DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1000. Ask keeping Weed It once. ONGUES OF FIRE COMING The "Tongues of Fire" are com- g north. It is they who have made tie people of Los Angeles sit up and iko notice. California papers have sen full of accounts telllnc of the trange things that havo beon done the sect, and several of these re- Igtous workers are coming to Salem hold meetings under the auspices the Pentecostal mission, located par State and Twelfth streets. The Iports are that many have been con- jrted to the "apostolic faith," and liat the members speak in tongues Is they did on the day of Pentacost. lev. J. M. Ryan, the pastor of the Iocal mission, in speaking concern ng the movement, says that ' It is growing, and that it has spread from Kansas to Los Angeles, and then to rexas and to the Islands of the sea. fho pentacostal fire Is catching through the cities in the vicinity of Los Angeles, Monrovia, Pasadena, San Pedro, Sawtelle and Whlttler. The "burning bush" workers In Los Angeles came Into tho new move ment in a body. The members of tho Apostolic faith havo been called "Holly Rollers," but this Is an Injus tice to the sect, said Rev. Ryan to a (Journal representative yesterday. "Just how the people hero will : receive tho workers from California I do not know. It Is possible that they will be persecuted, but wo all aro ready to follow the Master what ever comes. We rely on God's word." Rev. Ryan returned recently from Los Angeles, where he went to Inves tigate tho movement. Ho believes In its genuineness through and through, and says tho meetings were of unusu al power. "To bo sure thero are al ways fanatics In religious movements nnd this one Is no exception." con tinued he. Tho meetings In Los Angeles had their Inception In a barn-llko struc ture on Azuza street, and tho Penta cost, says the "Apostolic Faith," tho organ of the new sect, fell there three nights. Tho people had nothing to do but wnlt on the Lord." and pralje him, and they commenced speaking In tongues as they did on Pentecost, and the spirit sang songs through them. Tho workers nt the local mission are holding prayer meetings nightly In preparation for the coming of tho Callfornlans. "A Talo of Two Cities" Seattle, $030,000 in six hours. Portland, $19S1 In six hours. t,HMJMi lyyyiiT'i'r f, : i.i "i, ifiiPMr? McfietaMePrcparafonlbrAs- slmilatlng tteTood andReg ula ting tteS tosadtf andBwcls of ProwotesTSgc'sllon.Chcerful ttnsand&sLConUIosndltef OtmitroMarpbine or MmeraL frlOTNAltCOTIC. MafiaraJ&-SVCLFIIVXS HAtBSJ- tXUm vESyrwmpnn ArjafecfRcmedv forConstfea- lion. Sour Stoach.DuMTtoe, Vors,Con'ukK)ns,tev6riSR' ttcss andLoss'bF Sleep; YftcSiafljle C&&&Z&&. YOBIC. exact wr or VBAWCB . '. ' ' -! ' 1 ' m You May Wssfai MZz "rjfisEllBEBi your doctor about the wisdom of your I Ayer'8 Cherry Pectoral in the bouse, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If I he says it's aii right, then get a bottle of it at Why not show a little foresight in such a matters? Early treatment, early cure. WttuTtnoatontit W publUh J.O.ArerCo., ( tnrormuioruourprptrnon. ixiweu.Mi HOLINESS MEETING. Ulg Tent Provided for a Series of Sermons. It is Into in the season for the holding of camp meetings but noth ing daunts the fervor of Oregonlans and It Is announced that there will be a camp meeting In this city which will begin next Saturday in tho largo tent which was erected Wednesday on the grounds near the depot. The meetings aro to conducted by Rev. Thomas G. Rogers, of Los Angeles, Cal., who Is said to be on the old fashion exhorters. but also a man of good sound learning. Ho comes un der the auspices of the Holiness church situated on Fifteenth and Mill streets of which Rev." J. C. Wil liams is pastor. The meetings will continue as long as the interest is manifest and so long as the weather remains propi tious. The huge tent, 40x60 feet, which was pitched yesterday afternoon will comfortably seat 350 people. Seats and chairs aro bolng provided and everything will be In readiness when the Los Angole3 preachor arrives to take charge. Rev. Rogers Is sent out bj the Apostolic Holiness Union of Cincinnati. o Oregon's Population. Commissioner O. P. Hoff of tho state bureau of labor and statistics has completed a report on tho popu lation of tho state of Oregon. Tho population Is given by counties and is based on the school census, enroll ment and tho dally attendance and compared with the population