"""STff " "r - pw " "t4js Hrpp)r ysgJ1&r "r W J -4.1 GREAT BARGAIN DAY OFFER fe, flOVERXMEXT WEATHER FORECAST. RAIN AND COOLER TONIGHT WEDNESDAY SHOWERS. UUXUUKH i DAILY C A PTT A I JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1000. NO. 230. VOL. XVI. 1WAG00N MAY GO TO CUBA FIFTEEN TONS OF POULTRY SNYDER'S BODY FOUND BIGGER THAN THE LAW DOES NOT LIKE BLACK PACKERS ARE ALL UNITED rvs -c i -$( f Rumored That He Will Be Sent Soon to Take Taft's Place Washington, Oct. 2. The Presi dent fired two . S. marshals today, Fagln, of Ohio, and O'Nell, ot; Louisiana. .The cabinet adjourned," but refused to tell of its delibera tions, beyond saying that Cuba wns discussed. It Is intimated that Ma goon, Instead of going to the Philip pines, will be governor Cuba. A scramble is on for the position of minister to Panama. The govern ment has heard nothing of the los of life at Fort McRne, saying the of clal reports give the loss at $30,000 worth of property. The Red Cros3 Is receiving subscriptions for the re lief of the Gulf storm victims. Destroyed Because It Had Too High and Gamey a Flavor Chicago, Oct. 2. Upon orders of the health commissioner, the cltyof ficers today seized 30,000 pounds of chickens, ducks and other .poultry and destroyed. The produce was' In the refrigerators of Booth & Com pany and the North American Company. TROUBLE ON THE BORDER Laredo, Texas, Oct. 2. Tho cus toms guards have been ordered to provide themselves with mounts for .mounted service. The Mexican gov ernment Is sending 500 troops to points near here. Three hundred revolutionists are In this vicinity. SHOT BY WIFE'S FATHER Texas Sailed Today. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 2. The battle ship Texas made a new start for Cu ba this morning. The officers deny the delay was caused by damage. Seattle, Oct. 2. Jesse M. Hall, aged 28, n real estate broker, was shot and probably fatally wounded In his office this morning by his father-in-law, W. A. Constantlne, a prominent grocer. Domestic troub les, resulting from his elopement with Constantino's daughter, Is sup posed to be the cause. Constantlne was arrested. Hall Is an ex-newspaper man. n I'alnia Goes Home. Havana, Oct. 2. Palma left the palace this morning with his family, and unostentatiously went to Ma-tnnzns. Chicago Markets. Chicago, Oct. 2. Wheat 76 75, corn 42g42?6, oats 34 ft34Vi. AGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Liill) The Crowds THAT HAVE DONE THEIR TRADING AT OUR STORE FOR THE TAST THREE WEEKS SHOWS THE SUPREMACY OF THE CHICAGO STORE IX BEING ALWAYS ABLE TO CATER TO THE WANTS OF THE PEOPLE, AND HAVE FOR THEM THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. OUR DRESS GOODS, FIXE SILKS, LADIES' COATS, MILLINERY, CHILDREN'S COATS, LADIES' SUITS, SILK PETTICOATS, SILK WAISTS, FINE FURS, 'LADIES' SHOES, FINE HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, KID GLOVES AND RIBBONS ARE ALL UP-TO-DATE. NEW FRESH BEAUTIFUL GOODS, PRICED AWAY DOW TO INDUCE QUICK SELLING. DO YOUR TRADING AT THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MOXEY Thousands of yards of FIno Dress Goods all new and fresh de signs, styles the latest. Also plaids and blacks. Prices 25, 35, 49, 75 and 98c. Thousands of yards of Fine Silks In all the new shades also plaids and styles the latest. Prices, 49c, 75c and 98c 500 yards 8-3 Outing Flannel yard, 4c. 5000 yards Fine Heavy Soft Downy Outing Flannel, special price yard, 3 1-3 and 10c. Good Blankets for 25c. 1000 yards standard calico, yd 4c 200 dozen Children's heavy Cot ton black Hose. Price pair 10c 60 Ladles' Swell New Suits just arrived $15 and $18 values, special price for this sale, $10.90. 