I WKTmi&Jn,to.t m 4. l MM SfMlil rft Band Instruments Phonographs Records Stringed instruments and musical sundries. Don't forget that we have the goods and that they are tor sate at reasonable prices. P. L. SAVAGE At J. Waal's OM Mu4, 97 OwnMceial c A CHILD CAN BUI As advantageously at our meat bit- Ijet as the older folks. Weelreto most careful attention to all ordo, and sell none but tho best ol nwiti E. C. CROSS, Stnto Street Market Phone S9ll That Cow If you keep a family co nothing Is too good for litr, nnd we make a specialty c' entering for this class of (rata Besides nil tho stn'rte feed, we en it j New Process Oil Meal Sidney Shorts-Very Extra Fresh Carrots Cow Kure and many other sp'-claltle t Induce licnlth ami plenty f milk. TILLSON & CO. 151 HishSt HOTEL OREGON' Corair of Seventh and Btwr PartUsd. OreeoB. rm. J. .! of t' mi sew bhu wmnu v..- jbM Caters particularly to tttlits J lea and other Oregon tint nlo tv.. ha TtatM IL00 P ui fpwrd. Haadeomert gt Mm,ji price, as low - leSa attractlre, IaUy Cipltd i " ,,-r III WMHT-DIOTCBXOK J General MnrliinD W( E. M. KIGUTLISOKK. Macbtetet ad &' 1X8 Somth liberty OAX BE MADE FROM I STKCL. NONE BUT F"1 vrruw , jlf4g 10