given in the census of 1900. The figures nre as follews: Baker, 21,073; Benton 6,709; Clackamas, 21,638; Clatsop, 14,793; Columbia, 7,751; Coos, 11,907; Crook, 7,412; Curry, 1,803; Douglas, 15,958; Gilliam, 4,534; Grnnt, 6, 475; Harney, 2,787; Jackson, 17, 436; Josephine, 9,695; Klamath, 5, 209; Lane, 21,817; Lake, 2,505; Lincoln, 3,875; Linn, 17,778; Mal heur, 7,211; Marlon, 28,539; Mor row, 4,244; Multnomah, 148,264; Polk, 10,639; Tillamook, 4,708; Umatilla, 20,395; Union, 17.037; Wallowa, 5,599; Wasco, 17,011; Washington, 15,604; Wheeler, 2, 703; Yamhill, 17,112; a total of 485,000. Cures Chills nnd Fever. G. W. Wirt, Nacogdoches, Texas, says: "His daughter has cuius and fever for three years; ho could not find anything that would help her till ho used Herblne. His wife will not keep house without it, and can not say too much for It." 50c. Sold by D. J. Fry's drug store. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA tMC WWT4I. MHMr, Mf V fft. MK At M g i M Ai FINANCES OP SALEM. City Treasurer Meredith Files His Quarterly Rcporf. The followlug statement of tho city's finances is from tho quarterly report of City Treasurer Frank Mere dith: General Fund. Balance as per last report. $14,005.79 Amt. reed, from city re corder 3,456.26 Amt. reed, from county treasurer 1,837.62 Amt. reed. acct. sower Cartwrlght's add -.... 311.23 Total $ 19,610.90 Disbursements 7,445.16 Balanco ?12,165.74 Iloail nnd Street Fund. Balanco as per last report. . J2S55.72 Amt. reed, from city record er 99.00 Amt. reed, from county treasurer . . .... ...... 275.64 Total $3230.36 Disbursed $ 664.51 Balance $2565. 85 Soutl Commercial Street Imp. Fund. Balanco as per last report. .$ 115.62 Amt. reed, from sundry property owners 1151.20 Total $1266.82 Disbursed 1239.17 Balanco ., $ 27.65 Dog Fund., Amt. reed, from city record er $ 247.00 Disbursed 123.00 Balance $ 124.00 State Street Fund. Balanco as per last report $2275.99 Oak Street Fund. Balanco as per last report. .$ 131.14 Sewer Fund. Balance ns per last report. .$ 50.14 Sewer Fund, Block C8. Balance as per last report. .$ 117.50 Street Improvement Fund Balanco as per last report. .$ 284.46 Court Street Fund. Balanco as per last report. . $ 142.97 Sewer Fund, Block 88. Debtor bal, as per last rept $ 116.19 Sower Fund, Block -13. Dobtor bal, as per last rept $ 1.44 Summary. Bal on hand in general fund $12, 165. 74 j Road and street fund .... 2,565.85 South Com. street imp. fund 27.65 Dog fund . . Stato street V. . 124.00 fund 2,275.99 Oak street fund 131.14 Sower fund '50.14 Sower fund, block 58 . . 117.50 Street Improvement fund 284.46 Court street fund 142.97 Total $17,885.44 Less sower fund block. Less sower fund block No. 88, overdrawn . . .$ 116.19 Less -sower fund, block No. 43, overdrawn .... 1.44 Total $ 117.63 Balanco cash on hand... 17,767.81 Salem Weather. The September weather summary, as prepared by M. P. Baldwin, local forecaster, Is ns follews: Temperature. Mean maximum, 72.G. Mean minimum, 51.3. Mean, 61.9. Maximum, 84, date 18, 19. Minimum, 43, date 26, 28. Total precipitation, 1.92. Greatest in 24 hours, .74, on Sop tdmbor 12th. Thero wore six days with .01 inch or moro precipitation; 16 clear days, ono partly cloudy day nnd 13 cloudy days. Public Library Report for September No. using reading room 1275 Daily averago 42 New members 35 Total members ...1184 New Books Purchased 87 Gifts v 43 Total '... 130 Number lof Loans BookB 709 Periodicals 13G Total , 904 No. of volumes in library 3048 MARY PARMENTER, - Librarian. Tho Best Doctor. Rev. B. C. Horton, Sulphur Springs, Tex., writes, July 19, 1902: "I have used In my family Ballard's 8now Liniment and .Horehound Syr up, and they havo proved certainly satisfactory. Tho liniment is tho best wo havo ever used for head ache and pains. The cougbt syrup has been our 'doctor for the last & years." Sold by D. 5. Fry' Atug etore. FOR SALE. Hay for Sale Baled clover or cheat; $6.50 per ton, In lots of two tons or over. Tho3. F. Walker. Phono Suburban 154. 10-l-lm For Sale or Tiade. Stock and dairy ranch of 160 acres, on C. & E. railroad, one-halt mile from town, about 100 acres cleared and In pas ture. New seven-room house, barn, sheep, sheds; orchard, out range, springs running tho year round. If you want n gdod ranch, this is tho ono. Apply to Robert Tnssell, Elk City, Or. 9-2S-lm For Sale. Light farm wagon, with removablo springs. Heavy and light spring wagons, both now and second-hand. Buggies from $15 up. Ono delivery wagon. Inquire of W. Fennel, 803 North Liberty streets. 