100 Ladles and Misses' Fancy Plaid and Oxford grey Long Coats $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 values, special price for this sale, only, $5.90. $2.00 Fur Neck Scarfs, price 95c. $7.90 Silk Petticoats, price $3.75. We have cheaper and better ones. 200 dozen' Ladles heavy -wool fleeced Derby Ribbed under wear, special price 23c. Ladles' Trimmed Hats, new arri vals, sale price, $2.50, $2.95 and $3.56. Children's and Misses' Trimmed Hats, sale price, 98c, $1.49 and $1.98. We have cheaper and better ones. gALKM'B FA8TB8T SHOWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. M&fiBS Bullet Hole In Skull Shows Death Was Either Murder or Suicide A dispatch from HUlsboro last night says; The mystery of the dis appearance of Carey Snyder, crack shot, nil-round sportsman, bon vl vnnt and hall-fellow-well-nlet, anil who lived 12 miles north of this city on a little mountain ranch, has ben cleared by the finding of his skele ton, ten miles east of this city this morning, by Harry Hanson, a young man who was out hunting. Young Hanson was after a Grouse, and yt flew Into tho brush on the farm of John Lehman, about a mile west pf Cedar Mill. Hanson followed tho bird a few hundred feet into tho jungle nnd cnme upon tho remnlns of a dead man who has positively been Identi fied as tho missing Carey Snyder, who left n young wife In the hills north of Glencoe. Mrs. Snyder- hap for months strenuously denied any knowledge of her husband's where abouts. After the finding of tho body young Hanson notified tho au thorities and Acting Coroner II. T. Bagley went to the scene of tho find. Snyder's remnlns lay near n big log. His gun lay on top of n Jog which laid nbove his foot, and through his skull was a bullet hqle. the missile having entered bqlow his right ear and plowed through his head, coming out above the loft car. Sheriff Connoll was called nnd Iden tified the clothing, and in tho pockets of tho dead man was found a letter from his father, R. M. Snyder, the Kansas City capitalist, telling of a remittance of $41 nnd ndvlslng the son that ho could have more when he wanted It. In tho pockets were also found a revolver and somo pnwn tickets. Tho teeth of tho skull, crowned with gold, gave nnothor. means of posltlvo Identification, had any been needed. I Snyder's Disappearance. December 2, 1905 The Farmers' & Merchants Bank nt Forest Grove Is entered nnd about $5000 In cash Is taken. December 3, 1905 Carey M. Sny der, son of R. M. Snyder, n million aire capitalist of Kansas City, who was living on a ranch near HUls boro, Is reported missing. Snydor, Jr., had been sent out to Oregon from Missouri on pnrolo after con Chicago Packers Refuse to Testify in Cases Brought by Arkansas Chicago, Oct. 2. Armour, Swift, Morris, Cudnhy and other packers today refused before tho special com missioner to testify in the enscs brought against them by Arkansas. Arkansas will probably nssess their fines, tho attorney-general asking $10,000 In each case. They will ap peal to the supreme court, nnd even tually to the federal' supremo court. THAW Will Go To His Grave Like a Fourth of July Pro- cession Milwaukee, Oct. 2. Giles II. Spenr, a prominent nnd wealthy cit izen snya ho disbelieves In blnck lis funeral accompaniments, nnd hna or dered that when ho dies those In charge plncu red, white nnd blue on hla doors with the wprds "American born, American bred nnd Amorlcnn dead." WILL ESCAPE New York, Oct. 2. Thaw will probably never fnco trial. Bofore his ense Is renched on tho docket the commission will probably declaro him Insane. A number of promlnont nllenlsts have already found him of unsound mind. FAMOUS ARCTIC EXPLORER Noted Hmizle Case Up for Trial. Newport, R. I., Oct. 2. The noted Dunzlo case comes up for trial today in tho first district court for Newport county. Thh Is tho caso In which Chief Yeoman Bunzlo, stationed at tho nrvnl training station here brought suit against tho Newport Amusement Company, because ad mission to a dunco hnll was refused him while ho wns In uniform. It Is stated that Rear-Admiral Charles S Thomns, commnndnnt nt tho naval training station Is pnylng half the expenses of Benzol's suit, nnd It Is understood thnt tho navy depart ment Is bohlnd tho action. President Roosevelt has sent to Roar-Admiral Thomas $100 as his contribution to tho expenses of the action, which is taken In dofonso of tho United States uniform. If Forced to Obey the Law, They Will Try to Change It Chicago, Oct. 2. Plans for tho or ganization exclusively of small pack ers woro abandoned this nftornoon, ns Armour, Cudnliy, Swift, Morris, Swnrtzchlld & Salzbergor all ap plied for momborshlp In tho now or ganlzntlon. All tho pnekors yrl unlto to securo n favorable Interpre tation of tho Inspection law. OREGON TOWN BURNING- Prluev.lllo, Or., Oct. 2. Flames, starting In tho Neddy livery barn, threatened this noon to wipe out tho entlro business section. It doatroyod tho Methodist church nnda hnlf doz en residences. Seattle, Oct. 2. Captain Roald Amundsen, discoverer of tho North west passage, Is duo to arrlvo In Se attle from Alaska tomorrow. Tho Norwegians of this city havo nr rnnged to give him a big reception. A BIG SHOW BURNS Geneva, O., Oct. 2. Cummins' Wild West show was dostroyed by fire today. One employo was burned to death, and all the animals except fesslng highway robbery in Kansas four elephants and two horses were City. Ho was supplied from time to lost. A cigarette siunuu wiu m. time with funds by his father, nnd wns known as a "high roller," enter taining extensively at his country home. Snyder had the reputation of being a good Bhot, whloh he upheld In a number of shooting tourna ments. January 3, 190C Mrs. C. M. Sny der, worried over tho dlsappearanco of her husband. Is sent to a sanita rium, as friends feared she was los ing her mind. January 10, 190C R. M. Snyder comes to Oregon from Kansas City to investigate the dlsappearanco of his son. October 1, 190C Skeleton of Carey M. Snyder Is found by hunter in brush near HUlsboro, with a bul let hole In head. Killed Swedish Consul. Ratoura, Russia, Oct. 2. Hager, the Swedish vice-consul, was mortal ly wounded today while driving in his carriage In the outskirts of the city. His murderers escaped. He was manager of tho naphtha works. Farmers Offer Reward. Sioux Falls, 8. D Oct. 2. Resi dents of Turner county today of fered a reward of $2000 for the par ties who caused the death of Mrs. Harry Collins, by chloroform, admin istered with Intent to rob the house. Triennial Musical Festival. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 2. Tho coming three days nnd today havo been set npart for tho trlonnlnl musical festival In this city. Distin guished artists are taking part, and tho interest displayed in tho event exceeds that of any previous yeur, Michigan Knights of Pythias Meet. Traverse, Oct. 2. Tho Knights of Pythias today made tho greatest turnout of any secret order over seen In this city. Thero woro sov eral thousand visitors of tho uniform rank. Hop Market Quiet. Thero Is little doing In tho hop market, at lonst buyers nro keeping quiet concerning any buys they might havo made. Buyers, however, nro scouring tho hop belt looking .for good buys. A lino lot of 70 bnles was bought n day or two ago for 15 cents, tho highest prlco reported, but tho general prlco Is now nbout 13 cents. Growors, however, .nro not ready to part with their crops at that price. Requisition Grunted. Tho governor todny granted n requisition on tho governor of Utah for tho extradition of Harry Mor gan nnd Jnne Dee, nllns tho "Candy Kid," charged with tho larcony of $9400 from Antone Fritz, In Port land sovornl weeks ago. Tho sus pects nro colored people, nnd wero nrrested In Salt Lake City Hovoral days ago by Detectlvo Joo Day, of Portland. SEATTLE RAISES THE COIN Seattlo, Oct. 2. Tho formal open ing of tho stock books of tho Alaska Yukon Pacific exposition, to bo held In Sonttlo In 1909, wns colobrated today by tho blowing of whistles and ringing of bolls In nil partB of the city, nnd by tho steam craft In the hrrbor. Fifty thousand $10 Bhares nro on salo. Among tho lnrgo Invest on nro tho 8t. Paul .railway, $10, 000 tho Groat Northern, Northern Youkon Pacific exposition, to bo hold ench. It Is predicted U'u ontlrd stock will ho taken todny. -o- MADE SUFFERN SUFFER Chicago, Oct. 