9-4-lm " " ' i FOR RENT. For HeutFuTnlsWjmT nlshed rooms at 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. Dice, Prop. 5-1-tf For Rent. Eight-room house, fur nished. Within walking distance of tho University, and on car lino, or will, rent part of houso for housekeeping rooms. Address "J.," enro Journal. 9-2 9-1 wk MISCELLANEOUS. At .Mrs. o. II. Walkers 221 Com merclal street, you can get your clothes dyed, cleaned, pressed or repaired. Anything from a pair of gloves to tho finest silk cleaned. Velvet collars put on, nnd any goods Injured In nny way paid for. Phono 1245. L. W. Benson Tho carpenter, has removed from 107 Stato street to 44 Court street. All old patrons, ns well as now ones, aro Invited to call. 10-3-2w New nnd Second-Hand Goods. Wo aro prepared to supply tho large volume of trado that always comos after hop picking In both now and second hand goods. Conrad DU man, Stato street. 9-28-lwk Butto & Wenderoth. Flno wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo tho celebrnted Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Com mercial streot. 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop nnd fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. BUTTERNUT BREAD It- is worth moro than nny othor bread, yot the prlco is no higher. For salo at your grocer's ,- CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas, & Cooloy, Props. LOST. Lost. A Gold harp uln. sot with flvo rubles nnd flvo cold strings, ongrnved "W. U., 03." Reward. Return to this ofilco. 10-3-3t Lost. On thq road to tho fair ground, n cane, turned handlo, with pinto on tho same, with tho namo "Haydon" thoreon. Return to W. R. Anderson or leavo at this oflko. 10-2-3t Lost. A hand-painted belt buckle. Roward if roturncd to Journal offlco.. 10-2-3t Lost. -A Llowollyn bird dog be tween Salem and Hall's ferry rond Monday; right ear mostly black, left ear whlto; answers to namo of "Rover." Liberal roward. Address R. L. Penton, corner Railroad and Leo streets, Yow Parte. 10-2-lwk 8ALE3I HOP DEALERS. Krcta Ilros. Growers of and deal era in bops, Salem, Oregon. Phone 121. Offlco over Salem State Bank, 115 Commercial street. O. O, Donovan Hop merchant; rep resents best firms In America. Cor ner Commercial and State streets, Salem. Phone Main 137. TONSORIAL. Evans' Harbor Shop. The only first class, barber shop on State street; everything sew and up te date. Finest porcelain botbs la the city. Sharing 16c, halrcuttlng 25c, baths ICc Two first-claw boot blaejcs. C. W. Evans, prop. 8-9 i 8A82Z AXD DOOR FAOT0KTJM. rraafc K. Brewa. Manufacturer of seas, door. Mouldings. AH kisds f boa AaLab aad aar4 ws4 week. Frot air, bet. State aa4 Osrt. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT-: WANTED. Wanted. Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel and colloct for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1072 por year and oxponses. Sal ary paid weekly and expenses nd vrnced; references required. Ad dross, with stamp, J. A. Alexand er, Salem, Or. 10-3-3t Wanted. Good boys with wheel to work from S a. m. to G p. in., and go to night school. Wages 75o per day. Leave nnmo and nddrcss. C. M. Lockwood, 214 N. Commer cial street. 10-2-3t AVanted. Flvo mon to work on boc tlon. Steady work guaranteed. Inqulro at 1392 Leo street, Yow Park. 9-26-lwk Wanted. A capablo girl or woman to do general housowork for a small family. Good wages. Ap ply at 567 South High stroot. 9-2 8-1 wk Wanted. A placo whero a young boy can work for his board and room and go to school. Address , Wlllamotto Unlvorsity. 9-24-tf Silver and Pctlto Prunes Wanted Without bleaching and undipped In lyo. Will pay extra prlco de livered at my packing house at Jefferson, Oregon. Address E. H. Rhodes, Albany, Or. 9-11-lm Wanted. A marker Steam Laundry. nt the Salem 9-17-tf Wanted A good rolinblo boy, about 15 years old, to work In cigar fac tory. Inqulro at No. 125 N. Com merclnl 'stroot, second floor, Sa lem factory. , 10-2-3t LODGES. Foresters of America Count Snorwood Foresters, No. 10. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato otroot. U. 8. Rider, O. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Control Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle . Hall in Holmttn block, corner State and Liberty stroets. Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p. in. J. G. Graham, C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. Modorn Woodmen of Amorica. Oro gon Codar Camp No. 5240. Moots ovory Thursday ovoning at B o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. O ; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World. Moot every Fri day night nt 7:30, in Holman hall. A. J. Bnsoy, C. O. P. L. Frailer, Clork. IJVERY AND SALE STABLES. m J IS THE PHONE NUMBER OP " THE RED FRONT STABLES M. L. HARROD, PROPRD3TOR, 271 OHEMEKETA STREET. DRAYMEN. it. u. uuminlns Successor to Wblto Cummins, oxpress, delivery and transfer line. Prompt sorvlco la our motto. Furnituro nnd piano moving a specialty. Stand nt 156 South Commercial stroot. Phono 175 Rcsldenco phono 968. 8-4-tf MUSIO STUDIOS. Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill. Musical Studio, assoclato teachor Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111., representing Intor-Stato Sys tom at Salem, Oregon. Diplomas granted upon completion of course In tho opera Houso building, rooms 8 and 9. Studio hours, 9 to 12, nnd 2 to 5. 9-8-tf Miss Eva F. Cox Will rosumo her classes In tho study pf music and sight rending Soptombor 5th. Stu dio 317 Front street, Salem. 9-4-lm Miss Elina WcIIer Will be ready to recolvo pupils In piano, boglnnlng Soptombor 3d. Tho regular work will begin Soptombor 17th, Mu steal kindergarten, which Is a pre paratory work for the piano, made a specialty for children. 9-3-lm VEXEXINAfcY 8UKGB0N. Dr. E, J. YOong. Veterinary Surgeoa ..and dentlit, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur gleal operations a specialty, Paon 581. Offlco at Club Stable. Pboae 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-9-tf PLUMBERS. ueo. 3i. mrr numbing, not water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phone Mais 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Fetaai Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Sueeeaior to Knox X Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phone Main 17. A. L. Fraaar Sueeeafor to Burroughs k Frazer, plumber aad tfaaar; Uaaa acturer pf copper and galraalxeJ iroa esraice, aad autal skylights, 105 State street. 'Faeae Ull. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. B7lLvmo-araduatooFKE vlllo, Mo., under foundor of oste? pathy. Room 21 Breyman bldg., Commercial street. Phono 87. Real denco 690 Stato, cor. Church. Phone 1110. Brents acute and chronic dU- oasc?. Examinations frco. Dr. W. L. Morcor. Graduato of Kirkf vlllo, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-26 Broyman bldg., Commercial St. Phono 919. Resi denco 410 North Summor street. Phono G14. Treats acute nnd chronio diseases. Examination free. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New nnd Second-IInml Goods. Bought nnd Bold, also ranges, stoves nnd cooking utensils, dish es, granlto nnd tlnwaro of all kinds Glvo ub a call. O. L. McPook, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly INSURANCE. mcoiu Annuity union. Sick, acct dent and ponslon inauranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organizer, Box 432 Snlom, Orogon. R. R. Ryan, secretary, G46 State street. WATER COMPANY. A SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water torvicn apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance Make nil complaints, at tho ofllee. ! Salem-Independence Launch Coloma ' AFTER SEPTEMBER 1ST Leaves Salem nt 2:00 p. m. Arrlvo at Independence . .4:30 p. m. Lcnvo Independence .... 8:30 a. m. Arrlvo nt Salem 9:30 a. m. Boat subject to chartor on Sundays nnd botweon sailing hours. A. D. PETTYJOHN & SON, Prop. General ..Machine Works.. 10. M KiailTLINGEH, Machinist mid Manager. 17K South Liberty St. WK BUILD ANYTHING THAT CAN HE MADE FROM IRON OR STEEL. NONE HUT FntST-OLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED. General Repairing Solicited OllO-lrn HKM1I1II illlllllllllll' :; OREGON j; LAW SCHOOL . ! Opens Oct. 8, '06 ; ; MURPHY I1LOCK, SALEM. :: S. T.RICHARDSON, Dean imnnnm-H m-mw' The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stable. Up-to-date livery ami cab line. Funo-al turnouts a specialty. Tally ho for picnics and excursions. Phone 44. OIIAS. W, YANNKB, Prop. 247 and 240 High Street. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage, wyiie Ai moorei, City. Hall. For Vetch and Clover Seeds . CaW on Ti llson & Co. 151 High st i ii aw Use . . . Self Rising; fcr ""-. Oma'i B. B, B. Flout. Ask yo gt pc fo ty I i I rm