2. William Suf forns, of Decatur, III., today told the Interstate commission thnt the ele vator allowance mado by tho Illinois Central permitted two flrmB to mo nopollzo tho grain business, nnd forced him to abandon tho Euro pean trade. Dou-lo En Route to Mexico. St. Louis, Oct. 2. John Aloxnnd- m t in Timiiif. ' or Dowlo passed uirougn tins city to- York, Oct. 2. Tho coronorlday. en routo to Mexico, whither ho yet convinced that Adams New Is not committed suicide. There Is no evi dence of murder, but he Is not suro ho took his own life, as thero Is no motive for the suicide. For Killing His Father. Lynn, Oct. 2. After an investiga tion lasting nearly a year Edgar Melkel, aged 15, was arrested today accused of the murder of his father, who was found dead with a bullet in bis head last November. Those Russians. St. Petersburg, Oct. 2. Tho cabi net Is discussing the postponement of elections, which are scheduled for December, o making the Doutna come about the beginning of Lent. o Afcks for Mercy. Madrid. Oct. 2. The attornoy- general asks mercy for Ferrer, sen tenced to death In connection wjtn the attempt to kill the Icing. He is but 1$ years of age, and a prison sen tence is desired by the attorney-gen eral. goes for tho benont of his iicaun, He looks vecy feeble, but expresses confidence that ho will ultimately return to ZIon, and regain his pow ers, which ho claims are now being usurped by those ho made in his palmy days. Quiet in Culm. Havana, Ott. 2. Tuft has boon notified thnt thoro In constant fric tion between tho Insurgents on one aide nnd government voluntoora and tho city pollco on tho other at Glen fucgos. Tho situation is critical. Tho arrlvnl of tho Dos Molnoa yes- tordny, It la thought, settled the trouble, but It will likely bo noces- Bary to Bend tho Dch Moines men ashore Tnft nnnounccH that them will bo no changes lu tho executive department for two or throo weeks. Ho promises no now bends of de pnrtments will bo appointed before at leant tho last of Octobor. ZoyaH says tho disarming of Insurgent will bo completed within two days. , .-o Do You Relieve In Signs? A mark, noto, tokon or symptom, Indicates thnt by which anythlnjc may bo known, that in, wo are fore warned if evil is to bofnll us, or we havo tho pleasure of anticipation 11 tho Blgns hotoken a fortunate occur rence Accidental occurrences all have their signs, every disease has Its symptoms. The point Is to heed tho formor. and counteract the ef fect of tho latter. Spells of Blck hoadacho follow Indigestion and stomach disordersbelching, bullous ness nnd dyspepsia nro signs of sick ness. People that bollave In these signs and know that they are true from oxporlonco, can got Immodlate relief and a Bpeedy cure by tho use of Dr. Qunn's Improved Liver Pills. Sold by druggists for 20c per box. Only one for a doso. I There la an excellent crop of prunes In the Cresswell netgnVer bood, la L eety. Hughes Btlll n Favorite. New York, Oct. 2, Betting re mains at 2 to 1 In favor of Hughes. Yesterday's conference was enliv ened by the Intorest taken, which In dicates that Hughes will have the full support of the administration. Registration Books Open. The registration books will be open tomorrow for the registration of all voters who desire to take part In the primary election. All voters at the primary must register, F. E. Newberry GRADUATE CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE, PUPIL OK RUDOLPH GANZ, TWO YEARS WITH WH LAMKTTE UNrVHHSITY, HA OPENED MU8IO BTUDIQ, KOOOM8 9 AtfD 19 IX I. O. O. F. TIsMPLK. HOUHftTbs. XUSIKJttW WOUH 1 TO . Guard at Warehouses. Portland, Oct. 2. Armed guards wore nlaced at the grain warehouse today by cxportora, who fear trouble from tho strikers. Offers tho Militia. Portland, Oct. 2. The national guard, through tho governor, ha boon offered the President for Mr vice In Cuba, Dr. J. P. COOK MOVED TO 810 LIHHRTY ffSHWCt if WIIMKK HE WILL MMHT ALL OLV !l AND NMW PATHiHTB. FOR AH W DISEASE CALL OX PR. COOK, ft CONIULTATIQX VNM,